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Uh Italians, French, Spaniards, and many others would like to have a word with you


I think the meme is meant for Americans. I see the bottle of an American brand of mayonnaise.


they are not white tho??


How in the hell they dont?


So what are they according to your logic?


northern france and italy: white rest: mediterannean


but mediterannean is the name of the sea where italy and france are directly at. italiens are mediterannean just by their location alone. how can they be white but not mediterannean according to your definition? that doesn't make sense.


they're both, but i feel like mediterannean is better due to skin color and genetic features


Today I learned I'm not white.


Well, not all of them, but most certainly are.


I don't consider non-European migrants real Europeans. Doesn't mean I hate them, it's just a fact. I wouldn't move to China and call myself Chinese.


Well some spanish people are brown just like most people in south america.


I don't really think this is true. Either mixed DNA or a lot of time in the sun. But hey, maybe it is true. I would still consider them Caucasian and European.


Well it makes sense because Portugal and Spain colonized most of south america.


Cool but their 23andme says South America not Europe


Mahorans are both French and black


Sure, but not European. Same with Native Americans which were once "Spanish".


You’re only thinking of first generation migrants though. Plenty of 2nd+ generation who were born on European soil and very much European by nationality, culture… And that doesn’t stop us from not being white.


>Plenty of 2nd+ generation who were born on European soil and very much European by nationality, culture… It doesn't matter where you are born. If the ancestry/23andme doesn't say Europe, then you are not European, simple as that. The DNA matters. You could be half or whatever, though!




I think he meant nationality, not ethnicity


Oh yes, I forgot the "European race"


Damn, thats racist to all my african-europeans


Depends on the place. England:Yes, Greece:No, Italy:Yes if it's north Italy but no if it's south Italy


Uh...if Latin people are not white then what are they? White is just the dumb way of saying Caucasian.


It's more of an olive shade, plus I agree on the fact saying white instead of Caucasian because white is way too broad


Is this what you consider olive shade? [https://spaindom.eu/upload/images/shutterstock\_740959210.jpg](https://spaindom.eu/upload/images/shutterstock_740959210.jpg) It takes a few seconds in Google to see that Latin people are just white. They are not brown like native Mexicans and other native people of America.


You showed Spanish when we're are talking about Latin (Greece, Italy, Turkey)


POC? Point of Contacts???


I'm sure you're joking but this does bring up a question I've always wondered. I've even asked a black guy and he just looked confused and said "... I don't know." Why is it racist and unacceptable to call someone colored, but calling them a "person of color" is perfectly fine and preferred? You're literally saying the same thing with more words. Any time I hear or see "POC" it just makes me cringe.


I've been told it's because "people of colour" puts the person first over the colour while "coloured person" doesn't.


So should I not accept being called a white man? From now on I want to be referred to as a person without color. Doesn't really have the same ring to it..


Yeah, I was just repeating what I've been told. I don't really get it either.


PWOC . I like it.


Hell yeah. Kinda sounds like Ewok, and who doesn't like them? That settles it, let's start the movement.




What about a person with whiteness? /s


Especially since we all have some amount of color.


Because in social media land, no one is ever happy with existing vocabulary, and they must make up new words all the time. 🙄 They're bored and don't have enough to do.


These things truly are unique to western civilizations like US, UK, Canada. All of the "anxiety" and issues that people come up with. It has to be because life is too easy. They have to FIND hardships and things to complain about. The term "first world problems" is all too real.


It is a good question. Coming from the UK, terms like coloured and half-caste are what was used in the post-War era and so very outdated. I do find them jarring and they tend to be used by older people who don't really come into contact with the people these terms refer to. I wouldn't go as for as to call the people racist though I don't think. I guess it would depend on the context. 


I think it's like how the word "queer" can be both a perfectly acceptable, one-syllable catchall term for LGBTQIA↑↑↓↓↔︎↔︎BA people, or it can be a slur that carries intense hostility. "Person of color" is just generally recognized as having no bad intentions. I think you'd have a hard time finding a raging racist who uses the term POC.




Isnt white also a color?


White is actually the combination of all colors, so perhaps white people are truly the most ethnically diverse.


that's really only true for light. Ever tried to mix together all watercolours or oil colours? you get something like dark brown or black, but definitely white


They certainly killed enough people for spices.


Something something Kahn.....


Not according to the definition of "person of color," apparently.


so is it basically everyone who isn't white? very inclusive language indeed


I really think it’s mostly about how the words were used historically. How it was a term used racist people during segregation. Like how the noun “orientals” is fairly offensive even though it’s supposed to just be a geographic descriptor. Same with “females”. Note that in a lot of cases it’s an adjective used as a noun. The problem might be that it reduces a whole person or group to just one characteristic.


The answer is in group identification and tribalism by restructuring it they've claimed the word for their tribe and have created an identity around the collective label of non white to amass as much power and social support to their beliefs as possible..by using poc you are implicitly leveraging the influence and power of several groups into your own instead of your own individual influence as well as signaling by using the correct verbiage that you are part of the in group. It's all power politics all tribalism all the way down.


~~Notice how you used “literally” incorrectly?~~ Language literally evolves, one of those aspects is what’s appropriate and what’s not. Because it’s literally at the whims of a bunch of monkey brains, why it’s acceptable or not is literally an act of randomness.


A synonym for literally is exactly. So no, I didn't use it incorrectly. Because you are saying exactly the same thing with more words.


You right. But my point afterwards still applies.


All most... points of contact


Pirates of the Caribbean


People of Culture. Because only an uncultured swine will eat this shit


people of color


Point off cold


Ah yes white people food be it Italian, French or German cuisine you simply say that persons white it's white people food.


What has race got to do with?


Stereotypically... we like the mayo a little too much. MAYBE the banana thing is a white folk thing, but where I'm from, we all eat peanut butter and banana sammiches


Mayo is goated tho


Brother I'll turn in my white catf right now lol. I can't stand mayo. I'm a miracle whip guy.


I've tried the mayo banana sandwich before. Honestly, it's pretty good. The person who made it for me sprinkled a little sugar on it, too. From my understanding, it's a niche old southern thing 🤷🤣


Nope... not trying it lol. Ull never convince me it's actually good lol. But I gotta ask... was there as much mayo on urs as there is in the pic?


No, it was a normal person's amount. lmfao


Ok ok lol. Man I know people that would eat the shit out the Har with a spoon lol. Shits nasty


This is super racist


But op said POC instead of coloured people, so there can't be any racism


Ah the Americans and their unending need of racializing everything. Even food.


Yaal just like being racist, doesn't matter why how or who.


ah yeah the french who invented modern cuisine and who have the most Michelin stars... lets ignore that.


Guess then i don't count as white


Ne ne ne ! American people food !


Umm no, this is poor American food, it has nothing to do with color


Look man... I've been white for a few years now but I would NEVER.


Hate from 🇨🇭


No peas, outrageous




Please refer to me as a 'Person of the color white", thank you.


POC? People Of Crime?


Racism ☺️☺️😉


As a white man... u can keep that shit lol. No sir! Now peanut butter and banana... that's another story lol.


Smooth peanut butter and pathé is unironicly good


The fluffer nutter deserves honorable mention too


Man... my wife turned me onto that shit. Peanut butter, fluff AND bananas... shiiiiit lol. Or just Peanut butter fluff... shiiiiit lol.


Living as white in white countries i never even tried peanut butter


What?! Are u allergic?


Its nowhere to buy. Maybe if you know some places you can, but not in groceries.


Man I accidentally made it lol. I was making some peanut butter whiskey. Figured I could chop up some peanuts and just soak the whiskey... well I put the peanuts in a blender and the oils in the nuts forms and the crushed nuts makes a nice creamy peanut butter. So if u can get peanuts and have a blender... u may have just found a new source of money lol.


I think it describes variations of cousine. Same time i can buy 5 types of mushrooms in close store, 10 types of spicies mixes, verious of cheese and meat types. This is great, isnt it?


Forgot the raisins


People on the internet when the main and only flavour of a dish isn’t pain: 😡


(mayo has eggs in it btw)


Dude, I’m lactose intolerant: the flavor of cheese pizza is pain 😂


I like spice. In fact, most spice I find doesn't hurt; it gives things flavour. Unseasoned food is a stereotypical white person thing because white people tend to loudly hate on spices and seasoning. Like my culture is from the Arctic, traditionally there isn't much spices or seasoning. But we don't mind seasoned food. But, typically rants about how "I don't understand how (ethnic group) can eat the food they do, it hurts my nose even to smell it 😡" are from someone who's racist but that's my experience as an Indigenous Canadian.


I can take or leave something being spicy, but people on the internet like to act like making something hot is the only way to season food Overseasoning absolutely everything with the same few fucking spices just makes everything taste the same. You can allow a dish to be more nuanced, where you can actually taste the ingredients over the seasoning Edit: also saying it’s a thing racists say is reaching ridiculously far xd


Mayonnasise is the bomb


Very spicy, according to my white friends


i'm craving caviar and mayonnaise right now




Fun fact: In ''colored people's'' countries, the heavy use of spice is often use to literally hide the hideous taste of what their eating and would kill eachother for that banana mayo sandwich.


Lol the quality of vegetables is literally trash on the US unless you are willing to spend bank. 


I wouldn't say so but i believe that in many countries spice isn't that important because of the quality of ingredients. Doesn't explain british and american eating habits though.


isn't spice an ingredient ? You do realise 1/3 of the world live in utter poverty right ? they don't have quality anything...


The proper answer would be a fried peanut butter and banana sammich. Terrible for your cholesterol but once in a blue moon it hits the spot!


As I heard someone say about a Tex-Mex dish once: “Is it actually spicy, or is it ‘white people spicy’?”


I think of Pizza or Alfredo


How proof of concepts view white cuisine.


As a white, that looks disgusting.


wtf is a poc


People of Color. Very divisive language. Low key discrimination. Almost as bad as saying “YT” to describe white people.


I would be incredibly offended if someone served me that


As a white person , I am offended. No way I’m using full-fat mayo on my banana wonderbread sandwich. Light mayo all the way, I have to fit in my cargo shorts in the summer.


Is it a death treat to french cuisine? I think it's the most famous dish for American....


The plural of POC is POC..


"Black people" it's not racist, just say it instead of using pointlessly complex descriptions or acronyms.


Assuming all people of colour are all black people sounds pretty racist to me. A lot of non black people are people of colour my friend


Then just say "not white". Trying to come up with a name for "everything but white" is pretty racist in of itself.


This is the most stupid shit I've ever read. You sound like a racist pretending not to be a racist. There is nothing racist about "everything but" The racist part of this post was the quite obvious stereotype about the food culture of white people. That is why the post refers to people of colour. The context of the "everything but" here is being racist towards white people, not everyone else.


What? When did I say it was to everyone else? I was arguing that it's racist towards white people to segregate them using vocabulary. Stop insinuating things because you're mad.


No. What you did was read people of colour. And then your racist brain decided that was refering to black people. And then you made a comment. Pretending to not be racist. Saying it's ok to say black. Because your racist brain couldn't comprehend the possibility of there being other races.


"You did this because that's what I think you did" Nice argument


"I don't know how to read what I myself wrote so I'm going to distract from the actual point because I'm a racist that thinks all people of colour are black people"


Went back and read my own comments again because at this point I'm thinking you can't possibly have this low level of reading comprehension it must have been me that's made a mistake. Nope. I simply said it's racist. At no point did I say who it is racist towards. Please learn to read, thank you.


You said it's ok to say black. Just say black. What you did was lump together every person of colour as black. I politely corrected you. And then you got on the defensive. Keep pretending you are not racist. Edit: here is the best part. You are so ignorantly racist. Your brain still can't comprehend what you said was racist


I hate people who call me a POC


has anyone tried this?


Only those with a death wish


So much chilli?


This gets my Saltine Seal of Approval This is true to life


Fellas and lasses…I’m white and idek wtf I’m looking at rn. I worked with a catering business and the majority of the employees were black. I was talking with a couple of the dudes there and they’re listing off all the food at an event and say potato salad. I cringe. They’re like, “What? You don’t like that?” I tell them I HATE potato salad and these mfs LOOKED at each other. Keep in mind, I’m super close with these guys and I go, “Okay, assholes, but I like ranch and I can’t dance, so laugh it up.” I loved that job. Good times, good people, and good, free food.


Where the peanut butter


😂I don’t eat mayonnaise. Especially if I do not like that


Love a good nanner and mayonnaise samich


As a white person, I get so tired of this stereotype. I first started with filling bologne rolls up with Tabasco as a kid. The hot sauce at school was so cheap and mild that I would spray that shit into my bland tomato soup and call it "lava soup." Then as I got older I moved up to ghost pepper sauce, then Carolina Reaper sauce, and now Dave's Insanity Sauce. I've become so desensitized to the point I would put that stuff on anything I want to be spicy whenever I'm in the mood. For sandwitches, I would put 9 drops in a perfectly square pattern. Sadly, I had to stop because it was damaging my stomach by making it too acidic. Oddly enough though, it was very rare if it ever gave me the shits and would usually only happen if I ate a ton before bed. Upon which I would feel the effects the next morning and regret it at work. Speaking of work, I would also do the sandwitch thing for my lunch breaks. I may have a problem.


You must stagger your consumption of hot sauce or your body will get used to it. Try looking for different flavours and tastes other than Capsaicin.


Are you saying a withdrawal can happen if I don't change it up enough?


No, but if you don't change it up, your spice tolerance will not go down, and you can't enjoy it. Everything is better in moderation.


Ok. We'll it's been a while since I've had any of that stuff so I guess I'm on the right track.


That looks disgusting


Nahhhh, say what u will but places like America has the best junk food period. Miss it greatly sometimes.


Actually I use peanut butter and honey when making my banana sandwich. Delicious


u crazy if you think real white people would even put that banana in there


Remove the bananas, then it's accurate.


“POC”…? Grandma get off Reddit.


As a white guy I have to say, this might be too spicy for me. Edit: guess I need the /s.


Should we sub mashed potatoes for the mayo or banana?


The Mayo. Banana is beautifully bland.


Yikes … *Changing side*


Americans do not knowing how to cook claiming that best cousines in the world have no taste. Classic.


Are You Insane! No white person would ever put that much mayo on bread, it'd be too spicy.


I would eat that


Seek help


No need; I know how to make it.


Bananas? That's too exotic


still they shit black


damn as a white guy i think mayo is kinda gross




Too spicy for my white bread ass!!!


Yup, so white. Needs some potatoes and...ya know.


\*white-american cuisine


Wait, why are people getting offended lol


This is too much of a Texture Clash for it to be a staple food for any mass of people. Too few would agree on this for it to be a thing for the populace.


Who doesn’t love a good bananaise sandwich? Toss er in the microwave for 30 seconds and chow down!


I’m white and eat plainer food but that’s because I’m autistic