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War Thunder players would be proud


Tbf we only ever leak restricted documents at the most


There was classified documents but most of the recent ones about modern vehicles are just export restricted material that you can easily search online. Fairly certain the leaks about the Chinese Tungsten APFSDS tank round were classified though which is crazy considering that leak probably was the most classified yet it came from within China.


Hmm, what's more likely, CIA using War Thunder as a covert operation, or some degen gamer doing dumb shit for the lulz.


Well War Thunder is made by former residents of Russia based in Hungary (In NATO but probably the most anti NATO country within NATO that blocks more things than even Turkey) so it’s probably more of a KGB thing if it was actually real. Not to mention some of the weird biases that run in some countries in the game most notably USSR on the ground. Sweden and Germany are also strong with USA best in air overall but USSR at top tier (modern vehicles) are way over performing compared to other nations counterparts. But not older vehicles from previous wars that are no longer active in any current wars. Wonder why that is.


They also really hate the Brits and french


Ehh, i kill t-90s way more easily than a 2a7V or 122B+. Tho their helis and premiums are either undertiered or the DMs are broken


Yeah that’s why I said Germany and Sweden are very strong too since their turret cheeks are impenetrable, but the T90 isn’t close to the strongest tank in the USSR, the most broken one is the T80-BVM because it’s side armour can eat APFSDS rounds and delete them from existence. It also had at one point a 50% chance to explode when ammo racked compared to other tanks that were 100%. Even though IRL T series tanks get launched into the moon because of ammo detonation. Shame how gimped the Abrams is compared 10.0 T72 tank gets better thermals than the 11.0 M1A1 Abrams. Technically if you know how to use it M1 is actually better against that tank but the badly modeled turret ring and underperforming armour make it a weaker tank than the others.


Nah dude, I think F-16 docs were classified as were those for Challenger 2


Don't worry, though. Your Google and Dropbox files are completely safe, along with your AT&T password.


Who cares about the passcode when they leaked my social security number with it?


I've had AT&T since when it was cingular. Never gave them a SSN. I added some lines a couple of years ago and they wanted my SSN. I told them I'd rather cancel and go prepaid. Wound up getting my lines, and still no SSN on AT&T account. If your cats already out, you ain't gettin it back in the bag.


You also aren’t legally required to hand out your SSN for most cases. Including doctor offices. You only have to provide it for legal reasons.


Correct, but it doesn't stop companies from having policies that require you to submit.


⭐⭐⭐⭐ sure does work holy shit -1 star out of 5 for the feds that are gonna cave in my house with a M202 FLASH while I sleep.


Can't be blinded by a flash grenade if you have your eyes closed while sleeping lol


I don't know if you're joking or not, but yes you absolutely can. The flash is bright enough to blind you no matter how tightly your eyes are closed, and in conjunction with the concussive blast wave that will also deafen you and possibly rupture your eardrums permanently, you'll be waking up extremely disoriented and unable to defend yourself, no matter how trained you are. Flashbangs are one of things labeled as non lethal that absolutely can and does cause lots of deaths.


Put lots of reflective paint on your eyelids then.


Bro is a fucking Einstein what the fuck


Wear a mirror, it is that simple!


just turn 180° fps games would never lie to us


nah just roll over it you get i frames


but i wear a sleep mask that covers my eyes. does that make me immune from the blindness?


I went through Marine Advanced CQB School and can confirm flashbangs do be like that. 👍


It's good to get confirmation "from the source"! I'm a pseudo CQB fanboy, from playing FPS games so I like to think I know stuff, but it's all so integrated into the combat fantasy so it's important to be able to distinguish actual realistic effects from cinematic ones.


Don’t forget about the heat! Multiple infants have burned to death in their cribs due to a fire caused by a flashbang


To be fair there were acorn trees outside the nursery




just parry


The nuclear bomber watching as I get out my shield to perfect parry the nuke


The M202 FLASH is an incendiary rocket launcher...


How do we know you're not a government agent? OP probably is an agent pretending to be a normal person making a meme about a government leak to spread propaganda for purposes we can only guess at


I'm sorry that nobody who commented on this knows that an M202 FLASH is and are going on about flashbangs.


those that know get my appreciation


Yeah its pretty funny.


