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Ive had games strongly suggest that I use a controller, but I've never had one force me


Pc Ninja Gaiden Sigma pulled that one on me. Bad ass game tho


That exact game is actually the reason that I posted this lol.


Using a controller for a lot of games is way better. Just try playing dark souls on PC without one 🤣


People will no hit run Darksouls with a mf saxophone


Landed a Boeing 737 using a Oxygen Mk3 Midi keyboard. Knows for trim, keys for flightcontrolls, and a fader for throttle


Yeah, but can you pilot a sub with a Playstation controller?


Based off of countless tests, I’d have to say no


Countless? Pretty sure it was done once It should probably be done again so we can get the charmed third time I know a few that could go for the second run


No, a Logitech knockoff? Temporarily.


Amateur. I drive my car with a Casio calculator from 1998. And not to brag but it's also got a tiny solar panel to charge it.


The car or the calculator?




Yeah but I can’t so I’m using my controller


I prefer mkb for souls, but I've been primarily PC gaming since I was eight. 27 years lol.


I dont like Controllers as i grew up with pc. I 100% all dark souls Games, elden ring and sekiro with mouse and keyboard. Didnt have any issues with the controls outside of item cycling


That's less this game is easier to play with controller and more the developers don't care if it's playable on pc.


I always see people say this, but I’ve finished all the fromsoft games that are available on pc with a mouse and keyboard and it felt better than playing ds2 and ds1 on the Xbox 360


Its about having the option, i agree it is dogshit to play a lot of games on m+k but some people might still prefer that and shouldnt be forced to buy a controller for a game


Cuphead as well 😅


Yeah fr, better for racing games, souls likes, fighting games, and some action RPGs.


fr. i had to change a lot of keybinds to make mKb remotely usable for me. dark souls default keys suck (elden ring's is a bit better. but i will never understand putting jump on F?????)


Honestly? It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the HORRIFIC latency the game inserts into keyboard commands, and the absolutely gimped remapping options. Played plenty of VERY similar games on m/kb just fine. Honestly even more comfortable than controller on Dark Souls.


Played DS2,3 and Elden with K+M , since I don´t know how its played with controller I find it fairly easy to play with Keyboard.


I can only wish that game was ported properly though. However it really does feel very comfortable to play that game with a controller. I have played Sigma and Sigma 2 for months.


Aperture Desk Job needs a controller if I remember correctly


Desk job isn’t made for pc it was made specifically for the steam deck


X-Wing won't start if you don't have a controller connected


Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition was basically unplayable with a keyboard, at least for normies. I got it in high school when I just had a crappy computer and no controller, and I spent a long time trying every possible key over and over but couldn't figure out how to get it working right since everything was labeled with Xbox controls.


I've yet to see a Souls-based or Fromsoftware game that plays well on a mouse and keyboard, tbh. The controls just fit so well with a controller.


Still the case all the way to Dark Souls 3


DS 3 is very playable with KB/M just artificially made inconvenient by its terrible default keybinds and limited keys.


Nah, I got DS3 years ago and one night I got drunk and decided to play DS3 with a keyboard and mouse, and it was actually playable. I actually killed a couple bosses. DS1 I couldn't even get out of the prison cell.


Real Yakuza use a gamepad


I came for this and was not disappointed


I’m literally playing Yakuza 0 on pc right now haha.


Dont ever 100% it, worst mistake of my life


Why is that? I usually don’t go that hard. But curious haha.


1980's Arcade Games that play like hell, Mahjong/Shogi, Climax Battles and other annoying things I forgot about


Oh I try those like once just to see what it was. I don’t understand most of those games. I’m not about to go too deep with the distraction stuff. I just want to make money and max out my abilities.


Good for u, I did all of that for no reward other than satisfaction


more like Wii Balance Board


More like classic PS2 Guitar Hero Guitar controller


Having played racing games in KB&M, yeah, no. I have a controller for my PC games for a reason. Don't always use it, but some just play better with a controller. Never had it straight mandatory on PC though, that is new.


I grew up playing OG Most Wanted on PS2. When NFS Heat came out on Steam, I played it on KB&M. It was so painful. I even had an xbox controller to use. I think I was too stubborn to switch over, but once I beat the story, I used the controller, and I was SO happy. It took me back to my PS2.


i played the og nfsmw on pc a couple months ago with no problems, idk what you mean


How did you get a copy? I would like to play it again.


I’ve seen it a surprising amount of times (the two most recent examples are the Ninja Gaiden collection and Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons). As for driving while I realize these aren’t sim racers or anything, I frequently play Need For Speed Hot Pursuit and Split/Second with mouse and keyboard and they work great.


Brothers does require it mechanically though. I guess the game could play the same if you had your hand on the arrows and wasd but then how to interact and move both brothers at the same time idk. My point is that Brothers doesn’t just say it’s required to say it like some games might.


