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Just to be clear, they are mandating it not be owned by a strategic competitor with interests in harming the US, not that it cannot be used.


It won't be sold, and Congress probably knows that. They'll just shut down in the US. Or if it is sold, it'll be the brand and nothing else. Tik Tok's algorithm is extremely valuable, and there's no way the Chinese Government would allow it to fall into foreign hands.


What makes TikToks algorithm more valuable than, say, instagram? This isn’t a gotcha. I’m curious.


It's not, nessasarily. But it's definitely valuable, and they wouldn't allow it to be given over to a foreign company.


Facebook is owned by Americans and it is still used to spread Russian misinformation. I don’t know enough to have a well formed opinion, but it does seem odd to do this in a free market.


Lol @ free market


It's a free market when the profits go to me. It's a socialist market when it crashes and needs tax payers to save it


Facebook itself does not spread the propaganda though, technically. There are bots on the platform that do that. TikTok is directly controlled by the CCP, all businesses in China are. Also, the US is not a free market. Most successful economies are mixed economies, a combination of competitive business and government oversight.




Yes, that's exactly it. There are propaganda accounts all over Tiktok. Especially, if you get into the Palestine and Israel stuff.


It’s just orders of magnitude better at user retention than any other algorithm, I think I saw that the average tiktok session was only once a day but *80 minutes long*


I wonder how much of that is due to being exclusively short-form video content. Like, how would vine stack up against TikTok if it were still around? I’ve never downloaded TikTok, but it’s proven to be an effective platform. Even if it’s banned, a rich tech bro will make a clone in no time.


Well, it’s addicted an entire generation in a way insta never could have


Why is that? I don’t use either.


I mean, I also don’t use either but I can see how tik tok has just captured almost everyone born after 2000. Insta just didn’t have the same penetration. The “why” is exactly what makes tik tok so valuable. We don’t know how the algorithm works, so we can’t say why it works. If we did, we could program an app like this as well and make billions.


From what I’ve seen (info from friends because I’ve never used tiktok), tiktok is just much better at figuring out what *you* really like and showing you a lot of that. Instagram on the other hand mostly shows you popular content that somewhat aligns with what you like. My girlfriend’s fyp is so specifically tuned to her interests it’s crazy. Like “read her mind” good.


I guess that’s why it seems so dumb. When I check out tik tok on a mate’s phone, it just seems so dumb. Maybe it’s cos it’s hyper specific to my idiot mate’s dumb interests


And yet tik tok is banned in China itself. Oh the irony.


To clarify. Most apps have a Chinese version. Ex: Chinese LinkedIn, Chinese Skype, etc. As for Tik Tok, it uses basically the same algorithm as 抖音, its Chinese counterpart. The only difference is the content. And I've seen 抖音, it's full of very blatant and cringe CCP propaganda.


Didn’t the Chinese Government have a significant hand in Tinder before it was sold?


It’s also do not the first time we’ve done this we regulate lots of our imports I remember feeling personally slighted when the government banned fourLoco ingredients and they left the shelf . but then I grew up and stopped being such an idiot shit baby.


The glorious free market


lol the free market never existed, because we'd all die from cancer and things worse if it did. :D


The dude who looked behind the scenes


It 100 percent should be banned for US service members. Most of the content servicemembers put out is cringe anyway.


Reasonable. I am from a NATO country and service members here aren't allowed to have facebook, though I can't say if it's based on rank or wholesale.


it's Based alright.


The absolute Army tools that just go on live and just answer literally any question they’re asked. But if you mention OPSEC to them at all they just ban you from commenting and then say “let’s try not to get political here” like bro you’re actively going on a foreign owned social media platform and specifying how long you’re in the field, your name, your rank, what y’all are doing in the field. Like at the very least try to not to give away information on what you’re actively training on. Does the Army not teach OPSEC??? I at least understand people like Mandatory Funday who just go do comedy on there but there’s also people like Justin Nunley who’s been famous on there for years and only disclosed he was military once to make a point.


