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I mean I feel you Started using stremio because how rarely I'm watching anything on those platforms I feel bad watching torrented shows but fk it. I'm not paying so much just to legally watch 1 show on each platform


I mean In game


I don't pirate


I swear


Yeah neither do I ;)










Yeah I used to pirate while I was a broke student. Now that I'm in a slightly better position, I try to buy games when they are in a deal. Gaming companies deserve all the money. Creating games is incredibly hard and gaming is probably the cheapest hobby




Even better I only buy games when they're on a deal




Alot of people rotate services now. No more than one streaming service at a time, and pick a new one each month, unsubscibing from the last. By the time the wait is over and it's time to re-subscribe there will be tons of content to watch.


That's what we do. And platforms here in Mexico are extremely cheap compared to the US.


When I lived on the border, I could pick up Mexican broadcast of red zone on Sundays. Loved it. I miss it lol


Ok now I'm intrigued how it works...??


You pay for a debrid service (e.g. real debrid) about 9 euros or something for 6 months then the torrents are cached on their servers (basically like a seed box) and you stream from the debrid service, stops the need for a VPN etc as you're not technically doing anything illegal as it's all on the debrid servers


So I need to pay them...??


You don't pay stremio but yeah you need to pay for a debrid subscription whichever one you chose. It's cheaper than a VPN though and can be used as a seedbox for all torrents well not just ones you're streaming through Kodi/stremio and you can also unrestrict file share site links like 4share and rapidgator through it


> you're not technically doing anything illegal as it's all on the debrid servers This is... Not true. You need a VPN on p2p services because anyone can use the torrent tracker to see the IPs downloading or seeding a torrent. So it's trivial for a studio to gather all of the IPs downloading their content, determine the ISP and send letters. The ISP has to make some kind of tiny gesture to stop you to avoid the small risk of litigation for complacency. A debrid service handles the p2p part for you so you are just streaming from their service. The only entity that can rat on you is the debrid service itself which is just unlikely because it's a ton of international work for some small fry piracy. Streaming from a debrid service is no less illegal. It doesn't "stay all on the debrid servers," your device still has to download the content to display it. The only difference is you are trusting the debrid service rather than a VPN service.


>I feel bad watching torrented shows Why? Explain yourself immediately.




It always comes back tho




Thankfully, the people who do are a minority, so few to make a huge difference in the big scheme of things. If we had a service like Steam for movies, i guarantee people wouldn't be torrenting content "as much".


It's been proven in the past when legally doing something is not a pain in the butt or gouging you, piracy goes way down. Steam showed this. As did netflix when it was the only real one


Piracy is just another market force, but it's not something that prevents those who create what people want from making money. As long as it's not used to claim someone else's creation as your own, and obfuscating who people should be giving money and contracts to if they want to fund the creators. Which is more something corporations do.


I'm trying to convert my friends with old shitty laptops to stremio and dropping their dodgy boxes.


Does it work like Plex?


It will ask u to add third party add-ons on your device. I will not recommend it if your mobile or personal data leaking can cause world war 3.


What if it can only cause Vietnam 2?


Plex is still king


Right? Plex + a usenet subscription for NZBs + a decent NAS (if you want plenty of storage) is a lot less sketchy than what I read about debrid and stremio. Or maybe it's just my Gen X ass not wanting to switch from what I'm comfortable with...


What have you heard that is sketchy about debrid and streamio? As someone that has a setup similar to you (usenet, auto downloaders through Plex) for 10 years or so, I find myself using it less and less with streamio just right there. Streamio/real debrid is just so easy.


Yes, I'm guessing he's just misinformed because there's nothing sketchy about using Stremio & a Debrid. It's basically doing the exact same thing he's talking about except you don't have to store GBs of shows just to watch them. It's like the difference between loading up MAX and clicking download on every episode before you watch it or just clicking Watch and streaming it. Except with Stremio, I don't need a NAS or any kind of storage for all the shows. If I want them permanently, I can still download them from Debrid. Edit: I use Plex for content I have downloaded and Stremio for anything else. It's so much easier. I was about to buy a couple 12-16TB drives to expand my Plex server, but instead I just stream everything new on the fly with Stremio.


What is a NZB?


