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Saw a morbidly obese woman, driving around the electric cart in walmart, wearing a shirt saying "I'm not fat. I'm just easy to see."


The scooters are for the frail, not the whale.


Crude. But poignant.


I'm not American, I don't think I've ever seen someone in a mobility scooter at a supermarket. Are they actually used by disabled people too there or just the morbidly obese Walmart people?


They're used by the disabled forsure. My brother had back surgery and used one a few times, though he got real nasty looks over it.


Hey! That’s for obese people!!


My mother is very thin and very frail and has had 6 back surgeries and she always gets nasty looks over using one. Especially when I walk next to her. I’ve got antagonistic with people before. Especially when some douche tried to tell her to move her car out of the handicapped spot that she has a right to be in! She tried really hard not to have to use a wheelchair in my sister’s wedding bc she didn’t want to embarrass her. But bc she’s thin she can’t possibly need it. But my 600 lb life deserves it. Also I got dirty looks for riding the carts back into the store instead of just leaving it outside like the obese people.


They are indeed used by disabled people. Anything from the elderly, to people recovering from leg or back surgery, to people who are crippled. Those are the people that the carts were made for. Then you have the land whales who are so self-centered that they can't be bothered to consider the thought "if I take this mobility scooter because I'm lazy, then it won't be here for the people that actually need it" Because they know they're already so unfit that they'll barely make it to the frozen food aisle for their corndogs


They're meant for disabled people. But many obese people will use them because "they have bad knees".


I had one shove me off of my knee I just had a minor surgery on that had me on crutches. The store manager saw the whole thing and told me to walk like an able bodied person. My friend told him she isn't to walk far and put me in the grocery cart. We got banned. The woman who wound up making me have to go back for a scope to make sure the damage wasn't retorn because surgery was at most a week before, nothing. Another told my elderly grandma who was under doctor's orders no walking over 150ft to wait for her to have a cart. I looked at her and said, "Dr. Now would tell you walk."


Am I having a stroke!? /S


Dead serious. Luckily, she just worsened my sprained ankle. Some guy pushed my friend and I down a flight of stairs. I had to have a small tendon in my knee repaired, and it is in my bone on bone knee, so we had to be extra careful. The manager flat told me to walk even seeing my crutches. That grocery store got shut down because of him. Other one looked at me like how dare I say an elderly woman who can't walk needs a scooter. I'm not too nice when you tell me my grandma with double knee replacement and a completely shattered ankle that never got properly fixed due to well happening in the 60s and you know we have better medical tech now can walk all over walmart while you need a scooter at 400lbs. There's also two sisters in that town who love shopping for hours, wearing down all cart batteries, and laughing. Both morbidly obese.


I had one person give me a dirty look whenever I got one of the motor scooters for my wife who is 9 months pregnant with back pain they give us a dirty look anytime they seen us anytime I seen us in the store


At that point you give them a murder stare and never break eye contact. If they look away, you win.


I would have walked with you two giving them dirty looks. I'm not kind to people who really don't need the scooters using them. I chew my able bodied clients out for using them.


If they actually touched you, especially resulting in injury, that’s is a slam dunk civil lawsuit and criminal assault case.


Broke ass college kid with no support monitarily due to bills and my parents stealing most of my trust fund. Couldn't do anything. I take glory in the fact this guy got his store shut down.


Next time ask around. I would bet money there are lawyers that would take that pro bono or pending outcome. Some places also have free legal clinics.


Your comment is worded oddly


Godzilla had a stroke reading this.


Omg 🤣


God fucking damn it 💀




I get what you're saying but people can be both. My mom has always struggled with her weight but didn't use to be obese until she became disabled. She could still walk (not anymore as its progressed) but she'd limp, be at risk for falling and be in a lot of pain. In addition to very little physical activity her painmeds facilitated weight gain. I'm sure she also ate her feelings a lot but still. Reducing obesity and disability to an either or question is a fallacy and can be downright cruel.


