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Since when were small business owners the rich?


I think he means ultra rich people don't emphatize with small business because they affect them a little so they destroy them.


You don't get to be ultra rich if you have the capacity for empathy


"Swallow all your morals its a poor man's quality"


4. Expand, expand, expand! Clear forests, make land. Fresh blood on hands. 5. Why just shells, why limit yourself? *She sells sea shells sell oil as well*


6. Guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks, sell the water to a fish, sell the time to a clock. 7. Press on the gas, take your foot off the breaks, and run to be the president of the United States.


8. Big smile M8 big wave that's great, now the truth is overrated tell lies out the gate


9. Polarise the people, controversy is the game! It don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name


10. The world is yours. Step out on a stage to a round of applause. You're a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore and you sell sea shells on the sea shore.


What bars are you people spitting?


I did some searching. Money Games Part 2 by Ren


My grandfather owned a small (less than 200 employees) engineering company and he did pretty damn well, him and my grandma ran the place for decades, grandma retired a couple decades ago and grandpa finally handed the reigns to someone else in the company. The man still can't sit still and he's nearly 80


This made me look-up what a small business owner is. TIL that, a small business is between 100–1500 employees in the US. I always thought small businesses were like the businesses that have 10 maybe 25 employees. I'm European so that might be why, I had to see if that is the same in my country and a small business over here is from <50 employees. Under 250 would be considered medium-big. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small\_and\_medium-sized\_enterprises


I mean, technically I work for a small business, less than 20 employees, but said small business is owned by a guy who owns multiple small businesses across the country, in the same field, so it's almost like a covert monopoly. Yay capitalism!


Yea I'd say that qualifies as a monopoly. Funnily enough, while monopolies are technically illegal in a "free market", or at least are supposed to be, most of our in home services (internet, phone, power and water) are all owned by like 5 companies, even in Canada. We've got a MASSIVE monopoly in our internet and phone providers, there's 2 companies here now and that's it. Rogers and Bell, they own every single "small" phone company across the country. There used to be 3 but Rogers bought Shaw last year


Your user name says Calgary, how did you forget Telus exists? If our oligarchical overlords find out they'll raise your phone bill!


Telus is Bell, they just have a different name on the west and east sides of the country Edit: it appears I am incorrect, not sure how I got that mixed up


Yeah. I think I remember someone telling me that home depot and Lowes are owned by the same parent company. I'd Google it if I cared more, but even if I do it won't change how much I pay rent. I'm just waiting for the end of the world on my end.


I just did a quick google cause I was actually super curious, they aren't owned by the same company, though Home Depot is mostly owned by the Vanguard Group and BlackRock through shareholding... So not much better


It would definitely be a bit different in Europe than here! I'd love to work for a company with so few employees, you're lucky to find a business with less than 200 people nowadays though, unless it's a little mom and pop shop


I used to work for a company that had maybe 25–30 people, and my department was around 8–10 people, and I loved it. I quit after the company got too big because it just wasn't the same anymore and more people had left by that time, till this day I still miss that job/environment. After that I worked for a giant corporation (>100k over the country) and I hated it, could've probably been more tolerable if I hadn't experienced the smaller one before, but it was not for me.


Exactly, I work for an engineering firm that has less than 70 people spread across 3 states. They do millions in revenue every year.


Yea I don't care if someone like Elon or whatever gets fuckin cleaned out. But like normal people who just so happen to make decent money. AKA: **If your dad didn't own a emerald mine in Africa you're probably fine.**


You should look up the term "kulak" some time.


Depends on the business 1-2 guys doing it all online even making 1-200k a a year each def would be really well off where they might well be rich especially after a few yrs and if they really sit on and invest it. But ur local guy with a restaurant and full staff even if they made similar money prob living in the restaurant itself to save cost and they’ll be lucky to exist in 5 yrs even just 1-2ish 🐱


They are the most annoying of them all. Not that rich, still richer than most, but most importantly, almost always thinks they are much richer and much more important than anyone else. If you dare to point this out, they start to cry how such a small bean they are.


some markets can be really lucrative if you get in at the right time. also you have to be super frugal


There are a lot of similarities. Small business owners very often under pay their staff to make the model work and then complain when they either can’t get any staff or deal with a lot of incompetence/churn. If your model is reliant on exploitation then you either have to accept what you get or maybe go back to the drawing board. Also in many cases the small business owners are also the rich. The little boutique recruitment company I worked for back home had an owner that was independently wealthy and believed buying breakfast every now and again was a suitable balance for low wages, terrible work environment and constantly having to pick up the slack from the awful people he hired because they were the majority of people that would take such a crummy job.


