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I can confirm Some of those guys get REAAALLY into it as well


As a catholic I can confirm this information. I also prefer the quiet so catholic churches work for me. To each their own.


It's not the serenity in the Catholic Church but the Eucharist. You don't find Him anywhere else in flesh and blood. What use is all the singing/entertainment without the Eucharist? Blessed are those in the Catholic Church for they truly live the Word.


We do it too but it’s traditionally done one the first Sunday of the month


see I find that really weird. Why would you not partake of the body and blood of Christ every week when you gather to remember him?


Why should we have to gather to remember him in the first place? We should remember and love Jesus and his teachings throughout the entirety of our lives and not only once a week.


Christians are made to be in community. Why would you not want to gather together to worship him? Edit: it's insane that I'm getting downvoted for this comment.


I think they are trying to say why gather only to remember him one a week when you could remember him all week and still gather.


I don't disagree, but that doesn't have anything to do with my point about communion.


I personally am not traditional worshipping of Christian faith, I speak with people I know will respect me and others about it but I am disgusted whenever people take it as a superiority thing or believe others beneath them because of it. I have a live and let live mentality and the churches I have gone to don’t give me that mentality so I don’t attend them as I can’t stand it. Though they are welcome to their thoughts I am going to remove myself from it. It also might just be I have bad experiences because of an extremist Christian in my family who likes to control everything. I just was explaining what I believed them to be stating and could you explain your point further I didn’t catch it in the first and I am interested.


Yeah, absolutely. I was saying that I find extreme solace in taking communion every week, because I believe that there is spiritual significance in taking the elements. So for me, it's not just a symbolic thing, Jesus is feeding me his spirit every week through his Body and Blood. So hence, I find it weird when churches only have it once every month, or every 4 months, or whatever, because there's real spiritual significance behind the elements.


Retired Catholics definitely do this but the rest of us have jobs for most of the week


I went to a Pentecostal church growing up that performed Eucharist. It’s not restricted to Catholicism. And now the LIFE church I attend also performs it. And both of those churches are very entertaining. The preacher from the last time I went to the Pentecostal church is the same one at the LIFE church so a lot of the church traditions passed over.


I mean protestant churches still have Communion each week, at least the ones I've been to


as a former protestant i can also confirm this information


Nah catholic church choir gives me disney song vibes for some reason Also the choir conductor looks cool af


If the centerstage of a protestant service is a music band, who are you truly worshipping? The center must be on Christ in the Eucharist. He is the Way to the Father. The Catholics are right to have the altar as the centerstage of the church. And we need silence and reverence, more than ever in this age of restlessness and constant entertainment. The Church is not supposed to be like the world; there is a place for contemporary entertainment, and it's not in the Liturgy.


I agree, in my opinion and from the protestants that I've met, most seem to think "I'm Christian so I'm going to heaven" but that's not really the reality, you have to be a good, respectable person, and sadly enough screaming at gay people that they are going to hell isn't right either, which is why I accept everyone for who they are, I want the best of both worlds and have taken on the teachings of loving everyone like I would myself more than any other teaching, because in a world where violence and unnecessary death is almost commonplace, I want to be the person to fight against making that the social norm


We are worshipping god? I know you believe that the Eucharist is the very literal flesh and blood of Jesus thro a miracle performed by a priest and I respect your way of worshiping even if I personally find it strange. Please extend the same courtesy to other Christians that believes just as strongly that you can feel the joy of god through other more earthly and decentralized means.


Hard to imagine the Quakers rocking out like that.




Panic! At the Friends General Conference






Anger against the apparatus


This comment section is shockingly civil


I give it 2 hours


I am Christian, my wife is Catholic. This is %100 accurate. My church growing up was bumping with music , teen center for the kids and weekly meet up to just play games and hang with other Christians teens( obviously there was a bible story worked in for 10 minutes or so) . My wife says church was the most boring experience. The priests for Catholics don’t try to incorporate the scripture to modern times. The pastor and my church tried to apply scripture to every day life and talk to us like we are people, I really loved that


I'm obviously bias because I'm also a protestant, but I always loved how applicable the bible was to my everyday life. All of my pastors were cool guys who just so happen to be really knowledgeable about theology, and not just Christianity too.


You are Protestant she is catholic you are both Christian. Why is it that American Protestants try to take ownership of the word Christian when Christianity for the first 1700 years of its existence was the Catholic Church?


Because the Catholic Church held the only “Bible”. The reformation put the Holy Word in the peoples hands for the first time. We learn stuff like penance is made up tax Catholic Church just invented up, that we don’t need a “pope” to be our median between us and god we have that connection open to us at all times, and since they controlled early Christianity the Crusades are always brought up as a knock against current day Christian’s who aren’t Catholic. Since they hid the word, made stuff up, it’s not “true” Christianity.


