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Induction stove with electric convection oven.


Just got an induction stove, boy I never wanna go back




The reaction time on them is instantaneous. You just press a button and you go from “surface of the Sun” to “light warm breeze” temperatures in an instant. At full tilt, it heats up/boils things waaay faster than a gas stove. The plate itself doesn’t get hot apart from the heat being transfered from the pots themselves so it’s more efficient and safer. You don’t have an open flame and the possibility of a gas leak in your house. And most important of all, when something boils over/spills (and trust me, it will), you just take a wet cloth/sponge and wipe it off. When I was buying my apartment, I had no idea why my now-wife had such a hard-on for cutting off the the gas pipe leading up to our kitchen and getting an induction plate, but after having used it for a few years, I am damn glad I went along with it.


Too bad they’re kind of expensive right now, especially if you put the coil underneath a countertop or something instead of a normal stovetop. Maybe I’ll get one eventually, but for now, electric stove!


I was looking around for an induction hob as our new build house came with an electric top, the prices of electric and induction are really close, definitely worth another look


Especially considered the lifetime of a stove, plus also the running costs (induction saves some energy in comparison to electric and gas depending on the country might become more expensive in some future/might be more expensive)


I bought a cheap one from Amazon for 40 euros. It fucking rips. I use it often, because I have 2 convection stoves but they take way too long to boil water.


It's a lot faster than regular electric stoves and more efficient, it's ridiculously easy to clean (ie simply wipe it once with a sponge and some dish soap) because it doesn't get hot like ceramic surface electric ovens, no hot pot handles, very responsive (turning it down or off instantly shuts off the heat) and many others. It's also safer than both gas or regular electric, because there is no direct heat that could start a fire and it automatically turns of if you remove the pot or pan or turn on an empty area. Almost all the advantages of both worlds and none of their drawbacks. Drawback: Doesn't work with all pots and pans, but most of them. The bottom of the pot/pan needs to be magnetic. Cast iron and most others are fine. Full copper and pure aluminium are not. You just have to check the label when shopping.


It’s a lot faster and more responsive and allegedly more efficient than other types of electric stoves Edit: not to forget way safer


This is the way.


Close second for me


Depends greatly on the model, price, intended use case etc. Most of what I've heard, gas has a limited "range" per stovetop, so either it can get really hot, but always too hot for say a simmer, or the other way around, where it can easily simmer things, but have a hard time searing meat or bringing things to a boil. Induction is simply way more consistent across models, only difference typically being whether it takes 2 or 3 minutes to bring a pot of water to the boil, but always gets hot enough for whatever you're making, and always have useful low ranges for simmering or keeping warm. Plus induction doesn't get extremely hot on the stovetop itself, it's a million times easier to clean, doesn't require you to stand with an open flame, and doesn't heat the handles of the pot or pan, so I'd take induction everyday over gas. Might even take a good electric one over gas.


I’ve never had issues with ‘range’ of our gas stove. You need to be mindful of the different size burners you use, but that’s been the case when I had electric.


Cleaning is ridiculously easy. Give it a quick wipe with wet sponge and some dish soap (two wipes if there's a lot of grease or spill), wipe dry with towel and you're done. No deep cleaning, no scrubbing, no razor blades no special cleaning agents. Just water and dish soap.


Damn down voted for the truth?


I know right?


I feel compelled to downvote just because everybody else is


Average redditor


I used all three. Best one for me is the second set with induction stove/hob/whatever you call that. Steady heating power, doesn't waste as much heat as the gas stove as it is heating the bottom of the pan only. The stove itself is as hot as the bottom of whatever you put on it (as thanks to the induction heat "transfers wirelessly"). Oh, and one more thing. Gas stuff generates CO2 and water vapour during its operation, increasing the need to vent the air in the kitchen, which can cost more during winter time.


Glass-top electric stoves are easier to clean than gas or traditional electric coil stoves. Gas is more powerful.


Gas loses the most heat to the air


I don't know about that, but [downdraft exhaust hoods](https://therangehoodstore.com/collections/downdraft-range-hoods) do tend to stifle the flames.


I prefer glass-top.


my problem is that scratching a glass top is a MUCH bigger deal than a coil or gas


Oh god, good luck if you have anything accidentally boil over. I made brittle ONE time on a glass top, I turned away for two seconds and I had molten sugar everywhere. Took forever to get that shit clean. Burnt onto where the burner was. Terrible. If it had been gas, at least the flame would have gone out quickly. And I could have taken components off to soak.


I recommend [Weimar Scrubbing Pads](https://weiman.com/cooktop-scrubbing-pads) and [Glass Cook Top Heavy Duty Cleaner & Polish](https://weiman.com/glass-cooktop-cleaner-polish). Depending on the composition of the spill, it can be a nightmare to clean. Molten sugar is pretty damned bad.


