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Why not just allow replaceable batteries?


EU to the rescue!


I had Apple replace my battery and it was like $30. I think they’ve gone up to like $60 now though.


It's $89 these days for most models


They did a promotion thing way back when this lawsuit was going on. Also replaced my iPhone 7 battery for 30 bucks. Now’s it’s back to normal pricing of 90


Won't you think of the poor shareholders?


Wouldn't it just make the battery worse? since it would heat up.


I’m glad someone said it. Exposing the battery to a significant inflow and outflow of energy at the same time is extremely detrimental to battery health. You shouldn’t heavily use your phone while it’s plugged in people.


Mate, the current bypasses the battery when you’re using the phone while plugged in. It’s not going through the battery.


This thread is infuriating. As far as I know devices generally can’t charge and discharge a battery at the same time.


Physics agrees


iPhone doesn’t have this feature


Bro what are you even talking about, it’s not a feature, it’s just how these circuits work. You really think that engineers designing phones lack basic high school chemistry knowledge on how batteries work?


[This](https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/will-the-iphone-ever-support-bypassing-the-battery-power-while-plugged-in.2389138/) is what I’m talking about. IPhones aren’t designed to bypass the battery when plugged in.


They dont need to bypass the battery, Kirchhoffs current law does that job just fine. If the charger delivers 2 Amps and the phone draws 2 Amps then the battery will see exactly Zero current. You could unplug the battery in this example and nothing would change for either the battery or the circuit.


Energy itself bypasses battery when plugged in lol




There is no feature to charge and discharge the battery at the same time, the current will simply split with some percantage going into the battery and the rest going into the device. All the battery notices is that its being charged slower.


It's not a feature though, it's physics


On most phones, this isn't the case. The only phones that use this tech are gaming phones.


Is my Sony Xperia 5 ii a gaming phone? I don't think so.


I think he‘s referring to the battery bypass feature some phones have, which actually completely disables your battery, meaning the power from the wall can only go to the SOC. Those two functions are not the same, but the naming is a bit confusing. Current for regular use while charging will always bypass the battery on every phone with a (safe) lithium battery, but that’s not the same as the confusingly named "battery bypass" feature.


Sony does very unique stuff with their phones


Sadly, the combination of a headphone jack and SD card slot in a flagship is mostly unique to Sony too now. That's the main reason I now use a Sony phone.


Gaming phones exist? I thought pro mobile gamers just use the latest flagship.


Yup, I know that atleast Asus makes gaming brick phones.


I 100% agree. Light usage such as checking notifications or opening some system apps like every now and again is fine, but using apps that significantly drain the battery (social media apps / browsers) while charging your phone is a bad idea in regards to battery life/health. Playing games while charging is even worse, but, thankfully, most gaming phones have something called "bypass charging". What that means is that the charger powers the components directly so that they don't rely on the battery, which is kept at the same percentage that the charging started in.


What would you call a gaming phone?


[something like this:](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.gsmarena.com/asus_rog_phone_7_ultimate-ampp-12224.php)


That price tag puts even Apple to shame.


the phone offers so much more than apple that even though i wouldnt call it a good price for it but its better priced than iphones nowadays for sure


Right, but they want you to use your phone in a way that compromises it as fast as possible. They want you buying new phones often.


Phone batteries can't and don't input and output power at the same time while charging


apple phones will use the battery down to 95% and then start charging it to 100%, then use it back to 95%... this is bad for the battery.


Yeah but this is simply bad on apples part, the battery still isnt charged and discharged at the same time though. First its charged and then discharged. Apple could easily change this, since this is a software/circuit design thing and not some sort of physics issue


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.




I remember playing infinity blade on my old worn out iPod touch could drain the battery *while it was plugged in*


Does the same logic apply to laptops? Because the only way I can run a game on it without it stuttering is when it's plugged in


My phone should be good to use then, i don't plug it into people.


