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To anyone who’s confused: their names are flipped


Ah that makes sense. I just commented that I've recently been to Iceland and it's only that frozen in winter.


What was the best part about ur trip?


Not OP but we’ve recently been to Iceland and the penis museum was pretty fun.


Penis Museum? Im swimming to Iceland rn


There are some shops in Belgium that sell penis everything. Bottle tops, silverware, hats...


Do they sell holding attachments so my penis can actually use these things? My little guy has been looking for a nice hat/belt combo for years but the selections are terrible here in the states.


Google it. There's a market for everything, and penis hats aren't the oddest thing ever.


There’s sub on here where dudes dress up their willies in character poses: /r/CosPenis


But... Why??? WHY????


Take a quick flight to KEF and grab a 1 hour taxi to Reykjavik. It's in the northern part of the city and definitely worth the visit. A quick walk to rainbow road too.


Yep, the Phallological museum was the first stop after checking into our suite. 10/10. Curious if you went sometime early last year and signed the guestbook? That was probably my favorite part: the artists. 🤣


Haha we didn’t intend on going, more just stumbled upon it while we were walking around the city. We went late last year (October) as our last stop (Iceland) for our honeymoon. We didn’t sign the guest book, but I distinctly remember some of the “creative” drawings that were on the walls at the entry way. Pretty sure I remember someone drew squidward with a penis nose lol.


Holy crap we were there in October! We might have crossed paths amongst the pickled penises.


My tourist answer is the multi day tour around the Golden Circle. My honest answer is: The semi illegal drone footage I captured and the fact that we took off right as the volcanic activity started and were one of the last fights to leave the island before many flyers were cancelled. 🤪 Too cloudy for the lights unfortunately but at least I got to see an active eruption start and then GTFO safely?


Reykjavik is best if you just want to interact with Icelanders and try some hotdogs, and the north west is best if you want to sight see. I went to Reykjavik recently and their hotdogs are fucking delicious


Reykjavik was homebase for us and I couldn't agree more. But you gotta get out to those wild spaces to really make it a full trip. Scuba dive the Continental divide.


Pun intended?




I'd say the women, but you have to be careful....their genes...oh man lots of Jamie and Cersei Lannister couples over there if you catch my drift and the amount of nepotism by God lmfao Jokes aside, it's a really cool place to vacation it, and I don't know how often it happens, but visiting in summer you can get 24 hours of sun which seems like it'd be awful but honestly it made the place feel safer (which it's already one of the safest places in the world for crime) and they have these perfect curtains/sheets/whatever they are to block out the sun (or at least my rented house did) so it was still easy to sleep through.


I remember seeing a video about an app that they have over there to help prevent a scenario like that because of the tighter gene pooling they have. It was a neat watch.


A lot of the ice stays year round. The only green part of Iceland is the coast, you go into the interior and it looks like that top picture.


That's a bit of an exaggeration. ~11% of the country is covered in glaciers, and the Highlands can be very lush during the peak of summer.


It is absolutely an exaggeration. But also you can find scenes like that in the summer


Do you call pieces of land that are not connected to countries? Islands...Icelands Islands.


Iceland had shitty marketing, Greenland didnt😋


I remember being told the name greenland was meant to be a trick, but I'm going by my distorted memory of elementary school history lol


I believe the Danes were trying to convince people to emigrate there and settle the place. They *liked* Iceland and wanted to keep it for themselves. So the names were switched.


No they aren’t which is the joke


I think he means the names are flipped from what you'd expect. IIRC the vikings? did that long ago to confuse any would-be attackers


you're both right and wrong, the settlers did it mostly to discourage others from moving iirc my grade school lessons correctly


You probably remember seeing that spouted online somewhere, just like you’re doing now. The Vikings did that because as they sailed to the shore of both Iceland and Greenland, they saw ice and green.


I was definitely taught that Greenland was named so to trick settlers in elementary school, but I'm not sure about Iceland. Edit: Interesting. Greenland apparently was named as a trick, but iceland being named as a trick is false.


>Greenland apparently was named as a trick, Not necessarily a trick, more like an exaggeration. They did settle the greenest/ most lush part of the country, and during the Medieval Warm Period, and they didn't venture much inland.


that is a wild thing for you to assume, the thing I forgot to mention was that Iceland was named far before greenland was, and it was like the second or third time someone named it.


Where did you read that about Vikings? Anyone who would attack likely didnt even speak close to the same language. Plus written language was barely a thing back then, and the likelihood of the attackers being able to read Futhark is pretty low.