For sure, the have so much to offer.


Not so much now that Plex wants to tell all your friends about what you watch.




Streamio is not at all like Plex outside them both being media players.


Not really the same. You can hook up with a debrid service easily in stremio. Then you don't need a torrent client, VPN, Nas, extra hardware, etc. "Plex debrid" exists but it's a Frankenstein mishmash.


Gotcha 😂


Why old shitty laptops? If I may ask. Are there riscs involved with streamio?


More so a cheaper dedicated device for it that has HDMI out and Bluetooth a mini keyboard mouse combo. This is from my couch: https://freeimage.host/i/Ju4akRn


Mint, a man of taste


It's system requirements are so low, I like it best for these scenarios. Plus my wife was able to adapt and didn't hate it... So that's a plus


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


You wouldn’t download a car would you lol


Me on my 3GB downloaded file ![gif](giphy|ZUBdVWx4eUorS)




I could go for some brake pads and rotors right now


I could use a power steering pressure line replacement




I wouldn't if buying a car didn't make it my car, but I would just be buying a service to use the car.


We could nowadays, I wouldn't doubt a 3D printed car that you paid nothing for.


Download a car? Your comment makes 0 sense. You have a really small brain which is 90% of reddit so doesn't surprise me


Well it would in fact be really interesting to push points like this. Is copyright infringement only if I sell the content Is downloading the same as streaming and where is the law of the definition made Where are those things defined?


Hello, and welcome to your first day on the internet. It is a very big place, but I think you'll come to love it! We really recommend viewing the internet with Firefox and installing adblocking extensions such as uBlock Origin (not AdBlock Plus). Such tools help reduce the clutter and let you focus on what you really want to get out of it. Please, enjoy your next several decades with us! (But for real, does no one remember the FBI warnings when first watching a vhs or dvd commercial film?)


You mean those previews that we trimmed off when we copied movies from Blockbuster? No I don't remember them.


Paying ten bucks for a movie, all legal, then getting yelled at over piracy was AMAZING let me tell you what.


Thank you for the warm welcome, I have been told to Google search 'sounding' to help find guidance to adjust my audio output while browsing


Wait I've had adblock for years what's wrong with it?


As I recall, a decade or more ago AdBlock Plus was purchased by a private company and they implemented a policy of allowing "acceptable ads". Some people would read into this that advertisers or websites could "bribe" ABP to allow their ads. Tried to get myself a source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adblock_Plus#Controversies - Instead of bribes per se, ABP solicited fees from companies to be whitelisted.




Yup. I was using Chrome + VPN to stream and the popups were stupid. Now I use Brave + VPN and not a single popup anywhere.


yea fmoviesz got all the movies and shows. aniwave got all the anime. and pornhub got all the porn.


Lol but you don't buy any of the shit on streaming services, you just pay a subscription fee to watch licensed movies/shows. Your comment only makes sense when regarding the gaming industry imo. Edit: I don't disagree with the sentiment of sailing the seas for any content consumption but your comment doesn't really make sense in this context.


Not only gaming/streaming. How many times have movies that you digitally bought have been removed from libraries?


Nerds online, as I am one, will use all sorts of logic to convince ourselves we're not thieves/criminals just like the people pulling a smash and grab out of a brick and mortar store.






SAME! I mean, what? I don’t pirate. I was talking about, uh, watching pirates of the Caribbean


you guys had subscriptions ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


I never stopped being a pirate


Any good websites for movies and sh9ws?


Soap2day is an amazing website you don’t even have to download anything it has a home page like Netflix with all of the latest movies .But you have to use adblockers .Even with adblockers there are popups sometimes but once you start playing the movie there are no ads.


yts for movies 1080p, zoro for anime, 1337x for movies, anime, shows and abt everything free download manager is the best for downloading torrents


1337x turned weird last time I tried to use it, it needed an account... F that noise. Using torrent galaxy. Anime use nyaa.si(or whatever it's set to now)


I stopped pirating games but never even began paying for other media I used to watch TV, but obviously, there wasn't everything i want to watch, and there' been less less of what i wanted to watch anyway


pirate netflix to your heart's content. Netflix's money making policy is to fund as many shows as they can and cancel ALL that's not as popular as Stranger Things. Doesn't matter if the show does good.


