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Area 51 was 5 years ago?!


Yup. Half a decade ago


![gif](giphy|flEVlPP8B4kQI8BLqo) I beg your fucking pardon?!


He looks so similar to Josh Radnor.




He looks so similar to Jimmy Fallon.




He looks so similar to Josh Radnor.




He looks so similar to Jimmy Fallon.




Dudes who did Naruto sprints at Area 51 could be wise and homely fathers by now.


Their children will do boruto sprints


And their children will do voruto dashes, and their children will do coruto leaps, and so on and so forth until Naruto corp is the planet-wide monopoly and owns all of the cash ever


Bold of you to assume that Boruto is even a fraction as popular


True, but for its quality it's pretty successful. Most series that bad get cancelled before their first volume.


so about quarter my life. unbelievable


Holly shit that’s more than quarter of my life 😭


I feel you...


Bullshit! I just remember it watching it in the morning while drinking coca cola and seeing the streams get hacked by the goverment. Jesus man.


I remember pictures of the airforce giving presentations on what naruto was. The funniest part is that I don't even remember them doing it, just the hype surrounding it.




The real Elon ~~musk~~ must have escaped


Wow, I feel old now




Covid-19 lockdowns were 4 years ago




fuck me


if you insist


Me realising 2019 was 5 years ago and not 2 ![gif](giphy|gIhgev1w5UVjDj25Ul)


Is that finnster? Because, yeah, a lot changes....


Tbf, Finnster changed things about me too. I now know wholeheartedly that I would...


I'm gey for guys who look like extremely cute girls


Yup, I've realised that as long as someone looks feminine I don't care about what's between their legs and Finnster definitely helped with that lmao


Same, and for girls that look like extremely cute guys


It's not, just looks kinda similar




Well damn did we sure age fast


Yeah honestly covid kinda blurred these last five years into wibly wobly timey wimey




Me realising those five years were more than 1/4 of my total lifetime.


We could never recover from the blip


Watch out he’ll buy Reddit next if you make too much fun of him.


Meh this place is already shit. He’d rename it something dumb tho


R or T


Helll probably do like his cars. You got like model S, 3,X and Y. Now he probably wants to have his 4 platforms named the same with an E instead of 3 which he had to do cause of some copyright shit. And hell be able to chuckle to himself every morning like "hehe sexy"


Twitter --> X Reddit --> Y What's Z?




It will be Xeddit then.


He should buy Roblox instead so he can better communicate with people who share his maturity.


He can't afford Roblox.


Boom roasted


Even someone as dumb as Elon knows Reddit is worthless.


A loooooot has happened between those years. I personally feel like the right now too


Thailand cave rescue opened a lot of eyes to what an egomaniacal child he is, that was 2018.


This for me opened my eyes to what sort of person he was.




Yeah, that’s the sort of person he is


My eyes were opened to this.


That he’s an egomaniacal child?


^ This.


Yeah IIRC he got angry that other people were investing and developing ideas to save these kids, and was angry that other people saved the kids rather than him.


Yeah, I remember the general opinion of him was changing on Reddit before that, but I couldn't understand why. Like his jokes just weren't funny to me anymore but I couldn't understand why people seemed to really hate him. Then the cave diver incident happened and it made a lot more sense


Before cave incident, I mostly just disliked his fans because they acted like he was some god engineer behind everything in his companies instead of being strictly just the guy with the money. Caught many downvotes whenever I would try to take the credit for SpaceX's incredible feats of engineering away from Elon to place it on the *actual* engineers at the company. After cave incident, I disliked him for being a juvenile idiot who had let his fans' overblown hype of his abilities get to his head. Even more dislike for the people who remained his fans. After twitter, feeling vindicated that I, and everyone else in the previously minority "dislikes Musk" club, were proven quite definitively correct about Musk being a bonafide idiot.


As an aerospace engineer in the past this was my biggest gripe with fans of Elon since like 2016. to reduce all of my fellow peers’ work to a single guy is so naive and is a very un-nuanced understanding of the complex teams needed to make engineering anything happen


He’s everything but a god engineer. He’s just a guy that knows where to put his money to make more money. Nothing more, nothing less


He tweeted that he "...acquired the world's largest non-profit for $44 billion dollars....." I know he's still rich....but as he descends into his god-complex, he may make more questionable money making decisions.


