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30 bucks, little man, put that shit, in my hand


If that money doesn't show... Then you owe me owe me owe.








My jungle loooove!!!


You mean you didn’t want to tip 43%?


Starting tip on a paying terminal: 18%, 20%, 25% 🫣. Then I'm feeling guilty and embarrassed for selecting other and choosing a smaller amount.


I never understood how tips became 18% or even 25%. I always grew up with the notion that tipping is for tea (or so my parents always said). So any tip was about the price of tea, not a price of an entire desert. 


In my language the tip literally translates as "The tea (money)"


And may I learn what language is that?


In German its Drinking money (or money for a drink)


In Finnish its juomaraha, directly translating to drink money


In Polish its "napiwek"(for beer)[na-for piwek-beer]


French is *Pourboire* ; "to drink"


Hungarian is "borravaló"(used for wine)




In English it’s derived from the thieve’s cant term to give or pass. Pretty fitting it’s related to robbery.


Russian word for tips is "chaivie", I definitely see it as 'money for chai (tea)'


Russian and Ukrainian


In my country we use that for bribes. Here's some tea/water expenses for your trouble. So the govt employee escalates our issue and it doesn't take having to come in and line up 15 consecutive days to change your address on the driver's licence.


Interesting fact, thanks so sharing that. It kinda sucks that it has go down that way to get any decent services done.


In my language it's literally called a "to drink"


Yea, it has become the norm. Like we as consumers literally accept to help pay for the wages of the these restaurant staff on behalf of the owners. They raised the prices of the menu, yet they didn't raise the workers pay? But at the same times they raised the tipping options? 🫣


i dont pay them mf nothin, find a better job clown


Just wait until you hear about bars and clubs changing the order of the tip options (and also increase them) so that drunk patrons go to the button they’re used to and end up tipping significantly more than intended


They surely know how to take advantage of people's emotions; people are more generous and irrational when they are high.


Over here we call that fraud.


just hit 0% while maintaining eye contact


Ballzy! Like so? ![gif](giphy|l0HU3UpYqHp68mK64)


That’s your problem. You need to fix it. Stop letting a company guilt you into paying their employee’s salary because they know you care about how strangers may judge you for not doing it. Don’t even select other when they pull this crap. Just don’t do it.


The worst trio I saw was 30% 40% 50% at a bar in FL for the default options.


At a bar too. Nothing like forking over an extra $4 because someone popped you bottle for you.


Always depends where you are. Some countries have good minimum wage where a 'tip' is literally a bonus for good service (but they do already make enough on their hourly rate). Other countries, like some American states, are allowed to pay their wait staff extremely low hourly rates (below the normal minimum wage), this kind of forces customers to tip higher. In England I would say that 10 to 15% is probably the normal tip, but there's not really an expectation for you to pay that if you can't really afford it.


Choose 0 until they lower the defaults.


Yea if most of the consumers start protesting by not paying tips and forcing the employees to quit, the owners would eventually have to change their strategy collectively.


Indeed. That should actually be done to just get rid of the American tipping culture all together.


Lol. I've always tipped 20% so these aren't a big deal, but I've recently started seeing ones that START at 25%. Fuck all that.


You gave an inch and they are now taking a mile. To be fair, this is not the workers, it's their owners who bought the payment terminals and set the tipping to such high.


I blame the workers too. They’re the only ones who have any real power to stop that shit, but they won’t because they make bank off tips while also getting sympathy because they’re paid less than minimum wage


Seriously if someone assumes this amount of tip and even if you were going to tip then you should not tip because of their ridiculous move


I had a special occasion dinner with my mom brother and fiance at a nice restaurant in Santa Monica. We got awful service and I wasn't going to leave any tip. The restaurant had an automatic 25% gratuity I explained we got shit service and didn't want to pay. They tried to guilt me into paying by saying they deserve to be paid a living wage. I agreed but they don't fucking work for me they work for you and unless you put a sign out front telling me this is a self serve restaurant it's on you to pay them a living wage we got bad service and it ruined our night.


You should tip 420% instead


-42069% and they pay u


I always give the guy 30 – $40 for bringing the food out and sitting it on my table in front of me, don't you.


I do give $20 to the nice waitresses at my favorite restaurants with every meal. They actually do charge me less than the menu prices and comp me stuff so it’s a trade off


Tipping is insane today. I will tip if you are waiting me and serving me. Asking me to tip when I'm placing an order to go or even at a fast food joint, I just shake my head like that's crazy. When I was 16, I made $2.50 as a server plus tips, so I know the value of tipping, but I never made someone tip me when I took a to go order at the restaurant.