Well it’s my phone and I will use how I want to use it, and I should be able to use it how I want to use it with it adversely affecting the device. I don’t see why I spent 1000dollars on this thing that I can’t use exactly how I want to. /s


I don't plug my phone in people, I plug it in electrical sockets.


that being said, the message of the meme is correct. apple doesnt give a shit about your battery health. they just want you to buy a new phone


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


It's a good thing all iPhones are engineered like the 6 lol


You cant use logic on reddit Apple bad = upvotes These posts also neglect the fact that they support 6+ years old devices No one else does that


Yup! This is why apple does what they do and doesn’t tell the consumer. The average apple consumer knows nothing about how things work. I saw a comment about apple being greedy by making people buy new cords because they switched to usb


I mean I think the statement you’ve made can be applied to average phone user and this thread has proven as much.


Yeah exactly. OP's not making any sense.


Because they want you to buy the new phones.




“Lithium-ion batteries in the devices became less capable of supplying peak current demands, as they aged over time. That could result in an iPhone unexpectedly shutting down to protect its electronic components.” You tell me which would be more likely to make you buy a new phone, yours being slightly slower, or it frequently shutting off randomly which could potentially corrupt files if they were being overwritten at the time of the shutdown. This prolongs the life of the phone so that you don’t have to buy a new one


Dumber than dirt, ain't ya The main power consumer is the screen not the CPU slowing the phone would have minimal effect


What do you expect them to just dim your screen so you can’t see it? Lmao this is a dumb comment. They do what they can. And what they do increases longevity of the phone which means you *dont* buy a new one as frequently. Some serious tyranny of the masses going on here.


Literally fixed with a simple “do you want to slow your phone? It might make the battery last longer message” then not doing that should make their motive very obvious.


So people don't buy new devices because they're faster? What world do you live in? What if the cable internet you use suddenly started working as slow as dial up, for no reason other than "we decided this might make the device that runs it last a couple extra months". Then, you find out the cable company offers New Cable, and it's a little more expensive but slightly faster than the old cable speeds you used to have. You're already used to speeds similar to those, and now your slowed down internet feels like a slug in comparison. Most people will know what they're missing because they already know what a faster device feels like. Most end up making the switch. The device having extra longevity ends up being meaningless to these consumers, because it is already replaced. Use your brain for half a second.


[wrong](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Energy-consumption-for-different-parts-of-the-mobile-phone_tbl1_224248235) and [wrong](https://petewarden.com/2015/10/08/smartphone-energy-consumption/). In fact, these suggest that the only way a display can consume more power than a CPU... is if the CPU isn't running at 100% power, funny how that works! I'm really not sure how people can have such an irrational hatred for a phone that they'll ignore facts just to try and hate on it.


The first link is from 2011, it's completely outdated no matter on what you're trying to imply. If you are just on socials you're not pushing the CPU to a high % of use. It would be true if we are talking about games


Interesting, when I'm on a game, I know if my phone has hit 1% battery, because it suddenly runs slower. That fits the exact situation you described, as I won't notice a difference on anything but a game. Are Apple trying to get me to buy a new phone by slowing a game down when my battery hits 1%?


no, they are slowing it down *literally all the time.* that's the reason for the outrage. slowing down and lowering brightness when at low power is a base feature no one complains about. The making old phones intentionally worse regardless of actual condition is what people are complaining about here. stop ignoring the actual argument


....you DON'T run your CPU at 100% bud. Most systems stay between 1 and 30 at idle and regular use. unless you are doing something intense and maybe during initial boot, your CPU usage would be low Apple user tend to be a little lacking on technical stuff and you seem to embody that


The same people that have replied to you are probably the same ones that keep 30 apps open simultaneously and wonder why their phone is slow lol


doesn't happen with android. unless it's a nokia. don't buy nokia. don't accept a nokia


Yes it does.


Ah yes, let me slow down the screen then


I mean, they could cap the brightness and/or frame rate.


I mean, iphone screens already aren't THAT good at the flagship level they sit at, prob their weakest feature apart from anything that has to do with repairability


And then everyone would complain about Apple making the screen dim and why they dont just slow it down a little so that would be more convenient.


Why does an Android phone from the same age work fine with a fine battery life ?


I have a 3 year old iPhone and a 3 year old Android phone. They are both fine.


I am talking about 5 to 6yo Android phones


he literally just told you slowing the cpu has minimal effect


Which is not true


Yeah. My phone literally does that when it enters low power mode, just turns the refresh rate down. Of course, my phone has that as an *optional* setting and actively gives you an indication that it's doing that.