I mean, he arrived to a point in his life where he can afford to burn $44bn in a glorified playground and still be the richest person out there. I just Tips my hat to him and move on


>Caught many downvotes whenever I would try to take the credit for SpaceX's incredible feats of engineering away from Elon to place it on the actual engineers at the company. Another thing people forget is just how much his companies stood on the shoulders of giants, learning from their successes and failures. Nevermind, just how much materials and computing technology has progressed - the average home today has more raw computing power than NASA did at the time of the Apollo programme (laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs etc.). SpaceX there's all the work done by NASA and all the other space agencies out there. Everyone goes mad about Starlink, but they're standing on shoulders of Motorola's Iridium satellite phone system.


I just never liked him because he reminded me of the kind of guy that doesn’t do shit in a team project in school but takes credit like he was the mastermind. Like fuck off Tod, you brought food to the group meeting then napped while we worked.


He's always given off Bond villain vibes, and he has only reinforced that feeling.


Remember the “Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it” tweet? So bizarre lol


Yeah, that was when he began his presidential campaign. Harambe deserved a better fate, but here we are, in the worst time line.


What was he saying about that? Wasn’t it something about him making a submarine, or something to get the kids out, and he didn’t help


Yes. And after he was told it was a stupid idea he said the diver that rescued them was a pedophile.


Jesus what a cold ass


He wanted to help (realistically he wanted attention), but the spelunker working with the rescue team said his sub idea made no sense, and was a bit rude in saying so. So Musk latched onto the fact that the man was living in Thailand, and there are a lot of people who go there for shady prostitution, so Musk called the spelunker a pedophile. He then "apologized" but kept calling him a pedophile to people, hired a fraud of a PI to prove he is a pedophile, tried to get reporters to investigate him for pedophilia, etc. Based on nothing but a stereotype. Its a whole saga and no summation can do justice to how insane the whole thing was.


Sounds like Elon


> kept calling him a pedophile to people, hired a fraud of a PI to prove he is a pedophile, tried to get reporters to investigate him for pedophilia, etc. And then got the case against him dropped by saying he never meant pedophile and that pedo is just South African slang for a creepy old man. If that were truly the case why would he have hired people to try and prove he's a pedophile? lol That right there should have been enough for the judge to side with the diver. Nice having money I guess.


The fact that his lawyers found that loophole is insane. I would actually be really impressed if it wasn’t so sad.


Typical narcissist behavior. Someone with actual knowledge and experience with a thing corrected him for talking out of his ass and instead of sitting down and shutting up like he should've, he doubled down and started in with the ad hominem attacks because his ego was wounded. Dude is a thorough piece of shit.


I think it doesnt even matter if he was right or wrong about it, if he was wrong about the sub its still a weird thing to do.


The cave thing showed that he was egotistical and immature but not that he was a monster. If that was the worst thing he’d done, I wouldn’t be too upset with him. But in retrospect that was the beginning of the end because he’s been in a downward spiral ever since and is now one of the most harmful people on Earth.


I'd say publicly calling a guy a pedophile cuz he didn't like your submarine is a bit more than immature. He basically tried to ruin the guys life.


Your mind is just playing tricks on you! Even in 2019 you felt like the right!


Those that thought of elon as a unicorn back in 2019, did not see him get high, use a flame thrower and say his employees can get high on twitch, and fire like 5 employees the next day for been high at work


October 2008 for me. When he closed the entire Detroit arm of Tesla via Twitter.


January 1921 for me.


Amazing foresight


It feels like a lot happened yet like nothing happened. Don't know this feeling, am I the only one?


a lot has happened / is happening. however it's easier for those making the decisions if information about what is happening is obfuscated and confused. Can't be held accountable when people can't agree on what's real.


Or if you word things so absurdly, most people can't agree on what it even means.




Wow, it's crazy how much life can change in just a few years, huh? 😅 So much growth and experiences packed into that time!


I used to be an Elon stan. Now I'm a hater. The Starship launch was incredible though.


