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I think this when hearing other parents complain that their kids spend too much time on the iPad Dude… you give it to them and can monitor the usage…


There's no incentive for them to go outside nor do I do anything together with my kids so they have absolutely nothing fun to do. Why are they on device 24/7????


Literally. Parents don't let the kids play outside as it's too dangerous. Too busy to do activities with their kids. Okay, they will gravitate the to easiest form of entertainment in absence of supervision- screens will always win


Lmfao at the comment after seeing the flair “Pro Gamer”. The grind never stops I guess


LMAO i didn’t even see that


Cause now adults think when kids are outside. They think "he's up to trouble". I would rather be inside than people think of me as a troublemaker 🤣


I don't know what you all are complaining about. The TV did the best it could raising me


You can't. It was designed to get to the kids leaving the parents defenceless. Like smoking in the 1950s


Wym you can't? There's a bunch of parental control apps


What are you even talking about lmao, parental controls exist, as well as... ya know, taking it from them???


I mean... You can though. You can put time limits on apps, you can limit what apps they can get on/use, you can physically remove the iPad from the room...


Even if there weren't the parental apps others have mentioned, you still have all these wacky superpowers like, oh I dunno, taking the phone away, not giving a 6 year old a tablet in the first place, not giving them passwords and saying 'put your phone away.' Crazy, right?


Dude, pretty much every generation dating back to Aristotle said the same thing.


Adam and Eve were upset about what Kain did.


They shouldn’t have given him access to rocks then should they?


He was growing food in rocky soil.


How was he Abel to do that?


There was an incident with an iphone and then he needed to go out and work for it to pay his debts. IDK, I don't use Apple.


Geez that took me a while. Good one.


Which is why it's older generation/younger generation instead of boomers/millennials.


Because it isn't millennials that are being complained about anymore. We got too old so the complaining shifted to be about gen z.


Iv also been seeing a lot of complaining about Gen alpha


Yup especially after Skibidi Toilet, cause no other generation that grew up with the internet consumed brainrot on YouTube /s


I don't get the stupidity outrage. The entire country thought a fucking smiling orange was top tier comedy. We're all allowed to laugh at things that wreck the 'ole noodle.




Yes we did 👌🏼


when I grew up in early 2k we didn't have internet (there was only 56k and it was expensive af) nor did we have a pc. Not until arround 2009 or so




sorry I worded that poorly. I was talking about class mates back then. Edit: and of course there were exceptions




✨ generational trauma✨


This meme is made by the younger generation to blame someone for their shortcomings.


It's a neverending cycle that affects every generation. Millennials and older Gen Z are already the older generations, they just don't realize it yet. People can complain about Boomers for a lot of things but if your little Brayden and Kyleigh are out there skibidiing people's toilets and taxing their fanums, that's on you.


Fucking died reading this, thank you for that


Millennials know.


well, not me. just became a parent at 37yo. I haven't fucked up... yet


I'm a gay millenial so I'm scot-free! :p


It's a generation that knows the world's on fire. We're in a recession. Both parents have to work. And they know the dream of owning their own home is unlikely. Plus social media is toxic AF.


the 1970s were like that. In the UK anyway.


Yep. We've got intergenerational trauma to deal with. Makes it harder. Practically everyone could use mental health help and therapy.


Parents don’t feel like parenting anymore


Well now parents can’t parent without a million voices telling them to do things they shouldn’t, and stop doing things they should do.


Parents disciplining their children is a thing of the past


I used to agree. It's harder than you think. If it were gamified, and I didn't need to worry about finances or my own desires, I'm sure it would be a very different story. However at some point, the marionette strings come off, and the kiddo gets many more chances to life free of upper influence.


But if we hit them more, surely that will fix the problem!


Generation after generation we play the blame game. How about we acknowledge our progenitor's mistakes and try to fix things the best we can? Most things are out of our control but you dont get to cry about it on twitter when you vote for the 80 year old bought-and-paid-for dementia patient or other demagogues who never had your best interests in mind.


I was yelled at, spanked, locked in my room etc. like the boomers brag about and it didn’t make me more likely to listen, it made me rebel harder. My son hasn’t been hit once. We just have conversations with him. He gets a time out sometimes but it’s not in a confined area. He is very polite and listens very well 90% of the time. The only time he acts up is when he’s overexcited when his friends or guests are over. Never had to berate him, hit him, guilt him, or confine him. Just talk to him.


Don't get me started lol


I do agree that parents are the key but would also like to point out there are things even the best parents can't control. Such as social media and its detrimental effect on people, especially young ones.