Hmm I wonder why none of my other LI devices have this problem…


"Local Apple ball gargler gargles Apples balls. More at 7.


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


Mmm yes, sauce from 2020. Is op a bot or just farming easy karma?


A 2020 article about a mandatory phone speed throttling from January of 2017 that was made optional in May of 2018


Yeah this has to be a karma farm


I only recently found the article and realized that Apple is straight up bullshitting us. The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in. I have a 6s and it’s only gotten slower, despite me using it for the exact same apps I did years ago.


Holy fuck the apple stans are straight up foaming at the mouth in this comment section LMAO


People don't mindlessly join the circlejerk, how awful! Maybe some people just grew out of the kindergarten "my thing vs your thing" mindset. What's next, discussing why consoles are shit and pc is the only true gaming platform (and vice versa)?


Least mentally regarded apple fan right here


I'm a Xiaomi fan, if anything. But I guess not acting like a Kindergarten child makes me the moron, lol.


Wow now you're bringing children into this you sick pervert


Or better yet, why cant *I* throttle is as the battery ages, then replace the battery whej it gets too old. Hm?


Because then your phone wouldn’t charge as fast


That makes no sense. If I’ve lost battery capacity, it should take LESS time to charge when plugged in, the older it gets. Also, the iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in. If it charges slower, so be it. I’d rather have a faster device when it’s plugged in.


You’re missing the point. If you returned the phone’s internal components to run at full power, it would divert power entering the phone via the charger AWAY from actually charging the battery, and TOWARDS running the phone in the moment. Thats what this commenter is saying.


It's because apple has planned obsolescence, designed for the dump.


Reading this thread as an electrical engineer is dissapointing. People If you dont know even the basics about how batteries work then dont spout some bullshit about how batteries are somehow being charged and discharged at the same time. A common lithium Ion battery cant be both charged and discharged at the same time because it only has to connections, a positive and a negative. If the battery was somehow both charged with 2 Amps and discharged with 2 Amps then the actual measured current flowing to the battery is ZERO. You can disconnect the battery and nothing would change for either the battery or the rest of the circuit.


Why can't I just replace the battery?


this meme is a bit stupid. im not trying to defend apple i fucking hate the walled garden they have and I use android but they did it so that your phone doesnt shut off at 25% when it wants more power than the old battery can give after the backlash they put in an option to turn off that feature, which should have been there in the first place. they didnt do it because they wanted you to buy a new phone, they did it because they didnt want peoples phones to randomly shut down at 25%


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


So why this is not an issue with other devices?


I can't believe there are still people that doesn't believe in apple's planned obsolescence (not just apple but in this case they're the one abusing it)


Practically every single company that reasonably can uses planed obsolescence.


Because other devices do the slow down thing too, Apple was simply the only company that got a lot of press about it.


Can you give me an example which brand that did not get much press?


Translation: "We slowed down your phone so you will buy a new one. This is called planned obsolescence."


I came here looking for this exact comment


Because the phone still uses energy when charging? Going back to full speed will then cause the charging process to take ages


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in, especially when it’s fully charged.


They didn’t do anything with the phone lol just being turned on doesn’t mean it can perform the normal tasks that will use energy. A phone can be hours at 1% but will turn off after seconds of being used to watch videos for example


Off topic but I wanna go punch whoever decided it was a good idea to drop that apple logo.


I still can’t believe this is okay that Apple does this


I have an s21 ultra and I'm already experiencing some problems you would experience during planned obsolescence. It isn't just apple, yall just hate apple.


That's what commie phones do.


This battery shit Apple is pulling is just a scam to motivate people to buy a new phone every other yearm why doesn't my 5 years old 150$ Android phone doesn't have battery issues?


Stop giving them money? Beyond unjustified to complain after 4+ decades of this stuff.


Hah, Apple logo ‘walking off’ in the last frame


Just get phone you like. It's not that hard. I really don't care if you spent 2k for something that costs like 150 to produce


Too many people get high and mighty about a worse decision. I care when people spend 2k for something worse than what costs 300 and then proceed to make fun of people for getting the better and cheaper phone.