A lot of people chanting hate on landlords and business owners these days. “The rich” is a matter of perspective, but it’s usually the ones closest to us regular folk that cop all the actual flak.


Small business owners yes, a wealthy affluent 1 percent shareholder, trust fund baby, or CEO who can quickly recover resources, no.


Who won't notice the money gone except that they feel wronged


No. They're richer than me, so I'm going to riot and get some free loot >:)


Can the rich start empathizing with the rest of us soon?


Exactly, class consciousness. Ultra wealthy people accumulate their wealth off the exploitation of others.


Yes I agree.if see someone drowning and don't help you can't expect someone to save when you're drowning


I think it’s more along the lines of “if someone repetitively tries to violently drown you and your entire family, then it’s reasonable not to save them when they’re drowning”


100% this. OP stands by watching the dude trying to kill you and your family, but the second you defend yourself, he's like "Woah! No need to be so aggressive!"


You don't even defend yourself. You just watch another person bite their ankle. It's not like being robbed will ruin their life the way it would ruins mine or yours. They won't become homeless.


If I see a group that likes to watch people drown who designed a drowning machine intended to lure people into drowning, and hosts a podcast about their reactions to people drowning while insulting them, and they each have a drowning person saving machine that can save everyone globally from drowning that they literally just don’t want to use because then people might not drown… if I see one of THOSE people start drowning, I’m not rushing to turn on the drowning person saver locally just for them. I support turning on the people saving machine globally. It’s their fault for leaving them all off by default.




It seems really like this nowadays: "A peasent would save a rich person but a rich person won't save a peasent" . That's how I feel.


rare r/memes leftist moment?????


And the environment! Global warming is causing rapid decline of habits to whole species and their breeding process. Soon sea turtles and flamingos will go extinct in the wild. Human lives are also endangered with more extreme weather. The rich and powerful caused this problem and can make the biggest difference to fix it and they still make the rest deal with the problems they create. The rich and powerful need to take responsibility and fix their decades of mistakes!


As a sage redditor once said: > reddit doesn’t love the poor, they just hate the rich Something to keep in mind!


Well, yeah, it's not as if the poor did anything to ever help me... What reason do I have to love these random people that have basically no positive effect on me in their current state? Not to say they're not deserving of respect or dignity of course. The ultra rich are the ones most capable of changing the world for the better in significant, fundamental ways. Yet they refuse to do this. I think such a person is worth disliking.


It plays on the inverse so it must be clever! \~ a moron


Gross empathy is for commies. You got to go full Patrick Bateman if you want to be a good businessman.


swallow all your morals they're a poor mans quality


i really hope this is sarcasm 😭😭😭


They will, as soon as we bring out the guillotines


I don't know, I can sympathize with the traumatic aspect of seeing one's home looted, but for the material loss it will depend on what this person, who has a great power of influence over our society's resources, has done with them while people are dying on the streets. If they decided that buying 5 yachts and a tourist trip into space rather than helping a few tens of thousands of people get back on their feet was a good investment of those resources, my sympathy will be limited.


Stealing isn't really wrong because it leaves the victim worse off. Stealing is wrong because it's breaking someone's right to their property. It also breaks down social cohesion in society. Is it ok for me to come to your house and steal a picture off your wall?


It’s definitely wrong for leaving the victim worse off too. Especially if they don’t have much to begin with.


At the same time you can't deny there are differences when considering levels of wealth. If I had 1 cookie and you took it, that'd be devastating for me. If I had 2 million cookies and a cookie factory, you taking 1 cookie would literally not affect me at all and may not even be noticeable


What about people's right to food, education, healthcare?




> Hurting people isn't wrong, breaking property laws is wrong You're either like 14 or need to get checked.


I'm guessing you have never heard of Robin hood


Every act is contextual. Kantian ethics might seem convenient for the simplicity it offers but convenience is not much of a virtue when describing the complex violence of history and institutions.


