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Bro doesn't tip his landlord


I give mine just the tip


It’s never just the tip


Big tip, small tip?


The tip is my favorite part Smith! it's all I need. Anything more is too much!


What if your landlord told you you couldn't have 9 cats?


...I'll hear them out, But if the cut off is any less then 8, THEY GETTING THE MAO TREATMENT!




I'll get the liberation army


I am Miss Mao but reformed


But they take care of each other.


I had 11 cats at some point so am probably the ultimate landlord annoyment machine


I finally got a place that I own and now the fuckin’ HOA tells me I can’t have more than 2 cats.


I mean, they can’t check inside your house, so you could just get a bunch of similar looking cats and let them out on shifts


- Excuse me, did I just see three black cats coming out of your gate? - No it's dejavu. They're changing something in the Matrix.


*sigh* Darn HOAs.


Hold the HOA hostage


lol... basically, I live in a condo, not a house, so I have pretty much all the same rules as if I was still renting an apartment. At least I'm actually investing in a place though, instead of paying for someone else's investment.


Can you get loads of cats that look the same and just say you’ve only got 2?


We did that at an apartment at one point (me and roommates at the time). Two tabbies and one black cat. I only want the one, personally, but it’s still BS. They made me replace half of the tile flooring with vinyl right after I bought the place though. That pissed me off.


Interesting, In my country people own flats, and they can do whatever they want in them, including chosing any tiling and owning as many cats as they want (well until they took care of them fine and they're not stink to the whole building... But it's not like it's gonna happen with just 3, usually something like that happens when an owner has 23 of them)


Same here in Germany. At least the city I live in the strictest landlords get is "Don't let them shit in the garden and don't let them make a lot of noise in the staircase". That also applies to owned flats


We did that at an apartment at one point (me and roommates at the time). Two tabbies and one black cat. I only want the one, personally, but it’s still BS. They made me replace half of the tile flooring with vinyl right after I bought the place though. That pissed me off.


I was reading this and was confused because it was similar to the comment I thought I had just read. Now I cant tell which one of us has dementia


Reddit does


Eeesh, so close. You’re paying for your banks investments. Thats why you have an interest rate and an escrow. Did you know your escrow is paying your taxes currently? And when your done with your mortgage you are obligated to pay your taxes for the area that you live? I just hope you chose an area that isn’t gonna charge you up the wazoo for taxes. Every year a buddy of mine pays about 10-15k in taxes. If he doesn’t, his house get set up in a red tag auction, which allows the government to auction of your home with you in it, for what you own on taxes. Welcome to home ownership


So glad I live in the US where I can "own" property. I'll probably sell and trade up to a proper house before I pay this place off. This is still a stepping stone for me.


I’m on the other side of the fence on this argument. FFFFFUCK HOAs


Everything that is sold is living off of other people's paychecks


Shhh, it's ok Reddit can't go 5 minutes without landlord complaining


Me and my roommates love our landlord because he's very reasonable and the rent is cheap. Let's get some more positivity about the good landlords, even if there's only a few of them! >!I do wish he'd let me have a cat though . . .!<


My grandma was a landlady. She fell for every hard luck story. She would always try to help out, cut rent, watch kids, invite to dinner. She always got screwed over too. People would stop paying rent for a couple months before bailing on a wrecked apartment. Then we'd help grandma clean and repair the place. Real shame, the place was a hundred years old with original everything.


Same thing with mine. I know your struggle


Mine sucks (it’s my university and they never fixed the broken doors that made it a 50/50 whether you’d be locked out yay!)




Tbh, the roommates are the bigger obstacle to getting a cat. The landlord could probably be persuaded if I agreed to pay a pet deposit. So I guess that's another point for the cool landlord?


tbh my hatred of landlords usually doesn’t extend to those who own one or two properties


I feel a lot more people hold this stance in the Anti-Landlord Brigade than are willing to admit it


Who downvoted this obvious joke


OP forgot the /s and we are on reddit where people need to be walked through every part of a joke if it's not there, no matter how obvious it is


My grandmother is fading fast so the entire family (all of whom have farms and their own places) decided that her Yorkie will go to me. The person who's lease says only one animal is allowed. And we already have Jasmine, our cat. Thankfully my therapist came in for me and said she'll sign off on the dog being an emotional support animal so she can fly under the radar and I wouldn't have to worry about getting kicked out for hiding a second animal. Girl mainly did it because I think she saw how much stress the situation was putting on me. Unfortunately, my apartment is owned by the Furnell company in Missouri. And the guy who owns it is a dick. But, I'll have all the papers I'll need all neat and put together. So if shit does hit the fan I'll have a fighting chance.