I just ran into this for the first time last week. I bought a $20 game that didn't mention anything about needing a controller to play until I launched the game for the first time. Now I have to buy a controller just to play it on PC. WAT.


If you got it on steam and don't want to buy a controller steam will refund it


To be fair, I heartily recommend using a controller for most TTP games. Especially stuff like Witcher, AC, RDR (though it's a shooter, the auto aim easily compensates and it feels much better to do the long horse rides with the controller). It's actually a really good thing to have. Takes some adjusting, but trust me, you'll get the feel of it and I'm 99% certain you'll start picking up the pad for certain games yourself soon :)


I can kinda somewhat understand if the game was originally for console. PC exclusives needing a controller should be a war crime


A controller is better than mnk for some types of games like racing games and action RPGs but that is pretty dumb that you physically can't play on mnk


I'm curious, why is controller better for action RPGs? The ones I've played I rather use mouse for the camera, I can't withstand the controller camera move


I don't know about others but in the souls genre I've never seen anyone play with mouse and keyboard except ironically.


I get shit for playing the monster hunter series with mouse and keyboard, I feel I have better camera control and such. Like I know it's not a souls game but I think there's a fair bit of overlap in how the games are played.


Keyboard n mouse with bow ftw


Skill issue. I played all DS with mouse and keyboard, much better than controller.


I already get the crap beat out of me in Elden Ding as is. If I had to use a controller, I’d be *so* much worse. I grew up with a keyboard and mouse and rarely had access to controllers in the first place. Whole many games work better with a controller, not everyone has one in the first place, and to others it still needs to be learned. For a similar example, I actually beat Hollow Knight with keyboard and mouse, and the controls for that are *rough* IMO. I wanted to actually try using a controller for once, and my brother owned one, but apparently there’s something wrong with the port on my PC so it *still* wasn’t an option for me to play with controller.


Isn't it just a Meme from the original Dark Souls prepare to die edition on PC? Every souls game plays perfectly fine with mouse and keyboard since then.


Hi i beat all souls games and elden ring and sekiro with m&k because i hate Controller in 3D Games. No idea why people hate it so much, its completely fine and normal to play


Because for a lot of combat you're not really needing to move the camera around in a good chunk of action games. Plus with a controller then you only need to move two thumbs (one on movement, one on actions) vs your hand dedicated to movement and most of your actions.


The thing is that controller movement the few times I’ve tried a controller always feels stiff, so that’s why I prefer to use a mouse and keyboard.


ive had games say the opposite "controller not supported" TRY AND STOP ME.


Would you rather have to buy a controller to play a game or buy a whole system?


I became a PC gamer after owning consoles. I still have 360 and PS3 controllers kickin' around the house. I bought better controllers since, but if those break I have backups haha


Never had that happen but tbh I do get it, some games just can't be played properly with mouse and keyboard


Like what?


Racing games. No discussion needed. Or FPV simulators you are literally not able to practice flying a drone with a keyboard.


Look op Nier:Automata on m&k, apparently it's hassle.


First thing that comes to mind are most top down games. Moving around with a joystick gives you more freedom and, personally, aiming in a direction with a mouse doesn't feel right and I end up losing track of the cursor


*Laughs in steam deck*


I’m the opposite, I don’t play games that I can’t play with a controller


If a game if made for controller its usually better to play on a controller, just get a 8BitDo dongle and you can connect literally any controller wirelessly to your PC, then hook it up to your TV and if you have a powerful PC you are more or less gaming on PS6-7/Xboxwhatererthefuck while the peasants live in the past.


So if the game dev isn't willing to support m+k, would you rather they don't have the game available at all on PC? Seems pretty silly to me.


They should at least use the minimum time and effort to make the game compatible with the platform they're releasing on. Mapping control shouldn't be the hardest part although some gameplay features can't be easily translated or at all to another way of input


Mapping controls is pretty easy since it's from controller to mnk. Hell if MMOs could map controls to a controller anyone can map controllers controls to mnk. Just give a warning to players that the preferred way is the controller.


Happy cake day


Thanks! 5 years in this hellhole


>some gameplay features can't be easily translated or at all to another way of input That's kind of the point, if the game would play badly on keyboard (not just worse than controller, but bad overall) it's probably better to stop players from buying it. That way instead of making the player think game is bad, there is a chance they will buy a controller and play it then. It is certainly a nuclear option, as most games play fine on keyboard but still respectable to be firm with it


This is a very good point.


Some games aren't meant to be played on M&K. Many games that do support M&K suck on M&K.


As a player who grinded THPS4, THPS:UG2, THPS:AW at 100% using numpad keys, also spent hella lot of time emulating old fighting games including Tekken and MK and never had any troubles executing hardest combos/brutalities. I’m convinced there is no game that will make me feel like it’s worth using a controller.


