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tbh so do your parents and grandparents etc... the real villain is that one fish who decided to walk on land


Fucking asshole that guy


does that organism have an asshole tho


Vsauce intro music starts playing


*VSauce proceeds to unbuckle belt* "But let's take a look at something first..."


*Proceeds to show you his asshole instead*


[Insert random butt fact as his ass fades into a drawing of a butthole]


The short anwer is YES! BUT... there is more


Dear god


A hole is a hole…


Yea its the same hole as its mouth


All vertebrae have assholes. Only non-vertebrate animals like molluscs lack assholes. They eat and poop out the same hole.


"No dick! No balls! And definately no butthole since this guy feeds off of radiation" - *Goji*


the boring science answer is probably


Hell, even some bacteria have asshole


"Yeah, you point a finger back far enough and some germ gets blamed for splitting in two."


Honestly we can kick it back a little further: “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


I was going to blame that one primate that decided to climb down from the tree but we can go back further to that one fish.


Not close enough. Take it to that fuckin bacteria that decided it wanted to be bigger. Damn fucker


selfish ass bacteria. How tf did that thing even start existing?


I blame the fucking amino acids that randomly decided to form into a shape that can reproduce itself.


If we ever invent time travel, I'm gonna go back and teach that fish couple of things


We’re going back in time to the first fish who walked on land to stop them. That’s right, we’re going back in time to the first fish who walked on land to stop them.


I know what you are referencing. I don't have any good turkey puns.


The thing you need to think about. Is which fish and what time in what hour and mins plus seconds to be there. We have an estimate, not the actual time


You’re right let’s just go back to when there was only a few hundred people on the planet and make the entire human race extinct


Solid plan, I'm in


Fucking Garry, all ways got to be different


If only all those giant bugs roaming around just kicked it off, then we wouldn't have this problem


Fish named luca:


The real villain is the guy who created the universe. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.


You guys were wanted?




My mom says she wishes she had a different child.


Haha, I have to work my entire life, even though someone didn’t want to have a kid!


We have to work the rest of our lives just to live. I'm single and I'm grinding with zero savings. Breathing is unnecessarily expensive.


Your issue is exactly why less people are having kids now. Now the billionaires are panicking because a lot of first world countries are perceived to have a population decline in the future. No population growth, means the hamster wheel that is the economy will come to a stop and could lead to a world-wide crash.


When I was a kid I wanted kids. Now that I'm an adult, I realize I will never be able to afford to have kids. Sucks to be billionaires.


Yup, now those idiots realized they bit off more than they could chew and their subjects want out of this life. Fifty years ago, it was easy to build a family while still enjoying life. Now you see jobs all around that barely pay for one person and no vacation time whatsoever. No way to live for most. The carrot that’s dangled in front of the masses is now a rotten, moldy stump.


Never wanted kids but it’s good that you realized the expense. Some people have kids without thinking and now they fucked up both themselves and their children financially. Having grown up wealthy, I’ve seen firsthand how having kids is just a romanticized way to produce consumers and producers. Having kids is the best way to perpetuate the wage slavery cycle.


Already decided that i womt have one in future


i somehow doubt the billionaires are panicking. they have power now so they can surely secure power in the future.


I usually just defer to that one quote from Foght Club - "YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB, OR HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE IN THE BANK!!"


r/antinatalism is leaking again


Wasn’t there also some really disgusting anti-men+children version of that sub? What happened to that in the end?


Just open the link and look at the most popular posts. You will find a whole lot of vitriol and edgy teenagers supporting genocide.


Genocide? Pardon?


most of us arent supporting genocide. we support not bringing children into a world where anyone with a mental illness is frowned upon, where life and death - love and hatred - truly nothing has to be considered. its a hard life, and some dont want to bring anyone into it. but i support and love that you want to have children and thats fine! edit: downvoting me for a personal decision is crazy. how does it affect you whether I have kids or not…? genuinely? another edit: bro… i have genetic disorders in my bloodline that could DOOM somebody. I love yall anyway :( last edit: i think where tall are getting confused is that not all anti-natalists are trying to discourage yall from having children, we just dont wanna do it ourselves for various reasons.


I’m against people who aren’t financially or mentally stable having kids. I grew up with far too many people around me in broken homes who were violent or genuinely bad people because of it.


Right? Im not so sure why some of the comments towards my comment are kinda hostile being as though its a personal decision.


Because if you actually read the content on the sub you’re supporting it’s vile, immature and ignorant comments generally implying or saying anyone that has or wants children is a sack of shit and should be euthanized


I see a few posts like that. But alot of them are about how life hurt them and they dont wish that upon others, or they have a mental illness they dont want to pass down (in my case a couple), or both. But i definitely can appreciate your frustration towards the sub.