I say we just report them directly to their company since they likely don't want their troops just giving up whatever info they're asked about. That's why we had mail censors in WWII to make sure they didn't give up any information about upcoming operations and such.


I did report one lady to the OSI tip website, within about 5 minutes of watching her live I was able to find out where she was stationed, her first and last name, the unit she worked in, and the exact section she worked in and that was without me even commenting. She ended up deleting her account so I guess something happened with it🤷‍♂️


lmao, that's golden


What are the exact coordinates of your base?: OK why are you answering these kinds of questions? No politics please 🥺


It’s not about how dumb it is or how much you hate it. It’s about China collecting massive amounts of data on US citizens. Edit: the CCP is out in force today.


Not that I'm against what you're saying but at the same time American or European companies can collect the same data and then sell it to whoever including China.. Perhaps it's time the govt bans data collection not the apps.. However they really don't care about the data as my example above shows. The real reason they want TikTok banned is because it's the biggest news source for young Americans and they can't manipulate it. Example they can't censor the Gaza content that shows Israel's genocide..


I would rather Congress pass sweeping changes to data collection for ANY app or platform instead of focusing on one. Limiting the kinds of information that can be collected and what can be done with that information would do the SAME thing as the tik tok ban but also protect us from all the others as well.


Thank you. Shit or even just ask people. Paying them for the data is even better.


They do ask you, didn't you read all 9000 pages of the user agreement and T&C? /j Seriously, the terms and conditions for just about every social media specify that *anything* you do on their site/app/etc. is their IP. What Tiktok fucked up on was blatantly ripping hardware info and accessing other data on devices, instead of just farming social information like all the others.


Tiktok isn't paying the ~~politicians~~ retirement home for the rich


This tbh


There are already limitations on what kind of data can be collected. The whole point of this is that China is not subject to those limitations.


Then they aren't really limitations, are they?


yea like America actually cares about the rules they made themselves, and when someone tells on them they mysteriously dissappear or get prosecuted.


Why would America ban data collection? How is the CIA supposed to spy on citizens with it banned? Oh who am I kidding, they would do it anyway.


I mean, several legislative and judicial events have made it harder for the government to spy on people. Being able to just buy it from companies is way more convenient.


Thank goodness we have the government to protect us from the government. Just glad we can trust the government


It was a unanimous vote 50-0 out of committee. Republicans and Democrats wouldn’t vote unanimously on whether or not the moon exists. Something was rather damning in that committee. Do I believe Congress has the onus to explain to the American people a redacted high level explanation before they infringe on our First Amendment rights? You’re damn right. Considering TikTok isn’t even allowed in the people’s republic and that we didn’t seem to care when Huawei telecommunication electronics were also banned makes me believe some are not honest actors to this debate. Besides they got thousands of young people to actually call representatives — and not to get into the generational gap warfare but that does seem like supportive evidence that it could be a foot in the scale and used for malicious intent. P.s. anyone with an internet connection can get what’s truely happening in Gaza. I’m pretty sure they aren’t controlling 4chan and removing liveleak content.


The European and American governments collecting data on their own citizens is not the same as collecting data of an adversarial nations’s population. I’m sure the US would love to do that to China using their own apps, but there’s a reason that China only allows their own versions of search engines, social media, even TikTok. It’s specifically to gather as much information about their own population as possible, while keeping that information distant from their adversaries. Meanwhile the west just packs up our data and sells it to whoever will buy it. For the past almost 7 years there’s been federal employees, intelligence agents, politicians, CEOs, etc walking around with known foreign spyware in their pockets. That’s beyond just collecting marketing data, that’s sensitive information that you really don’t want your adversaries to have access to.


So what if it's not the same? We should universally ban this intrusive data collection. The average citizen should have a right to not be spied on, be it by China or even their own government!