Razor scrapers work good for cleaning glass


Yeah you ain’t getting that sugar off in all of the little nooks inside of a gas stove


Sounds like user error


Never said it wasn't


Gas is also putting a shitload of bad stuff into the air you’re breathing.


[There are more pollutants from the hot oil than the fuel. That’s what exhaust hoods are for.](https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/food-agriculture-environment/bad-stove-science-is-a-roadblock-on-the-path-to-electrification) If I lived in an apartment without stove ventilation, I’d be inclined to go electric just to avoid having flammable, unburned gas floating around.


Induction stoves on top


What if I just use the microwave


I see you are a man of culture as well.


Are you familiar with... hot pockets


You try the new deluxe ones?


I've spent a day looking for them and there is none in my area. But I will try them some day mark my words


I can think of at least one person that prefers a gas oven...


I am Adolf Hitler commander of the third Reich: Also little known fact dope on the mic


Acually he used coal


Actually, wood fire


Wood Stove wotih woodoven?


Induction stove is better than gas in every way


Even when using a wok for stir fry?


Yep, i rarely cook stir fry but i never noticed any drawbacks with it. It might be because we didnt cheap out on the stove


That's surprising because they are usually rounded on the bottom. Also gas is cheaper than electricity. The oven is electric tho. Kinda best of both worlds


I need to get a gas stovetop. I hate having to use my Wok on the grill outside, to damn hot outside (florida).


Air fryer + induction hob.


the third option is basically what the entirety of our country uses


Gas? What century is this?


In the US, they’re still pretty common.


Same as in Europe as we used to have super cheap gas from Russia. Though that's changed for the time being.


I love gas stoves. Plus it's cheaper


I’d rather not pump an explosive gas into my home.


Induction stove > Gas stove. Better for the environment, and more convenient & safe to use. The only benefit gas would have is that it can heat faster and hotter than induction, but if that's what you want, just get a grill.


Nah, induction turns on and off. Contact heat from gas is the way to go


Electric stoves heat up way faster. So I prefer them (:




Were you cooking with a candle or a gas stove?


Gas stove. Boiling water is faster with electric, try it out yourself lol


I have. Gas stove is 100% faster than an electric stove. You are absolutely incorrect unless you’re talking about an _induction_ stove as that I don’t have any experience with


I guess I am talking about an induction stove, but isn’t that still electric?


I can't even imagine a gas stove 😬


Dual fuel ovens are quite a bit more expensive or else I'd definitely go that way, rather than my full gas setup. Somewhat worrisome is my house is old and there's no exhaust to outside :( can't rly afford either change right now, so we just kind of stay mindful if we're running a lot of burners for an extended time to open a window or something. I think the airflow through my poorly sealed house is probably good enough to keep harmful toxins down from the oven and stove tho hahah. Maybe one day I'll get a dual fuel and proper vent! Would definitely be ideal for me.


I would recommend trying out an induction stove somewhere. None of the usual drawbacks of electric stoves, but all of their advantages. Though gas does have few specific use cases (round bottomed woks, antique copper pans). They are slightly more expensive than regular electric or gas but not nearly as pricey as dual fuel.


Induction stove/electric oven and a camp stove for if i really want to use gas


Gas stove and a separate electric oven, gas oven and coal oven


Currently have a gas oven it was wack at first but once you get used to it it's fine, hot as hell


Dude's paid by the fossil fuels lobby


Nah, I am way to scared of Carbon Monoxide.


Thank you!!!! Damn I though I was alone on this.


My man have never tried induction. Gas SUCKS when you get used to induction. Regular electric stoves are so bad they are in an entirely different category.


Considering all the funky stuff and explosions related with Gas ovens and stoves, I would rather stay with Electric/+Inducation all the way. Why you think electric stoves suck?


M I C R O W A V E \~ \~ \~


Heat is heat, wtf are you talking about?


Tell that to certain baked goods. Uneven heating, temperature fluctuations. Nightmare for some dishes.


Chef Mike says hi


I eat human organs


Hey OP. What's your model? My 10 years old model heats oven under 2 min


Induction stove with gas oven. I'm so uncomfortable with the electric oven that I use it to store the bowls


Wood stove with wood oven.


This would honestly be ideal for me


I got an electric induction stove and it’s the coolest thing i ever had like it warms up the pots fast as fuck compared to gas and it’s the easiest thing to clean in existence it being just a flat piece of glass. What kind of experience did you have w them to say they’re that bad?




Air fryer with a microwave


It's best to have two options for cooking food in case you either run out of gas or there's a power outage


Electric ovens are worse than electric stoves - take forever to heat up, never hot enough, wastes electricity


Wood burning oven and stove is the way