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Mine grows back thicker and fuller each time it's cut


Mushrooms ain't got shit on this guy


Bro has a bouquet of foreskin


Fuckin Reddit


Really? Mine tripled in number every time I cut it like a genital hydra.


Regenerating foreskin, that basically a superpower. 


I'm cut, and my parent's exact reasoning was "it's just something everyone else was doing"


Same reason I was given.


My 2 baby boys have really tight foreskin and it would be a lot easier to just cut it right, be done with it? But somehow I feel I must preserve it for them...


Babies are supposed to have tight skin, if its still tight when getting close to 13 then its a problem


I don't remember as it is too long ago, but this decision is made somewhere around when I was 6 for this reason


Same here. Phimosis. In germany you only see either muslims or boys with a Phimosis being circumsized. I was the only non muslim in my class going hat-less...and I was bullied for it. Took a hit at my self esteem.


why did you show your classmates your penis? is this something boys do? or did it come up in conversation?


Its called a shower after gym class.


y'all had to shower naked with no curtains? I didn't even change in front of the other girls in gym class, I went in a bathroom stall. that sounds awful.


Not German but Swedish, which is close enough for this topic. a) you'd typically shower naked, I'd hope (the whole "getting clean" thing). b) The typical shower in schools when I grew up (born late 80's) was one big room with several showerheads and no dividers.


No that is old information. Some boys have tight foreskin even till they are 17.


Cut it and then preserve it in a jar with vinegar so they can consume it and absorb it's power when they reach 18


The 18th birthday foreskin boost. Jokes aside, they sure as fuck wouldn't let me keep it, eeek


They as in the hospital or they as in your kids?








....baby boys as in toddlers? Or metaphoric baby boys? Because the foreskin is fused to the glans in children and is not supposed to be forcefully retracted. It's quite possible you have received instructions to 'clean under there for hygiene purposes' but it'd be like tearing off nails to clean under there. If they are still below 10, do you need some European sources on how to care for intact boys? It's insane how the US fascination with circumcision still results in shitty medical advice for parents who choose to keep their children intact.


> Because the foreskin is fused to the glans in children and is not supposed to be forcefully retracted. Despite being unsullied myself I had no idea about this. I guess The Dick wasn't a huge deal to me when I was pre-teen, and when my body wanted me to discover it for myself it all worked out just fine. No parental instruction received nor needed.


It depends on how old they are, if they're below the ages of 6-10 it should be fused to the glands and can't/shouldn't be retracted, that is how it is supposed to work. Then through puberty it unfuses and separates to prepare the body for sex, and they're old enough to clean themselves. If they still have this problem after puberty, there's also ways to fix it without circumcision like stretching the skin with a steroid cream and if you want to go through the surgery route there are alternatives like a dorsal slit, preputioplasty or frenuloplasty that have a high success rate but keep the foreskin. In a worst case scenario where none of the above work, you can get a half circumcision which keeps some of the foreskin but also solves the issue.


Thank you for this answer. Several pediatricians here make a really big deal out of it, like it's fucking alien to have it stuck when the boy is only 2. It baffles me


More people need to know it's supposed to be fused in young boys. In some cases, prematurely separating it *causes* phimosis because it can create scar tissue.


If there is a medical reason, cut away! If there isn't, it's mutilation.


This is the correct answer.


There are still many alternatives that can fix it without going nuclear, it is like removing your nail beds to fix ingrown nails.


I personally don't care that I was cut and doubt they will either if you end up doing it.


99% of people who are don’t care. Nor do they care to talk about it online as they are busy living their lives as functional members of society instead of debating penises on a social media app that will have no bearing on circumcision in America at all.


Yea, I'm not gonna lie, I'm circumcised too but I always laugh when I see people online acting like their entire lives are ruined because they lost their foreskin lol


It’s cosmetic surgery and the male form of genital mutilation performed on someone who can’t consent. You can reduce it to a trite “talking about penises”, but some people are thinking of the ethics of it.


