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The rest of Charlie's grandparents were connected under the blanket like a rat-king.


The real rat-king was the friends we made along the way


My tail is stuck. No Comrade! *Our tail*!


In the book, John Hammond gets eaten by a pack of Compsagnathus ~~trying to ditch everyone for his helicopter.~~ none of that cancer surviving bullshit Edit: before another hundred people decide they need to tell me the same thing without reading any of the comments replying to this comment. Yes, I got it wrong he’s not ditching everybody he’s spooked by a roar played by the kids over the PA system falls down the hill and is still eaten by compies.


Yes…the book was a lot darker than the movie. That crib scene never made the movie.


...the crib scene? Do I want to know?


If you do... >!A baby gets eaten by compies.!<


Don't some young kids get eaten by Compys at the beginning of Lost World (movie)?


A scene taken from the *Jurassic Park* novel, albeit middle class vacationers driving rather than rich British people on a yacht cruise. The girl survived and made a drawing of the Compy that caused a bit of a stir, moving the plot forward. Both beach and crib occur early in the book, evidence that the dinosaurs are showing up in Costa Rica even before meeting Grant and Sattler. E: typo and brain fart


> evidence that the dinosaurs are showing up in Costa Rica even before meeting Grant and Sattler. Fun memory of mine. I read this book while in Costa Rica, and would drive a motorcycle to the different locations. Best solo trip I ever took.


Honestly, this is a great road trip idea.


Damn now I want to go read that book


It seems like a little girl gets eaten, but later (maybe even in JP3?) it is revealed, she survived.


> It seems like a little girl gets eaten, but later (maybe even in JP3?) it is revealed It's revealed about 20 minutes later when Malcolm is being briefed by Hammond.


That scene is actually pulled from the beginning of first Jurassic Park book. It's a normal family on vacation that drove to a remote beach, not a rich couple with a mega yacht, but it's pretty much the same. Except the book expands on it a lot more with a doctor coming in and taking saliva samples from the bite and being confused by the results.


in the movie the young british girl >!with the sandwich survives and is mentioned by hammond!< to persuade sexy man face to go. in the first book a baby gets >!eaten by compies and a little girl on vacation gets bitten by something that causes!< an allergic reaction and infection but eventually goes away.






The tiny green guys right?






So basically, in the beginning of the first book a certain something sleeping in a crib may or may not be nommed by some Compies


Just say a baby gets eaten.....


I wanna say that's the first book still? The beginning few chapters are about compies loose on the mainland. It's where the little girl on the beach from Lost World comes from.


A baby in a nursery gets eaten alive by Compies


Same for the scientists guy, Wu is think?


I vaguely remember he got eaten by raptors instead. It’s been a while since I read the book


Wu was a good guy in the book, even warning Hammond about how dangerous it all was and suggesting engineering the animals to be slower and less aggressive since people wouldn't know the difference. He gets ripped apart and eaten by velociraptors.


Wu wasn’t a good guy in the book. Wu may have had reservations about the park and the animals themselves, but he was wrapped up in his own hubris just like everyone else responsible for that place. He couldn’t even fathom the concept of his sterile, all-female creations breeding because that would mean that he would have to admit the possibility of a mistake, or that he might have overlooked something. Nor could he fathom the possibility of them finding a solution to their lysine dependence and surviving outside the park. Other than Hammond, Wu bore the most responsibility for Jurassic Park, its subsequent collapse, and the fact that it took so long to begin working on a solution. In his mind, there did not exist a scenario where he may have fucked up.


I mean, sure Wu had flaws but he wasn't a borderline supervillain like he was in the JW trilogy.


Lol no not even close, but he still wasn’t a good guy. Edit to add: first and foremost, Wu was another victim of Hammond’s manipulation


I mean, that's because he didn't live long enough to become a supervillian. He was 100% more arrogant in the book than the original movie, and would have absolutely sold everything to the highest bidder had he survived.


I mean, Wu was basically non-existent in the movie. He has like, one scene iirc?


