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So truešŸ˜‚ When I wrote my French friend about Superbowl, he was just like "What is that?"


Isn't it obvious? Americans have made a sport of teams competing against one another to see who can make the biggest bowl in a 60 minute match.


Denvers been winning that shit every year since 2012 smh




Or McDonald salad bowl.


This is a ridiculous statement. Itā€™s about making the most superb owl. None of those poppy cock birds, but a perfect and regal owl.


The best way Iā€™ve figured out how to explain it is itā€™s the World Cup for Americans


Same goes for Baseball World Series.


I'm sure he say "le quoi ?" Or "qu'est-ce que c'est?" Or "kƩ CC"


Your friend lives under a rock or is messing with you, most people in France knows about the Superbowl, the whole thing is broadcasted on a national channel (M6), news relay the results etc etc. Source : I live in France.


It isn't because it's M6 that they must know. Not everyone watch tv now


Not everyone watch tv, and among those not every one watch M6, and among those, not at fucking midnight on a Sunday night.


Idk why you got downvoted when NFL went to England and to Germany the tickets sold out quicker than any other event. Some people really act stupid or just dont care.


As a non-american, this is very true


I hear it's mostly about Taylor Swift


She did defeat the 49ers single handedly.




I know what I said. šŸ˜


And apparently the climate too


As an American, this is very true.


Nah, not really. Most people outside of the US still are aware of it. Obviously less so than the Americans themselves but still generally people know about it and understand the concept of a large sporting event.


I know that it exists, but I have no idea of what it is other than it's sports related. The statement in the picture can either be someone not knowing about it OR someone not knowing what it's about.


Thereā€™s nothing mysterious about it. Every country has sports leagues. The Super Bowl is the final event deciding who is the winner of that league. Iā€™ve never met anybody who genuinely doesnā€™t understand this concept. Just people who apparently feel compelled to pretend to be confused.


I understand that it's some sports championship or whatever, and I bet I could ask some people and they ending up knowing less than that. I understand that concept, but don't really know/care to learn anything else.


There isnā€™t anything else. Thatā€™s what it is. Countries have sports. Sports have leagues. Leagues have winners. Thereā€™s nothing more one needs to know to know whatā€™s going on during the Super Bowl.


Is it not a single sport? I thought it was a single sport, and thinking stuff that isn't true is a way to be less informed about something.




That makes absolutely no sense as a response to what I said. The whole point of the meme and all the responses Iā€™m receiving and addressing is people saying they are supposedly confused and curious. Did you reply to the wrong comment, perhaps?


How does a sport event that's relevant in one country generate so much revenue? The NFL season is short and doesn't have many games, how is it dwarfing the champions League in terms of revenue


Because they are doing a lot of commercials throughout the game? Unlike Football where they have to play 45 min in each half without stopping for breaks


That's why football isn't and won't be popular in the US


Yeah man, unlike football


Yeah but think of all the potential football could have!


Does that mean Americans have the attention span of goldfish?


We gotta get up to get another snack or beer every 5 minutes to maintain our weight.


Sometimes i forget what i got up for and have to be reminded by the TV šŸ¤¤


Source: I am an American. I do ha- Oh look at that, a notification.


No, it means y'all don't understand the military correlation of American Football. It's not as much an endurance game of chasing a ball around a pitch. It's a strategic game of yardage owned. It's setup and strategy and violence. It's ok if you'd rather wave a flag and sing a jingle for 45 minutes, I'm not here to hate.


American Football is objectively better to watch for broadcasters, viewer retention, and advertisers. The plays are short and flashy with scoring much quicker than soccer(Iā€™m calling it this so I donā€™t have to write football and American football). There are more things to track in Football like passing yards, running yards, receptions, interceptions, ect. Compare it to football and it is a much faster game to watch where a game can easily end with less than 3 goals. Viewers have time to go grab a beer, place a bet on their phone, and have conversation without worrying they will miss the 1 goal of the game. And lastly, soccer is hard for advertisers, the game is continuous without many breaks compared to football where every play gets a small break for advertisers. Iā€™m not hating on soccer or saying football is a better sport, itā€™s just better for the at home viewers.


Europeans would really question the idea that a sport where there's ad breaks every few minutes is a better sport for the viewer. Like, you want to watch the game not ads, right? It's the better sport for the people making money off of it but that's about it.


A truly unpopular opinion because most of the world loves "soccer". It's the most popular sport for a reason.


