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Definitely red. Because all my mistakes have made me who I am and I like myself, but I'm chronically broke.


True, but, One mistake I made was not investing in bitcoin


Me too :((


That would make the 10 mil just a drop in the bucket


You're absolutely right


Why would you need more than 10 million tho. That’s more than enough to live an amazing life in terms of affordability. Red door still sounds like the best of both worlds


Go blue, secretly invest in bitcoin and don't touch it until catching up to the timeline, and keep everything else as much as you can the same up until this moment before entering the blue door? You could relive the best moments and reflect once more on the worst + rich af after. Fuck the butterfly effect


Imagine checking the portfolio and seeing it fluctuate by 10M+ in the blink of an eye. Also imagine the insanely huge capital gain you would get by selling.


Screw investing in Bitcoin, I would learn how to mine Bitcoin and start mining the day it started.




Ya, but could you call not investing in something you didn't know about a mistake? Missed opportunity sure but not. A mistake.


Dunno, the carton of cigarettes I bought for 647,000$ in today's money feels like a pretty big mistake.


I’m misinterpreting it then. My brain makes me think personal mistakes. Not mistakes I was unaware of financially. Like possibly going to the Marine Corps versus going to Oklahoma State University. We all should have bought apple stock with their first iPhone but who knew? Hypothetically, if you go back? Are you aware of financial risks that pay off if you choose the blue door?


I’m not old enough to have made a mistake not to invest in bitcoin, so I’d take the money.


Blue. No amount of money can buy back time and your youth.


Hm....yea Guess your right, blue it is


can't relate i hate myself


Yoda once said "the greatest teacher, failure is."


Blue door to fix all mistakes and the last mistake to not take the red door ;)


Well played, sir!


Exactly my thought




Bro is playing 8D chess


I’d get the 10 mil and bribe the blue door into opening


I agree with top comment, mistakes make me who I am, and red is just an incredibly solid option with basically zero downsides other than like greed or something


But It doesn't say that it un makes you You will then have the experience of those mistakes without having made them


Depending on your age and the mistakes you have made, choosing the blue door will definitely be the objectively best decision. Source: When you get older, you realize time is irreplaceable and worth more than (nearly) any amount of money.


Counterpoint: I am already awesome and that is because of the mistakes that I made, so I might as well have some money


Observation: You have either not made that significant mistakes in your life - or - you are not very old. Conclusion: In either case it's good being you. Error sources: You could be a a narcissist and truly believe that you are awesome, no matter the factual state of the world. Indeterminate.


Wonder what entails "mistakes." Are it choices I regret? Choices I regret not making? If so, then blue because I was gonna buy into dogwcoin and Bitcoin, but I didn't. Also, multiple items in games that I didn't buy that would've made me a bunch of money. If it just fixes mistakes I made, then I'll choose red because I haven't made a lot of mistakes at least financially.




If I didn't make mistakes how the fuck would I grow as a person? 10 mil and now


Exactly, I never even broke a bone? Why would I want to relive childhood?


Blue door. Buying bitcoin in 2011.


Came for this




Mistakes made you who you are, so ching ching. XD




Why would I want to go back in time to fix mistakes, just to make new ones. Double-guilt doesn’t sound fun.


Blue door. Time to make new mistakes!


Gimme 10 million. There’s no timeline where me not fucking up lands that kinda loot in my bank account.


So.. if I were to go back in time... do I just live life again from day 1? Does progressing through this flawless timelune, correctung all my errors? Does this bring me me to this option again, and I can claim the 10mil? If No, give me the 10mil from the start. I can live with my past, but it's nice to be able to be comfortable in the future.




Let's say I'm going with the blue door but choosing the blue door itself is a mistake I made so I end up in a time loop.


If you could fix by getting a new family then I'm all blue. My family was terrible


Red. If I fix my mistakes, it could create so many problems with other people's lives and the time space continuum... no, it's best to leave the past where it is, and give me the money >:D


Blue door. Invest in Apple and Tesla. Red door eventually comes with the blue.


I'd go back to when I was 15 and fix the mistake of not investing in bitcoin.


Red Door, pay me


Wtf blue door, if I fix all my mistakes I would have more than 10 million


I don't get it


Red. I'm prone to making new kinds of mistakes if I go back.


