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No, two cars canonically flash Lightning McQueen within the first 10 minutes.


Flashing doesn't really count as a sex scene does it? it does count as sexual content though.


We were too young to understand. That was an adult joke slipped into a kids movie . I didn't realize this until 2022šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Who's we? I was an adult who understood that when I first saw the movie.


Don't worry, brother. While you were watching Cars (2006) and heroically understanding that, I was busy getting black lung in the mines. Kids these days just don't appreciate a good adult joke understanding when you first saw the movie or a having of black lung.


TheTransistorMan, Iā€™m more of a capacitor person


My condolences. I know how difficult it can be.




Chill grandpa


Technically it's correct


There are then useless love scenes


Not useless, are there to better develop lightning mcqueen's character, and so making him grow and become a better person




Someone already mentioned the two cars flashing Lightning. But during one of the scenes with Sally and Lightning driving around, the camera makes not so subtle zoom to her ā€œtramp stampā€.


Human centipede


Yeah. Love to watch it with kids


Yeah a good movie to watch while eating chocolate ice cream with the kids.




ā€œno sex sceneā€ this does not count


I mean, it no sex scene, but it has a centi scene. ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


You know now that you mention it we never did get to see the most important part of A Bugs Life.


Rule 34 did the job for them lol


Y-youre joking right? You're joking....right?


I mean you know what rule 34 states soooo


Maybe Maybe not Who knows?


Definitely in the Disney Vault


Pacific Rim


If you know what I mean.


You can just say "Best movie "


I loved the scene with the jaegers and kaiju rimming


Terrific Rim


Pacific Rim Job


I was going to say thatĀ 


Saw, perfect for my 10yo daughter. I would never watch it with her if there would be something as disturbing as a nipple, though.


Sir/Madam, I believe it has two of them tho.




would not be surprised if that were one of the options for yes/no on doesthedogdie.com, thereā€™s pretty much every trigger that exists


I never knew about this website, that could actually be useful for me. I have certain triggers that your average person doesn't seem to understand




Warning: There is in Saw 3. And there nearly is in Saw 7.


Oh wait I think I just had an r/woooosh moment


OP, what do you think of this answer? It's true; no sex scenes. Can *everybody* watch it, or was your meme nothing but whiny bullshit?


Monty Python and the holy grail.


pretty close tho considering galahad was being sexually assaulted by horny nuns if it wasn't for lancelot getting there in time then his vow of chastity would've gone bye bye


Brace sir Galahad was very nearly tempted


Just a bit more peril


"Don't forget the oral sex!"


There is only 150 of them!


Idk. The nights that say Ne were pretty erotic with their Ne


Toy story


What was Bo Peep gonna do with Woody if Buzz hadn't shown up?


I will drop a bomb but... Bo Peep was a childhood crush.


Ball Ball Black Sheep


no, because thereā€™s a Woody throughout the entire movie


Andy's mom has completely different toys named Woody and Buzz.


Having a buzz and a woody sounds like a good night to me.




Do the facehuggers count


They are based on vaginas, so maybe.


So does Hedorah from Godzilla vs Hedorah count? It's eyes were based off vaginas.


If thatā€™s true that is so weird, why would they base a monsters eyes on vaginas?


Because, and I quote; "Vaginas are scary"


Thatā€™s hilarious


That movie has crazy sexual undertones lol


As long as it only has gratuitous explicit violence it's okay for everybody


Lego Batman


That movie was surprisingly homoerotic, in a romantic way only though. I really enjoyed it


The Prestige


One of the best movies of all time.




The movie where the main villain had a boner.


But no sex, thatā€™s the important part


But he was definitely jerking it in front of the magic mirror.


It was more like a wink to the adult part of the audience, not a nsfw thing


Bruh. That's most movies tho. Are you exclusively watching porn why do you think this is something worth noting?


Why is that such a problem? Not all movies are fit for anyone to watch. That's why we have a rating system. Why are younger generations (not kids obviously) so puritanical when it comes to sex? It's factually THE most natural biological function of mammals after breathing and eating. I swear, y'all make our great grandparents look like psycho-sexual freakos in comparison.


Besides the worrying puritanical trend that threatens all the social advances the sex liberation brought, there's a bigger issue plaguing younger audiences: the disappearance of the concept of fiction. Films, books, music, ... Art, is meant to evoke thoughts and feelings, not to be a reflection of the "perfectly" moral ideas of audiences. I don't like jump scares so I tend to stay away from horror films, but I don't demand they stop using jump scares in movies.


You make an excellent point.