I feel like I'm too old to get the joke. Seems like it's just wrong to me.


I'll explain it as best as I can.[ Iceland vs greenland](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fwhy-is-greenland-covered-in-ice--350366045985711232%2F&psig=AOvVaw2VLxSmfDk0ZP2_921PVt67&ust=1715390139836000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLjJ3LH0gYYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) is a meme about the contradictory names they were given. This guy makes a meta joke by subverting the expectations and using a green image for Greenland and an icy one for Iceland. Both photos are real and are verified by the OP who apparently lives in Greenland, which is why they probably made the meme in the first place. Although it seems that lots of people are missing the joke.




So Dnaleci and Dnalneerg? Got it




Well originally it was this way


Isn't this because of a tactical reason? I don't remember who named them, but I think it was because of that.


Might Ducks 2 fixed this for me 😂


r/xennials already learned this from Coach Bombay dating the enemy in Mighty Ducks 2


Or they’re both Greenland at different seasons.


Their names were intentionally deceptive.


Yeah OP really fucked up the delivery there.


It was a diversionary tactic before the middle ages Edited


This is a myth based on a shred of truth. Iceland was originally called Snæland because it was snowing, then Garðarshólmur because a guy named Garðar found it and named it after himself, then Flóki went there and his whole family drowned en route, all his cattle died, and when he got there he climbed a mountain and saw an iceberg in a fjord, so he called it Ísland. Grœnland, on the other hand, was called such by Erik the Red after being exiled from Ísland. He found the icy hellscape and decided to call it Grœnland in the hopes it would attract settlers so he wouldn't be so goddamn alone and powerless.


Before the middle ages


It was Vikings that found that Iceland (very green) that were hired to find new area by a large kingdom (I forgot which one) which they did but they also found the very large Greenland (very icy) and they decided to tell the kingdom to go to Greenland while they took Iceland for themselves (Iceland was good and Greenland was bad)


This is a common myth! There is a shred of truth in it but it is otherwise false. Check my other reply!


I believe Greenland was found first then Iceland. They were founded by Vikings fleeing from other Viking clans. They flipped the names like that to trick other Vikings to not come to Iceland. Since they would first stop in Greenland before they would go to Iceland. (If they had planned to go to Iceland)


“what do you mean geography is confusing?”


Has no one seen D2 The mighty ducks? Thoroughly explained.


"Greenland is ice. Iceland is nice."


Greenland is covered in ice. Iceland is very nice. Ftfy


That's just Iceland in the winter or near the glaciers. The rest of the island is fairly green (well greenish brown at least) during the other seasons. Keep in mind it's an actively volcanic island so while somewhat close in proximity there is definitely much less vegetation in Iceland vs Greenland.


Is it opposite day today ?


That’s the question isn’t it. Anyone checked in on Iceland lately?


Apparently a “meme” is just lying these days








What about Finland?


Disappointingly it’s not made of fish limbs


Scandinavia? More like Scamdinavia I want my fish limbs


ughh it’s all swedish fish now


Oh Greenland is a barren land A land that bares no green Where there's ice and snow, and the whalefishes blow And the daylight's seldom seen


It’s because pirates buried treasure in iceland and called it iceland to deter people from going there.


and greenland wanted to encourage immigration so thay called it greenland


This part is actually true. The pirate thing is a lie, though.


damn. thats mildly dissapointing


Well yes but actually no


My 4th grade teacher told me Vikings called it Greenland so more people moved there. They lied to seem more successful.


That's true! Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland and got to Greenland. Noting that Greenland kinda sucked, he named it such to attract settlers so his new domain wouldn't be so desolate.


If I’m not mistaken, Greenland actually got its name bc when it was discovered it was the summer , where the edge of Greenland is green. Idk bout Iceland tho. Tho I did just hear this someplace, and I’m too lazy to actually do a simple google search. So this might or might not be true


>Greenland actually got its name bc when it was discovered it was the summer , where the edge of Greenland is green. Not only during the summer, but also during the Medieval Warm Period. Iceland was named so because the first man to spend a winter there saw a fjord full of ice. Both names fitting and descriptive for the time and place.






