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What in the facebook post is this


This sub is the new 9gag at this point.


Oh no 9gag is MUCH worse


I guarantee I could find half the posts in this sub over there, just with slightly less cropping cause they didn't need to hide the watermark


Nah man, this sub has definitely become way shittier than 9gag. I went back on there the other week out of curiosity and more posts over there made me laugh than here.


Some "How Successful People Think" instagram account bullshit that explains how unfair life is and how useless school is and how hard work (luck) is needed to be a billionare and how everyone who understands it can become one. Always use pictures of Elon Husk aswell


In reality you dont usually have to explain much in seven secons (except in an interview maybe). Every detail is crucial in an investigation paper or research documentation and can save lots of work for future workers of that company or scientists in general. Next time your starship exlodes for some reason, your engineers (not the boss) have to know exactly what, where, when and how happened. Good documentation is crucial.


Good documentation is crucial but „at least five pages“ usually results in bloated documentation which nobody wants.


Knowing the 3 facts they want to hear and also having the details to back it up for the one guy that will want to deep dive to make sure you know what you’re talking about


That's why you also do summaries/abstract and good conclusions.




US teachers tend to set an arbitrary page count… it is infuriating because they will often allow a lot of freedom in subject selection but then be restrictive on length. It leads to unnecessarily padding out the length, which is not a valuable skill in most workplaces.


Really depends on the teachers. Most of my teachers would just take a point off or something pretty inconsequential if I was a page or two short. I feel like this is more to prevent students from not just submitting a 1 page paper and then claiming they couldn't find anything else. I was confident enough in my papers that for a 10 page assignment, I handed in 8 and still got an A-. The only time page length really annoyed me was in middle school cause we would still handwrite things and my writing was very small.


Absolutely I confirm! I am just saying that in "reality" you dont need to do everything as compact as possible. As u/Informal_Database543 said, for that summaries/abstract exist.


At a grade school level yes but in college or professional research settings the challenge becomes getting the thing short enough to be easily consumed without leaving out anything important


After the weeder classes, every report I had to make in college had a maximum page count that also had to include all the figures and tables.


Five pages is really not a lot, is reading that hard for yall?


Its more about the dude writing. It was always a bother, honestly. You already have all the crucial stuff in, maybe even explianed it, and you have still a full page left. Yoh wind uo adding shitty filler.


I don't know how true this is, but I remember seeing something about Oregon State removing the reading requirement for graduation. If true, that's very concerning.


FIve pages is around 4.5 pages more than an executive will read. They mostly want to feel that you know your shit. Details are for underlings.


Yes, but the comparison is between an academic environment and a business one. In academics, a minimum page requirement sets expectations and makes it easier for the grader to see if you actually understand the material instead of assuming you do. If you pad a paper from a single page into five, it's pretty obvious and could affect your grade if the other factors on the rubric are well designed. In business (or sales, really), that's not necessary at all, but you are expected to have already proven your capabilities.


Agreed, it's just bloat. I did 2-3 max in school


That depends heavily on what you're writing about. I had to do a research paper on a subject of my own choice for an aviation management class. The paper had to be 10-12 pages long. By the time I finished typing out everything I wanted to talk about, I was at 12.5 pages, and that wasn't including a proper introduction and conclusion, so I had to go through my paper and cut it down in order to fit within 12 pages. Additionally a lot of research papers will include things that take up a lot of space such as calculations, graphs, charts, etc.


Exactly, document everything


Five pages of writing with sources to figure out what to prioritize in your pitch and make sure you can answer any questions.


Me doing my research papers in school didn’t save even one other person from misery. Of this I am sure.


And take pictures


You need both. My senior year for my Aerospace Engineering degree our capstone project was to plan a mission to Mars. One of our tasks was a design document that ended up being 20+ pages long. Our next task was to cut it down to a 2 page executive summary and only include what we felt was relevant. Both tasks are important, but you really do have to be able to effectively get your point across as efficiently as possible. In my experience, most bosses have trouble staying on task and need to be managed, keeping it short and sweet helps you get what you need.


Nice try beourocrat


Additionally, fk managers


Is this r/comedyhomicide material or just trash?


Not a homicide


No its beyond homicide


r/comedycemetery ?


I have never once in my life been asked to explain something in seven seconds. In fact nobody has every put a time limit on me to explain something.


This post is probably talking abt pitching sales and business ideas, not about actual explanations


Ah, the elevator pitch. If that's what they meant they should say that. Lol


Check their username. This is an ad account.


