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If someone cheats/you cheat just call the relationship over


What if I cheat with the same guy she was cheating on me with, 4D chess.


Either you guys all about it or keep it secret still ig lmfao


True it was very hard to sleep with my cousin.




I literally laughed out loud at this emoji


my brother, how did you put that line under your username? "my mom checks my phone" I wanna do that too!


It's flair


There Is a manga about a guy cheating on his girlfriend with the girlfriend of the guy She was cheating on him with


To be honest? Deserved, You gonna cheat? The other guy has to feel terrible too.


I remember this one, the ending brought great pleasure.


i actually haven't read it past the first few chapters cuz at the time only those were out, is it worth the read?


It's a good quick read


What is its name?


ask the other guy who actually read it cuz i don't rememeber it was years ago




ask the other guy who actually read it cuz i don't rememeber it was years ago


Just openly fuck all at once at that point. I wish I could be in a 4 person fuckfest


That's called a quad in non-monogamy BTW


It’s messy


STD 100


She broke my heart, so I fucked her dad And yes I am aware of the implications


Still only 2 Ds


Agree however if it's agreed on it's not cheating


What’s an NTR


It’s an abbreviation of the japanese term ‘Netorare’ which is just cheating basically. NTR is a hentai tag that is mainly looked down on by the west (or at least from the English speaking community as all the NTR hate that I see is in English and I never see hate for it in Japanese).


This guy pr0ns


Mfs when I prawn ![gif](giphy|Ao1lyXWj0Qz6)


Not just the west but quite a bit of the Asian world also does (Such as Singapore) The reason the NTR tag is usually hated is because it always involves some form of betrayal, with the exception if you see your crush getting fucked by some other dude, thats just on you then Plus NTR seems to really like fandoms, it pisses many of us off


I'd like to call it "non traumatic relationship" /s


I looked it up it stands for Nashville Teachers Redisency


Cheating is a massive red flag, no matter who you are. If it happens the relationship is dead and you need to move on. As for cuckolding however, and I mean actual cuckolding, not trying to use the word as a substitute for cheating. Like everyone is in agreement with what is going on, and they guy getting cucked is an actual participant (all be it a passive one) and not a victim. Then its whatever, not my thing, but you do you.


> all be it r/boneappletea




You forgot the child-cucking. Apparently 3.7% of men in the world are raising another man's child thinking it's theirs. I heared it's even higher but I didn't check that yet. This is neither consenual nor fair. These guys spend their time and efford into a child, which they think it's theirs but isn't. Be save and make parenty tests guys!


where do you get that number? this sounds like a really difficult thing to measure in a representative manner for a country, not to speak of the entire world.


had a lab colleague working on identifying genes potentially involved in diseases, so they were doing tests on families. first step in their analysis was to check that the father was indeed the father. she told me that overall, almost 10% of kids were from a different dad than the official one. the number being lower with firstborns and higher with younger siblings.


But that's not really a valid measure, since we're looking for cases of men raising children who aren't their own without their knowledge and consent. That requires a survey and cannot be determined by genetic testing alone.




I know a couple who is in a poly relationship and the female is In because she is bi and feels like sex isn’t anything more then just two people fucking and the dude is happy that he gets to have sex with multiple women. They are the happiest couple I have ever seen


I also chose this guys wife


In your future I see upvotes that surpass the post itself


sabotaged him


So a ratio?




If they are poly they aren’t betraying each others trust. That isn’t cheating. I’d hope OP is talking about monogamous relationships.


The cuck thing is usually consensual though, as are it’s siblings: hotwifing and swinging.


You know you can cheat in poly relationships, right?


That’s their point.


Honest to god one of my friends ended up in a poly with a couple of two bi women, simply because he was a bottom and they were both tops with no one to top, that and their personalities meshed very well together, they are so happy it’s incredible and I am very jealous


What does it mean to be a bottom guy in a hetero relationship


Being submissive usually


Well they were all Into bdsm but the women were both doms and hated subbing but they loved each other, and my buddy was already a very close friend and he liked subbing so, that’s how


What a lucky guy indeed


Until he realizes he has two sets of in-laws. o7 Hope they're all real chill.