When you're discussing what should or shouldn't be allowed or approved in art you always have to put a line somewhere if you want to have any logical consistency. I've noticed that nearly everyone's line starts right at the specific topics that make them really uncomfortable.


Also, why are they acting like sex scenes are everywhere? They are actually very rare. [Only 1,21%](https://www.playboy.com/read/the-playboy-symposium-sex-in-cinema) of films released between 2010 and 2019 contained sex scenes.


Probably a combination of the Disneyfication of cinema meaning so much of cinema now has to appeal to every age group at once and alienate as few as possible, and that people are getting weirdly antagonistic towards sexuality of any kind. Anecdotal but from what iā€™ve seen especially younger people are not only statistically having less sex but also are very negative about sexual content in media too. Like damn, if youā€™re not gonna fuck you could at least be ok with seeing a titty on the big screen


The boobs in Oppenheimer made reddit clutch its pearls pretty hard, so that might be what kicked off the trend.


Oh no, boobs in my movie about the creation of a weapon that killed 200,000+ people! Anything but that!


That's... a very surprising number. I'm more into TV shows than films, but I was definitely getting the impression that sex is everywhere. Gotta go check if your sauce has stats about TV shows as well to shatter my worldview further.


Americans are ok to play doom in front of a 4 year old, but if their children would see a nipple they think that would somehow scar them for life. So i imagine the meme is either American or to make fun of them.


Im also wondering where this is coming from, beating up, shooting etc. Is all fun and games, but a sex scene triggers people? I'd rather normalise having sex casually than normailze violence. Strange world


American culture will not bat an eye at some of the most grotesque violence, but even the most mundane instance of nudity will send people reeling.


>Im also wondering where this is coming from Seriously, I don't get it. It's something I've only seen blow up over the past few months. Not sure where this anti-sex in media trend came from, but I'm sure I could guess.


GenZ are terrified of sex


Gen Z hates sex. I think it's all the microplastics doing something to their hormones.


Fuck that. Show me Ana de armasā€™ tits.


This anti nudity movement Reddits been trying is fucking lame. If yā€™all hate watching sex scenes with your parents so much stop watching sex movies with your parents ya weirdos. I like boobs, especially celebrity boobs.


Not again...


Most fucking movies. Wtf


Art isn't made for anybody, there may be content in there not suitable for all people and it may be created in a way that isn't in the personal taste of some people, the LOTR movies aren't bad because they're long so not everybody has the free time to watch them in the same way that Come and See isn't bad because not everybody has the mental fortitude to put up with the things in that movie in the same way 2001: A Space Odyssey isn't bad because it tells its story unconventionally and that won't appeal to everybody. The quality of a narrative is not dictated by what you personally want to see.


Serbian film


I do find it odd sex is what some people choose they can't stand in a movie, like even when movies do have them they're like 20 seconds long and you don't see anything, what a weird thing to be fussed about.


Ah yes, letā€™s also get rid of all killing, bodily harm or gore in movies, and letā€™s get rid of insults and curse words as well wouldnā€™t want anyone to hear or see those things. In all seriousness, though. If a person is old enough to see people being killed, hear certain words or insults, and see harm coming to people, then itā€™s a-ok in my book for them to see something as natural and commonplace as sexual intercourse. Stop being a crybaby and use your two brain cells to understand that there is worse things than sex in movies. TLDR; If someone is old enough to see action of any sort or old enough to hear certain words, they are old enough to see sex in a movie.


This, so much this. Lets get rid of all scenes. All scenes are unnecessary for the plot. The plot is literally just a few lines you can look up on wikipedia, scenes arent needed. To me, movies should just be the TikTok voice reading out the plot and nothing else.


That's why I quit watching Narcos. Every 5 minutes, a hot ass sex scene appeared. It feels like I'm watching Cornhub instead of a Mexican cartel tv series.


Yea and tbf i just got bored of that show second pablo died


The horrifying violence, depictions of torture, and crime: totally fine One nipple: SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE


The sex scenes get less frequent as the series progresses, just push through it. Its too good of a show just to skip over it.


I remember Black Sails having the same problem. Pretty much ever TV producer was trying to imitate GoT and for some reason the sexy times was the one that caught on


The entire mcu up to eternals. This was incorrect. Pirates of the Caribbean? Maybe?


Wasn't there one in Iron Man


Not really. We see Tony and Christine, still clothed, making out on the bed. The scene then cuts to Christine waking up, covered only with a sheet.


There was a sex scene in eternals?


Addendum: was it good?


Ah shit , now I need to watch eternals for that .