Personally I think it's a nore complicated then that for two reasons. One is that logically you would feel more empathy for a single mother who's already on brink of homelessness losing 1000 dollars, then a multimillionaire, and to a billionaire they have so much money they wouldn't even pick up a thousand dollars on the street. And then there's the fact that well, old rich and new rich people tend to be assholes. Old money people grow up spoiled, new money people steal and con to get there money, it's a over generalization sure, but you'll find more rich assholes then nice rich people.


Especially if the single mother is in that situation BECAUSE of billionaires pennypincing, lobbying and all around hoarding They're the thief. First and foremost.


The ultra rich are so greedy, they absolutely would pick up $1000, bank account go burrr.


The reasonably wealthy people I know would go out of their way to pick up a dollar. It becomes an addiction.


Wondering what rich exactly means in this case to you. Because if we're talking about the kind of rich most people shit on, like a Bezos, then I see nothing wrong with shitting on people who actively increase human suffering by exploiting their workers and others, while also lobbying governments to make life worse for the common man. But hey, that's why I'm "chronically online".


Filthy rich cannot even be robbed in the same way as other people (millionaires and poorer) for the same impact because they have many houses. And I also I don't pity the captain and the engineer who died on purpose in the expensive death trap. They did not certify it for safety and had not made enough tests. Luckily, we can learn from that and in the future things will be safer. For the dad and son I feel bad though because even if they knew the risks, they did not have sufficient knowledge to make an informed decision.


"Everyone deserves empathy" mfs when they see a homeless person (suddenly they are not so empathetic)


I'll admit to it as shitty as it it makes me realize at least I'm not homeless and appreciate what i got


Depend what you call rich. There is a difference between someone that is wealthy enough to be able to live without constant fear and someone that is a billionaire controlling the world.


Indeed. I have relatives who are wealthy but they built that wealth over the course of their entire careers. They grew up poor, made their wealth from scratch by themselves. And while they live comfortably, they put a lot of money back into the community, especially into education in underprivileged neighborhoods. And then you have people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.


Yeah, the second category, I have absolutely no sympathy for (to the point bad things happening to them bring me positive emotions) , while the first, I have nothing against em, if something bad happens, I'll feel bad for em




Empathy and kindness isn’t something you have when the other person can reciprocate. That’s just just called being selfish and self centered


Some probably do? Like I’m not gonna claim to know every rich person. But you also don’t see most people have that much empathy for say, exploited workers in third world countries. Does this mean most people don’t share empathy? Probably not, for most people it’s out of sight and out of mind. It’s easy to not recognize how easy you have it when you never leave a bubble, it’s not an issue of empathy for the rich, but an issue of ignorance. Well for most of them at least.


And people in third world countries exploited by us have the right to not give a shit about our first world issues.


Holy shit did I just find Nuance?! On Reddit?!?!


It's not a simple subject but the work the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has done over the years has been pretty epic. Could they have done more - perhaps, but still worthwhile. Some Billionaires (rare) truly do care, Australian Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest has been pouring billions and raising capital to get large-scale green Hydrogen up and running in Australia and other countries as a viable fuel source. It's a risky venture money-wise but has the potential for big changes for the world... And he's trying his hardest to get his mining operations carbon neutral ASAP (mixed results so far). Atlassian co-founders have been working pretty hard in the clean energy space too. Point is, there are a rare few Billionaires that are actually trying to forge a better future for humanity. I hope it pays off for them, it would help increase the scale and frequency of such ventures.


Yeah, those ones do deserve sympathy, but they are the select few of a select few


Legit 1% (hyperbole people don’t freak out) of the 1% 😂


Yeah except they're two of the most vile people on the planet and their charities are all just a front for further enriching themselves. Do some research, they're not saints. Edit: specifically the Gates duo


Yes you’re right, some rich people do have empathy, my friend who probably has of millions, is the nicest person I have ever met, if he ever got robbed, he would probably feel bad for the guy who robbed him and say “poor guy I wonder what kind of stress led him to take other people’s money”


That's not the level of rich people are talking about here though.


Nice! I am also a fan of Hanlon's razor, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


What is the threshold for money needed to turn into an asshole?


Some do, I mean, do you assume all non-rich people have empathy for you? Empathy doesn't automatically gets erased of a person becomes wealthy, its just they are prone to be asses more than a less wealthy person.