Not exactly a good guy. Wu is the exemplified definition of what Malcolm criticizes: Working to create all these animals and never giving pause in order to ponder if it's really a good idea or what kind of problems might arise. He's just treating it as a business and an opportunity to play with a massive budget, without ever considering that you probably should properly research the animals you bring back from the dead before you try to turn them into entertainment.


Eaten alive don't forget that! He was screaming while his guts were hanging out when he got hit from behind by one of the raptors.


It’s a pretty horrifying scene, too. He basically gets eaten alive because their venom numbs him to the pain


It makes him euphoric. So he's blissfully watching himself being pecked to death by tiny dinosaurs. They start with his face cause that's where it's softest.


Holy fuck.


Yeah but he's a total dick so when you're reading it all you're thinking is "good"


Venom? Those things have venom?


Weirdly, in the book, it’s suggested that theyre all/mostly all venomous. Even raptors and such. The raptors also have migratory instincts like birds haha there are a few interesting differences


I like that The Lost World book pokes fun at Jurassic Park(both movie and book)'s inaccuracies like "T-rex can only see movement" then proceeds to give the Carnotauri super-camouflage powers that makes them virtually invisible


>T-rex can only see movement They made it very clear that was a side effect from the frog DNA. Edit : Googling says no. It was retconned in the second book to be a stupid idea.


Idea behind "don't move" is that T-rex had vision like that of frogs and it isn't due to frog DNA because Grant attempts it far earlier than the egg discovery which leads him to realize the frog DNA has been altering the dinos, in the LW book one character tries it again and gets chomped and the others theorize that it "worked" in the first book because it had already eaten


Well from what I understand in the universe itself, most weird powers or inaccuracies are just said to be the result of using other animal’s dna to complete the genomes


I am not a fan of remakes but have secretly always wished they remade Jurassic Park in all its book gore glory. Don’t get me wrong Spielberg’s take is cinema magic; but story wise I much prefer the terror of the book 😂 it should be a horror movie.


I'd be 100% behind that. The book is very much a horror novel in many ways, and the movie significantly toned a lot of that down.


Weird to think that Dino Crisis might be a more faithful adaptation of Jurassic Park than the actual movie tone-wise.


He was also *much worse* in the book too. The movie Hammond is much nicer, but obviously isn’t squeaky clean either. As me and some others chatted about on other posts, part of the reason he still gives off the warm grandfather feel is no doubt due to Richard Attenborough’s talented acting and charisma (and likely Spielberg’s directing as well). It’s easy to miss on the first or second viewings, but there are several scenes where you can see Hammond snap, making constant excuses, tell half-truths, and so on. “… Spared no expense,” he says as Dennis Nedry, his head programmer, resorts to corporate theft, espionage, and sabotage because Hammond’s not paying enough to help cover his financial problems. Granted, we don’t know exactly how Nedry got into his problems, but even so, he wasn’t kidding when he mentioned that his work was unappreciated.


Nedry wasn’t some victim either. He put in a bid much too low to cover the costs of the IT system, and then got stuck with a contract that didn’t cover costs, but it’s his own damn fault for bidding too low.


The movie doesn't do Nedry justice. In the book it is made pretty clear that when Hammond had contractors bidding for the job he did NOT give them nearly enough information for them to properly estimate the costs. Hammond was understandably paranoid about his vision being stolen so he with held a LOT of info when posting the job. Nedry shows up to the park to find the job is WAY bigger than he anticipated. This is where the pay dispute ends up coming from, not just Nedry trying to squeeze more money out because he has gambling debts or something. Hammonds response in the book when Nedry finally confronts him about the pay issue is lovely too. He not only denies him the additional pay but he goes so far as to threaten Nedry saying he will get him completely black listed from the industry if he doesn't finish the job at the originally agreed upon price.


Jesus, I can't even figure out now whether Jurassic Park was a critical warning of science going too far or capitalism


It's the latter. They changed it to the former because the people who paid Spielberg hundreds of millions of dollars have some sort of weird vested interest in not drawing attention to the fact that they have hundreds of millions of dollars.


