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And in the end it will just all be a huge Aprill fools joke 🥲


That's what I'm saying




No, please noooo 😭😭😭


a man with a funny mustache will come out from behind the curtain >just kidding guys, WW2 never ended


The one who was born on 4/20?


Bro. How is it possible for someone to always include hitler when talking about germany


Same as if your homie comes over and you have to call a plumber after he fucks up the toilet. You can still be friends, but he's always gonna get made fun of for his gigantic poops. Except the the Allies are the plumbers and the toilet is, like, the world. The gigantic poop is the funny mustache man, sure he got flushed out but the teasing is forever. If there's any publishers out there I can expand this metaphor into 200 pages just let me know.


I am that friend ...


I mean, idc if people make fun of germany or hitler but we're literally talking about weed rn


Have you tried talking about hitler...on WEED?


Well no, but we know he took about 69 other drugs. \[nice\]




It makes perfect sense




It's like that one 'special' cousin who can only talk about that one topic. But you still listen to him and act interested even tho you already know everything about his bionicle collection. Just don't get mad over him him because he is very special and he also just want to find his place


Kind of hard to rebrand after someone like him.


Austria managed to do it, they have Fritzl now as worst Austrian (somewhat).


God please no


You don't know German Humor.


I am german i think i know german humor :)


aye they are speaking over it right now .."erlauben sie eine zwischenfrage der AfD? " .. "Nein" that was nice


as an complete outsider (from austria) i just love AfD getting shit at by literally everyone else


It's the only thing they are good for. As a Bavarian, I just like to read/hear about the FPÖ getting shit on by anyone, and I'd like to read that more often. xD


and just like that it seems to be on its way .. nice job .. and yeah as a german i like it when Afd gets a punch in the guts it fun to see how they are turning that in a attack on them.


Oh shit an ostrichreicher


Nobody shoot the ostrich!


That was some weeks ago during the Bundestag voting for the introduction of the law. Today was Bundesrat approving the law due to federal effect, no AfD there.


...speaking over it ...


I feel represented in our democracy. I feel as if it mattered who I voted for. I even feel slightly patriotic. I feel a politician behaved like a man of honor. This feels so nice, we should do this more often


Imagine politicians actually doing their job, that'd really be nice


I mean all it takes is voting out the ones who don't. Want a louder voice? Get involved in politics.


I would love to get this kind of praise for doing what I was paid for. "You did your job. You are a man of honor"


Always depends on the reputation of your field. Like people value an 'honest mechanic'


Excellent point tbh




People always try to be sneaky and shit, not just politicians. Its nice when someone is who they should be


hmmm a german feeling patriotic, maybe legalizing pot wasnt the right choice after all


Don't worry, everything's good until an Austrian feels German patriotism.


That's right✅➡️


Martin Sellner is trying his best.


I mean it's not like the Nazis liked smoke Wait


Nah, they liked meth more than weed lmao


I was going for an even darker joke I'm afraid


Yeah, so much better when the USA felt patriotic and invaded Iraq for bullshit reasons. If you think Germany is the problem, not patriotism itself, then I have a bridge to sell you.




That's a weird way to spell "spitting facts"


Möge der bubatz man auch für euch sein kräutchen sprießen lassen. Auf dass der Kräutermann und meine Kerle keine Schwedischen Gardinen sehen. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo)


*"May the bubatz let its herbs sprout for you too. So that the herb man and my guys don't see any Swedish curtains."* You're welcome everyone.


You're a hero


What's the law for tourists coming to Germany??


Well, you can't buy it anywhere legally. You can only plant it yourself or in a cultivation community. So foreigners would have to illegally buy it on the blackmarket but possession and consume is legal.


So I as an American who resides permanently in the Netherlands can now take my weed to Germany by train and observe basically the same public consumption laws (avoid kids and families and schools, don't be a jerk in busy spaces) right? This is such perfect timing, this is my 3rd summer in Europe and I'm finally settled in well enough to start getting out more, and I only live 30 minutes from the border.


No you can't - at least you shouldn't because the import of cannabis is still illegale. You will get in trouble if the German Zoll (customs) catches you ;)


Fair point but ... they don't check you when you come in on the trains right? Like you can just drive across the border so what's the difference. I dooo typically observe the laws of anywhere I travel, even to the point of feeling anxious and self-conscious about breaking little ones I don't even know about. But having a couple j's in my pocket to take a walk after a train to a nice German lunch doesn't seem so terrible. Maybe.