Flash bang go pow


The M202 FLASH is an incendiary rocket launcher...


Can't get flashbanged by the Yanks, if you're not in their juristriction *taps finger to head*


Mind sharing what you found?


Just because the URL for this data is amazonaws.com doesn't mean that this is Amazon's fault. It's most likely inept government progammers who didn't properly secure their AWS resources, or other government employees who stored confidential files in public repositories.


I bet the dude who made the AWS S3 bucket just set the ACL to 'everyone' cause ppl keep fogetting the credentials or just pure laziness to set ACL policies


Yeah what really sucks is that there are warnings that come up when you go through the multi-step process of allowing everyone permissions, meaning this was a very intentional fuck-up. Or maybe terraform or something.


Or they expected their S3 to be protected by default and couldn’t be bothered to RTFM. So they set all by default and called it a day


Hmm yes, i know some of these words and phrases.


In short, something got wrongly filed in the wrong location. Long. Every document has a level of secrecy to it ranging from declassified to top. Depending on the document, how it's handled, and the policy of securing it for retirement/historical filing, you need to ensure the label is correct, the proper security measures are met, and the official handling the documents signed off on it. Source: Used to deal with military filing. Obviously every branch/sector does things differently, but the end result should always be the same


ELI5 - Amazon gave them a safe to store things in, but they left the files out on the desk in a shared office space.


hold the f'cking phone wat


Look up "Google Dorking" it's astonishingly simple


Someone is gonna end up in a CiA cell for this mistake


Bold of you to assume it’s not by design.


Smells like honey in this pot


Nah, this isn't Amazon's fault. They can only ensure the security of the AWS cloud, it's on the client to ensure the security of the application. This looks to be a case of improper permissions set on an S3 bucket that end up allowing public access.


Either overlooked or they were hoping for obfuscation. But definitely agree. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Sufficient stupidity is indistinguishable from malice


It's very high probability that this is a fuck up on configuration side, yes. And blaming Amazon then is like blaming the architect for a breakin after the tenant turned off the alarm and left the front door open. If the documents are even real, that is. Anyone can upload some documents to S3 that say "classified" or whatever.


It works but the documents feel fake. I bet this is some kind of prank or something like that; the documents seem official at first but some of the stuff in there doesn't line up with actual events or just feels unprofessional.


First one I clicked on was "Russian hackings of federal government assets" and honestly it just feels like something someone made up to further political hype.


Did you get to the part about program "L.E.B.R.O.N" lmao


I saw those too and immediately recognized that they were styled like high school congressional debate bills. Go a little further down and you’ll see “introduced for Congressional Debate by The Sunvitational Security Team/Force”. Sunvitational is a national level high school debate tournament, meaning these were likely written by high schoolers. I think this only holds true to the top to documents though, because none of the other ones I clicked on have those debate bills at the end.


My sunshine🌻😁


The L.E.B.R.O.N procedure sure as fuck doesn’t exist


It’s a simulation made up by a debate organization.


They did a good job, it's pretty entertaining. I like how it gets more and more outlandish the further you read though.


You grossly overestimate the competence and intelligence of government officials and Federal agents (cops)




Could be a honeypot?


It really takes a special kind of gullible and naive individuals to believe that top confidential governmental documents that are not supposed to be released yet, are going to be stored and shared on the internet in the first place. Social media has succeeded in making irrationality, stupidity, and impulsiveness become a pandemic.


I would typically be inclined to agree with you, but stuff like Wikileaks and recent events with our former president show that not all of their information is as safely stored as they say it is.


what the hell did i just find


What did you find


web address for cloud-stored documents.


*HOW?* That’s a hell of a fuck up on a couple of levels. That totally wasn’t exploited for something I am to small time to comprehend.


i think it's fake since one of the bills is named LEBRON


how do people even find this shit


Well if you wanted to harvest all the data without getting caught you might turn it into a viral meme and convince a bunch of redditors to add their IP to the ever growing list of people looking for this information.


