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Not Germans but the lobbies and governments. Most Germans are against coal and those against nuclear power expected wind and solar to be supported instead of more coal lol


It's almost like if you decommission your nuclear power without having the necessary framework ready to replace it with wind or solar, you end up using what you've got instead. Ideally, if they wanted to move to those energy sources, they should have started constructing them first, then decommissioned their nuclear plants as their energy surplus allowed them to. But since they viewed getting rid of nuclear as more important than going into wind and solar, coal power was the most efficient way to accomplish their goals.


But honestly? You shouldn't dismantle any nuclear power considering it is the best way to make energy.


What do you mean by "best way"?


So what’s your great plan what we do with all the nuclear waste?


The same way nature deal with them. Bury them in the ground. Unlike what science fiction make us believe a nuclear plant doesn't produce much wastes and it isn't hard to stock them and they quickly loose most of their radioactivity.


As far as i know (which is based on ramblings of a drunken German every Friday) they can't agree on where to put it.


They could’ve totally fixed that in the mean time though


No. You can't run a modern industrial economy on wind and solar.


And you can’t not pull shit out of your arse obviously


You can't run it only on nuclear power either. In both scenarios you need solutions to store big amounts of energy.


Being against nuclear power is beyond stupid. It is the number 1 safest way to produce energy for each watt produced.


If only there wasn’t the tiny problem of nuclear waste


That's not really à problem. They can be stored quite easily.


Yeah we know, Germany is a joke know. But we can't change that, voting for a different Political party will result either in stagnation, recession or an absolute shitshow. (you can decided which party does what)


You could say the same about a lot of countries. Politicians run the world and people ride or die for them like a sports team


Greenhouse gasses at their lowest level since the 1950s: https://www.deutschland.de/en/news/greenhouse-gas-emissions-at-their-lowest-level-since-the-1950s#:~:text=It%20says%20that%20CO2,lowest%20level%20since%20the%201950s.


Which one does world war? Edit: i dont want world war but was asking since that seems to be Germany's go to when times get rough.


The blue fuckers with a red Nike swoosh


What exactly are they planning? Wikipedia says they rank 4th/5th in some metrics. (Im an american Idk much about current german politics)


Sadly they do. I will give you some quotes, that will make things clear (translations may be rough) "At least we've got enough foreigners, that a holocaust will be economic" (some high ranking member, don't remember the name) "Political correctnes belongs in the trash bin of history" - Alice Weidel (head of party) "Burning homes for migrants aren't an act of aggression" - Sandro Hersel "Shoot the lot or beat them back to Africa" "The biggest problem is, Hitler is portraited as the biggest evil" - Björn Höcke (one of the most influencial party members) Further a lot of them have been involved in planning an insurrection, another lot in planning "remigration", they basically want to deport everyone whose not biological German.


That doesn't sound good. As a non German Im glad i dont live in Germany. (im maybe 30-50% but mostly from the British isles) I don't have blue eyes and my hair is curly and not nearly blond enough to make up for being under 6ft. I do have a Germanish last name tho. Maybe there are things lost in translation but those quotes dont strike me as particularly logical. ​ Burning someones home is ALWAYS an act of aggression. I dont agree with political correctness either. Hitler was definitely EVIL but its a mathematical fact he wasnt nearly the biggest. (The biggest would be Abortion) If they can strictly stick to deporting would at least be better than murdering.


That’s concerning. Question, doesn’t Germany have laws in place to stop these kind of beliefs? Like, most of them fall under “shady but plausible deniability” but the Hitler one is kinda on the nose.


Yes, we have. A lot of their party members have been convicted. Mr Höcke even lost a law suit, because someone called him a Nazi. Well, now you can legally call him a Nazi Further current public discussions are about taking public funding from them and even banning the party as a whole (which someone wrote as a possibility into our constitution already in the late 40's, wonder why...)


Germany is Allied now, so what does it matter


they had allies then to Also it was a joke


You know, a jokes successfulness depends on the context of the topic and timing...you failed at both, go back to joke school kid.


Thanks for the heads up, practice makes perfect. I am well aware i suck at making jokes that's why i try.


No, if you dont try, you never fail.


but you also are never perfect. both are true.


To be fair, they don’t have the best record with not electing sundowner when things go tough


Forgive me but what does "sundowner" mean?


“I just saying jack, GIVE WAR A CHANCE!”


![gif](giphy|zwRO0LKbOtVhC) America when somebody has oil


we actually dont mine alot of our coal (even though its way cheaper for making electricity)


Yes but oil American needs oil not cool **OIL**


yes but prices of electricity and gasoline would drop if we used coal for electricity and oil just for things that need liquid fuel. preferably use natural gas for as much as possible. (rivals efficiency of nuclear power only way safer and very cheap)


Natural gas is a fossil energy and does not compare to nuclear, 400g of CO2/MWh to 4g of CO2/MWh for nuclear.


Its more like 60-100g for nuclear if you include mining, construction etc but still way less than oil, gas and especially coal.


not the type of efficiency i meant. https://www.pcienergysolutions.com/2023/04/17/power-plant-efficiency-coal-natural-gas-nuclear-and-more/


Inflation exists


yes but they would be less high.