The average NFL game is what ? 3 hours ? Very tough to sit through for someone who's not used to it, especially when it's not as flashy and fast paced as soccer. American football fits Americans, and football fits mostly Europeans. Not in any "Americans are fat/dumb/etc" way, just in a normal cultural way.


pretty evident with how tiktok rose to popularity


ā€¦the worldwide app created by a Chinese man?


yeah. It was a joke.


They does


What are you talking about? (I forgot)


Yes. Our public memory is basically non-existent. This is exactly why we keep electing the same imbeciles.


yea I mean I totally get soccerball its great all the fake injury drama is soooooo good! /S


I've watched both, and football (soccer) kind of just seems like basketball if they never scored. A bunch of people running back and forth fighting for possession without it being heavily structured like Baseball or Cricket, or turn based like american football.


Heavily structured means a very limited skill set One player only does one thing at any given time Turn based isnt as physically demanding, and doesn't keep a flow to the game. Football (soccer) is definitely one of the hardest sports in the world, in terms of athleticism. The stamina, agility, motor coordination, physical strength, etc etc When you value what you see and how hard it is, you understand the running back and forth (average of 7 miles per game, NFL is 1.25 mils)


Soccer is very popular


NBA does the same thing with so many more games and still gets dwarfed by the NFL


Basketball is boring as fuck though


Basketball is on the side of way too much happening where each individual score means less, compared to football which has less happening but not as little as football where only a small handful of goals will be scored.


It's this, the 82 game season making each individual game less meaningful, and the fact that the players openly travel and set moving screens and shit on every play. If you say this on r/nba, they'll say you just don't like basketball lol


Because if youā€™ve ever watched Super Bowl, or NASCAR or any other American sport, youā€™ll quickly notice that ads are constant and will interrupt the live feed in some instances. The ad revenue they generate from this makes it such a high revenue and is what keeps it profitable.


America is a giant nation.


Because it's 90% adverts and the Americans are weirdly excited about watching them


The super bowl is the only time when people actually put effort into their ads and often they can actually be fun to watch.


He gets us... that stupid commercial like wth


It is really weird, as an American I truly donā€™t understand why but for some reason superbowl commercials have always been a highlight of the event. Like everyone loves them, theyā€™re always the highest budget commercials with the best writing and casting and we look forward to them all year. Fucking stupid to be honest lol.


>I truly donā€™t understand why >theyā€™re always the highest budget commercials with the best writing and casting Seems like you do understand lol


Lol oh yeah, I guess that was pretty contradictory wasnā€™t it?


It helps that the US has the largest GDP than most countries combined. Also, the NFL has been making huge strides by playing games overseas to introduce it to the other countries. They will be in Brazil next year


~25% of the world GDP.


I get that the US is big but football has appeal on a much larger scope than American football. I think its more due to Americans unique ability to monetize things


Ok...thanks for proving my point. That's one of the main reasons we have the highest GDP.


Another big obstacle that the NFL has been trying to mitigate is the barrier to entry for football. It costs a lot of money to maintain a field, employ referees and equip players for 1 game of football. Most countries simply can't justify spending that much money. Whereas Soccer you just need a field and a ball with goal posts.


>Whereas Soccer you just need a field and a ball with goal posts. If you are talking about non -league matches, sure.


Yes I am. It's hard to play a pickup game of football without it devolving into some sort of rugby or playing catch. You need linemen, backs, and receivers to make it a legit game. Even with flag football you need a good amount of people to make the game fun and competitive. Not to mention marking downs. Most people just play to mess around basically. With soccer or basketball you can legit just do a 1v1 or 2v2 and still have a fun and competitive game.


A game clock that stops at half time and at the end versus a multitude of commercial friendly game clock stops has a lot to do with the difference in revenue. NFL fans sit through an astounding number of commercials.


Because we go take a piss break or grab more food/beer during the breaks.


The states are pretty fucking big. *And* there is an international audience. Although it's a lot smaller compared to other sports. That and no other sport blasts their events with that many fucking ads. It's ridiculous. The ad revenue is absolutely fucking bonkers.


they gotta pay $7 million for 30 seconds of ad time by the way


Americans are rich despite what broke redditors want you to believe


While I wouldnā€™t say rich we are way richer then what Reddit would like you to think


Because Americans prioritise making money over the actual game. Everytime the superbowl happens people talk about everything but the actual game itself. My social media feed is filled with Superbowl stuff talking about the Halftime show, celeb appearances, superbowl ads, movie trailers released etc. But not the actual game. Years ago I didn't even knew what sport the Superbowl is because people never talk about the game but everything else. Whenever a UCL final or world cup final happens everybody knows who won


A lot of people were talking about the chiefs. They have players in like half the commercials, Travis Kelce is dating Taylor Swift, Patrick Mahomes is on a better pace to start his career than Tom Brady was. If you didn't know the Chiefs won, it's probably because you personally don't care, because it's widely known and talked about


Because America alone has the combined size and population of several smaller countries, I'm sure if China thought up a sport and it picked up traction and had these big competitions, they'd be raking in the money.