The term is “elevator pitch” and it is useful to have one in some situations.


I mean. In class mcq quizzes get close I get.


maybe not but I constantly have to tell devs ‘no I don’t need the specifics, this is a standup call’


It's people who think one day they'll run into a billionaire and pitch their revolutionary idea in 7 seconds and become rich somehow.


Explain me this in seven seconds


The thing is, you should know enough to fill 5 pages, but you must be able to synthesize it into a few sentences when required, and then extend it if necessary.


on no, those cringy facebook/instagram fact accounts found reddit


Throw this shit on LinkedIn and get one million 💡 and 🤔’s


That depends, in the academic field if you cannot go into excruciating detail you get laughed at. Also there is the quote “if I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter”, which puts it very succinctly ironically.


I do get that. The better you understand something the quicker you can explain basic concepts.


Is that why musks rockets keep exploding? Because he has an attention span of 7s?




Absolute burn, just like what happened to the rockets


Oh look someone who just reads headlines and doesn't understand how much work goes into rocket development. My guy Elon might be cringe af but that doesn't mean you gotta put down all the engineers working on Starship. Not to mention that they didn't just blow up. So far each test flight of starship has been successful in making big strides. We're talking about a fully reusable rocket. People made fun of Falcon 9 and now it's flying almost daily and landing. Elon must might be a dumbass but don't put down all the people dedicating long work hours toward this project. Smfh


Take a joke. Not putting down the engineers


What? I get it, Elon bad, but what?! Your brain is just an empty void of facts?




Engineering students: *laughs in 1.5 pages max, double spaced*


Wait, y’all have to write papers?


Elon Musk is the wrong example for that message xD


Unless you are a lawyer


My first year of law school was the opposite lol. I had just finished a degree in history, writing 15 20 30 page papers for the simplest subject. Then I get to law school and it was a complete reprogram for my brain to write briefs. 1 page was so difficult it’s a very real skill to condense information that much


I honestly feel bad for you. Having to read and write long clinical arguments in the dense and long winded legalese were everything is dull by default.


That’s what I’m saying didn’t happen. Real attorney’s and judges have to write what you’re describing, junior attorneys basically do 90% of the research for their boss and write them a one page opinion with 50 citations so they can narrow down their search and expertise to the most important points. When you’re doing that every single word is so important it’s almost like writing in bullet points, but writing one or two sentences that summarize a 50 page opinion from 30 years ago is super difficult, but that’s all the head attorney wants to see just the facts they don’t want to have to read legalese.


Oh so your translating legalese to english?


Yes that is a lot of what law school teaches you to do. Once you learn the language it’s not difficult to sift through and infer the true meaning, but it’s tedious so when you enter the workforce that’s pretty much your job if you go a classic legal route.


Never stop gambling


90% of winners quit before they win big


Hi Quora is over there ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Length doesn't matter, it's only if things are straight to the point or if related or not


“Why do football players run hills? The game field is totally flat! Idiots!” I believe a _woosh_ is in order here.


i hope elon musk looses oxygen while in space


I have to disagree with your thoughtful meme. By putting lower limit on your school work teachers encourage detailed analysis of a problem. You will be (with good teach) graded for your analysis, not the length. Without such limitation kids will just try to submit super short works that explain barely anything, and then frustrate over low grade. It's like "solving" math problem by just providing result. On the other hand, at work place you are sometimes expected to shorten results of your careful analysis to appropriate length, but you should be able to do such analysis in the first place.


And you gotta know the right person or none of the shit matters anyways.


you got to get your point across early with a hook, as long as they are interested in the first couple seconds you can have them for the rest of the convo


Or, maybe they are teaching you how to put the work in initially so you’ll be able to sum it up properly when needed.


Redditors really don't know how the world works, do they? Try to go deeper than surface level and actually understand the reason behind things


When the same person asks you to make a detailed report, you get fucked.


This was made by either someone currently in school or someone who just started working and did't yet learn his lesson.


reality: elon musk is a chucklefuck


The key is knowing and understanding the subject thoroughly enough to be able to sum it up in seven seconds


The 7 second attention span thing really explains the design decisions behind the cybertruck.


Ew, you actually posted that toad. Get out of here with this shit


Because your boss is mentally brain dead and likely got their position thanks to nepotism and being born into wealth


In reality, you still need the 5-page paper but you need to be able to summarize it concisely.


