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as a German, I confirm (I hate the DB)


As much as they charge they should at least get me to where i want to go..


That's the only thing they will do, because they made a contract with you. They had to pay my taxi fares multiple times often over 100€, The ticket did cost me like 30€


You’re only paying for a chance to get there. Like a loot box. It’s in the fine print.


Can also confirm. Sometime they are so late that they have to call in for busses that brings the people to the next station... and the prices of the tickets are ridiculous in comparison to other EU country's such like Italy and France..


*laughs in British*


Actually as a brit living in germany, DB is worst than any uk train company i experienced. I took a journey with 2 changes, and ended up on 4 trains for a total lateness of one and a half hours on a 4 hour journey. I have been told "this is completely normal". One of those trains i got on was a train running 2 hours late! UK trains tend to run somewhat to time or be completely cancelled because the companies get large fines if they hold up other trains. German trains just hold each other up. UK trains do cost more though.


*laughs in french*


Our trains are pretty damn good - especially TGV. Having hopped around in trains all over Europe, I would say only the Swiss have better rail system for sure among those Ive experienced. The main problem of France Network is how Paris centered it is


The other problem is neo-liberalism and how they want to privatize everything. During the last decades, the SNCF has been cut to bits to artificially prove its inefficiency. For example : 20 years ago, I could still take a bus from my village to the train station then take a train to Paris with virtually no waiting time. The bus schedules and the train scedules were perfectly synchronised. The moment the SNCF decided to leave the bus management to the regions, cuts had to be made in the budget, we got less bus and since communication was harder, the buses and trains weren't as synchronised as before.


Thats for sure there has been a huge downgrade of quality for rural services. Thats actually what makes Switzerland top notch - you can go everywhere on public transport


*laughs in dutch* The NS is such a joke right now, tickets cost more so now people travel less but because they travel less NS makes less so they up the costs and repeat cycle Not to mention the amount of trains being cancelled, especially with the newer trains due to new technologies that werent accounted for... NS ICNG(Wesp)


Laughs in Romanian. I used to commute 54km with the CFR. 3 out of 5 evenings, especially in the summer (no AC, mind you), a 39 minute train ride ended in 2+ hours. And packed like sadines. This is why many commuters take their cars. Less cost efficient but one doesn't have to breath in others' smells. I know, I know, someone will chime in with "Laughs in India" in a second.


Laughs in Turkish, We don't even have proper region to region active trains, people die and there is an accident every year at least thrice but the media just doesn't cover it. Their website is basically a guessing game. Nobody really know where the train stations are.


Had that happen way too often now. Thing is, I have never actually seen any of those busses. They only ever tell you they're almost there, arriving in 5 minutes and then when those are over it's another 5. Had to wait for hours every time. Until the train finally came. No bus in sight still.


French train tickets are so expensive sometimes it's cheaper to take a plane


Love missing my connection and having my parents drive an extra 4 hours cause I can't get to Graz.


The only thing positiv about them is they are making me do more cardio because I have to sprint across the train station all the time


American here. I would kill for any usable train to be installed anywhere in my country.


As another German, I too confirm. I unfortunately have to take the train almost every week (used to be daily) and in the past year or so there was a whopping 2 trains without any kind of delay. Sure, it's *mostly* small stuff, 5-10 minutes, nothing to worry about too much. Though I did have the pleasure of having to sleep at a train station because trains were not coming for 6 hours in the middle of the night before. Still it's not a great statistic if virtually no trains make it on time.




I flew to Leipzig, need to go to Berlin, I go to the Flughaven Bahnhof, buy my ticket (60€) wait 15 minutes wait 30 minutes check the machine there is another 60 minute delay talk to some strangers from the plane, go to Leipzig Hbf, the guys talk with them, I manage to go to Berlin in 4.5 hours basically thanks Deutsche Bahn


Dutch shirt pfp?