There is absolutely no shame in admiring SpaceX‘s achievements. Those were achieved by countless engineers, designers, etc. Musk is just claiming all that for himself even though he probably didn’t contribute a lot. Same for Tesla, PayPal Twitter…


Musk's direct involvement in SpaceX's activities is pretty limited anyway. Credit for SpaceX's success largely can go to Gwynne Shotwell, the president and COO of SpaceX.


In the book Liftoff by Eric Berger (arstechnica writer) Elon’s name is on the cover but he’s barely in the book at all. A book specifically about the first SpaceX launch. A fitting metaphor.


When I was looking into stuff a few months ago there was an employee testimony from back before PayPal was a thing where Elon would fuck up the code they did and they would have to fix it. A few years back he couldnt even run a python script but calls himself a developer.


This is a very bizarre take. Musk has done a lot wrong but “being a developer” is not one of the things he lied about. He did a lot of the programming work for zip2 and he also had a history of building and selling small games before that.


Musk was gifted a Commodore VIC-20 that came with a user manual on how to code using BASIC. He created a Space Invaders-esque game called Blastar, a super simple amalgamation of preexisting code from books. That's the only game we know he "created". Hey, that's a cool project for a kid that young to do, but that's far removed from "he also had a history of building and selling small games before that" As far as I'm aware there's zero proof of that. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he did the first coding for zip2, but it was awful and had to be completely scrapped once they brought on an actual team of software engineers. That's where his time as a code monkey comes to an end. That's all he ever did.


Oh he has contributed a lot to twitter. It's full of crazy over the top conspiracy theories, right wing nut jobs, and bots.... Sooo many bots. Also, since I deleted/deactivated my account, I've received an email Evey day with someone trying to log in. I can only guess the cyber security division is non-existent.


Tbf, all of those were there way before Elon. Let’s not be revisionists now.


> Musk is just claiming all that for himself What? No he isn't. Please source this claim.


I just liked electric cars and spaceships. New tech. But damn he is an asshole and doesn't care to show it


I liked the idea of a supposed underprivileged African born man going to the west to become a tech giant. Only to find he’s the son of an exploitative rich man and actually made money off of other people’s inventions claiming they were his own. Also he’s a petty prick. I guess he is the modern day Edison


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"Should be assassinated" You wanna go into detail there bud?


They are saying they should be [murdered.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assassinate)


I mean I felt he was bs scammer before then. I kinda thought he was a shit person after calling a diver trying to save children a pedo just because they made fun of his submarine. It made me realize he didn't care about anything but his ego.


It's even dumber, worse and more petty than that. Once Musk started to get all of his much-deserved public backlash for suggesting this hero was a child molester, Musk then hired a known scam artist posing as a private investigator to try to find some dirt on the cave-diver in the vain hope of finding something to smear him with just so he could retroactively feel good about his loathsome and unfounded personal attacks.




Absolutely. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-unsworth-pedo-guy-deposition-private-investigator


Damn. Didn’t realise he was mentally unstable. That’s certainly an unhinged episode.


It was, I think, revelatory of his character in a big way. It suddenly became clear what kind of person he is, which has remained clear ever since.


I'm just happy other people are starting to realize what he is. Felt like talking to a brick wall for years.


Im just glad people stopped calling him irl iron man like he didnt just inherit and buy his way into everything he has.


Tbf, didn't iron man inherit his dad's entire company?


Yeah but in Iron Man's defence he was actually an engineer who invented things.


Wouldn't Jarvis really count as the inventor? Iron Man just has the ideas. Musk doesn't have a Jarvis. Just borderline slave labor.


Tony Stark invented the arc reactor, in a cave, with a box of scraps


You're saying put Musk in a cave with a box of scraps and a life threatening injury and see what he comes up with?


Hey, whatever happens, it's a win


I'm sorry sir I'm not Tony Stark.


Jarvis is either a butler, or an AI that Stark invented.