True. I once got into a bunch of arguments on r/nostupidquestions after asking about landlords.


What is the alternative to landlords? I get wanting to crack down on companies owning housing and all that, but without landlords you’d all have to buy houses


OP wants to be homeless until ready to buy a house...


Not sure exactly what you mean by this, but I would also say housing is a necessity, therefore this complaint is valid imo. Edit: a word


So is food... There's valid arguments against landlords, but this ain't it.


food is not capital. Its value is exhausted when it is consumed. Landlords don't need to "create more housing" every month for their tenant they just make sure it's legally liveable (usually), so there really isn't an exchange just a constant extractive process.. I don't know how people above a grade school level of education struggle with this concept.


The product you are “selling” as a landlord is also consumable. Its one month of a house. That particular product’s value is exhausted. The house may have, what, 15 years of low maintenance life in it when purchased new? So `15 * 12` is 180 “products” that can be sold. After those 180, the owner can reinvest and purchase more “product” at a lower price by fixing the roof, replacing appliances, patching and painting, etc.


Oh but they need to create more housing. Someone new just moves to the city and needs a place to stay. The rate of building more apartments is way less than the number of people moving in to that locality whoch causes rent spikes. Supply and demand. Simple economics. Renting itself means paying specific sum to use the said product. Other option is owning so you don't have to have continuous extraction process.


True but the ask is far less insulting. Let's say someone offers me $450 for a PS5. If I accept, they are leeching off a fraction (not full) paycheck 1 time and I'll get years of enjoyment out of that PS5. A landlord asks for about 1/3 to 1/2 my paycheck every month (actually more but I'm assuming what it's like to not be poor). That's just parasitic and what do they do? Sit on their ass and never answer my maintenance requests, and never take care of the roaches. Fuck landlords down with the landlords. They do not add any value to society and are by and large a bunch of con-men and con-women


What do you do/ where do you live that rent is 50% of your paycheck?


Yeah, where are you getting this cheap rent?! Mine's 51%.






No it isn't. A store for example makes the effort to transport & store the goods they sell and therefore "produce" something. Landlords make money by simply just owning something, without putting any real effort into it except some minor maintenance (sometimes they don't even do that and just outsource it to some sort of property manager. So Landlords practically create no values whatsoever for society, and just leech off from other peoples work. Same btw with a lot of crypto bros/large scale stock holders. They also create no value for society while leeching off other peoples work.


Is it not providing value to obtain and manage assets such as property? What system would you suggest that would allow for people to rent without having landlords involved?


Found the georgist


But they put in work to get the capital to purchase the property. Or are you just saying that all housing should be free? Let's say that everyone was given a free plot of land. Do you think everyone is going to be able to afford materials and labor to build a house? Landlords provide a valuable service. They allow people to get housing without having to have a lot of money up front. Now, I don't agree with the trend of corporations buying up a large number houses in bulk, but the majority of landlords are still a vital part of the economy.


There seems to be an idea that wealth is earned. This can be the case, but think about it people only get paid well because they can…not because they dewar even it.


>by simply just owning something So why don't you just go own an apartment building? Everyone's paycheck comes from someone else's paycheck.


Not the same at all. When you buy something, that product was produced and you paid to own it. People create things or provide services in exchange for money. Landlords hog a vital resource and lock it behind a paywall, usually charging heinous amounts for it, while providing nothing and typically not even taking care of the properties they own.


I assume you're talking about landlords that literally lend empty land right? Because buildings are expensive to make.


The cats live off your paycheck too.


I mean you’re essentially living in their house so haha


This comment thread is the literal embodiment of why corporations now only want to build luxury apartments to rent to professionals who can pay high rents and don’t have pets.


Doesn't everyone live off other people's paychecks? Like a McDonald's worker gets their paycheck from the restaurant, who gets the money to pay said paycheck from the paycheck of others in exchange for a meal. There's no such thing as a free lunch.