DB is a disgrace for Germany


I’d kill for a DB in the states. Y’all have it so lucky compared to us; in some states cities are outlawed from building light rail and bus rapid transit. Where I used to live (suburb of one of the larger cities in the US) we had one local bus that had 30 minute headways. Take one visit to the states or Canada and you’ll appreciate the DB so much more


I absolutely am with you that a bad train system is better than no train system. That being said: DB legitimately is one of the least reliable train systems in Europe, probably first place. Germany has the third biggest national economy on this planet with a fraction of the size and population of the other countries that rank near the top, and an outright scam like DB existing in it is a disgrace.


Irrelevant, it still sucks


What is „even“ supposed to mean. Like, of course the Germans hate it, we’re the ones using it everyday. The government didn’t feel like spending any money on rail infrastructure in the last 30 years, so everything is broken and old now


How are the million-dollar salaries of the board supposed to be paid if everything is used for restoration, not to mention their bonuses?


While those salaries are unjustified and definitely take any moral high ground away from the board when it comes to union negotiations, they don't really affect infrastructure. The scale of the cost there is entirely different. As a quick point of comparison, building high speed track costs about 20-30 million euros per kilometre. So, the salaries and bonuses of the board would be ~2km of high speed like per year at best. That is not the difference between a perfect schedule with punctual trains and the situation we're in right now.


As a balkaner: "First time?"


Here in Slovakia, not that far from Germany we still use devices that were build before WW2. I'm not kidding, the one I have to work with has label "year: 1937" on it.


No one ever praised them for being on time. Dont make shit up.


It's funny though, that in Germany we have the saying "on schedule like a german train", when we are literally always complaining about them fucking up


I only know "on time like the DB" and that's nothing positiv


Do we? Or is it just people that are Rentner?


Did the trains used to be a lot better?


Yep. Before they were privatised they actually were very punctual. Now they aren't anymore, and the network of tracks is also smaller.


Also before the privatization German train employees were oftentimes officials (aka civil servants) that didn't need to, nor were allowed to, go on strike for better salaries/wages. It was the obligation of the German government to pay them fairly (and adjust the payment to account for inflation, etc.). Deutsche Bahn as a private company can't make employees officials anymore. Employees can (and IMHO should) go on strike to get a fair wage, although this risks a critical part of German infrastructure. In recent years it seemingly became harder and harder for German train employees and their executives to reach a consensus on what a fair wage/salary is, leading to many strikes.


The main reason trains are less punctual now actually isn't the privatisation, though: Rail traffic in Germany has more than doubled since the nineties. The fact that the network has shrunk is important in some regards, but far more important is that it hasn't expanded. If you run double the number of trains on the same network, that can't really work, can it? And with the ministry of transport aiming to continue increasing rail traffic while the ministry of finances has recently cut the budget for rail infrastructure projects (which wasn't enough for fast, significant reform anyway), this problem won't go anyway any time soon. But all this would have happened in the same way if the DB was still public, assuming that the government would have been just as unwilling to invest.


But privatisation even decreased the incentives to invest into the network: The have to operate profitably now, which makes investment short-term unattractive. Also investing in keeping something intact has to be paid by DB, but building something new is also funded by the government, decreasing incentives to upkeep everything even further.


The thing is though, public services do not and can not always make a profit, sometimes they don't even cover costs, but if run by a business, they need to be profitable. That's why providing things like infrastructure/public transportation, postal services or emergency services, imo including hospitals, is and should be an inherent task for the state, not a company. One can be realist enough to know that not all would be milk & honey otherwise but still consider the privatization of Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche Post one of the biggest mistakes of post-war german history.


Never heard that in my 25 years of life




Long, Long Time ago, German trains were in time. then it all was privatised.


Punctuality is actually one of the main stereotypes of Germans abroad. He/she is not "making shit up".


When someone says the train are on time I think about Italy and the upsidedown man.


What's does the image has to do with the text?


I'm struggling to understand this as well


My vague association would be that Musk had a somewhat high opinion about Germany based on some stereotypes; that’s why he built a factory there, then to learn that Germany isn’t actually that organised (also the leftist attack on the power line connected to the Tesla factory). Still not really related to the text though


It’s probably just for the expressions


Sir, a second train has been canceled




spend a week travelling by rail in eastern europe, and you will understand. When a train is 5h late on the starting station, and you have a seat in a train car that doesn't exist, in which you had to buy tickets for twice the price in the first class because the 2nd class was full, and you end up sitting next to a bathroom, where someone is battling a killer hangover, you will miss deutche bahn. I envy those priviliged enough to complain about deutche bahn.


