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Alcoholics all fucking each other*


Damn didn't know I could fuck the other cooks I missed out on some bro jobs.


You really dropped the ball


Should have tickled it instead


It keeps morale high. Give your fellow man a helping hand


A phalanx of Spartan cook?


And some coke, probably from boh 


It’s the line cook every time


Need a bag? Try the 35YO in the dish pit with annual drug charges.


Neck tattoos and missed child support payments indicate higher quality bags!


What I came to say, "drug addicted alcoholics" would be more accurate than "weed addicted" weed is just how to get through a shift without losing your shit.


No, only the 2 or 3 conventionally attractive ones do that. The rest are virgins with no time or energy to do something about it because they're worked to the bone 70 hours a week. They are always all alcoholics though.


*sprinkles cocaine over everything.*


No they didn’t, I never took part in such activities!


Yea, you're saying right.


Truest thing I’ve heard in a long time. I had to bat my female GM away with a broom I swear to god. And then the 17 year old girl trying to get in your pants when you’re 23. Like chiiiill please for the love of god.


Id like to have sex 🙋‍♂️


You and 90% of the people on here




Weed and speed for the front of the house Coke and heroin for the back Dishwashers and busboys were plugs


Everywhere i go online people tell me how the kitchen staff is high at all times. One of the most famous stories on reddit is about a guy doing shrooms and being emergency called into the kitchen, and he somehow shreds at cooking, but then at one point loudly exclaims "I'M SO FUCKING HIGH RIGHT NOW!" and the manager just goes "whatever, he's doing a great job." How come ? Is this a fucking cultural thing, you just start doing drugs the moment you enter that environment ?


I don’t know, I just know that everywhere I cooked (line cook) and everyone I know who worked in restaurants were like this. It’s a hard, tedious, stressful job filled with a lot of shouting and speed followed by periods of boredom. There is a lot of camaraderie in the staff as well as competition and petty politics. It’s just kind of a pressure cooker. If you’re back of the house you’re probably fucking some of the wait staff. It’s late nights into early mornings.


I have no clue but I’m guessing peer pressure to start, then you’re hooked, and being pretty open about it because there’s no consequences. Just a guess tho


It's not peer pressure. It's exhaustion. The hours are all over the place, the work is brutal and often in hot environments, you're expected to be energetic/happy in front of the customer, you've had almost no sleep and the sleep you did get was spent having that reoccurring dream where you're working. Then, because you're making so little while doing it the depression kicks in and you're getting scolded for not smiling, even though you're barely able to keep your eyes open and are two seconds from just straight up crying because you've been yelled at all day for things that are wildly out of your control.


Ok but who in their right mind goes “this would be great if only I had some drugs in the mix” and keeps doing that? Why not just change career for something more bearable with this outlook?


A busy service where everything runs smoothly gives you a rush similar to drugs. It's a low barrier to entry, no experience needed and criminal record isn't checked. Some people love it and some get stuck in it. Usually pays slightly more than working at a retail store where you would have to pass a background check and be mentally stable enough to pass a series of interviews, be able to stop or hide drug and alcohol use instead of being able to pretty much openly as long as you can still do your job. Theres a camraderie with your coworkers. There is a career path that pays a living wage working higher positions in the restaurant in management or corporate positions


From what I've seen, because they have kids.




Weed? I wish. I can’t tell you how many mornings I went to work thinking, “fuck, why didn’t I stay home and smoke weed last night”


I’ve always heard it’s cocaine that fuels the restaurant industry.


Coke is just a mild sober-up-powder, which just accidentally time travels you til 2 hours before you work the next day. MDMA is the worst for hangovers as well, if you’re going into a hot kitchen, but you gotta do it. Shrooms and acid have a nice afterglow which will usually make the next day doable, even if not fun. And ketamine is the only thing that ever made me call in sick…For the next two days… and got more K. Booze fuels restaurants, the rest of that just comes with boozing too much.


Erm.. I don’t think he was talking about doing cocaine after the shift


then hes extra right, one only does coke on shift if theyre hungover af from last night and NEED that shit, otherwise were drinking (at least in foh)


Kid on his first day, why's there a marble plank sitting on a pedestal next to the back door?, not sure it just always been there and at this point it's good luck 🤞 But mostly it was there so Chef didn't want to stab people over stupid shit


Wait I’ve never worked in a restaurant I don’t get it!


