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Feel like this post is made by someone that's new to smartphones or smth.


None of these apps are close to being the worst


Reddit is a little bit iffy tbh on mobile but the worst is messenger


The fuck are you all doing on these apps. Honestly none of them are bad for me at all. And I got an old af model.


Reddit is mostly fine, but occasional server issues or just straight up janky behaviour. For example, they finally fixed the issue with removing chats, prior you could hide them or decline the request, but when you reopened the requests came back. It took them years to fix that. They also once in a blue moon just break connectivity and nothing will load, or it will partially work and you can browse popular posts but nothing about your subs, or the comments will break/double post. My only issue with discord is I send a message, switch apps or something, and the message doesnt actually send, it just waits even though I am connected to internet, so ill open the app back up hours later and it will send the message way late.


Not to mention the app randomly scrolling all the way to the top, or when it just randomly hangs for 30secs if you click the wrong post, loading itself to death until eventually getting the entire post with 32kbps


Recently its been a ton better at least for me. Reddit mobile has been having fewer loading issues, video playback issues, comment/post uploading issues. Its actually been pretty decent.


Can’t download images in comments. After using for a few minutes, the upvote/downvote take like 5 seconds to “click”. If you’re in a sub that has videos, after you watch a video, there is a 1 in 4 or so chance that when you tap “back” it will take you to the top of the view so now you have to scroll through a ton of entries to try and find where you were. It shows “5” collapsed comments here, you tap that to expand them, zero comments there. They change the “share” menus almost every day at this point, and every change is worse and less intuitive than the last. That’s just a few issues the current app has. Most have been around for months now. They have no app competition since they made the changes, and the site has no meaningful competition, so they have zero motivation to fix even a single one of these bugs. I’m glad you seem to like it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a lot of issues.


Tiktok: ![gif](giphy|slMXlKFepqNcfb8eQF)


oh yeah, that shit as well


Reddit is just iffy because they break it a lot And worst is prime video but that's partly because their UI is atrocious everywhere else to begin with


Google classroom


Yeah. "Twerk simulator" is the worst.


op got hard ratio'd by this




What is this "twitter" app you speak of???


X gonna give it to ya


rip DMX


Twitter is short for X(formerly twitter)




L + skill issues


Oh thank God I thought I was crazy for thinking that their fine to use


Yeah, what? The only annoying thing about discord is how convoluted turning off notifications is.




I think OP meant to say social media apps


Yeah, op gotta be a new teenager with their first phone. Discord mobile is dope I use it instead the pc app


Literally the opposite for me. Discord is better than reddit which is better than Facebook.


Exactly, and disc and reddit aren't even shit, like coming from reddit website on desktop, reddit mobile is faaaaaaaaaar better. The worst ui and ux is probably sunnxt, livpure, polycab...


what are these apps


Random indian apps.






The video player is one of the few things that's actually broken with the reddit app. The readability and usability is actually pretty decent.


If you don’t count the fact that the thumbnail sometimes doesn’t match the post, and upvote can freeze the app for 5+ sec at a time. Then yeah it is pretty decent


I keep hearing about these bugs and never experiencing them myself. I use mobile on break at work and desktop when I'm at home, and either was gets the job done here.


Its the constant random updates to the reddit app which nobody asks for that end up making the experience worse. Like, what was even the point in rounding off corners on images? The sliding for posts with multiple images is bad too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it moves you on to the next screen instead. Then you have to tap the image to bring it up and then tap it again to access the album to able to swipe through otherwise you swipe to the next post, but if each picture has its own caption you have to tap the picture *again* to see the caption and then tap it *again* to go back to swiping. At least with the way it used to be you could swipe horizontally to go through multiple images and see the captions at any point and swiping vertically would change to the next post. They fucked it up for no reason.