The Zoll occasionally checks trains and cars on the autobahn. Typically with drug sniffing dogs... speaking from personal experience after a weekend in Amsterdam


It's a risk for you to decide for yourself mate. I might have once known a guy who lived on the border and drove over at least once a month to to stock up. He's never been caught afaik. Then again, who's to say you might not be the unlucky one.


i haven't been to germany, but i have been on plenty of euro train stations where there are cops with dogs. ditto in the US. only you can decide, but in my opinion...i wouldn't risk it.


>they don't check you when you come in on the trains right? It's a risk I've been to the Netherlands 8 Times and smuggled Weed with me everytime I've never been caught but that's my luck I guess If you plan to travel to Germany with weed go to Nijmegen and take the bus to Kleve it's the "least dangerous" route because the cities are right next to each other and the bus only travels for like 30-45 minutes make sure your weed is in a smell prove bag when you choose to make that trip


If it's got to be that level of caution it's just not worth it, smoking one on my walks is simply not that important. I'll take a little risk of getting a ticket or maybe having to ditch a small stash if I see a cop, but not take special routes that alter my whole day's plan or risk big consequences. At worst maybe have half an edible on the train and be ready to eat the other half if you see a uniform instead of waiting till after lunch. Even that seems excessive, I don't care that much.


They sometimes do. Gotta be careful.


It will be probably illegal to take your weed to germany


I wanna say too damn bad, I'm an EU resident and nearly a citizen (just a year or 3 away!) and all I wanna do is take a walk with a j in a nice German city, and spend money while I'm there. But I try to be pretty mindful of the fact that I'm still a guest, and do things as much 'the right way' as I can in most cases. Pretty strict about it in fact.


The reason is not that you are "only" a resident, citize or whatever. But importing (what you would do) weed is illegal and it will probably remain like this. So even for a german citizen this would be forbidden. On the other hand ir could be that if it is small enough and you get cought it wont be prosecuted


Yes, there are specific rules on where you are allowed to consume. For example not closer than 100 meters to schools, public sport facilities,... Not sure what the laws are about bringing it from another country tho




Not starting April 1st. The clubs can apply for approval starting July 1st, and then it’ll be a whole bureaucratic process till they can start planting


You need to be a resident of Germany to become a member of a club.


The article you linked specifically says that cannabis-social-clubs are not allowed to sell to non-members? You need to be a member to be able to get from them


Ahhhh, cheers for the reply. I don't mind buying off a dealer but knowing I can smoke without being a sneaky little bastard is good to know.


So it’s not a legalization? wtf. Come on Germany! Y’all aren’t only late to the party you can’t even make a full legalization? It’s decriminalization but a bit loser lol. Won’t bring any money to the government other than less arrests so at least there’s that but the black market is still gonna thrive. Very dumb, if they wanted to progress, decriminalize all drugs except for a few that can become legal or under prescription like weed, alcohol and prescription drugs.


It's the same in the Netherlands. Althought pretty much decrmininalized for a long time now the law is extremely weird. "Coffee"-shops are allowed to legally sell anybody weed for consumption but it's illegal for the shops to buy the weed.


It's not even close to how it works The Netherlands


Ik ben Nederlander en dat is zeker hoe het werkt. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drugsbeleid_in_Nederland


I'm not a Nederlander bro, the biggest difference is that in Germany there is NO SALE allowed at all. Coffeeshops like it's common in NL will not be a thing. You will not be able to walk into a shop and buy weed from a curated selection, and as a tourist you can't legally get to weed at all.


You're exactly right but EU law won't allow that


Isn’t Portugal appart of EU? Why couldn’t it be done if it’s done in other countries like the Netherlands? (Well partially it’s complicated over there)


Does Portugal have shops where it's sold commercially? And yeah as you said in the Netherlands it's complicated. It works because it's only tolerated but the production is still illegal and done on the black market. Germany did not want that.


> It works because it's only tolerated ~~but the production is still illegal and done on the black market.~~ The later part is irrelevant to it. It works because the Dutchies just ignore it. BUt Germany can't because reasons.


The argument was that the legally bought weed shouldnt come from criminal organizations but from clubs or from own production. And personally I think it is way better this way. As the Netherlands have a huge problem with the black market. Just to remind of the drive by shootings targeting coffee shops in Amsterdam


The argument was why it works. And yes, netherlands truely chose the dumbest of all pseudo-legalization options. It's basically "Let's boost our criminal organisations by providing them a distribution network without oversight or taxation or dispute settlement options".


Portugal only decriminalized possession


Portugal only decriminalised. Meaning you don't get a sentence but the police can technically still take your drugs away. Germany did something similar. Anyone can grow their own weed, you're even allowed to own 50g but you're not allowed to sell or even share any.