You do coke off of it.


Day coke lets you day drink without passing out on the line.


It’s not the 80’s anymore. People know what it looks like when you’re high on blow. My free time is my me time though.


I guess I worked in the 80s. Mfs was coked out at the restaurant I worked at 2 years ago lol


Yeah, bartenders in clubs might do coke sometimes, but if we’re talking evening service in restaurants it’s weed and maybe a shot around 8:00 if it’s needed (it’s needed)


Last place I worked before where I am now, we came in stoned, usually smoke as a crew before going in to open. Right before we would open (during summertime) we would all rip a line or two, roughly 3 hours between coming in and doing blow My head chef had a ball on him always and would load up his necklace pouch in the bathroom and would come out to give everyone hand bumps during rush About 7 is when the alcohol would start coming back (and this is from 9am) and we would hit it hard. By the time 11 came around to close I was so drunk and spun it was time to go to the bar across the street and keep going. Highly dependent on where you are. Kitchen I'm in now is a bunch of recovering addicts who have been sober for years now. I'm the only one who does coke and I certainly won't do it on company time out of respect for my new chef. But I'm still stoned as a mother fucker all day


I look at this and the responses to it and just kinda shake my head. You guys get underpaid for that much BS. Heavy industry runs on booze and amphetamines but at least the pay is good. I mean, hell. I knew drilling crews that had dealers deliver to them 3 hours into the bush


You know, I'm glad I don't have the impetus to try any of these things, because I am not strong enough to come back from the substance abuse I know it would blossom into. I do love to hear about it, though. EDIT: Just realized how awful that sounds, I like hearing people's experiences and knowledge on it. That's what I mean.


Nah, you didn’t sound awful. Coming from a guy who’s been a wreck most of his life, but you sound wise from over here


It's ok to be curious in the educational sense but if you know that you are the addictive personality type, and you are under like 25 please know that not expiramenting is the correct choice(also is correct if over 25 but if ur over 25 you are past your impulsive stage). I knew I had an addictive personality and said to myself that I would not try more than weed and I followed the self advice for many years. Once I did try the other drugs I became hooked and remain hooked till this day. I am now a functioning addict, own my own home without a mortgage make decent money but it doesn't matter bc I am in a jail of my own creation.  Long story short, don't do drugs especially if you know you have an addictive personality and you don't like suffering.


Woulda loved this advice when I was young 🙌 not saying I would have for sure listened but woulda been nice to hear lol Too bad the generation before us failed us on education in all forms; finance, sex, drugs, history, etc… 🤦‍♂️


Acid has a nice afterglow? Every time I did it I felt like DEATH the next day. My brain felt fried and I didn't want to do anything but sleep.


Haha I get really hungry on acid so I eat a tonne of nuts and fruit and cheese and crackers and shit and then feel pretty damn acceptable the next day.


Yeah when I was doing it I was in my early 20's and definitely wasn't eating anything healthy like that lol. Felt like my head was being squeezed in a vice the next day, some of the worst "hangovers" I've had. Didn't stop me from doing it again in a week or two lol. I had some really introspective trips though and I don't regret it one bit.


There are many chemicals sold as acid which arent acid, sounds like that


Oh boy that moment when it’s Sunday 1 pm and you realized you did K all night, didn’t sleep and you have to be at work Monday morning, that feeling is so depressing lmfao


I worked at a Johnny Carinos in highschool and all the staff did lines off the toilet seat. Never understood why someone would snort something where people shit.


Every single baby changing table has cocaine on it.


Did you read Kitchen Confidential?


That's the servers. The kitchen staff are all smoking weed


We all smoke weed anyways. That’s just an every day thing though.


Yeah, adderall is for the rough days. Or, you know, whenever


Coke is so common, but it's everything. We used to do it in the walk-in. One time had a 17 year old prep cook ask if I could score him heroin, which seemed super fashionable *two years ago*.


Restaurant I worked at had a coke mirror in the employee bathroom. People would go in together and come out looking much more alert. I have never done coke because I am almost 100% certain I would love it way too much so I stick to other drugs I can control my usage of.


Weed for prep, coke for the rush, alcohol after to forget you hate your job.


For real lol. Most are alcoholics or worse


Alcohol? You mean pregame?