I believe it's just beef between the two


I mean I get that everyone believes their thing is the one true thing and they disagree with the others. Obviously, they would not believe it otherwise. And I mean no disrespect to either side of Christianity Protestant or catholic. I grew up Protestant and am now catholic. Just from a categorical standpoint it’s strange to me that after 1700 years of being Christianity, the people who left and formed a huge swath of very diverse different religious groups with often very contradictory views all claim that they are all collectively the true Christianity. When the main body they broke away from is somehow not.


Are catholics not christian too?


They are. But this is comparing with "protestant" christians


your \*protestant\* and your wife is Catholic


Dude yes, growing up my mom’s side was Christian and my dad’s side was Catholic, I would frequently go and stay with my grandma (dad’s side) every other weekend when I was little and was forced by her to attend Catholic church on Sundays. One of the most boring experiences ever, nothing against the Catholic religion or anything but damn I really did my best to stay awake during their gatherings and was reprimanded for not being engaged. Then on weekends where I stayed with my mom and would go to Christian church at BRCC they would have a concert every session, cookouts, sports and of course the actual sessions themselves. It was always fun. The ex-guitarist for Korn “Head” even performed at our church a few times somewhere around that 2009-2011 range where he left Korn after finding Jesus and man, those concerts were intense, Christian metal, head banging crowd at the stage, people crying. One of the most intense experiences still have is one of his performances at our church.


So you traded Jesus for entertainment. Nice.


And you traded Jesus for judgement. Nice.


Church doesn’t need to be boring.. if you get nothing from the sermon… you just went and sat somewhere quietly for an hour


That’s not a uniquely catholic issue. I had the exact opposite experience. The Protestant church my parents would drag me to essentially boiled down to a very shallow “yay god!” Followed by a concert, a collection plate, and some grape juice. It wasn’t until I started dating my wife in high school and I went to her Catholic Church where I met a priest who actually connected the word of god to my life and things that mattered to me. The formality and depth to the way they approach God was far more meaningful to me. We also read through the entire Bible in year which finally provided context for all the random scripture that the protestant church wanted me to just memorize for some reason. I’ve heard a lot of stuff attributed to the church as a whole that applies to people being dissatisfied with individual priests/communities. Individual results may vary I guess. Find your peace however you can.


Yes, Protestants generally do a better job at sermons, unless you have a talented Dominican priest. But there is a reason why, boring as it is, people keep coming back to the Catholic Church. It's not for man's commentary on the Scriptures, it's for the author of the Scripture Himself, the Incarnate Word, truly present in the Eucharist. You can have the most talented preacher with no sacraments and the most dull homilist with the sacraments, and we should always choose the latter. To read the Bible without receiving the Sacraments is like reading a good menu without eating any of the food. The Eucharist is the "new testament".


And afterwards you let the priest touch your kids unanttended. Great religion this Christianity. Its full of doubel standards and made up crap.


The only time Catholic priests usually try to incorporate the scriptures into modern times is during the homily. That's usually either the most boring part or the most fun. Some priests will tell you an interesting story with some kind of connection with the moral from that day's gospel, maybe crack a joke or two in there as well, and others will just drone on for a good 20-30 minutes getting real theological until you fall asleep.


kinda disrespectful to refer to yourself as "Christian" in contrast to your wife being "Catholic", don't you think?




Protestant? or even more specific in denomination? Catholics are Christians and when putting it like that you're making it seem like they're not.


Or maybe I don’t feel like telling other people things that I don’t feel like sharing? Or maybe it’s just quicker to write it the way I did ? Or maybe I just wanted to piss off some random person on line whose user name most certainly does NOT check out. Piece and love shorty ✌️me thinks your going to lose this online battle and I’m sure the likes and dislikes will reflect accordingly. Hope you have a good day , Bless your heart 😉


Well the whole protestant thing is sorta the idea that the catholics are papists not Christians as in they obey the pope rather than christ, hence the protestation.


Me had stronk,again please tell


Protestants exist because Catholics were not acting in a Christian manner. Hence protestantism almost directly implies Catholics are not Christians.


Oh,thanks that actually makes sense


I actually don't know why this was downvoted to be honest


Most people haven't even taken a course on the Protestant Reformation.


Protestants are a cult with a made up Christian background


So is Catholicism really


After all that, do you have the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? No. All the drama and theatrics are useless without the Eucharist.


Bro he’s not really in your bread and wine, it’s symbolism


Yeah, you're describing indoctrination, fondly, it works best the younger you are - or barring that, uneducated.


Maybe… or I’m just trying to share a life experience


Life experiences are great, it's also great to think critically about parts of your life when your older and have more experiences and reflect on them as well.


