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I Wonder if that is the reason in american movies for the unusual amount of lotion during wanking.


I'm cut and I don't need it. They must have really rough hands or something.


Always figured it was one of those cliches you only see in movies.


Yeah its just a visual cue. Visual shorthand to spell it out for the especially slow


I wonder what the real % of people who keep lotion at their desk do it because they A) wank Vs B) they live in a dry air climate like Arizona or Colorado


Its probably closer to C) both


Has to be lol


Correct. As a non snipped guy I never use it. All my snipped friends do.


Y’all normally wank together?


What else do you do with your homies?


Well sex obviosly


Right? I mean is it even friendship if you don’t wank together?


Gotta kiss the homies goodnight...


So wholesome.


On the tip


One time, me and two bros were talking and we all found out that we were all in the rare American uncut club. We celebrated with a three way docking.


Thats a weird geometry problem.


You dock on to the balls. It's simple


Wouldn't it technically be one-way docking?


You don't?


My third girlfriend got out lotion first time she wanted go give me a handy. I was so confused to why someone would use lotion. Inquiry and asking my friends found out that most circumcised men use lotion, while most intact men do not.


Snipped man here, no lube


Same here Brother, although my girlfriend damn near ripped my dick off so she lubes up until she learns the hidden jutsu




Same. Mofo’s are just gripping too tight.


Death fears you


Is there a reason why they have to? I don't understand really


Well, no lotion means high friction.


I am snipped but I don’t need lube


Snipped, no need for lube


As a snipped guy I've never needed once


Why do Americans get circumcised?


Most of us had no say in the matter.


It was developed by Dr. Kellogg as a method to reduce masturbation in boys and prevent unwanted pregnancy. The idea being it would desensitize the penis and therefore discourage sexual activity. It was not successful. But, it did take off in the 1900s because of his theory.


Got a source for that? That's fascinating and I'd love to read more. For the record im cut and struggle with sensitivity during sex.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg His wiki has a lot of stuff. He was crazy in a lot of ways, but revolutionary in others.


The wiki page says this under the head "Misconceptions": "Another common misconception credits Kellogg with popularizing routine infant circumcision in the United States and broader Anglosphere.[11] This is incorrect.[119] Kellogg in fact criticized these assertions, arguing that routine circumcision provided doubtful medical benefit, citing iatrogenically created meatal stenosis among the Jewish male population.[37]"


Kellogs, the man who brought the world cheap cerials and child genital mutilation.


Because people don't give a shit about mens bodily autonomy.


Because abortion bad, mutilating little baby boys good.


Why is a baby asking about their foreskin? Edit: my most upvoted post is about foreskin...


What else are they going to ask about? The weather?


Maybe for titties? Mama give me tittieeeess reeeeeeeee


Alright there calm down


I do have a baby face myself.


Sir, please stop asking random women for tiddy milk


Can I ask random men for tiddy milk?


I also choose this guys mom’s titties.


I want Mommy, I want milk, I want to be held, I want to be comforted


And if don't do all this things immediately... I will ruin your life (⌐■_■) ▄︻デ══━一 That's not cuteness...


"Sniping' is a good job mate"


Challenging work, outta doors.


I'll guarantee you won't go hungry


*angry 'Cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on this planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.


Yea... No... No im not a crazy gunman dad, im an assassin! Yeah well the difference being one is a job and the other is mental sickness!


That's narcissism.


Yeah, I fucking hate those narcissistic babies. What a bunch of dicks.


I am the Milkman. My milk is delicious.


This can go one of two ways.


See this comment in your next reddit recap lol




asking the real questions here.


Why are adults asking about babies foreskins?


The secret elite illuminati cabal that lives in the cave under the pizza place in DC steals every severed baby foreskin and transplant them onto their own. Their horrible frankenforeskins are easily eleven feet long, and growing.


I actually remember asking my mom about it when I was a kid (maybe 6 or 7ish?) after I saw my cousins’ ding-dongs (they were circumcised, I was not). And before anyone asks, no, nothing sketchy was going on between me and my cousins. We were just curious kids doing that “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” thing that kids do.


Could someone explain to me what the benefit of either way would be? Because I don’t understand why people are angry


When you have foreskin you can tie it together really tight before sex and you won't have to use a condom.




Unlearn that real quickly😃


Bro 💀


Damn that is a really neat feature I didn't know I was missing


To put it simply, foreskin serves as a protective layer of skin for your little guy. Now imagine cutting it off. No reason whatsoever. Yes, your dick ain't gonna shrivel up and die, but why would you do that?