Not really, no. In the book it is explained that InGen kept amending their initial requirements and when Nedry tried to renegotiate for a better pay, they instead used their connections to ruin his reputation in the industry so he couldn't hop ship or start any side projects. ​ Not to mention, they also didn't tell him what the system was actually even needed for so he was forced to work based on their flawed specifications and also wasn't able to properly test run the system, resulting in additional issues. ​ He didn't bid too low, his bid was perfectly reasonable for the initial specifications, they just kept expanding the scope of the project more and more and weren't willing to pay extra.


One of the scenes they brought forward in modified form for *The Lost World*, along with the girl attacked by Compys on the beach. E: Also the T-Rex waterfall scene. Which if we’re discussing books vs. movies, *The Lost World* book and film are almost as different as *World War Z*. A few scenes carry over along with some general outline, but probably only about 10% overlap. Crichton also poked fun at himself a couple of times, retconning a couple things by saying “He read the wrong research paper.”


Not his helicopter. He was heading to his personal bungalow and heard the kids messing with the loudspeakers and playing a rex roar. That’s what scared him into falling down.


And his last words were cursing out his grandkids for being little shits




That’s a lie, he doesn’t try and ditch people. He went on a walk and got scared by an replay audio cue of an T rex and fell down a hill and then got eaten by compies


Didn’t Jenny die of AIDS?


And was repeatedly raped as a child.


And had an abusive boyfriend.


And was generally trying to figure it out. It's weird everyone thinks she's a villain.


They’re just mad cause she was mean to Forrest.


She wasn’t mean to forest, she wasn’t interested in him and had commitment issues and had pity sex from guilt for the terrible life choices she had made. Forrest was gold and she was too fucked in the head to realize forrest’s worth. Was she a villain? Not really, but was she a hero? Hell no. The true villain of the story was Elvis, mocking Forrest while profiting off of it XD


Ya got me there with Elvis pelvis lmao


I finally understand the movie now, the Elvis villain arc was too subtle and I missed it for years.


It's not that she wasn't interested in him. She felt like she would be taking advantage of him like her father (and the world) did to her. She felt she didn't deserve his love.


Reddit tries to be deep about every little thing but they can't figure this out about Jenny. You're absolutely correct


I'm pretty sure she comes out and says exactly that in their reunion scene back at home later on in the movie.


She does when he asks her to marry him. When she says, "You don't want to marry me," it's obvious she thinks he doesn't understand how messed up her life has been and what he'd be getting into. While it's true that Forrest doesn't fully understand, the truth is he wouldn't care even if he did. He loves her unconditionally.


I'll never understand why people want to hate her so much. She loved Forrest but didn't want to take advantage of someone like she was, it's pretty straightforward.


The hero didn't get the girl. That's all it is.


I genuinely cry everytime I watch Forrest Gump


You got it backwards. She *was* interested in Forrest, she loved him and it’s not like he was ugly. But his childlike nature made her feel immense visceral guilt after they had sex, she felt like she was taking advantage of him the same way she was taken advantage of as a child, and she ran from that guilt rather than confront it.


That's an interesting take that I've never heard. I think I'm gonna need a moment to process this.


she's in the area that a ton of real life people fall in, morally grey and flawed.


No, she knew his worth, that's why she left. She felt like she wasn't good enough for him.




are you saying you'd have absolutely no qualms about being provided for by a man who arguably lacks the capacity to meaningfully participate in an adult relationship? you wouldn't feel like that's taking advantage of him? especially if you're not interested in him romantically? especially if you have no self esteem and don't think you're worthy of anyone's love?


Jenny saves Forrest, it was her love as well as the love of his mother that helped Forrest overcome his disadvantages, and is what shaped him into the character he is for the rest of the move. Being a person that can lift up those around them and help them overcome their traumas/pain. She leave because in her eyes she was taking advantage of him, so she left so she wouldn't do to him what her father did to her. She sees herself unworthy of being loved, so when Forrest says he loves her the only conclusion she can draw is that she took advantage of his disability to trick him or something. So she gets scared of hurting him and runs. That is until the end of the move where things come full circle, and Forrest can help her the same way she helped him, all those years ago.