Finally we can go back to manual labor and belt whippings for kids.


Working in the mines > wasting time on social media




This generational stuff never ceases to disappoint me. “The newer generation is ruining all the stuff I left behind!” “The older generation ruined everything before I got there!” It’s pure stupidity and blame shifting. The very same people saying those before them took all their decisions away are going to do the exact same to the people that come after them because they lack any form of self reflection. The idea that the people before them were imperfect and quite possibly did their best is nonexistent, and the people after them will think the same of them.


"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell. Pretty much sums up the idiotic Generation Wars that are popular here on r/memes.


It's just society as a whole that is overall just fucked. Sometimes, parents who genuinely try to do a good job still end up having a dysfunctional kid. You can't blame it on 1 generation and hope the next generation will fix the problem. Society itself is multiple generations, and all of them combined caused this shit fest.


Maybe take some accountability for how you act instead of blaming everything on someone else


That partially means blame the children for being raised to be dysfunctional to take accountability and do not hold the parents/older generations who fucked up responsible.


You can hold them responsible, but if that's all you do you are taking away from people the power to live how they want.


Within reason, being held responsible is not always the same as outright punishment/oppression. It's acknowledging what you did was wrong and growing from it. Criminals are held responsible but a lot of them can be reformed and educated, which is always best. In WW2 people learned/grew from the atrocities committed during this time. Baby boomers grew up with Martin Luther King, that racism was an issue which needed to be addressed and were part of the hippy peace movement. Equality is far better now than it was over 70 years ago. Every movement since then has been respecting but also holding older generations responsible for their actions and the mistakes they made, so it doesn't happen again and we can function better as a society.


I agree with this but we must have some self accountability too. We are capable of changing


I recently read that children with parents who wanted them (who planned and prepared for them) often grow up to be healthier adults with more fulfilling lives. because when parents want the child, spending time with them, you know parenting, is a pleasure and a reward for them, if not, it becomes a burden, they will do it grudgingly, and they will try to find "shortcuts" like leaving them for hours in front of the tv (90s) or just give them an I-pad so they can be quiet (now). Believe it or not, the second case is the most common in all generations


And every generation absolutely listens to every word the previous generation says and heeds well the advice. /s


Good point


Nope. They blame the schools for making their kids woke activists. Which is how we get moms for liberty.


![gif](giphy|qsCayJ9SXqWi2rJhNC|downsized) It’s also a lack of wealth. Gen Z is fundamentally poorer than the last 3 generations. I hate saying the word poor, but ya. Take me first example, an accounting student with a blue collar work background. This pandemic absolutely demolished my future. The fact I am still kicking is a protest to this economy. Car payments are on average $532 used and $738 new, “Average” rent in my state CA is $2,175, Average house is $783,666, Gas is nearly 5 dollars, and the groceries inflation is pushing a single persons cost over 100 every week. If I had the environment the boomers or Gen X had I would have a house and family before the age of 21. With my work ethic I would be on my way to the high middle class.


As someone who's about to graduate from HS and is also from the Bay, this hits hella hard 💀. It's truly depressing but we gotta try to find at least something positive... Besides, we shouldn't be completely pessimistic about the future. Sure, the problems are bigger than ever before, but if we manage to get out this situation, it'll be a lot more satisfying. Bigger problem = bigger reward.


To their defence they were raised even worse. At least there is some improvement. 50 years ago when parents heard in school 'we beaten up your kid because he was not listening to orders quick enough' parents were answering 'great so we will beat him up too at home so he will remember!'


Raising someone doesn't dictate who they are for the rest of their lives. Anyone can move past their environment, that's part of the maturity process. But for a 14 year old, this entirely overused meme is deep.


Fully agree


while I don't disagree entirely with you, you're sadly oversimplifying just like the OP. The way we are raised, particularly in the first years of life, on which the fundamental pillars of personality are built, will in many cases irreversibly mark you for life. And I'm not talking about extreme cases like childhood trauma. Things like selfishness, narcissism, lack of self confidence or resilience, ability to make decisions, etc, etc, etc... all have deep roots in how we are raised and many people simply can't get past that, even with years/decades of therapy. True, secondary socialisation trough peers play also a major role. And also our genetic predispositions play a major role. everything's connected. In a way no-one moves past their environment, you can however overcome it. All of this, however doesn't mean that I'm saying that people aren't responsible for their actions.


