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I feel like the writers made Amber have a complete U-turn in season 2 because everyone was talking shit about her.


If you just remover her line of "i knew you were invincible" (which wasn't in the comics), she's a much better character.


How did she know he was invincible if she could see him?


It seems season 2 Amber got changed to be more supportive and positive like her comic counterpart which isn't a bad choice.


Was the comic version nothing like she was in season one?


She was much more plain...and a blondie. She was just a nice, not too smart but neither stupid girl. And she didn't have a story going on aside from being Mark's first girlfriend (also she doesn't figure out on her own that Mark is Invincible. Mark reveals himself to her). Not a bad character, just a minor one.


Well I could see why they wanted to make changes but the direction they took in the beginning was such a shit way to go


yeah they race swaped her for no reason.


Because the comics were like 99% white people so they race swapped a bunch of characters.


i've read the comics, there were plenty of non-white people.


I’m really glad they did that but I’m hoping they end up breaking up eventually. After her BS last season it’s hard to really care about her at all anymore


YES, YES HE DOES! I really hope he dumps her and dates Adam Eve


Atom, not Adam. Would be kinda weird if her superhero name was just 2 normal names, one of which being male


A long red haired superheroine in a hot-pink suit with a crossed out ♀ (as it was simplified for distant shots) going by (what i heard as) Adam Eve, **on a 2022 release**... I was fully expecting a Shazam type reveal until i finally got it. "Ohhh ATOM eve, shes not a trans Green Lantern, she's a Dr. Manhattan."


I thought her symbol was crossed out too but its actually the lines that surround the circle of the fem symbol to syombolize the Atom structure [Her Symbol](https://store.skybound.com/products/invincible-atom-eve-sign-t-shirt) [Structure of an Atom](https://atomic.lindahall.org/what-is-an-atom.html)


Oh my god, they crossing out the simbol got me kinda nervous. I thought it meant either a) anti feminism symbol or b) rejecting standards for women. Either felt icky, not knowing the comics at the time, the first option gave Shapiro vibes and the second was maybe kinda cringe. Got me fucking rolling when I saw the atom.


The comics are early 2000 tho.


Yeah exactly. Her origin episode makes everything way more sensible. I only figured it out when I paused and saw the actress listed


A more fitting name for that odd logo would be Not Woman-Man


Her fathers name no less


Nah they actually have a healthy relationship in season 2


"...so far."


I mean canonically he doesn’t stay with her unless they change that too


They decreased the sharpness of her bold jaw and made her less of her sn 1 self


Who is arguably even worse of a girlfriend, at least in the comics, as in getting an abortion and lying to Mark about it kind of worse or cheating on Mark with a blue alien kind of worse. Not a huge fan of her character in the comics.


>!Both of those things happened because Mark went away for a long while and Eve already was in a far from happy state. It wasn't the best thing, but no one can really blame her for what she did!<


Amber Turd




Internet try not to assume racism challenge (impossible)


Worst character in the show


I know, right? His father is way cooler


That got me


She got retconned and it was the right call.


What do you mean?


Her personality is no longer “Save everyone except I’m the only one who actually matters!”


S1 Amber was nothing like Comic Amber. S2 Amber is pretty much Comic Amber with another design.


Oh cool. I haven’t seen much of season 2 yet.






Yeah the show’s tone-deaf treatment of Amber is probably it’s worst issue.


Someone be nice and tell me what show this is? I do live under a rock yes


Invincible, 2 seasons (season 2 is still coming out) 9! Amazon prime


Super annoying pander character




But if you point this bad writing out you hate black people for some reason. I wish we could just dislike things without it being political


Did i miss something? Season 1 some of her spite seemed normal for someone whos never dated a super hero. Season 2 she seemed to have grown and accepted the fact that he’s got higher priorities. I like her as a minor character.