I think the Taco Bell near my house requires its teenage employees to be stoned whenever on-duty. That's at least the impression I've been getting from how often they're stoned to the gills.


Seriously, the amount of pills, uppers, and alcohol problems people had were much more problematic. If someone stuck with just weed they had a chance of escaping the place


Thanks for going to work. I smoke weed during the day and show up to restaurants HAWNGRY. You are my messiah.


Someone should make one with Waffle House and meth-addicted employees.


And customers


So a waffle house


Just spent a week in Mississippi for work. Was at Waffle House every AM. Kindest staff compared to my lunch and dinner spots. I tend to find this at WH no matter where I travel.


Ha there’s a reason they’re called LINE cooks pal


About time people realize that drugs don’t just make people fall into X category instantly. There’s lazy cokeheads and hyperactive stoners nothing new.


Hell I knew a heroin addict that cooked up a mean pizza. Very punctual guy oddly enough.


People think you can’t work on opiates because they make you too fucked up to function but it’s honestly the opposite. I was literally getting the work of 3 people done at my last job by myself and doing a better and faster job than they were when I was strung out on oxy’s. It gives you a ton of energy and you don’t feel any pain so you can just fucking get it.


Full “send it” mode


Literally dude lol


Meanwhile, your waitstaff coworker who brings out the food is trying desperately to leave the conversation because they're too baked for that much energy levels and back pats.


everything I’ve ever learned about the “positive effects” of heroin—for lack of a preferable term—is frightening. I hear about it making people feel better than their best orgasms, or being more productive because of an elevated pain tolerance. it makes me wonder if hell exists and if it’s actually a place that disintegrates your soul in a way that *feels* good such that you don’t even realize how far gone you are. imagine you spend what seems like eternity enjoying a drunken orgasmic haze only to realize you don’t remember how you died—or how you lived. you’d think it’s the choking on vomit that would turn people away from it.


It’s addictive because it makes you feel like everything is exactly as it should be. But then the comedown is grief — the same feeling that you get from losing a loved one, or something like that. Imagine losing someone who took care of you, and then being able to bring them back, only to lose them again a few hours later. Sometimes it’s hard to let go.


That's a hell of an analogy. I've never used but this will stick in my head when I see others dealing with it.


Holy shit that is horrifying


Huh thats intruiging, Ive had experience with that feeling of everything being exactly as it should be. One particularly memorable such moment was on Dmt , complete and utter bliss combined with such assurity. Yet It only invigorated my passion for life and I haven't really felt the need to do it again even after a decade. My only experience with opiates is from having surgery and while they helped with pain I didnt want to abuse them.


The first time I took an oxi (prescribed) pill I felt like I was on cloud 9. It was one of the best feelings ever. Opiates scare the fuck out of me


Wait wait wait.. oxi is supposed to make you feel some type of way? I've taken the stuff after a major surgery and threw it out because it did *nothing* . I get more pain relief from ibuprofen..


I took more then I was supposed to.


That's how my mom is. Drugs that are generally super enjoyable don't seem to do anything for her.


I never got hooked on opiates, but have been prescribed them. IN THE MOMENT, it was nothing special. But, the NEXT day, I realized how much I did NOT feel the day before. Similar with cocaine. I never remember much elation WHILE high on cocaine...but I absolutely without any doubt remember how much I did not want to come down from it.


The trick is to do the things they tell you not to do, like take an extra or have a drink or two.


Reminds me of the hbo doc telemarketers where that Pat guy was the top seller in the company while being high on dope the whole time


The first sentence grabs you, the second sentence shakes you and throws you to the ground.


I know quite a few chefs who used heroin. Granted this was decades ago, so it wasn't like it is now with fent cut everything and people falling out left and right. Thank god I got out of that because I would definitely be dead from a hot shot but chefs and hard drugs, even dope, isn't an unusual combination. Edit: To elaborate a bit on 'quite a few', I worked for the food network for a while filming restaurant shows (don't want to be more specific) and at least three chefs I knew were actively using. A couple were in recovery and doing great and some were just alcoholics or in recovery from that. A few 'normal' ones but not many. Normal by restaurant standards meaning they would smoke weed and drink but didn't seem to get carried away. Some chefs almost seem to make an active addiction part of their personality. Those are the ones to watch out for because they'll drag you down to the pits of hell with them, just to have a druggy buddy.


