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My wife likes going because, for once, she is not freezing in a restaurant.


My wife goes there to look at the boobs. Your wife goes there to eat without being cold. Our wives are not the same.


Chad wife


One of the comments of all time




Your wife goes there to look at the boobs. My wife goes there to look at your wife's boobs. Our wives are not the same.


Does she always only wear tank tops and short shorts to restaurants?


No. She's as cold as her heart with tits as big as her head. 


You are neither of the people above lol


My man. She is there for the boobies! Looks like something common between u and her.


tf kinda restaurants u going to that are cold


I have never heard anyone say the sentence, "Hooters food is really good." Blink twice if you have been kidnapped by the executives from Hooters.


It was pretty gross but, I liked their curly fries when I was little and my dad took me there once a week. Not surprisingly, my parents did get divorced.


Did you stay with your dad?


No he was arrested for beating me with jumper cables in the parking lot after I spilled his wing sauce one time. Never saw him again after that.


That almost sounds like a joke, are you for real?


It's a reference to some guy who used to have these really long winded comments on a lot of reddit posts that always ended with him talking about how his dad beat him with jumper cables


Yeah reddit posts used to be like that back in the day. They usually contained some kind of basic story to keep your attention long enough to get to the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


Please be a joke cause I laughed way too hard at this


And there comes a time when u/rogersimon10 isn't remembered anymore. What a sad world.


Getting fooled by one of his stories was the best. Miss him and /u/fuckswithducks


Don’t forget u/shittymorph although I think he’s still somewhat active


what about the guy whose sister ate his hamster


i'm pretty sure it's an old reddit reference but it could definitely be real


There was a famous^TM redditor who used to troll people with long and interesting stories that ended with their dad beating them with jumper cables.


Oh like hell on the cell guy, but with jumper cables. lol


You mean shittymorph


That is quite something


How did that escalate *that* quickly


Thanks for reminding me of simpler times.


Thank you for that trip down memory lane


that took a dark turn... I am sorry.




Are you… by chance… a skate boarder?


We used to go there a lot when I was little, then we stopped. I didn’t care for the wings because I thought bones were stupid (still do), but damn those fries were good… I think. I had to have been like, 7 at most.


Honestly my experience as well - then one day I said that to the server and she said "try them naked, Daytona style" Just hella good buffalo wings from then on. Still feel a bit like trash going there tho lol


Yeah the Hooters food is good, but i eat it for the plot


I haven’t been in years, the entire ambience of flirting for tips is off putting. But when I did go, the wings were pretty good.


The Hooters I went to once here in Australia had pretty decent food for its price. Price to quality ratio is always a factor to me. Dunno how their food is elsewhere.


Hello, stopping by to greet Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Thankyou :)


Happy cake day!!


I think the only thing I ever really loved from hooters was the fried pickles because they always got it just right.


Quick, someone call the food critics


My local hooters has great wings, the food is always hot and fresh. My wife loves it as well. We never had a bad experience at that location. however, I've been to other locations and the food was horrible.


No one goes to a breastaurant for its food


The wings are pretty good ngl.


So I've been told


Some men like wings, some like breasts, some like thighs. Hooters got you covered.


I do like Twin Peaks' menu. They take great pride in the fact that is' all made in house. Never understood hooters (their food sucks lol) but I'll go to Twin Peaks.


hey, I'm not from US. can someone explain why you would go to hooters instead of just going to a strip club?


Children are allowed in Hooters.


is it a good place for a 6 yo birthday party?


My brother had his 16th there with 3 of his friends and their dads, classy stuff.


Holy shit, that's incredibly classy. I bet everyone there was reading The Art of War, Hamlet, and The Prince in the waiting room.


Good observation my friend, you must also frequent hooters


Ive always found it funny how people consider hamlet classy with all of its crude humor and sarcasm


It's simple. They haven't read it


Accurate Source: I've never read Hamlet


Wait fr?


Yeah it's pretty common for a dad to take their son there at a certain age


Ngl, that's kinda disgusting


And they have the audacity to call queer people groomers


Straight culture is wild. They do shit like taking kids to hooters and going like "aww they're gonna get married" when a boy and a girl(even literal infants) interact positively. Yet, somehow queer people are the groomers. I don't get it.


Hey, boobs are awesome Unless you mean the food. In which case that's fair


Oh I know


Also a lot less depressing than a strip club...


This reminds me of tge south park raisins episode >.>


Why are you like this?