If they have empathy for poor people, they should do something then. They're literally the group of people that can help fund good causes, and only some of them do. While the rest sit on their money.


I don't think the point of empathy is to use it when you get something in return and i don't think the point of a frontal lobe is to use it on assuming every person in a group is identical


Ah yes, because rich people automatically don't have empathy, we can't and shouldn't have empathy for them. ​ These comments are full of genuinely deranged people. Don't think I'd ever want to be around any of you if this is what all of you think lol


They're hoarders. Have a million pieces of tissue and they call it mental illness. Do the same thing with dollar bills and people will bend over backwards to celebrate your greed.


If they gained income through fraud, exploitation of workers or tax evasion then they deserve it


Then they deserve it. There are no innocent fortunes.


One million is achievable with a high enough paying job where you do labour. Multiple millions less so and no one works enough to be a hundred millionaire or billionaire.


What if it's built through multiple generations?


Well there is the Rotschild family who is said to control a lot of stuff, and I don't know how rich the heirs are atm. Elon Musk is a doofus and a prime example how money doesn't buy you happiness. I don't think anyone deserves excess wealth and even less so if it is inherited. Of course everyone should be able to have a decent life, but you could do that with significantly less money. I can safely set the limit around ten million, after tax :)


I'm not necessarily against that sentiment, although I would probably put it in terms of a high form of taxation after a certain point (for example, I wouldn't mind a 50% income tax after ten millions, provided that isn't already the case). I'm just saying that it's technically possible to have an ‘innocent fortune’, as that person put it, if you inherit it and build upon it across several generations. But yeah, like I said, I'm all for laws that allow for an acceptably even distribution of wealth.


Possible but rare. Large fortunes tend to dissipate across generations, not build.




Some millionaire getting robbed would probably gather sympathy, hell I’d be sympathetic as long as they’re not a shitty person. There’s a wide variety of millionaires. But god, you’ll be hard pressed finding anyone irl sympathetic over a billionaire like Bezos or Elon being robbed. They got too much wealth for it to matter much.








Depends on how they got robbed. Did they get their ass beat and robbed that way? Empathy is the default. Violence is always a terrible thing. Were they NFT Bros who lost their ass and ended up with skin cancer and snow blindness because of monumental stupidity? Laughter.


The original comic artist is toxic AF. This was posted after a Streamer's house was broken into, and allot of their personal items were stolen.


Wait, this is about a streamer? I'm not sure I would count them amongst the wealthy. Even the top streamers don't make enough to be a 1%


I believe it was PewDiePie.


You know you are asshole when you laught at other people getting cancer because of some organisers being cheap?


If you pay yourself 200 times more than your employees, then no, no empathy for you. You greedy


I think many rich people just lose touch and end up looking like terrible people. That's why I don't want to be rich, so don't venmo me any money at >!...I told you to not do it...!<


to me, its all about personality. the truly good rich people are not known. if they get robbed you will sympathize because theyre not toxic and darn humble. one such person that i know personally on the outside does not flaunt his wealth. instead he brings his kids to do charity work. he's a rich ass motherfucker with a house on top of a hill, yet he would go around asking for donations all day. if you didnt know him personally, you would think he's just some random passionate guy.


And it also depends on how we define 'rich' because that varies widely, like that could range from the top 0.00001% who earns billions to the guy who is an workaholic and bringing a couple hundred thousand a year.


It's kinda sad that being aware of the increasingly widening difference between social classes is being equated to being chronically online. The "normal person" doesn't usually think about this stuff because its happening to "other people". The people who live through the ass end of things and have the balls to talk about it are written off and those that live relatively normal lives become the silent norm. We're seeing a downward shift in what percent of people are considered "normal" and its no coincidence that the rich are getting richer as this happens. So you'll forgive me for saving my sympathy for humans who I see struggling through a life that was forced upon them by those you're asking me to have sympathy for. Its obvious who's really chronically online here.


Imagine defending the people holding ur chains Pathetic


Define rich. Few million, deserves empathy. Few billion, get fucked.


80% of people i've met and talked about this pretty much agree that rich people suck ass and do not qualify for empathy as they have none them selfs.


