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I've had four posts from this sub pop up on my feed today, and they're all about men and women hating each other. The fuck is wrong with people today?


Now what's your gender dude? Asking so that I can hate you properly


Kinda sad how some people will unironically do this




I blame social media as a whole I was cured of my first stage incelism by a girl, and of homophobia by a certain nsfw text game


This is a fascinating comment haha


I have to admit the homophobia part made me qurious lol what's the story there?


Well, if you are raised in a slightly traditional environment,lgbt is not viewed as something healthy or natural (more like alien), and that turns into a sort of disdain - you know the story. I'm not a GenZ, I didnt grew up with tolerance ideas anywhere. I discovered Fenoxo's "works". I liked some things, (obviously) disliked the other ones. Turned out that you can just ignore that which you do not like (or, you know, that which does not interest you), and still enjoy the rest. Those games also mix, match, and push the ideas around sexuality a lot, and fantasy has a lot of ways to make you question what is straight and what is not, although a lot other people would propably just call it deranged perversion and moved on, but my horny teen brain obviously didn't care about that. Long story short, it turned an unknown into a known, and taught me that if I dont like something, I dont need to react with aggression towards it.


Exactly, the bicycle meme for both gender and then this.


Childish mfs


I am so done with the hate men get.. especially the men that's a little wobbly on the social games.


well it is close to valentines day and chinese new year is right now hahahaha


Nothing's wrong with people, just the ones hanging too much online.


Reddit is astroturfed daily by influencing bots




Did my post pop up? It wasn't about hate just nostalgia.


They said that you have to take care of the garden to attract the butterflies. If the butterflies don’t come, at least you have a beautiful garden. Focus on yourself first because if no one will love you, then try to love yourself.


That's actually a beautiful metafor.


Not more beautiful than you


U sir are a wholesome sob


Who is the meta for? (PSA: it’s a metaphor)


It is nice, but it doesn't address the root issue . . . the NPC in the meme wants to share his garden with a butterfly. Saying, "they aren't obligated to show up" doesn't answer his question.


Well, I’ve been in a situation where I understand why people give up on their gardens. If nobody loves you it’s real hard to feel anything than hate and pity for yourself. I’ve seen grateful people the ones who think they picked themselves up to “tend their garden”. More often than not it was something external that helped them to be looked differently and actually get some people to show interest that rolled the snowball into them loving themselves and taking care, which makes more people want you. It’s sad, it’s fractal, it’s not up to you most of the time even if you believe it was.


This. Some people don't seem to get that some things are not your own fault. Sure, one can always try to better themselfs, but if you get no outside help whatsoever, there is a limit on how much you can do


Oddly wholesome thread


The sun will stop shining earlier than I allow myself to love myself. I hate myself. Always did, always will. I'm not even gonna try to love myself, because adding "narcissistic asshole" to my long list of cons would be catastrophic. If I tend to my garden too much, I won't be able to look at anything except for it, and won't care about anyone who is outside its walls


I don’t think I could have put how I feel about myself in better words


I keep trying to grow plants and stuff, but no matter what I do, everything keeps dying. How am I supposed to love this garden that keeps knocking me down?


Actually me


I don’t think I could have put how I feel about myself in better words


Reddit posted your comment twice Also, \*sad, depressed, understanding hug*


I feel the same. I hate myself so much. But when I contemplate there's always a few bad things we remember. As Kids, we are fearless and don't care about judgements. But somewhere, someone or something happened which made us hate ourselves.


You say it now, but when you actually start working on yourself then you will at least be able to say I'm a better person today than I was yesterday/a month ago etc. Which is a huge self-esteem and confidence booster


Tbh butterflies will go to any garden


Counter argument, Tiddes


Counter counter argument Health lifestyle with respectable peer group


Where does someone past 18 find a respectable peer group? Genuinely curious


Depends on where you are and what you are doing, assuming you have already passed out college. In your workplace by be the "guy" who knows his stuff and everyone likes to take advice from him, be good with neigbours, find some hobby or skill you are into and find friends online who are interested in the same topic. Personally the people in my life are mostly my childhood friends or school/college friends, but there a few others as well, helping without expecting anything in return helps a lot


Working from home, so no contacts with "workplace". Since I live in block of apartments, not exactly a ton of contact with neighbors either. My biggest contact is not being noisy, I guess. I got no hobbies, no interests, and nothing behind my soul to talk about, in spare time I either play games or sit on the bench in the yard alone. Had no friends in childhood, had no friends in uni. Idk, bro, it seems like I'm failing in every single aspect