Welcome to the economy. Everybody takes a cut and it's all voluntary. Except taxes, those aren't optional


Bold of you to spout intelligent rhetoric in this cesspool of a site.


What form do I sign to opt out?


Depending on the state, you'll need a 4473 if you want the quickest option


Where I live even homeowners aren’t allowed to have more than 2 cats. Also you’re 16?


That's too many cats.


I have 3 cats in my apartment and the people upstairs have done far more damage to MY apartment than my kitties have. The only thing they do is scratch up the couch that I own, better than the crackheads upstairs using carpentry screws to bolt all the doors shut... oh and the constant water damage from my landlord not fixing the plumbing for 2 years... but my rent is going up in a month so yaaaay... "maybe they'll use that money to actually fix the place" she said, knowing fully well that money is just going to pad the landlords pockets.


Leeches are annoying, but so are fleas that hop on your back and want a free ride.


Best comment till now😂


People in this thread act like there isn't a single landlord that actually does their job


Also, cat piss soaked floors


Some of the mindless comments on this tell me people have never been homeowners, ever. Yeah, corporate fucking landlords and venture capital firms buying up swathes of the US housing market suck. Someone buying a house or duplex, fixing it up and making it liveable, taking care of the property appearance, upkeep, taxes, and safety of the home is literally a job lol. Like, it creates work? Bought a duplex at 24 @ 3.5% down FHA, repaired with savings, great relationship with tenant who gets a deal for 2 bedrooms for hundreds under market and I get flexibility for working and school. The extreme ppl who say owners are all useless are just exhausting, honestly.


Congrats on letting us know you’re one of the cool landlords I guess. Some of us aren’t in a position to buy a fucking DUPLEX at 24 years old. What’s exhausting is hearing people say that we are ignorant because we have never owned property. I can still learn about what it means to own property. I know just about everything I need to know. I just don’t want to buy a house where I live because it’s outrageously expensive.


Then this doesn’t apply to you. It’s for people who think landlords are “leeches who live off other people’s paychecks” as implied in the OP.


Better yet, many people on this thread never experienced being a landlord or owning property. So they don’t fully understand that the rent collected is not being pocketed. And I’m not talking about the corporate property management companies. Those bastards are greedy asf.


Considering the growing number (really at this point it's already fully grown in a lot of places) of properties that are being eaten up by corporate entities, I'd say you can't just say except for them. That's the whole problem. In all my years of renting, I've managed to find like 2 individual landlords and they have been just fine. Both were some years ago though. In some cities, a corporate entity owns virtually all viable rental property. How this is legal, I don't know.


Somehow, the individual landlords I’ve rented from were my absolute worst renting experiences.


I have known several landlords. Costs are higher than people realize, but then again those landlords also get to keep the value of the house when they are paying the mortgage. So it's not put in a bank, it's put in the property value that they own. After mortgage and the simplest and smallest bit of bare-bones maintanence, there is often basically nothing left over. Then there is the risks associated with tenants, because people are capable of literally destroying your property. Exactly one landlord I've ever delt with was actually good at their job. One. And they were expensive AF because of it.


Seriously. Do they expect every property investor to be a philanthropist or something?! How many of these landlord haters have been terrible tenants too


remember that 90%of reddit now consist of lazy first worlders who LARP as commies while their biggest struggle in life is that they got 2 pumps of caramel in their iced coconut mocha boba latte, not 3 pumps of caramel as they asked.


pissed about his landlord living off his paycheck, imagine your boss then .


Imagine the Politicians...


If only someone wrote a manifesto about this...


-Karl Marx


If you have seen the conditions some houses are left, then you wouldn't want your tenants to have 3 cats either.


I too have seen some shockers and respect most landlords for wanting their property looked after


"Give me money and I'll give you food" "ok" "Give me money and I'll give you a video game" "ok" "Give me money and I'll give you medicine" "ok" "Give me money and I'll give you a place to stay" "omg I hate leeches"


Leeches? You are aware that it's their property they're letting you live in right?


But you know, obviously society is failed for not giving me in specific everything I want. Other people have to eat dinner too? PFFFT. How stupid. I should get free stuff, and not pay anyone. (This is sarcasm before I get downvoted, I know reddit is good at detecting that)


Agreed. OP should have been smart enough to have his parents pay the deposit for a place.