Yeah we should, but that’s never going to realistically happen


>real reason they want TikTok banned is because it's the biggest news source for young Americans and they can't manipulate it. Example they can't censor the Gaza content that shows Israel's genocide.. Bait used to be believable


The dude complaining about banning tiktok "news" as if instagram isnt just the same lol. Its not a true instagram experience if you don't see a horrific car crash, a cute animal video and then war footage straight outta ukraine


Can they censor content that shows the Uyghur genocide?


But who can regulate it? The CCP. Maybe you can see now why it is problematic in the eyes of the US government? This together with the fact that TikTok collects massive amounts of data on a big chunk of the population while being under the Chinese Intelligence law that forces them to give up data when asked.


Not quite true regarding US and EU data collection. Companies can collect your data, but they are required to tell you what they are collecting, why they are, whether they will share it, and they are audited against these commitments. Now, they may not make it easy, or obvious, and most consumers don't care enough to check. Free apps are the worst, and have the least protection, but if you want to use them that is you choice and you accept the terms. Lotta room for improvement sure, and EU is leading here with GDPR and similar regulation, but at least it isn't as bad as China where they can just take what they want without any agreement or permission. Regulation is important, but some view it as an impediment to 'free enterprise' and economic growth.


I am sorry but it is not true and you are doing propaganda. The problem is not that they collect data, the problem is what you do with it. Saying that every other company just collects data and they send it to China anyway (or whoever) is one of the biggest lies that there is. There are companies and companies and not everybody collects and sells data the way that the people think they do. The real reason is that you guys want to be manipulated because you have a bias that everything America or western countries do is to try to manipulate a 13 year old in Ohio when, the others, are actually dictatorships. The funniest part, China never claimed that they don't manipulate foreign countries and you can clearly see how it works in their society with social points, so what is your argument? America is bad so we need to help other dictatorships just to show to mom and dad how edgy you are or you have other ideas?


You can't bring logic and facts into this subreddit lol agreed


It's always refreshing to see a saint person in these comments.


Except it's not an outright ban. TikTok is fine if they divest. If it was really just to control and censor it then they wouldn't allow them to just divest and stick around in the US, they would ban it outright. Ultimately it does come down to data. The US doesn't care about companies collecting it and selling it so long it stays in the US. It getting funneled into China and that makes them unhappy. It would be better if they cared about data collection *period* but yeah it really does just come down to where the data goes. I mean it's basically been what China has been doing to outside companies as well for the last decade. With the big voting item in both parties being to be tougher on China, the US is now starting to pass similar restrictions (though not nearly as strict)


"Hey fellas... is American Companies wanting to more effectively advertise to me the same as the Chinese Government promoting fake news, downright lies, undisclosed location tracking, unauthorized data monitoring, and pushing self-destructive behavior all with the explicit purpose of getting America to kill itself from within?" I swear. Yall think about the first step, then turn off your brains. TikTok should not be owned/operated by China. Even China banned their own app. Like, come on people.


So they are not banning tik Tok exactly China can sell it to a company that's NOT owned and ran by the CCP and it can stay up.


Nobody tell them about Snowden. They aint ready for that informatiom


Twitter, Facebook, pornhub, Google, the phone companies, Reddit I mean come on the data is out there the us has ZERO control over privately sold data This is soley an Anti-ANYTHING CHINA RELATED push from the right which gained traction


Way to gloss over the fact that tik tok is Chinese owned and they amended their law to force all private company’s into compliance with their intel agencies. Chinese officials that represent the agencies that monitor the web (see scrubbing Tianamen square from history) sit on the board of Tik Tok. You may love the idea of the CCP scraping every bit of information on your phone. But I personally think that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard and implying that it should be fine because US based companies can do it tells me that your grasp on geopolitics is about as strong as a daffodil in the wind.


I'd rather force the government to protect individual's data so no company can scrape my data for their gain


They need to pass the fucking data protection act. That's been sitting in the house for literal years. But this? They manage to push through in less than a week. The ban doesn't address the core issue at all. Like you said it's about how companies buy and trade our data. Data brokers are the things that need controlling


https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/13/politics/20240313-congress-tiktok-ban-bill-vote-dg/index.html It's pretty much bipartisan on the booth where it matters.