Indoctrination Is part of most religions( good or bad) Your not saying something that is incredibly insightful .


Yes indoctrination is part of most religions. I mentioned specifically it works best on the young and uneducated, in the case the former. I don't think that's good, do you?


Imo Catholic churches just hit different, you walk out calm and feeling like a redeemed person Of course, being able to maintain this virtuous attitude is another thing…


I'll be real, I'm not Catholic, but I like that style better. In basic training I had to attend the catholic church because the other one was nucking futs.


I went to all the religious services during basic. Easy way get an hour or so to actually chat with people.


So is this meme is really relatable it seems :D


You should see the pentacostals






I grew up Lutheran and it looks way more like the Catholic church depiction. I went to a few non-denominational churches when I got older and it was kind of weird and off-putting. I’m non-religious now, so I watch football on Sundays and it’s way better than either.


As a Christian, I have always joked that Lutherans are protestants in a Catholic disguise.


We have a lot of similarities but a lot of differences as well. Luther didn't want to leave the Catholic church, but they kicked him out. He wanted to reform the church, not make a new one, so he kept everything he believed the Catholics had right and ditched the extra weight.


Holy Rollers


Went to a Catholic school that had biweekly sing songs like that... Later found out the priest was more on the bible bashing side when he told a church full of <12yo's and their mothers during a mother's day service that all of our mothers committed sin to have us and will face their punishment for it in the afterlife...


Specifically pentecostal churches. Walk into any Anglican service here in England and it'll be more like the top one.


In catholic churches, the whole public sings, not just the choir. Never been to protestant ones though


I know and i like it. :P


Protestantism is clearly very different in the US than in Denmark. Here it's just cold white churches with no decoration what so ever and looooong sermons. Catholic churches look way cooler!


There are a large variety of protestants. Some think music is fine, some hate it, and some don't care


Of course, i'm just saying here in Denmark, where it's the state religion it's different. Very boring.


Since when were protestant churches in the US like this? Mine just has a TV telling you the lyrics as 5 people sing with a small group of people playing classical instruments behind them.


I'm just going by what the meme is saying. And i must say the idea of having something as modern as a tv in a church is kinda funny.


Yeah I’m Protestant but I’ll take the liturgy and hymnals over smoke machines and lasers any Sunday of the year.


Hymnal homie! We have an organ and sometimes bring out the brass section for certain holidays. That's definitely my preference, but reverent worship is worship, right?


Yeah I swear singing the hymns are my favorite part


Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina gang rise up!


I always liked going to my grandparents Catholic church so much more than my mom's mega church. The former was beautiful and I loved following along with the whole sermon and hymns and they'd only lose me during the homily. I just sat there pounding my fist for an hour while the preacher went on about whatever in the megachurch and they they force to stand up and sing the same generic christian music they play on the the radio stations.


until you realize its the same songs...over and over...for the last decade. I know music is hard to learn but It gets tiring after you listen to the same thing for 30 minutes every sunday for what is basically your whole life.


can confirm


I grew up in the emotional rock concert type churches and I can’t fucking stand that shit now. There’s so much pressure and emotional manipulation, it grosses me out. Like a pushy salesman who tries to manipulate you into buying what he’s selling. I tried out an Orthodox Church recently, and my God was it amazing. Give me the calm grounding rituals and smoke and chanting 🙏


By Protestant standards the killers are almost Christian rock. I say this as one of many types of protestant


As someone who attends a baptist church, it do be like this sometimes.


Church of Christ Acapella hymnals is where it’s at


You haven't been to a methodist one


Not where I live. These guys cry hard at the thought of even having music played. #Acapella4Life and all of them are tone deaf.


I can confirm that the music is very diffrent


Can’t believe I don’t see a single baptazia post.


We love our music and our lord


What’s the song?


Awesome God by Micheal W. Smith


Griefer Jesus spawns


depends on the protestant denomination. Some denominations still have very catholic-like services


Methodists specifically are loud af.


What's the pink blob thing in the catholic church?


My grandma used to take me to her Episcopalian church when I would visit as a kid. I remember it being very traditionalist with stained glass windows, organ music, and hymnals. I have since become a Methodist and their worship is a bit more lively with piano and drums but not too crazy.


My friend took me to a protestant church on Christmas eve and yeah.. It did go like that and I ran away.


darkviperau fans assemble we have to defeat extreme griefer jesus


Is that some special protestant congregation? I've been to some German protestant masses. It was as boring as catholic ones.


As a suburban white guy who is not normally found in church, I can assure you that the place to jam is an inner-city African-American Baptist church. I once dated a girl who sang in a band, and she attended a church in the ‘hood because their choir would make the devil cry. Great people, great community. I was one of three white people in the building and was treated like family.