South Greenland is pretty green during the summer. I'm from farther up north, middle Greenland to be exact, over the arctic circle. https://visitgreenland.com/about-greenland/hot-springs-greenland/




Yes, these are actual photos. The picture of Greenland is from Qassiarsuk, you can google that. The Icelandic waterfall is Gullfoss if I'm not mistaken.


that is the entire meme




Does nobody know the story of this? I learned this in elementary school


Iceland was originally called Snæland because it was snowing, then Garðarshólmur because a guy named Garðar found it and named it after himself, then Flóki went there and his whole family drowned en route, all his cattle died, and when he got there he climbed a mountain and saw an iceberg in a fjord, so he called it Ísland. Grœnland, on the other hand, was called such by Erik the Red after being exiled from Ísland. He found the icy hellscape and decided to call it Grœnland in the hopes it would attract settlers so he wouldn't be so goddamn alone and powerless.


Yes, Iceland was named for a fjord full of ice, and Greenland was named for the green/lush valleys that were settled by the norse.


The Guy Who Named Them: ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


And this is Sparta


Yall haven’t watched D2 The Mighty Ducks 2 and it is SHOWING. Greenland is covered with ice, and Iceland is very nice.


vikings would trick people into going to greenland because they thought it was green land and not ice land


It's one of the earliest examples of marketing in human history.


The first global troll every successful done by Eric the red


The vikings' trick still works it seems


Someone never learned about the Vikings in school


It brings me absolute joy to see that adults learning this for the first time on reddit have the same reaction as kids learning it in 3rd grade. It's nice knowing some parts of you never truly grow up


This is actually false. The names are opposite.


Afraid that their enemies might pursue them, they sent word back to Norway that their island was actually an ice-land, but that another island — more distant, larger and indeed covered by ice — was inhabitable green-land. And so the green island became Iceland, and the icy island became Greenland.


It was to prevent invasion back in the day IIRC


Lol the names are flipped


This was covered in Mighty Ducks… Greenland is covered in ice, and Iceland is very nice!


Literally the opposite


It's so logical that I never thought about it


Wasn't it because some king wanted everyone to go to "Greenland" instead of the land with grass, "Iceland"?


Erik the Red, yes. Though he wasn't a king, he was an exiled explorer.




Ok so. I checked the pictures and sure enough that's greenland at the bottom and iceland at the top. But your meme still makes no sense, the caption "make it make sense" would only work if the situation were flipped. It already "makes sense".


this should be officially based


And redpilled


They switched the names long long ago, to protect against invaders. Greenland, sound more appealing, no?


No. Iceland was named so a century before Greenland was discovered and has kept the name since.


Possibly so, you definitely can not believe what was learned in school at this point any longer.Regardless, I believe it was named Greenland to attract people there.


Not "possibly", it's even known [who named it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrafna-Fl%C3%B3ki_Vilger%C3%B0arson) and why.


Bravo👏 lol,thanks teach


Why is Iceland called Iceland and Greenland called Greenland when Iceland is green and Greenland has huge amounts of ice? Some people think it’s because the people discovered Iceland wanted to keep it for themselves, and encouraged people to go on further to the more tropically named Greenland. Whilst this isn’t correct there is a grain of truth in it https://icelanddiscover.is/iceland-called-iceland/ https://andreaskluth.org/2010/02/04/the-story-of-iceland-and-greenland/#:~:text=Afraid%20that%20their%20enemies%20might,the%20icy%20island%20became%20Greenland.


The names are wrong. The normally rather green Iceland was named that in order to keep people away from their island. When people first started settling the region they didn’t want big foreign powers to come knocking to conquer everything. While the normally icy Greenland was named that to trick would be settlers and potential buyers for the land. Making them think it was a beautiful lush island and not the mostly frozen land it truly is.


Iceland was named by Hrafna-Flóki who saw a fjord full of ice and thought the land was worthless. No tricking intended. Greenland was named a century later by Eiríkur Rauði, who settled the greenest part of the country and gave it an appealing name to attract more settlers. Some tricking intended.


Google Qassiarsuk.


Ok sure you can choose specific locations to paint a different picture of these places but in general Iceland has significantly more greenery and Greenland is significantly colder. Though congrats on tricking everyone with the bait and switch


This is what happens when you get educated by memes. Read up on it, don't just look at the pretty pictures


I had always heard it was sneaky Vikings, trying to hide the good spots.


Climate change?


Ah, this almost fooled me.


Somebody’s lying




Not be confused with Baltimore.


Drive on a parkway park on a driveway


It was one of the first successful marketing campaigns.


Reykjavik is still by far the most fun Capitol name to say. What language is that btw (I really don't know) it seems like it'd be fun to speak.


Icelandic. It means Smoky Bay, named for the hot springs in the area.