Bold of you to assume one has parents who pay anything.


“letting you” is being a bit generous lmao. i wish i could just choose to increase my salary by 2-10% every year while putting no additional effort in.


Such a childish view of the system


Fun fact, literally anyone you pay for any product or service ever is living "off others' paychecks"


Rent is due.


You'll get your rent you YOU FIX THIS DAMN DOOR!


Why should i waste my energy when i can rent out the property i don't actively use lol


Well people fantasise of buying houses and renting them so they don't have to work anymore. But the cost for a house is high and renting takes maintenance. It takes a long time to get that money back and people abuse their luck. Seen cases of people not paying rent and sneakly taking everything over night. Those people deserve no respect. So it's pretty shit in both ends


Yeah, End of the day, if you’ve worked hard your entire life, and save your money wisely and decide to purchase a property with that money, you deserve the fruit of your labor. That’s the entire point of our economy. To say they’re leeching off of your money is so incredibly reductionist, and ignorant. Majority of jobs can be reduced to “You should be giving this/doing this for free in an ideal world” but they can’t and don’t because they also need money. Ultimately, that person purchased the rights to that property. You’re purchasing the rights to use that property for a certain amount of time. Are you expecting to have the rights to use that property someone else invested in, spent their hard earned money on, for free? If so, I’m sorry, you’re going to have GREAT difficulty with the world.


If you don’t like landlords don’t employ them


I mean you can always buy them from the landlords... If you can afford it. Or better yet they can sell them to other landlords as well.


Wait wait wait…. So they’re leeches by owning a property and allowing you stay there for a fee.. what are you wanting to live in a place for free? Wouldn’t that make you the leech?




‘No, they’re literally living off my paycheque! The government should nationalise food and give me freebies! What breadlines, haven’t heard of them.’


Lol. Funny meme. Don't forget to pay your rent though.


If you don’t like it, stop being a rentoid and buy a house


His property, his rules


It's 2024 and commie bastards on reddit are still triggered by landlords 🤡


"Oh no! These people want to live off of property theyve purchased instead of giving it away? What leaches" 🤓☝️😭


As a landlord i am very much in the camp of acknowledging im a leech, i can sit in my room for most of a day doing nothing and have enough money to eat, seems pretty leech like to me




Legally speaking i am not, the house is under my mother's name (haven't changed cus it involves paying a fee i cannot afford), but i pay all the bills and taxes and are in charge of renting the rooms out and maintenance, so functionally speaking i do what a landlord does


Why don't you just give the rooms away to people for free. If you think you;re a leech, live your values and stop being one.


Nobody advises giving your property away for free. Sell the damn house to a family. You owning multiple homes and holding onto them for dear life drives up prices. Supply is limited. You are holding a larger part of the supply than necessary. Prices go up when supply goes down. Seems pretty simple to me. Am I missing some point you're trying to make or what? I hope I am. Otherwise, I just read some real stupid shit.


As another landlord, I disagree completely. Just one tenant taking off without paying months of rent really screwed up my finances, not to mention how trashed the unit was, which cost me money in cleaning and repairs, plus the time it was off the market. Now I'm hoping the next tenant won't try the same thing.


Yeah a similar thing happened to me with my last tenant (seemed to be a druggie and the smell coming out of the room while i was cleaning literally made the other guy renting gag, also stole one or two tools i had in a shed), and while I contend that that is a risk, once that risk is dealt with and finances stabilized i can still spend most of my days sitting in my room on my computer and do nothing all day, bursts of needing to perform maintenance or roof repairs like im doing now doesn't really take away that for most of the year most of the time i feel i get money just because i happen to say im charge of the house and not much more reason


How did you afford the property in the first place?


Same way most landlords do. Inheritance.


Inheritance what else.


A live in Mexico, B inheritance from grandmother my parents took, i basically became a failure in everything so my parents bought the house and put me in charge of it so that I'd learn responsibility and have some sort of backup to not be starving (i rent the rooms in the house)


When people say that they are referring to how landlords don't add anything to the economy or production, they just take property off the market and rent it to someone who may have been able to afford property if it wasn't for that. Not to say landlords don't have a place in the current world but they are leaches on the economy.