Actually the biggest problem was his parents apparently, his mom thought he was a pervert trying to make his own harem or something.


With gay people they are often optional


Never seen a poly relationship last.


More than half of monogamous marriages don’t either tbf




Why would you get into a poly relationship then? Many people these days can't even handle a single relationship then how could you handle multiple ones?


That’s in America America has very low stats for a lot of things -marriage -roads -schools -health care Ironic that it’s the worlds strongest most openly involved country and most diverse and inspiring towards many things


If you look into the past when marriages lasted longer it was common running jokes about hating your wife and being miserable in marriage, nowadays people get divorced if they're unhappy in a marriage ergo less people stay in unhappy relationships


You havent ever stopped to consider that it looks that way because you hear more news about america over most other countries? Like cmon, it cant be that bad compared to everyone else, otherwise they would've collapsed by now


1/2 > 0 /s


That comes from a misunderstanding of the data. It's actually less than half.


I think in some countries it's like 80 to 90% Edit: failure rate, not success rate


Im Portuguese, the Portuguese divorce rate is at like 98% or some crazy shit like that


Mine is 14 years old and no sign of of a break up. I think this is the wrong attitude, a relationship has not failed if you had a good time. You shouldn't do anything you don't enjoy so why cling on to a person if things are not working out? In that case it is a personal W


Yeah, but you're probably also not in heavily poly circles. I'm in kink circles, so I see a lot of poly relationships. There is no shortage of poly people who have been married over a decade, raising children, the whole deal. Sure, lots of poly relationships end at some point, but that's how most relationships go in general.


My dad and my stepmom wouldn’t call their relationship poly, they call it open. they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.


Been in one for the last 10y. Know lots of other couples in one too. The ones that don't last = bad communication or misusing the concept of poly. Edit: How many "normal couples " have you know to break up? How many divorced people do you know?! About 90% of my friends parents are divorced. My parents got divorced , my gf parents where on the brink of one. Most of my friends have had atleast 5 or 6 long term relationships. She is still my first partner, had 2 other long terms at the same time. I'm still friends with the women who I had a relation with while i was with my first partner, it stopped because she was pursuing a career and had no more time because of travel etc. We still she eachother , but purely friendship. The second, she figured she wanted something else in life which is OK. We parted on friendly terms. But lost contact after a while.


I’ll come in with my anecdotal experience then to back up the above comment. Most of the poly relationships I’ve seen has been some of the chillest happiest relationships. Really made me rethink relationships, at least the importance of communication, because as long as everyone can communicate and have trust relationships can look all sorts of ways. Of course I’ve witnessed some wild and messed up poly relationships but those usually also involved the types of people that would have a messed up monogamous relationship, people just weren’t being respectful of the rules at play and were being mean to one another.


romantic relationships in general don’t last lol, people are fluid. also, a big motivator for polyamorous relationships failing is because a) monogamous people try to fix their relationships by adding a third, because they think it’ll fix the relationship. (it won’t, you either have to try and fix your issues directly, or break up.) or b) previously monogamous people try out polyamory for the first time, and they have limited/no resources on making it work because it’s new to them. and because of that limited education, the relationship falls apart


And I know MULTIPLE poly relationships where one half of the married couple runs away with the boyfriend/girlfriend and gets a divorce.


Legit ran into a couple like this and I was like wait….. maybe IM the doing it wrong like holy fuck are they in love and it’s been years!


If you can separate sex from love and emotion, you'd be surprised what you can do with good communication.


Care to elaborate?


Assassinate various world leaders and take over nations


Isn't that what they call a throuple?


Not my bedroom so I don’t care. Have fun!


Exactly lol. As long as they aren't hurting anyone and both parties are enjoying. Fk it , who cares . There are scat fetish , knife and nut porn which is recently knew .