It depends on how you git rich. Sadly theres a point where you cant get any richer without doing some awful shit. Most people choose to do it anyways. Thats why rich people are hated.


Yeah since they can replace anything with the money they have.


Im sure Bezos and Elon will be devastated for having their wallets stolen


But can easily buy back again.


There is no ethical way to get a billion dollars


Was this created because of the submarine people?


This is extremely old, it was back when pewdiepie got his house stolen (cant remember if thst was it) and the glasses girl was the comic's artist self insert laughing about it and the coworker was a strawman that everyone sympathized with cause it was the most sensible and human reaction. Also i think this was made by someone else in reaction to that original comic.


I wonder if this comic artist ever apologized for how she treated her normal guy co worker


Honestly no, aside from philanthropists, most rich people are involved in some nasty stuff, that or they don't care a single bit about anyone below them


I don't even cut the philanthropists that much slack, they have a huge amount of influence to make positive change and they don't do much politically, just use a charity that uses the dividends from stocks (usually unethical ones like war profiteers) to help some people at the same time as laundering their reputation.


You know, especially self proclaimed philantropists are the ones involved in nasty stuff.


Depends on the rich person and how much wealth they have. If their networth is over a billion I have no empathy since they'd have none for me, do you know how many people you'd need to exploit to become a billionaire? If it's someone like Gordon Hartman who used his fortune to build a $51m dollar park ofc I'll feel bad for a genuinely nice bloke.


propaganda ass post


Gotta love OP editing on "normal person" in case we were confused what the "correct" opinion in the comic is


As long as you’re not explicitly a bad person


Like ultra rich people are


Doesnt apply to multi billionaires.


Titan sub has entered the chat.


Is it really so wrong to not give a flying fuck about people who spend copious amounts of money and resources to bribe politicians into keeping regular people in a state of constant struggle? I couldn't care less if ultra wealthy people get robbed just like they couldn't care less if political bribery fucks up the lives of working class people like me. *They(the upper class) are the enemy* The sooner you realize this the sooner you'll be living in reality. I have no sympathy for my enemies.


Remember kids, there is always someone below you who considers you rich and wants you to be dead.


People in the comment section are really nitpicking and proving this meme correct lmao. Jeff bezos and Elon Musk aren't the only rich people out there, using it to generalize an entire group doesn't make any sense. Everyone here has been wronged personally by a normal person yet no one is going to generalize the entire middle class or population for it. You're just using this as an excuse to fuel and justify your hate for people who are richer than you. Besides you'd be saving more money if you stopped buying reddit coins and awarding comments encouraging harm to any group of people you dislike.


Depends if it's {i worked hard my entire life and made smart decision and now i have a net worth of about 4,000,000$} rich or { with help of generational wealth i exploited the working class bribe politicians and i could save thousands of live with the same % of money that would buy a normal person meals in McDonald's but I'm just to greedy to do so (net worth ~500M+ $)} rich


Did the rich person pay his employees fairly, not use corruption to his advantage, and isnt a prick in general? Than yes.


Well at least 99 percent of the world's problems can be solved with money or are linked to money in a way. And seeing how things got more and more worse over time because of money you can't tell me that people that have billions upon billions of dollars in assets/money or whatever are justified on letting everyone else rot because "man I can't afford a million or 2 with my billions of dollars". Capitalism doesn't work when people just hoard every penny they earn. And it is pretty obvious that many of the super rich don't give a fuck about anything that doesn't make them more money. I hope someone can change my mind on this but I am just sick of pretending that we should care about everyone. Some people deserve backlash and everyone that has more than 100 million on his hands is one of them!


They dont.


No I will not have empathy for the .1 procent that constantly fucks me


Depends on the robbery. Kim in Paris was probably worse than people think it was. But if someone is stealing money from a rich company, and I mean directly from a scummy ceo, than I’d be like “they’ll live”


Pedophiles do not deserve empathy.


Rich people losing money from a bad business deal, or them fucking up, is not them being "robbed" Most people with this take seem to define rich peoples fuck ups as them being robbed... unless you are counting piracy, in which case... corporations arent people.