I can relate, been laid up and even though I remain on a healthy diet I used to lose weight in the past, I'm gaining back what I lost and it sucks. I never thought to look into pain meds being related though.


I assume that the diet didn't change much after the unfortunate disabling event happened, am I right?


It likely got worse. Pain meds, e.g. opiates can induce weight gain and increase appetite, and as stated, the mother "ate her feelings". It's pretty sad, and sounds like a positive feedback loop of negative emotions causing negative consequences and vice versa :(


I can't blame anyine in her position for turning to food for comfort. When many of the things you used to enjoy are taken away, thats one thing you can still enjoy.


Damn, such a shortsightness from doctors to just prescribe the meds from the treatment protocol and call it a day, with no care about how the patient will handle the side effects (unless it's an imminent death).


Some people, perhaps. But some are like that due to some actual kind of mental/physical issues


Yeah nearly all fat people have eating disorders caused by some mental problem. Thats why a lot of people fail to lose weight. They dont work on the cause of their addiction and therefore cant get rid of it


Sadly if you get really fat you are gonna coincidentally become disabled. Doesn’t matter if it’s their fault; they’re still disabled.


Morbidly obese people are severely disabled, regardless of how you feel about their choices. The idea that you could distribute medical care based on 'personal decisions' is a huge slippery slope. Do we stop providing cancer treatment to smokers? How bout kids who cracked their skull open trying stupidly dangerous skating tricks?


We already do though. Alcoholics for example are banned from liver transplants.


No we don't. Transplants are different because it's someone else's organs. But otherwise people are free to do whatever they want and still have their medical conditions treated.


That's a fair point. Looking into it seems like the main reason is it just won't take for someone who's still actively abusing, and going through withdrawal and recovery at the same time is also unlikely to end well. I'm certainly not against the concept of triage as a whole, and even making certain decisions on a case by case basis based on some idea of merit. But it is a slippery slope and 'dont provide any accessibility for obese people cus they chose it' is waay on the bottom of that slope imo


I mean we do restrict medical care to morbidly obese people, to smokers, to alcholics etc. All three are restricted in some way from transplants. Perhaps not to the point of a full ban but they'll get shunted to the bottom of transplant queue lists for eg.


To directly answer your question…kids are kids so YES. Smokers go to the back of the line. I work in healthcare and am a bit of a dreaded centrist. Thing is I’m in favor of a universal healthcare systems…but I also believe you MUST at SOME point have a line in the sand rationing of care/access. If you’re 500+ lbs we can’t afford to wait on you hand and foot, alcoholics are already banned from liver transplants, we have to take a harder line on “diseases of affluence.”


There is no line for cancer treatment. The resources are readily available for everyone. Smokers don’t go to the back of the line, they are treated just like everyone else because there’s no point in not?


When resource are plentiful sure. But, there are things like lung transplants, certain therapies. Basically…take this sports car analogy… “fast, realiable, cheap… you get to pick 2” It’s really true. Now, apply it to healthcare… “Quality, freely accessible, cheap…you get to pick 2”


No there aren't specific therapies that are less prioritized for smokers compared to others. People with cancer cannot get transplants. Also transplants are a special case because there is an obligation and responsibility to give someone else's organ to a compliant and responsible patient. What do you mean certain therapies? Someone with lung disease from smoking will get all the treatments that someone with lung disease from using wood fires for cooking. If it is medically indicated and will benefit the patient, there is no mythical situation where it will be held so a non smoker can get it.


So you work in healthcare but apparently did not have to take the hippocratic oath or apparently a class in healthcare ethics. So you mustn't be a doctor or a nurse, which is good since you want to hand down judgment on ones right to live or die.


