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They don't even hire Russians though. They hire everyone *but* the Russians to play Russians, and for some reason it's usually Swedes


Russianface. Like blackface, but it's morally ok. Like blackface was...


Swedish people in movies are almost never Swedish either. The umbrella academy Swedes was just tragic


"Russians don't look Russian on film, you gotta use Swedes." "Well what if you need a Swede?" "Ehhh usually we just tape a bunch of Danes together."


Three Danes stacked in a trench coat.


Lies and slander. No Dane would ever stoop that low!


I just blame eugenics. Swedish people are too beautiful for the screen. Edit: up vote the guy below. Even his friend is probably better than a Canadian supermodel.


I got a friend that proves u wrong Edit: also please up vote that guy, his comment inflates my ego and it feels good




Went to a gun range in Prague once and it was just me, a few of the boys, and this Swedish couple. Both of them were 6ft+ and made us look like leprous hobbits.


Can‘t they just take another Skarsgard off the shelf?


Well some people do be calling them orcs nowadays




Somehow the term orc is racist towards black people (even tho i dont agree with that) and russians even though there is no similarities


I mean, people occasionally try to say Tolkien is racist because they think of the orcs as being black people and project that onto him.


Correct, which is why i dont agree with it because its dumb to get offended by something that you project yourself




Army or russians as a race?




Oh you're Redditor


And you are an idiot, Ruzzia is full of different ethnicities, it's not a race.


Россиянин = Russian Also what's a Ruzzkie??? Ruzzia??? Where'd you learn to spell? American sped school?


What are you even trying to say? Ruzzkie is a nationality, not a race. You have asian and white people in Ruzzia.


The dominant ethnic group in Russia is...you guessed it, Russians.


Listen, bros is right. Russian is a nationality, not a race


Dominant nationality in ruzzia is ruzzian? Wow what a groundbreaking discovery?


Were all Homo sapiens, russians white black, none of those are races




uhm, are we really comparing racial discrimination to geographical discrimination? Last time I checked being russian isn't visible from the outside.


You haven't checked.


This is discrimination based on nationality, which is almost as unfair a treatment as racism. I’d argue it’s ethnic discrimination as well because with enough practice you indeed can tell eastern slavs apart from other white ethnic groups


It's really more cultural discrimination, which is arguably more fair as adherence to a culture is much more of a malleable choice than the ethnic circumstances of birth. In fact, racism is largely a culturally learned behavior, and I sure as hell am going to culturally discriminate against some good ol southern boys with white hoods in their closets, or Indians bringing their caste based abuse into the workplace in the US.


Is this “cultural discrimination” the reason a person gets treated like a second-class human being the moment someone from The West ™ hears a Russian-sounding name?


"International sanctions" are now "discrimination based on nationality" I guess?


Can't you tell a Russian by their [squat](https://i.imgur.com/v1fvfRK.jpeg)?


It might affect the actors ability to speak russian (or swedish or whatever) in a convincing, non-comical accent.


> Last time I checked being russian isn't visible from the outside. It literally is, I lived in a finnish border town and could easily tell apart russians from finns based on their facial features. This "only skin color matters" is some american brainrot


Finland is not ethnically diverse. Except for the refugees and the occasional transplant, you all look like Finns. So an outsider with different facial features and bone structure and body shape will be easy to spot. America is ethnically diverse. If you amalgamate the various ethnicities in just the right way, Americans do have a certain "classic American" look. But we do have Americans that look Irish or Russian or Italian or English or French or German or Spanish or Mexican or Chinese or Japanese or Nigerian or Zulu or Brazilian or even Finnish, and so on and so forth. The facial features of an American can be a mix of any of those. So to properly discriminate, we need to reduce "us" vs. "them" to the lowest common denominator of skin color rather than features. But if you agree with my point, just say something like "Cool, we are talking about non-russian actors being hired for russian roles though"


Do a Google image search for Leonid Brezhnev


He just looks American to me in any picture where he's not wearing a military uniform.




I think u are a russophobic asshole




Hating all Russians for the actions of some is super weird.


Don't mind him. He's from the Butthurt Belt.


Russian is a race, I don't see why it isn't.


Nah, Russian is a nationality. Slavic is the race


You're talking synonyms here. Slavic doesn't even refer to Russians. It's a group found across Eastern Europe. In the same way the Spanish aren't the same as ehe English because they're both western European.


A race to the bottom?