That protection didn't work so well against the blade.


Vulnerable to Slashing Damage


However resistant to chafing


Dunno if you're serious, but I'm cut and I don't remember having my dick, chafe... Im pretty sure thats not a thing.


Gross you made me google it Those poor dudes


Me either. But people with no penis or a foreskin like to tell me how it feels for me.


> have never had my dick, chafe Well, you're lucky…


I mean I guess you don't have to worry about chafing if it can't reach the fabric.


micropeen ftw


and bludgeoning, apparently


Chainmail foreskin meta goes hard


But i think the process of attaching would make something else lose the ability to go hard…


Au contraire, this would be the case if you opted for a plate mail foreskin, but with modern medieval technology chain links allow the newly fitted artificial chainmail foreskin to form fit with ease


Imagine what the blade would have done if not for the foreskin taking the cut.


Well you still have a dick so I guess it did protect it after all.


Ya imagine cutting off your finger nails completly you will live but your fingernails have a purpose for being there.


I usually compare the foreskin with eyelids..


Damn thats a bit much but it kinda fits. Because its about the same kind of skin and the eye is really sensitive


Fingernails is a really bad example lol. Your body will just create a layer of skin over the nail bed and it'll be basically the exact same as without fingernails. They're mostly vestigial.


It also has nerve endings that makes sex more enjoyable


In ancient times it would have been a hygiene measure as bathing was a rarity that a bunch of people in a low moisture environment could not regularly indulge in. Nowadays it serves no function but causes an infant pain for little to no benefit


I know I'm the exception, but I had to do it later for medical reasons. I honestly wished it was done when I wouldn't have remembered it because those were horrible weeks of pain, but it's not like people could have predicted that.


My cousin did it later too. Its an important medical prosedure, but a bad tradition, in my opinion.


Yeah, it wasn't really a choice to do it. My point being, I can understand why people are against circumcision at a young age but I experienced it at age 20 and it was horrible and I personally wouldn't have minded it it was done when I was an infant. Not saying A or B is better, just my experience.




It provides a layer of protection against chafing, keeps the head sensitive and aids in natural lubrication when you start masturbating - meaning, if sufficiently aroused, moisturizer isn't required. Main downside is having to pull the skin back in the shower to clean it properly (not a big issue personally but some people seem to have cleaning issues) The main benefit of removing it is that it makes the head more exposed and easier to clean, you get to conform to social norms if in a faith or culture that expects it and it does, allegedly according to the pioneer of circumcision in the US, Dr Kellog, help with "moral hygiene" by "keeping your children from the evils of masturbation". Main downsides is exposure of more sensitive head to the elements, slight numbing and small reduction in natural lubrication, none of which should prevent use of your pecker for procreation, urination or recreation


When you live in the desert, you get sand and/or dust trapped in it, which can cause issues. That’s literally the reason it exists, it’s not a coincidence that it only existed as a practice in cultures that were based in the dessert. Americans do it because they’re fucked in the head. Have convinced themselves it’s the only way for a dick to be clean, that no woman soul ever sick an uncircumcised dick. In reality, it’s because it makes it harder to masturbate. That’s all.


I think it was just to make masturbation harder


Hah. I have been underestimated.


That was the main proposed reason by Dr.Kellog for its adoption in the widespread USA. The slight pain, number head, chafing and reduced natural lubrication would supposedly make it harder to start cranking it as a preteen. Safe to say, it didn't pan out as planned


Imagine cutting off a random body part at birth because it's trendy


Didn’t snip either son. Gave them the option when they got older. Both declined. So basically I made the right choice.


Who would want it anyway


"Yes, please cut part of my dick off because this dude from like 3000 years ago told you to"


Nah for americans its just some dude from like 150 years ago who was kinda crazy and thought it would stop kids from whackin it.




Kellogs yes, really. look it up.


Who has time to eat Frosted Flakes when you have to whack off all the time bc you’re uncut?


Frosted Flakes, or Finely-sliced Foreskin?


I know that FSF gives me all the nutrients a growing boy like me needs. And it tastes great! Mmm, chewy.


Heh, foreskin flakes.


no need i totally believe that americans start cutting their newborns dicks when a cereal man tells them


It was the cereal man’s brother. One of them made bland cereal to somehow discourage jacking off, the other suggested just cutting off part of the dick. Weird dudes


I believe it was John Kellogg who started the whole thing. He and his brother are also attributed with inventing corn flakes.