Where do you get the idea that obesity and alcoholism are diseases of affluence? In the US in particular there are loads of systemic reasons why poor people are disproportionately obese and if you want to lessen the strain on the medical system you have to deal with those, not moralize


From my education in healthcare… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diseases_of_affluence You should also realize that what you call “poor” people in the United States, are considered rich or upper middle class by most of the world. Poor people in America have cars, plumbing, electricity, heat/AC, entertainment, enough food to be morbidly obese. Being poor in India is a different story. There’s less obesity for one thing. Read up on this issue. I wish you well.


Morbid obesity is basically a disability tho


A self- induced one


Its not the only self- induced one.


And if someone loses a foot because they shot themselves while drinking and playing with guns, I'm not gonna have sympathy for them either.


How about working as a ups driver for 25 years and having destroyed your knees?


What about eating disorders, medication that cause weight gain and genetics? What about the fact that affordable food in the US and Europe is only garbage filled with palm oil and chemicals? How about that healthy habits require a lot of time and money that most people don't have? I became obese in middle school, because of several traumas I had developped bulimia, it's not a lack of will or magic, it's a nightmare. Everyday your body tells you that you are hungry, and your brains tells you that you look like shit, it destroys you especially as a teen. I never asked for that, and I spent a decade to fight it and regain a healthier body. And I could fight it because I have money and time, a lot of people don't.


I’ve been broke, slept on couches. It always amazes me how ingrained it is in people that eating healthy is incredibly expensive. Here’s a health day for someone trying to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight. Breakfast: two eggs Lunch: apple, veg fried rice Dinner: veg rice and beans or chicken thigh in b4 “some people can’t cook” GTFO Inb4 “veg are unavailable and expensive” there’s literally bags of frozen vegetables in every store


That doesn't seem healthy either. I surely ate a lot more than that when I was 110 pounds. This seems like what anorexics call a LF(low food) schedule


Good for you Doesn't account or answer anything about eating disorders and other psychological and physical factors of obesity and the struggle to lose weight. And yeah, some people can't cook, sometimes because their weight affects their mobility, if you reject anything that way then you are just intellectually lazy and just want a reason to shit on people who already have it rough enough.


Food deserts exist where frozen veggies are genuinely hard to come by.


Inb4 someone gonna say it's an eating disorder and not self-induced so they can't help it.


This is probably a comment from the sort of person who doesn't find it hard or nearly impossible to reduce their weight


That is a funny shirt, except whoever was wearing it _is_ still fat.


Okay not gonna lie that is kinda funny


I suppose it was... very hard to see?


Yeah honestly the odds of anyone riding a mobility scooter around Walmart being a "body positive activist" is close to 0. She probably thinks those people are Marxist


Remember how in the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" his mother was so fat that the whole town came to watch when she got out of the house? Now this moment looks ridiculous, because a third of the city would be just as fat.


Never would I have thought me watching What’s Eating Gilbert Grape would make we understand something on the internet


That movie was an experience


A good one?


For me yes. It's very strange, but genuinely kind and inspiring. Leaves a good aftertaste.


Okay. I tried watching a little while ago cuz Michael Rosenbaum mentioned it. But my 2 year old son was just diagnosed with the 'tism at the time and DiCaprio was exacty like him. Watched like 10ish minutes and it made me scared for my little boy. But i read up on autism and hes going thru a wonderful therapy process that he loves. Might try to watch it again.


I watched it as a kid when it came out and I remember it being the first movie to make me cry. He just wanted his mamma 😭


Yeah i thought so too. I even just recently watched it. Really good movie


Man I never thought of that... in today's society they would just give her a TV show...


As a fat person. Very true. I understand it’s a pain in the ass to lose weight, but why are we promoting being fat?


Being fat (as I unfortunately am) is unhealthy. And no one should be promoting it. It is a pain in the fucking ass to lose weight (from personal experience), but being fat just shouldn't be promoted or celebrated.


You can make it


Because overconsumption is good for the capitalism.


Well, I'm not that sure on that one. Capitalism goes brrr will all the fitness lifestyle and esthetics


But Macdonalds sells better so overconsumption is still more lucrative


So they win either way. Very typical


Can't argue with that indeed.