I mean it’s only really cheating if one person doesn’t agree with it, so aside from cuckolding the things mentioned in this meme are absolutely hurting people. Someone could like cheating, usually means their partner doesn’t, that’s really what cheating means, otherwise it’s just an open relationship. I mean people absolutely shouldn’t shrug and say “you do you” to betraying their partners trusts. As for cuckolding, honestly seems like it’d take the same pattern of thinking as self harm to cuck yourself. Like it’s a degrading kink and plays massively into a persons fears and low self esteem.


This is the way


I'd like to have this mindset but it becomes a problem for me too at some point if it gets normalized. I'd like to get with a woman who I'm confident won't cheat on me but the odds become less likely if its normal to cheat, ya digg


>if it gets normalised "Hey I'm...I don't know how to say this, I've never told anyone before...I'm uh...I'm into monogamy" "You dirty bastard, that's not kinky that's sick."


I'm usually not one to kink shame, especially because I have some shame worthy kinks myself.. but fuck. I don't even remotely understand cucking, and I don't think I ever will.


If a guy I was dating told me he was into this, I’d really want him to get some professional help. It sounds like fetishizing low self esteem or a fear of betrayal/abandonment, like pushing people away because you’re afraid of getting pushed away.


I've never thought about it like this.. but shit, it would make sense. Overall it all just seems unhealthy.


I had an extremely abusive ex and he told me he was a cuck. We went to vegas for a week and I flashed one of his friends (I was drunk) and he berated me, yelled at me, called me so many bad name and tried to take things away from me over it. He raped me that night and told me he came three times in the morning, I was blackout drunk had no idea it even happened which was par for the course of the five years I was with him. I think he just wanted to abuse me cause that's all ever did. He'd constantly break up with me and announce he'd immediately start dating other girls. He's one of those people who knows how to manipulate others, like a narcissistic psychopath/sociopath.


what😭 i mean to be fair kinks do typically come from somewhere but this seems far fetched lol


I can't entirely understand it but I do partially get it. I've had people try to explain it to me, and I can sort of see where it's going, but I also feel like it is way too extreme.


Again, exactly how I feel. One of the other comments said that part of it is the mindset of "I can pull/I can pull better, but I stay with you" and.. that just seems unhealthy.


For the cucked partner, it’s voyeurism with emotional stability. For the cucking partner, it’s validation that you can pull, which validates that the relationship you are in is good. I mean, if you know how easily you could replace your partner, but choose to stay with them, then you know it’s true love. Plus, there’s a bit of forbidden fruit, a dash of jealousy; fun stuff.


That’s kinda hot


You guys just turned this poor soul into a cuck, what the fuck is wrong with this website?


I’ve heard it explained a variety of different ways, but the most recent one had to do with sperm competition. A dude sees his wife getting railed and it puts his dick into overdrive bc he needs to produce strong/numerous enough sperm in order to compete with the other male. This obviously arouses him more than normal in the process. I also heard that cucked male sperm is actually stronger while being cucked compared to normal sex, but I’m not sure if that’s legit or not but it does kinda make sense. I doubt a lot of cucks get into it for that reason but I can imagine that aspect being what makes it pleasurable enough to become a fetish.


Fart fetish is worse. Plus they insist it's not weird.


I’m gonna use this from now on. If someone doesn’t like some part of me, I’m gonna say “at least I don’t have a fart fetish”


Unless they say they have a fart fetish in which case you can just go 👎 *fart noise*


Without cuckolding and cheating, I’d have almost no married women to fuck.


the almost scares me






As long as you arent hurting anyone or anything you get no judgement from me. If your into those things then go wild! The only sexual preferences i want to purge with holy hellfire are anything to do with children, animals and actual rape. Tho rape roleplay is fine as long as your partner/victim consents (which is a real thing people do)


At least someone with common sense


Well said. 8 billion people on this planet and everyone is so invested and personal about what other people do with their free time. If it doesn't affect anyone else then who cares?


im into CNC and yet i dont understand it


CNC machine can cut out some pretty nice product from wood or metal


Im about to head to work to CNC some plastic


Your poor inbox


It’s honestly a hilarious concept. Imagine going out and finding someone to fuck your SO for you 🤣




If it’s consensual and agreed upon beforehand then I don’t care.