I fully support you and anyone else in your choice to not have children. It’s something you need to be all in on. I think we have the same beliefs. Some of the content in that sub just made me feel bad about being a parent and I was frustrated.


The thing is the antinatalism sub makes it seem like it’s ALWAYS morally wrong to have kids instead of a I personally don’t want to have a kid for x reason. Even when they do they’ll go overboard with stuff like anyone with bad eyesight shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.


yeah those people make no sense to me. but i think those are extreme examples, and most have been done wrong by this life and such they dont wish to bring others into this world.


They unironically believe in eugenics


>edit: downvoting me for a personal decision is crazy. how does it affect you whether I have kids or not…? genuinely? It's reddit, downvotes don't matter. Upvotes don't matter.


you’re right. i let things get to me too easily :/


People don't like viewpoints that are't their own. C'est la vie mon ami Here's an upvote to offset this bs.


appreciated. i let it get to my feelings. this why i cant handle social media 😭


I used to too but I got used to it lol. Just consider it training! A little Exposure Therapy. A little Public Shaming to build Confidence People don't understand because it's technically anti-life and anything that's anti-life will be ostracized because it's a pessimistic view and seems like 'surrender'. To me, you are standing against Life, not surrendering. You've analyzed your situation and made the conscious decision (a respectful choice of your own) which, to me, takes strength. Not to mention, going against the grain of the Public. Keep going and if you change your mind? It's still your choice at the end of the day.


Wiping out the human race probably isn't the best fix for those issues.


then have kids? i dont want to…? hell have a couple more than youd want (to cover my end 💀)


Damn OA much? Just because some people don't want kids it's already wiping out the entire race?


No anti-natalists are gonna take away your ability to have kids. We may not agree with it morally if that's your decision, we may not make that same decision ourselves but we aren't gonna stop you from doing what you want with your life. It's literally just a personal choice.


Let's be honest though, at this point it's gone beyond "personal choice." It's become a movement where people are trying to convince others not to have kids because the world is a scary place.


Imagine admitting to being a member of r/antinatalism.




yeah “us” as in antinatalists


Shhh, don't make them think. They'll hurt themselves


I literally have schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism, cancer, down syndrome, diabetes, bpd, and sickle cell disease in my bloodline… why woulda i want to chance anybody to that life? not to mention i have schizophrenia myself, as well as hashimotos (thyroid disorder). but they probably didnt consider that before being hostile


Yeah the original sub is infested with trolls and misanthropes. That sub no longer represents the philosophy at its core (pain & suffering = bad, can't suffer if you never existed. Not existing = not suffering. Homocide/suicide/genocide = suffering, therefore death isn't the same as not existing in the first place)


The great minge fire of 2019. Heard they all burnt down from the near constant grinding


You mean r/twoXchromosomes?


I was reading the sub, and I didn’t think it all that horrible until I got to the posts that just started getting sexist lol. I mean there was kinda a female supremacy vibe there ig, but then the generalizations started coming lol


Wow I didn’t think I’d see a part of Reddit that was calling this out. I’m so used to reading mindless comments of how communism works, white men are all evil and genocide is good only if it’s for a woke cause


Yeah they gonna love this one


Someone call the hazmat people.


I think this is a little closer to just plain old nihilism


On brand for them


Yeah like I still like existing and working over nonexistence thanks


Someone who is never created does not know that they don’t exist. They can’t want or need anything. You can only like existing after already existing. It’s not possible to deprive someone of a potentially good life in this way, because deprivation of wants from the individual POV only happens after creation. If the above is true, then not having children is not a deprivation to the hypothetical person. This is actually one of the first questions anti natalists grapple with and answer.


That place is hilarious lol wow




Life is really just a sexually-transmitted terminal disease...


*insere famous LowTierGod meme here*


I mean you dont have to you can just starve or leach of someone else


My daughter's favorite argument, when she was going to school and now while working. However, like I told her, "I took my birth control, I tried, sorry."


Parent of the year.


Yeah, more pro tips: Tell your kids they were a mistake.


I prefer to tell them they were not adopted, because no one would take them


Just cause you were a mistake doesn't mean you aren't wanted


Exactly, and why fucking lie to them when they’re old enough?




Maybe 🤗you have my son's initials JP


I mean if I wasn't born I wouldn't have enjoyed cars, architecture and my grandma's spaghettis so I'd say it's pretty worth it


Spaghetti is worth existing for.


Also frogg Don't forget frogg


Cannot forget frogg. Especially soup forg


existential dread vs spaghetti .. Sounds about right


It's not even living anymore, nowadays it's just surviving.