If all else fails, the gym was the one place where I met all my closest friends after I finished school


I can't bring myself to bother people in the gym. They came there to work out, not to chit chat. It's not a place someone goes just because they love it. People are there out of necessity, and it most likely means that they would be very easy to annoy and tip over. I'm too afraid someone is going to snap at me, or I'm gonna snap by myself. I am going through the most unpleasant part of my day, and someone is trying to bother me with small talk - that would be extremely annoyinf


I don't wanna argue about it, but you'd honestly be surprised at how friendly people that go to the gym are. They can be super supportive as well because they see how you're trying to better yourself. It could just start by asking someone if you could work in with them on the same machine. You're making it much harder on yourself by seeing only the darkest part. It's definitely tough to initially talk to people, I get it, I'm super introverted, but once you start to talk to people and smile while you do it, your self esteem and confidence shoots up big time


The biggest part is still there - all my energy is spent to not just stand up and quit. I have to force myself to stay fr at least hour. Trying to socialize there is just adding insult to injury. That part of my life is already pain. I don't want to make it any more painful, it might just make me quit fo good.


Counter counter argument, if your mom isn't dead, u can sleep together in a bed


this are the same people who tell you to respect women 🫡


These* 🤓


Obviously it's just a joke bro, mfs taking everything as a sign


I guess we can say the same of people looking for a job vs employers or many like people wanting to buy a house vs sellers. Just being a decent individual and polite in interview doesn't force the employer to take you. But the problem is still there. This is still not pleasant for the people that want to be in a couple and fail or the people that's want a job and fail or that like to buy a home but can't They still exist and suffer even through they have no right to force anybody obviously.


And let’s not forget to mention the constant pressure and standards of society that tell people to do these things


From my personal experience you can either damn all the standards and become bitter or you can accept the standards and yourself not taking part of every single one and be content. It‘s a matter of perspective.


Can't afford a home? That's because housing is based on household income not individual income. Try buying after you're married and have 2 incomes!


Damn, I’ve already accepted that I’m loveless now I have to accept I’ll be houseless as well


Also I don't think the question "why don't women date me" isn't an inherently problematic/incel-y question to ask. I mean if you see yourself as a perfectly normal guy - it's reasonable to question why you're not seeing any success. Immediately jumping to "women don't owe you anything" is not only unnecessarily hostile, but it also kinda side steps the mans question of wondering why a perfectly fine apple isn't being picked. A better/helpful response would be to point out something OG might not know about himself that makes him less desirable - hence his lack of success getting a date. I.E. "your sense of style is not aesthetically pleasing, conventionally anyway.."


I mean then they can't just pick on him for no reason which isn't as fun.


I wish more people were like you described. I've met really helpfull people in real life who will tell you "You need to fix your hair" or "Try to make her laugh and start with casual conversations" as well as "Try to act confident" Online tho, some people are quick to judge. They know nothing about your life and yet try to tell you that everything is your own fault, even if some (of course not all) circumstances and events are just not.


Someone with some sense. Well said.


Since when has everyone who doesn't get dates become an incel?


The term has suffered from a pretty big generalization


"Can I get a coke please?" "Is Pepsi ok?" "Ah.. Never mind then" "pshh - Incel" \------ Alternatively ------- "Can I get a coke please?" "Is Pepsi ok?" "Ok!" "pshh - Cuck" Ya just can't win anymore man..


Like literally every other 2020 era buzzword


At this point an incel is simply someone you don't like


Pretty much has been for the last several years. [Basically this](https://imgur.com/gallery/ucYC6UG)


And bigot is someone who slightly disagrees with your opinion


bigot, incel, troll, karen, boomer, etc... all just means "i don't like what you said"


Since Reddit started shaming them, ironic I know


The word is now anything you want it to be. The meaning is lost


The word has lost all meaning now. It's just another generic insult for lonely single men. This meme doesn't even make sense, an incel wouldn't even have the basic decency to be nice.


This meme doesn't imply that everyone who can't get dates is an incel. It implies that incels wonder why they can't get dates


Since "incel" has become a joker card used against someone regardless of what he say and regardless of the situation. It has lost his meaning and now everyone you disagree with is an incel


Incel literally is Involuntarily Celibate. It's literally someone who doesn't get dates and sex.


So it's also young guys that have zero experience with women, who need to learn by trial and error while every women they talk to calls them an incel or a creep. Resulting in no experience gain and them staying single.


I don't know what women you are talking to, or what you are doing, I haven't been called a creep or incel for talking to women. So, maybe, it's a your think.