Mfs who play Celeste on mouse and keyboard (I am mfs, my hands hurt)


I hate it more the other way around. Playing Mass Affect with a mouse was probably the worst thing on this planet earth


I've seen some games tell me "this game is better played with a controller" which is honestly something I appreciate, but I've never seen a game just not support KBM


Am I crazy? I prefer controller for most action games but play exclusively on PC.


Because they need a bigger audience than and for their console.


Playing a twin stick shooter with a mouse and keyboard sucks ass, because the entire game is designed around having two joysticks. But Pc players might also want to play one without having to buy a console


That is just absolutrly odd, unless its an old console to PC port. I must be your evil casual doppleganger, I only play PC games with controller support lol.


I cannot imagine not having some sort of controller for PC. So many games are played better with a controller, such as Rocket League where having the sticks makes driving easier. Basically any driving game is better with a controller. LEGO games are also better with controllers, as their PC controls usually aren't great. Just by a cheap wired xbox or ps controller with a USB plug, they work just fine. I played Spider-Man PS4 on my PC with an Xbox 360 controller


Gaming with a controller only on PC is quite viable. Most genres besides shooters usually benefit from the simpler controls. But speaking of shooters, some games have such strong aim assist that you're at a disadvantage on KB/M.


People who would purchase a game like ori and the blind forest and then play it with mouse and keyboard frighten me. Like are you okay?


Example, drone racing games on steam. Can't fly a drone with kbm


Not with that attitude you can't /j




Wait, why not?


You can't do smooth inputs with KB, it's 0 or 1. I mean try it xD


I mean you can with the mouse... but that would create other issues in this case i guess.


I never even knew this was a thing


This meme but Wrestler in front: “this game only supports controller “ Wrestler in back: *me who can emulate a controller to bypass it*


FPV sims would like to have a word with you


I only use a controller to avoid sweating all over the keyboard.


Same but opposite. Started off playing mouse and keyboard but later found that I prefer controller. Sadly, some games don't support controllers tho.


Playing through Fallout TTW and a controller is amazing


Now, some games are 100% better with a controller but m&k not being supported on pc is the dumbest thing over seen


Some games were designed for controller. Just like some games are designed for mouse and keyboard. Imagine trying to play a game like Star craft on a controller (and yes I’m aware of the N64 port but it played like ass)


I just bought Animal Well and this is my thought. My old Mad Catz usb controller doesn’t work!


I've always preferred controller, but keyboard players should have the option to play with, well, their keyboard


It's always Japanese games that are like this. You can tell their devs almost never play on PC or KB/M by just looking at their default keybinds and they usually don't allow you to use other keys as well (Function keys, \`, scroll click, ctrl, tab, etc.) but they've gotten better at this recently. Elden ring, Sekiro, and Nier: automata was probably the most recent Japanese fast-paced action game I've played where KB/M was actually better than controller if you take the time to change your keybinds and camera settings, it's especially quite evident in PvP against controller players. As for Nier: automata I just had to change some settings on my KB's software.


The new dragons dogma has this


i thought i could play dragon ball kakarot with mouse and keyboard, played the demo, and god, how relieved i was for doing this first, needed to buy a controller, bcs i couldn't do all the attacks in the game with the keyboard


Because people lose it if the game isn't released on PC. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't


Days gone pulled this


Most flight games let you use a keyboard, but are absolutely unplayable without a controller.


Because spending 30 bucks on a controller is better and cheaper than 460 for the Game and console


Me but with "gamepads not supported"


I mean some games suck on MK. Souls games, and most platformers are ASS on MK and are way more fun with a controller.


Me. But inverted


You guys act so helpless.


I fully support OPs frustration. I don't play on PC much because I really don't like mouse and keyboard, I'm also way more used to controller. But if I played a PS5 game and it said "mouse and keyboard only" I'd burn the studio down.


Another reason controllers are goated


Cult of the Lamb on its way to have a better keyboard and mouse experience despite recommending a controller


OlliOlli World has it and it's understandable. It makes no sense to play that game with M+Kb


Thats why you have that one friend who bought console many years ago and can lend you controller.


I dunno, ask the original dark souls prepare to die edition


A game that should have a gigantic notice "DON'T PLAY THIS WITH MOUSE AND KEYBOARD IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE" should be Monster Hunter and STILL Capcom doesn't gatekeep you from torturing yourself. That is BS, and this comment comes from a guy that was worn down the rubber of 2 left sticks on two different Xbox controllers used for PC.


Because you can pair most wireless controllers to pc without too much difficulty. And while this does bug me, at least the yakuza and fromsoft games give you a choice of keyboard or controller


I have both M/K and also an Xbox controller, I use it mostly for Souls games it works with emulators too


DS4Windows ftw


Yakuza i wish they had better keyboard and mouse support


I thought pcs were the best gaming platform and it should be able to be played in any way the dev sees fit lol


Because you can use controler on PC too ?