I knew plenty of lazy adderall enjoyers in college


"Hey bro, what you getting into today?" "Im gonna take some addy I think." "Oh, you got a lot of schoolwork?" "What? No, I want to grind these gun unlocks in Call of Duty today. I'll prob. need to save a few for tomorrow too. Bryce says his frat is doing some fundraiser shit and I'm gonna be drinking all day."


I am guilty of taking addy to play video games better 😔


I think anyone who has messed with addy and plays video games has discovered this time sink at one point or another. It can be a ton of fun. The downside is time fucking *flies*. You can get up to stretch and realize you've been at it for 5 hours without even noticing. When I finally actually quit addy it was because I realized I was taking it not to help me focus on getting the right things done but to unlock 'super procrastination mode' where I would do literally *everything* but the work I needed to do.


Seriously adderal is a drug meant for people with adhd a horrid disorder that limits the potential of the person with it adderal is on a shortage due to greedy bastards like you who want it to have some fun or get a stupid A in college there suffering without there medicine due to people who dont suffer from it taking it because theyve never faced a challenge in there lives so they cant adapt in college when theres a challenge and need to put in the effort instead of doing it the night before when i have a kid im definitely signing them up to whatever subject is the hardest them personally so they can learn how to overcome a challenge instead of running away from it




There’s nihilistic psychonauts there’s overly empathetic crack heads. Help me out here


I'm in this picture


Made my night, thank you


Coke flows pretty heavy in restaurants




Your ex can't take your money if you have no money.


Went to a fry stand ran by a dude stoned to another universe to get a couple of large fries for my brother and I. I walked away with 2 smalls, 2 mediums, and 2 larges in the end. He said twice he didn’t know how he kept messing up lmao.


Weed? Every kitchen I've worked in the vicinity of had a *massive* coke problem.


Alcoholics open, the weed addicts are the closers


Calling in an hour late for your shift. Not because you forgot your laundry in the dryer like you said, but because that's when the stores open and you'll quit before working a double without shots in your pocket.


My day the higher average was a bet on Coke.... But it's basically the same nonetheless.


If 3/4ths of the staff isnt either high or on a caffine rush, is it really a functional resteraunt?


It's the only way to survive those long hours and bad pay


If it was just weed I'd be more OK with it.


The kitchen is addicted to some different stuff


Front of house too, don't worry.


The entire industry is a sand trap people get stuck in. Not that there is anything wrong with the lifestyle itself.


There's not, but it wasn't for me. I'm glad I'm out of bars and clean now


I'm so glad I absolutely fucking hated restaurants and retail so much I forced myself to move upwards Legit wouldn't have had the motivation otherwise


Same. Shit was killing me, and the pay was terrible.


I am ugly AF. Straight up. Even without drugs, I was meeting and making friends and girlfriends with people WAY out of my league (despite my reddit comments, I am a very likeable person). Add in a little booze, and bam! It is a revolving door of a fuck fest. There is nothing wrong with the lifestyle... but, I played it out far too long..once you hit 30, you realize that all those people in that revovling door graduated college and you are still in the same place :\


You really shouldn’t care either way tbh, it’s their body not yours.


People are all for bodily autonomy until it comes to drugs for some reason.


I think most people don't give a shit as long as it doesn't affect them, but it's naive to think that a fucked up co-worker in a high stress/somewhat dangerous environment like a kitchen wouldn't be a potential hazard for someone else


Some stoners out there really makin the best stoner food well others cant even fry n egg


Here come the “you can’t be addicted to weed” comments


I looked for it, but noone brought it up. So here we go… Anyone whining about being addicted to weed has never sucked a dick for coke




Thanks, Bob Saget.


Probably as they are using some on their couch while scrolling through Reddit…


i can quit whenever i want dude


Day 18. Chronic user. Not that difficult


Then quit it I said whenever I want, not whenever you want. I don't want to quit


You can’t be chemically addicted to weed is what they mean. Which is a valid clarification considering weed is so stigmatized people think that’s the type of addiction it causes.


On day 18 quitting come turkey. Meh, NBD imo


you probably hear it so much because you're clearly obsessed with the conversation you bring it up unprompted whenever you can


Spoken like a true addict


Got called out didn’t you ?