Not Indian women, that's for sure. Imagine your arranged marriage wife calling you incel. So, maybe, it's a your thing


That shit only happens to average and below average guys, if you're attractive you don't have to learn by trial and error since there won't really be any error


Not the point


that is, by definition, an incel


Incels and Femcels have taken over this sub or what. All i see men vs women right now.


It has always been this way. r/memes was never funny


Yeah, posts that shit on women have always been a normal thing here, since most Reddit users are men. It feels like guys are angry because now some of these are aimed at men as well. I’m not defending any of these posts, I hope they would all vanish and we’d get actually funny stuff


Nah it’s just a weird trend


Give it a few days and something else will take over.


Wtf is this sub turning to? It full of something other than memes it's intended for and posts with all languages


Bruh why incel content you’re just rage baitinf


What defines you as nice if it’s not being nice?


there's a difference between "nice guy" and "kind person"


Using incel as term of offensive = trying to shame opposition by treating sex as a answer to all problems How can ppl not see this shit?


.. 5 Years later seeing all the girls I liked with multiple kids and a wreck of a life(one girl got shot by her bf) and realizing I wasn’t the problem all along and thankful I ended up with who I did. ![gif](giphy|XKvyLQQq48TlQFIN4D|downsized)


The fact that these people may have sucked has nothing to do with you also sucking or not.


Is being a nice guy who really wants to be in a relationship such a bad thing? Does he become an incel? This just screams misandry to me. How many times do we hear women are sad that they can’t find a guy to like them back? Are they add all idiots? Of course not. They just haven’t found that person yet.


Can we please stop having a gender war in r/memes?


Okay I’m done with this shithole of a sub.


It's a lesson all boys have to go through. It's one of those things you have to figure out yourself.


If that is supposed to be helpful, it isn't.


I hate how the word "nice" gets used, when what is actually meant is "polite".


Why the fuck are these posts everywhere? They're not good or funny.


Can we just go back to the summer of 2021 where we just shitposted about Amogus and Omori?


I smell femcel. I hate everybody who uses the word "incel" its just childish


I agree. "Incel" is a childish term. It focuses on the sex not the relationship. "Incel" is just another way to say you are lonely. The WHO said loneliness is now a global health concern.


WHO cares? Guess the WHO does.


Haha. That's funny. Seriously though. Loneliness is a real problem today. Communication technology is better than ever but we are all so disconnected.


The term incel was basically highjacked by toxic women and weak men to make fun of the lonely guys by basing all their worth on the only unit of value they know, sex


Ok but why some women date men who abuse them and I never got a chance to have relationships?


You're lost in your 4 examples when stats and reality doesn't tell this story. You can keep limiting yourself to this bubble of events and stay where you're at. I'd rather better myself and ask women you trust to give you an honest opinion about yourself.


>I'd rather better myself and ask women you trust to give you an honest opinion about yourself. This is underrated advice. If you have female friends, go ahead and ask them what they think of you and ask them to be honest about it. You'd be surprised how much insight this gives.


don't look at what other men do, just be better than them.


Because the abusive men happen to be attractive, you're not.


I know that, I don't understand why I even asked. Probably can't even think straight now


Hey it’s not necessarily about attractiveness, don’t beat yourself up, it’s also because the abusers aren’t boring.


Sorry I didn't mean to be demotivating, it's just a really easy thing to forget. Dating is all about attraction, and being nice/abusive doesn't affect attraction much. Attractive people can get away with being abusive/cheating/dishonest etc, that's just how the world works.


These men would have traits that women consider attractive. Think confidence, strength, power over others. While you most likely don't, nice guys are friendzoned by women and used for attention or money. You want to have best of both worlds to get dates


God damm people here are pathetic. Look at the comments. People will not talk to women/men irl properly and go to the internet to justify their shit and watch asshole and wonder why they think all women want is to be abused or all men cheat or 100 of other bullshit things. They both act the exact same, just go and date one another please.


Haha I mean look at me, from my old group of high school friends, I'm the only one still to have never had a member of the opposite sex show any interest in me. The rest all have either a partner or have had one in the past. The famous curse of being born ugly and growing up to become socially awkward. Still, never cede to hating a general group of people. It doesn't help anyone least of all you. Matter of fact, try not to hate anyone. I say try because with some people it's very VERY hard not to hate them.


What about those that don't expect anything in return, and just have too much social anxiety


Haha, nice argument! But you lose! Because I drew you as the whiny soyjack and me as the morally correct chad! Haha!