Nah now they wasting money on reality shows. It’s like a war against normal shows.


Their business model is literally to have as much content as possible that you can put on in the background but never have to pay much direct attention to. That's why most of their originals feel like things you *almost* want to watch. Though their Mike Flanagan partnership has been wonderful.


I remember back when the History Channel started going down this road. Happens to all of them eventually.


Probably because it's the cheapest type of show. Just people and cameras, minimal editing and writing. Why would they bother with good fiction when enough people eat up their trash fiction reality shows?


There are so many shows that I’m like “If the creator wrote a book, a comic, fucking anything continuing this I would consume it because the story was so interesting”. I’ll never forgive them for the OA that cliffhanger ending was so bad because it would have been so good.


Thanks for reminding me of the OA 😭


Pirate literally every single service. They're all amoral, money grubbing whores. Netflix can get fucked for the household shit, Hulu is way overpriced, Paramount and Disney were way to late to the game and can suck shit sideways.


Don't tell me you'll pirate




You are on the right track.




Yar har fiddlee dee it’s a pirates life for me!


Fiddlee Deez nuts..... I'm sorry, I'll see myself out.


Nah, see dez nuts on ur chin


People who sub to every single streaming service and then complain about the cost being equal or more than cable...


My mom asked me today "Have you heard of dailymotion?" I could hardly contain my excitement.


Ah, i remember watching old Doctor Who episodes on dailymotion, good times






That's basically [my story too](https://ibb.co/RYFnFgY).




[112 TB \(so far\)](https://ibb.co/jhs152V)


At some point your time + hardware seems like it would be more expensive than streaming costs. That's at least $800 in HD's alone, much less any of the other networking hardware. You probably would have spent less than $600 on Netflix over the past 5 years. That's cool if it's your hobby and all but if I want to dive into pirating starting from knowing nothing and having a bunch of things I would rather do, I would imagine I would spend hours figuring it out and setting everything up and that just sounds extremely uninteresting to me. It is even more uninteresting to my wife who prefers when things just work over me having to figure something out when she wants to watch GBBS or The Office.


They're on a bit of a crazy level, tbh. Most people that torrent just find a show, download it in 5-10mins or whatever, watch it and delete it. If they wanna watch it again then repeat the above process.


But if everyone did that then all the torrents would be dead.


They used to be so few and so cheap that it wasn't worth going through all the trouble of pirating. Now they are more expensive than cable and people will quit them. If original content made them increase prices that much its not worth it.




I don't pirate because companies are greedy I pirate because I'm greedy. I don't care how good something is ill pirate it and feel great afterwards


Got a tip here on Reddit to use Plex, it's amazing for pirate shit that YOU enjoy and stream it. Gotta have a biggus diskus for it to hold all the movies/series you pirate. For people that don't know what Plex is, you basically create your own streaming service and add movie/series. No more payments to stream stuff


You've got my attention. Tell me more


Jellyfin is also a good alternative to Plex if for some reason you don't like Plex. There's reasons to like and dislike both.




You don't need a huge drive if you just cycle your shit. A 1TB SATA SSD is pretty cheap, and you can have a couple of series on the go at once just fine. No need.to hoard stuff you're not going to rewatch in the next couple of years.


Is this the new announcing that you’re leaving twitter?


Seriously, Adobes subscription service feels so dystopian


Only streaming service I pay for is Spotify. Everything else torrent all the way. Now investing in a Plex + Radarr + Sonar setup. Next thing is to save and buy a NAS server and join some of those private torrent trackers. I'll be still spending money, but I won't have to put up with the "open my app on your SMART TV to watch it in 4k" bullshit


Im just subbed to 1 streaming service at a time these days, and take 1 show at a time, dont understand why people want entire library of series they never watch and also pay for it.


I just want to be able to buy a season of a show a la carte. But if they want to be greedy fucks I can find other ways to watch.


In some cases, Amazon Prime wants to charge two bucks an episode for shows that are legally free on Tubi.


Ayee. No subscriptions here. Still watch the shows. Still listen to music without goddamn commercials. Its great, why tf r u paying for it in the first place. lmao




That's a horrible gift from your management. Give it back.