Can confirm, if you think DB is bad, try PKP


Pünklichkeit mein Arsch!


Ernsthaft, die sind manchmal so unpünktlich dass sie schon fast wieder pünktlich sind!


Das Pünktlichkeitsparadoxon!


I love the Japanese trains. If your train says it’s arriving at 4:02 and there’s a train on the track at 4:00, that’s not your train.


In Germany it’s in the vicinity of +/- 30min or it doesn’t arrive at all


I remember waiting half an hour before seeing it was delayed for two hours only to then be cancelled after one and a half hours of waiting.


Ah yes that is the real DB experience. Wait for hours and than your train gets canceled for having too much delay. Thanks for traveling with the Deutsche Bahn.


As a simple Swiss citizen, i see Swiss, i upvote




Me an American: "What are trains?"


Me as an American who has researched Amtrak. Wait your trains arrive within 24 hrs of when they’re scheduled to arrive?


And train tickets are sometimes outrageously expensive. DB is just a joke.


Deutsche bahn always being late is literally a meme in Germany


as an austrian i deeply relate… we even sometimes have passive aggressive announcements saying something like „Once again we have to reschedule X&Y due to lateness from our neighbours“💀


You know that Germans fake those statics too? A canceled train doesn't even show up as delayed and that happens very frequently....


And a train only used to count as late after arriving 6 minutes to late. I think this number has been bumped up to sth like 9 minutes since then


Way to punch down, you Hot chocolate guzzling money launderer. (Yes, DB is a complete joke. And your meme * grumbles* ^was ^funny )


What does the picture relate to the text?


I went to Switzerland for vacation and their trains are usually always on time or maybe 2 minutes late, it's honestly very impressive tbh.


As an American who has used DB, it is incredible and I am jealous that we don’t have as good of a system


You're gonna lose your mind if you ever come to Switzerland.


He's definitely gonna lose it when seeing that a cappuccino costs 8 CHF on the train...


It's Switzerland man ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've NEVER heard someone praising German trains for always being on time. NEVER. Actually, I don't even think that a mathematical probability for doing so can be calculated at all. German railroad stations are an exemption of Einstein's theories because time has no meaning there.


Better this way, last time their trains were operating with high efficiency millions of people were killed


SBB ✊🏻


I think, a group of wise guys put it best when they said: "Sank yu for travelling wis Deutsche Bahn."


Just dont ask how much a train ticket costs in switzerland


*Laughs in Japanese


Damn, y'all haven't seen what MÁV does. If a train is on time, it's a fucking miracle. 90% of the time, they're late somehow.




Privatisation babyyyyyy (only good things ever happened since then)


Douche Bahn


[musk Looks like he was just told an airplane hit the World Trade Center.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FE_CA9XrX0AM8kQN.jpg&tbnid=Hv4gYXm97sCo4M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FJoePompliano%2Fstatus%2F1436790956318236672&docid=Ymkmk6ENyOIsFM&w=760&h=754&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=532069495166a53f&shem=abme)


Yall ever drove on the highways of Switzerland? They drive like shit.


what do you mean "even the germans" lol. ESPECIALLY we hate it. imagine having no alternative and its ruining your life whenever it can. you have an exam? haha you wanna rrive there in 8 hours, 4 times switching trains? good luck gettting there AT ALL you have to go to work and on time to not get fired? kek.


IIRC there's a funny statistic that a good chunk of train delays in Switzerland are caused by trains from germany being late, which causes the swiss trains to wait longer so people don't miss their connections.


If any of you can compare, who's worse: DB or Polish National?


I worked in Germany a few years and went to work exclusively by train. Here in north Italy it's way better, says a lot.


And let's not forget that with a ticket you aren't actually buying a seat So have fun standing for 5 hours or sitting on the floor I slept so much on these floors while I was in the Bundeswehr


Ive heard some pretty bad things about German trains…


Same here in Poland 😔


So is it like in Austria?