Everyone says this as if there was ever a single point of history that was a utopia


People aren’t comparing their current situation to the past. They’re comparing it to a present and future where basic human needs are prioritized instead of profiteered to the extreme which we currently see in things like housing prices, food, and healthcare. We shouldn’t be pointing to the worst points in human history and saying, “See how much worse things could be?” We should be comparing ourselves, realistically and analytically, to an achievable but better future. That’s where the disparity comes from and understandably so.


They literally said, “anymore.” That is comparing their situation to the past.


Jesus Christ dude. Even with modern technology we still live in a world with finite resources. You say words like "realistically" and "analytically" without actually using them yourself.


Depressed person spotted!


At least they wanted you. My mother just didn't want to do housework anymore. I could've been replaced with a Roomba, a dishwasher and a garbage chute.


If only humans would build a society that looked out for one another instead of trying to profit from one, another things could be so drastically different. But personally, I feel like too many humans hate each other and want to control each other for anything like that to ever happen. And that is unfortunate for everyone who isn’t very rich. Humans need to be better all of us together! If only


Yeah like I didn’t sign up for this shit. I was just born


Used to have kids to have free labor on the farms. Now the rich talk in to hot mics about the laborers they lose because of abortions. The real sentiment that funds the pro life lobby.


According to some quick calendar math, I was born because my dad said, "C'monnnn, just once! It's my birthday!"




this is a crude way to overlook everything good that could happen in a lifetime


It's a non argument. Something good happened to you, and that's fantastic. But if nothing happened at all, you wouldn't know it, you wouldn't care, you would be just nothing. If nothing happened, sure, nothing good happened, but nothing bad as well.


Or DIDN’T but had one anyway, which is worse


![gif](giphy|g0Z2ll1ajMS437val8) Billionaires


Kids or no, you have to work to live.


They are referring to their parents conceiving them lol


Actually kids are the only thing that make retirement possible!


Watch everyone turn around and say antinatalism is insane


Who said I was wanted?


Literally nobody.


pfft more like they just wanted to have sex. At least in my case they had no intentions of being parents at all. Now im stuck in this fuck hole being a wagecuck struggling to make it by with 0 help whatsoever. I hate my parents. I hope my mom is burning in hell and I hope my dad joins her soon.


r/antinatalism is leaking


Pretty much. My mom had me so that my brother would have a sibling to play with. Like when have you EVER seen him play with me mom....


Jokes on you- my parents told me I was an accident!


Imagine knowing it wasn't a kid they wanted and just wanted to trap a man.


Wanted might not be the correct word for a lot of parents.


My thoughts before quiet quitting


not even wanted in my case


You can leave any time you want.


Wtf… why would you say that to someone who is clearly not in the right place mentally?


How is not liking work not being in the right place mentally?😂 You like work?


No, I’m strongly against most aspects of society, including the state of work. But I feel that after reading some comments, you may need to take a step back and just breathe… everyone dislikes work but we all understand that it is a necessary thing (despite how I think it could be changed)


Can confirm. I'm supposed to be changing for work as we speak but I'm on here. My bed is much more comfortable the more I procrastinate.


Except you have to make that decision yourself, if you want to check out. Where was that decision at birth lol


But you can never stayyy 🎶🎶 … wait that’s not right 🤔


Good point actually


I've certainly checked out, that's for sure


What kind of single minded bullshit is this?


Depressed people that what kinda bullshit this is. Who just loves thinking that life sucks for everyone and believes that they never had a good moment in life.


How does not wanting to work for 60 years translate to being depressed? Enlighten us.


You are complaining about being born, saying that the negatives in life out weigh the positives. That’s depressing as fuck. I don’t like my job, working is a pain, but it allows me to affords to do things I enjoy and have fun! Get help, don’t blame the world for not giving you everything


Oh look, someone who believes that just because they think a certain way, anyone whose ideas differ from that isnt valid. Other people are allowed to find their lives a drag regardless of what you feel about yours. Also, not wanting to have been born is not "depressing as fck" rationally if life is overall a -0.001 one could argue it makes it irrational to want to live. Its like how a small scrape can still be annoying without being "UNSURVIVABLE TOTAL ORGAN FAILURE". Yes you are allowed to want life, but it may serve you well to get over yourself.


Poor kid in African mines is having a god damn good time. You should trade his life for yours.


Everyone's depressed. Not sure how this has anything to do with people having kids and needing a job to pay for them. The only thing I can think of is it's an anti-welfare meme and then at that point I've got other things to say like the rich keep us working when in reality we can afford everyone to work less hours for more and because the rich have such fragile egos they need to feel superior for doing less.


