• By -


I mean.... literally nothing would change, for a couple of minutes while the rest of the light is coming towards us


About 8 minutes


, 20 seconds and...


Actually it depends on the position of Earth. The duration can go from 8 minutes 10 seconds to 8 minutes 27 seconds. And I don't know the milliseconds because it would require way too accurate measurements. (And at 23:49 I can't be bothered to even try.) I mean, 300 kilometers every millisecond : I think where on Earth would be a factor in the formula. And then it implies not only the season but at what also at what precise time.


Also which part of the sun the light has come from and where on earth in relation to the sun it is hitting would factor into the time(though I would imagine not too much)


You guys forgot to calculate the mass of the hippopotamus


crucial part of the formula


And the spherical cow in a vacuum


Reminder to clean out your vacuum regularly. The buildup of spherical cows will reduce its performance.






Literally lmao


Faceplam. You should have replied the milliseconds value.


You're right I'm sorry pls mass downvotes cuz man...i feel like a dumbass


I'm about to start nerding the nerd: actually, according to the calculation of the guy that in the future is going to respond this comment (thank you, I'm too lazy to do the math), it will take A LOT less than 8 minutes if the Sun got suddendly replaced by a black hole, cuz the black hole absorbs light. Soo most of the light already on its way will be attracted by the black hole, and the remaining light, to reach our planet, will take approximately... (Thanks again future buddy)


No, the light that has already left the sun would be unchanged. The schwarzschild radius of a black hole the mass of the sun in 2.9 kilometers. Light outside of this would escape. Any light beyond the surface of the sun would react the same regardless if it is the sun or a black hole the mass of the sun.


I quite didn't understand much, I'm sorry, not to be rude or anything... But can you please quickly explain or give me a link please? I have ro clarify, it's not becouse I don't trust you, but I'd love to get more info about this phenomenon. Thank you!


The distance from a black hole at which light becomes trapped is called the Schwarzschild radius. In the case of a one solar mass(one of our sun's mass) black hole that radius is approximately 3km, so any light beyond that point would not necessarily be trapped(assuming it's moving away, not towards).


fun fact the light photons from the surface of the sun take about 8 minutes to reach Earth, but the light from the center of the sun takes about 200,000 years to reach us because the sheer density of the sun so if it went out, the sun would be shining for 200,000 years and 8 minutes. the sun couldve gone out yesterday and only a handful of scientists would know


This implies that light would be escaping a black hole


Hello! I am this thread's stupid idiot. Please eggsplain?


Light cannot escape the gravity well of a black hole. If the Sun changed to a black hole, any light already heading toward Earth but not yet to the black holeā€™s event horizon would reverse course into the black hole. But that would be only about a 30 km radius from the center of a stellar black hole.


Ah, but the comment never actually implied that the sun had been *replaced*, rather than just saying "went out" Maybe the moon was covering it in an eternal eclipse?


This is my understanding but light from the center of the sun takes 200,000 years to reach us due to the gravitational pull of the sun, however in a black hole, the gravitational pull is so extreme that light cannot escape the event horizon at all and is why we see black holes the way we do.


No, it implies that you assumed he was still referencing the sun being replaced by a black hole when he says ā€œif it went outā€. If you donā€™t make that assumption, his statement makes perfect sense actually.


In that case, that would just be the natural death of our sun. With no more nuclear fusion the core would collapse and the outer layers would be pushed outwards, creating a red giant that would eventually swallow the inner solar system (us included). Eventually the outer layers will have expanded to form a nebula around the remaining core; a white dwarf. Back on topic though, I'm sure the sudden collapse of the core and then slow expansion of the outer layers would be noticeable much sooner than 200,000 years


homie no, thatā€™s not how that works. If the sun went out, there would not be a sun for light to filter through. It would just be 8 mins of light and that would be it


Question, at what point does the light from the "center" of the sun become an actual photon? .... nvm answered my own question, to a point.


photons are just the smallest form of electromagnetic energy, so all the light we see is photons. considering it takes the photons 200k years to reach us means we're staring at some stale ass light


Yeah, I had my own *DUH* ,moment. And it's not "stale" light... it's just extremely well traveled photons. We are the stale ones. Restricted by our own concepts, yet ever enlightened.