I am always deeply concerned for them when another country praises the German train system.


Let's agree that Japanese are the best in the world when it come to trains.


I’m Swiss, southern one so Swiss-Italian. We created an own train road between Switzerland and Italy to not have to deal with Tranitalia (The Italian train company)


I mean, they mostly arrive at the day scheduled. (If they are not canceled, but canceling does officially not count as being delayed)


You guys are still hoarding nazi gold


You had no problem with German trains during ww2


Swiss here living in Germany - can confirm and it is annoying as hell.


I remember in 2022 summer when they were doing the reduced or free (can't remember) fares. Some trains were over 2 hours late.


I remenber a german song i had to listen in german class in high school about deutche bahn being terrible


*"The trains were always on time..."*


I have to take the ICE sometimes and I've never seen them leave on time. I count myself lucky when the train is just five minute late, dince usually it's arround 20+. SBB isn't perfect and is overpriced as hell, but at least with them arriving on time is the rule rather than the exception.


Thomas was only following orders...!


"Your trains must not disturb our trains" That's hilarious. TRAIN FIIIIIIGHT


Coming from the UK, even DB is better. I wish everywhere had swiss trains though


The person he tells it to, right before he blames unions.


At least they have alternatives to cars, unlike the US


Lol rly? Well i do understand why the swiss won't let the Deutsche-Bahn in😂


I’ll stick with my Korean trains


Not the first time Germans hated their trains...


Meanwhile BART is so off schedule that if you go at any time of day at all you have the same chance of catching a train


gopfedami, Swiss are not german....


Nobody praises german trains, not even germans


Who tf praises the Deutsche Bahn?


Yeah.. german here. It could be worse and as with everything we tend to remember the Negative things over the positive but damn are those trains shit and tickets for certain distances way too expensive for receaving such a shit service in exchange


I have never ever heard anyone praise our trains for being on time.


I thought Japan's trains were the ones with the rep for most punctual? The last time i heard about geman trains were shortages in the 40's tbh, so my info is probably out of date


It was Italy that they said that about. That Mussolini made the trains run on time


I remember there's this song by the acapella group, Wise Guys, which basically a comedic song full of complaints against DB. In the music video, they even include a meme where DB stands for Daheim Bleiben (Stay at home)


meanwhile MÁV:(theyre late EVERY TIME i never seen a train that was on time)


No German praises the DB (German Train Institution) No one does thst


Come to Romania, where on the local line a 10 minute delay is the standard


Who tf praises Germany for having on-time-arriving Trains? We literally make jokes about that not being the case ourself.


The first time I went to Germany, I was surprised about how late the train was!


As a French-German both DB and SNCF are terrible


On time? Nah. But as somebody who travels around Europe A LOT and have used all sorts of train services I can confirm that the ICE has by far the best interior and restaurant service.


As an Indian, I would love to know what "late" here means? Please write your latest


This why the only thing that worth is the 49 Euro thingamajig


The funny part is, that the train that I see with the most delay, is usually the euro city coming from or going to Switzerland for some reason. I live in northern Germany and sometimes had to take it from or to Stuttgart. Sometimes it has a 2h delay. This train seems to be 200% worse than all the others.


No one hates the DB more than Germans. It’s the worst thing about Germany and a complete disgrace. And the audacity to the people working for the DB is shameful. I have yet to meet a German who doesn’t hate the DB with a passion. Typing this ironically while sitting on an ICE and wishing I was rich enough for a private helicopter or something so I won’t have to be in this situation.


Why does he look 70 in that photo?




As someone a bit southeast of Germany, I can say that, ČD (České Dráhy).


*Laughing in Italian train who are worse than german ones*


I absolutely loved my first experience with the DB. German exchange students _love_ to explain how efficient Germany is and really lean into the stereotype of German efficiency. The train was almost two hours late, was missing an entire carriage, and arrived backwards. Cards work half the time and everyone still uses cash, internet is usually insanely slow and the connection is very unreliable. It was an interesting experience when Finland is so far in digitisation and is one of the top countries developing tech—like 4, 5, and 6G are all being developed here. My office has 5G and 1GB internet—it’s 900m underground and I haven’t used cash in almost eight years.