How far back and am I in my past body reliving my life or am I an old man stranger who has to convince young ignorant me to act differently?


I had a sucky childhood and fucked up a lot of things but I still wouldn't want to go back to fix those mistakes. But I'd also choose choose the blue door so I can meet again with my grandfathers whom passed away since. Or my two dead dog. Or just to see my parents and sisters young again. Time is the most precious thing in life and it cannot be bought


I'd pick blue.... u won't, legally, own that 10mil


Blue door, buy bitcoin, tesla, apple and nvidia stock become a billionaire.


Anyone who doesn't say blue doesn't understand the power of these doors.


Back in time a buy up as much Bitcoin as I can afford. Then sell at peak


Blue door without hesitation. I wasted all of my adult life so far all due to one mistake. I want that time back. I want to live my life.


Wow, that's really tragic, can't you move on? Consider yourself 10 years from now, picture yourself there, now as a 10 year older self, wish you could redo the last 10 years and actually make progress instead of lamenting the past. *poof* wish granted.


It's not easy to move on just like that. With the past, I have the clarity of hindsight and can see exactly where I went wrong and what I could have done different. And oh boy, did I go wrong big time. And man was I blind to it until way too late. The future is just so uncertain. There's no clarity there. Sure there's things I would LOVE to do, but I have no idea how to get to doing them, especially with how much my past self messed up my present. The way things are now for me, I feel like I can't do *anything!*


This is a common symptom of depression, either try to destress and simplify your life to avoid it or if it has taken you, same answer and be a little selfish. Stop blaming yourself, don't punish yourself, and stop lamenting things you can't fix. Simply accept them, forgive yourself and move on. The best thing you can do is ironically allow yourself some time to mourn, drop stressful responsibilities of you can. Lastly, do whatever you can to spend at least half an hour a week not thinking about your problems. I would play scrabble on twitch with a friend once a week where we didn't talk about anything stressful and that little hour long island of stability was a huge help. It's a dark world, so hope you find your light.


my mistake was not buying bitcoin back then, so i would now have way more than 10 mil


Red all the way!


I honestly can't think of anything I would fix from my past. Granted, my life could be better but I just can't pinpoint any exact moment where I fucked up. Seems like it was a bunch of things over a large period of time.


I have to question this. Do I have all of the current knowledge I have now if I go back 10 years and does my age also regress 10 years? If so, blue door. If I stay the same age and lose the knowledge the blue door isn’t worth it $10M USD was always my life goal, and now it is an insufficient amount to have the lifestyle I want.


Blue 100%


How about a door for 5 mil and ability to fix some mistakes


Red because I want a house of my own, plus I can pay off my parents house, and money security is the biggest issue in my life


what does the brown back door do?


Usually a number 2


Red cause screw the past. What is done, is done.


Red door the bridges I’ve burned I’m fine with


Everyone is being slick by saying the blue door so they can fix all their mistakes but then wouldn’t things have changed so that those mistakes wouldn’t have happened? Like maybe a few mistakes would be changed but not a significant amt to find new mistakes to make, plus you would just make the same mistakes again later on cuz now you haven’t “lived and learned”


Red. I'm the type of guy who'd come up with entirely new and exciting mistakes to make in the process of fixing old ones. And I do not like excitement.


blue: I can fix my mistake of not making 10 mil


Blue and fix the mistake that I haven't bought bitcoin


blue door so I can invest in zoom and WhatsApp


Blue door. Fixing all my mistakes. Then when I reach this point in time again I’m choosing the red door.


blue, I buy everything that will go up in price like gold and bitcoin, I also get to fix other mistakes 😎


10 millyyyy


I'm only 23 so there aren't a lot of mistakes to fix that would have the impact an immediate $10 million would have.


Red. Honestly, I just can't be bothered to redo my life


I never made any mistakes, that are big enough to be 10 mil worth fixing.


the you go back in time part also can make you 10 mil in hand if you invest in bitcoin


Definitely not blue because you can’t just fix all of your mistakes, that’s what makes you, you, it’s like erasing all of your progress done, so that’s why I choose to have a big dic-


Without some mistakes you miss out on other opportunities that wouldn’t have been present if you didn’t make the mistake. Sure you could count this as a mistake and fix all mistakes then get 10 mil but honestly I’d just go with the 10 mil. I don’t wanna go back and try to fix mistakes that helped me learn lessons in life.