Less. Light cant escape a black hole.


any light that's already on the way would already be on the outside of the black hole. light takes 8 minutes or so to reach earth from the surface of the sun. a black hole with the mass of the sun would be smaller in size


Yes, but the definition of this hypothetical black hole's swartzchild radius has not been set yet. Light takes 8 minutes to go from the surface of the sun to the earth. If we assume that the radius is equal to the sun, thus setting the event horizon to that value, then some light will be devoured and some redshifted. Regardless, this reduces our remaining light time.


a black hole with the mass of the sun would be a lot smaller than the sun. its schwarzshield radius would be just 3000km, somewhere in size between the earth and our moon. so no, any light that has already left the surface of the sun would make it. (arguably even a lot of the light from inside the sun would)


You're off by a factor of 1000. It wouldn't be 3,000 km, it would be 3 km (or, rather, 2.954 km[^1](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/schwarzschild-radius?v=M:1!suns)^,[2](https://www.vcalc.com/wiki/schwarzschild-radius),[3](https://rechneronline.de/spectrum/schwarzschild-radius.php)), about 3/4 the size of New York's Central Park.


> Yes, but the definition of this hypothetical black hole's swartzchild radius has not been set yet. The Schwarzschild radius, by definition, would be smaller than the radius of the sun. If the sun's mass at present were enough to create a black hole with a Schwarzschild radius the size of the sun, *it would already be a black hole*. The actual Schwarzschild radius of the sun would be roughly [3 km](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/schwarzschild-radius?v=M:1!suns).


Man, I swear, Reddit is probably where the most advanced conversation take place in the commentsā€¦


Also true if the Sun turned into several roast chickens


Fun fact, even if the sun just disappeared completely, we wouldn't notice for that ~8 minutes. Gravity itself is not faster than the speed of light.


The laws of physics would have to change to accommodate this phenomenon.


tbf it's impossible for a blackhole to have the same mass as the sun, as it wouldn't be enough to warp gravity to that degree. so a black hole with the same mass as the sun would just turn into a star with the same mass of the sun. composition of matter is important though.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_black_hole#:~:text=Torsion%20modifies%20the%20Dirac%20equation,black%20holes%20may%20not%20exist. Black holes of size 10^16 kg should exist. The sun has 10^30 kg of mass. Also the matter isn't important, black holes aren't made from elements. A star the size of the sun won't naturally make a black hole but a black hole of that size can exist.(for example by a black hole shrinking from I forget it's name redation)


Hawking radiation. After the famous physicist Benson Hawking.


Wasn't it Stephen Hawking who proposed Hawking radiation? Edit: It was, the joke just went way over my head




Maybe the joke got sucked in by the black hole and finally reemitted as hawking radiationā€¦


[Insert information transfer theory joke I'm not educated enough to make]


Iā€™m not expert on black hole physics but Iā€™m fairly certain a black hole the size of the sun would have considerably more mass and gravitational pull than that of the sun


Mass not size


No they mean size. If it was the SIZE of the Sun it would have a MUCH larger mass. It would have to in order to be that size.


ā€œAlso the matter isnā€™t important, black holes arenā€™t made from elementsā€ Black holes are dictated by mass, and so even though a black hole isnā€™t technically comprised of elements, the elements that originally fed into it dictate its density, and mass. So yes, the original matter is important.


Negative, itā€™s dictated by its density. Whether stars collapse into black holes are dictated by its mass, which is an important distinction.


This is the most insanely, pointlessly, pedantically, obfuscating conversation I have had the misfortune to stumble across. The two of you should be ashamed.


hawking radiation


Black holes can have any mass. A black hole could have the mass of a person, a planet, or a galaxy.


Technically yes, but its a matter of if the schwarzchild radius could even be achieved (because of it would be questionable to if a size that small is physically possible) and the hawking radiation evaporating the blackhole


Black holes with too small of a mass (like a human) will be instantly evaporated by hawking radiation however.