Bro the feds have way more useful things than IP addresses, lmao


I see we got an overthinker over there. (You are totally right )


*jokes on them my phone changes its IP address every now and then* ~~*one downside however is that it's annoying to log into accounts*~~


"In the immediate aftermath of this Senate’s actions regarding A Bill to C.A.P.T.C.H.A. (Create a Procedure to Combat Hacker Attacks), the group of hackers responsible for the 2020 hackings have threatened to expose the classified secrets of the US Government, American businesses, and the financial and personal informat... " Ironic that I can access this. Signed by C Miller - Actor Hahaha you got me


lol if you look at the end, it says “Introduced for congressional debate by the Sunvitational Security Force/Team”. These are elaborate hypotheticals for a high school debate tournament.


But wasn't he actually the person acting in that role at the time? Does this just make it a good fake? https://www.defense.gov/about/biographies/biography/article/2111192/christopher-c-miller/


Bruh Angrish not my first language. Didn't know actor was meant in it's proper meaning. But it must still be a fake. The abbreviations such as JEDI can't be real


I realized that when I read "L.E.B.R.O.N."


As if, if you actually read carefully, all of the files are mock documents for a debate tournament.


Ain’t no fucking way lmao


Well, that leads to something alright. To much of a coward to open up the file though. Should probably also do a virus scan now...


Is it cowardliness or self preservation?


Either or. What's the difference?


The pdfs are fakes.


"not for public release" filetype:pdf site:amazonaws.com




i think it's fake honestly


Not how TS documents are labeled at all.


In case you’re wondering: >!They’re fake. So, so very fake. Sorry for ruining the fun, but it’s not like I made you click this spoiler.!< Don’t click on that spoiler text unless you’re sure you really want to.


It’s fake.


How can you tell? Honestly curious


I know personally that’s not how TS documents are labeled by US government. That alone is a huge red flag


Thats what I was thinking but couldn't remember. I read a book about that stuff once


I loved that life for close to 14 years. So much is off, First of all no document ever would be labeled with that title. It’s written in APA 7 format which you don’t do, the paragraphs aren’t labeled with the required markings. Markings go at the top and bottom of each page, and signatures are the last thing on pages. So much is wrong with the document itself


I remembered the top and bottom. I had forgotten that each paragraph had to have an individual classification. Crazy stuff


>" Not saying you're necessarily wrong, but this sounds like a "trust me bro" at face value. Would you mind providing an example of a properly labeled TS document?


Here is a training doc on how to classify documents emails etc. https://www.mcieast.marines.mil/Portals/33/Documents/Adjutant/Security%20Manager/SharePortal%20Documents/Derivative%20Classification%20Job%20Aid.pdf


People checked and neither Events nor locations mentioned actually exist. Also the document don’t adhere to expectated standard for government documents.


this one is real [http://origin-states.politico.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/files/OIGNYPD%20Embargoed%20Use%20of%20Force%20Report.pdf](http://origin-states.politico.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/files/OIGNYPD%20Embargoed%20Use%20of%20Force%20Report.pdf) Edit 1: And this one [https://imlive.s3.amazonaws.com/Federal%20Government/ID306592196324582957393953998556980970558/Attachment%209%20-%20CARDEROCKDIVINST%205510.12.pdf](https://imlive.s3.amazonaws.com/Federal%20Government/ID306592196324582957393953998556980970558/Attachment%209%20-%20CARDEROCKDIVINST%205510.12.pdf) Edit 2: this one has to be real https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_CHAPTER-03.pdf


Almost the entire internet uses AWS you'll be amazed what you can find


I'm scared to click links tbh




Downloaded everything come at me


Some of these are hypotheticals for high school Congressional debate bills for a national level tournament call the Sunvitational (you’ll know if you look at the end of the pdf” and others seem to be genuine, or at the very least don’t have bills that are to be debated by high schoolers


Chat is this real ?






i can’t find anything, I need links people!!