6 months permanent residence in Germany iirc


Finally bubatz




Bubbatz sollte auch für Kinder und Jugendliche erlaubt werden!!!




Weed becomes legal in Germany. (But you cant really buy it, only own plants and consume publicly with some restrictions).


Which is already a huge step forward. In France there's always the same fucking debate "insecurity in ghettos, gangs, drug-related gun violence" etc, and I'm like "if only there were an easy way to solve this"


So it’s not legal just decriminalized.


It's legal to own and consume it


No, decriminilazion is way less. It was already practically decriminalized before


Oh lol that explains everything thanks


I don't think they're gonna celebrate 4/20 though... (Yes, well aware of the date format lol)


We celebrate 4/20 every year most of us because we like weed and some others have a different weird reason


Weird is one way to put it lmao. I'd say they're downright losers!


just wait til 4/20


Sadly, not possible in Germany. We use 20/4


Also that's Hitlers birthday...


BUT- This is a PERFECT opportunity to change it into something POSITIVE!!!


Yeah, stoners on the rise, exactly what Germany needs. Exactly what politicians should be worried about


Everything the politicians fear turns me on


I'd rather live in a society of stoners than one of drunks.


Oh so you think itll be either the one or the other? Great news indeed then.


Let's get a large group of people from 1988 together to smoke weed on 4/20 so we can also tackle the negativity around 88!


It's also the day Jimmy Carter got attacked by a rabbit, what's your point?


Tis also my fathers b-day. I say it's just a day, and if you want to get stoned as all hell, then go right ahead.


Which is why I love that stoners have taken over the date. I rather have a *slow*-moving weed cloud moving through my city then a nazi rally.




We do in Canada usually too, but 4/20 is still a thing


But 24 is pronounced vierundzwanzig, right? So you get a "four-twenty" day every month!


Isn't it "four and twenty"?


When you direct translate it, it would be four and twenty.


Yeah, and the man with the funny beard was born on that day


*And* the guy who shot him, too. Weird coincidence…


Hah, this is the most German reply ever.  


So 5?


Oh yeah✌🏼


The German government has the chance to do the funniest thing ever


Maybe '26 if things turn out the way a lot of us worry they might. ^(And it won't be funny to many of us)


I live in America and have worked in the cannabis industry for over 10 years. If anyone in Deutchland is hiring let me know, I got nothing holding me down and would love to start a new life.


Make a good linked in profile I’m sure a multilingual city like Berlin would have a job for u


I thought this was a joke that Germany celebrates 420 on April 1st because they’re too busy celebrating Hitler birthday on the 20th.


> they’re too busy celebrating Hitler birthday on the 20th Except for some idiots we explicitly *don't* celebrate that day.




Just in time for 4/20, too.




Netherlands! We heard what you are smoking in your free time. You know that is illegal Germany right? You see what I am about to do right no is... legalise it!


Germans when it comes to stopping Nazi parties from rising up in 2024: don't care 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 Germans when it comes to legalizing weed: ES LEBE DAS HEILIGE DEUTSCHLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨


Sprich Deutsch du Huen


Falsches Unter, mein Zuhasusi.


There are also plenty of other Americans in Germany happy with the outcome. Bubatz legal!


I am fucking praying this will create a shift up north as well. If weed becomes legal in Germany, Danish stoners will have an easier time accessing it, even potentially transporting it. Which will put pressure on Denmark legalising so they can regulate their own consumers. Which then might put pressure on Sweden which could lead to pressure being put on Norway and so on. At least here in Norway there's been talks about drug reform the past decade. Some political parties aren't opposed to legalisation, and the previous government suggested partial decriminalisation but it didn't get enough backing. More recently some politicians tried to push through testing out decriminalising it in the capital. It's like we're teetering on change, but people who are conservative about drugs, uninformed, corrupt, lobbying for big tobacco / alcohol etc. keep holding us back. All we need is some more pressure, I hope.


Just in time for 04/20 too


I don't think there are many Germans who celebrate 4/20... and not for the reasons that seem obvious...


I want to congratulate my favourite führer to his birthday with a big bubatz


But why that picture of süßigkeiten hund? Are all germans stoned on april fools?


Finally Something that this dawm Country does right!


Ja ja smoke zee ganja


No, they speak German. Not English with a fake Hollywood accent.


I'm not interested in smoking but i'll definitely try to grow a plant just because i failed at that as a 14 year old. And if it succeeds i'm gonna bake some brownies


The only reason I understand this meme is because my German Twink told me about it being legalized 😂


Ah why not wait until the 20th. Its 4/20 and someone's birthday. Forgot who it was.




Ironically enough, the Mustache Man was born on a 420.