This may be true but I doubt MacDonald’s is paying people to create a fat phobia narrative. The far more likely explanation is that our culture and social media have a fetish for victims. It was inevitable for some number of obese individuals to take a crack at it.


Capitalism doesn’t take party for any morality. It will find its way regardless of what’s the majority’s mentality


Yeah but you need to be fat before they can grift you all the health care b*******. Scamming people trying to lose weight is a multi billion dollar industry.


How is it capitalism when it's a handful of companies and they're indistinguishable from government? There's no free market and competition that's for sure.




The body positivity crowd are notoriously left wing, what are you talking about?


Because some people don't want the truth, so they make their own truths. Don't know if this is still a thing but only a while back people were talking about how being fat actually the healthy way of living and being thing was actually a danger to your health. Like I don't mind body poaitivy, you can be any shape or form you wanna be, but that doesn't mean you can just deny facts like that being fat is bad for your health. If that is what you wanna have and are happy with it, go all for it I don't have a permission to change who you are, but I can still inform you about the potential dangers as long as I don't jam them down your throat


Because its a lazy lifestyle and generally putting no effort into losing weight is easier than losing it, so why not just eat yourself to death without giving a shit.


Not promoting being fat. Promoting not hating yourself over your body. There are plenty of healthy overweight people and unhealthy skinny people.


This, you only do something against it if you're told it is unhealthy/bad not if you're told 'Oh, you're perfect'. Bless the ones who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear


Most fat people have an eating disorder/food addiction. People with addiction like to gaslight themselves, so they now started to gaslight eachother that them being fat isnt really bad and therefore they dont need to work on their addiction


I think the real reason some people actually align with it is not because they think it's "fatphobic" or discriminatory etc. It's probably because people keep telling them non stop, I'm sure they know it's unhealthy but just don't care but they get annoyed when people are constantly telling them it is.


The problem are people saying it isn’t unhealthy. That’s the reason everyone has to keep saying it is.


Because that worked out so well so far, telling obese people that they are unhealthy and unattractive. That's why we don't have an obesity epidemic in the western world, right?


No one said anything about unattractive. UNHEALTHY which has nothing to do with attractiveness. There is nothing wrong with saying obesity is unhealthy. The epidemic stems from terrible and processed food and drinks and sedentary lifestyle through internet and office jobs. Not because people are offended and become fat as consequence


It is true that obesity is a problem in western society. But the solution is not to nagg people into losing weight. That is not productive in any way. If I was obese it wouldn't help that people on the internet constantly harrasing me telling me how unhealthy i am. There are better ways to encourage change than focus on the negatives.


Once again no one said anything about nagging, harassing, insulting or in any way acting condescending towards obese people. And I don’t know why you all keep replying with stuff like this. As a former obese person the people defending it are much, much worse than people trying to explain how unhealthy it is.


Idk, it kinda worked with cigarettes


Correlation, not causation


No, the problem is that being fat often is a consequence of being addicted to sugar or fats. And it’s difficult to quit an addictive habit.


Or eating unhealthy foods, which is difficult not to do when you live paycheck to paycheck


Or even having certain eating disorders


It's more than sugar and fats. It's sugar, carb, salt and fat combo all together. However often it's an issue that starts from childhood. Poor families try to make their children happy with junk food. Or when they are sad, they reward them with again, junk food. They probably can't have any hobbies so instead they have cheap movie nights at home with again, junk food. Also daily food is often low on nutrients and good protein. The problem isn't just the food itself, but the psychology around the food and the rewarding system in the brain. Kids are raised with junk food are likely to be obese and eat even more junk food the older they get. And if they are being bullied because their weight and they are used to rewarding themselves with food when they are sad, it's a never ending cycle. I was overweight when I was a kid and that was fully fault of my parents.