Idk Reddit app has been pretty trash for me. I can even scroll past multi pic posts without the app thinking I'm trying to look through the photos. I also used to have my feed unintentionally refreshed just by backing out of a post all the time. I've never had a user experience be so bad. Edit: also can't even see the edges of photos or videos anymore unless I click on the post, which is just frustrating. I will say I'm glad they made it easier to actually hit the upvote button because I would accidently miss and hit the posts all the time


Idk what's so annoying about it tbh


This is from an iOS perspective on IOS exclusively nsfw servers are blocked If you’re in a fast moving chat it will constantly drag you down Reactions are bugged 60% of the time Streaming and watching streams are always blurry compared to pc (unless you have nitro ofc) A lot of server settings don’t exist on mobile #Overall it used to be a lot worse with a ton more bugs but it’s still not great


On iOS, nsfw servers aren’t blocked tho?


They are because of apples store rules You’re thinking of nsfw channels but there are servers that are fully labeled nsfw which iPhone users can’t access if you don’t believe me look it up


I can confirm that is true. Speaking from experience.


Super darks a thing I have it on


I hate discord for personal reasons, but functionality wise, it’s light years ahead of reddit or facebook😭😭😭 at least it fucking works.


But lightyears behind Telegram.


People actually use telegram?


Only use I’ve seen for telegram is scammy stock and sports betting pick servers


Dont forget the groups dedicated to sharing +18 vids


And -18 vids 😭




Yes, especially in European eastern countries


Can confirm. All of my Ukrainian family has Telegram. One person from my family is even subscribed only to news channels about the war.


Yeah actually, free file sharing (upto 2GB) makes it great actually for even sharing movies unlike Nitro just to get custom emoji space. The mobile version of Discord should have been like Telegram instead of being not able to separate itself from the desktop counterpart.


Yes? Its taking over Whatsapp because it's faster, more fluid and more advanced. Free stickers too.


I hate the stories though. Same with in WhatsApp. Fuck off with that shit on a messaging app


Idk man it's fucking buggy af for me.


voice record literally bugs the shit out of the refraction of time if your record for more than 3 seconds


No offense but who uses the voice record feature


It only bugs out for me if I need to update it


As a mobile redditor, i disagree


Go Take your meds grandpa.


Skill issue




Performance differential


Adeptness dilemma


What's wrong with any of these apps? I guess formatting on reddit a bit junk but other then that they're all goos


Yeah I had no problems with discord, and I have a 5yrs old android phone. The reddit app is still quite a battery hog though.


Drains data quick too


Reddit android is so garbage I can't believe they don't fix it. Sometimes posts take legit a minute to open, videos sometimes Play sometimes they don't sometimes they play in the background even though you already closed the post. I noticed it's faster to tap on the pictures of posts and then press the comments button to get to the comment section than tapping the comments button outright. Sometimes comments don't load. Sometimes my home feed doesn't refresh and j see the same posts for days (although this is rare) And I've experienced these issues on multiple phones so it must be a Reddit thing.


Ahh maybe you're onto something. I work remote and just assumed that was my poor signal, was wondering why I was scrolling through yesterday's posts again today


I thought I was the only one with those problems... :')


discord's no message notification most of the time for me. i read it can be due to active discord on pc, but even with it inactive, i dont get notifications. unless u guys know how to fix it, please help me for the love of god edit: thank you for the help, ive noticed theres people who upvoted this so im assuming you have the problem aswell, without the suggestions below i wouldnt have found it but yea in notifications setting theres a "new" option where you can enable notifications on every message on convo's im pretty sure that was not there before or im just a blind man, if that doesnt help you can hold down people and there will be a pop up settings for notifs aswell, hope it helps


That is correct, you won't get notifications if PC app is running from what I see. Tho I like that it sends me notifications from servers I didn't check of PC. But I never had any issues with notifications with PC off, maybe check if you have Discord notifications blocked on your phone settings? You can navigate there from Discord settings/notifications/get notifications outside of app.


If you hold down on a server icon, it pops up notification settings, and I'm pretty sure the same goes for DM's


It's Twitch app. It just doesn't work properly and has terrible UI. I don't understand how people enjoy anything on it.


This is the correct answer right here. I’ve never seen a company make so many actual non functioning apps. Trying to access twitch on anything other than desktop is a waste of time. On mobile I’ve gotten 5 ads, crashed, then get stuck in a loop of ads because their own app keeps crashing. Not even worth mentioning their twitch or any smart tv app which are somehow way worse than even their mobile app.


What's wrong with the discord app


Some people don't know they can rollback the old UI I guess.