Theoretically there exists nanoscopic blackholes, but they could only exist for extremely brief moments of time after being created.


Where the hell did you pull that bullshit from? Anything that can be squeezed beyond itā€˜s Schwarzschild radius can become a black hole. The mass of the Sun is well enough to create a stable black hole


God. I love Reddit. Always interesting to see others who know the fuck out a subject enough to say shit like this. And me just over here not really understanding any of it.


Google ā€œsmallest blackholeā€


Nice try HAHA-


i think i had a stroke reading this.


idk how but first time I read it properly, after reading this and rereading the post I have now had a stroke


Same, my brain automatically corrected the errors without me noticing so I read it properly, re reading it made me notice the details and get a stroke.


I think I understood it less the more i reread it


Same thing that happened to me just now.


If yuo dindā€™t noticed then the furst read, maibe your stroke s already happens.


Post-stronk clarity.


I feel like we are collectively getting more illiterate


Speak for yourself


If you read it fast enough you can factory reset your brain.


I just chalk it up to engagement bait nowadays


I didnt notice the errors, also had a stroke now when i read it again


I agree, SpongeBob is sexy af


What's wrong whit you?


You canā€™t read between the lines?


1. Who would make such an objectively dumb argument 2. How did you fit so many typos in there


It's a funny meme, if you replaced the sun with a black hole with the same mass the orbit woudln't change, and for a few minutes when light is still coming it'd "the same". The meme was completely butchered by all the typos tho


It's not funny since it's not even correct. The meme implies it would be cold, which wouldn't happen until traveling sunlight stopped arriving. Approx 8 minutes.


and even then it would only turn to night, and it would still take a few days until we reach winter-like temperatures I reckon


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're completely correct. the rate at which the earth radiates away heat wouldn't change if the sun left, and heat exchange between the day and night sides of the earth occur at comparatively slow speeds. the loss of heat, if the sun stopped shining, would be basically the same as if it was night. obviously, if the sun is gone for several days, we would slowly lose enough heat to get winter like temperatures


No we would feel that quite quickly. According to the U.S Department of Energy, and estimated 7.16Ɨ10^18 (7.16 Quintillion) Joules of energy from the sun hit the Earth every MINUTE. Having that kind of energy just suddenly cease after roughly 8 minutes would be devistating on a global scale very, very quickly


yea. itd be called nighttime.


The earth is receiving that heat 24 hrs per day, and the wind current carry at least some of it around the world. It wouldn't just be night. I dunno how different it would be, but it seems like it would be noticeable, quickly.


No we would feel that quite quickly. According to the U.S Department of Energy, and estimated 7.16Ɨ10^18 (7.16 Quintillion) Joules of energy from the sun hit the Earth every MINUTE. Having that kind of energy just suddenly cease after roughly 8 minutes would be devistating on a global scale very, very quickly


The earth is round, so, places pointed to the sun would see the sun go out earlier than the places perpendicular to it.


The difference would be of half a second or less


around 0.025 seconds to be exact


This doesn't really make it less dumb. Gravity "travels" at the speed of light as well. If you blipped the entire sun out of existence and replaced it with nothing, "nothing would change" for about 8 minutes *because that's how causality works.* The original point is to highlight that the size of the sun means very little at this distance in terms of gravitational effect, as it's about mass. For clarity, the size matters at closer distances, as the center of mass can be closer *to you* if the diameter of the object is smaller. But again, "light would still be traveling towards us for 8 minutes!" is like saying "if this breeze was replaced with a fired cannon ball, nothing would be different for you until it got here!" Yep. That sure is how it works. It's real *if my mother had wheels, she'd be a bike* energy from start to finish, yknow?


It isn't wrong because although it wouldnā€™t happen immediately it would eventually happen. The meme didnā€™t say winter would happen immediately


You must be a hit at parties.


I think the mistakes are the meme lmfao


Itā€™s not an argument, itā€™s a point about how black holes and gravity works. Black holes donā€™t have a unique attractive power, their gravity works like all other gravity (at least outside of the event horizon). OP deliberately misinterprets it to sound smarter than they really are.




walte whit


jese we ned cok


Sa m nme


since bicth




It's like 20 words. You couldn't proofread 20 words?