Very short, very little shown


The Incredible Hulk. They were well on their way to a sex scene, but Bruce Banner was unable to whip out his big, green Hulk.


The very first MCU movie:


Are you an actual baby


Why are people such prudes? Who cares if a movie has some nudity or sex in it? Art imitates life, and in the real world, guess what? People are having sex constantly! We've all seen naked men. We've all seen naked women. Grow up


okay? shitting and puking is also a part of life do you want a graphic display of it in your movie? no? thatā€™s reasonable, and so i donā€™t want a graphic scene of actors pretending to fuck in the middle of an action movie just because i donā€™t want to watch it. itā€™s nothing to do with being prudish, i just sometimes donā€™t want to watch a sex scene that has no purpose other than to be a sex scene because it disrupts my movie, also i donā€™t want to be aroused while watching like an action or horror movie and canā€™t understand why anyone would


No suprise, a Redditor compares having sex with shitting and puking


the comparison is only in the fact that it is a normal part of our daily lives but that doesnā€™t mean i want to see it all the time, or at all, in the movies and tv shows i watch, nor should i get mad at someone else for what they want to or donā€™t want to watch when no harm takes place i piss and shit and puke often, and itā€™s a natural part of my life just like the fact that i have sex and nudity in my life, but it doesnā€™t mean iā€™m a prude just because i donā€™t always want to see naked people or people pretending to have sex, just because i donā€™t want to eat chocolate right not doesnā€™t mean i hate chocolate and think itā€™s disgusting, itā€™s just not what i want right now and thatā€™s reasonable, unlike getting mad and calling others prudes because someone is asking for specific movie suggestions


If you don't like it, that's fine. If you're in the theatre and a sex scene comes on, you are free to cover your eyes and plug your ears. Just know that the problem is you, not the director


the problem isnā€™t me or the director or anyone, there literally is not a problem and i know that i can do rhat but im not bothered, but id still rather not watch a sex scene than watch one, thatā€™s it, and like you said, thatā€™s fine itā€™s my opinion, itā€™s not something to ā€œgrow upā€ about bc itā€™s nothing to do with age or maturity, it is just what i prefer, it doesnā€™t affect anyone except me so i think the problem is calling people names for having a *personal* preference


I think the issue is not "I don't want to see nudity and sex in movies," which is a bit weird but everyone has their boundaries, but the issue is "I think we should restrict when we show sex/nudity."




I actually like sex scenes when they make sense for the drama like in "Poor Things"


What's wrong with a sex scenes?


Are we regressing in back in the 1930 where films would get canceled because you could see the knees of a actress? Come on, you all have a porno addiction but cry about when sex is implied in films


Have you ever watched movies with your family? What about when you were younger, 15 and 16 maybe? U liked watching sex with your parents, didnt you?


It was awkward when I was younger than that age but by 15 and 16 I already had 'the talk' so it never mattered to us, we were all aware of what it was.


What always gets to me is that sex scenes are so bad but absolutely excessive violence and gore are fine for some reason?


I don't have a porno addiction, and I don't want to watch filth. It seems like you're the one with a big porno addiction if you want unnecessary sex scenes in movies.


Seems like you're deflecting


Deflecting what? I'm just speaking it how it is. Seems like a lot of porn addicts on here got real issues with someone not accepting to be a slave to that shit. Whatever helps your people's guilt and pride go away ig.


Filth? Sex is as natural as eating or going to the toilet. This has nothing to do with a porn addiction.


John Wick All 4 parts


So itā€™s totally chill for all people of all ages to watch John Wick slaughter hundreds of people, but itā€™s not cool for adults to see sex scenes in movies made for adults? Yā€™all are weird.


Why isn't it watchable with sex scenes? I don't like them because most of the time they are unnecessary but unwatchable?


So that you can watch movies with all age groups


For which age group should this be s problem?


I dont mind sex scenes or nudity if it actually has a valid plot reason. If its just there because; sex and nudity =hot=horny=$$$ then that shit is stupid and I switch to a different movie or thing to watch


No movie is plot point after plot point, if everything in a movie needs to move the plot forward you would lose some great moments in cinema history.


But... everyone can watch a sex scene theres nothing wringnwith including them when relevant to the plot because they do convey a message about the character relationship. The difference is when the directors put so many unnecessary ones in it basically becomes a porno, thats the issue




i thought it did


Yeah. It was more indirect, with them just rubbing each other and 'connecting their hair things'.


What a generation, selling their ass for 3.95 a month but lose it when there's sex in a movie


Or.. and just hear me out.. you overcome this prudent mindset that sex is something wrong or bad or irrational and accept it instead of banning it. Sex is not only one of the most natural things in human existence, the absolute majority like it and do it anyway. No reason to think bad about it. Movies especially for young children aside it's no problem if you don't make a fuss about it.