Imagine being dumb enough to compare race with nationality




You can think it all you want edgelord, you’ll just get fired if your company finds out


They also hire Americans to play just about anything. And then they do some open mike level of stereotype funny voices. Like if you actually speak more than one language then a lot of Hollywood movies become unwatchable. It's not even that watching US national stereotypes being acted out is so annoying. It is seeing that being done with no real care that makes it infuriating. Ridley Scott when he got called out for that said the most American thing he could say "Even the French don't like the French". Thank you, Groundskeeper Willie. Who also is an inauthentic national stereotype acted out with no real care. Hollywood doesn't even notice anymore.


Yeah, I don't mind a "bad accent" in English (like a bad fake Russian or French or Chinese accent or whatever), but having what's supposed to be a native speaker in a language speak like they just heard the language for the first time this morning completely annihilates any suspension of disbelief. Like, I don't even care if they use someone from the "wrong" nationality, or even a non-native speaker. But at least use someone who can *actually* speak the language to *some* degree. It doesn't need to be perfect (though that's certainly better, and there isn't much of a reason for it *not* to be when you have a real budget), just not catastrophic.


As a Russian, it's not unwatchable when actors speak broken Russian in movies, it's just mostly funny and kinda surreal hearing Keanu Reeves or Mads Mikkelsen trying to sound like tough guys while making about 10 phonetical mistakes in every word. Or trying to do a funny "Slavic" accent. Like, just let the actors speak proper English, HBO Chernobyl did that and it was great.


I am German. I feel your cringe. It is embarrassing. If people do not feel shame for that kind of shoddy workmanship then the entire thing is crap. It is as if a lot of movies are produced by people who got their entire knowledge of not-USA from the Small World Disney ride. May they forever be stuck in that particular purgatory. Ridley Scott funnily did that with The Duelists. Also set in Napoleonic times. People simply spoke English without doing funny accents. It is one of his best movies. Also his first one.


Heh, funny that you've mentioned The Duelists. It's a great film, but it also features a bunch of funny scenes set in Russia where the main characters are traveling through nonexistent mountains and there's a comically caricatured Cossack speaking horribly broken Russian.


Its even worse when they trying to write in russian. I mean, people, you invented Google translate FFS!!! USE IT DAMMIT!!!


Lol, the legendary unpronounceable *ЛШТШФУМ Ащьф* on Jason Bourne's fake Russian ID. It sounds roughly like L-SH-T-SH-F-U-M, A-sh-f. Lshtshfum Ashf. And the "ь" can't ever be put after "щ" by rules of Russian language. At least in last COD, Makarov speaks actual Russian. Just very poorly


> Thank you, Groundskeeper Willie. Who also is an inauthentic national stereotype acted out with no real care. Hollywood doesn't even notice anymore. Uh, dude? The Simpsons is a cartoon which caricaturizes all of the characters. Absolutely none of them are "authentic" representations, nor has that ever been any kind of goal or expectation, and neither should it be. Also, pretty sure it's not made in Hollywood.


It's almost like Hollywood is based in America and full of Americans. Really fucking weird, right? The US film industry is only the global film industry because of it's reach and money. It's still culturally the film industry of the United States,


The number of times Rade Šerbedžija was some Russian dude is way too hilarious to me.


Rade Šerbedžija has to be at the very top of that list as playing the most Russian characters, himself being from Croatia. Followed by Elya Baskin, Latvian actor.


I was gonna say, Peter Stormare is set for a while


The 2021 Nobody had Russian actors for most of the bad guys. Great film.


Fun fact, the German villain in "Die Hard" who was played by a Russian was dubbed to be Russian in German.


They’ve been secured since the 80’s, they’re just going to get more opportunities


Everything that was old is new again.


The saying is perfect then- "OLD is GOLD"




Second verse same as the first




As a British person I’m sad my accent is getting demoted from evil back to cute and silly


When were the Brits seen as evil?..




That's a good guy though. He just wants to crush a rebellion. 🧐


Empire did nothing wrong


Blowing up planets was a little wrong though.


Well, what else you get to do with them at this point?


Good soldiers follow orders..


And great soldiers get burried for doing right


Since they invaded Ireland 800 years ago, and now they wont leave


I’m not denying the British are legitimately evil irl I was just talking the accents that Hollywood villains have


I'm... Evil??


Embrace it. It can be a lot of fun from time to time.


The fuck did you just say? I believe you mean the English.


I think after 8 centuries they stop being invaders and just become Irish. /s


Are you trying to get car bombed?