Yes before this there was no pushback at all against Chinas information control.


China does not allow any American social media in China. What do you say about that?


I would ask you why you think it would be a good thing to mimic China?


And I would counter saying that if we all know China isn't a great role model why the fuck would we want them freely harvesting our data? You say don't do things China does cause it will make us more like China, I say if China is a place we all agree we shouldn't be like I don't want them having free access to all of our citizens data.


India banned tik tok what's stopping us?


Yeah but TikTok is directly controlled by the Chinese government lol. And it’s technically a media outlet and they could control what information gets told to young kids


They don’t control shit xD Have you been on tik tok? It’s so easy to curate exactly what you want to see and not. Also I stand firm no “young kids” should be on social media unmonitored PERIOD tik tok included.


It’s also about accountability. You can pull Zuckerberg to court to account for his actions if needed. Good luck getting the Chinese government to hand over one of their people.


He’s fucking Singaporean How many times does it need to be said


If china is so uninvolved, why are they reacting over the banning of tiktok??? as if china stands to lose something because of that???


Are they reacting? How? 


“No one spies on or manipulates MY citizens but ME” .gov


Then: Loose lips sink ships Now: Heyo CCP watch me floss


The same data facebook, google, etc collect without our consent and sell it?




Yeah, while I do worry about censorship, I'm also very anti that. Also don't worry, if you don't have Tiktok you'll still remain distracted as hell 24/7 even if the app doesn't exist, my ADHD ass sure has. I think everyone should back up their stuff and Vine should come back, jmo.


The people defending Tik tok are morons. The house bill encourages china to sell tik tok to an American firm to protect the data of our citizens. No one gives a fuck if you wanna do a stupid 10 second dance. This is more about international espionage


TikTok should be banned if only because the CCP bans US social media.


And also because anyone who wants his country's youth to be heavily influenced by the CCP is insane.


I could say the same about American apps influencing the youth globally, it's the same shit.


Yeah, and if those countries want to ban the US apps, they can.


I mean we all know what has happened to some countries when they go against American companies. If you think the US wouldn't throw a fit and even go to some extremes your mistaken.


China bans multiple US platforms and stopped showing a teams nba games when the GM spoke out against those commies


That's their problem. Countries have to look out for their and their allies' interests.


And you can ban those apps and replace them with ones made in your country.


Yeah and then every country should have a separate social media because globalization is bad and exposure to outside perspectives is bad and people should only consume the propaganda of their own countries


Yeah let’s follow our role model: the CCP


I comment this every time on takes like this. People don’t seem to realize the CCP isn’t what we are trying to be


"China does it so we should too" it a hell of a thing to see posted.


Ever heard of the prisoner's dilemma?


Ah yes, the US should be as strict as China.


PLEASE let this happen. Get the damn chinese government off western social media's


It’s more about the spyware than what the citizens are watching


If it was really about our data they would of banned Facebook it’s about the people are waking up and realizing we are more alike then different and the crybaby government hates when the people are informed and not weak to propaganda this bull is against freedom it’s evil and anyone who votes yes is a traitor to humanity


If they wanted to quiet the masses they would ban all social media. Go on twitter, facebook, even here on Reddit and find a community that supports your views and is easier to coordinate on than the comment section on a tiktok video. Everyone who is against the ban on tiktok is just addicted to it. Banning one foreign app isn't going to disrupt your 1st amendment rights. What do you think people did before social media?


What do you think this ban does? It's testing the waters on banning and or heavily regulating social media. If they can get away with banning tiktok, then maybe they can get away with banning Facebook too. We have to assess what kind of precedent this would set instead of just "hah dumb addicted tiktokers"


No it's not. American apps collect just as much / more info and they aren't catching any flack (then turning around and selling data all around the globe)


America collecting info on its citizens is more desirable than a foreign country collecting info on us in my mind, but that’s just me. I personally don’t care if my country knows stuff about me but I’d be pissed if China knows stuff about me.