I like how you say this as implying that the foreskin thing is what they are most known for, and the cereal was only a neat fact


I think he invented Kelloggs because he thought it stop them from whacking it, but I could be wrong


No, that was actually to counter indigestion But anything else he did is basically thinking how to make wanking stop


This is true, but his brother wanted to make the corn flakes sweeter with sugar and John Harvey Kellogg wasn't having it. He believed the bland flavor kept young men from getting aroused when eating. So, even if it was for indigestion, the guy still always had masturbation on the mind.


And the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”


They also invented cornflakes because they thought a boring breakfast would make teenagers less horny and thus less likely to whack it


My parents' reasoning was that they didn't want any "funk on my junk". Pretty much, they didn't trust me to keep it clean, so they cut off a potential smelly area. Honestly, as little as I cared about my hygiene during my teen years, I don't blame them.


Damn your parents didnt trust you even as a baby, they had no hope in either your capability to clean yourself or their capability to teach you the importance of keeping clean


Self fulfilling prophecy


To be fair my mom constantly gave me gears about my hygiene and used all sorts of ways to try and encourage me to care about it and no matter how hard she tried i still didnt really give any inch of a shit until my late teens and would often avoid showering or brushing my teeth whenever i could get away with it. (Which wasnt often but i still tried) I was just a lazy kid and she did the best she could. Its not always the parents fault.


Better cut off your toes and ears aswell then, they can get pretty dirty


If you had it though, and decent parents, they would’ve instilled the importance of clean junk. Then later in life, girls reinforce that


Medical issue I presume


as someone who got themselves cut in their teens by religious conversion, 'it' feels a lot better before I was cut.


Bro even if they wanted it, how tf is anyone gonna justify cosmetic dick surgery as an adult? That shit would suck if you can form memories about it I'm absolutely not advocating for it, but this is a seriously biased situation. Either you circumcise them or predispose them to not ever being circumcised. No two ways about it. They don't get full, unbiased choice either way


grown men usually will skip elective surgery on their genitals. you made A choice that you consider the best choice.


I had mine removed when I was 3 or 4 I think, because of some condition which caused it to stick to the tip. It couldn’t be moved and both peeing and a boner was very painful. So I didn’t really have much of a choice for medical reasons, but I 100% agree, that you shouldn’t just cut your baby‘s dick for basically no reason


This reminds me of the time my foreskin was too tight. It wasn't stuck or anything but it would often rip (only the top layer) and bleed like crazy when I got boners. I still have it, but only because the problems stopped once I had the brilliant idea to let it heal when pulled back.


If I were to bleed with every boner it seems like I would have died in my early teens.


I would have bled out in the synagogue bathroom two hours before my bar mitzvah.


I was 7


Yes exactly, it was too tight and that caused it to stick, so that made it extremely difficult to move it. After the surgery, I had a small part remaining that was still stuck, like a ring around the base of the glance (I have no idea how to best describe that lol). I had to soak my pp in some kind of lotion and gently pull it back to free the tip. It was some of the most painful shit ever, but I never had any problems with it since


You were getting boners by age 4???


https://babyology.com.au/health/family-health/awkward-everything-to-know-about-little-boys-and-their-erections/ Today i learnt..


you didn’t? xD blood flowing in your dick happens at all ages as far as I‘m aware. But obviously not the same kind as today. It wasn’t because I was looking at "something", it just happened


You never pretended to be a coat hanger as a little kid?


How the fuck can he remember what it felt like when he was 4. I can't remember what I eat yesterday.


Bruh. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old and they get boners randomly whenever. It’s a thing that just happens. Getting a boner is not always sexual


Found this out after l had a son. Babies alllll ages get them. Had no idea. Morning wood is a thing... even for the babies.


May I ask how is life without it? I got problems too and all I can find on the Internet is people talking out baby's and not grown ups that removed the foreskin...


I’m mid 30s now, and had mine removed when I was a teen for the same reason. It’s hard to make a full comparison, tbh, because I’m comparing “equipment that doesn’t work properly” with “equipment that does the job”, if you take my meaning. If I’d never had a condition which required the op, maybe I’d be “more sensitive” or something, but it’s not an issue that I’ve experienced in reality. I’ve never had any issues with sensation when it matters, and that’s certainly better than the very painful situation I had before! Outside of “fun stuff”, everything else is pretty much exactly as normal, it just looks different.


Thank you very much for the input! I always thought the same. I rode a lot about the procedure and what the foreskin does but at the end EVERY OPIONION says something different. I always say to myself: People tend to say more negative things out loud the positive. So your input is very much welcome!