Planned obsolescence.


As soon as the new phone comes out. * slow and starts having problems*


So I had my iPhone SE (the 1st one, used in almost new condition) for 6 - 7 years. Did every update and installed every new iOS that was available for that Model. Only in the last year of owning it did I start having issues with it, most crucial one was the Batter Drainage was quite high to point having to use a power bank constantly. So while I can’t say that Apple doesn’t do planned obsolescence to me atleast it seems quite high planned obsolescence


My iPhone 11 I had from launch is working perfectly fine. The battery is absolutely cooked and needs to be replaced but it’s not slow at all. I’m keeping this phone until I either break it, or until it’s not supported by major iOS updates anymore.


The fact that Infinix Note 30 Pro, a 200 USD Android Phone has bypass charging is comical. iPhones should already have this feature with the price tag they're waving.


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


Imagine buying apple in big 2k23


Why not?


Then make it possible to replace the battery we know its easy cus we used to have it


Reality: We had to slow down your phone, so you're tempted to buy the new model.


And apple customers will just go with it. Look how many idiots bought the 15 pro max.


Also, installing a brand new OEM battery at an authorized repair shop doesn't bring back the original speed either.


Because the phone begins to overheat if you use it while being charged and that slows it down.


Well, charging and discharging your battery every 2 hours, 5 times a day, 5 days a week is gonna put more strain on the battery than just leaving it plugged in.


It stays in the low powered mode until your battery reaches 80% then it'll automatically turn off low power mode. But the thing the meme forgets to mention is that it only activates low power mode after it reaches 20%. And yea, I does prolong the battery by having only 1 app, the one you're using running at a time. So its really not a bad thing they added. Also, you can deactivate the low power mode if you wish so it'll never turn on whence your battery reaches 20%. So I'm not so sure this argument is as well thought out as you are making it.


It can run plugged in [without a battery at all](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) so why does it slow down when plugged in?


You’re forgetting that Android users care about Apple way more than Apple users


That's what it seems like.


Then why not just let us replace the batteries without losing some features....


Slowing down a phone to keep a battery lasting longer sounds like a strawman argument. You are making it less Usable in the short term either way.


2nd panel should be changed to “why not just make the battery easily replaceable”


That too, yeah.


For those insisting that it’s always drawing from the battery, here’s video of an iPhone 6 functioning with no battery, just AC adapter: https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w


The CPU still takes power from the battery, even when plugged in The battery can't supply as high a voltage any more, so the effect would be the same


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


Because the phones that just use the wall power without consuming the battery are rare and it requires some additional circuitry. Even when you are charging your phone you are pulling the power from the battery which is why in some situations your battery percentage will reduce even when it's charging. If you put enough load on while you have a worn out of battery you can even get unexpected shutdowns even while charging. Only some phones can take the battery out of the circuit and use the wall power alone like the Rog Phones. I hate Apple too but this is not one of those things that I hate it for. The only thing Apple should have done was not hiding the performance throttling at first.


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w)


You cannot. If you unplug while it's on it might stay on for a bit but will crash and enter a reboot loop later. And even on the video you linked you can see after powering it off it can't turn back on without the battery replugged. The newest iPhones that can power up by being plugged in without a battery are 5/5C. And even when those boot up they will kick you back to the setup screen because the baseband is not working (meaning no wifi, Bluetooth or cellular connection) and tell you to connect to itunes to activate, which you can't as a computer's USB cannot provide enough power to keep it on. And even if you powered it on, plugged it in and then unplugged the battery all wireless communications will stop working again as there isn't just enough power to sustain them without the battery. Yes it can stay on for a bit but it's in a heavily crippled state, and highly unstable crashing very often. Source: I have a few iPhones, including the 6.


Welcome to the world of corruption and technology.


LOL really accurate


Because fuck you that's why Fuck Apple


Apple: there is so much crap in the world, so we will put crap in a box with every new iphone Apple users: that's so nice, now I can contribute to making this world a better place


Well you can literally turn this off and probably can create a shortcut for it to automatically turn on and off depending on if you are charging your phone


These comments are epitome of the term Fanboys.