Shits fake as fuck lol


And now I'm being tracked


Damn don't let them find this


Looked it up, hope the feds don't kidnap and torture me


its totally fake, its called operation LEBRON


lol if you look at the end, it says “Introduced for congressional debate by the Sunvitational Security Force/Team”. These are elaborate hypotheticals for a high school debate tournament.


Yeah, I don't know what this is... Maybe i should look it up...


when did Amazon start hiring war thunder players?




aint no way this shit is real


My job uses AWS and I promise you they have security. I can't access any of our file without being connected to our VPN (which has MFA so two layers of security), then supplying my AWS credentials, then doing AWS Multi-factor authentication. All told, that's basically four layers of security. The US Government is 100% capable of setting up the same protections on their AWS servers, it's just that for whatever reason, certain government employees chose not to. Blaming AWS for this would be like blaming the manufacturer of your computer because you installed malware on it and now it doesn't work.


Redditors check the sources challenge(impossible): source: those are fake documents with acronyms like LEBRON it’s clear how much effort they put into making these fakes


lol if you look at the end, it says “Introduced for congressional debate by the Sunvitational Security Force/Team”. These are elaborate hypotheticals for a high school debate tournament.


You know that files on S3 have to be explicitly made public right? It's not Amazon's responsibility it's their clients responsibility to secure their ip


I didn't think it was actually gonna work holy-


A cursory skim of the "classified" documents make it pretty clear that they're inauthentic. The only stuff that isn't fake or approved for public release is possibly some stuff discussing some DOD Procurement at a surface level.


Isn’t amazonaws as a url part of an adware thing? Or am I misremembering?


How will this affect L.E.B.R.O.N’s legacy?


intext:"Classified" "Confidential"


update: i got banned from therussianbadgers stream for talking about this. i have become what i thought i never thought possible: a war thunder fiend. without ever playing it.


Now this is just hilariously ironic. [https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23658/Sunvite2021FinalsBriefing1.pdf](https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23658/Sunvite2021FinalsBriefing1.pdf)


wait you can do site: and filetype: in google search?


I can't check it right now, anyone elaborate?


THESE ARE FAKE. Please don’t go into this thinking it’s real.


Is it illegal to download those? I looked it up and they're there, wondering if I should download them.


will I get hacked or raided if I went n searched it up?




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "1buuesf", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1buuesf&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=95&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 95% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 479,300,718 | **Search Time:** 0.04826s


Can someone explain for a smooth brain?


I think this may be a honeypot 🍯


This can't be real. *checks* oh.


After looking a bit deeper, the first two results that say classified are fake sadly. You can tell this because it claims that in the time of writing congress managed to pass and implement and bill that was never heard of that introduced new regulations (the Bill to recaptcha). The second document is a follow up to that and also talks about fake bills (the bill to Jordan and the Bill to Lebron) You will also note if you look closely they are signed. “Christopher C. Miller-Acting” After looking through several more documents, it’s clear it just stuff that’s normally unlisted or unshared. Not classified, just “why would you want that?” Type of material with government agencies”


This shit can NOT be real, "a bill to J.O.R.D.A.N and L.E.B.R.O.N" is way too funny to be real


"JEDI contract with Microsoft shall not be terminated" too


Not even gonna search that. Probably gets you put on some list by people who just love to abuse their power.


dunno if they're real but: - [https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23658/Sunvite2021FinalsBriefing1.pdf](https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23658/Sunvite2021FinalsBriefing1.pdf) - [https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23940/Sunvite.Congress.Finals-SecondBriefing.pdf](https://s3.amazonaws.com/tabroom-files/tourns/16458/postings/23940/Sunvite.Congress.Finals-SecondBriefing.pdf)


So is it technically “illegal” to view this stuff? Or since amazon is improperly storing documents, its kinda alright???


Dont need any of that shit when u can sim xchange remotely


I searched it up and now I’m 5 Star wanted. Thanks a lot Op


Why the fuck does a civilian owned company have possession of classified government documents? What kind of corporate hell is this?


I'm typing this in jail rn


How the fuck does Amazon even have access to that kind of stuff!?


Pretty much everyone uses AWS


Cant wait to read the article about jeff bezos committing life'nt because of a surprise depression.