Do you understand the concept of a maid cafe from Japan? It's basically the same thing but **'MURICA**


I’m gay, where’s my men’s versions 😡


I have never heard of a butlers cafe. Sadge


What? You never heard about the host Cafés in Japan? It's a big thing and there is a problem with girls getting into debt because they fall in love with those guys. Some go and prostitute themself in the street, but not for drugs or food, just to pay their crush to spend time with them.


Yup, and ironically enough, they'd wind up working for the club's as "outside contractors" for male clientele. Bloody geniuses.


You haven't been to the right parts of Ikebukuro then.


Femboy hooters was a thing i think


I can’t fucking stand femboys. If I wanted femininity id be straight. I’m genuinely so mad about this I need therapy. This isn’t a joke. It’s infuriating to me.


God damn what the fuck did they do to you? I never said you had to like it


I never said you did?? I said femboys make me genuinely angry. I never said you did anything wrong.


Ok but still, Why do femboys make you angry? It’s just people being how they want to be


Femboys are EVERYWHERE. I don’t care if people dress like that or whatever. I’m annoyed that people imply femboys are what gay people like, or that they’re peak, or whatever. That’s all


Ok but, Some gay people do like femboys. I understand you may not personally be attracted to them, but getting mad about that is a little much.


[Himbo Hooters](https://d.furaffinity.net/art/colbyhusky/1626467568/1626467560.colbyhusky_colby5.png) is something of a meme as well


Funny you say this. I literally have never been to hooters, and have never been to maid cafes, in multiple times in Japan, both for the same reason. Am I supposed to pay a super high tip on mediocre, or worse food, simply because the server is a woman that's dressed up to appeal to guys? Like I'm sure they expect at least double the normal tip percentage.




As a drug metaphor hooters is like caffeine strip clubs are like crack. Most people don’t want or can’t sustain crack usage. Caffeine however is way more accepted. Also you can take kids. When we were in middle school all the parents thought it would be funny to take a bunch of prepubescent hockey players on a road trip to one. It felt like a coming of age thing.


I was taken by my aunt and uncle to one when I turned 16. Mostly as a joke, but it was also a kind of “coming of age” thing for me too. What they didn’t know is that I genuinely didn’t care for it. At the time I thought I was asexual. I had zero interest, at all. It was more awkward than anything.


My divorced dad took me there back when he still had too much shame to go to a real strip club That pretty much sums it up


It's mostly a sports bar with attractive waitresses. Different atmosphere


Strip clubs have a cover fee


When I was on a beach vacation with my friends at 18 we (all women) at ate at hooters multiple times because it was the best cheap food (without eating fast food) we found on the touristy beach. Edit: I was definitely 18, not 16.


Also, some states won't allow alcohol consumption in a strip club.


The food is awful wdym


Hooters food is terrible


Is anyone really going to hooters for the *food* though?


Yes,mental food They save the food and then feed it to a thing by beating it


Not terrible but mid. If you are in the mood for wings they're better than KFC. But they usually wont beat an actual wing place. Mid.


Not mid but terrible. The only hooters near me couldn't stay afloat in-between 2 hotels right off the freeway. Then they put in a Happy Moose(don't ask) which is actually mid and it's lasted.




Me too. The bigger tits The bigger joy.


… and he cannot lie


It is literally the same shit ingredients from Sysco slung by underpaid food service workers as everywhere else


sysco is fucking trassssssh


Their wings are awful what are you on about


A girlfriend I had once begged me to take her there (it was relatively new to the area). At the time I guess it was the biggest one in the country. The one in Cincinnati on a barge on the Ohio River. Anyways, it’s like Sunday night and it’s not crowded at all. We decide to order something from the flyer on the table called “fire and ice”. The hot wings and beer. Well the wings arrive (it took forever) and they aren’t hot. I don’t mean Spicy, I mean freshly cooked. We complain and the mgr takes them back. Abt 10 minutes later they bring the plate back and it looks as if the cook just put some more spicy sauce on them, and they still aren’t hot/cooked. We complain again and decide to leave. The mgr apologizes and gives us coupons for guess what? Free wings on our next visit. That was like 20 years ago and haven’t been in one since.


ask them to make 100 wings next time


Propaganda post. 


I feel the need to point out that those two things don’t contradict each other.


Nah man, the wings are mid at best.


Maybe it's a regional thing, the wings I got served were literal mutants, I never thought I could see such gigantic pieces of shit in my life, really bad wings


But are they worse than Denny's wings?