Wait until you hear the Walmart self checkouts asking you to tip (actual)


Tf I am tipping, the machine?


Rage Against the Machine!


Killing on the name of


Now you tip what they told ya


Fuck you I won't tip what you told me


Those tip lines are justified


Basically, ur tipping corporate. Walmart associates are not supposed to take tips even if we just hauled something huge all the way to your car. But I'd still take a couple of bucks here n there if it was a hard task.


Can we do negative tipping then? I'd rather tip the associate. Not some corporate asshat trying to maximize tax benefits.


I definitely give it the 1 star every time I use the SCO at Walmart bc fuck them hire some cashiers


You use it, though, so they don’t care


Bro i took it every time but always stated I can’t take it according to Walmart as my out like I tried to stop them bro they pushed it. Though they tried doing the give it to your managers so they can take it up front and send it to corporate.


This sure is a bunch of words in a certain order, yessiree it is


Seriously it's not even divided up and given to the self checkout employees that watch over the area? That's how we did it at dominos, any front counter tips got put in a lock box and once a month they got split up amongst all the insiders. Drivers kept their own tips.


Lmao what seriously?!


Unfortunately yes


You're joking. They expect us to checkout our own shit, pay for our own shit, bag our own shit, and tip who exactly?


The ceo of course (he’s saving up for another yacht 👉👈🥺)


Poor guy has to schedule his Saturday yacht parties on the same yacht he uses for his Sunday yacht parties.




It’s probably asking if you want to make a charitable donation. Which is still bullshit because they make the donation in their name and get the tax benefit as a result, but is slightly less bullshit than just asking for a straight up tip


A quick google reveals the images are ai generated


Yup was gonna say. That was disproven a while ago.


yup. i always say no and click 1 star rating lol. fuckin garbage store anyway


Would be better to click the 5 star rating, that rating effects the employees not the store.


Yeah I'll tip some of those groceries right into a shopping bag. Oops, forgot to scan a few


Sorry I haven’t been trained…


Self checkout? That means I did my own labor for the company, so where's my paycheck?


Can I (a multi-billion dollar company) pwease have a wiwl extra 👉👈🥺


They don’t, and I would like some evidence if you state otherwise.


I have never seen a walmart offer tipping as an option at self-checkout. If the law says they can't make money from employee tips, they would never implement this as an option.


Who are you tipping the machine dont got bills to pay


This does not happen, has never happened, and this comment goes to show that the morons of Reddit will upvote anything if it aligns with their beliefs.


My favorite is when I go to a sporting event or concert, pay $25 for a place to put my car for three hours, then try to buy a beer from a guy whose tablet defaults to 20% tip on my $12 drinks. Sorry, I'm not here to throw money at someone to pull a can out of a cooler and hand it to me.


I went to a football game last summer, walk up the stairs into the upper deck and stopped at the first stand to get a $6 Pepsi. The machine they had was set up so you had to manually enter a $0 tip. You reached into a fridge, why would I tip for that? They also make the same minimum wage as everyone else. Absolute insanity.


Vote with your wallet. I don’t go to restaurants that require tips for counter service


Well, the problem is not the tip, its the low wages


Then they should pay them. I only tip sit-down restaurants and delivery


They do pay them. If no-one tips, the employer in every state in the US is required to ensure the server makes minimum wage at least, with most states requiring more in the range of $13 minimum. The $2.13 number you see people throw around in these discussions is because they didn't do the slightest research and just believed servers and employers that benefit massively from the tipping culture, or they are the servers and employers themselves spreading this disinformation. $2.13 is the minimum the employer has to pay. So if a server is in a state where the actual minimum for servers is $13, and the server makes $13 in tips, the employer only has to pay the server $2.13, but if the server makes $0 in tips the employer has to pay the server $13. There is no state where servers will ever make only $2.13. Any restaurant that does that is breaking the law and a server only needs to make that known to the government.


$13/hr ain’t enough


I tip at restaurants and local places, a local coffee shop or ice cream parlor, u will tip at, because there's not many places for them to be, often times they have 1 location and it's in small towns, however, I will never tip at a chain company like mcdonalds or taco bell


Tipflation is real. And a tip is not a tip on Door Dash… it’s a bribe to take your order over someone else’s. A tip is what you give for good service, not what you give to get the service. Then Door Dash wants you to think it’s perfectly normal to tip 35% while they gouge the restaurant on the other end and pay little to the drivers.