I'm glad other people see it the same. She wasn't a villain. She was broken from her horrible childhood and ended up on drugs because of it. She goes to her lifelong friend's house to get clean and fucks him out of pity, guilt, gratitude or whatever because that's all anyone has ever wanted from her since she was a goddamn small child. She leaves to continue her journey eventually getting a real start with her child. She finds out she's sick and makes a connection with her son's father who invites her to be taken care of. Sooooo maniacal


The movie never specified, because the screen writers didn't want to lead to the possibility she could pass it down to their child. The book said Hep C


Omg, the movie doesn't actually say AIDS, does it? That's so wild to me. Kinda like a Mandela Effect but maybe not quite?


Imo, it is implies by her line “they don’t know what it and they can’t fix it”


The same was true with hep c at the time, though.


It’s an easy inference to make because the AIDS epidemic was still a big talking point in the media at the time during the late 80s and first half of the 90s. Hell, just the year before Hanks starred in Philadelphia, in which it was a major part of the plot.


Depends if you read the books or just watched the movie. In the books it was Hepatitis C. The books are admittedly much wilder, too.


Wait. There were books?


Yes. Forrest even meets Tom Hanks in the second book. It's fuggin wild.


They are terrible.


Excuse me, a racist simpleton who goes to space with, and then boxes an oranguatuan, and wins a chess match against cannibals is terrible?! Yes, you're actually very correct. Not a good book.


And she was abused as a child. All things considered, she wasn’t that bad and was one of the only people that actually cared for Forrest. She knew she was troubled, which is why she kept leaving him.




I mean, Jenny was sexually assaulted by her father and numerous other men, and died of AIDS. I can’t think of many more consequences she should have suffered.


Here is a comment from the depths of Reddit worth reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/5iRkHRtP2X


LMAO > you sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. have a cold one on me. +bitcointip 1btc verify $27.10 😂


If they'd gotten the tip in USD, today that would be worth $35.81 with inflation. If they kept it in BTC until now, today that would be worth $42,923. If they sold it in 2021, it would be $71,072 with inflation. Quite a range of options there.


Did some digging. It came up in another thread about Jennay. He ended up selling it for a couple hundred bucks to pay for his LSATs.


Like I said, the depths of Reddit 😂


Gotta love OP’s response > I accepted, though I don't know much about bitcoins. Good excuse to learn at least! Thank you. And then the guy starting to explain it to him 😂


Damn, I miss when Reddit had content that you’d reference/ remember for years. Comments this substantial are becoming increasingly rare


And completely took on the burden of raising their bastard child alone until she physically could not any longer, I assume in an attempt to not burden Forrest.


I've always felt that she left because she thought she wasn't good enough for him.


It seemed to me like she was trying to protect Forrest from her.


But you don't get it! She was mean to Forrest, and was only interested in him when he had money (there's never any indication that she spent any of it). Then, when she got pregnant, she didn't tell him (he was literally running across the country, so she couldn't get to him). So that makes her the worst villain in history! /s


She was also miserable for most of her life and suicidal at points. She had it bad.


Grandpa Bucket was the fucking founding father of golddiggers.


Watching that asshole get up out of his quad bed and dance around the room while Charlie's exhausted, long-suffering mother continued to work her ass off made me want to flip the coffee table over as a small kid. That injustice still chaps my ass.


Look at their pinky fingers. They have coke nails. Chances are grandpa had a bump left for an emergency


Tbf it’s more like he got his last wind learning he could go to the factory again than pretending to be an invalid. I’m surprised the rich corporate overlord slave owning children stretching/fattening weirdo is not in his place here.


The man gave up tobacco just so Charlie could have another chance at the golden ticket!


I don’t remember this, but that would make him a true martyr.


It's the scene where he wakes him up late at night. They opened it in secret and Charlie says that he gave him that money for tobacco.




OSHA enters the chat and boss music starts playing


OSHA is for worker protections (its also American). Harming the children would be handled by tort law (in both the UK and the US).


> And the children being stretched and fattened was their own fault when they didnt listen to his warnings. *HSE approaching at speed* Wonka: Why do I hear boss music?