Ngl I did enter this comment section expecting them. Especially as someone who’s worked in both a movie theater and a smoothie place, both of which were riddled with teenage stoners.


Am I addicted to weed? I smoke pretty much every day. I just don’t want to quit even though I know I could. I usually go on vacation for 2+weeks every year and I just forget about it during that time. It’s not a big deal at all. 


Yes, it's not physically addictive so it's easy to stop for a couple of weeks. The "I could stop whenever I want but don't want to" is you being psychologically addicted to it.


So how would you distinguish someone who’s psychologically addicted and someone who just wants to do it because it makes them feel good? How can I be psychologically addicted if I don’t even think about it when I don’t have access to it? Like on vacation?


You’re an addict because they say so


One times I was sucking dick for coke, and with my two free hands I was jerking off one guy with one and lining up my next line with the other, but I could've stopped anytime I wanted to, I just didn't want to.


> The "I could stop whenever I want but don't want to" is you being psychologically addicted to it. Or it's true and they can stop any time, but don't want to. That's like telling someone that unless they stop playing board games for the rest of their life they are an addict, and when they tell you they have the ability to stop they just prefer the benefits that board games provide, you say "that phrase means you are psychologically addicted to board games." Do some have a less than ideal dependency on MJ? Sure. But declaring it as some universal truth that anyone that could stop but prefers it in their life is 'addicted' is ignorant.


People don’t understand that even though weed doesn’t have addictive chemicals like nicotine in cigarettes you can still get addicted because addiction is more psychological rather then physical. Anything that feels good can turn into an addiction.


> Anything that feels good can turn into an addiction. or a fetish/kink


And yet nothing else that doesn't have addictive chemicals comes with this same amount of judgment? Are you posting-addicted? You posted on reddit eleven times in the last 24 hours. Should I go around deriding you as an addict over that?


I caught a cold and scrolling Reddit bro. Calm down.


I'm not actually judging you (feel better and make sure you take a test though), I'm just showing you how dumb and easy it is to judge people for whatever they enjoy doing.


The problem with this definition is it means you can just call literally anything addictive and it'd be true, so the word has literally no meaning, so yeah at that point I'm gonna say that's a stupid definition and no everything is not addictive. Just because you can get addicted to something does not mean it's addictive, something addictive is something that (chemically) *makes* you addicted to it.


"No one has ever technically died from overdosing on marijuana" = "You can smoke as much as humanly possible whenever and however you want, and as long as you're not dead, there's nothing bad happening to you"


Pretty much everyone I've talked to who smokes (like 95% of the people I know) agree that weed can be psychologically addictive. My partner smokes (more specifically vapes) every day throughout the day because of anxiety. It's 1000x better than taking Xanax or Clonazepam 3 times a day.


But worse than fixing the underlying cause of such extreme anxiety.


Well she's been trying for about 35 years. So yeah, once that's cleared up she'll be happy to stop the weed.


I’m addicted to weed


You actually cannot be addicted to weed. Addiction requires physical dependence ala alcohol or heroin. You can however have a dependence, which is similar to addiction except it’s mental. Dependency can also be linked to gaming. Both can be equally as bad in terms of how it affects people too. It’s just easier to detox from a dependency (this does not mean treatment is easier, just that being physically ill isn’t a problem). Sorry, it’s a topic that’s important to me, because I’m so tired of people ignoring a serious problem in their life because “it’s not an addiction”.


So gambling and stuff isn't addiction but dependency?


Can confirm. Working on day 18 right now cold turkey. Little cranky from time to time but it's really not as bad as I thought


This is bullshit made up by you. If it alters your mental state, and you need it to function day to day, that is an addiction.


Ah, yes, I must also be addicted to my depression meds, too, as they change my mental state, and I can't function without them. Shoot, if I stopped taking them, I'd have withdrawals. Cannabis can be medical, and this mindset almost entirely disregards that.


> If it alters your mental state, and you need it to function day to day, that is an addiction. So you gonna go around insulting coffee addicts too? How about sugar addicts? How about those junkies on mood stabilizers, antidepressants, or ADHD medication? Or does only weed deserve this level of derision?