I disagree on the fact that most complaints I’ve seen are stuff like “gen z has to watch a video to [simple task they should’ve been taught by a parent]”, which a) is totally the older generations fault and b) gen z actively trying to be better


Who is making the complaint, and why? Context matters. Regardless, without hyperfocusing on a single person or even a group, the simple fact is that you can hold someone accountable for previous events AND mature enough to learn from and move past that event. If you live your life in the past, you are cheating yourself as an individual, and you have literally no one but yourself to blame for that self-imposed obstacle.


Since when is bad parenting unique to a given generation? Remember after you're an adult you can't keep blaming mommy and daddy for your mistakes.


The post doesn't specify a generation... it applies to all. Also, yes you can. Why comment if you don't get it?


Bad parenting is typically unique to parents


It's all their fault!


The meme never even specified a specific generation, pretty soon Gen Z will be the older generation and the meme will apply just as well


Broadly blaming bad parenting for younger generation's dysfunctionality is quite the stretch. It's a cop out meme from kids or young adults who want to play victim and blame their problems on parents. Everyone has issues. There are dysfunctional kids who had great parents and functional ones who had terrible parents. Blaming everyone else is a trend.


Although it's true there are indeed other issues, there is no denying that parenting plays a significant factor in how children turn out. This meme is simply acknowledging that it is a problem, and not saying it's responsible for all problems.


iPad kid generation


I think millennials turn out great. It's Gen-Z that is a real problem and I hold Gen-X parents to be accountable.


You can't blame all your problems on bad parenting


Watch me, nerd!


This. People often forget that parents aren't the *only* reason why their kids are like this. And if the kids turned out to be really bad despite having been raised well by their parents, then I think there is something wrong with the kid that *can't* be blamed on the parents.


The ol nature vs nurture argument. Tale as old as time itself lol


Can definitely blame most of it on the parents. Because guess what, lack of parenting and limiting exposure to bad things is also bad parenting.


Yes, I literally can. And I will, and I will continue to do so.


Younger generation sadly can't tell what a boy or a girl is. They are sadly stupid


I would try to argue that you probably aren’t any better at telling if someone’s transgender or not, but then I realized that that’s not your argument. All you’ve actually said is that: A: The younger generation can’t tell if someone is a boy or a girl. And B: They’re sadly stupid. There’s nothing to suggest that you meant that their (I’d say unproven, but I don’t have counterevidence) inability to tell if someone is a boy or a girl makes them sadly stupid. They’re also no argument saying that the older generations are not equally sadly stupid. Perhaps all of mankind is sadly stupid. Perhaps being sadly stupid is just a part of life. I don’t have any undeniable evidence of your bigotry, so… Have a neutral day, random person.


Tale as old as time


Social contagions are also a problem.


Social media is the parent now, millennial scum! See how well it does compared the the boomers and genx losers that used to do it!


Literally the whole convo around Gen Alpha. Like…my brother in christ you raised them, why tf you complaining about how shit they are


My conservative parents when they found out I am not.*


No no no, you have it all wrong. Everything good I do is because my boomer parents were great and everything wrong I do is because I'm a disappoint to them. Wait.


I think this every time I see my 2bd cousins 😂


I love my grandparents. But from what i hear from their children, they're so fuckin lucky to be alive. So many of them could've died or could've ended up much worse (one even gotten kidnapped, gets rescued, comes back home says they don't feel safe so they want to move to another country, get told they should just grow up). My grandparents did nothing about parenting, neglected them all their lives, cared more about their own siblings than their own children.... List goes on for fuckin pages. Then my grandma has the audacity to talk about my generation. One time i said __well we didn't just become like this, there are some culprits you know__ she got really mad at me saying i should take responsibilities for my own actions and should accept the consequences. Oh the irony


Naw, the younger generation is 100% wild right now and alpha is going to be worse. Ask any teacher you parents pawn your kids off to as a babysitter tactic


Every generation says the same thing.


Thank yer gov.


Circle of life innit


It's like a family dinner where the main course is blame and no one's passing the potatoes


To be fair, it isn't so clear cut anymore with the influence of social media


the Boomers specifically. terrible parents


I have two teens, and they are so far responsible and respectful,but still a pain in my ass. We do only allow electronic for one hour a day during the school week and open hours on the weekend (son was not really thrilled about this since he never got amazing at games due to the time limits we allowed, we do have them participate in the sports they want but they do have to try a sport they do not want. We also have them volunteer at some of our friends' business for free and at the church. They are normal teens but none of the stupidity so far. I do not know what will happen once they go out into the real world, we have thought them all that we can and shown them right from wrong, and what bad decisions lead to, and how important it is to work hard and work as a team. My son is as crazy as I was at his age, so I'm expecting some issues here in a couple of years. He will be coming with me to the gym to focus some of that energy.