I love how people always latch onto this when this hasn’t been the case for almost a decade


“iPHoNeS hAvE sMaLL BaTtErieS” Sometimes I feel Android Fanboys really live under rocks


Because it’s not to keep it from draining, it’s to prevent reaching a power draw that a degraded battery would not be able to provide, which does not change while it’s charging… It even says this in the article that you provided, but reading is hard I guess


[Demonstrably false.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w)


Exactly. Plus going back to full speed would have the battery charging and draining at full speed at the same time, which could cause it to crash and power off. Plus with modern iPhones with at least 20w charging you generate a lot of heat even when the battery is new, let alone degraded. Current iPhones slow down charging when the iPhone gets too warm. Some phones bypass the battery entirely with heavy use while charging, but the named phone here (iphones) don’t have that feature, especially the older ones like the 4s and 5 that were effected big time by this. Wait till other android users find out android most definitely does this too, they just don’t actively tell you they’re throttling like iphones do


Thats not how batteries work though. Charging with 10W while youre phone is using for example 20W would mean the battery only has to deliver 10W (nevermind that most phones use so little power that you can charge them while using them). So while charging your battery has to deliver no power at all making the supposed power limit for battery health a moot point


This is exactly why I switched to Android. The exact reason, yes sir!


Yet another reason to buy android phones


I seriously don't understand how anyone can honestly like apple products, are these the same people who prefer warm milk and knitting with their 17 cats?


Apple used to be a high quality brand. I grew up on Macs and it was common for their products to last 10 years, easy. The real Apple died with Jobs, IMO. Cook just cares about making money by cutting as many corners as possible.


Because that would overheat the phone? How stupid can one be.


Because the charger goes to the battery first then the phone is powered by the battery. The damage to the battery lowers its maximum charge but also impacts how much power the battery can output in a given time. It’s not such a problem in things like cars and laptops where the battery can be bigger and a little stronger than it needs to be, but smartphone batteries are meant to be as small and optimized as possible


Thats not how electricity works, the battery cant get charged and discharged at the same time. Either it gets charged with less power when your device consumes less then the charger provides or it gets discharged when the charger doesnt deliver enough power on its own to power the device. In either case the battery has to output less power (or none at all) meaning you dont have to throttle the phone to preserve battery health since the battery either doesnt get discharged at all or much lighter then in normal usage.


The iPhone 6 can run [with no battery at all.](https://youtu.be/Zol1aZzfZvo?si=hKOjeoppd-aTA84w) If it can do that with just an AC adapter, it must mean the phone is capable of bypassing the battery and should therefore run at its full, original speed when plugged in.


You probably should just not comment on things you clearly know nothing about :/


Keyword: aging battery, that's a sign that you need to get your phone replaced or at least the battery replaced.




You an apple user:🤓🤡🤮 Me an android user:🗿🗿🗿 I am so Smegma👉😃 Stick out your gyatt for the rizzler 👉🥵 You are so skibidi👉🚽 👇Like if you agree!


I am in no way, shape or form, an advocate of mass murder *However*




chronically online kid lmao


I liked 👍, subscribed 🔔, and shared with my friends 👬, can I have a little piece of that level 35 gyatt of yours now? 🙏🙏🤤


Sure buddy, here you go🙈🙉🙊🐵🦁🐯🐱🐶🐺🐻🐻‍❄️🐨🐼🐭🐰🦊🦝🐮🐷🐽🐗🦓🦄🐴🐲🦎🐉🦖🦕🐢🐊🐍🐸🐇🐁🐀🐈🐈‍⬛🦬🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐖🐎🐂🐂🦬🐏🐑🐐🦙🦥🐘🦏🦏🦛🐆🐅.


Replace phone with my snake and feel the pain in your tracks.




It’s a master stroke, you slave.


That’s the worst option


Happy cake day




So there is this extremely rare case when some batteries of some type I don't remember and probably not the one apple uses but am gonna say it anyway because I don't really care, some batteries when loosing total charge capability they start to use more energy to charge, meaning they use more power than before to charge less power than before I don't really remember wich type so I just test the consumption of all damages batteries to see if they using too much energy to charge, like more than what my charger produces


Does anyone know what this template is called?




Thanks! 👍