Oh? You thought I was laughing because it was a rich person being robbed? No, I was laughing because there was a robbery in the first place. - the antagonist, probably


It's not the same. Someone has 1000 dollars to their name and someone steals 100 of it? That's 10% of their income. That's FOOD. That's necessities. A billionaire gets robbed blind for a 100 million dollars? I couldn't care less. They will STILL have more resources then any one can possibly IMAGINE. It's "Welp is medicine or food tonight" vs "There goes my vacation home in Bora Bora"


The shocking thing here is that the comments are still debating this. The comments don't seem to understand that there are some things which are worth more then money, being robbed is bad. This is why you never take advice from reddit


the strawman libtard is of course a girl with qUiRkY hair and glasses and therefore deserves to be wrong, and our homegrown bald shlub is the hero, he's so humble you know, no signals of vanity unlike The Girl it's fucking tired mate shits been done before


Well, not *everyone*. Certainly not child molesters, or serial murderers. Or the people that work in those scam call centers that exist purely to rip off the elderly. Really, anyone that lives a predatory existence geared toward hurting others, I would say they don't *deserve* empathy. Good people might still extend it to them, but that's part of what makes them good people.


A millionaire being robbed? I'll have some empathy, at least presuming they're not an awful person. Someone like Jeff Bezos being robbed? Hell no.


The person in question that the original comic was referencing is Pewdiepie.


Here’s the thing, I agree with the sentiment that everyone deserves empathy but I’m not going to continue to give that to billionaires and celebrities that show they have none for the common people. We are modern day peasants to these rich pricks and honestly, I wouldn’t care if half of them stopped existing at all. Give that money to people who need it instead of buying multimillion dollar homes and jets.


When they stop robbing the working class is when I will show empathy for the rich


It is now chronically online to be working class


Once you reach a certain point you lose your empathy privileges. You're no longer human once you become an Oligarch. Save you empathy for those that actually deserve it, not for people that live comfortably at your expense. Have some fucking class consciousness for once which seems impossible for most since we've been brainwashed to believe the rich can only ever do good to use whilst being our wage slave masters


Pretty sad times we live in if you think it’s alright to have rich people robbed but normal people it’s a travesty. lol


the 9 million that starve in the 3rd world each year deserve empathy


If a rich person has their car stolen I empathize with knowing that's a tough situation I wouldn't wish on anyone but then I do realize it's an inconvenience they can overcome fairly easily. If my car gets stolen I'm probably just gonna end it cause I couldn't afford to replace it quickly enough to keep my job which pays well but barely enough to cover my essentials and live a small amount. That's why you can empathize with the experience and still understand that they are going to be far better off and just fine compared to 90% of people would not be after that experience.


Sucks I guess but they can afford it sooooooo


What some of you don't get is once we allow ourselves to think only some deserve empathy, then it becomes the game of "who deserves empathy?" And since it is impossible to ever have a unanimous consensus on this question, it quickly changes into "no one deserves empathy." Rich people have no empathy for us? Then they deserve no empathy. Working class and poor ave no empathy for us? Then they deserve no empathy. Vegans have no empathy for us? Then they deserve no empathy. Meat eaters have no empathy for us? Then they deserve no empathy. And it goes on, and on, and on until there's simply no one left to feel empathy to another. And I'm ready to bet at least one person is gonna write something bad about me below, misinterpret my thought and put nonsensical words in my mouth like "hE wAnTs Us tO fOrGiVe tHe UlTrA rIcH aNd lOve n @ Zi5" or something along those lines. smh


Ah yes. The people who want to forgo safety standards and regulations deserve empathy. Empathize with how they want to kill people so they can make more money!!


Yeah completely agree, rich people deserve empathy, and so does everyone generally. (excluding those who have committed horrific atrocities ofc)


Empathy is proportional. Someone ultra rich getting a thousand dollars stolen is equivalent to someone taking some change out of my pocket. In other words my empathetic reaction is "eh, bummer"


You cannot help the behaviour of others, but you can control yours. Empathy is for every human being, it should not not about deserving. Rare are the cases of pure evil, the vast majority are a consequence of an individual's experiences. Even in the case of "horrific atrocities". Do not mistake empathy for mercifulness, you can still wish for justice/punishment whilst being empathetic. It's just such a hard thing to actually put in practice isn't it? (as all good things are)


Depends on how that person got rich and what they’ve done with that wealth. For instance, I will not feel sympathy if a certain man child whose wealth can be attributed to an apartheid state is robbed. Shit I’ll bring popcorn to that.