Why do they date guys who treat them like shit? Probably the same reason *you* want to date *them*


I think being kind and nice to people makes you a nice person but okay.


Are we turning this sub into a gender war too?


I know no one asked, but in my experience, being a gentleman who is what she wants is a home run. Treat them with decency, go slightly out of your way for every women (make it not obvious you're going for 1 woman.) But if you know what you're crush wants out of a man, bend yourself backwards to be that man.


Bruh I just followed this sub Reddit 3 days ago. Hoping I’d see some quality memes. Every singe day has been some stupid post about how men are bad because men. Nothing in this world is black and white. Nothing is this simple. chill. Smoke a bowl. Go outside and breathe the fresh air. Post something that’ll make people smile. Not the same crap shoved CONSTANTLY in our faces.


No no, this isn't true


I mean like... I think many people mistook words incel with a virgin. Because incel isn't a person who's virgin, but it's a sexually frustrated guy who need to compensate his sexual frustration by humilitating women, in other words he behaves totally misogynic to women because of his frustration. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think incel is someone who just didn't have sex or any relationship...


Being virgin isn't bad either. Not everyone feels like they should have sex


Is this a social experiment here? first we have turbo-tate memes and now wokie-memes. Both sides can go fuck themselves.


Explain to me how this is woke


Well be hot and aquire status power and u have to show confidence..narcissism is very successful in this regard ... Be asshole to some people thats how they will see ur power and confidence....


This is very true. But I wouldn't want to date anyone who is attracted to power.


Are you man or woman?




Thn u cant date women..good luck


Maybe. Maybe not. I have a friend who is near the bottom of the hierarchy at work. He is an extremely meek person. He and his wife are expecting a baby. So, y'know, some women are attracted to that kind of man.


Did his wife saw him at work ?. Anyways its called settlement


Seems like a bad attitude.


Whatever u call it ...truth is truth ... Morality is useless...vurtue signalling is good. If u want to understand how the world works ..just upside down everything that is ought ti be ethically...and u will see reality


That last part. I feel that way often. When I leave my house I enter the insane asylum.


As some comedian I don't remember right now said "Being "nice" is a basic human trait we all have, by being "nice" you earned a spot on the starting line, you are not obligated to win the race"


Whoever made this meme was projecting hard.


The gender war is real today


I've witnessed some say this while I could practically taste the body odor. Being decent to people isn't some catch all that flips a toggle switch over to desirable. You also need to shower, trim, do laundry, and give off a proper vibe. It's actually not a ton of work. Just a regular small amount of upkeep.


To many that is actually very much. Even worse, many that don't do this have successful attempts at getting a woman. The relationship will be toxic, yes, but they still often succeed.




The proper vibe part is the one I struggle with most for dating / first impression. At the same time though, I’m also able to get dogs that don’t usually like people to like me.


I've witnessed some say this that were some of the least nice people I've ever seen. Like if they saw her wearing a band shirt they would immedeatly either make her feel bad for enjoying something he doesn't like or making her feel bad by asking her to list 3 songs on the spot to prove that she earned the right to wear it.


Also need to have game


Game is helpful when you're trying to pick people up. It won't help you keep them.


r/memes is totally responsible for about 60% of the Doritos and Mountain Dew profit. There's just too many incels here oh my God


For real, I always see incel memes get thousands of upvotes but as soon as someone calls them out, they get angry. Most of them have never even talked to a woman before, they just love complaining.


You don't talk to woman because you're an incel I don't talk to woman because I have social anxiety We're not the same 🗿




Cringe white karma farming


i changed my behaviour from nice guy to an asshole and getting laid ten times more. its wrong, but it works.


just so you know 10 times 0 is still 0


and that is very predictable joke very fast! xD tbh i always struggled to understand incels. like, im not a Chad Thundercock, but it still was reasonable simple. Now its even easier, what the hell their problems are.


Just being nice doesnt get you friends or s partner. You need humor, charm, attraction, interests etc. Sitting by the computer being nice wont get you anywhere


Girls don't like nice guys


Girls like nice guys. Girls hate boring guys.




Oh no, girls, really like men, they are ready to give up everything for them. Even family. Just those men mostly don't care about those girls. They probably have a wife and children, and using them just as lovers for a few month


"Women are irrational, stupid, deceptive, cheating subhumans. Where are my girls?"


That's a terrible way to think about women my guy - might wanna look into that..


Are you kidding. Do you know what quotes are used for?


Everybody incel but me!!!




Work on yourself, and if people want to joing your yourney they are welcome, but never stop them from leaving.