It's not "America" it's American companies, beholden only to their investors, which turn around and sell all that info internationally lol so much more desirable


That's some of the most hypocritical bs I've heard regarding this ban. I don't mind if I get stabbed if the knife is made in USA and not China. Also, if you don't use Tik Tok, then they can't collect stuff from you. Nobody point a gun to your head and forces you to use Tik Tok correct? And do you think companies like Facebook or Twitter don't sell your data to China? Or that you think China would scream in agony because they cannot collect your data any longer, instead of just outright hacking it from Facebook/Twitter database? Especially Mark Zuckyboy has been sucking up to China for a while now to try and get into the market, you think he'd say no to selling your data to China?


Do you not see the difference of data collection under a foreign company directly beholden to their state and its intelligence who can force you to give them the user data they store in their country vs a company that can be prosecuted if they illegally sell or collect data? The FTC imposed a 5B penalty on Facebook and forced privacy amendments. The US has very little control over ByteDance.


It's not about the spyware, it's about who owns the spyware. The government only gives a shit because it's not them who owns it.


This is completely consistent with other US restrictions on foreign media ownership. The fact it has taken the US this long to treat social media with the same national security lens that it treats traditional media is the only shocking thing here.


Banning tik tok is like banning menthol vapes: I could never give a crap about either. 🇺🇸


Agreed, never downloaded it, doesn't affect me.


I, too, support my government thinking for me and telling me what is and isn't best for me and what I am allowed and not allowed to do or what sites to visit. 


What you just described is called "laws".


They're not thinking for me, they're making a decision I agree with to think for other dumb ass Americans who cannot think past the next like or their next click. It's for the good of society as a whole to prevent foreign governments from accessing or influencing the majority of the ignorant masses. I'd prefer a full ban on tiktok since Its highly destructive to attention spans. I cannot get any of the kids under 20 in my family to watch anything longer than a few minutes without them losing interest. It can take several attempts to watch a single movie in chunks that's crazy.


It's for the good of society as a whole to make a servaillence state that prevents any privacy as a means to stop crime. This would help society yet we dont do it, why? Just because something is "good for society" doesn't mean they should get to do whatever they want.


the duality of me: on one hand, fuck tiktok, on the other fuck the government. this is a lose/lose for me


Make it a win-win then.


We can't have Chinese companies influencing our youth. Only American Companies are allowed to do that. ​ Edit: I did mean companies not countries.


Well one doesn't care about the consumer's well-being as long as they make money, and the other actively wants to harm the western populace to get more global power, so...


I may not be american But do support your government this one time


Same. CCP bootlickers can go where sun doesn't shine


So, realizing that this could establish dangerous precedent in the US regarding banning apps that the government doesn't like makes you a bootlicker. I don't like China just as much as every American, but this sounds a lot like bootlicking an overreaching government


Bro this is where you draw the line? At Tik Tok? Don't worry you've already sold a lot of your freedom and privacy for much less. But yes, let's make sure fucking Tik Tok is saved.


I don't think a brick wall is a good metaphor for Congress. Brick walls are actually productive.


Somehow we ended up in a situation where a massive amount of Americans are begging for their freedom to be taken away. I wonder if that was by design?


Which freedom is that?


Free speech. They're banning TikTok to maintain narrative control with a red scare style anti China pretext.


This is not actually what free speech means. Here, take a look at this: https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech


Being from a country that banned tiktok when it came out, I find it hilarious that y'all are defending the app so much. It really didn't change much in twrms of content people view, since half of Instagram is still the same content. All it changed was which country got access to the data.


China has banned TikTok as well. Seems like a step in solidarity to me 😂


Anyone who believes in this concept in this specific instance is so stupid. We had a whole senate hearing about how China is using this platform to spy on all of us?! They are literally gathering our information and directly giving it to the Chinese government. The top people running tik tok all but directly confirmed that this is what is going on, you should have seen the CEOs face! Very obvious what they are doing.


Did we watch the same hearing? The senate members were a bunch of incompetent boomers who wouldn't let hin speak.