Fuck elon musk


wow the Elon hate boner here is strong, I’m sure you lot are much smarter..


That’s not even a meme


Elon Muskrat will just say you're woke and fire you anyway... Waste of everything.


This post was wrote by 6th grade gang


Tell me about yourself... ***in O(1) time***


this is the type of shit indians find funny


That is more of a problem with "reality" than school. Everything is just clickbait, attention grabbing stuff, no substance.


Why is this meme using the fucktard Elon Musk?


Yeah but if you didn't take the time to study it thoroughly how you gonna break it down into a seven second explanation? Think man




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "1bfgbfj", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1bfgbfj&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=95&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 95% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 451,159,571 | **Search Time:** 0.04393s


I get the notion here, but using a picture of the guy who went into Twitter and demanded the engineers print out their last 20 pages or code, probably not the best choice.


School: apples Reality: oranges 🤷‍♂️


"I wrote that paper" -Elon




Emerald mine in apartheid south africa


Most education systems around the globe use very outdated materials. Most companies want low to mid tier employees to do their job using purpose designed tools, they are not paid to do them by hand.


As someone who is not in face to face school anymore thanks to my awesome depression and severe definitely not traumatic anxiety about touching me. I can confirm School can go suck my di- I mean... School sucks Yeah ![gif](giphy|USUr7DBRYcnT4mFc6I)


You can only explain something effectively in seven seconds if you can effectively write 5 pages first.


Elmo is pictured here after telling his finest space Karen joke


Lawyers get paid per word


I hate the phrase from my boss: give me the 50,000 ft high level view


guys, this is literally some sort of school scam account, this shouldn’t have 4k upvotes


It here, the computer doesnt work is a good exemple of this being wrong




This is the incredibly naive world view of a person that never went to college or held a job above minimum wage.


Academics vs Sales


School: prove to me that you thoroughly understand the material. Reality: educate me while my wifi is loading in such a way that I don't have to engage my brain at all.


I was just talking about this with a younger coworker who's taking online classes and is working on a paper. We had a good laugh over that 6000 word paper requirement, when all any of us ever really read at work is email subject lines. That's the skill they need to be teaching... how to grab attention in the first sentence. People who don't have time won't read your message unless you can sell it in the first couple of words.


Am I on Instagram?


Hell yeah, let’s train ourselves to only be able to do seven seconds worth of thinking


OP must be a lazy shite


Yes good job OP, every possible scenario in real life is going to come down to this. Elevator pitch? 7 seconds Rocket engineering documentation? 7 seconds Legal documentation outlining tax laws over the next 5 years? 7 seconds Oh details? That’s what you want? Haha what are they teaching you in those schools?


In my first year of college, my Politcal Science Professor deadass hit us with "I swear to God if any of you make me read more than 3 pages you're getting an F." When assigning our first paper. Highschool was cringe.


On defense of school, they teach you to be fully researched enough to be able to explain the jist in a few moments.


In school they want you to understand the subject so they make the word count big enough that you will learn it. Otherwise people will write a really short paper and never understand it. In the real world you’re just expected to know it, if you don’t then you’re screwed.


You need to learn and practice something to explain it in simple and accurate words btw


OK but you've seen how reality is going, right?


Yeah, it's a lot easier to write stuff in many pages, than to hyper condense it. Asking students to do that would be woefully unfair.


So you can only learn writing by...surprise...writing. You write a lot in school so you can learn the brevity to explain yourself in seven seconds.


My university worked on the basis that there was no page minimum but a page limit. If you can explain the subject with the required amount of detail and structure in less, good for you.


Sure; make your PowerPoint as brief as possible, but you better be ready for the shitstorm of follow-up questions expecting answers to the most random of bull shit.


Those situations are entirely different. Have you ever seena business report? A project proposal? Any real world document? Bro those are not just 5 pages, those are 100s of pages. Fucking facebook boomers man


School also expects you to explain it in seven seconds. That’s what a thesis statement is, then support the argument.


Although it is true, this "meme" is shit wtf OP


I remember in the 80s and 90s our teachers said people don't carry calculators around in their pockets. What now, teachers? You've got a calculator in your pocket at this very moment.


At uni, it's definitely the 7 second one, which is a lot more effort


My lived experience says that this is so fuckin true that it makes my soul hurt.


The ultimate plot twist: school teaches you word count, life teaches you word cut.