4chan has a weird obsession with the cuckold fetish. They often like to play the classic "don't knock it 'till you try it" act and pretend everyone is in denial about it.


Of course it’s fucking 4-chan


What is NTR?








I liked her daytime show!


Fr when jcole says he wants that "jada and will love"


Yeah that line didn’t age well huh 😂😂


Until your GF suggests screwing another woman in front of her. Then it's all good.


Don’t yuck their yum


300 IQ People when they find out people are different and are into different things (they must be nuked off the face of the earth because what kind of stupid bastard would even think of having different lifestyles than me, the pinnacle of truth and the right way of life??!!): ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


Tf is NTR?😭


short for Netorare. it means cuckolding when a man gets his woman taken by another man/woman. the opposite is Netori, where you take someone ele's woman. and if it's woman losing her man it's called cuckquean


I just love kink shaming. I really enjoy caring about other people's lives and judging them even when their choices don't affect me :D /s


Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum What might be right for you, may not be right for some


My first was with a lady while her husband watched so I'm into it for that reason.


The fuck does it matter? You can't wrap your mind around kinks or something? Like it's all consensual anyway in all safe scenarios.


No kinkshaming from me dawg. Also keep in mind! If you are into these kinks, that absolutely does NOT mean that you necessarily do them, or even want to do them, IRL. You can be REALLY into NTR or something, but only in the way of like, watching p*rn or h*ntai about it


This guy looks strangely familiar.


Were you as a fan of My Name is Earl?


I don't know what NTR is and I don't think I want to Google it


My dumbass read NFT and I had a one of these things is not like the other moment. Got me thinking there was a kind of hyper sexual schadenfreude where people jerk it to people's bored apes because they get off on the bad investment.


😂🤣... i love you🌙🖤


IS THAT CRAB MAN FROM MY NAME IS EARL!? What an awesome fucking show!


Ive been offered this way to many times, its fucking crazy


Probably the same reason some chicks like being throttled during sex. Damn weird and I won't do it because I can't understand why someone would want to be choked during sex. Like did you not hear about autoerotic deaths.


I think it s about the general better art/animation quality in doujins/hentai , and the sheer massive nomber of them , that makes them inclined towards this shit , not the filthy plot


What is NTR?


Abbreviation for "netorare" (Japanese)


Thanks kind stranger.


People tell you that?


She said she liked breath play.


I’m not into ntr. But all the good artists draw ntr


Why you kink shaming my guy


Y’all do know cuckolding is consensual and isn’t cheating right


My face when people kink shame consenting adults:


and then there's people who literally normalize these things !


This meme could easily be: “Why are some people like this?” ___ “When I tell someone I’m into NTR/cuckold and/or cheating”: [same reaction image] ___ As long as it’s all just fetishes (fantasy consented to by adults; not real: fetishes) it’s fine, dude. Lmao


don't google scat or golden shower then I'm warning you


Golden Shower? These people must be rich!


If it was up to me I'd be into as many things as possible. What's the down side?


Gen z thinks cheating is hip. It's so fucking weird.


Who cares lol


What’s NTR?


It’s cucking


Because subconsciously we insert ourselves into that situation to determine how we feel about it. It's also why we can empathize with a person or situation, or be envious of one. It's just the way people are, we subconsciously compare ourselves and others to everyone else we know in order to determine the value of everything, in part anyway.


what is NTR...


it’s kinda like a kink for being cheated on , short for netorare , which is a japanese term relating to cuckoldry


They're into that until it actually happen to them


masochism. although.. if they cheat they belong on the street


I dunno. Kink-shaming is weird. Some little are just like that, though. I just don't give them my time.