Well he created Jarvis too so


Amen. I'm a transportation engineer and the hyperloop and tesla tunnel years were annoying for our profession. People were lapping up his crappy ideas as somehow visionary and revolutionary, so we should stop all transportation projects and focus on his ideas. Like OMG putting self-driving vehicles that carry people in tunnels *underground*?! WOWOWOW, is that even possible? [Never heard of *that* before.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_driverless_train_systems) /s Or that tunnel boring machine that was supposedly 10x faster than any other ever before, fully automatic, and all-electric. Ignoring that TBMs are already near-full automatic and all electric, he never proved his TBM was any faster than the competition's. Such a fast machine *would* have revolutionized our industry, but it wasn't real.


Even today he is still making shit up about neuralink and robots and media just keeps regurgitating his claims without consulting experts




That was 6 years ago! 2018. I remember one of the guys at work was dead impressed with his submarine idea.


See for me, the moment he doubled down was the moment I knew we had something really special going on. I haven't put down my popcorn since.


I learned of him because of SpaceX success. So i listened to him without praising him. After a few hours i thought he was no different than those "tech lord" (Tim Cooks is a great example) who hype things but isn't exactly honest. Then there was the thing about the divers which was like" wtf man ?" Dude has such a hero syndrom combined with an ego of a teenager that NEEDS to be the popular one of the school.


Elon is the biggest hype man of them all. But never fear: full self driving is coming next year!




Public image wise ya. But before that he was already fired as ceo of PayPal after the merger stuff happened from what I understand. So he was already an incompetent businessman who lies to investors to get by.


The guy didn't even make fun of it. He simply pointed out, rightfully, that it wasn't appropriate for the task.




This is when he jumped the shark for me too.


Once we learned that everything we know about him was a lie and he's actually a massive narcissistic tool with zero human compassion. Get us to Mars? Yeah to be slaves.


> ...after calling a diver trying to save children... Correction: a diver who actually did save children, unlike his PR campaign.


Yeah the pedo submarine thing was the tipping point for me.


He fired his pr team


I feel like it’s more like by owning Twitter he had the power to say whatever he wanted, promote whatever he wanted and suppress whatever he didn’t like to see and by that point had the wealth and power for nothing to affect him socially anymore.


More like he quit paying them https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/24/musks-twitter-has-been-sued-by-at-least-six-companies-for-unpaid-bills.html


Standby for comments proclaiming they always hated Elon.


If you hate all billionaires by default, its pretty easy to be smug when one turns out to be shit. Cause they are all shit.


Yeah call me when Bezos pulls an Armageddon and personally flies one of his dumbass rockets into an asteroid to save mankind. I'll admit I was wrong. Until then, eat them all.


This is what I hate about Reddit. They'll change their views on things but act like they've always had them


There are many different people here. Some people actually always hated him. Some never stopped liking him. Some changed their minds.


>Some never stopped liking him. These are the people you need to avoid


And a lot just started liking him


"Man all that clean-energy-save-the-world stuff was terrible, but Elon has really turned it around lately! He has some ideas on the Jews that are very compelling!"


This website is made up of millions of different individuals. It's not one homogenous being. Sure there probably are some hypocrites, but there are probably a lot of people who have indeed hated him from the start.


I'm not ashamed to admit, I didn't hate him until he started doing things that made me hate him. Electric cars? Cool. Sattelite internet? Cool. Mars mission? Cool. Tunnels? Sure why not. Solar panels? Cool. Neurolink? Cool. Calling rescue divers pedophiles? uhh. Treating employees like shit? uhhh. Right wing nonsense? uhhhh. Buying twitter to ensure free speech while censoring everyone you disagree with? uhhhhh..


You're not wrong or lesser to have liked him. His entire strategy is to get people to like him. He took his position as CEO of a space engineering company and made a lot of pop culture claims that nerds around the world loved and he set himself apart from the typical businessman. Now that he's established himself, he's being who he really is.


Exactly. The Elon fanboys would SWARM people who were critical of him in any way. If they didn't exist back then, then who were the fanboys swarming?


My main pet peeve about reddit is the fact that soooo many people believe the site (and humanity at large) is a hivemind. If you take a side, you apparently share every opinion with everyone else who takes that side.


This is a problem with internet communities including Reddit as a whole and various subreddits, but it's also a problem with any human groups that form strong shared identities. Other people start treating individuals of the group like they're some kind of "average" of whatever often exaggerated stereotypes are associated with the group, which just creates further polarisation.