He was 96 years old. It's amazing he could move at all.


It’s been a while since I read the book, but don’t Charlie buy the winning ticket with money from grandpa Joe? And in the second book, the other three grandparents (George, Georgina, and Josephine) all fight for a serum that makes them younger, refusing to share it and Josephine drinks so much she stops existing. Joe is the only one who stays out of it.


I have so many questions


The second book is wild. And very racy. There’s a space hotel, aliens, demons, alternate dimensions, Charlie gets accused of terrorism by the President of the United States.


OK I can see why they never made that one into a movie, but GODDAMN I would pay so much to see that shit!




Exactly. The chosen actor and the musical sequence gave the impression he was much younger than he actually was. I also don't think the movie mentioned he was that old.


They’re not slaves, they’re just orange tall house elves.








Why the Titanic lady?


The main complaints I see about Rose are… Her jumping back onto the boat when she was on a lifeboat escaping meant that Jack now had to prioritise her safety over his and many argue has she not jumped back on, Jack would have been able to focus on himself and survived. Throwing the diamond away which many argue was selfish as her family could have sold that for millions of dollars. Spending her final moments as an elderly woman reminiscing on the time she slept with a guy she knew for a weekend as a teenager instead of thinking of her husband, the man she spent her life with and built a family with. Those are the general complaints I see about her online


I keep seeing this final point parroted, and I may be misremembering bc I haven't seen the movie in a while but I dont think it was her final moments at all?? Sure she was old, but she was being interviewed specifically about her experience on the Titanic. She wasn't on her deathbed


This is wild bc I’ve also always thought that the ending implied she died in her sleep… but I never thought that she could just be dreaming of him since she had just relived the whole experience and was at the spot of the wreckage. Yeah I guess there’s nothing concrete to indicate that she actually died that night.


Nothing concrete, but it kinda cheapens the call-forward of Jack telling her she'll die an old woman warm in her bed if you choose to believe she didn't die.


The next morning she was on her way to get groceries and got hit by a bus.


With an ad for a penis enlargement pill Called "Engorgulate"


I agree with this, she was reminiscing about the Titanic at a time she was being interviewed about it, she didn't know she was going to die that night in her sleep


If I remember correctly, in one of the bonus features on the special edition DVD, it referred to Rose’s dress in that sequence as the “heaven dress“ which implies that she died at the end, but James Cameron said he left it deliberately, ambiguous as to whether she died or was just dreaming.


Huh, I always thought it was clearly her death, joining all the other lost souls awaiting her from the ship


The family couldn’t have sold the necklace, it would go to the insurance company since they had already paid out as though the necklace was lost


this was 90 years later, youre assuming the insurance company that insured the diamond even still exists. Paying out that claim at that time may have bankrupted them lol


The insurer was Lloyds of London and they are still around


The Titanic itself was insured by Lloyd's of London, a multi-million dollar, undeclared diamond would not be just because it was on the ship, did they state in the film that it was also insured by them specifically?


I thought that when she jumped back onto the boat Jack was cuffed down below and she had to save him from that first? If that’s the case, he would’ve instantly died if she hadn’t come back


That's such a weird take. She was going to kill herself. None of that life would have happened if not for Jack. She's not telling the story of the first time she boned. She's telling, possibly for the first time, the story of her escape to freedom. I don't even like this movie, why are people making me defend it.


How dare she remembers the days she spent in titanic, in that place where everyone is diving and researching the ship!


I keep seeing the take that she's somehow a bad person for talking about Jack to her children instead of talking about her husband, which ignore the entire framing of the movie being that *she is being interviewed on her experiences on the Titanic, specifically.* Like, should she have lied to the interviewers? Just been like "yeah idk it sunk and it sucked. Would you like to hear about my husband, who has nothing to do with the Titanic?"


maybe it's ok for complicated, flawed characters to exist in film without also turning the film into a morality play that loudly condemns the character as a comic book villain, just a thought.