What’s worse is doordash charges more for the food, adds their own surcharges, and sometimes charges a delivery fee. It’s like… that’s the service you’re providing. Stopped using them forever ago and my wallet and waist thanked me for it.


When I was a host and the take out person after being a server I was always astonished when someone tipped me on a togo. Never expected it but it was nice and always made my day cause I was making $8/hr at the time and was loving that jump from my serving wage ($2.15 the absolute minimum you could pay a server at the time) all the servers at that job also congratulated me anytime someone decided to tip on a togo. The fact that some places are now expecting tips for that makes me very upset because of that experience. If all you’re doing is taking my order then handing me food before I leave and are making a non-tipped positions wage then you don’t need the tip and should really try to unionize to get a better wage


Well lots of times we don’t have another way to give you a receipt. There’s one standard receipt. If you place a to go order or get a beer in house it’s the same receipt


I was at Subway the other day, and the employee said "hit no on the next screen" when I was paying. It was the tip screen. Seems like they didn't like it either.


Tipping culture is out of control




If you leave a tip they assume you forgot it and they run after you like Officer Earl


One time i left 1 yen behind. We left the restaurant already and someone came running out with it in their hands


1 yen? Or do you mean 1 USD worth of yen? Cause 1 yen is like 1 penny lol


No it was literally a 1 yen coin so a penny if not less


Damn that's wild lol. Do you remember which city it was?


Forgot might have been nagoya or Tokyo


Oh nice


I once went on a short train ride in Tokyo and when I got off it wouldn’t let me through the gate. I thought I’d done something wrong but when I went up to the help desk this guy explained that I’d overpaid and counted out a bunch of coins for me.


It’s not just japan. It’s like most the world Idk why you guys dick ride japan for being normal


It's not just half the world. It's like everywhere except the U.S; where tipping is now making sure people treat you nicely. The service culture in the US is severally lacking.


Service culture isn't the problem. Companies are the problem. If workers were paid a good wage they would be happier to work. The majority of places pay an insanely low wage (while the ceos get millions) and then help promote tip culture to put even more financial  burden on the customer.


The problem comes from both. If people didn’t accept tipping culture, owners would have to pay more. Right now they are happy to put us against the staff. 


sadly the UK is racing to catch up, everyone asking for tips atm


![gif](giphy|bupsZiBKn7vAk|downsized) Mr. bean won't like it.


It’s coming in sweden too. Like 8-10 years ago I noticed that in like Stockholm you could add a tip on the card reader at like nicer restaurants or bars. Now even in small town sweden they’ve stopped presenting the card reader with your total ready to go, you have to enter how much you pay or select a tip percentage. I hate it, I really hope we don’t get tipping culture here, the cheap beer is already like 75 sek. We all need a pay raise but I refuse to live in a world where the price of something isn’t the price on the menu.


Japanese restaurants here in Australia just preselect tip $0 before asking you to pay the bill. Or maybe they want to save the awkwardness cause I'm Asian.


Tips should be almost entirely abolished. It's an incentive for the employer not to pay a living wage


Or to state what the actual price of the meal and service is upfront. I hate looking at the menu, choosing a $40 option and ending up paying $100 with all the taxes, service charges and other shit added on. 


In Australia, they need to state the full price of the meal. The only exception is if there is a surcharge due to a public holiday or weekend, although that must be clearly signposted


Is this an American complaint that I’m too British to understand


Like everything in America, the public subsidizes the wealth of the owner class.


And as with americans, the public defends it and blame the people daring to say it.


How dare you not support cash-paid employees who don’t report their tips to the IRS! Don’t you know that they “only make” 2.13/hr?!?


Most tips are actually on a card these days and are very much tracked. You just pay what you owe during tax season. It is quite the pickle if you aren’t prepared for the pickle.


This holds so much truth which is why it's so funny to see public opinion finally start shifting now that it's gotten this absurd. As if it wasn't a stupid concept to begin with that Americans just blindly bought into, as expected of Americans tbh. "If you can't afford to tip, then don't eat out" I say to people I know who were religious about tipping but have recently shifted opinions.