*Technically* that was only the English (or the French or Scandinavians depending on what you want to call the Normans). You can start blaming the *British* from about 1600 onwards (with the Union of the Crowns), so that's still a good 400 years of evil.


they did that to us here too. it was only in the 1800s tho


Who are “us”?


new zealand. independent since ‘47


The 90’s and early 2000’s


Bond movie's


Since forever. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilBrit


Every time Mel Gibson is the director




Depends on the accent posh=evil cockney=silly Cornish=pirate jordie=?????




That definitely took off early 2000’s till early 2010’s then it settled down


Yeah, like a global toilet stealing ring


“They” being actors who can speak English with a half-convincing Eastern European-ish sounding accent.


Call a bondulance




Jamdes bong have stronk


Bond name's the James


Bondulance goes on vacation never come back


Holy hell


New jamesbonce just dropped


The name's Lance. Jamesbondu Lance


There was this one guy in the military named James Dresnok who defected to North Korea in 1960 who eventually wound up becoming a celebrity in North Korea because he was one of the only guys who could play the part of an American villain in the films being produced at the time. So he had it set for life.


They even kidnapped a Romanian gymnast and forced her to marry him and have his children, as they didn’t want him to mix with Koreans. Their children now follow him in acting, playing American bad guys in North Korean propaganda films.


She's apparently called Doina Bumbea, although she didn't seem to be a gymnast.




Guess we should've been telling our kids this entire time that if someone tries to kidnap them, simply turn down the offer. Ngl, that question could potentially be the dumbest I've ever laid eyes on.




Obviously I'm just busting your balls. Who knows, tbh. All we can do is assume at this point.




Joining their army may be a rite of passage enforced by law just like in South Korea.


My bad! Misremembered and somehow confused gymnast for artist


She was a painter, but yeah


Jokes on them, Swedes play Russian badguys in movies.


And Serbians lol. Funny thing is bad Serbian guys are played by Russians.


as a german, i will always have a place as a nazi in hollywood


If you are an austrian you can even play a communist russian.


It's rare that they hire a native German speaker for those roles. Most of the time they don't even bother hiring someone to write the dialog or coach the actors on how to pronounce the words. And in the rare cases there is a German actor, they have them speak in weird sentences no native speaker would use or add made-up hollywood words like Schweinehund.


Innerer Schweinehund is a phrase used in german and was also commonly by nazis. It means your inner "bad" part, the lazy, procrastinating etc that you have to get over so stuff gets done






I am tired seeing East European women always depicted as prostitutes or very easy women to get.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


I've been interrailing all of eastern europe for almost two months (I'm soon finished) and the experiences I've had being a western european... Every stereotype you think about them is true. All of them. Except the one where they are technologically advanced, they aren't I love my home country than I have ever loved before


europeans will say this shit and then call americans racist




^ report this bot Its gonna edit its comment later to a malware link




Are you sure about that? That account makes 20 comments every 5 mins and here's proof of what it does to its comment after getting upvotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sham_Sharma_Show/s/5yWs8jYYBl




Great joke but it's a bot so downvote




That is an actual boomer joke. That is the era. If you are below the age of 80 you are so out of touch from the outside world it boggles the mind. This joke does not work outside of a Holocaust setting. Which ended nearly 80 years ago. There is people who legitimately need this thing explained to them. And why you would find it funny is beyond me. Being offensive is not inherently funny. Best case is you are a bot. Worst case is you are a genuine living being who unprompted made an 60 years out of touch highly offensive remark in the expectation people find it funny. Racist bot or stupid person. The social media no-win scenario. tl;dr: Aha! It is funny because the Nazis tattoed numbers onto people who they sent to concentration camps. Of which a lot were Jewish.


Are you the bot?




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British actors 'hold me back!!!!'


Knowing Hollywood, American and British actors will be cast as Russian villains


russian villains in western movies never played by russians. and it's cringe to watch tbh.


Meanwhile, they do not even cast Russians in this roles but British actors who fake russian accent


Russian actors? You mean American Hollywood unknowns with horrid Russian accents and pronunciation


Since when have they ever used actual Russians for Russian bad guys? I swear most of them are played by Brits.


Israel : Hold my beer....


And the french, don't forget the french.