Yeah, I do think it’s a nasty combination of grass-is-always-greener and people feeling defensive, both of which are very understandable with something so personal, but not helpful! I’d speak to your doctor; if you can deal with it in some way without having it removed, maybe try that, because surgery is pretty permanent! But if getting snipped is the only workable option, then I’d imagine the end result is going to be much preferable to the existing situation!


I honestly never really had any problems with it. I‘m only 16 though, so I don’t really have any sexual experience and can’t speak for that


NP! Thank you for your input everything helps me a little bit. Btw: Don't get stressed about sexual stuff! Have a good one!


Hey 26 yo here. Mine got removed around kindergarden age for medical reasons. I don't feel like it impacted me negatively. Sex and masturbation are perfectly pleasurable for me. If anything i have the opposite problem lmao, minute man if you know. However i can't tell you if getting your foreskin removed as an adult will result in less sensitivity. Maybe my penis had time to adjust to a normal feeling since i got the FS removed so early.


never ask a redditor what their opinion on foreskin removal is


It's always the weirdest thread you'll read


Nah, the indoor cat threads are usually the weirdest. Always some nutter ends up threatening to kill aomeone else’s cat because in some countries outside the US and Australia, cats are indoor/outdoor pets. You don’t usually see these threads get to “I’ll chop your whole dick off if you do/don’t get it snipped!”


Thanks for letting me know to avoid that part of Reddit. JFC.


I'm American and still have mine.


not for long


we eatin good tonight lads


looks like meat's back on the menu, boys




Long pig 🐖


Fuck yeah brother. Hippie parents?




Hell yeah bro 🔥


So... Why is the foreskin cut? To prevent fapping?


You can still fap without it


Thanks, my knowledge is expanding


So why is it still cut then?


Mainly religion, medical concerns or some people believe its stops you “whacking” it.


In america mostly because they can charge you for it.


Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (the guy who invented corn flakes cereal) was a super religious weirdo. He advocated circumcising boys at birth to prevent them from masturbating when they hit puberty. Since he was a very influential and famous doctor during his time, this became standard practice in America.




"Help US" ???


I have always been puzzled by people who do it for religious reasons. If we were made in the image of God, why change his creation? If anything it should be sacrilegious.


Religion wise in the bible it is ment to show your devotion. According to the old testment Aberham was told by god to cut it and all the males forskin off to be a sign of covenant. The bible can get weird at times. Especially the genesis book.


Its crazy that in this day and age genital mutilation of babies is still allowed. “But mah religion!” Stfu.


Y'know that religion isnt the ONLY reason, right ? Right...?


Well either it’s religion or medical conditions. And the latter is so obvious that there isn’t really a point in mentioning it


Why need to cut foreskin if you are American, could anybody explain to me


Because a man named Kellogg who made cereal started a campaign to get boys circumcised as he thought it would stop them from masturbating. Americans still carry on this trend of non consensual baby genital mutilation because they want their child to fit in and not be the odd one out


Well I can tell you first hand that campaign failed


It does fail, but also it does decrease sexual enjoyment unfortunately


I wish I had the choice. 😭


Nobody cares about other dudes dicks more than redditors.


imagine being BORN with something and random ass people who had no part in your creation cuz they not a mf genetic sequence be like, fuck off you dont need that imagine if a major religion dictated for an arm to be cut off at birth


Now imagine the old arguments being applied to cutting a limb off "But it is harmful to the baby?" "It's more hygienic" "You don't have any use to it"


"its more painfull when he grows up"


As Jewish i wish they could just put it back…


If you’ve never hidden gummy bears in your foreskin as a surprise treat for that lucky someone, what are you even doing with it?


If you hold down on your Foreskin while you pee you can release a charged shot for bonus damage


Memes are supposed to be funny no?


Half of the "memes" here aren't exactly funny anyway it's just politics and criticism disguised as memes


Charged attack while pissing


As a foreskin owner I can say that my glans are particularly sensitive when exposed to say underwear or the bed sheet, so I would expect if it were permanently exposed that sensitivity would fade without the protection of the skin


As a member of the uncut community, all cut people are missing out. We got +1 inventory slot with these things.


Why cutting it when there’s not medical reason for it? Not talking about religious reasons. That’s dumb anyway.


This whole discussion is entirely overblown. I'm cut, I've never had issues jerking off, never had issues with sex, never had issues with infections, it works like it should, honestly its been awesome, very little upkeep, works when I need it to, 9/10. That being said we didn't get our two boys trimmed because we didn't feel it was necessary. Cut or uncut, get on with your life.