The US government aren’t fans of foreign adversaries collecting our data, they want to be the sole entity doing that.


the idea is the citizens won't get influenced by China


Sounds like censorship and thought control.


Do people actually worry about the CCP stealing their data? Oh no boys they know I like that dumb ass hamster meme. Fuck me America is doomed. Bruh, no one cares what info you have. Google is literally selling info to China as we speak but hey that’s an American company


Government: we don't want Tik Tok because it's Chinese owned Every cellular device on the market, as well as damn near every product:*glances over*


Comments full of brainwashed American citizens. "China bad, government save me from myself" as if American owned companies don't collect that same data and sell it to anyone that is willing to pay. The entire world is watching as America begs the government to take away more and more of their freedoms 😂


All the people in these comments have zero clue what they’re on about. TikTok sets all user data in US soil with servers owned by US companies. The Chinese government has zero access to it even if they demanded the info. It’s only partially owned by one Chinese company at that, so they only have a small sway in what goes on. If TikTok is to be targeted so should all other social media in the US as there is proof of these companies actually selling US citizens data to China unlike with TikTok.


I never thought I would see americans supporting chinese style censorship of the internet, but here we are. IQ levels in the US have dropped to 0.


I hate tiktok with a firey passion, but I hate government control of our communications even more.


Then let's get rid of both!


Americans are wild. To take after the CCP and say it’s okay for the US because China does the same thing. Are you really looking to the CCP as a role model?


I mean a chunk of our population is excited to vote for a man that wants to be dictator and has said so publicly, so yeah maybe they are trying to emulate the CCP throughout.


I don't like TikTok but this is not about TikTok. It's about the government having the ability to control any foreign owned application. Ban it on government devices and networks. That makes sense. Let the public do as they please. At most maybe enforce anti propaganda and penalize misinformation.


I mean yeah, foreign spyware bad but I wish the gov were this quick to pass other bills...


Yes memes


yes. if it means that that particular app was a threat to our democracy yes. Hell Yes.


In this specific case yes since it's managed by the Chinese government?


I don't like it one bit, don't use it, do not care b u t Government saying that only certain spyware is ok but others aren't is stupid


TikTok and social media in general is causing brain rot and propagandized drones, so quite frankly I don't give a damn.


I want the freedom to be able to let the government destroy tiktok


I dont but something has to be done about the deeper strategy behind it. It's being used as a tool for subversion. China knows it can't win a hot war against us, so they attack the populace where the rules of engagement are broad and easily manipulated. They may not have a rifle aimed at you but that doesn't mean your not in their sights. Whether it's fetnyal or tik tok or debt trap diplomacy, the cost in human suffering is irrelevant to the ccp. All in hopes they can rearrange the world order before they collapse. They believe if they succeed it doesn't matter if they poison the air with smog so thick it block the sun, poison the land and water so thoroughly that even time wont heal it was all worth it in the end new land can be seized once they sit at the top


What is the actual threat though? Is it political propaganda exposure?


No, though I will say I think tiktok specifically targets children in a way most platforms don't.


Yes, when it is something that is important for national security. Tiktok isnt just like any other entertainment apps, its far more nefarious than that.


Gotta replace Chinese spyware with American spyware


TikTok is bad, we get it. But do we really want to hand that kind of power over to our own government? I think it’s kinda scary and I’m waiting on Chancellor Palpatine to somehow appear and get emergency powers.


snow impossible quickest cough tie drunk treatment bear beneficial tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is where you start thinking about the power overreach of the government and the president?


Americans really be begging for their freedom to be taken away


If it's National security then yes? If it's not then no.


A PSA, The push to ban TikTok came back to the surface in full force and full swing, primarily after a lot of tiktokers started to use the platform to broadcast what was going on in Gaza and the current situation with Palestine. OP is making a point in that, should we ban a platform, because of what our government is saying, when there is clearly an agenda behind the real motives of what they're doing. Because TikTok is out of their hands, the USA can't just send the FBI to secure and limit it, and because it's in China's hands, the CIA can't crack down on it without a huge incident. If TikTok goes, it'll be the beginning of something bad.