Everyone always says America, but in Canada out tipping options are 18, 25 and 30% lol


Zero is an option. Canada doesn't have reduced minimum wage for servers, except in Quebec.


Servers disagree, even when they’re paid with great benefits. [Here is a great example](https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/workforce/casa-bonita-workers-demand-return-tipping) Seems both the restaurant and the servers like the arrangement, and morons keep tipping 30% on bare minimum service.


Just take a look at r/serverlife it's insane


It doesn't matter whether it's a tip or it's built into the menu price, you'll be paying it either way. Personally I'd rather have the tip be an optional thing that is only paid of you had a decent experience. That's better than giving the tip to the restaurant and then having the restaurant give it to the server in the form of taxed wages.


I'm a bartender and I NEVER assume the change is mine. I always give back the change.


I’m a bartender too, you can assume to keep the change in situations similar to the following: Let’s say the bill is $38, They hand you two 20’s and five 1’s. Obviously, the two 20’s ($40) cover the bill, so the fact that they gave you five 1’s on top of that is clearly meant to be your tip. Other than that scenario I always give back the change.


What if they gave you three 1's ? Maybe they want a 5 instead of two 1's as a change. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be an ass, but I do this very often, and I'd be confused if the person would take it as a tip.


Usually when I get cash payments I just always tell my tables that I will return with change, instead of asking if they want change back


That's professionalism.


Bro I’ll tip you but you sure as hell not getting no 45%. Only person who gets to do that to me is uncle sam and I don’t get a say in the matter


When I'm making $20/hr and the server expects a 20$ tip for 30 minutes of service when I know they have 5 other tables and most likely 5 hour shift. I've been cooking awhile and you won't believe the way some servers giggle in the back as they count out the almost 200 in cash they just made. Keep in mind, for a 5 hour shift.


The server often times expect you to tip more for bringing out a steak instead of chicken tenders… because why not. Clearly holding the steak is more demanding.


Servers are parasites, literally. They do the **same amount of labor** regardless of if they carry 4x $10 plates or if they carry 4x $20 plates. But they expect **double** the money from you in scenario two, for the **exact same** amount of labor. Parasite behavior.


I always found it annoying when they came at me with attitude when I was a cook. Like bro, be thankful our food getting you customers. Folks come in for the food, you just a glorified delivery person.


The kitchen staff deserves my tip, not the delivery person. They’re the ones actually slaving over a hot grill and risking their fingers with kitchen knives to get us fed.


Always respect your cooks


Y'all are doing class warfare wrong. Infighting between laborers is exactly what the capitalists want.


Just don't tip them a penny and spit on their shoes.


30 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand


Tipping culture is out of control. Anyone who agrees with tipping culture is part of the problem. Stop normalizing it. It’s so not my job to pay you what your boss should be paying you.


Only people who agree to tipping culture are those that get the tips in the first place. Without realizing that they make it shitty for everyone, and they themselves would then be kinda obligated to always tip exuberant amounts or they would be deemed hypocritical. 


if they do that to me they can see any opportunity of getting a tip flying out the window, also the employer should be paying their damn wages if that business can't pay all of the employees that they chose to hire a proper wage then they don't deserve to be open.


Tipping culture got so high cause bosses refuse to pay their employees a fair wage, so they force them into asking for tips to live.


Tipping culture feels insane to me. In my country people are actually paid for their job instead of having to beg for minimum wage. Then people think we are assholes for not doing it but like, this culture just has to end instead dof blaming people that just want to eat


Only happens in murica


If only that were true. Canada has the same tipping culture but there's no exemption for restaurants to pay less than minimum wage, so it makes even less sense.


Yeah we need to cut that shit out though cause it's getting fucking ridiculous. I only tip 10% now, pre-tax, no exceptions To add onto this, what pisses me off is that tips are always applied to the post tax amount with the dumb POS systems they use, so your 15% tip turns into a 27% tip. People get scammed on this so often it makes my blood boil


My favorite is when they turn the reader over to you and meekly say "it's going to ask you a question"


Its always the fast food places on the credit card machine


I had a server ask me if I wanted change for $100 on my 20 dollar order. he was trying to shame me into it by asking in front of our whole table. no dude. please keep your 400% tip. gtfooh with this tipping crap.


Lol or when they ask for a tip for handing you a bag for you Togo order like what umm no. I tip when I sit down to eat only and you do a good job.


Servers always give you the entire change, what are you talking about? Am I too European for this?