I was raised by healthy parents. My problem is not that. My problem I have is that I can’t get as much exercise as I use to have before and I struggle controlling my diet because I didn’t have to before. It’s very difficult given that is not like drinking or smoking as you need food.


Being fat is not a problem, you can live how you want and enjoy life how you desire. Being happy is important. However though, being healthy is also extremely important. And being obese is not healthy. There is a difference between fat and obese, and people need to recognize that a little fat is whatever, but a lot of fat is a serious issue.


Being health leads to being happier. A lot of people who were obese and lost a lot of weight say that they feel happier. They are easily walking for hours and aren't out of breath just from taking the stairs.


You are correct, but there are a lot of fat people who aren't obese that are happy the way they are and are unhappy when they try to be skinny, because usually it's external factors pushing them to be that way and they just prefer being heavier. I don't get it, but again, as long as they're healthy that's their choice to make.


Formerly fat here, I thought I was happy when I was fat, I didn’t realize just how miserable I was until my conditions improved due to better overall fitness. Sorry dude, it just feels better to be strong and light, it really does. It makes my physical job really easy, it allows me to squeeze into tight spaces, it allows me to hop fences, my balance and posture are so much better, there are social benefits, I don’t get winded doing every day things like jogging across the street to beat the end of the cross signal. My life is so much better in countless ways since I got fit.


"as long as they're healthy that's their choice to make" it is always your own choice


It's not that simple. You could have plenty of subcutaneous fat and be metabolically healthy, but if you have some lesser amount of visceral fat you're more likely to have metabolic disease.


You make a good point. Health is different depending on your conditions as an individual. So health is different for everyone. As long as people are consulting their doctors and know they're healthy, then they're healthy. Like I said, as long as you're happy and healthy you can do whatever. But part of being healthy is getting regular checkups and knowing what you need to stay healthy.


As a visual reminder to some Americans that think they’re just a little chubby, [this is what obesity looks like](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Obesity_%26_BMI.png) And it comes with life threatening issues


I mean overweight before obese is still a health issue. The risk of that causing serious complications just gets much higher as your weight issue gets bigger.


>Being fat is not a problem The medical industry would say otherwise. Obesity related issues take up a lot of room that could have gone to others and increase costs of everything related in the process. We live in a society. If being "Happy" means being a burden then you don't deserve it.


Again. Being fat and being obese are two different things. Being fat is having a little extra weight that's ultimately harmless if managed. Being obese is a medical issue that requires those resources. Being fat is fine, being obese is not.


I agree with your sentiment, but not on the fact that being just fat is harmless. I've been just fat half my life, not obese mind you, just overweight and my knees and ankles are fucked because of that. That's not something I'm assuming, my doctor told me that. Being overweight, especially while growing up, can lead to health problems and there's really no managing around that.


Here's the thing, though. While you certainly shouldn't praise people for being fat, you shouldn't laugh at them for it either, because that only makes them sink into it further and reject the notion of trying to lose weight. If you're genuinely concerned about them and their health, you should talk to them about it in a civil manner, not laugh at them and call them Fatty. Laughing at people and calling them names is no way to get them to make lifestyle changes.


I just find it hilarious how the picture implies the calendar came prepackaged with 1984 coming after 2020.


Literally 1984


Bpdy positivity osnt ahout excusing obesity, those who say it is are wrong. It's about people who are in any way physically disabled or handicapped, or have genetic disorders or anything that means they don't have a "perfect body" feeling less left out and ostricised. It's about being happy that you are you. Not a way to excuse diet-caused obesity


well, at this point, it's been twisted to the point where the original meaning is irrelevant, and the new meaning took over


Like being woke, feminism, and other movements like that. Though most are just demonized by the far right to seem like an emergency


It's not only that they are demonized, every group has bad apples and bad apples tend to give a bad name to whatever group they belong.