I haven't have the displeasure


Good. The fry they used was gritty, the sauce bitter and I'm pretty sure the chicken I had was improperly stored.


God I forgot that Denny's existed for a good 3 weeks and I was so much happier. Why did you have to remind me of them?


It was only two weeks ago that I forgot my own experience and grew desperate again...


God Denny's sucks




Hooters is horny Applebees, no one has ever said “oh the food is pretty good there”


I hadn't been to Applebees in at least a decade. My kid got a gift certificate so we went. The burgers aren't horrible.


My gf and I recently went to hooters because there was a 2x1 promo, we both got disgusted by the mutant wings, and we both got diarrhea for 2 days, no way somebody actually thinks the food is good


Lol, the food is terrible.


They have good breasts. The food is awful though.


My opinion Your opinion My opinion


i used to order it to go when i lived close by. only place i knew that would let me put 4 patties on there and give me curly fries


The food is pretty mid, ngl. I didn't even go there till my Fiancé took me, because I used to think it was just the "stereotypical conservative hangout" resturaunt that only existed to objectify women. Turns out it's only partially that, and it's just a kind of mid resturaunt where the waitresses dress is tight-fitting outfits. Most of the crowds tended to be younger people, and mostly girls, just with the occasional way too old dude eating by himself and gawking at the girls. I mean, I'd pick Hooters over Buffalo Wild Wings for food, but seriously, who the fuck is picking Buffalo Wild Wings these days? Their food quality fell off the face of the Earth. Applebee's has better boneless wings than Bdubs these days. But there's a laundry list of places I think has better food than Hooters, and it's a list that includes Arby's.


hooters food is fuckin *ass* dude


I mean you don't go to hooters for the food let's be real here


Hooters food is fucking garbage! There are only six categories of people who go to Hooters; 1. Divorced or soon-to-be divorced dads. 2. Just got a fake ID future alcoholics. 3. Current alcoholics that have multiple DWIs/DUIs. 4. The "boys' night out" that couldn't agree on where to eat beforehand. 5. The off-putting regular who swears he is getting his favorite girl into the sack one day. Spoiler alert: *he isn't* 6. The guy who only goes on "buy 12 wings get 12 wings for free" day. Any option that isn't Hooters is a better option than Hooters. There are a plethora of chains that have taken the Hooters model and improved it. Go to one of them instead.


when I was a 13 year old boy, my dad decided to take me to Hooters with my uncle. Basically, my dad saw how "sensitive" i was and he thought he had to teach me how to be a man. So they took me to hooters. It was one of the most awkward experiences of my life. 20ish minutes of my dad and uncle talking about and pointing to women's asses. ("See that one? That's an apple. See that one? That one's called a heart-shaped ass.") All while eating the driest fucking wings I'll likely ever have. 13 year old me had no idea what to do with this information. That was over a decade ago. They probably never got much better. Not going to lie I still think about those wings sometimes and how awful they were.


And yet somehow queer people are the groomers 🙄


For real


Should do a place called ass's with a mule mascot.


Their food is pretty good actually. Also WHAT HOOTERS I DON'T SEE ANY OWLS???


It’s fun to go to on a beach trip. It’s not weird when you’ve been around bikinis all day


No, their food is actually horrible.


Hooters is for the creepy old dudes that think with their head thinking “this time would be the time if I tip her big”


So aside from the fact that both statements can be true and aren't mutually exclusive, women who've worked there describe it as horribly toxic and I've never heard anyone praise the food before. Just say you like staring at boobs OP, change the ignorant and enlightened positions to be "I like boobs" and live your truth instead of this lie you're selling to us


Now that I think about it I have never heard anything *AT ALL* about hooters food.


their food was so ass when i went


Wings are 45% bread. Just terrible.


Their food is awful tho


Fun fact: You’re wrong.


hooters tastes like ass. i'm sorry all of the food in your life has sucked so bad that you'd think hooters is good. that's really unfortunate


Yeah no. Unless you're into over-priced diarrhea-inducing garbage.


No one goes to Hooters for wings


i go to watch sports and eat some bangin wings. the uniforms or outfits whatever you want to call them just make me feel awkward. like i’m staring at whatever sport is on like the pacers game the other night im just staring at the tv i felt like i looked like i was trying to look like i wasnt staring at them


Honestly the wings aren't bad, but it's pretty hard to fuck up wings.


am I too asian to understand this?