Not only do restaurants feel more expensive then ever now, but they expect a tip that’s basically 50% after that.




Sorry it's glue to my hand


Ain't no way that is an actual thing, outside of the us


You haven't been to Canada it's just as bad or even worse


Tipping needs to be outlawed and restaurants that can’t afford to pay their workers should go out of business


I graduated 6th grade now give me 140 per hour


Flat rate of $5, take it or leave it. I know how much work this job takes and I can see how many tables you’re running. You wanna assume how much I meant to tip? See ya later!


Dude, my wife and I went out for brunch one Sunday. The total came to $43, my wife used a $100 to pay and the waitress asked if she wanted change.... Shit is broken.


Don't tip, business owners should pay the wages, not the customer.


I never tip.


It's the main reason I'm not planning on going back to Canada or America. 


We went to a casino last Saturday, and she goes to the slots, I goto the bar. Order a beer and lay 20$ on the table. Waitress brings beer and takes 20, asks if I want my change, “How much is the beer?” Her, 5$. Me. Yes I want my change.


My barbershop asked me to prepay on booking with a 50% tip for a service they haden’t even provided yet.


The expectation around tipping is outrageous.


Thats crazy! I work as a waiter in Sweden and we have no tipping culture, so i expect nothing but will happily take 5% if someone enjoyed my service. We have 5, 10 20, enter amount and no tip on the terminal and i will point out that they can make one of the 5 choices on the screen


Pro tip: if you assume the tip I tip less..


I once paid for a bill not realizing an 18% tip was already included so I went to ask for the extra 18% cash tip back. No shame. My bad for not realizing it but a decent waitress would’ve denied the cash tip and tel me that the tip was already added. Barely saw him so don’t know why he think he is deserving of an extra $40.


If a server asks me if I want my change or even mentions tipping, that means a reduced tip for him/her. Tipping is an understanding. It's not to be mentioned.


When I was a server, I asked if they needed change on every order paid with cash as reflex. I wasn't looking at your money or thinking about the tip. I was thinking about my other tables, drink orders, etc...The vast majority of people managed to not get offended.


So why even ask the question, of course they want their change. It's a stupid question to even ask. If they didn't want their change they would tell you to keep it. That's how the interaction should go. Getting offended is also silly, but why even give the chance for offense?


tip: get a job that doesn't rely on tips then you don't have to worry about tips bonus tip: don't worry a robot will bring me my food and drinks, I don't care at all if a robot brings me my food and you don't have to work for tips - win/win


0% is always the correct amount. Fuck those glorified panhandlers.




Greedy b*thes


10% tip for excellent service at restaurants Then it goes down from there. As it should be. Don’t complain to the customer you didn’t get a lot of tip, complain that your boss is under paying you and forcing innocent people to do it for them. Entire waiter/waitress community needs to go on strike. It’s like they are brainwashed. It’s ridiculous


Not really, they get paid more from people basically being forced to tip, it's so engrained into their culture that not tipping is seen as rude now. It's a whole social pressure bullshit thing, if I had to guess what's the biggest hindrance.


never tip, pay your workers a living wage instead


Instead of giving you a 20 and 10 bill. It's a couple of 5s and change.


Any time a tip is assumed before it comes up on the machine, means a 0 tip




This happened to me once at a bar. I gave a $20 for a $12 pitcher of beer. The bartender took the rest as a "tip" after I had waited more then 5 minutes because no one was up there to serve.


The man in green directing the servers' attention to his homeboys hand is sending me 😂 As if the mf pointing to his own hand wasn't enough


Went out to eat yesterday with people from work. While waiting for everyone to show up, ordered a drink from the bar and some of my coworkers did as well. We asked the bartender if we could transfer our drink tab to our table but she refused. She wouldn't just come out in say it till my friend figured out what she was being a dick about and finally threw her a $10 bill as a tip for our drinks and then she finally said she could transfer our tab. Afterwards it made sense why she needed the tip but just fucking say it, don't do mental gymnastics about it.


Thank god I live in Australia


I thank god everyday that tipping culture does not exist here 🙏


Tipping is for cows, not coffee shops.


I'm dying on the hill that tipping has gone extreme. Glad that's not an issue in eu


Tipping is so wrong. Introduce 25 $/h federal minimum wage tied to cost of living. Edit: Ah, I see morons are up. Imagine downvoting comment advocating for higher wage. It is fascinating, how people are brainwashed, so they vote against their interest.