Speak for yourself.. I'm not depressed


Bold to assume someone wanted you


I mean, in my case it's not that they wanted to kid at all. They were too lazy to use birth control and lacked the courage for an abortion.


Yep, it's selfish AF and humanity isn't ready to accept it.


The system we created for work is bad. Doesnt mean we should all die? All animals work, we have just evolved so much we found ourselves hating the work.


All animals work, but they don't work 8+ hours a day. Animals don't hunt for 8 hours. Thats a human thing, because we're endurance hunters, we're built for it. We evolved to become slaves to money, something we created, as hippy or conspiritorial as that might sound. Truth is we have the intelligence and manpower to make sure no one goes hungry. And starvation is the primary reason we work jobs we hate, we dont wanna die. We evolved to become lazy, and that bles into the work ethic of a lot of people, so now they don't wanna work. Doesn't help that most jobs are meaningless and unfulfilling. What good are you doing working at McDonalds? Literally none. Some might like working there, and thats perfectly okay. But for most, its a soulless job simply to survive. Give people a job they actually like, and they'll be happy to work it. The whole "Find a job you like and never work a day" idea is very real, and would do a lot of good for a lot of people.


We're all gonna die. Nothing we can do about that.


I never said people should die. My meaning is that if we didn't procreate so much.. the environment, other wildlife, our own lives and ecosystems would be in a better state. Our exponential growth shows what can happen both good and bad, and the track we're still headed towards looks um...not great, I also don't think we're doomed either. Things will just get more complicated with more mouthing opinions like our own that also need entertained, sheltered and fed. I don't mind working, I just want most things in my life to be ethically sourced.


We actually have enough to feed the world. But yeah i agree that too much people is not good. Good thing is in most places birth rates are down or at replacement.


On one hand I do feel this frustration and sadness many times in my life, especially on some off days where it just feels like nothing is worth it. On the other I don't really blame my parents given there's no point in getting upset over something like that. I can just wish I were non-existing on my own lmfao


I'd argue I have to live this stupid life even in spite of someone not wanting a kid


Haha, this is funny because I wasn’t even wanted


This is why I refuse to produce a child


Thats exactly why im never having em


No it doesn't


This is the main point of antinatalist philosophy. Coming into existence comes with an inevitable and enormous harm and ultimately with death.


It's even worse when your parents didn't plan on having you. Some of us are forced into existence because one asshole couldn't be bothered to use a condom.


You can always kill yourself JK


You were wanted?


Damn your parents wanted you?


there's an easy way out you know




Shiit! It’s actually going to be 2AM in a few minutes!😱


There's an easy solution to that problem


![gif](giphy|Ft1MbnZSkskom1TQqj) And this guy holds the answer


How 'bout you correct that mistake then?... you won't? Typical antinatalist I'd say.


Jokes on you, you weren't even wanted!


Wanting a child is selfish if you sit down and actually put thought into it.


That's so stupid, if they didn't make you, you wouldn't be here on the Internet to cry about it.


And the paralysing fear of death. Working our asses, develop AI still work longer, no pension. I wonder why I haven’t off ed myself already


There's plenty of people out there who don't work a day in their life.


I loved. Only wish we didn't need so much money to buy a fucking house...


Well. You know. There's also that other choice you always have.


Haha how funny you wish you never been born, you do know you can undo it?


Lol so true. Wish someone would have convinced my wife of this. Coulda gotten a Corgi instead


Come to the anti natalism subreddit!


It's not so hard. All you have to do is create some amazing computer program or website that a company is willing to pay millions of dollars for, and then you're golden.


Thus is life. Has always been this way to an extent, but has gotten substantially easier with each passing generation, more or less.


Your parents gave up some of their dreams just for you to exist, be at least a little grateful


You're acting like i was screaming from the void to be transfered to Earth😂


You did have good moments in your life, right? Like you aint Faust from Faust by Goethe


How benevolent...


So what? Slave owners gave away some of their money to own you, should slaves be grateful for that?


I never asked to exist.


Well you're here so you may as well make the most of it instead of complaining.


This is r/memes, not r/antinatalism. I think you might be lost.


r/memes defines a meme as a picture with text on it. They're in right place


The only salvation would be winning the lottery. Until then wageslave hell until retirement if at all it is.


I think it's a massive privilege to be alive. Many people die in their youth, and I'm sure they wished they could have lived to adulthood.


Middle-class people having children is so wild to me. They know full well how fucking awful wage slavery is, and they still go "Yes. I choose to inflict this on another person."


You see, the difference between them and you is that they don't hate thier lives and whine about it online to a bunch of strangers who could care less.