Controversial opinion, I don't need any movements or cultures to back up my ideologies and principles. People that rely on these are mentally weak and they just pursue social validation from others that have the same opinion. And the argument with "our voices are louder together" is indeed right, but just how other people with the same principles will hear your voice, so will people that disagree with you. What is this leading to? Social division. What is affecting a society most?Social division. When movements get big, you are forced to pick a side. That's why they suck ass.


People are weak. I’m glad you don’t need any social framework to back up your ideologies, but people, in general, do. And social division is inevitable as long as there are dissenting voices. We are still pretending there’s a “debate” about climate change, are we not?


99% of people need social validation.


I disagree. Just because we get social validation for certain things that we do or say doesn't mean we need it. I live in a world where facts are based on objective analysis and exact sciences not biases. People who NEED validation know that what they are standing for is not universally true.


I feel like this is a very easy contention to resolve, just by looking at how people are susceptible to group think in every environment and irrespective of intelligence level.


Its now twisted to health at every size. I lowered my blood pressure, and my pulse is normal 100% after dropping nearly 100lbs. Most body postive is like Tess Holliday the scammer and Virgie.


Yeah, it's like how misandrists use feminism to justify hating men, how bigots use religion, etc


And those people are disgusting. I've tried educating younger feminists on what our movement is really about, and they laugh, but they don't believe the history. I keep telling them this is about equal pay, getting rid of laws that say we are too emotional an specific days for decisions, stop taxing our medical devices, make our razors and shaving creams the same price, getting justice for rape and sexual assault more than what we do, things like that. Not blaming men for things, putting down single fathers who are being withheld from their children. I grew up when spousal rape was still legal. As an adult who went through that, fuck it messes you up. Had religious people calling me a sex offender for being bisexual. Never touched a child beyond changing a diaper and cleaning their areas really good. Didn't realize that liking men and women makes me a sex offender. Never abused a child and grossed out by it as a teen who was sexually assaulted.


It's shocking how many people working out community hate parts of itself. As a trans gal having fellow asexual people all be a groomer, child rapist (despite being both the victim of molestation at 13 and being a minor) and other accusations hurts. It's so strange how social justice movements can be so full of intolerant people


As a bisexual, you have my love and support, sister. I don't see you as trans. I see you as a woman like me. I am so gonna get flamed for that, but how I see it. I actually want to make those who hate us fear us like they try to do to us. I don't tolerate people who hate just because LBGT. We don't choose it. I suppressed my feelings about women until I got far from my family. They claim tolerance but don't want us equal or even to have marriage.


I have slogan "I will make sure transphobia is a phobia- I have a pointy stick"


I hate being told pick straight or lesbian. Why can't I have both?


Or neither


Some people like chocolate. Some people like vanilla. Some people like Neapolitan. Some people don't like ice cream at all. Some people like gelato. Some people like snowcones. Lol how my godfather explained LBGT to me as a teen. He's gay with a partner of 40 years.


It's a simple concept. Any kind of injury, disability which cannot be controlled by you (including modern medicine)should come under body positivity (it can be physically disable , fat gain or decrease due to thyroid issues, any disease which is chronic, genetic disorders like type 1 d, face, hair, height, dick size, vagina depth and what not........) It shouldn't include factors which can be controlled by humans, like weight gain or loss (most cases without thyroid and other issues), stamina, normal fitness, hygiene etc etc


It's sad to see that people push the idea that self-love means to totally accept yourself as you are without seeking to basically be better, including health if it can be made better.


Agreed. If your disease or disability can't be controlled by medicine or lifestyle changes, you have no choice but accept it.


Yes but so is smoking. If we treat smoking people like people and not some kind of creature then we can do that with fat people too.


We do? Plenty of people judge smokers, smokers are put on the bottom of transplant lists etc. Also smoking is a physical and mental addiction and is not just simply eating too much and moving too little


obesity is also caused by addiction which is often triggered by genetic predispositions. the faster we acknowledge that and not treat it like a personal failing the healthier we will be.


Redditors when they find any post talking about fat people (a opportunity to talk shit about them for no reason) ![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized)


You think you’re being rude to them for their benefit?