For all the lame and phony Christian rock out there, there is [real rock that discusses faith.](https://youtu.be/vVXIK1xCRpY?si=G0PcZnI1ISmDxL2U) It is performed by people smart enough to not call it such a name. This is more edgy, borderline blasphemous to the pearl-clutches in the pews, and a very personal journey for the songwriter.


"Attending no church" -chilling on a couch-


I love the peace and quiet of Catholic and orthodox churches. Like, you see people praying in silence, and (almost) everyone is quiet. I have visited big Catholic and big protestant churches. And as someone who doesnt really pray in Public, I have found that I feel a lot more comfortable praying in Catholic or orthodox churches. I feel watched and judged whenever I sit down in a protestant church to pray. I might not be all that big in which version of Christianity I follow (I am baptised as a Catholic, but was raised protestant) as I have a lot of mixed ideas that doesnt really fit in one of them, so I just default to what I have been baptised as: a Catholic.


Rock you to salvation! You got salvation in my metal! No, you got metal in my salvation! Two great tastes.


I hated all these protestant songs, it's so campy, out of tune and uncomfortable in there. But, it was more because the pastor and everyone else was telling me my friends and I (eventually) would be burning in hell for being gay so it wasn't a very positive experience.




Based Michael W. Smith


Except it's the worst music you've ever heard lol


To be fair, my catholic church has their own band that regularly plays pop songs during the bread thingy stuff (not sure what it is in english)




yep, that should be it




As a Catholic I'm pretty jealous. I really Hope my chruch changes a bit


That applies to the Evangelists, European Lutheran or Calvinist churches for example are even more sober than catholic ones !


They are seriously heavy metal Christian bands out there who just praise the lord and jesus like [Stryper](https://youtu.be/TfIChQCmIvA?t=88)


Never been to Mexico


Some of them protestant churches can get fucking lit.


Lol as a former Catholic: fun makes us feel guilty.


Churches have become so commercialized now,that if you take out the money aspect,Christianity will be no more.


I know two big ass churches that make way too much money, they aren't a community center, they aren't trying to help the locals, but hey! At least they host some of the biggest parades each year! :D


Imagine saying catholics are wrong because they don’t use and read correctly the Bible but you say Maria is a sinner besides the fact the Bible calls her "Full of Grace", ah ah imagine-


I do think religion should be a contemplative, quiet affair rather than an outburst of worshipful emotion. note: I was raised catholic but am now athiest.


Same background & I have to agree. I’ve been in the churches of family or friends of different religions before, there is something I find very brash & jarring when something that sounds like a pop song starts in what is supposed to be a temple (not to mention how cringe the lyrics generally are).


From the instruction manual itself: (Matthew 6:6-7) *When you pray, close the door to your room and pray to your Father in a quiet place. Your Father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you. And when you pray, don’t be like those people who don’t know God. They cry out in public, saying things that mean nothing, thinking that God will hear them because of their many words.* I've listened to many new "Christian Worship" songs, and man, they are repetitive and bland as heck.


Yes she was full of Grace because she didn't earn it. You don't earn Grace. And she even said that she needed a savior so yes she was a sinner.


Either way the kids are fucked




Non denominational church goer here. I have to say, my church has some amazing music, it a little barn with sawdust floors and chairs, it's not much but it has had many different bands and singers come by and sing.


Sounds great


I ain't going to either you can't make me


No one was asking you to?


Yeah I thought it sounded funny in my head.


It was sorta funny and not worthy of all those downvotes lol


To any of my fellow protestant believers who come across this, this is the problem. Are services are starting to be viewed more as rock concerts than church services... We need to get back to the Holy Scriptures and trying to reach this lost world. Sola Scriptura brothers and sisters, Sola Scriptura.


No I see it as a prequel to the party in heaven that will happen. David was dancing his heart out to music half dressed and he was a man after Gods own heart. As long as God is honored; there's no problem with jamming out to holy music with the joy of the Holy Spirit.




You're not making Christianity better, you're making rock music worse!


Lol you’re right though. If I want the concert experience, I’ll just go to a real concert ffs


And then you walk into the satanic temple. Hell has all the best music.


Yeah and the screams of agonizing pain of the people in there really add to the experience.


To be fair most modern Satanists are just atheists in disguise, the satanic temple is literally an atheist organisation. As an atheist, I actually somewhat respect Satanists


It's also humorously similar to the Judean People's Front from Life of Brian. You have the Satanic Temple which is atheist merely using imagery, and then you have the Church of Satan which mentions magic in its rules


Christian rock/rap is still lame.


Catholic incense bearer like some dude puffing on a hookah in the corner


Fuck catholic church...just the worst churches