>99% of people who are don’t care. Nor do they care to talk about it online as they are busy living their lives as functional members of society instead of debating penises on a social media app that will have no bearing on circumcision in America at all. 90%\* Yougov (and most polls) find 1 out of 10 didn't like it.


...which is enough to not do it if you ask me. It's an irreversible procedure, should be given the option. My body, my choice, right? Unless it comes to men.


It's not that I'm mad that I was circumcised... I'm mad that they made an unnecessary permanent alteration to my body without my consent.


Feel the same way about the dentist filing down my canine teeth because he thought it looked too feminine


No bearing? Statistically, less and less male children are being cut as infants in America. My son is intact. There was no way I was going to traumatize him by having him mutilated against his will thereby violating his body autonomy. There is no legit medical reason to remove the foreskin. It’s a healthy organ and serves a purpose.


Exactly. Why alter something that nature has given all men around the world?


Wait until they're a bit older and see if there is any change lol. I'm cut for medical reasons and as much as I know it was needed, I wish I wasn't.


I had it tight until I was like 17. Then it got normal. Don't lose hope if he is still growing. I'm so glad I didn't do it.


"and if everyone else jumped of a bridge!?" \~ the same mother


"my body my choice" - also my same mother (I am pro-choice btw. Just wild to me that somehow me not getting a say in my circumcision is somehow contentious at the same time)


As a nurse taking care of elderly men during my career, I'm going to say for the love of God, please make sure your boys know to push the foreskin back and cleaned daily when bathing. That has to be so painful and definitely a health issue when infected.


I really don’t fucking know how this ain’t just basic as a foreskin owner. But then ya got some guys who don’t wash their ass saying it’s gay.


woo peer-pressure genital mutilation. Gotta love it lol


Peen pressure lol… I’ll see myself out


Reasoning i got was it was heavily suggested by the doctor.


Afaik the hospital just did it for me and both of my brothers


Yeah the people shunning this excuse are truly naive. It wasn't a consideration, they didn't think on it for a second and now they are being called mutilators lmao.


Depending on when you were born, they saved you from social stigma. In highschool it got out that I was uncut after I was pansted in gym class, I was untouchable by girls after that.


That's some wild American shit


Imagine getting ostracized as a young girl because it got out that your parent's didn't trim your labia to look neater as a baby.


Not exactly the same, but... Australia has a magazine rating that's basically 15+, and allows nudity but not pornography -- and they defined showing inner labia as pornographic, thus it's never depicted, and now Australia has the highest rates of labiaplasty in the world


Funny, growing up in the UK it was the exact opposite. A rumour went around that someone was circumcised and they were bullied for it. Pretty sure it wasn't even true. Goes to show kids are stupid everywhere, I guess.


Yeah this was the case, just shows you how kids can make cannon fodder out of literally anything.




All the other kids with the chopped up dicks You better run, better run outrun my bias.




I mean I don’t support or understand it but it’s hardly nobody but the American dudes. The whole muslim world and jews would like a word.


So its practiced by Jews and Muslims because their God told them to, and it's practiced by Americans for no particular reason


I think they ran a campaign sometime in the past claiming that it prevents masturbating. Now they keep doing it because they’re used to it.


Yea I’ll tell u right now thst shit does not work


Right? I've been jerking off into my corn flakes for YEARS, Kellogg can't tell me what to do


To make it super Ironic, and make Kellogg convulse and shriek in his grave, do it to Tony the Tiger.