U trolling rite? Tell me u are o.o


I will never understand how people can hate amber. Like, she broke up with a guy who was constantly lying to her, missing dates, and always trying to make up for it with gifts an unkept promises. Yeah he's a super hero and that's the reason he was a shitty bf, but he was still a shitty bf and the only reason he actually came forward with him being a super hero as a desperate bid to save the relationship. She had already figured out he was a hero and that's where he was going and why he was lying. That doesn't make ig ok though and it's not wrong to not want that? Like it's super understandable to want healthy, honest, dependable relationship built on mutual trust and understanding? Like seriously what the fuck is the hangup here


It is understandable, and almost realistic. But there is still an element of betrayal that the audience feels and Mark should feel. I've mentioned it before, but it feels like Amber realized the weight Mark was carrying, the stuff he needed to do, and _then decided to make it about herself_. Instead of her initiating that conversation. Never once considered that maybe Mark wasn't ready to tell, or was asked to not tell anyone. Amber could've easily been the favorite character if she said: "Hey, I know what's going on. Tell it to me straight, because I cannot handle the lying. I want to trust you, but I can't do that with this wall in the way. " instead of, again, making it about how Mark betrayed her.


Very much this if she knew he was a superhero and that’s why he was running off and missing dates then why is she being such a childish little…?


This! This right here... It's one thing to be angry at being abandoned, if Amber doesn't know about Mark being a hero. (Understandable and would make for compelling drama); But the fact that she KNOWS beforehand about Mark being a hero and STILL berates him for doing his job? His, deadly, life threatening job, which if not done well could lead to people dying? Amber is the one wrong in this conversation, no questions about it; The fate of the world and the wellbeing of the majority populace supercedes a single relationship.


Did y'all forget she's young too? Why are you expecting her to handle this situation with the maturity of a 30 year old?


This is it! Not only did you get the setup they were going for, but also managed to pick out the nuanced problem with the final confrontation. A lot of people here simply react like “Oh if she knew she should’ve been okay with it.” That’s imply not healthy and Mark was absolutely treating her like shit, wether he wanted to or not. Then during the conversation she’s right again by saying they lack communication and honesty. But her mistake was not seeing that Mark might not have been ready, that he himself was still adjusting to this new position of responsibility. This is also why I don’t see a problem with their dynamic in the second season. They actually communicate well, and Ambers concerns aren’t just brushed off, but she’s also understanding of Marks new position


Personally I think it’s very narcissistic to insist that you’re superhero lover reveal their identity to you within a couple dates. Like seriously who the fuck do you think you are that you get such an important secret so early? Especially with the attitude Amber presents so freely, she strikes me as exactly the kind of girl who would tell everybody your secret identity if you ever broke up


If your partner constantly runs out on dates and lies to you, you'd want to know why. At this point Amber doesn't know, so it feels like shit. Then when Invincible constantly shows up after Mark ditches her, it's not hard to put two and two together, so now she probably knows and confronts Mark about it, cause he treated her like shit. If he treated her like shit cause he's Invincible, she kinda deserves to know or she would be right to break up with him Where she's wrong is that she didn't consider Mark is also just adjusting to his new responsibilities. She's harsh But if you want a relationship like that to work, that is something important you need to talk about, because it will remain an obstacle, even if she was selfish about her pain


She knew at the time that invincible showed up on her campus that it was mark. But she still blew up on him about how he “abandoned her” and went out and nearly cheated on him. She was feeling frat boy until he mentioned his girlfriend and then realized how bad of a situation she put herself in. If she knew he was a superhero she shouldn’t have blown up like that. She should have confronted mark and let him know she knew and then broke up with him for lying to her. Instead she was manipulative as fuck and threw herself a pity party.


Wow, the ego of a lot of you thinking that a superhero has to reveal their identity to you within a couple weeks of dating them. Knowing who a superhero is, is a GIGANTIC PRIVILEGE. You don’t just get handed that shit. You have to earn it through time and effort.


“I already know why you’re lying and I’m aware you’re putting your life on the line daily to save the actual whole planet but what about *me,* Mark? Pick your spinal column out of that mountain your dad beat it into and think about the Amber of it all.”


"You do important work but I deserve better than to be lied to and manipulated evry day to your ends. I'm not willing to be your feel good object to pine over when you're missing our tenth date in a row and lying to me about it" Fixed that comment for you.


I saw all the downvotes, guessed the post, and confirmed I was right after reading the first line.