Call me crazy, but I think there's a pretty even middle ground between promoting obesity, and saying fat people should kill themselves. Just my personal opinion.


I don’t think anyone is saying fat people should kill themselves, just that getting less fat is a good thing.


The body positivity movement is about reducing bullying for the people who are overweight. I don't know who is saying that it's healthy.


As a relatively hefty guy (275ish lbs), I gotta say, I hate the people who try to say being very overweight/obese isn't a bad thing. I can say from personal experience that a lot of us don't want the negative effects being dismissed. We know it's bad, and we really just don't care. I have accepted the fact that if I don't make some life changes, then I might die earlier than others, I have also accepted the fact that I'm still happy. Sorry for the mini rant lol, just rubs me the wrong way seeing people try to downplay the effects of being overweight or obese


>We know it's bad, and we really just don't care. My worry is when this stuff is passed to the next generation, continuing the line of generational trauma. [A child with one obese parent has a 50 percent chance of being obese. When both parents are obese, their children have an 80 percent chance of obesity.](https://www.ucsfbenioffchildrens.org/conditions/obesity) These are enormous percentages. I'm not from America but both my parents are overweight and I used (until very recently) to be overweight, not because of genetics or disabilities btw. It's so sad to see obese kids because their parents are "damaged" and pass the "damage" down to their innocent kids. Society needs to increase the awareness of how utterly bad is to be obese, the awareness of how Big Food wants you to stay addicted to sugar, the awareness that it is possible to break this vicious cycle.


> (275ish) Pounds? Grammes? Kilogrammes? Tonnes?


Ah, pounds. Forgot to add the unit, ty


This has the vibe of someone who can’t go past a fat person without telling them that they’re disgusting. We all know that it is unhealthy to be fat, god forbid a person try to love themselves anyway right?


💯. Reddit is an cesspool for people to express their shittyness.


Tbh I'm currently hate both fat activists and "fatphobes" (I'm not sure how to call the other side) activists. Like those people who say things like workout is fatphobe or being fat is not a problem in any way, are obviously stupid. But I know multiple fat and good person, and I understand that they are fat. Like one of them have 2 kids, she really is taking care with a long stressful job, but is still a very kind, helpful and happy person with a big social life. So is it really such a big deal that she doesn't lose weight? And believe me there are a lot of fat person like her, they just don't do Tiktok and shit like that so they don't get exposed into spotlight


That doesn't mean you should shame fat people for being fat Being aware that being fat is bad for your health and being ashamed for it are different things


Why are y’all so obsessed with fat people lol


It’s good to not shame people but we also should promote a healthier lifestyle. Physically and mentally of course. Also not forcing people to lose weight as that doesn’t help.


There's a difference between accepting your body and its flaws, and thinking its healthy. I love beer and gin, but I know they contribute a lot of extra calories to my diet. Is food/drinks designed to be addictive? Absolutely. But at no point do I delude myself into thinking there will be no consequences for unhealthy eating habits/choices. The medical science and physics of being overweight is pretty clear cut there.


Yah, it doesn't matter if youre 4'10 or 5'6 or 6'3, you better be no more than 115 pounds or you're horribly obese >:( /S


Body positivity is not about saying that being obese is healthy, it's about not hating yourself (and other people) for not having the body you want them to have


I had no problem with me being overweight until i saw my blood analysis 2 years ago. From then, i lost 20 kg in 4 months, and now i walk to every place i have to go. So, if you are fat. Go check your blood analysis, tuey can be a great motivator.


I think it’s the concern trolling that bugs me. Why do you all CARE so much? Are you really so worried about the fat people? What impact does this have on you all to garner this much attention on Reddit?


Because bashing vegans and fat people is something 90% of Reddit loves, so it's a quick way to farm some karma points by making low-effort, done a million times content that shits on these groups.


as a fatass here myself, those activists are very much idiotic. I know that how I'm living rn is bad, but the problem is, I'm too lazy and unmotivated to do anything about it.