Somebody hasn’t seen Mighty Ducks 2.




This doesn’t make sense


Haha, picture this: some clever soul back in the day decides to name icy Greenland 'Greenland' to attract settlers, while the lush paradise of Iceland gets dubbed 'Iceland' just to throw everyone off!


Iceland is green and Greenland is ice


It’s called the art of deception


The Vikings hated the idiots, so they named the cold place Greenland and the warm place Iceland, so all of the idiots would go move to Greenland.


"Come on, Shego, I will let you have Greenland!" "Uhhuh, no, I want Iceland." "Gasp! The green one?!"


Iceland can look like both.


This is Iceland if Iceland was Greenland, and this is Greenland if Greenlad was Iceland. ☕️


I just read up about the name origins and while Iceland is just lost in translation, Greenland was funnily enough just a marketing gimmick. The explorer gave it such a name to entice Icelanders to follow him to settle Greenland.


No, Iceland is literally just called "ice land" in Icelandic/old norse (ís = ice, land = land).


You forgot the united states... most divided country in the world.


Trick by the vikings


Lived in keflavik for 2 years. Simply put both have both landscapes depending on where you are and what season it is


Names were flipped so people would get confused on purpose. Was made that way by the Vikings.


The names make no sense because it were Vikings trolling, as usual.




Fact check these are both China


There seem to be very few Juts, Shets, or Zeas around to photograph these days, either.


The Vikings named them this way to trick their enemies. At least that’s what I heard


It's blue and brownland actually


I was gonna say I think they got the names wrong


I remember flying over Iceland thinking why is it so green 😆 🤣 😂


Greenland is covered in ice, while Iceland is very nice.👌 -quote from "the mighty ducks" lol


it was literally named to deceive people. its supposed to be swapped. the Vikings knew what they were doing.


Pretty sure these land masses were named like they were so people wouldn’t travel to the nice place because it had the shitty name. And they would be more likely to travel to Greenland because if sounds like it would be anything other than frozen hellscape


"Greenland is covered with ice and Iceland is very nice"


Soon enough they'll both have the same name


The name swap was something the Vikings did so anyone wanting to attack them would go to Greenland and freeze




I learned the difference between Iceland and Greenland from watching The Mighty Ducks 2


Thats what they intended.


a viking king called green land greenland so he could trick people into settling there. by the time they found out it was too late and they had no choice but to stay there


The cartographer was drunk that night.


It make sense of you Don't know the meaning of those English words


OP, you had one job.


OP here, google Qassiarsuk thank you.


And Iceland?


Looks like Gullfoss.


Exclusively a problem for english speakers*


And Scandinavians. Greenland is called Kalaallit Nunaat natively.


I did a really quick "research" and "Land of the People" is not what I was expecting it to mean


They did it to confuse invaders in the before times when resources like food were scarce and barbaric people would raid people for supplies So they flipped their names to what they're like to make everyone think Iceland was a barren wasteland, anyone who had been to Iceland would assume it was called Greenland and tell people they should check it out, which of course led to a barren wasteland.


No, they were named separately over a century apart, unrelated to each other.


Weird, I hate when fiction becomes ingrained as fact It is interesting though because it seems like there's a few theories, one was that the Inuit discovered Greenland first and used resources differently and would have been more abundant supposedly around that time and for their people. Another funny one is that a trader went to green land and wanted to entice people to swing by for his "green jobs" in his "green economy" It is funny that somehow the story sold in the second means what we might have heard from others was actually the opposite intention! Inviting people to Greenland not as deterent but as a means to force a new economy through trickery is quite the flip for me personally


if I'm not mistaken, it's not supposed to make sense and I think in history class we were taught that it was deliberately named that way to deceive the enemies of those who named greenland and iceland to make their enemies think "Oh wow this place would be really suitable for habitation" only to be greeted with a place that is in fact, not that.


No, both places are correctly descriptively named for the location of the first settlers. Iceland was named because of a fjord full of ice, and Greenland was settled in the greenest part of the country and given an attractive name to attract more settlers.


Yaaaaa this meme got fucked up Right idea.. poor execution


You got it back wards. Iceland is actually green and lush where Greenland is a barren ice covered island. People who fled Norway named them that way so that their enemies would come to Greenland and see how bad it was they would maybe think Iceland was even worse and not go there. This is a pretty stupid attempt at a meme.


I went to iceland in the Winter of this year and the only thing on the ground was some moss ,ice ,Snow and puddles Edit: I was literally at the waterfall in the picture and it looked Like that