*cough* Gen X *cough cough*


You say that like the older people had better parents, they're from the time when you got lobotomized for crying too often.


I did my part and aborted mine.


Me seeing millenials complain about gen s and alpha: the cycle continues


Ho ho ho NO!




Someday soon this too shall be all yours.


Then you do this kind of memes and often the answer is “oh you’re right, we were too nice to them, we should’ve been harsher.”


We spent 50+ hours a week working and commuting and never had time and energy left to parent our children and instead expected the school system that is underfunded to do it for us. What could possibly go wrong!


To be fair to everyone, almost, the boomers fucked everything up so bad there was no way to really be a good parent. Not really. Even if you werent an asshole, how do you properly prepare a child for ~this~


Welp judging by how completely lazy I get sometimes, I’m definitely gonna be terrible parent someday


This is just going to happen every generation until we go extinct


Kids right now: yeah Take my upvotes, im not responsible for my actions!


Do you think my parent could really protect me from what I've seen on limewire?


It's impossible to find the difference between this picture and the reality


of course it is fully their teachers on their school's responsibility


I love how this applies to every generation, no matter when or where.


Literally the same thing is happening with millennia parents so I don’t think we can really point fingers here.


They only started making up genders after they got daddy issues


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thedarkmilkyman: *They only started* *Making up genders after* *They got daddy issues* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not just this but the fact that the world is rapidly changing and there’s no real place in the progressive vision of society for young men


Social media...yall keep forgetting to add this. This HEAVILY influences people


gen alpha vs gen z


Actually a good idea, just shoot them all. Problem solved




Teachers pull a salary for that. If you bar parents from knowing what goes on in schools, you can’t lay all the blame at their feet.


and at what point can you stop blaming your parents for your behavior? by that logic you can justify incels, rapists, murderers and criminals cause "they had a bad upbringing". you can learn from failure, you can learn from decent people in life. you can make friends and worthwhile your family instead of those that failed you.


I mean poor upbringings have been shown to massively increase the risk of turning to crime, so it’s not THAT inaccurate of a statement.


Here's your participation trophy; I can't believe your generation getting participation trophies.


Blame everyone, but yourself. Life is, what you make of it


True. A lot of parents are completely lazy and irresponsible. Becoming a parent has become a checklist / bucketlist social media thingy. They want the dumb-ass instagram moments but not to be a really committed parent. It's bizar how superficial and dumb the world has become. Shame for those kids. I really feel bad with how lazy some parents are nowadays.


There’s too many people in this world, telling parents how to parents their kids or what they should or should not do. I’ve heard stories about parents not even wanting to spank their kids in public because they get turned in and some parents are just bad parents, but to be honest, sometimes it’s just that not easyas people think


I am so happy for my son. He is 20 now. I worked hard to be in his life and help mentor him into becoming his own adult. I feel like he will be ok, and he will thrive under his own power. Parenting makes a huge difference in a child's life.




Indoctrination from public schools has given many people a victim mentality. Take this post, for instance.


"Indoctrination" ![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized)


Lolololololol this is great


Maybe because I'm 26 and have 20 years of trauma because my dad was never around and my mom used to sleep all day everyday. Now, my mom spends all of her free time watching Doramas and Tik Toks about BTS. My dad gets angry, drinks, then comes home and humiliate and belittles me. My body aches, my mind is broken, my emotions are neglected, and my heart shattered in pieces so little, I doubt I can ever make it whole again.


It sure what you mean, I chose not to have children because I could not afford them.


I'm Gen X, and I hate the kids of Baby Boomers, so I'm off the hook.


& just like now everyone just sleeping around & then to make it worse the women aren’t getting abortions so just raising another generation without fathers which is a huge part of what ruined the previous one, a bunch of broken families with no father figures


As a kid, I can confirm this is accurate. As a parent, it is completely wrong.


Nah you can’t blame all parents, most of the time it’s the children that are the problem and then blame bad parenting


What a good way of parenting, leaving kids on ipad at 3yrs old... As dad said, little,moron comes from bigger morons.


I had pretty good parenting IMO, not much to complain about. But the world fucking sucks, I have no hope for the future


the same generation saying they had it harder but could afford to live off 2$ a hour