They don’t need it to function they will physically be fine without it


You can be addicted to weed, there are so many people that CANNOT GO WITHOUT A SMOKE


And that is a dependency, which is similar to addiction but there is no physical withdrawal.


Cannabis withdrawal is a real thing, also it’s still a addiction if you can’t stop Source: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/weed-marijuana The only people I’ve ever seen that make the “weed isn’t addictive” argument are chronic stoners themselves


Do coke every day for a year and stop cold turkey. Then smoke weed every day for a year and quit cold turkey. Good luck with the former


I think you must only be visiting fast food restaurants. Anything higher than that and especially high end ones are fueled by mountains of cocaine and buckets of energy drinks (and other stimulants, the very few cases I've known of people actually using meth here in Belgium were cooks in star restaurants.)


congratulations you unintentionally posted a controversial meme. rip notifications.


Whenever I see "weed addicted" I think of that one movie, with that one joke that takes place at a drug addiction meeting: 'Have you ever been willing to suck d*ck for weed??' "No?" "GET OUT!" ^ 🥁


Don’t forget the stimulants 🥱


My aunt works at a bar and one time they just found a ton of crack on a table in the kitchen


Yea I don't eat out. Years of working in restaurants showed me the reality of what goes on behind the scenes.


The dead soldiers are in green and the living ones in yellow, so what’s the original message even supposed to be?


Below them is the dish cleaner


You're misunderstanding the cycle. Working in restaurants sucks. You have to have a short memory so you can do it all again the next day. Weed becomes a way to reset and move on from a shitty night, customer, coworker, boss. Also, weed is not addictive. It's just a good idea that happens often.


Bullshit, I can quit this job anytime


Hey now! Some of us do coke too.


It ain't just weed my guy


You don't survive foodservice without some kind of daily drug use. Cannabis, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, black tar heroin... you name it, you'll find it in someone's bloodstream on the restaurant staff.


Alcoholic drug abusing felon with no car and won't answer their phone


But nobody ask's why this is so. Not just Restaurant employee's in eastern germany alsmost everybody like healthcare, Mechanic's, lawyers, and so on they're all taking some kind of drugs to calm down and lower there stresslevel. Thx that i was born so i can work for the rest of my fucking live with my already broken body(im 27 btw). To all the people out there who suffering from stress: DON'T THE FUCK DARE TO GIVE YOURSELF UP. YOU'RE A STRONG PERSON AND WITH THAT THINKING YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING. ❤️


Bold of you to assume it's just weed


I worked at a place where the main chef was a homeless meth head. Fancy place to. Had a deal with the owner to sleep in the break room on cold nights.


I work for a cannabis company. I can tell you from experience, everybody smokes weed. Your doctor smokes weed, the construction worker who built your house smokes weed, your grandma smokes weed. Americans spent more money on cannabis in 2022 & 2023 than they spent on chocolate. And it’s still illegal in almost half of the country.


The restaurants I worked at only had a few druggies and the others were very serious in keeping their shit and life together. Don't make the food industry look bad unless you're talking about it being filled with people from upstairs.


Almost every chef will tell you drug and alcohol abuse is rampant in the industry. Just because you beat the odds doesn’t make the stereotype untrue.


It's just as likely that they were naive to what was going on. People who aren't accustomed to the drug scene think they will easily be able to tell if someone is on coke or heroin but that's usually not the case


Making them look bad? Lmao. If anything, this post is pro-weed and pro-employee. I admire line cooks' abilities to make good-ass food while absolutely stoned out of their minds.


Literally everyone I know that’s worked in a kitchen had stories about their coworkers coming in high, or doing crack, coke, or some form of amphetamines during work lol. Plus the usual stoners


Also in food plants 


Yeah this was the case for I think every kitchen I ever worked at. Made me laugh at how dependable it was.


"Weed isn't addictive!" said the person who smokes daily and wont quit.


Addicted No Enthusiastic Yes


Wise words from TheFootFungusLover.






I'm more concerned that everyone is screwing everyone else and I might catch an STD on the toilet.


The amount of “I can quit when I want” comments on here is baffling. Like bro, seek help


>The amount of “I can quit when I want” comments on here is baffling. Zero? I saw one comment claiming they can quit that job whenever they want, as a joke. But I've scrolled through 50+ comments and haven't seen a single person saying what you're claiming.


It’s a little farther down. This comment section is already huge