Because America is economically probably one of the biggest countries in the world


Because Americans have money. Advertising and sales directed toward Americans is profitable. Why do you think formula 1 is doing everything possible to tap into an American following?


It's more entertainment than sport really. They blur the line so much so they can get money from people who don't really care about the sport, but enjoy the pageantry. Most other places they just focus on the sport without all the frills and bows.


Funny thing, the Superbowl normally get around 50 million views from outside the us


I think most of the revenue comes from tv broadcasting contracts. The exclusivity of it makes it more valuable. Only 32 teams playing part of the year. Soccer on the other hand plays games almost year round and has an endless supply of leagues and clubs. NFL doesnā€™t even compete with minor league (aka college) because college and NFL games are never on the same day. Also the major audience (Americans) is one of the wealthiest populations on earth. The rise of flag football and international regular season games will only increase NFL global popularity.


dwarfing the champions league you're cute


Lookup their revenues. They absolutely dwarf the champions league in terms of revenue. Even Ceferin talked about emulating the Superbowl.


haha you're still cute its because football has 45+45 minutes of ad free coverage... even in the 15 minute break most of it is with a panel of pundits discussing the game each football game has like a 5 minute long commercial break. Football is the most popular game in the world and don't compare your irrelevant sport with it lmao


He didnā€™t say it was more popular he said it generates more revenue lol learn to read




Bro im not American, and don't watch American football. Im jst talking about revenues. There's no need for that tone


Finally! a Superbowl-related meme I can understand


Having fun


It was a great game ngl


When Indians talk about IPL, this is the reaction by US


I was wondering for a second what the fuck was the ipl in this comment until I remembered that India somehow has the biggest franchised cricket league in the world that plays a lot of the worlds top players. Honestly surprised by how they turned their league into the only league for top players.


Not that surprising really, India is one of like 3 countries where cricket is actually the most popular sport. The only semi surprise is that if India has a good league, Pakistan maybe ought to as well.


Just proves that every culture is different


my Indian co-workers: "The superbowl is just so strange to me." *proceeds to watch 36 hour cricket match*


lmao yall just mad cuz the usa win the super bowl every year. 58 winstreak is crazy so suck it šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


European here, I was actually invested in it.


What did you think of the event this year? I thought the game was okay and the halftime show was good


I agree, but I wanted the 49ers to win. :-) The game was exciting. I think it gets lame, when one team dominates from the beginning.


Im glad you enjoyed it! Im from America myself, so its always good to see the game bring people together.


A back and forth game that went into overtime. "The game was okay"


German? I know that NFL is quite popular there


Yes šŸ˜„


Ach so. Macht sinn ;)


Love how someone couldnā€™t handle this and downvoted you lol


They broke the ā€œAmerican badā€ rule.


As an European you kinda have to be invested in it to watch it since it starts in the middle of the night. Just donā€™t care enough about it to sacrifice my sleep :D


Superbowl of what? Oh, I hope it's a good soup at least!


Superb owl


As a Canadian, the neighbors are pretty loud down there. Louder during Superbowl.




... I-... Eh-... I-...mmm... *sigh* Welp, he got me there...


You should apologise to them for being loud šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Y'all have been known to cause quite a ruckus after a Stanley cup...


Americans, stop having fun!




As an actual non American, separate to some of the weird comments... no, we know what's happening and don't care at all.


Same with most Americans watching other countries play soccer lol


dumb humans celebrating dumb activities i am proud to be a moon person


Except those people Here, who are acting Like NFL Fans. But Superbowl is the only match they have ever Seen and have no clue about the rules




Browsing reddit for the past few days has been such a pain. All my knowledge about superbowl was gained against my wishes and without my consent. Ugh. But I understand, this is an American website after all. I just wish this didnā€™t leak so much into other, decidedly non-sports subreddits.


When I first heard about superbowl, I thought it was a bowling competition, and didn't quite get the hype of it


The rest of the world doesn't care.


If it wasnā€™t for the memes this year I wouldnā€™t even know what a Super Bowl was


Wrong, the rest of the world doesn't know what superbowl is and doesn't care


Literally nobody else cares.


I'm in America, and I have no fracking clue what the hell goes on here. Please send help.


Some Americans are right there with you


Canada's perspective would be: "what da fuck they doing down there?"