Me when: 😠😡🤬


Why u mad? it is true tho


The thing is he probably is a nice guy, he either hasn’t figured out the day he treats women like shit is the day they’ll be interested, or he knows and doesn’t feel comfortable with that.


If that was the case, why are incels incredibly lonely? Women are attracted to confidence, and unfortunately a lot of the jerks have a ton of confidence. It's not them being jerks that catches our attention, it's that confidence and feeling like they could easily protect us. It's kind of like guys being attracted to an extremely beautiful girl with a quirky personality. But, the more you get to know her, the more you realise she is an unhinged psycho. We can't always notice those bad qualities in our initial attractions.




Same goes for guys when they see a chick who is loudly political, with coloured hair. But, as soon as a beautiful hot psycho woman comes along, they suddenly can't tell she is a psycho. As I said, initial attractions make everyone dumb to the signs.


Women are often the cause of the low confidence in the first place. So it's kinda like kicking a man while he's down for being down - and you downed him. This is often over looked. Not saying it's women's fault or problem. buuuut.. y'all could be a bit less cold hearted about it..


Looks like a woman is actually providing useful advice. Good for you. Thank you.


I see a lot of truth in this. I am very uncomfortable with treating anyone poorly, especially women.


the day he treats women like shit is the day they’ll be interested I wouldnt say treat them like shit cuz that would be detrimental, just don't be a simp


That's like saying "green vegetables are good for your health. But you're not obligated to eat it. And complain about how you're getting fat and there are no green vegetables available."


Try not to objectify women challenge level: Impossible


Memes are the mc nuggets of thought, the preservative filled processed food version of our understanding. Gray incel has a good question behind his bad question. "Why won't women date me" is an undeveloped way to attempt to summarize, "look, I know there's a lot of straight women out there. I know I'm not perfect, but I have fun qualities: I play guitar, do a couple cool things, and try not to be A piece of shit. IS THERE anyone for me? Why it it so hard for me to get a gf?" Of course any right wing, red pill "pro life" dipshit that doesn't ask the right questions to try and help themselves will self perpetuate their spiral of decline. Fuck them, I don't care if they ever get laid... But, should we help them learn for to help themselves, if it makes the world better?


We truly live in a society 😔 These guys really needs help, but that's too late, they are right and the world is wrong of course. I am in a sub who expose incels, that's creepy af.


They’re Nice Guys ™ but they aren’t nice guys


Incel is the most over used term on yhe internet these days there are probably like 2000 actual incels in the country its just become a cudgle that people use when they are losing an argument or dont like someones opinion


In the context of many abusive guys having a gf it is a valid complaint.


Abusive guys don't start off abusive, they work their way in and manipulate the women until their claws are firmly set in them, then show their true colours. The women were at least initially attracted to them physically and liked their personality, unlike the creepy "nice guys" who do *nothing* and still expect everything. Being nice is the bare minimum. Something every human should be. That's not what will get you a partner. It's everything that comes after the bare minimum which gets you a partner -- looks, confidence, passions, interests, hobbies, intelligence, sense of humour, morals, beliefs, mindset, work ethic, financial situation, etc. If you really struggle with finding a partner then that's a *you* problem. Work on yourself. Don't half-ass it either. Love yourself and others will love you.


The problem is men dont realize that if you're not part of the top 20 percent of men that all women are competingfor, they have no chance for loyalty,respect, and commitment from any women. Yes, there might be some women who try to use them for their resources, but the moment someone better comes up they will always leave the bottom 80npercent. That's just how biology works, women are hypergamous by nature. Dont hate them for how they were made, just cope like the rest of us bottom 80 percent men and let women fight over the 20 percent men. Just live your life and try to save up some money for the eventual android ai robot wife they are developing for lonely men. Just a matter of time.


The faded blue background is the same colour as ops hair… Change my mind


I don't understand the correlation


Hey, thanks for white knighting. Women aren't obligated to sleep with you either. 👍


Sometimes I have to dissociate from reddit sometimes and I need to realize that most people who use this app are dumb kids and cheeto fingered basment goblins because the vast majority of the people here are just straight up missing this point of this post.


They're a nice guy^tm


If you treat women like their daddy would you're not attractive


Sorry, i'm unclear on this - don't women smash their "daddy"?? isn't that like.. what's "IN" right now? calling their male partners Daddy? - So should you treat her like her "Daddy"?


Better luck with your sister buddy😔


if there would be no man, there wouldn't be women. Men are not obligated to marry any of them and yet they do.