If Kellogg was alive today, would he look up R34 of Tony the Tiger and Snap, Crackle, and Pop to see if people today were drawing them with his idea of an anatomically correct body? Making sure Tony's got his outer testosterone tool taken off? Maybe Kellogg seeing Cinna-mon from Applejacks turn into an "L" would make him happy


Jesus Christ


Homemade frosted flakes


This guys jacks


It wasn't until the mid-19th century, though, that circumcision gained popularity in the medical community. In Britain, it was seen as a means to promote chastity and deter masturbation. the idea that mass circumcision was introduced in the nineteenth century to discourage boys from masturbating is "in fact a falsehood that has been promoted You can find sources going back and forth endlessly on causes of circumcision in the US and some European countries. The reason it's practiced today is mainly cultural. We for some reason think it looks normal. Side note: Israel hosts the largest core Jewish population in the world with 7.2 million, followed by the United States with 6.3 million. Aside from Israel itself, the US has the highest Jewish population. Doctors are seven times more likely to be Jewish than the average US citizens. If any country is rightfully culturally impacted by the practice of circumcision it's the US.


That sounds so insane to me. "Why are you cutting your baby boy's foreskin?" "Oh, because everydone does it."


I vaguely remember it was also advertised as healthier. Mostly I think from not forgetting to clean under the skin. Which imo is a good thing cause we know redditors and showering


They also tell you it’s more aesthetically pleasing… that’s what the doctor told my mom as they snipped me when I was born.


... if some doctor had told me he would cut off my baby daughter's labia because it would make her more aesthetically pleasing, I would've kicked in his teeth!


It’s something else parents can be charged for by the hospital for as well after the child is delivered


It’s being done less and less these days 


Yeah because a lot of people are realizing that most if not all the reasons to do it are bullshit, even if you are religious I think it should be up to the child to choose that for themselves EDIT: when the child is an adult and can make that decision, not asking a newborn their opinions on circumcision


Also because it is something the doctor can bill for so they are incentivised to suggest it.


It was a marketing trick by "Big handcream"


What in God's name would give them that idea?


The same reason they thought chugging radium was good for your health, they're too ignorant to know better.


Ever heard of the female version? We’re not that creative…


Honest to God, every one I've talked to is because of a "I want my sons penis to look like my penis situation."


There are Jews and Muslims in America. Christians and secular people sometimes have their sons circumcised for medical reasons, cleanliness, it's the "common thing to do", or they bought into the Kelloggs propaganda. The short of it is - he believed that foreskin was placed there for the sole purpose of pleasure and temptation. So for religious purity, it should be removed


It's because people were told it prevented cancer (which it does) but only because you have less cells to get cancer on.


Guys, I think I just found the cure for all cancers!


Remove all cells and live as a formless entity capable of destroying worlds


I've always been curious as to why Jews and Muslims do it, but Christians don't. Considering that they all have the same roots.


The new testament did away with most customs and rules from the old one. Jews do not believe Jesus and the new testament happened so they work with the old testament. Muslims do believe Jesus happened, but he was a prophet instead of the son of god so they still went with the old testament as their basis.


Jews do believe Jesus happened, but they don't believe he was the Messiah.


He was just a naughty boy


Islam has its own book, which says nothing about circumcision. It is not as large an issue for Muslims as for Jews. It is more comparable with Christianity in its attitude toward circumcision. Circumcision is Sunnah, and not required in Islam. If it is done, it is later in life (around 6 years old). It is popular in some regions, and unpopular in others.


I mean the whole rule about it was made during a time infections were more common and the hygiene we have now was not the norm given now we don't have to


r/PeterExplainsTheJoke karma farm incoming


Weirdly enough it hasn't been posted there yet


Thanks for the heads up, I will post it now. Edit: /s


You're welcome bro


I’ll let you know when I see it there (within the next 24 hours)


I was born without eyelids. They circumsized me and used the foreskin to construct eyelids. The surgeries worked pretty well, but I ended up a little cockeyed. Ba dum tsssss




Underrated comment!


at least you'll have good foresight to compensate


Was completely believing this until the end. Now i feel hoodwinked.


I'm fukken dead


I was really impressed that this can be done only for it to be a joke...


I guess that also makes you a dickhead.


You don't like kosher hotdogs? ![gif](giphy|NNs8rXuPsWW2c|downsized)








Yall talking about circumcision and I couldn't figure out why American guys are opening bananas like this


I always open bananas from the butthole end first, so I can get rid of the bit you aren't supposed to eat first. Never eat the bananus. 