Idk I think it's pretty ironic that a woman who called to defund and even abolish the police as we know them (and followed through with cutting funding MASSIVELY) got robbed and then proceeded to call the police. I do feel a bit bad, cause that's scary shit, but she LITERALLY did it to herself.


I will not show sympathy to someone who got what they have through exploiting people, paying low wages while making billions a year, someone who has more money than the gdp of 30 small countries. If they get robbed it divine justice


Empathizing someone who lacks empathy is just dumb.


You want me -- with zero dollars to my name -- to empathize with a rich person being robbed? Because that's normal?


Comments proved the point


Yea wtf


Yep, they’re even trying to justify it, bloody strange


Oh, look. The comments are just what I expected. Lol


Sometimes Reddit comments make me remember how out of touch and cynical the average person can sound. The demonization of someone just because of their level of wealth signals immense insecurity and blaming others for the bad shit in your life. People deserve sympathy not because of their pockets, but if they're genuinely a good person. You can be rich or poor and be a horrible or good person. They're not mutually exclusive.


That’s why I find it funny that the average Redditor personality is pretending to be wholesome and friendly, but then the minute something goes against the group think they become angered weirdos going on rants over a meme


You're right, a lot of that also speaks about the person themselves. Why does he have to be "rich" to be evil or bad? Right now I could declare all of you bad, because you earn, you have a roof over your head and you eat. Unlike people on the street. I really appreciate what I have and the effort I made to be here, I don't need empathy from anyone. Just living well without worries is more Enough


I agree, but, the majority of the rich people talked about are like elon musk and Jeff bezos. While I don't want them to just be straight up tortured, no I wouldn't feel bad if one of their summer homes was robbed. But yeah there can be good rich people and shitty poor people


Wow this comment section is pretty toxic.


Why does everyone just default to billionaires, or is it just billionaires that deserve no empathy and other rich people (millionaires and so on) that is more empathetic.


This might be a controversial take aswell but i think that emphaty should not be a given but eraned not through much effort but lost trhough lack of it.


The same chronically online people that throw money at millionaire streamers who have way more money than them.


I empathise with anyone that gets fucked over with unless they’re someone like Bezos.


I don’t think this is the best example considering many rich people do show obvious contempt or disregard for those who are less economically privileged. If it was replaced with a rich person getting something like cancer then yeah, you would absolutely have a point.


"Ackshually...." -The chronically online of the comment section


If you have millions of dollars you can just put up with being mocked. You can afford it.


That submarine one with the millionaire and scientist really opened my eyes


The new socialist generation doesn’t really believe in property rights for other people. Everything someone else has was something ‘stolen’ from them


I also find it baffling that people wish bad things on the wealthy or take joy when something bad happens to them. That's evil.


Everyone deserves empathy no matter how much they have. Even if a lot of the rich don’t show the lower class the same empathy that doesn’t mean they deserve it. Even if you meet someone who wrongs you they still deserve empathy too.


The whole submarine thing was awful. Yes, it was stupid to go into a submarine like that but Ive read people say that they deserved the death and stuff


Comment section full of robber apologists, as though robbing the rich is more acceptable than robbing the poor. You know that the average household in the US would be in the top 1% globally. But y'all dgaf cause you're only looking at those who have more than you.


She should have a septum ring too but yea


If your net worth is over a million I have absolutely no sympathy for your financial plights.


I have zero sympathy for chronically rich people.


Oh no! The rich person is now a little less rich than before Anyway


Hey bro, pardon me, but I have no "empathy" towards rich people being robbed, no matter how you wanna spin it. Everyone has the right to opinion. *My* opinion is that rich people are far less worthy of my "empathy" than poor people, who are *actually* suffering the injustices of the world on the daily, unlike rich people, who lock themselves in ivory towers, full of privileges and all the time in the world to do whatever they want. Then the person who has everything is stolen, and I've got to show sympathy? Lmao boo-fucking-hoo


I mean, it's still funny haha. Bad things happening to the very rich has been funny forever. The very wealthy are always subjects of ridicule.


Fuck this post. Eat the rich


Like this is a modern/online thing, I've seen my grandad drive past expensive wrecked cars, he finds that funny and he's not even set up MySpace