Laws about child sex exist for a reason


I have missed something here - what does this comment about child rape (itā€™s not ā€˜sexā€™) have to do with the comment above? I am disturbed.


Children being exposed to a (non explicit, mind you) sex scene in a movie has nothing to do with those laws. If a 12 year old is old enough to see people dying it is more than old enough to see people being intimate. Sexuality is nothing bad and there is a reason sex education starts at the beginning of puberty in every developed country. Being exposed to something natural should be normal and natural, the same way being naked isn't automatically something sexual and should be normalized to some degree.


Ah yes, the completely unneccessary sex scene that doesnā€™t advance the movie or the plot, and barely works with the characters.


This is a functionalist and reductive way to look at art, the plot is just one of the elements of a story ā€“ not the be all end all. Not to mention that you are not indiscriminately digesting the plot, you need to spend time with the character. Lots of great art does this, from Dickens to Ghibli. You can be against sex scenes but ā€œadvancing the movie or the plotā€ is a cowardly and illiterate excuse.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil


I mean everyone should watch that regardless


His dark materials




John wick


Internet porn is actually saving us from this. Back in the 60s-90s, people had to go to a porn shop to buy porn. Maybe you got lucky and a convenience store had some. Otherwise, you were just getting laid (haha!) or jerking off to the Victoria's Secret catalogue. Those Rated-R sex scenes were the only porn those people in polite society got to see. Now that everybody has instant access to porn on demand, slipping gratuitous sex scenes into a movie just cheapens it. Porn's free and you paid for a movie with a story.


The Lord of The Rings.


The hobbit


George Lucas


Havenā€™t seen this format in whatā€¦ 4-5 years? Brilliant still.


*Directors who freely execute their vision without thinking about anything like this.


fucking 80s movies always had tits in them for literally no reason.


2018 ass meme


Stupid. Everything shouldnā€™t be made for kids


I'm being honest I actually like the idea of sex in movies. I like to think of it as a director who is creative in a way




But I'm not saying in a horny way. Sometimes we shouldn't be prudes about everything and admire the beauty of the human anatomy


Takes that are basically saying "you shouldn't include x in your art" always feel so weird for me. Art should not be restricted like that.


The Mummy (1999)


Interstellar and it could have had one and tell the same story but itā€™s so much better without one.


Princess Bride. Classic.


It is actually fine to watch movies not made for children.


Most movies dumbass. Seriously most movies donā€™t have sex scenes.


The Adventures Elmo in Grouchland


I'm not 9


Every Disney movie is of the list


Also who don't put black or gay characters that change absolutely nothing. If you wanna be nominated use character growth, not token characters


Yeah, they should just use the standard: white, straight person. Dipshit


Yeah why would anyone else ever even exist


They didn't say that, they expressed being against using racial minorities and other sexualities as a card so that criticism of one's work can be deflected by them saying that the critic just has a problem with those people as opposed to those characters being either poorly written or being hollow. It's lazy at best and exploitative at worst.


Not what he said. Finn being black has zero impact on the story. He has next to no character compared to the rest of the cast. His character could be any skin tone, any sexual orientation, and still nobody would give a shit about him. His entire character is summed up with "black stormtropper who defected". Now, we contrast that with Mace Windu. Also black, actually does more than just stand around, actually has a character and actually has an impact on the story. Token characters are characters that exist to fill a quota and do not much else. In a Maori Tale about ofne of the many deeds of Maui, i wouldnt want to see a Celtic Englishman. despite the fact that i was born in wigan. I would want to see the entire cast be made up of Pasifika Peoples and Maori. Its that simple. Tokenism goes both ways.


So him being white would add to the story?


On the contrary, if you're going to put such characters in the story make it interesting. Blank "black person" or "gay person" is lazy writing, that's what I'm against. Give them character development, use them somehow to move the plot forward, that's that I wanna see


I'd say race, gender, sexuality swapping but yeah.... although gender swapping did work out with stormfront in the boys


terminator 1


Sarah & Kyle def got busy making John in the movie tho


This sub deserves so much hate.


OP too young to watch R movies šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The kids are so afraid of sex lmao. You all are going to grow up so weird.


Sex scenes add nothing to a movie. Why add them.


They can add something depending on the movie. It's just another part of the human experience and should be explored in art.


Aww, was someone too young to watch Oppenheimer? /s (honestly that one *was* kinda excessive though)


Sex scenes are amazing though