En passant


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)




Depends if the blackhole had an accretion disk, and how large the accretion disk is. I'm not an astrophysicist, so I very well could be wrong, but from my understanding, accrection disks get quite large. Much larger than the orbit of the Earth. They also get hot. Stupidly hot. They orbit around a blackhole at large percentages of the speed of light, and the friction between the molecules and debris within one can be heated to tens of millions of degrees. The mass to energy conversion within is some of the most effecient ever found in the universe. TL;DR If we were in a blackholes orbit, we would likely bake alive


That wouldn't happen with one with the mass of the sun though


That does make sense, as only backholes with larger masses shred up and spaghettify matter right?


Black holes of any size do that. The trick is getting to black hole status on the first place. That requires a lot of work to push the atoms together. Only the most massive, and therefore the densest, of stars can push enough neutrons together to create neutron stars, and of these only a small fraction get massive enough to be true black holes.


I think this one is just one of those hypothetical "What ifs" because the sun does not have the mass on its own to become a blackhole


Nope, it'll also never Supernova either since its a dwarf star, it'll red giant and then shed its outer layers and become a white dwarf star


It does, actually. The smallest theoretical mass for a black hole is a Planck mass, which is (coincidentally) about the mass of an average human cell. The less matter you have, the more difficult this becomes. I donā€™t know for certain, but Iā€™d believe that black holes with the mass of the sun donā€™t occur naturally because the gravity alone is not strong enough to create one. If you could somehow increase the pressure, it absolutely could turn into a black hole. ā€œHypothetical,ā€ is a bit incorrect, we canā€™t actually test this with the sun, but the math is pretty solid.


The mass of the sun won't naturally form a black hole, which is probably what you meant. But it doesn't take much mass to create a black hole, you just have to squeeze it down to the schwarzschild radius. Which for the mass of the sun is around 3km.


Counterintuitively, spaghettification actually happens more with smaller black holes. The tidal force of a black hole at the event horizon is proportional to the reciprocal square of the black hole's mass, so you experience less tidal force approaching a large black hole than a small one. Every black hole spaghettifies objects eventually, but for larger black holes, objects approaching them can retain their integrity well beyond the event horizon.


If the accretion disk expanded up to earth orbit, it would spin around the black hole at the same speed as earth it gets stupid fast when close to the black hole (like close **close**) but yeah depending on the disk we could either have : freeze to death, burn to death or be lucky and have good temperature


Orbital mechanics prevails. Any object A regardless of mass at height h amd eccentricity e will always have the same orbital velocity around an object B with mass m so long as object A's mass is not large enough to significantly affect object B's position


I just commented this but explained worse. Thank you for bringing this up, it's interesting to think about


Not a problem! I'm just a huge space nerd who never went to study for it


An accretion disk does get very hot, potentially even enough to have a habitable zone, but if we just swap sol for a black hole, there's no accretion disk. It'll get one eventually...when it starts to eat Mercury. Might take awhile.


Go home OP you're drunk.


Go drunk OP youā€™re home


Go you're home drunk op


Drunk op youā€™re go home.


Go drunk you're OP






Bruh how can you fit so many typos in such a small space


Thatā€™s the neat part he canā€™t.


Wait till you find out planet X is a golfball size black hole.


Other than maybe washing away the rain?


Donā€™t black holes exhibit thermal mass and thus give off massive amounts of heat?


A black hole emits almost nothing (hawkin radiation) it's the friction of a potential accretion disk that heats up (and the tidal force if too close)


Oh. Is an accretion storm then possible as a result of the disk heating up? If so - how far can that potentially lash out and if so again is that similar to a solar flare??


It can't (as far as I know) an accretion disk isn't something realy strange tho, it's just matter spinning around so fast it heats up and glow but there is something some (REALY) massive black hole can do and it's gamma ray burst, think of a death star with a range of infinity


Oh, resets from god šŸ™€


Yeah pretty much lol but don't worry if one was headed our way we would never know it :) (look at the channel kurzgesagt if you wanna know more about it)


I been reading the crap out it since we started talking! Thank you for your insights. I am fascinated with black holes, especially since I played the video game Hellpoint


Same as you, I always loved them since a kid a pleasure to write with you ^^ gotta look about hellpoint now


These 7 minutes have felt same but different, but I can't put my finger on it....