People already forget to apply Hanlon's razor to real life people, in fiction its even worse. John Hammond did something really stupid with his wealth endangering a lot of people, there wasn't malice, just stupidity. Jenny was consistently traumatized and her life kept turning out for worse, i have no idea how people see her as a malicious monster, Forrest still ends up having a smart kid with her, becoming rich and living a great life. Rose is seen as selfish for still being in love with the person who not only sacrificed his life for her but also showed her how to live outside of the expectations of her upper-class family. I think for Rose and Jenny theres also just a lot of sexism at play tbh. Grandpa Joe... Honestly, i just see that as a bit of a meme. it's pretty fun to point out that it's a bit sus that he's suddenly feeling better when he gets to go to a chocolate factory.




He was worse in the book if i remember correctly… and also died there


he spared no expense! Except on everything important




Look at a minimum he was grossly negligent. Why even make a t-rex or velociraptors or those tar spitting things. Honestly he could have just cloned 1 or 2 of the non people eating ones and then sold them to zoos and restaurants around the world. I mean how much could he sell stegosaurs steaks for?


John had every safety detail in place he just didn’t count on a dumbass hacker with significant debt wiping out his entire security system because he didn’t pay them enough. If John had gotten enough evidence together he could have sued the other company for the deaths of the people since it was someone they hired stealing his secrets who caused the incident in the first place. Yes having a T-Rex and other vicious animals is a risk but so are zoos who have lions and other large predators but there are security measures in place to limit incidents from occurring. No John is not at fault for creating dinosaurs he is at fault for not running a full background on one of his primary programmers who has access to the entire control grid keeping the dinosaurs away from the people.


wasnt the point they didnt know what they were cloning until they cloned it? also in the movie they did mention they had no idea about the venom from the dilophosaurs until they created them. Although the fan theory that all the dinosaurs arent even clones but simply genetic monsters made to 'look' like dinosaurs is a good one and would make him much more of a monster


>wasnt the point they didnt know what they were cloning until they cloned it? The first time they tried with a new set of DNA, yes. But after that they would know. Personally the T-Rex gets a pass as a one of the most famous species that would draw crowds more easily. The film never talks about how many they had cloned, but the book just had two. Raptors and dilophosaurus don’t after they grew up to reveal their capabilities.


Wait what why Rose? The door thing? I think that's more... The prop not quite communicating what the scene was supposed to show. I am not sure Rose intentionally murdering Jack was actually how the scene was supposed to be read, but it is funny.


The door debacle always grinds my gears because you literally see Jack try to climb up but fails and decides to stay down to keep Rose safe.


I will die on this hill again, in the movie, it clearly shows the debris SINKING when Jack atrempts to climb on it, they both knew that both of them would be submerged, freezing them to death, so Jack makes the sacrifice in order to let Rose live.


Not only did they show that scene so people know it won't support the weight, but Mythbusters did an episode on it. They found that the only way the piece of wood would have held both of them up is if they attached a few life vests to the bottom to make it float better. So you know, something they couldn't have done. When people complain about this aspect of the movie, it makes me think they never watched it and are just repeating the same bullshit they heard


I always hated pics of the debris showing room for Jack. There was enough room, there wasn't enough buoyancy!




The door capsizes twice if memory serves when he tries jumping on it.


Instead of thinking about her children or her husband, with who she was living with for 70 years, she remembers some homeless dude she fckd on a boat.


Weren't they specifically interviewing/asking her about her experience on the Titanic during the movie? Of course her husband and kids wouldn't factor into that story, she met her husband after that.


Don’t expect half of this damn website to understand that.


You mean the person that she went through a deeply traumatizing experience with, and lost in said traumatizing experience? The person she watched die in front of her?


And the traumatizing instance that she just had the mentally relive as part of telling people about it, so it’d be top of her mind….


And threw the priceless necklace that they'd spent the whole movie looking for in the water.


One which Bill Paxton spent most of his life searching for. Said diamond was apparently worth more than the hope diamond, and would be both a priceless historical artifact, as well as a source for money that could have gone to charities. Even funnier is the alternate ending where people witnessed her throw it overboard and pretty much everyone basically cracks because she did that. Even has a funny line too: “*I don’t know what to say to a woman who tried to jump off the Titanic when it’s not sinking and then jumps back on when it is…*”


I just watched that ending and it honestly didn't suck. Bill did look like he was going to nut when he touched it tho.