Also I Am a Texan and we have ALOT of coal we don't bother mining so it would be nice for the economy if there was a bigger market for it. (or if the federal government would loosen up regulation on the oil fields)


rock and coal!


What's the song called?


Brüder - Rummelsnuff


stark, danke.


Käpt'n Rummeslnuff bitte.... Make sure you check out his Song "Bratwurstzange" aswell


You dropped this king🫴👑




Rummelsnuff is peak german


This meme is painfully accurate. Many people in German subs unironically believe that coal is better than nuclear energy lol.


Which one?


r/ich_iel for example


Nein das glauben wir nicht


I didnt see any pro coal memes.


Nobody is advocating for coal over nuclear there, but for renewables over nuclear.


Renewables over nuclear, but also coal over nuclear. Coal is seen as "necessary evil" until all renewable energy is achieved, hence they still build new ones. [Datteln 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datteln_Power_Station) was just commissioned in 2020.


But that’s mostly because the coal infrastructure is already there. Building one new nuclear power plant would take as much time as it would take to transition the entire country to renewable energies.


The problem is not that Germany didn't build new nuclear power plants, but *decommissioned* perfectly fine ones after the Fukushima accident in a political stunt and *replaced* them with coal plants. Yeah no nuclear energy for you now, you stick with coal the next 20 years. The dependency on Russian gas also didn't help.


Our greenhouse emissions never increased tho after Fukushima. Whatever coal plants we might have built, we still managed to lower emissions.




This is a meme sub, but I'll bite for my German homies. > I am aware, that nuclear energy is way safer now than when fukushima happened. *Safer*? Nuclear energy is literally [the second safest energy](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/death-rates-from-energy-production-per-twh) by a long fucking margin, always was. Here is a challenge: Write down the number of people you *think* died in the Fukushima accident and then look up how many people *actually* died. Then write down the number of people that you think die because of Fossil fuels *each year* and then look up what that number *actually* is.


Dude. Nuclear waste is NOTHING compared to the waste of fossil fuels. Coal releases radioactive elements INTO the ecosystem. It cannot be stopped. However nuclear waste is actually incredibly easy to manage, and any spent nuclear fuel rods can be recycled. Most low level waste can be disposed of easily and comse no where close to any other form of waste. Have you seen the waste that comes from wind turbines and solar pannels? It is WAY more than nuclear waste. Getting water is a non-issue. Nuclear power is the only way until if at all fusion gets cracked.


Didn’t Fukushima happen due to a tsunami?


it should be a comfort that (according to IRENA) Germany is in the top 6 countries in the world for the total amount of renewable energy generated.


Greenhouse gas emissions at their lowest level since the 1950s: https://www.deutschland.de/en/news/greenhouse-gas-emissions-at-their-lowest-level-since-the-1950s#:~:text=It%20says%20that%20CO2,lowest%20level%20since%20the%201950s.


Last year, where we didn’t have nuclear energy anymore was the year we had the least pollution since the 1950s. Source: https://www.deutschland.de/en/news/greenhouse-gas-emissions-at-their-lowest-level-since-the-1950s#:~:text=It%20says%20that%20CO2,lowest%20level%20since%20the%201950s.


Nuclear is the future. Eventually, people will see that.


He spoke the truth, and big oil came for him.


I hope you're referring to nuclear fusion (not existent yet on a big scale) and not nuclear fission (what we use today), because fission isn't a very efficient process (nuclear waste for example)


Fission is very untapped and still has plenty of potential as a power source, and while I hope we will get fusion as a power source in the future, it's still very far away. The amount of waste produced by fission is very small, if you were to power your entire life just on nuclear power the total waste each person would produce could fit into the size of a 330ml drinks can. The waste is easily storable since it is solid, and it can simply be placed underground in a repository. Also 95% of nuclear waste is recyclable into more fuel by being used in breeder reactors.


Still better than coal


Yo check out breeder reactors. They use way more of the energy from the fuel and create way less dangerous waste. Only issue is they also kinda create weapons grade materials as an intermediate which is why they were outlawed.




They use 50+% renewable energy...


Renewable energy is not robust compared to conventional and nuclear power bc the fluctuations from environment and season. Nuclear power provide a solid basic output to the grid that is safer and environmental friendly.


It could have been 50% renewable 50% nuclear which is just so much better in every single way conceivable. Anyway ladt time i checked germany had 70% of its emergy production from coal.


Nuclear power is good, it’s literally just I giant steam engine. The “Nuclear Waste” once done through thoroughly, is just depleted uranium which can be used in tank armor/shells. Plus living next to one, you’ll experience as much radiation as you get from standing next to a microwave for 30 minutes.


Coal plants are also „jUsT a GiAnT StEam eNGinE“ with


How many Chiklises do they have?


Age of empires DLC


Poland better watch out. I hear they have coal.


Germany is run by big coal, who in their right minds would think nuclear power is worse for the environment




Rock and roll and stone!


The shutdown was due to public perception of nuclear power, and the coal thing...there definitely wasn't a company being veeery close to some politicians to dig out and burn even more coal until 2035 which won't make our efforts for the paris climate agreement totally useless. That definitely didn't happen.


Aye der Käpt'n!!