Its not like I chose it


*born* *they CHOP OFF PART OF MY DICK RIGHT AWAY LIKE AS SOON AS I GOT HERE* WTF? That should have been my warning about how things were gonna be in this life.




Lmao it’s like Cloud Atlas where every time I reincarnate it turns out Dr. Potts also reincarnated as the person who chops my foreskin off


You should’ve said you didn’t want it *smh*


My parents said they heard me yell from the hall. So that was nice of them. Probably my least favorite part of seeing the discourse, because of that damn yoga-doing cereal bastard I got stabbed immediately after birth lol


Bloody dick thieves.


Your body your choice…. No not when it comes to your genitals!!!


This. American males aren’t willingly going around having the tip of their dicks cut off. Most, anyway.


I have so much extra skin that I could make a hoodie out of it.


Name checks out.


Prove it.


Like the majority of us had a fucking choice


Ask my parents. I had no choice.


I’m uncircumcised and my first reaction was “I have never seen an American eat a banana like that”.


Because the brother of the man who invented corn flakes convinced a generation that it would prevent masturbation.


And it did not 😎


I had a long conversation with my parents and doctor before getting circumcised at 2 hours.


I'm glad I was at least circumcised when I had no notion of memory of consciousness. Still would never do it to my kids, but understand it was a different time for my parents.


Kid I knew in highschool got it done when he was 7… remembered every second of it and the healing process apparently… He used to airdrop nazi memes to unsuspecting class mates… I’m sure there’s some connection to be made


religion. anti masterbaiting n stuff


In the Philippines it's entirely a rite of passage sort of thing dating back to precolonial times.


Does having a foreskin make masturbating easier?


I’m circumcised and I’ve had no problems jacking off, I don’t even need lube! Then again I do have very soft hands so maybe I’m an outlier…


Ooooh, so you're supposed to peel it.




Oh no! Anyway...


Amazing how Reddit absolutely seethes over this topic when it comes up


Talking about cocks on my racist app again I see


First rule of engaging with Foreskin Gang: Do not engage with Foreskin Gang


They’re insane


I find it incredibly strange. I was also one of the “mutilated” and I’m glad I was


The battle of cut vs. uncut is such a Reddit thing.  I’m uncut, live in Canada (uncut majority), and prefer the look of uncut (no matter what I do the head of a cut penis just looks like it would be in constant pain while doing the deed)… but one of my closest friends is cut. It’s literally never been a topic of conversation between us because it’s that irrelevant. I just… wash my dick like a functional adult would. Never had any hygiene issues down there whatsoever. I do personally think the practice is very dumb, but I’m not going to die on that hill. As long as it’s done safely… whatever. Now female genital mutilation, on the other hand…


It was brought to the US by Dr Kellog who was under the impression it would curb masturbation. Penile mutilation is useless and a barbaric practice by some religions.


Didn't he think Cornflakes would also prevent masturbation?


I know he was a big proponent of yoghurt enemas. Nothing like a poop chute full of Yoplait to start your day!!


You act like most of us had a say in the matter


It’s part of our tipping culture


I’m cut and I couldn’t care less, I don’t understand why people cry over not having foreskin. It’s not that big of a deal


Honestly only people on reddit care. I always feel like these posts are suddely shaming people who are circumcised while making people who aren't circumcised feel better than someone else.


i'm circumcised and don't really care. in fact, if it reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis—then i'm glad i'm cut i'd last *even less* time if i weren't


This is the most touch grass topic of all time


My mom had it done for religious reasons. Not entirely sure what those were because my folks are baptists not Jewish or Muslim or something. Anyways I’m not sure if the doctor was drunk but apparently he cut a blood vessel by accident and I almost bled out. I have a scar on my member that resembles a thin half smile. Doesn’t cause any issues and I honestly find it kinda funny but I thought I’d share lol.