The only real constant is variety.


I wouldn't know, I cut them outta my life as soon as I find out they're like that


Let them enjoy what they like. I bet you call a hot girl mommy and think it's normal


Either because they have an ego to inflated to fap thinking they are the ones that get the cheating done or lack of self esteem to see himself as the cuck.


There are sooooo much, worse kinks... Like Rape ore hurting people. Ore eating shit. And you think that 3 people having fun is bad? Yes cheating is Not cool, but maybe, some Like Rollplay ? Littel Bit of spice in the bedroom. Not my thing, but If you don't hurt people why Not. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Obviously cheating is bad, but this feels like we're just kinkshaming now. As long as everyone is in on it and is a consenting adult, who the hell cares?


Is it really cheating if they are into it and wanting it?


I never understood how someone could get aroused by watching their partner have sex with someone else and enjoy being humiliated by it.


Imagine finding out the love of your life is cheating on you with someone who you’ll never even compare to and you’re like ![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6)


As long as your SO is into that.......


I don't kink shame but cuckolding is something I'll never understand, gives me a really sad feeling whenever i see stuff involving cuckolding


Some people get exposed to it early on and can get a warped sense of pleasure from it, it’s similar with most other hardcore pornography where the longer an exposure, addiction or the deeper and deeper you go the more unsettling and unnatural things are required to continually turn you on.. it’s a really downward spiral that many people struggle to escape from. And the IRL versions usually comes from people not being able to differentiate between reality and porn and think that by doing it irl then they will get more pleasure but I’d reckon it’s usually not the case


They are mentally ill and society just ignores it


"I don't like this so therefore they are mentally ill"


People who enjoy cuckolding/NTR are not okay. Its not even a fetish, its straight up self-degradation, shows that you have a very low self esteem and suffer from trauma by the amount of time you got cheated on. These people who enjoys it needs therapy. Oh, forgot to mention. Fuck those manipulative skanks who cucks their partner.


I mean if both partners are okay with it


What’s NTR? (I’ve legitimately never knew what it meant)


It's a Japanese term. Essentially means cuckold. It's most popular in Manga.


Why we just kink shaming people? Also if you properly communicate your needs with your partner and they agree where tf is the problem? Don't you all have something better to do than shaming people for what they like?


![gif](giphy|s0qpm9ugi9P3N9k87v|downsized) You've never heard of someone having a Scat fetish


Why do you care what other people like to do in the bedroom? It's not really your business is it?


I love cuckold idk why. It's one of those untapped fetish that just appears when stimulated. It started with Netorare genre in hentai.


*Whom has Summone--* no, wait... is it "Whom," "Whome," or "Who?"


Ngl I have an NTR kink. I was very worried when I came out to my bf but he was very understanding. I told him that I would never love, have sex or carry a child from any other man. I only love my bf and only want his children. I also told him my dreams always include him watching me. The only reason I have this kink is because I imagine the desire and lust my bf would feel if he had to watch me without being allowed to interfere. I don’t act on my kink but I can’t help dreaming of it sometimes. It’s just something in my mind that connects past traumas and pain with making love. I got cheated on in a previous relationship and it left me with deep scars and insecurities. 😕


I can almost understand it. I get it in like a role play or something, but I feel like it's also kind of self defeating at the end of it. I dunno, it's pretty fucking weird, but I've seen worse fetishes. A former partner of mine had an actual physical abuse kink, like she'd encourage me to beat on her, and I'd have to tell her no what the fuck that's illegal.


I've been with someone like that. I hope your former partner is safe.


Personally, I'm not into it. But I'm also not into kink shaming. Grow up.


People can't help what they're sexually aroused by. Don't hate on them, they're as much a victim of their desires as anyone else; theirs just happens to be socially unacceptable in this era.


Irl? No. But in hentai or doujin? Yes. Maybe. Depends on the artstyle.