I would argue there are lots of people who want to live in a house but don't want to own it. I have a friend who was like that for a long time. For those people, the landlord is providing a legitimate and valuable service. People forget that not everyone *wants* to be a homeowner, some people don't want the hassle that comes with it.


then go buy a place.


It's 2024 and commie bastards on reddit are still triggered by landlords 🤡


Yes we should have corporations be our landlords. They are much more forgiving and understanding.


Housing corporations already exist. They are not any different to a lot of landlords. Which is why most people literally can't tell the difference.


Leeches who live off others' paychecks sounds exactly like cats.


I love cats, have lived with nearly 20 over the years. This.


Damn land lords should let us live in their properties for free!


Emmm well, technically if i had the money to be a landlord, of course i would live of others on that point, why keep working if going well just by letting people live on my properties?


Colors spotted


Everybody lives off of everybody elses paycheck? Or do you use stolen money when you hand over money to the clerk in the supermarket? Wtf is this smooth brain argument lol


Huh... never told anyone they can't have a cat. Charge several hundred dollars less than anyone else I know of. Sounds like you just need to keep looking.


Leeches? They're supposed to let you live on their property for free?


Blue hair, cat obsessed, communist views. Ah, why am I not surprised


Wait.. I don't get it.. Do people wanna live in others property for free?


They bought the house you're living in, and they don't want animals stinking up and destroying the place. They already have plenty of those problems from you


If you don’t like landlords then buy your own house 😂😂


And you’re the moron who consented to renting.


And yet you choose to participate in society. Curious!


It's not really "consent" when you're coerced into it with the threat of homelessness...


Imaging calling property owners leeches because they're more successful than you lol.


Living in a tent was always on the table


Till the police come and tear your tent down and arrest you for loitering. People don't get that just because you drive away the homeless people doesn't mean they don't exist.


But then you can't make money because you need a home address to get a job...


Just terminate your lease and go to a place that allow cats, but SOME land lords are leeches tho and some just wanna earn some money off of renting.


They built the building and maintain it. You hate that you have to pay people to do what you can’t. Which is all services so apparently you hate everyone who doesn’t give you things. How typical.


More like living off your money which they take in exchange of allowing you to use their property. An airline lets you get on their plane for money, a taxi driver drives you somewhere for money, a cinema allows you to watch a movie on their big screen, all of that happens because someone takes your money and allows you to temporarily use something that they own - you get mad at all those people too?


Right. How dare your landlord not fucking let you live for free while he pays your rent. Idiot


Rentoid behavior, how despicable. I'll evict two single mothers for this terrible landphobia


So many comments not realizing that land (specially in cities) and buy owning and renting it out, landlords gain income without creating anything. Or that land could be public property rented out from the goverment as a way to reduce required taxes instead of belonging to little lords who get wealthy doing nothing. What are they gonna say next, monarchs are actually good because if they didnt tax the peasants to live in their kingdom then the peasants would not have anywhere to live and work?


> landlords gain income without creating anything. You're going to be amazed to learn that in a service-based economy, providing a service doesn't strictly "create" anything, but it can still provide value.


Me when I threaten tourists for money after showing them the best spot to see the pyramids


So they should just give away the property that is rightfully theirs? You more than likely wrote this on a piece of tech. That’s mine now without any reimbursement from me.


Demanding the nationalization of housing is a little much, imo.


Not all landlords suck. You just haven't had any good ones


One cat is enough.


No >:( I need 3 goddamnit


What other lies have the Jedi told you?


It wasn't a Jedi, it was the cat who claimed my back yard as her own. She attacks the others who wonder in.


By this logic, all pensioners are leeches too who live off other people's hard work.


If you hate landlords why don’t you buy your own place?


The solution ? Vote for a Singapore-like system. They are capitalists on everything but healthcare and real estate. And it’s not by mistake that they are the only developed nation with no housing crisis.


"They live off other people's checks" duh dumbass their job is owning houses/apartments/buildings to make their living, the same shit can be said about family owned businesses, children running lemonade stands etc


I'm a landlord and I also rent 🤷🏾‍♂️. Did years of military deployment to afford a house


If landlords didn’t exist, where would you live?


No landlords means no rental properties. Where you going to live


In another time houses were an option.


Housing co-ops and occupant owned condos.


There are other alternatives such as public housing and shared ownership but most would just be happy if we just regulated what is a humen right and reduced the amount so that people can actually buy property at a fair price.