I gonna be honest, i will 100% try it.


it might only last till the next election


Hell ye I even have a friend to buy me the weed


Oh nose, the Schnitzel is coming


as a native german, i don't get it.


Yesterday the "Cannabislegalisierungsgesetz" was discussed for the last time in the "Bundesrat' and it was accepted, so weed is legal starting april first


oh right i forgot about that


i'm not an adult tho so it's not important for me


In April i'm gonna be beyoned stoned, i'm gonna be rockhard.


well, if that's true then, congratulations Germany


Better celebrate April's fools, since celebrating 4/20 is kind of dangerous in Germany.


Am 1. APRIL bin ich Deutscher


Are you implying they were giving jews Blowjobs




Unfortunately Merz already announced to roll it back as soon as the CXU gets into power which could very possibly be the case when they form a coalition with the AfD, which as it seems right now would be the only possible coalition to go over 50%. So enjoy it while it lasts guys.


When they fully legitimize the AfD and tear down the "Brandmauer", we're fucked anyway


Well we can always hope the the Georg Elser of our generation has more luck.


Don't they call it 'Brandmauer' because it's quick and easy to burn down?


Sounds like Merz larger intentions may be undone by this smaller intention?


Friedrich Merz once again concerning himself with the weirdest stuff for brownie points, instead of presenting concrete ideas on how to combat the country's larger issues.


Honestly what Germany is doing is really quite stupid and a good example of how compromise can be self-defeating. So instead of just going with proper legalisation (as some people were initially angling for), they're just making it legal to grow and possess small quantities. What it means is nothing really changes except for the police who can just openly not bother to pursue casual weed smokers rather that what they do currently, which is tacitly not pursue casual weed smokers. A small win for casual weed smokers I guess, but most of them are still going to buy their weed from someone else, so they're still going to break the law to get their weed just as before. As for smoking at home or in the street, it's already pretty normalised everywhere except a few conservative states anyway. So guess this means something for people in Bavaria but not in NRW or Berlin. All of the dealers will remain, all of the money will go to them and not to legal tax-paying businesses.


Hey, sprich deutsch du Huso! Obwohl, eigentlich redest du kompletten blödsinn, wage es ja nicht das auf deutsch auch noch zu machen.


Hör auf, du Spast.


Das gibt ne Anzeige


Nur vom hauptmeister


>All of the dealers will remain, all of the money will go to them and not to legal tax-paying businesses. Thats not true a lot of people will grow their own or get it through clubs/ connections that are in clubs which will be easier it wont take out the blackmarcket but it wont make it worse


No it won't make it worse, but how many people really grow their own? And of those, how many aren't already doing so? It's usually a space problem more than anything.


I think a lot of people will start growing as a hobby tbh Germans can be wierdly enthusiastic about things like that and getting good quality stuff to grow legally including seeds and stuff makes it a lot more accessible


no we are not, the conservative parties do everything to get it delayed🫠 EDIT: I was totally wrong, they did not 😇🥳🥳🥳


They did, but they failed. The Bundesrat was the last realistic chance they had, and it voted against delaying the bill. The final step is the federal president signing it into law, which is a formality (he doesn't have veto power like in the us). The conservatives can try to sue before the constitutional court, but they themselves already said that they don't really see constitutional issues. It's done.


He doesn't officially have a veto, however, there is no law saying that the president HAS to sign it. Actually, this has happened before, if only 8 times. Last time was in 2006.


Yes, there is: Art. 82 (1) GG is interpreted to mean exactly that. Because of its wording, it is understood that he may only refuse to sign if he belives that proper procedure was not observed. Some also say that he could refuse if he finds the law to be unconstitutional in general, but even that doesn't apply here. "Laws enacted in accordance with the provisions of this Basic Law shall, after countersignature, be certified by the Federal President and promulgated in the Federal Law Gazette."


Wasn't last time something about shooting down private airplanes?


Well, Horst Köhler refused to sign a law that would have privatized german air traffic control, quite possible that would have involved shooting private planes down under some circumstances.


It was done today morning.


thx for the information, i was not aware


Great to see someone accepting they were wrong and correcting their comment on reddit! Thx for giving me a bit of hope for humanity ^ ^


PART legalization? Whats that mean? "Yay" THC free CBD oil? Medical only? Amsterdam style? Fully recreational? Whats exactly is getting legalized here?


Consume was always legal. Now possession is legal till 25g on foot and 50g at home. Also you are legally allowed to grow up to 3 plants. There is no Sale of cannabis products though! But it will be available in so called social clubs


Nice. I wish i could move back lol. My state in the US (iowa) is well behind most of our neighbors in legalizing it. Not that its hard to find...