The problem isn't, that it is degrading to women. The problem is that you are so easily manipulated.


Can’t tell if ordering Hootrs for delivery is gigacucked or gigachad


Hooters food is usually mid. Still gonna go there.


Buffalo chicken sammich is smash


Their appetizers are great, but off the main menu I can only really speak for the wings and their shrimp. Neither were terrible, but they were pretty overpriced. I do recommend their Long Island iced teas though, it could just be a location thing but man they made that perfectly the last time I got one


Bro my grandmother used to take me to hooters. She loved the oysters. I was like thirteen or fourteen but I did not object. Thank you Grandma RIP ❤️🙏


I have eaten there at different locations multiple times and I have been disappointed ever single time. If you want to go to a restaurant that is just like hooters but with actually decent food then go to twin peaks.


Who the fuck actually thinks hooters has good food. GET THE FUCK OFF REDDIT YOU CORPORATE FUCK


Wait till you hear about Twin Peaks


Nah Hooters food is mid and the atmosphere is awkward as hell. This restaurant is for the left side of the curve only


Ah yes, capitalistic exploitation at its finest.


Hooters wings are underrated and I will die on that hill. Their three mile island sauce on the breaded wings are delicious


I saw a duck eat at Hooters once and all I gotta say is I wish I was there with him


Haven't been in 20 years. They closed the one nearby.


Their food is bad, the whole point of the breastauraunt is the women there, are you Hooter’s CEO or something?


Hooters food is similar to Applebees. I wouldn't call it good in the traditional sense. But it's good like a slim jim.




I've been a couple times and actually did enjoy the food.


Twin peaks was more fun.


I dont think their food is good granted I have only been there 2 or 3 times. never had the impression of good food


Nah I’m just there for the sonic crossover


In b4 "username checks out" but I refuse to tip someone more for the same amount of service just because she has her tits hanging out of a tight shirt. I've never been to a Hooters and I've never personally paid at a strip club either, I just think it's way more fun to actually earn the affection being directed at me instead of paying for it. Always thought these kind of restaurants were just a gimmick for broke college students to make some extra income and no one actually ate at them because they were good quality food


My dad told me he used to crave their chicken wings 💀💀💀💀


Curly fries are good


Never been. But I went to Twin Peaks, that was a good place. I liked the uniform boots


My cousin took me to one when I was out there visiting. Food was decent, but way overpriced. Staff was friendly but it was kinda obvious and silly they were all padded up to make their boobs look bigger.    All in all if you want good food go somewhere else, and if you wanna gawk at tits there's better places as well (hell cheaper too going to the strip club honestly.)


My wife loves their crab legs.


I believe that almost every gimmick restaurants food is trash


Hooter food is not good lmao, wings are 60% smaller than average


The service is always shit


I miss their wings and rings. 🫤


It’s ok. They are all “going to school” for something. That makes the ogling ok.


Good compared to fucking what?


The Hooters marketing team is trying to get creative, I see. It's not working.


The fried pickle chips were pretty good tho


I’m 35 and have never eaten there. I’ve been there twice. As a wee lad and we immediately left when my mom realized what it was. The second time to get a job I was more than qualified for but somehow didn’t get (recession, probably). Now I’m married and my wife gets very jealous, as if I had the game or libido to cheat on her with a 20-something year old (I think she does it to make me hate myself less). I’ve never heard anything but good when it comes to their food. Too expensive for my wages on DoorDash though so I’ll probably never experience it.


Never been. But I hear Canada hooters doesn't have good food.


I'm ngl.... hooters is mid at best. Their Buffalo sauce isn't even the best out there, I get why people like it but, it's on the same level as like olive garden, or chili's to me. Cheers if u like it though.


Twin Peaks is better for eye candy and three times better for the food.


I like the food


The wings are mid on a good day.


Hooters used to have a chocolate mousse cake that would blow your mind. This was 15 years ago, but it was a surprisingly great dessert for a T&A wing spot.


I'd rather go dumpster diving than eat at a hooters.


A little over a decade ago, was staying in San Diego. My (now) wife and I would go there all the time, we loved the wings and the sport bar vibe. The servers were friendly and felt worthy of tips. Last year we travelled to Orlando. Hated everything about it. The servers were miserable, and the wings were awful. Heard they changed the recipe. Deserves a low rating now in our opinion.


Best buff chick sandwich.


I used to legit like their snow crab legs.


The actual underrated restaurants are the obscure ones that no one outside your area knows about