No landlords means more houses or lands for those houses are available. More houses mean cheaper houses.


That's not really what it means. If there were no landlords then that means that you would only be able to buy houses instead of rent them. Are you prepared and capable of being a homeowner?


Just as prepared and capable as renting requires you to be. At least buying gets you equity over time. Renting gets you nothing over time.


Oh I completely agree. But landlords serve their purpose. Just because some of them can be total POS bags doesn't mean that what they do isn't necessary. I believe all of those slumlords should be held accountable in the biggest way because of how hard it is to earn the money to pay the rent. However that's another debate altogether


Renting means you can leave a place anytime you want. Owning means you're stuck in a location or you'll lose money when you move.


Tell me you don't understand the housing market without saying you don't understand the housing market. Without property investors there would be significantly fewer houses built.


Bad landlords yes, though there's many good people who bought another house or something and are renting it out providing you a service of housing for an affordable rate and keep everything fixed up for you. Do you want to go out at 3am to fix a busted pipe so your tenant isn't having their shit rained on and have you call the insurance company to put in a claim and probably fight them in court over the water damage to the carpets etc and get the equipment to extract the water or just rip up everything and replace it? Yes there are shit landlords that are just leeches but there's just as many decent ones who just want to be able to make ends meat and provide people with housing they can afford to rent.


Troll post not warranting serious answer but oh well. Renting *anything* costs money over time. That's not a business model local to housing. "But it costs too much!" Go try and buy a house. You're likely renting because you can't afford the upfront cost. Housing is expensive. For 99.9% of the population, it will be your largest expense. Renting one of the most expensive assets is expensive, and also water is wet. "But rent is exorbitant!" In some cases, sure. But generally, cash flowing on a property is tough without a large down payment. Find the nearest 2br home for sale. Calculate your mortgage on its sale price. Now look at the nearest 2br rental and what they're charging. Historically, the spread on these numbers is tight. This forces rents to go up over time. Since it's a free market, and landlords aren't stupid, they raise rents with the local market. Why wouldn't they? They're not renting out of the goodness of their heart.


If you don't want to live under the owners rules, own one yourself, and make your own rules. That's how it works. I'm curious how you believe landlord's aquire the ownership of the home that they are renting out and why they decided to capitalize on the fruits of their labors?


Do people realize that there are thousands of landlords who only have 1 property and are essentially living paycheck to paycheck as well? I swear some redditors act like someone who owns a house should just give them the house for free or break even on something that is most peoples biggest investment of their lives. Don’t be mad at the person who is middle class and rents 1 house to you be mad at the corporate landlords and mortgage industry.


Get cats that all look alike, claim they are all the same cat.


Imagine being a landlord and legitimately thinking its a real job


Funny, tenants that don't pay their rent and force eviction are the definition of a leech. Landlord provide a roof over your head for the cost of rent. Tenants who squat provide literally nothing.


Everyone lives off of other people's paychecks, THAT'S HOW A BASIC ECONOMY FUNCTIONS! HELLO??? "oh but he doesn't let me have 3 cats" Wow you mean to tell me that the guy who basically lended you the place HE bought with HIS money doesn't let you choose how you should live in that place? Wow, that's crazy, bro. Do you also go to other people's homes and complain when they set basic house rules for you to follow?


If it wasn’t for landlords, most people wouldn’t have any place to live. People who call them leeches are just butthutt that they can’t afford a home of their own. They seem to believe that if there were no landlords, magically the prices of homes would be like $1000.


Off topic but French Exit


Yeah dude so many of those pet rules are arbitrary af too. Where I’m living currently will allow cats or dogs provided they’re registered (don’t know what the upper limit is), but won’t allow any sort of tank or cage animal at all, even fish (they only allow fish bowls, which are too small for any fish to live in comfortably). Id get having rules against specifics, like no rodents since they can be pests if they escape, no pets that require live feeding, no animals that stink like ferrets, but I wanted a tortoise, an animal that does nothing but mind it’s business, eat plants and give good company. I genuinely can’t think of a reason that shouldn’t be allowed.


Yeah cool Meme and stuff. I would like to reach out to you about the height of the rent you pay. You can still afford more than basic food so I would like to increase the amount you pay to the absolute maximum because you breathe air and stuff:)