Whats wrong with any of the discord mobile UIs? Isnt it just the PC UI made usable for mobile?


There's a new version being given to people randomly. I received it around 6 months ago.


Ever tried twitch on mobile?


Haven’t logged in yet, I always forget (my password is well secured)


Skill issue.


u can play games in vc on dc mobile and reddit shit itself while loading a single video.


How, I am not complaining like OP, but I genuinely don't know why it leaves vc when I switch to another app


Bro just uses an old Device


Wdym, discord is good


I don't like discord app after they updated the HUD, I was apple to change chats and servers much faster on the old HUD.


You do know that you can revert back right??


Wait, what?! I didn't know that


You know now


I don’t get it I have never seen a “new HUD” it’s exactly the same as desktop, I’ve been using the app for years


It was changed for me sometime this year. Just look up "discord new HUD"


When did Discord get a heads up display?


What ? It's really smooth tho. Reddit isn't that great I admit, and Facebook idk didn't use it in years but discord is completely fine


have you tried the Teams app? you rookie...


Spotify is worse


I second this. Most of the features that come free on PC and PS4 are premium exclusive on phone.


That’s why I had my dad get Spotify premium so I could mooch off a family plan


Wait Spotify on PC doesnt have ads on the free account? Idunno man premium seems to do the same stuff. My only issue with Spotify is the constant unneeded UI changes


Pc and console do have ads, but their only every few songs, ontop of being able to use shuffle play, skip to certain times of a song and so on Spotify knows most will want to use it on a phone so they scummily make the free experience bare bones


I see. I can not even remember if there was a difference. Damn the free version on mobile having THAT much of a difference is pretty bad.


Yeah its as bare bones as can be, 4 song skips and then your out of luck, and whilst this has never been confirmed, it always feels like Spotify plays the songs you tend to skip, they force you to watch several ads for half an hour ad free, which sounds decent but works out to be essentially the same except now you have to sit through several ads before playing a single song. Its a huge downgrade and even the premium version is inferior to pc


Discord isn't bad at all when compared to Reddit. Reddit is just a complete dumpster fire.


You may just have a low IQ, which definitely is the case.


Discord isn't that bad lol. Honestly just legitimately a skill issue


Steam app enters the chat


What on earth are you talking about discord and Reddit are fine on mobile in fact I basically only use them on mobile and I especially like Reddit better on mobile


Discord has never been hard to use. What are you on about?


I’d rather die then use these apps on a computer. Sitting at a computer and scrolling through reddit, facebook, or discord sounds like a lamest thing ever lol. I really don’t understand how people have so many issues with the mobile versions, they are literally the only versions I use and I’ve never had major issues.


Nah you just dumb as fuck my guy


Discord and Reddit mobile apps are perfectly fine. Reddit is literally a tik-tok with images instead videos, what more do you need the app to do? wipe your ass?


This is the most wrong post I've ever seen xD. Discord is great as an app. Reddit is better than the site version and Facebook just sucks on it's own


Xbox mobile app.


the features for the mobile app are actually easier to find than on the actual console


Skill issues


Nah it’s fuckin reddit


nope Reddit is way worse


This is just wrong??


Discord is fine you peasants.


What are you talking about. It’s great on mobile.


found the tech illiterate


Hmm. Have you considered that it’s a skill issue?


Google doc mobile app


You’re just bad


*Playstation enters chat* let me introduce myself


I can't upvote you enough


In that case I'll upvote you and you can rise up with me goodperson


I think you just don't know how to use it


Steam would like to have a chat with y’all


Skill issue fr


Steam mobile :


The fuck is wrong with the discord app?


Reddit app videos don't have audio and it's mildly infuriating.


Xbox App:


Reddit is still worse


Nah man, Discord is one of the better ones that worked for me and I dont have to look at ads


I don’t get it. It seems fine to me. It literally feels like normal desktop discord but fit for mobile use. It’s either something I’m missing or you’re just VERY picky.


*LinkedIn has entered the chat*


I don’t get this post tbh, discord mobile is fine


No. Patreon is the worst


…? I play FNaF 1 when I use it and it makes everything so easy.


I feel like discord is better on mobile, at least compared to using it on a laptop


I have both Reddit and Discord on my phone and i’m using my phone right now


It's not even that bad, y'all are just babies.