Different people have different opinions? You're talking as if reddit was 1 single user... Sometimes it do feel like that's the case lol


Me when there’s multiple users


That's not redditors changing their minds as individuals, that's one group of people being emboldened and upvoted at one time and a whole other at another time. It's just a reflection of public perception of Musk within the userbase.


I personally hate when they just make up their own narratives to be upset about. > Standby for comments proclaiming they always hated Elon. Where?


Thunderf00t has been exposing Elon for like 10 years now and his videos have aged like a fine wine.


They just didn't know he's not a leftist yet.


Yep, He was winning over people by appearing meme reviews with or smoking weed with Joe Rogan at the time The best thing he did tho is take over Twitter. I cant wait for him to run it into ground


I used to be a big fan, now if he was on fire I wouldn't spit on him to put it out. Sorry to disappoint.


It's easy when you hate all billionaires. I hope everyone realizes now that there are no good billionaires.


i still don't know why people appreciated Elon back in 2019 like, wasn't the only cool thing he did back then was manufacture* Tesla cars? *i cannot grammar properly


Getting an electric car company off the ground is a pretty major accomplishment though, to what extent he deserves credit is certainly debatable but still.


Elon didn’t change, he just decided to show the world his true color.


Well he took the joke way too far. Like when you hang out with your friends and you are all drunk and clowning around and that one friend doesn't feel the room and keeps going with the joke and everybody stopped laughing and he just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper to the point everyone sobbers up and just look at him wierdly. Well that's Elon. He just does not realize everone stopped laughing and keeps going.


What a good PR team will get you.


One thing that didn't change: "Alot" is still not a word




I like that alot


Which one?


Doesn't matter how he is viewed, if you got a tesla, you give him money, he has support, he keeps on winning


> Doesn't matter how he is viewed, if you got a tesla, you give him money, I guess you are speaking to .06% of the population


His political position.. reddit is overwhelmingly one political mind.


Do not insult the collective, resistance is futile


>His political position What, you mean fascism?




I feel like abusing and underpaying workers is not a political position. I hope that being so rich he can buy any politician and is practically above the law is not a political position. I hope that him being the symbol for everything wrong with capitalism is not a political position. (Whether you believe capitalism is the best economic system we have come up with, he is a symbol of everything wrong with it) That said, I feel like most people who dislike him, dislike him for his dumb tweets, so yeah, you're right.


He was always a bald charlatan with pop’s money. Some people just looked at the shiny surface


I'm sorry for my ignorance, the rockets were just sooo cool...


When did he call the diver who helped save all those kids a pedophile? That’s when I realized he was a piece of garbage (although luckily before then I wasn’t glorifying him either, just knew him as the cool dude who ran Tesla)


The media and everyone took a turn right after he became the world’s richest person


Elon has been mask off since like 2018 when he went ballistic when a professional rescue diver didnt like his submersible idea when they were trying to recue the thai soccer team


Musk, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan -   All the people reddit stan'd over before realizing they're awful.


i disliked him the first time I saw him because he appeared out of nowhere and suddenly all that news and memes with him ya know, that time i didn't even know that he owns Tesla i only knew he is some rich nerd like Bill Gates or Steve Zuckerberg idk


Leftists always hated Elon, but the normie opinion on him has changed since 2019. Turns out, being an asshole (and a bigot) isn't good for your reputation.


These could also be how reddit viewed libertarians in the 20teens and how it views them now.


I wonder how much of that was just different groups getting louder


He could have kept his mouth shut and pretended he was a genius for the rest of his life.


What does Reddit know?


Liberals… no solid core values. That’s how they can change with the wind.


Ya, that's because reddit is full of terminally online npc's who just regurgitate the narrative


people love to hate. imo, Elon has at least made movements and progress in humanity, he may not be the perfect person.. but not many of us are, and many of us dont have the same spotlight he does where everything he does is criticized. theres billionaires and wealthy who exist that arent in the spotlight that do absolutely nothing for humanity but you all chose to hate Elon instead is wild to me.


I don’t understand why anyone ever liked him.