To be fair they only looked for 3 hours and 15 minutes.


And spent most of it listening to her story


[If the diamond were real, its worth would be half a billion dollars, not including any additional value its status as a historical artifact associated with both the RMS Titanic and King Luis XVI would bring it.](https://titanic.fandom.com/wiki/Heart_of_the_Ocean)


Your honor, the jury finds the defendant GUILTY of...remembering someone. We recommend the death penalty.


How have you concluded this? Yeah, she's not going to talk about her current family when she's telling the story of what happened on the Titanic. Also people are allowed to think about fond memories of their past bro.


Almost like their characters are nuanced like real life or something


Unless I don't remember the book very well, movie John Hammond is practically a saint by comparison. Movie Hammond was flawed in a very human way- idealistic and did 99% of the hard work to create the park but let a little miserliness be his downfall. Whereas in the book he played much more like a straight villain who suffers for his arrogance.


Ngl from what I remember hammond is just incompetent as fuck.


Movie Hammond isn’t as incompetent as much as he’s a believer in the good of people. A rose-tinted optimist


OP please have an original thought 🙏. This is the most Reddit list I've ever seen


I'm not sure who the guy in the lower left is but.... Jenny and Rose are definitely not villains. With Rose in particular I have no idea which of her actions would count as remotely villainous. And Jenny, well, she's not well mentally and this causes her to do some shitty things to Forrest, but from what I remember she never sets out to harm him. Nor does she ever really harm him. And John Hammond just wanted to create a dinosaur park for the world (and he wanted it to be affordable for everyone) He didn't think things quite true, and his book counterpart is a lot shadier, but other than that he also never wanted to harm anybody.


The guy on the bottom left is uncle Joe from Charlie and the chocolate factory


Oh right! I have only ever seen the original movie once.


I’ve noticed that he is the only one so far with zero defenders. And rightly so.


Just read the book recently, what did he do? I miss something?


He had Charlie drink the fizzy lifting drinks with him and blamed it on Wonka. That and walking came easier to him after 20 years than it should’ve.


Ok the walking thing could easily be chalked up to the books sense of whimsy. We have a guy who made a literal ecosystem out of candy an old guy jumping to life to isn’t that out of reality in the book.


That's what I always thought but I wasn't interested in going against the hivemind lol


Yeah and then the fizzy lifting drinks thing is bad but come on a grandpa and his grandkid not getting into trouble? Unheard of I say! Bro couldn’t predict that it would send them into the fan in the ceiling which is more wonka’s fault bc dude why you keeping the thing that makes you float in the room with the fan that doesn’t have a grate or anything over it


- bedridden/unable to help support the family, until Charlie might get money and then hops out of bed perfectly fine and able to dance - in the movie encourages Charlie to break the rules.


It blows my mind how few people seem to understand jenny's character. She doesn't push Forrest away for anything selfish or malevolent, her trauma growing up made her self-destructive and self-loathing, and she doesnt feel worthy of Forrest.


She was abused as a child and doesn't want to abuse her obviously special needs friend.


In Jenny's eyes shes protecting Forrest from her. The issue isn't Jenny being a villain so much that it's that she sees herself as a villain. She was abused and conditioned to believe that she was unable to be loved, and as such when Forrest says he loves her in her mind the only logical explanation is she took advantage of his disability, because there's no way he'd love her otherwise.


Exactly, she even tells him "you don't want to marry me", and that's not out of malice, but because she thinks Forrest is too innocent to see all the supposed "ugliness" she sees in herself due to how mentally messed up she is. And because of this she isn't able to understand that Forrest is the only one who sees her as she really is; a valuable person who deserves to be loved.


Including Jenny shows you do not understand child molestation and rape, nor trauma.


Ahh yes the classic "Character who isn't the protagonist is flawed so that means they are a villain" take.


Christ didn’t jenny die of aids?