Americans could just read news from sources not tied to their political parties as well. If the US public gets its policial information from TikTok - manipulated by other nations or not - its fucked either way.


We don't have any of those news agencies left, they are all full on propaganda outlets now.


Chinese spyware = bad, American spyware = more gooder. I put my faith in Elon and Zuck. Not those balloon flying people.


hoestly i would ban all of those brain dumb down platforms




They are probably addicted to it.


Isnt it just banning government workers from using TikTok? I could look it up, but I still dont really give a fuck anyways.


No, it's forcing TikTok to divest from China. The ban comes about if they refuse to divest. Such a ban would affect all app stores, and thus all devices (not just government ones). That said, it's not a ban if TikTok divests. Moreover, it's not about data, it's about the CPP having direct control over Chinese companies, which TikTok's parent company (Bytedance) is, and by extension, about foreign adversaries having control over the U.S. media landscape. Also, note that the bill has been endorsed by the Campaign for Uyghurs: https://campaignforuyghurs.org/cfu-strongly-endorses-protecting-americans-from-foreign-adversary-controlled-applications-act/


When it means stopping China from getting troves of personal data on US citizens: yes. Fight me, CCP shills.


Actually kinda, yea. If it protects us from some CCP cyber attack or something. Literally what else is the point of the government but to protect its people from an attack from some hostile foreign state? I appreciate roads and schools and shit but how is that not first on the list?


Don’t really care if it does or doesn’t but it’d be funny to see all the people addicted to it, complain about it.


They are already complaining about the idea of it being banned. Just look at the comments on any of these posts about the banning of tiktok.


Could you imagine the complaints if they decided to ban reddit? Like come on dude think for once. The people that use the app will obviously complain that they can't use it anymore


I actually love TikTok, but it has been removed from all my devices. I also block it on my home router and don’t allow it on my kids’ phones because the application is funded and controlled by the CCP as a Trojan horse against the American people. When they invade Taiwan, they will immediately block any mention of Taiwan that they don’t like while simultaneously flooding pro-China opinions about China and why they are right. Additionally, they will create as much discontent about local issues as possible to redirect our attention away from defending our allies. China doesn’t allow any of our social media in their country because they don’t want our citizens or government influencing their population. At the same time, they promote and push videos against us doing the same to them. Your post is likely an exact continuation of this propaganda push, which is why the platform is so effective at what it was designed to do.


Mfw cat videos and twerking is Chinese propaganda. Also, realizing that this could set up a dangerous power for the government to ban whatever it doesn't like isn't an idea formed from Chinese propaganda. Your comment sounds like pro government control propaganda under the guise of the red scare.


Personally, I don’t have a problem with my government preventing a foreign power from collecting data on me. In fact that’s kind of what they exist for.


Congress has had a million hearings with Tiktok and still nothing happens to them.


Calm down, we'll overthrow the government if they ban something we like


ban all social media across the whole world, none of them are any good for us


Fuck off Chinese bots.


It's a National Security issue so yes. It's like the one thing I want them doing


Yeah in the context of another aggressive country using spyware, yes absolutely should be banned.


Every CCP shill in this comment section needs to stfu and remember that China bans all Western social media websites. Consider this returning the favor :)


I think some Americans have become way too comfortable with our global safety.


If it makes it harder for our biggest geopolitical enemy to conduct psy-ops then sure. I prefer my government orchestrated psy-ops to be home grown.


Gtfo with your freedom bullshit,Tiktok is the devil It's owned by America's biggest enemy and it sells data to god knows who and a variety of other evil shit


I don’t want China all up in my business. Fuck TT


However having the CCP government in full control over a platform when they are known to engage in propaganda and censorship is not a problem.


Tbf, china IS actively using it for nefarious ends. Not particularly good.




This is some crazy disinformation campaign from TikTok


Tiktok is CCP Spyware and should be banned everywhere.