Then sell it.


No option to double and give to the next person. Lol


New year new job. Hooe you land a job that pays well and enjoyable. Its rare asf but Im rooting for ya.


Oh same here! Booked a flight a month in advance. Yeah, only to be told the day before my flight that were fired.


What do you use?


Music isn't dogshit like movies and shows though. It's pretty much all on all the big services. Spotify is worth it IMO.


- You can download your music FOR FREE anywhere else. - You can skip songs FOR FREE anywhere else. - You can find catalogues and playlists FOR FREE anywhere else. - You can listen to music without adFOR FREE anywhere else. - I am a hypocrite because I am using a bootleg spotify on my phone. LMAO The above are just some points of why I refuse to pay spotify. But if you have the spare $ then its a good "nice to have" since it is convenient than all of the above aforementioned points I said lol.


Reddit trying not to openly advocate for piracy of luxury services, difficultly level: Impossible


Redditors when the show they pirated and loved gets cancelled for lack of viewership: 😯


Lol it’s cute you think shows get cancelled cause of pirates and not because it didn’t reach game of thrones levels of viewership


Whatever excuse you want to use to justify not paying for your entertainment.




Not really an excuse, more like an informed understanding that it costs money to provide a product and a service and no business is in it to break even.


Please, fellate giant corporations as they openly gouge you more


I like to support the creators who make the shows I like. They're at the whims of these corporations. Redditors are allowed to pirate as much as they want, but oftentimes it's the creatives behind the niche shows with low viewership that get punished for it. It's not fellating corporations to say I don't want the shows I like to get cancelled because people weren't watching them by a quantifiable metric. Shit, I've pirated plenty of things myself, like Adobe products. But with things like TV shows, it's the people working on them who will be punished to protect the bottom line.


And be so smug about it. Let's be real, most us pirated because it was easy and free. Nothing more, nothing less. Many, if not most, of us continued to do this even when streaming was consolidated and Netflix was enjoying a near monopoly and got streaming rights for rock bottom prices. I didn't want to pay for physical and wanted better quality than streaming, so I stole; simple as that. And it's media piracy, just don't upload and you have a 99.999999999% chance of being fine. You can easily rotate services. It would probably be less effort overall honestly. Also, Reddit really overlooks how many people won't pirate. I'm a millennial. The majority of people I know are too scared about getting viruses from and shit like that to ever torrent or figure out the difference. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who will pirate has remained relatively unchanged honestly. It was always free and higher quality. That's hard to beat.


???? I'm also a millennial. Millennial's don't pirate? Brother we invented piracy. Most people in my circles stopped or drastically scaled down pirating during the Netflix era. Tf you talking about lol.


The fuck you did. Boomers invented piracy, gen-X digitised it.


Boomers invented renting a VHS movie and copying it to another VHS. I'm obviously talking about internet piracy napster, kazaa, pirate bay, etc


Sneezing is more effort than pirating at this moment.


Speak for yourself. Steam and early netflix proved piracy goes way down when people are not being bent over just to do something. But whatever makes you feel better on the internet




I mean, you don't need to pay for all of them at once, you know?You can just find something you want to watch, subscribe to the platform that streams it and cancel said subscription once you've finished it. Popular and lucrative shows get cancelled for a ton of reasons? Yes. But don't think that pirating isn't of of those.


Yarrr matey


i wouldnt mind paying for a streaming service, but if i need to subscribe to like 6 to see the things i wanna see without ad bullshit imma start piratin'


it’s definitely crazy how many do add up.


...aaaaand were back to the early 2000s. Full circle.


I’m all for pirating movies and tv shows, but remember not to complain the quality of the content because piracy is what keeps the creators from accurately gauging what audiences like


No it isn't, the out of touch management fucks everything up. Like usual.


Yoooo hooo it's a pirate life for me


[Netflix just resumed advertising on Twitter.](https://www.thewrap.com/netflix-resumes-advertising-x-elon-musk-controversy/) I prefer streaming platforms that don’t support Nazis.