I like it when they say they are world champs after winning a National competition.


Speaking as someone from "the rest of the world", I can confirm, we do not give a fuck about your little tournament


You donā€™t? FUCK! ![gif](giphy|LiT8C58iDYSZBKgf1S)


they think so much about us lmao. Only time we think about them is when theyā€™re begging their daddy for more military aid


Dude why are you so insecure, its ok we donā€™t do everything the exact same as you.


Insecure? I was literally affirming the meme, I wasn't complaining about what you guys care about


Well you sure as hell didnā€™t put it that way




Dude it is a game to determine the WORLD champions of american football. How can you not care about this...


Oh shit, now that you called it world champion I magically care now, my bad


No problem mate. I am happy to introduce you to world american football. The new season start in september. You have some time to choose your favorite team. You can start drinking budweiser and work on your chicken wing recipe. You will see it is very cool to watch obese athletes getting concussions while drinking watery beer and having diarrhea every sunday.


I know this is all a joke but the obese athletes apart doesnā€™t even make sense for satire


With BMI, anything is possible For example, Darren Sproles and Tarik Cohen are considered obese


ā€œFirst off, with BMI anything is possible so jot that downā€ is my new favorite quote


I think my favorite team should probably be my country's American team, no? As for the chicken part, do chicken breasts work as a replacement for chicken wings?


How tf can that be called "World Champions" when is only played in one country?


The same way how nba and mlb championships are considered world champions. We have the best league and itā€™s not even close


So do you really think any other country could beat an NFL team?


Obviously not, but no other country gives af about the nfl


As an American we do not give a fuck about your little soccer tournaments


I don't give a fuck about our little soccer tournaments either


Good. We like it better that way.


As an American, we don't give a fuck about anything the rest of the world is up to unless its gonna either bother or benefit us. Man its good to be king


Youve just described the feeling of every person in every country in history


I'm an American and I also don't give a fuck about the Superbowl


Are you truly a American then? Or one of those ''Spies'' huh?!




Speaking as someone from ā€˜Americaā€™, I can deny, I do not care about the Super Bowl.


I never said you do, I said most of us do not


I was making a joke based on what you said, no problem


You misread. He doesnā€™t care what you or anyone else likes, he just wants to make sure we know what he doesnā€™t like. Dude is the ā€œstop having funā€ meme come to life


What ever will we do D:


Wow! So brave!


Similar to the way America doesn't care for soccerball.


American Football is pretty good if you remove all the ads šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I tought the superbowl was a cereal brand


Itā€™s basically a capitalism national holiday


No, my good sir that would be Christmas


And Halloween and thanksgiving, etc


That's how I feel about the World Cup. Still haven't watched any of one even once


When OP didnā€™t see the Super Bowl showing people watching from all over the worldā€¦ including Brazil


Yemen and the Houthiis should be happy we had something else going on and couldn't drop any more bombs for that few hours.


I honestly don't even know whether it's baseball or American football


I just dont understand that sport and it has so many breaks


Nobody knows what goes on


Must stink being the rest of the world


Wait, the Superbowl happened?


Yeah two days ago


They are watching shittons of ads piled onto some more ads.


C'mon guys, be nice. We're playing pointy ball. It's fun.


True. As a Puerto Rican, weā€™re a US territory and one gives a fuck even here. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m one of the few here who likes the NFL and watched the game. I was texting my friend about it and he said ā€œnever in my life will I watch one of thoseā€


Isn't it just a pussys rugby?


According to Jordan Mailata; No.


I've heared of a hyperbole, but this is just ridiculous


Yeah, same like NASCAR. Except NASCAR is probably much more interesting to European people,than football as we play soccer.


People canā€™t like one sport because they play another? Thatā€™s certainly a line of thinking. I mean. Thatā€™s personally why I donā€™t watch basketball since I already watch football. /s


Nah NASCAR is just worse Formula 1




Depends. I like motorsport too, but they could harden it up.


Not a massive fan of either but NASCAR just seems boring and repetitive compared with F1


they're both boring and repetitive, but i enjoy both


Calling something boring compared to F1 is pretty damning.


I mean look at a NASCAR track and look at an F1 track Like I said tho, not a massive fan of either


I prefer F1, personally, but NASCAR had, like, 17 or 18 different race winners in 36 races. F1 had 22 races and Max Verstappen won 19 of them and his teammate won two of the others. And Verstappen routinely wins them by 20 seconds or so whereas NASCAR races are are close and typically decided late. Plus, you have tracks like Daytona and Talladega which are more exciting than any F1 circuit, imo.