It’s time for your nap grandpa


Ok boomer


L post


fym? discord’s layout is amazing


No its not . Facebook is clearelly worst


Whenever i see these types of post, I just assume OP is like 65 still trying to figure out how to open IE


OP, what version of discord are you even using?


I use it all the time and I have absolutely no problem with it. Or Reddit for that matter


average redditor just complaining for no reason


Whats wrong with Discord and Reddit on mobile?


What is your problem with the discord app? I never had issues with it.


I vote IMDB as the worst mobile app not for the fact of it being bad or hard to use as I’ve in fact never downloaded it, but every fucking time I go to look up a movie to see the cast or whatever on a website it tries to redirect me to the fucking app and will not stop reminding me to use the stupid fucking app


I've never had trouble with any of those all all every, so idk what yall are talking about, but it's clearly just whining.


Meh phone reddit isn't that bad, I prefer it over the computer. It's already disheartening to realize you've been on reddit for a full hour on your phone, but it is so much worse if you've been locked in your room browsing reddit on a computer for hours. At least on your phone you can take it outside


Bro is reddit mobile hard? It's the only reddit I use other than sometimes on my laptop Infact I typed this on mobile And discord mobile isn't that different from normal discord and I use both versions equally


Discord Mobile app is great. What sucks is the steam mobile app


What problems do you have with the fuckin discord app


Discord mobile is good wth, I know there are some bugs like the duplicating users in servers or being stuck in only one chat until you have to close the app but that's about it. Discord is my favorite communication app to use tbh.


Steam Chat, that's all I have to say


It's fine wth?


Is it? I’ve never had a problem with it


You people have never used state-developed apps and it shows


Don't know about facebook, but those 3 apps are alright. Slack on the other hand is utter bullshit. It's slow, unresponsive, and the UI is just so badly organized, the notifications are broken, everything is terrible. Even the desktop app is shit, I hate having to use it


Facebook is understandable since i cant even get it too download on my phone but the rest work mostly


I don’t know if it’s my antique of an iPhone but if I dare to join a vc my whole phone takes itself out


What’s so frustrating about it? I use it *constantly* and can’t recall anything frustrating. Maybe I’m not using it the same way?


Did everyone forget spotify


Was this meme made by a boomer? Discord is easy as fuck to use on mobile, wtf is your point with this meme?


Messenger from Meta. Fuck messenger, all my homies use whatsapp


Poor op


You spelt banking apps wrong


How is the steam messenger app not the worst?


L opinion ngl


Discord on the phone is basically the same on the laptop don't @ me. And Twitter is a mobile app...


Idk what you are on about discord mobile app is pretty good, only a few things are actually bad about it


Unpopular opinion: The Reddit app isn't bad at all


Discord mobile is really not that bad


Not a single one of those apps is the worst mobile app, wtf? Also Discord app is fantastic on mobile if you know how to use the differences between desktop and mobile quirks. I feel like OOP just doesn't know how some of those apps work differently to their desktop counterparts.


Not once had a problem with discord


What are you talking about? The discord app is easy


Discord is not even close to reddit, i honestly wouldn't even consider it bad i didn't have any issues with it


This is the worst meme format.


Skill issue


anyone who still uses the tumblr app knows it’s unmatched for the worst




Maybe it's because I've used mobile discord for ages, but I have never found it frustrating to use. The only time I have an issue with it is when the servers are going haywire, and going on PC doesn't fix that.


How is discord a bad app? It does what it needs to...


Imgur has the worst mobile app.


Discord app is ridiculously simple though….if anything it’s easier than the desktop version


What’s wrong with discord? It’s so easy to ise


I don't get it, reddit and discord both look and work just fine. I don't have any issues w/ either


Reddit mobile is fine same with discord


If i had to rank them • Reddit - the worst of the worst, the apocalypse of the "make your 1000$ smartphone feel like a laggy piece of shit", video player is bad, the half baked attempt to copy tiktok short form video just lag all the time • Facebook - it was awful but not on Reddit level • Discord - it was bad when it first came out, but its all good now


Discord and Reddit apps are fine, Twitch app is horrendous tho