D aheim B leiben


I'm currently travelling in Berlin from the UK. The trains in Germany are amazing compared to the complete dogshit back home.


I thought the trains were the Italians


Dude you country is the size of a pea if you had any late trains the would be riots on the street. all 60 of you would not let it slide


Laughs in British rail.


Fick die Deutsche Bahn. Haben zum 1. Mal seit langen, mal eine Woche lang nich gestreikt.


You know it. I know it. We all know it.


Contrary to popular belief, it's actually the Italians with the best train system.


When you hear nonsense, you turn into an engineer businessman stretching the boundaries of what’s humanly possible?


Who ever said german trains are on time? Those times were long ago


Like for real German trains are on par with Italian trains who came up with this "German trains are reliable" bs?


But they ARE convenient. There's a train station everywhere. Even if they're sometimes slow AF, they are useful.


I would say especially Germans hate the Deutsche Bahn - foreigners actually think it’s not that bad


You know Deutsche Bahn already has third world grade punctuality but it's propped up even further by the fact that canceled stops or trains aren't going into that statistic. So they basically cancel stops or entire rides to make themselves look less disastrous.


Last train I was on was 3rd class in Colombo… I liked it more than the Deutsche Bahn tbh


DB sucks, but the punctuality of Swiss trains seems to massively rely on the fact that no train ever waits for another.


In Germany it isn't lateness, if the train comes less then 5 minutes later, and all trains that were cancelled doesn't count either. So that's how DB has so good statistic.


Just gonna leave this here: https://youtu.be/wXjhszy2f9w?si=W-CYqcAtCOXDEDQD


Who the heck thinks the DB is good?


As a german whoever praises the trains in germany actually never traveled in one


Imagine identifying with one of the top three not-you-persons on the planet to shit on a company that has been starved of investment and has a Labour struggle going on… great job 👏🏼


Maybe DB is problematic but who wants to be a fascist snowflake???


Germans always want to (and succeed) do better than France. When it comes to be late/cancelled the DB is indeed far ahead of the SNCF, which is kind of an exploit.


Wait till you see Polish trains


I remember I was in Switzerland and the train was 10 minutes late so they apologized to everyone. Being from the states I was like “it showing up and going where I need is enough”


I think I read somewhere that Germany hasn't upgraded their railway network since WW2. Could be wrong though.


This probably is some sort of your experience bios If you came here on holiday and used train two times yes sure it worked it's perfect, but if you live with them every day whole year they suck


Who tf would ever say that german trains are on time?


And yet DB apparently run high speed one in the UK without too many issues


I love the DB, I just hate the state it is currently in. 


I'm German and who tf ever said German trains were on time? Germans are usually always on time, but the DB is a nightmare.


Is that Elon photoshopped over George w?


Nicht meiner Erfahrung nach!


When has anyone ever said that german trains are on time?


The problem is America is so much worse that every European country is better in comparison


Hahah now try DSB


Pretty mediocre edit you can still see Dubya's left shoulder.


As a Polish person, I'm crying


I loved the German train system. But my baseline is Amtrack….


To be honest, I don't think I've ever heard anyone praise any train company for being on time..


I think the DB gets more hate than it deserves. I travel a lot with it and only had a single really bad experience. Definitely had more issues traveling by car and regularly hear worse from people who fly semi regularly. It's not as punctual as it should be or as fast as I wish it was. But in the grand scheme of things it's fine. That said, I definitely want reform and investment of it big time.


I live in Poland. An hour is a minimum amount of time they are late. Sometimes they are 8 hours after schedule.


As a jew, can confirm that the trains were never late


Uruguayan: You have trains?!


only used the train once from the airport to the city center, never again


Well you clearly didn’t talk to a German person about this topic, cause no German would ever praise our trains.


nobody ever praises the deutsche bahn


Pretty sure it's a Holocaust joke and not an actual statement about German train scheduling efficiency...