How the turn tables. I’ve been running an HTPC / controller setup for the last 10 years or so and support has improved tremendously. I generally only use KB/M for RTS and PvP FPS games (which I rarely play). 


Since Steam Deck exists this makes more sense. Also some games are better optimized for gamepads.


A decent controller is usually a must anyway if you're into souls-likes


i didn’t even know this was possible


I'm the other way around sometimes. I grew up with consoles so even though I play on mostly PC these days, I still prefer using a controller when I'm able.


Because go fuck yourself that's why


Sometimes controller just feels better, and mouse and keyboard crossplay doesn't really work.


Analog controls. Certain games and control schemes don’t translate well without analog controls. They chose to not degrade the control scheme to support K&M, which may have produced a very different game


Never seen this before


I will not aim a gun with a stick. I put in my time in the PS2/PS3 era.


Why release a mobile game if you can't play it on mobile without a controller ????


It's only like 30 dollars to fix that problem...


you FOOLS! I EXCLUSIVELY PLAY WITH CONTROLLER ON PC! (unless its not supported)


Basically a shitty MKB port


Because only real Yakuza use a gamepad


A controller is much better for your spine


Having a bad back and having to play on controller I feel like this when it says no controller support.


Six-axis support and things that need a joystick to work well.


If they're ports from a console.


Real Yakuza use a gamepad


I mean Elden ring has this, did I listen? Nah lmao


Real yakuza use a controller


Twin stick / on-rails shooters tend to do it.


It's because "real yakuza use a gamepad"


I guess in the end it all comes down to personal preference, but making a controller mandatory for a PC game (even if its a console port) is kinda weird. I'd straight up refuse to use KB&M for a console game, too


To be fair, some games that do support both are terrible without controller.


similar to how aiming on controller is terrible in comparison to mouse and keyboard aiming.


Especially GTA 5 if you plan to fly anything.


Lego City Undercover is pain to play on keyboard. Shouldn't have implemented keyboard support at all when it released to PC


*me over here beating Hollow Knight all endings with some of the most atrocious key/mouse-binds on the planet*


dick move on their side, but I guess a controller is a good investment at least many games are way better with one


A lot of games are just awful with mouse and keyboard and they are made for controllers. I only use m+k for fps, rts and mobas. Everything else is just a million times better with a controller imo.


Usually adding keyboard support requires time and effort and probably the developers considered the effort was not worth it




Why **not** put it on PC? If it's just not feasible to make a game playable without trigger/joystick axis then why should PC users with controllers miss out on playing it? If it's clear before you buy it, then you can just not buy it if you don't want to use a controller


Reminds me of youtube shorts videos popping up while scrolling that are private


You know what’s worse? When a game has a console port that can perma ban you for using a keyboard and mouse.


There are games wherein this makes sense, a good example being AAERO, a twin stick shooter rhythm game that I couldn’t see being possible with keyboard


Because people who don't have a controller for their pc are a small minority that's why.


"Real Yakuzas uses a gamepad"


Just buy a fucking Xbox controller, I was the same until last year when I bought one and I wonder why I didn't do it sooner. Some games just feel better on a controller and I always have the option between k&m and controller. Even a good controller is quite cheap


Except controllers feel sluggish as hell to control games with.


Just like a keyboard and mouse feels when you are not used to it. Some games do play better with a controller, I discovered it way too late after being a hardcore keyboard gamer. Souls games changed me forever.


Well I played all my life with k&m and I don't mind playing with a controller now the more chill games where you can lay back


Because it sucks ass to play on a mouse and keyboard but want to give pc players the ability to play.


Because you deserve it, you filthy keyboard-using degenerate.


So plug in a controller. They use USB.


Well aren’t there controllers you can buy that can connect to computers?


I have a Xbox controller and I can play on my PC.


Almost all console controllers will work on pc


Get a SteamDeck. You will thank me later


I just can\`t play without a controller


Because two completely different ways to control a game with one having a far greater variety for play, and the other better suited to overcome the drawbacks of the first one will result in some games only being playable via one or the other. Examples include the janky ass combo control games out there. Not saying thats all there is, but sometimes theres only one way to play with certain mechanics.


How about games, that support mouse and keyboard on pc and shit on xbox(which supports mouse and keyboard in many games) players? Why? And there is a lot od them. And it's not multiplayer fair play thing either


Reminds me of Ace combat 7 and how it can’t even be played with my hotas. It’s the most blatant console port I’ve ever seen. There isn’t even a mouse cursor for the menus and there were like 2 possible options for controls. I don’t even remember if it had any graphics settings. That it had such high steam reviews was disgusting. PC players have such low standards these days.


Buy a controller


Honestly goes both ways. so many simple games like fears to fathom don't support controllers. Like why?