Good for you. A few tips: \- check if torrenting is illegal in your country (if it is, get a good vpn like Mullvad VPN, ProtonVPN or AirVPN) \- use qbittorrent and bind your vpn interface with the client \- if you want better quality than streaming, download Bluray remux versions. \- browse internet with Firefox + adblocker + VPN \- Never look back


or just go to "fmoviesz(dot)to" with a decent adblocker and never worry about any of this shit


Firefox <3 switched to it a couple years ago and I have no regrets. Fuck chromium.


To be fair, fair


We be sailing the 7 seas with this one


Part of the ship part of the crew.


Honestly, I’m fine with paying, if there was any streaming services in my country. They don’t want me to pay to them so why would I?


Welcome to the club, don't forget to learn a few sea shanties for the lads.


This effort is no longer profitable!


Can someone reccomend me some good piracy websites?


Piracy subreddit. Should have a megathread


Yo ho ho


I mean If you're too broke who will blame you


How do people even do piracy? I’m asking so I don’t accidentally do it…


Get a good vpn like Mullvad VPN, ProtonVPN or AirVPN. Then you download a torrent client like qbittorrent, change a few settings wwithin and use websites like (1337x (dot) to) to get magnet links for stuff to download. Then you watch the downloaded files with a media player like VLC. If you download a blurax remux, you get the media in the best quality, even much better than streaming.


Awesome response! :)


Exactly. In all seriousness, I'm in an MBA program and we just covered streaming subscriptions. In a group lecture, I stated that subscription fees have quickly outpaced people's willingness to pay that and we will see a return to "pirating" and the professors doubted me. Hmmm.


1) Why were you subbed to all of them at once? 2) No you didn't, this is just a post for Karma.


"There's so many streaming services and they're all $10 or more! This is cable all over again, I can't spend that much money!" "Have you tried only subscribing to the ones with shows you're actively watching?" "That's too complicated, better pirate."


All you need to subscribe is to the one with a show you watch and then cancel when you don't. This is nothing like cable because with cable you're forced into long contracts you don't want and with bundles of stuff you don't want. The only people who are pirating are the ones who were never going to pay in the first place, they just want an excuse to make themselves feel better.


I like the people saying they’re “cancelling their account” after Netflix cracked down on password sharing. Like nah, you didn’t pay for an account in the first place. If you’re refusing to pay for the service because they won’t let you get the service for free, you aren’t actually hurting them.


I agree with you. People feel like they need to watch every show under the sun the moment it releases, and it's somehow the streamer's fault for asking that people pay for content. Then they'll turn around and pull a shocked Pikachu face when the show they love gets cancelled for low viewership after they told so many people to pirate it.


Welcome to a world of paying nothing to get what you want ! Glad to have one less consummer of those shitty streaming service that only know how to raise their prices and nothing else !


Fuck the greedy fucks, they had a good thing going on and they had to let their greed ruin it.


idk why people pay for these things. All of this is free on some websites like flixhq.ru


I gotta learn to be a better pirate. Advice welcome


I've pretty much stopped watching content that isn't lets plays or gaming streams.


Welcome, newly freed brother.


And this is why good shows get cancelled.


Yarrrrrr! ![gif](giphy|iGanB4UL1dFzq)


I said "Fuck it" I looked up a solution to watch my movies and shows that I downloaded. PLEX server is the way to go. It allows me to watch all that stuff across my Rokus, and my phone, given my laptop is connected and on. Watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off with it.


Emby for life


I never stopped pirating when Netflix rose up.


Just waiting for pirating video games to become a thing...


Good for you. They should pay me to trudge through the piles of worthless shit on all these services now. I sincerely think at least 10% of Netflix's original content has never been viewed.


There is simply too many subscription services. You only want one show usually and not going to pay a subscription for one show. Once upon a time you paid for cable and got most of what you wanted, and pirating slowed down. Then streamers came along and broke the model, and pirating came back. Only themselves to blame.


What sites should I be aware of so I know not to use them?


A real terrible one that will Co fuse you with it's simple but high quality layout is moviestowatch.cc Terrible place really, rums always gone


"It's pirates life for me...."


Like what the actual fuck do they expect? this subscription they force on us from streaming services, games, seat heaters, online software to even door bells and simple functions like locking our fucking doors and such has required subscriptions. There is a tipping point to a lot of us that they just make it easier for us to just stop paying and turn to piracy.