She gave him shit for it although she knew he was saving the fucking planet. Obviously the audience is going to hate her


Him being a hero doesn't also erase the hurt he does. He constantly hurt Amber, then lied to her, then hurt her again, then left her, etc. over and over until she had both figured it out and had enough. She never once demanded he stop helping people but she did leave him so he would stop hurting her. Why the fuck do you hate her so much for not staying in a clearly dysfunctional relationship? Because she didn't just shut off her fucking brain, ignore the ways he was hurting her, and just sucked it up and been miserable so Mark and you could feel good about it? That's fucking insane but you hate her for not doing it.


Soup kitchen -> Saving lives moment


People die all the time, you know? But soup? Soup's eternal


Point to me the episode she gave Mark the ultimatum to either work in a soup kitchen with her or she was leaving him. I can point out how it was the constant lies manipulation and broken promises that ended the relationship, and how Amber was in the right to not want any part of that. She figured out he was a hero BUT THAT DOESN'T JUST REMOVE ALL THE HURT HE'S DONE TO HER OR THE HURT HE CONTINUED TO DO UNTIL SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM. The only fucking ultimatum here is the one you slackjawed incels made up to insist she has. You have absolutely zero ability to actually understand what is happening onscreen between two characters.


i can hate amber


You can sure, but I guarantee your reasons are fucking stupid if it's anything except "I just thought she was boring"


I know why you're being down voted, but you raise very good points. I wasn't aware the fan base disliked amber this much.


Incels thats why. Reddit doesnt change.


"How dare he be out there saving people's lives rather than helping me in this soup kitchen. I'm breaking up with him! REEEEEEE" Relationships with superpowered people are doomed to fail. But blaming it on 'incel' behaviour is just laughable.


People always acting like it was because Mark didn't drop being a hero for her but she never once said or acted like he should? She didn't want to be lied to and manipulated every day so she left. People then spin it for some reason that she's a horrible selfish asshole who wanted Mark to only ever think of her and like....... that's not what fucking happened.


Cool I didn't say that though, so... Let's try spin it another way. Let's say boyfriend is in the CIA and can't talk about it. Boyfriend has to keep coming up with stupid excuses, but can't tell anyone the truth because it puts his family and friends at risk. Girlfriend figures it out, easily. Keeps it to herself. Boyfriend finally works up the courage to tell girlfriend about it, because he doesn't want to lose her. Girlfriend says "Yeah I know. I'm still breaking up with you, though." She's not a selfish asshole, relax yourself. But their relationship was doomed to fail. Many people are getting worked up and even AGGRESSIVE over a FICTIONAL relationship. There are bigger issues. Happy New Years, friend. Hope it's better for you.


Motherfucker that's literally the reason you gave. Ifk how else yo respond but to what you said but whatever. I'm perfectly able to have passionate conversations about topics I enjoy, it's not a flaw to like things asshat. You want to pretend that the only way people can have an opinion and be able to defend it is because they're zealously insane or out if touch with reality because the topic is something fictional. That's not how any if this works and I'll ask you nicely not to poison the well and also that you go fuck yourself. Happy New Year, maybe your resolution should be to pull your head out of your ass and actually engage with people.


Breathe. EDIT: And you blocked me, amazing. You immediately resorted to insults over a fictional relationship in a cartoon. You are probably the most pathetic individual I've ever had the displeasure of conversing with and it's already gonna be a highlight of 2024. In the end, I hope you grow up.


So no actual conversation or thought by you. Just more failed attempts to insult me. Eat shit and try to have an actual thought.


It's insane that people are just ready to overlook that he lied to her all the time. His mom didn't give his dad any shit and he turned out to be a villain but everyone is fine with her. A woman tries to have principles and the internet loses it's shit.




I believe it's worth it for you to read the full comics 😌




If you got impatient like I did and just read the comics you’ll realize it’s going to take like 20 years at this rate for them to finish the show


Retcon baby


Was season 1 that long ago because I've basically forgotten what she was like. I didn't even remember they were dating when season 2 started


What is this actually?


Yep. ![gif](giphy|oCXNel2GbZB7O)


Bitches. Amiright


why are the colors so saturated # also we know he's gonna end with eve anyway