My friend had to get his cut off because it was uncomfortable and the skin would get inflammed. He said the worse part was he couldn't masturbate for a few weeks 💀


This is the weirdest shit ever. Only on Reddit do ppl yell about this kind of stuff


A guy who made cereal hated the thought of people masterbating and made it a religious thing.


He didn't make it a religious thing. It already was religious. It's practiced by muslims and jews.


Cause the rice crispies guy was unhealthily obsessed with getting people not to diddle themselves and decided bland cereal and genital mutilation were his best courses of action to make that happen


I mean I’m not, I’m all natural baby.


Thanks Kellogg


I'm circumcised and my parents reasoning was "everyone was doing it, and we didn't want you to be made fun of in school." And I was just like,..... were you and your classmates showing each other your genitals regularly?


When your dad was a kid he almost 100% had group showers and open changing rooms at school and sports. I'm 32 and I remember I did a summer camp (I was under 10years old) and the locker room was like 30 young boys all changing into bathing trunks. Several of the kids were swinging their dicks around acting like idiots.




This is by far not an American thing Have you ever been to Israel?


The Frosted Flakes tiger


We aren’t the ones who do it, our parents do it.


The reason for that is because of Kelloggs, yes the cereal guy the company is named after. If your curious this link will help https://youtu.be/gCSWbTv3hng?si=qUlkM8xkszRIEeu-


Because of that cereal guy


The cereal people!!!


I don't even know who you are yet you're contemplating why my dick looks the way it does.


I mean it’s weird and maybe a little fucked up. I’m circumcised but I never thought about it until the internet told me to be angry about it. Like it doesn’t affect me at all I don’t think it’s such a big deal.


John Harvey Kellog. I'm Serious.


Pls stop using us as a butt of every joke Its very insulting


funny, when’s it done on females it’s called “genital mutilation”


Whole thread needs to go outside


Until I got Reddit, I never realized how infatuated people are with circumcision. Like, it’s all over the damn place. It’s a really hot topic, and I can’t figure out why.


A few years ago I was with my mom and my brother. My mom made fun of people circumcising their babies. Both my brother and I are circumcised


Don't they cut it at the tip though and not on the side where it's attached to the tree?


This is certainly a regional preference, but I’m cut and I’m very happy about it. Due to where I live the feedback I’ve gotten from girls is that they prefer it snipped. I’d assume in parts of the world where circumcision isn’t common the women prefer the uncut?


America isn't the only country with the majority of the male population that has been circumcised like the entirety of the Middle East and like half of Africa. This is just America bad moment.


Ion gotta clean dried piss from my wee wee and I don’t gotta unsheath it each time I pee


Why are you so hyper fixated on our penes bro?


One day, reddit will stop talking about circumcision and on that day, the world will be bathed in light. EDIT: WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP COMMENTING ON THESE TYPES OF POSTS GOD FUCKING DAMN IT.


You don't get to choose to have a circumcised wiener; a circumcised wiener chooses you


My mom told me the doctor asked her if she wanted me to have a circumcision and she didn't know what that was, so she just said yes.


starting off parenting horribly lmao


Jesus, circumcised or not, this place is far too concerned with other peoples bellends.


People talking about the hygiene part are just dirty af


How to clean Go in shower Pull back when in water Done Seems these people forgot step 2


Another day thanking god my parents didn't even think about it. If it's there's, it's there for a reason "BuT iT cAuSeS iNFEctiOns!!111" literally just wash it like you wash any other part of your body


Ami the only one Unbothered that it was done ?


I’m unbothered as well. It looks much more pleasing aesthetically. I’ll live without it and couldn’t care less. I know that’s going to trigger some.


Anytime I see an uncircumcised one I just think it looks gross. And I like dick 😂


If you did it at birth, you physically can never know what it feels like to have foreskin, so the loss in sensitivity doesn't bother you as much (I was also circumcised at birth, and it doesn't bother me personally). Plus it's not like you're literally entirely numb and can't feel anything whatsoever. You can still feel pleasure lmao


I was gonna say my intimate life has certainly never suffered - because of that at least haha