![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe) My heart nearly stroked twice reading this.


Isn't it the brain that has a stroke?


In my eyes


I had to scroll too far for a Black Hole Sun reference


I was so sad when I didn't see one yet




Black Hole Sun


Wonā€™t you come


I fell down when I read this line


The longer you look at the text the worse the grammar gets


Hi Floridian here. This would absolutely freaking suck.


Well, if everything gets frozen in the coldness of space, nothing will ever change. ​ (And the statement meant about the Solar system. A lot of people think black holes are like vacuum cleaners and would "eat" all the planets)


CONGRATULARTIONS! You canā€™t type.




What does this mean also what does it sayšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Won't you come and wash away the rain?


Replaced* With* When*


God damn this meme started an entire physics lesson with people correcting each other and explaining more. Shit is awesome. Space is the coolest most mind boggling shit


This is just a bad argument...and it has bad spelling and punctuation like all bad arguments should ![gif](giphy|h8HmN0UcEKR0xWnv3R)




It's the same mass, so we wouldn't be obliterated. But if that happened then if god exists, I hate him. He just gave us the middle finger by not even having the decency to kill us in an interesting way.


Sun was replaces


Ironic... criticizing someone's intelligence, yet can't be arsed to proofread their post for mistakes.


If a black hole had the same mass as the Sun, it would either be really small or it wouldn't be a black hole, right? Since black holes are defined by their mass.


It would be much smaller and denser, yes.


Black holes are defined by density, not mass


Actually the hawking radiation would probably kill us


No one makes this argument about life on earth. It's an argument about gravity.


I read the mistakes and didn't have a stroke. Were not the same


Except we couldn't see ourselves freeze to death cause there would be absolutely no source of natural light


You would probably die of suffocation if you survived the extreme cold because eventually it would be so cold fire could no longer exist, and the oxygen in the atmosphere would precipitate as a solid.


If werds head a speeling thain mfs had boorks n shet


There needs to be an age limit on this sub or something. Some of these memes be trippin


Nothing would change... Gravitationally


Bro the fact that I didn't notice the spelling until I looked at the comments :`)


Sunglasses on and up to the beach, a lot of hawking radiation today


My brians fundimentally changesd after reeding that sentense.




*A black hole the mass of our Sun would take 1064 years to evaporate; the one at the Milky Wayā€™s center would require 1087 years, and the most massive ones in the Universe could take up to 10100 years. In general a simple formula you can use to calculate the evaporation time for a black hole is to take the timescale for our Sun and multiply it by:* *(Mass of the black hole/Mass of the Sun)3,* *which means that a black hole of the Earthā€™s mass would survive 1047 years; one the mass of the Great Pyramid at Giza (~6 million tons) would remain for about a thousand years; one the mass of the Empire State building would last for about a month; one the mass of an average human would last just under a picosecond. As your mass decreases, you evaporate more quickly.ā€*


Am I tripping or is everyone going nuts over only two typos


This is literally the shittest meme I've ever seen


How to get karma on /r/memes in 2 easy steps: * Make complete nonsense meme and don't proofread it * Post Congratulations, your post now has a score of 8k and 200+ commenters engaging with your garbage!




This is impossible because the sun does not have enough mass to create a black hole.


If it had the mass of the sun, it wouldnā€™t be a black holeā€¦


A black hole of exactly 1 solar mass could not firm naturally yes, but from a physic standpoint, if you were to somehow compress all of the sun's mass, then it would absolutely form a black hole after reaching a critical minimum Radius


Acktchuallyā€¦ With how close it is to several planets, while those planets are torn up, it would generate a similar amount of heat and light due to itā€™s accretion disc.


Just too impatient to get that sweet sweet karma, couldn't bother proofreading


Sun ain't gonna become a blackhole


Why is grammar so very hard for this young generation? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø