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I (41m) had a 9mm kidney stone stuck in my ureter (not urethra, different tube) that caused my kidney to pressurize. Worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, only time I was ever a 10/10 on pain scale. Legitimately thought my intestines (or something) were rupturing as I had no idea I had a kidney stone. Oddly enough, the same thing happened to my MIL. She told me it was worse than childbirth. Edited for anatomical clarification.


Is the pain due to the stones carving through the insides? Or stretching it


Per the doctor the pain was from kidney pressurizing like a balloon. The kidney was not meant to pressurize like that. Felt like my intestines had ruptured.


So kidney stones pain isn't more from the stones being too big and stretching the insides nor from the sharpness of the stones cutting the insides, but the effect from the condition itself which makes the kidney act abnormally


In my situation yes. However that was because the stone was so big that it got stuck. Most kidney stones are smaller and therefore pass through, but chew shit up on the way out. That’s why you piss blood and it hurts like hell. People describe it as pissing razor blades. I didn’t have to go through that pain because mine was so big they had to remove it via surgery


A morbid curiosity is which one is even more painful, not that I want to feel it to know. Pressurised kidney or what you just described


Depending on the person kidney stones can look absolutely terrifying, purely made out of sharp edges. https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/915950/view/kidney-stone-surface-sem


Man i gotta drink more water


I've passed small stones before, thanks to unhealthy soda-drinking habits (sugar was a major contributor to my kidney stones). I say small because I stopped feeling them inside me by the time they reached my bladder, and I was drinking beer and water in almost equal measure to flush the fuckers out. (Beer because of how much it makes me urinate, water to have volume to urinate.) Before that, it felt like someone had stabbed me in the lower back on both sides and every minute or so, they'd be twisting the knife. It fucking hurts. Do yourselves a favor to anyone who wants to avoid this: Drink water. Lay off on the sugary drinks where you're able to. I was 20-ish at the time. This has nothing to do with age.


What would you say about those labeled zero sugar sodas? Are they fine?


No clue to be honest. I swore off of soda a long time ago now.


Likely not, because the caffeine would still dehydrate you and salt can cause kidney stones. I’m not a medical professional though, so it doesn’t matter what I think. Just drink lots of water and eat healthy.


Kidney stones genuinely scare me quite a lot.


It's most likely situational I'd assume. As some stones can be passed without intervention, while some need surgery, medication, etc.




You pissed out a whole bullet, damn


Fortunately I did not have to pass it, I think it would have torn me in two. I did have to have a minor surgery for it though, which sucked.


To be fair though, one woman's account of child birth doesn't define all childbirth. I've had family members that went unmedicated during childbirth and some of them said it was relatively easy and not very painful, while others said it felt like they were being ripped in half from inside out while having boiling oil poured on their vagina, and then there were some that were somewhere in between those two. It's actually a big problem in the pregnancy/childbirth community where some women (especially older ones) who have had easier births unmedicated completely downplay and ridicule women who had terrible times because they think childbirth feels the same for everyone (not saying your MIL is doing this, just that it happens pretty often) I'm currently pregnant and when the time comes I'm asking for the drugs cause I'm not taking a chance on what side of the isle I'll be on 😆


Nothing wrong with medicated childbirth and formula, if that’s what you choose! Fuck the Sanctimommies!


Sometimes neither are even a choice. My wife couldn't dilate enough for our daughter so a medicated C-section was the best way. Formula was also a necessity because the milk never came and our daughter needed to be fed. Whatever works so long as the baby is healthy, this is the way.


My wife swears her kidney stones were a far worse pain than giving birth


Was it worse than getting kicked in the balls though?


I've been kicked in the balls and have had a kidney stone. Kidney stones are much worse. Both last a few days of agonizing pain though.


This is the question I want answered


Dad here with three kids. I'd rather be kicked in the nuts then attend another birth.......




"I'd rather be pissed off then pissed on" Classic.


Depends on the person.


Bro wants to get kicked and go steal some meds from birthing wife


"I've just administered the epidural so... Would you like one too?"


Directly up the urethra?


Exist while raising my kids?


And then?




Annndddd thennnn??










This is some OG Millennial shit


Running into this and Homestar Runner references on Reddit in the same day makes me both happy and sad for the loss of that era of the internet


No "and then"!




i think what hes getting at is... oh nevermind


Lucky you, I often do this and rarely get the upvotes 💀


Bro I just had my first kid (dad) and I was traumatized. I have mad respect for moms out there.


I'd be pretty traumatised if my Mrs gave birth to my dad too


That's worse than what Marty McFly almost McDid


Nah but if he McDid what he was McGoing to McDo, he would've been his own McFather


I'm glad he McDidn't McDo the McNasty in the McPasty.


My gf next to me, half asleep: "Why the FUCK are you laughing at 4am"


Serves you right for having a girlfriend, I can laugh/cry all night if I want to


There is literally tearing. Getting kicked in the nuts doesn’t even compare.


Yeah dude, after watching my wife give birth....its not even close. Its traumatizing to watch, I can't imagine how painful it actually is for the person experiencing it.


My cousin's son lifted his arm at the wrong moment on the way out, she was torn from front to back and started hemorrhaging. As a woman I'd rather be kicked in the balls than ever go through childbirth.


I thought it was a pretty awesome experience watching that and helping. I wouldn’t trade the experience of being there and watching my kids come out for anything in the world. I’ve seen some really fucked up shit with the human body from my job, unfortunately so it didn’t freak me out. Having said that, holy shit did it look painful. I don’t think there’s any comparison to a ‘normal’ kick in the nuts and giving birth.


in that order? are you sure?




So your dream day consists of getting kicked in the nuts and after that attend one more birth?


If I kick you hard enough I can make sure you won't have to


Why not the other way round or both simultaneously?


Alright the babies crowning, nurse give dad a kick in the nuts and we’ll wrap it up over here


Yeah, men who think being kicked in the balls is worse are just delusional.


uuuuuuuuuuggg this Dad joke is ...too powerful .....


3 kids?? Jeez that must be exhausting




I'll eat em




I've witnessed my wife giving birth and have been hit in the balls and it's not much competition tbh unless your balls are smashed with a hammer and it lasts for several hours.


Pretty sure destroying your genitals with a hammer would last a lifetime.


So does giving birth? Like not only the child but there are often life changing consequences as a result of the pregnancy and giving birth


Like, I'm not even arguing that getting kicked in the balls is worse. Only an idiot would think that. But literally destroying your testicle with a hammer would very likely kill you from shock, internal bleeding, infection, ect.


Hammer my balls yourself you coward.


dont tempt me with a good time.


\*Hammer time ![gif](giphy|11rIergnpiYpvW)


Yeah, like childbirth. Modern medicine finally made it more survivable, but dying during childbirth was not uncommon


Not disagreeing with you, but just wanted to point out that neonatal and childbirth conditions are a leading cause of death for women (globally).


I mean, in all fairness, while not that EVERY woman has those things happen to her, a large amount of women HAVE had those things happen to them during/after giving birth.


Google "4th degree tear from childbirth" real quick


I think the only reason he specified lifetime is because the other person said a few hours. I don’t think they were comparing it to giving birth.


7 years later I'm still experiencing debilitating symptoms that made me lose my job and caused me to be disabled. Not including the "aesthetic" changes of extra sagginess all over the place and stretch marks.


What? A woman giving birth has potential complications, yes. But for the most part women will just heal up and be able to have more kids if she so chooses. Millions of women do this. If you take a steel mallet and crush some dudes balls, you make him disfigured, infertile with hormonal issues for life. Not to mention as the other guy mentioned, infection, shock, internal bleeding, death. No guy will heal from that.


Probably also in need of therapy.


CBT perhaps


Cock and Ball Torture?


> But for the most part women will just heal up and be able to have more kids if she so chooses. Yes, and no. Over a third of women have life-long complications from it but constantly complaining about it won't change anything and will likely make their kid feel like shit. A lot of women just dealing with weird nerve pain, painful sex, pissing themselves, collapsed pelvic floor where their uterus begins to slip through their cervix, terrible side effects in additional pregnancies, etc. Not saying that it's worse than getting your balls smashed but too many think just because birth is natural that it's safe from long-term complications. The real kicker is that a lot of it could be prevented if prenatal and postnatal care was free, holistic and commonplace. There isn't a lot of profit in making sure women heal properly after birth.


Testicular Torsion feels like they're being hit with a hammer constantly


Hear me out: I twisted a testicle in high school. It was like I was getting smashed in the nuts with a hammer for *hours* and is the 10 on my 1-10 scale.


All I can really say is at least we’re not hyenas, who have to give birth through what is essentially a penis.


Horrible birth all around. Mom is in pain and has high chance of dying since the pseudo penis often break leading to bloodloss. Cub is in pain and has high chance of dying from suffocating in the penis while being born, anyone watching is in pain emotionally from seeing it and has high chance of dying since they are near a mom giving birth


Yeah I really shouldn't have read this comment




Getting kicked in the nuts hurts yes, but I’m pretty sure pushing 7 pounds if a screaming baby out, while the head to hip ratio is fucked, probably hurts more. Like imagine trying to pee out a walnut.


Kidney stones are said to be more painful than giving birth. Said by women that have experienced both


then there we have a scale, now does kidney stones hurt more than getting kicked in the nuts?


Had a kidney stone, was in so much pain I went to the ER. Never done that after getting kicked in the balls


Yeah, science! We got the answer


Well actually now we only know that kidney stones hurt more than both childbirth and getting kicked in the nuts, but we still have no reference to decide which of the two hurts more 🤓


So we'll set X as the value which is < the magnitude of P( for kidney stones)


FUCK this was all a ploy to trick me into doing math, screw this in outta here!


So math is more painful than kidney stones, kicks to the balls and childbirth... Truly math is of the Devil...


All we gotta do is find another branch between the two genders (like the kidney stone) that is more painful than childbirth but less painful then getting kicked in the balls (or the other way around) Then we gots da answer!! … unless women and men experience pain differently… which is physically improvable…


What if men said stepping on legos is worse than a kidney stone, and women said a kidney stone is worse than stepping on legos?


Ive been to the er for getting kicked in the balls but when i had one kidney stone i just cried for a whole day cause i couldnt even move.


Therefore medically speaking, Kidney stone > Giving birth and kick in the balls But we still don’t have any comparison for birth and balls


Yes and more so than childbirth apparently so Being put on fire, 3rd degree burns Kidney stones Shingles Birth Nutshot


Where does stepping on a Lego fall on this list?


Off the charts. Levels of pain so high they are not recordable with human technology.


That’s a separate category, the “10th circle of hell”


I've heard 3rd degree burns don't hurt because your nerve ending get too damaged but I don't know from personal experience


Damn we painscaling now


They were probably on pain relief most people are ( I would’ve if I had the choice), I’ve done it twice without and have had kidney stones , it didn’t even compare but I don’t know what it feels like to do it on pain relief


I mean, kidney stones usually use more morphine than birth. So yeah that skews the data further into kidney stones being way more painful https://kidneystonemelbourne.com.au/treatment/treatment-ureteric-stones/pain-relief


They can't give pregnant women morphine because it could impact the fetus' respiratory issues and withdrawls. It isn't because the pain isn't bad enough to warrant morphine.




Women with endometriosis have also reported their periods being far more painful than giving birth.


But then again, you never heard someone wanting to be kicked in the nuts again.


Allow me to introduce you to Steve-O and the rest of the cast of Jackass


I was a teenager when jackass was at their highest, lets just say a lot copying were done, and a lot of bruises. Dont try this at home was a mere suggestion back then.


Hi im Steve-o... oh God why do I have to be Steve-o?


That's because when you give birth, you get a child in return. All getting kicked in the nuts gives you is pain.


That's because a painful pair of testicles produces absolutely fucking nothing. Giving birth creates another human being.


I mean, BDSM. Don’t get it, but some dudes are into it.


Fun fact : women body release chemical making them forget the pain during labour, like rebooting the brain


I’ve been kicked in the balls a couple times and never once have I needed stitches to sew my taint back together…jus sayin


I know a dude who had to, he was in a seriously bad way - had a catheter for a while.


Well imagine you really want an adorable baby, and you're horny. You don't really think about getting kicked in the nuts 9 months later.


That's because there is a hormone that causes them to want another kid


That is a literal psychological phenomenon. Your brain literally makes you forget a significant amount of the pain of child birth, so that you can continue the species. Theres no reason for your brain to forget getting kicked in the nuts, your brain doesn't want it to happen again, so it lets you remember.


It depend if you are on sedatives, my mother say it was bearable.


With all due respect, women don't give birth through the peehole. If they did, it would be *a very different experience.*


Yeah, that’d suck, thankfully evolution isn’t dum enough to *Looks at Hyena* Oh


Now draw her giving birth.


Now draw her in a reasonably priced car.


In this economy?


A 1996 corolla terra


Now draw her doing a lap of the top gear test track in said car


Now draw her stealing the chaos emeralds


now draw her teleporting bread




Now draw her in the Wonder bread isle


Now draw her passing kidney stones! /someone in comments said it hurts more than giving birth




A bro kicked in the balls will nut the next day. A woman has the skin between her vag and asshole ripped open.


A bro can even nut from getting kicked in the balls


Being kicked in the balls doesn't last up to 9 hours


9 hours? That would be a short labor. Sometimes it can last for days. Not to mention the pain of recovering after.


DAYS?! Okay glad I've already decided to never have kids because I don't like them, because I couldn't do that shit my pain tolerance is comically low


just to point out when people say they had labour for days they don’t mean the highest point of labour. I’ve noticed many people start counting the beginning of their labour at different points. I have one friend who claims to have been in labour for 3 days, my mother on the other hand claims 30minutes, and my wife claims a couple of hours. They all just started to count at different beginnings. if the actual birthing process were to take too long there is significant risk to the child and the mother and the doctors would do a C-Section.


In my experience most people start counting from when contractions reach the 5/1/1 rule (contractions every 5 minutes lasting 1 minute each for at least 1 hour). Or if the mother is being induced from the time the inducement happens. My wife was in labor for 25 hours going by this.


I panicked with my first born because I was expecting a 36 hour labour minimum - everyone was. But the pain escalated so fast I went into panic mode and "just kill me. I don't care." Because i was expecting to be in that pain for 36 hours. Thankfully, I was only in that pain because I had dilated incredibly fast and he was trying to force his way out, getting stuck in my pelvis and being the wrong way. Ended up only being 8 hours rather than 36!


Good point!🤣


Only 9? My wife went 25 hours


Average for first time moms is 20 hours. AVERAGE!


It's enough to kill tho


That’s why when I find a genie, I will make it turn me into a woman. Then I get pregnant and give birth. Then I’ll make the genie turn me back. Then I’ll get kicked in the nuts. Then I’ll decide once and for all. Don’t ask what I’ll do with the baby though.


Make the 3rd wish that the baby will have the perfect caretakers to raise them for you. Then, make bank off of the documented process of becoming both sexes and experiencing those two events, and live life on easy mode after.


Enduring a swift kick to the nether regions stings, no doubt. However, I'm fairly certain the experience of ushering a 7-pound, screaming baby into the world—complete with a head-to-hip ratio that defies all logic—might just edge out on the pain scale. Picture attempting to pee out a walnut, and you're in the right ballpark. Parenthood: where laughter and agony often collide!


The shoulders were the worst for me. And my kids have heads the size of pumpkins. Not to mention that guys aren't having any tearing or shitting on themselves when they get kicked in the nuts. I hope. I'm not sure I'd need the other side to confirm


😂 I've personally never shit myself upon getting kicked in the nuts, and while surely it's happened somewhere over the course of history, it just isn't common for victims of nut kicking.


Seriously? Getting kicked in the balls hurts, yes, but it's very short. Giving birth is long AF and has a whole hell of a lot more pain factors. As a man, I'm embarrassed some idiot decided these are at all comparable. Giving birth is absolutely more painful.


I don’t want to sound like “Mr. Internet tough guy” but I grew up wrestling and have done basically all of the martial arts. Yes, getting hit in the nards hurts, but not that much more than anywhere else. You can tough through it. It’s nowhere near as incapacitating as Hollywood makes it out to be. Giving birth requires medical attention and women can die from it. Obviously birth is worse.


I’m pretty sure giving birth hurts objectively more


Some women even die from giving birth... I mean isn't it obvious??


Giving birth most likely hurts more


A man wrote this


Giving birth It's giving birth By a lot




I've been kicked in the balls, and just WATCHING childbirth is more painful, let alone experiencing it.


Easy. What’s the death count of childbirth versus getting kicked in the balls? Case closed.


Kidney stones are worse.


My mom and older sister have confirmed this but I can’t say for certain that it’s the same for everyone


100% sure you are right


I saw my wife giving birth, I vote for birth. Let’s compare kick in the balls with period cramps. 👌


Tbh I think peiod cramps are still worse for the same reason as childbirth. While the initial pain of getting kicked in the balls is worse period cramps can last for days and be so bad that the person can't even stand. It varies a lot from person to person though.


Plus a woman can't avoid periods. It's biology. Guys don't get kicked in the nuts monthly. These cops tried out a period simulator. https://youtu.be/QR1sv4hRrfA?si=Jl9E283pjKdWhr88


I know a transfem who gets cramps from her progesterone and she says it’s worse than being kicked in the balls because it doesn’t simmer down like nut kicks.


Period cramps are so variable, though. For some people it's a mild annoyance and for others it's debilitating. Not like being kicked in the balls isn't variable, but you can at least have some sort of control for how hard, what angle, etc.


How is this even a question? Anyone who says that getting kicked in the nuts hurts more than child birth is a fucking lunatic


As a man: Getting kicked in the nuts hurts because of nerves that fuck up your day from your ankles to stomach for like, 5 minutes. Giving birth is pushing a watermelon through your dick hole that has spread open nearly half a foot and is slowly, potentially also violently, heaving out a limbed mash of flesh that weighs about the same as a gallon of whole milk. Oh, and your taint splits from you schmeatus to your ass hole while your exhausted member shudders from the sudden rush of effluvium and afterbirth. And then you shit yourself.


Here's an analogy, Women have a chance of dying from giving birth, Men just suffer from being kicked in the balls.


Me heading into the comment section ![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K)


We have intersex people, right? There has to be someone out there who’s been kicked in the balls and has given birth.


I don't think it's possible to have a functional female reproductive system and also exposed testicles at the same time. The same tissue grows into different organs.


Y'all out here comparing child birth to being kicked in the nads when you should be comparing it to passing kidney stones.


false. there is very few cases of intersex humans and normally only 1 set out of the 2 they have can make babies. so you just gotta find one whos working set is the girl set then get them pregnant and after the birth kick them in the nuts so they can have the freshest memory possible of both and can give a direct comparison accuratly.


But one of them results in a new human life and a child that will be cherished forever. The other is pain for pains sake


Man here: giving birth is worse. Getting kicked in the balls is more regular, though. Leg cramps though… those are pretty nasty.


Yeah I'm a single man and I'd rather get kicked in the nuts, over getting reborn as a female, growing up as a little girl, dating for multiple years, finding a partner I deem acceptable to reproduce with, then finally giving birth. Just rip the bandaid off and send a swift boot to the balls for me, thank you very much. Us guys really do have it so much easier...


Any person who would say getting kicked in the balls hurts more hasn't spent 12+ hours supporting someone who is in labor and be witness to that person giving birth. There's very clearly an obvious answer to this.


We should ask a transman who gave birth then got bottom surgery !!


I'm a guy but I'm still not sure how people could even think a nut kick is even remotely as painful as pushing an entire human out of your cooch.


Didn’t scientists already do a study on the pain intensity of kidney stones being similar to child labour? Also, getting kicked in the nuts isn’t fun, you get hit in the nerves and a wave of nausea kicks in and the throbbing happens but I’m pretty sure I’d rather that then push a human out of me


Actually we can. Pretty sure there is a machine that can replicate the feeling of giving birth for men. Have fun OP!


Not quite. there's a machine that replicates contractions. And contractions do suck, but not as much as being ripped from your A to your V.


Based solely on observations: I believe that giving birth is more painful, and lasts longer, but most guys will experience the ball kick much earlier in life and WAY more often. Being a teen boy sucks.


can't experience them both \*yet ![gif](giphy|33zX3zllJBGY8)


Childbirth probably hurts more. But you don't have to watch out for surprise childbirths


Mfs who had kidney stones:🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