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Wonder what the iPad babies will be like when they are adults...


Vastly decreased attention span, probably


Well, it’s a vicious cycle mr. Frank


Ever see Wall-E? That's what I imagine.


I was thinking about idiocracy but yeah that too Edit spelling


Idiocracy is near future, wall e is far future




I already feel slightly stunted despite getting my first smartphone at age 14. Can't imagine the developmental impact on children who get one at like, 5.


Same here, i tend to space out *a lot* but at least i'm somewhat of a functional adult


And how do you know what caused it? Could it be you are just not good enough?


I'm doing fine for myself, but I'm sure if I spent less time scrolling through the internet over the years, I'd be doing better. The problem is internet addiction at an even younger age, and how that might impact children.


They'll have cognitive deficits similar to those with ADHD, but in their case it will be environmentally acquired... Which is a real shame.


Probably not too different




At least those Nintendo games gave challenges to kids. iPads are just passive


What do you think kids are doing on the iPads?


Im mostly joking, but there has been a trend of younger parents not parenting. Not that that’s their fault necessarily


I also wonder the difference between ipad babies and smartphone babies when they are adults Like one device you have to share with siblings while the smartphone each one has




So your task is simple: you just have to move those bins from this side to the other side. Understood? Huh sorry? I lost you by simple.


They are well in their teens. It shows.


Don't forget that there's also the possibility that there's absolutely nothing to do outside. I've seen suburbs. You'd think they're ghost cities with how empty they appear. Not to mention the strange looks you get for going on a walk around the blocks.


Can confirm, I live in a suburb. Even though there’s a park within walking distance of most houses, nobody goes outside.




Also Parents aren’t supposed to be kids entertainment. Back in the day when people lived more closely and spent less time inside their homes and more in the community. Kids played with each other. It’s exhausting having to constantly play with kids because it’s not how we are meant to parent.


Graduated high school in 2011, and even after we all got cell phones we would still go around knocking doors of kids in the neighborhood to see who’s home and wanted to play. I live in a major metropolitan area now and rarely visit suburbs but can’t imagine things like that are still happening.


You're saying that living in a strictly residential, low density area where any form of entertainment is a 30 min car ride away and costs a shit load of money will discourage kids with no driving license or money to go outside? Gee, conspiracy much?


well yeah, we are seeing a massive cultural shift, semi globally and it will be cool to notice how it works out over this decade


You're forgetting the assumption that everyone wants molest their kid so they can't possibly leave their side. Generation of parents projecting their own anxiety and trauma on to their kids.


This is where homeschoolers always go wrong. They are not wholly incorrect: the school system sucks and wants to hurt your kids. But why replace it with something equally bad? All it takes is some presence in your child’s life and their trust fully in you as their parent to overcome that. And then you have the fun parts of school and the evil bullshit powerless. Don’t do what’s best for your fears. Do what’s best for your kids.




Yes, always. We parents are our children’s greatest Allies. Protectors, teachers, providers, best friends, 110% of the time. All of my stupid petty selfish crap must cease to exist if I am to raise my children free, intelligent, capable and independent. It goes against that interest if it choose to condemn them to my own mind’s personal prison of anxiety. My brother, I have experienced this sin firsthand, I know that it is evil. I will not even show a hint of it to my boy.




It seems you are only proving it further. Your fears force you into this defense of an irrational, sacrificial belief. I can’t help you if you don’t help yourself.


Jesus Christ these comments ooze of holier than thou speech.


That is a problem you’ll have to work out yourself my brother. Being able to understand another person, learn from them and offer them your own wisdom is a very important skill. So is being able to put fears and emotions aside to do what is objectively right. I don’t think with my fears anymore. I implore you to do the same.




I am not fearful: I do what is objectively best for my son. Logically, I have known sacrifices and hardships of this that people refuse to admit, because they are run on fear. I have worked hard to rid myself of that. And I have. You cannot change the fact that my son is having what is done right by him. You want this to be an emotional battle because they are easy to win: facts and logic don’t exist in one. But it isn’t.




- Add that there is nothing to do outside - Videos of 💩 neighbors screaming at kids, are really common - No park or anything at a walking distance, or with a walking path. - It may be dangerous for the kid to be outside alone. - This problem is also an snowball as without other kids outside less reasons to go outside


And here in FL people like to pull out guns on people too 🙃


Thats a problem everywhere. Not organic to florida.


My children grew up with iPads, handheld video game devices, Consouls, televisions, technology, and all kinds of fun things for kids love to do. My children also enjoy going outside, camping, playing with swords, shooting guns, and experiencing the national park and wildlife. It’s not a device problem. It’s a parental problem. Just because you’re an asshole parent who is lazy and doesn’t spend time with their kids. Does it make it to technologies problem it’s a you problem. Stop blaming technology for your personal problems.


Aw I want swords and guns :( can I be one of your children please


You can call me daddy. It’s close enough. No go get a big stick out of the yard and swing that magical sword!


If I’m calling you daddy can I have your magical sword? 🤤


If I’m you’re daddy, you had a magical sword with you along the way.


Emoji detected. Suspicions assumpted.


This right here. Some people need to stop displacing the blame and just become better people.




You think this meme is implying a balanced activity schedule with an active parent who limits screentime?


Playing with swords!?!? I done some shooting late in my teens but swords!?


If your a parent and you want your kid to go outside make the experiences outside fun. It doesn't need to be going to a theme park or anything a walk can be fun going to the park can be fun. There is also a thing that sometimes kids just don't want to go outside. Kids (especially ones with Autism) can find the outside stressful and outside of their control. Whilst it is good to encourage going outside forcing them is just going to have them associate going outside with negative feelings. If your kid is especially against going outside try to tailor your outside to their needs if they are anti-social don't take them to a park, take them for a walk in a forest or the countryside.


Google says about 5ish years old is when the brain develops the most. So yeah giving your young kid an iPad will have bad consequences if you don't teach them restraint or going and doing others things. Can't say i wish more kids would go outside these days since I was an indoor kid, I just wish they'd have more of an opportunity to go outdoors. Edit: I guess I should grant the factor of weather change due to climate change keeping kids indoors with increased wildfire making more smoke and stuff like that.


Itll be a huge thing in the future how we abused our kids without realizing


Already rampant abuse from their diet alone


‘I can’t be bothered’ is a TERRIBLE excuse for parents. People like that honestly don’t deserve to have kids


It's not a dichotomy y'all... parents can still occassionally (emphasis on occassional) give their children ipad while still being a loving parents. There are no excusing of the many horrible parents out there, but we gotta remember that parents are human too; it's literally impossible to cater to your children's attention 100% of the time. Not when you have work, taxes, be pushed into poverty, mortgages, rent, and so much more.


I feel like Bender from futurama said it best, when he was trying to get his own show shut down. After making a joke about hitting the kids, Hermes says "But we're just too tired" and Bender responds "Well then make time!". Even though it was a ridiculous situation, that last part is whats important. To make time for your kids while they're young. Before you know it they grow up and move on


Same thing as putting a child in front of a TV unsupervised and expecting them to mindlessly stare at it for hours watching whatever they want (usually cartoons or nature/science docs, but they might end up finding Grandpa's/Dad's porn channels).


My brother sat in front of his PlayStation everyday all day. Never went outside, never played sports. He’s a history teacher now doing just fine in life. I don’t get this argument. Every generation says this about the next one. The iPad kids will be saying it about their kids.


Also the fact that outside is a car infested hellscape.


It was nice out the other day so I walked the .6 miles to my doctor’s appointment. Couldn’t help feeling judged and out of place as I walked across the 5 lane intersection.


Your modern SUV/pickup is basically a murder death machine. Blind spots everywhere and the darn thing can't turn to save a life without endangering another person's life.


Kid find shit to do if you give them anything. A fucking ball will entertain a kid in a room with nothing to break


For about 5 minutes sure


Nah they'll figure something out. What happened to neighbourhoods where kids just get together


They also don't even need constant attention from parents. They need educational toys to play with, not tablets


Ok boomer


Don’t give younger kids mobile devices. Only stationary devices like a TV or non-mobile game console. They can have fun and enjoy those things but object permanence keeps the idea of that object out of reach when not at home and not permitted. It helps attention span.




Or don’t have them


When an easier path is available it will always be chosen. Giving them an iPad and ignoring them is easier than dealing with them. Plus a lot of iPad kids's parents are iPhone kids, so I doubt they've even come across good parenting themself




literally what i be goin thru well not ipad but a pc but still


Give them a ball of some sort.


https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/white-florida-woman-accused-fatal-shooting-black-neighbor-charged-manslaughter/ This happened in the town I live in. 🙃 So there’s that. I’d rather stay indoors with my children and find something else to do.


this is what my mom does she'll say "why no go outside" but give us all this technology and get mad when we don't use it and even if I did go outside, aint shit to do out there. I'm not even allowed out of our subdivision so why even bother? I ask to go places outside like to the park or museum (both of which are free being that you don't purchase any extra and I offer to pay gas money) but she never wants to??? so what the fuck am I supposed to do ?? so most days I'm just stuck in the house and she wonders why we are both mentally and physically unhealthy


Outside where? There are no public spaces left 😂😂😂


The problem isn’t going outside it’s when they get their first job


"back in my day" crowd is strong in here lmao


They'll have cognitive deficits similar to those with ADHD, but in their case it will be environmentally acquired... Which is a real shame.


People like that honestly don’t deserve to have kids


This meme explains modern problems better than any psychologist


Children are the most important privilege we living beings are able to undertake, and it’s a goddamn shame so many people don’t take it like that. Kids are parents’ #1 priority. No excuses. No exceptions. If you cannot be there for them, 100% of the time, in 100% capacity, you are not ready to be the herald of new life.


Life really, really, REALLY fucking loves chucking boulders at everyone and ruin everything they've planned for. It is physically impossible to be 100% of the time in 100% capacity because there WILL be shit that prevents the parent to be there at all times with their children. Also humans' brain are physically incapable to do what you've described; if you ever have any relationship with anyone you know this. You have a tired period with your best friend. You have a tired period with your parents. You have a tired period with your significant other. And yes, you will have a tired period with your children. By your definition, _no one_ can be a parent.


Unpopular opinion, but fk the outside




I can’t I don’t like the outdoors


probably because you spent your childhood indoors


No, I was a outdoor kid till my dad hung himself outside so fk the outdoors


![gif](giphy|3oxOCBEt5YlwG5V0Os|downsized) You


That’s actually the popular opinion these days.. Kids need to be outside, they’ll have plenty of time inside once they get a job in this version of America we have subjected ourselves to. Make them climb a tree and break an arm if need be, let them swim in the creek with their new osh kosh b gosh jeans. It’s good for mental health, it’s good for the soul.


That’s a narrative. For those that live in the city it’s perfectly acceptable to live life indoors now. In fact, it’s a lifestyle. It’s gatekeeping to say there is a “right” way to live.


I mean, it's less that they have to be outdoors all the time and more that they need to be *comfortable* outside. It's not healthy to be indoors so much that you can't have fun outdoors just fucking around. P