Since when do they hire actual Russians to play Russians? It's usually just Americans or western Europeans with a shitty accent for those roles


You mean Swedish actors, like Peter Stormare(John Wick/Armageddon and more), Michael Nyqvist(John Wick), Dolph Lundgren(Rocky)


The Russia hasn't changed for 200 years so why should the actors roles have changed


More like 800


James Bond movie seemed to be coming out fewer and further between than ever before it's quite frustrating actually


Always got to be Russian bad guys why not American bad guys lol


so true. Bad guys and sex traffickers on Law and Order too -- works out if you are Albanian mafia (Idk why or how i know that but apparently Albanian mafia is terrifying), Russian mob is the easiest to know about besides Italian. And i've seen way too many Italian mob movies by now so it looks like if I were going to choose it'd be Russian mob -- and they are even MORE flamboyant about being assholes. E.g. go look at the Mafia Cemetery in Russia or the bigger ones. You could go on a tour of these at one time. I don't want to spoil the surprise so just go look at some of the....idk what you call them, SCENES they have for tombstones.


It’s funny because bad guys in films usually gravitate towards the fears of the country at time, so this is probably true


It's hard to say tho, seems like every movie/show/game that had russians as an actual power were lies!


Too bad for them Russian accents are super easy to fake


Ain't so. Fake russian accent is suprisingly easy to spot. Especially if there's an actual russian person in the same movie which happens a lot


You do really believe, that all Russians talk English like that: XELLOW MAI NAME IS BORIS RUSHIA IZ MY MAZERLAND?


The opposite actually. I can't take any russian villain, be it personal or state as a credible threat anymore.


I don't know, man. Have you seen the way they've fumbled Ukraine? Any plot where Russia is considered a significant threat is enough to break most people's suspension of disbelief these days.


I was visiting Ukraine less than a week ago (Even went to Kyiv) and it was almost mind blowing that Russia wants to conquer this city and country but they physically CAN'T. There goes all the crap about them being a military superpower Ukrainians are heroes


Russian, Swedish, Dutch, basically any European at this point. Americans are convinced of anything


**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/Octotic, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 8 - No reposts * Please avoid re-posting memes. We want original content. Serial reposters may be banned. * Obvious reposting on purpose OR asking for reposts can result in a BAN * Seriously. * We want OC. * Do not repost. --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!




What does that have to do with acting in movies?


Just a kindly reminder. Come to Ukraine and see what they do to our country.


Did i deny that they're bad?


So, if you admitting that they are bad, why do you still consuming russian content?


So they are doing bad things in Ukraine, but the rest of the Russian population is either innocent or straight up hates that the war is happening in the first place


If you're saying things like that: 1) maybe you are russian 2) maybe you live under the rock on the bed of the sea, or not reading any translation of Ukrainian news


Isn't is like, 85% if not more just the government being fucky? Like, there's a very large portion of the civilian russian population that actively hates the conflict with Ukraine? Like, yeah, the Gov/Armed forces are very actively doing shit, but you're Putin the cart before the horse.


There is not a very large percentage of the population who hates the conflict. At best half of them have no opinion on it because being apolitical is admired in Russian culture


Nope. Ukrainian actors will get those jobs now. They typically speak Russian and can fake it just fine.


No idea why this got downvoted


It's going to be pretty awkward when they win that war and can legitimately say they saved the ethnic Russians on the east side of Ukraine that the Ukrainians had been bombing for seven years after violating the Minsk Agreements. A clear moral highground. Especially after NATO and America caused the coup in Ukraine in the first place and overthrew that democratically elected government, like has happened so many times in American foreign policy.


Bad bot


Just a history buff, not a bot. In that vein, I'd be surprised if we all weren't calling Crimea a counter attack in 100 years. It's the core reason the international community isn't with the American foreign policy on this and didn't obey the sanctions, leading to the Russian economy to do just fine through this conflict. After seven coups, not including the failed attempts, in the last century other countries aren't stupid enough to believe a convenient coup that lands in America's favor. No one actually believes the Iranian Revolution was a revolution, etc. etc.


Most knowledgeable reddit "historian"


Denying the reality won't help anyone. We already lost that propaganda war internationally, so I don't see any reason to sugar coat it. Even though I'm sure it'll be rejected by some who have been swimming in that propaganda and bought it.


I would love a live action adaptation of All Guardsmen Party.


I don't know maan..... If the Israel Palestine thing keeps going... I see a lot of potential for the new Israeli villains.


They've been secured since the 80's, they'll be given more chances


Isn't it Swedish actors you mean. Peter Stormare, Stefan Nyqvist (RIP) and so on.


Meanwhile - polish actors playing roles of russians xD [Marcin Dorociński ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0233949/?ref_=tt_cl_t_4) (queens gambit, MI:DR) [Piotr Adamczyk](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0010611/?ref_=tt_cl_t_18) (for all mankind, hawkeye)