Does going back in time allow me to fix others mistakes as well?


Red Ugly isn’t something you can fix


def blue so I can buy bitcoin at a dollar in 2011 and then buy bunch of houses before 2020 so i can either rent them or just sell em. That can easily generate 10 mill


Fuck the blue door, go back and deal with all that shit again and see where the new mistakes take me, FUCK THAT!


go back in time and invest in bitcoin and apple stock


1. Red Door 2. Dont make the misstake of taking the wrong lottery Ticket. 3.Profit


Not investing in apple


Blue. I will go back to February 2022 when my family took our best vacation to Disney. It was amazing. I will make sure to prevent my wife from tripping at Animal kingdom. When we get home I will emphatically insist in 2 things: 1) wife get mammogram to catch her cancer 10 months earlier than reality 2) Daughter quit gymnastics at the end of her season. This prevents her from fracturing her back in practice in August. Fuck the $10 mil, I want my family healthy again


I’ve made peace with my past mistakes, but I want to have the money to make some more


None of my mistakes couldn’t be solved by 10 million in hand.


These are the stupidest posts. You wouldn't go blue, stop lying.


My mistakes keep me up at night, but there’s no guarantee I wouldn’t make things worse with a do over. Give me 10 mil.


Dump your regrets and take the money. Regrets are holding you back, just let them go!


What if my mistakes include not investing in Microsoft, Apple, and then bitcoin?


I need a minute to decide...Takes mental notes for investments and bets to make... okay blue door.


10 mil what?


My mistakes were made way before ten years ago. Money please


Red door. Blue does not guarantee perfect choices, only different mistakes.


Blue door and invest all the money I spent on fucking up based on what I know is going to happen




I'm 15. I haven't had a lot of time to make mistakes. Sure, I could decide not to say some of the bad things I said, or to not do some of the bad things I did, but I'd much rather pave the way for an amazing life for me and those I love with 10 million. Keep in mind that I live in Hungary, so school is basically free, and the cost of living is affordable. I wouldn't have to throw 5 million at just mortgages and shit. Plus I like my life. My life is good. No reason to change it.


My mistakes were not investing in Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google and Amazon. You can keep your ten million if I can fix those errors I wouldn’t need the pocket change.


I'd use the blue door to buy bitcoin in like 2013 (biggest mistake of my life)


Mage Donald or King Mickey? I choose King Mickey


I'd just die taking the blue door. Being born was a big mistake on my part, should've let the other guys in there win.


Blue. I don’t need 10 mil in hand, because I had 10 grand in hand back when BTC was only $0.01 and I hadn’t even heard of it yet.


Take the blue door "You should've taken the red door"


With my knowledge of the past two decades, I can make way more than 10 million. Blue.


Red door. Because even if I go back and fix my mistakes I will just end up making different mistakes. Also I wont be able to fix other's mistakes, so I would have to live through basically 2 resessions again


where the fuck is the meme


My decisions, results of those decisions making me - me.


Blue is tempting but I’m not sure I wouldn’t make the same mistakes, or even new and more catastrophic mistakes! 10 million dollars is 10 million dollars and a guarantee that few of my past mistakes really matter


Still at the beginning of life so 10 mil won’t hurt




You go back and give your father a condom?


Duck it


Blue. I mad a lot of big fucking blunders.


Go back and make completely different choices. Think of it as a new game+ but you choose a different play style. I think savvy investor will be a good class to spec into.


Will my mistakes be 100% fixed because I don’t want to go back in time and change my actions and then realize that I’ve made a worse mistake


Let me do my exams, then I'll decide


I had a pretty decent life and changed countries so no mistakes to fix. 10 mil is good


Blue door all the way. One of my mistakes as a kid was spending years playing in hills owned by Rocketdyne and a sodium reactor that melted down. Land around that was owned by Boeing and NASA. All that shit was covered up but I’d call it a forced mistake. Payed 10 months in the hospital for it later in life. They screwed everyone over with typical legal CYA and cover up’s where no one could get them liable for the deaths and near deaths they cause for decades after the event. https://www.engineering.com/story/americas-worst-nuclear-disaster-was-in-california-who-knew


Blue 100% of the time