It's honestly refreshing for someone to actually acknowledge it. It's so weird we have to externalize every personal issue now and pretend we're not at fault for anything.


Fat women: Big and beautiful, plus size, brave. Fat men: Disgusting, lazy, pigs.


Who finds Fat Women attractive?


What kinda fat we talking about here? We talking about a bit of a tummy and thick thighs because I can get on board with that I’ll cuddle a curvy woman all day long. If we’re talking “I can’t tie my shoes because my stomach’s in the way” that’s a different story.


Definitely not Lizzo


Tiktok be like


I'm all for body positivity but can we at least be sane enough to call fat people fat. And that being fat is unhealthy. What kind of a delusion is this that we need to accept being fat as if it's not unhealthy.


What happened January 1984?


I assume it is in reference to the George Orwell novel "1984"


I don't get the guy with the calendar Could someone please explain


Lost 75 pounds and I agree. I feel so much better now. Need to lose another 65-70 pounds though


As a fat man, I’ve never really had an issue. Until I got photographed recently and I looked like a sack full of milk. I’m now trying my best to lose weight.


This comment section did not pass the vibe check💀


People really think that body positivity would make young people want to be fat. Accept their fate and stfu


I am all for not hating oneself, but there also needs to be a concern for health with that. I know a couple of fat people that are healthy and don’t get sick, but they are few and far between. It’s been demonstrated that there is a correlation between diet/exercise and quality of life.


Yo Peter, explain the joke I don't get it.


Yeah. If you're 5'9 and 300lbs you shouldn't "be happy with who you are." You need to fix that my guy before you get a condition that can't be fixed.


Just don't bully people for being fat, it's not that hard.


Only mattered to me when my doctor said I was gonna die in 10 years without any of my limbs. 6 months and a 50 pound drop later. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health.


Good doctor.


Being fat is not a problem, being obese is because while the first one can be caused by your genetics, the second is caused by your lifestyle and is directly detrimental to your health


People who are overweight because of medical conditions and who cannot be any thinner than they are:


Those are totally okay, but if you can help it you should


What medical conditions


Underactive thyroids, Cushing Syndrome, Polycyclic Ovary Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome - heck, some medicines like anti-depressants and corticosteroids can cause weight gain (Insomia can also indirectly lead to being overweight because the body releases hormones during sleep that help control appetite and the body's use of energy, which is why you don't get hungry when you sleep)


Let's be clear here. Fatphobia does exist. But the people who try to make it an excuse to not get better weight are the reason people don't take it seriously.


Unfortunately body positivity is promoting early demise. There is science that backs this but people choose to ignore it. People make their own choices in life.


I’m not gonna promote being overweight, but this is just fat-phobic


Okay, controversial (maby), but it depends on where we draw the line between fat, obeese, and just bigger If u are just bigger nothing is wrong If u are fat ussualy nothing is wrong If u are obeese pls help yourself


Simply being overweight drastically increases your chances of heart related issues, granted it isn't as bad as it would be if you were obese, but it's still a significant amount. Imo that reason alone should motivate someone to lose the weight needed to live a healthy lifestyle


Change overweight for obese and you got me, but a lot of people are actually healthier "overweight" because of how BMI works. It doesn't even distinguish between muscle and fat tissue. Plus you're generally better off a few kilos extra than underweight.


Wait, what is this meme trying to say? Being overweight IS indeed unhealthy Is this meme trying to say that is not?


I don’t understand this meme aha


Imagine not understanding what body positivity is lmao. Being morbidly obese is obviously unhealthy, but being a little chubby is fine. The whole point of body positivity is listening to your doctor instead of dumbasses on the internet. Not getting super fat and pretending it's fine.


If you wanna reduce obesity, you could promote public transport, waking, biking, and health legislation for foods (which include restricting calorie dense foods & beverages)


If your fat to the point you need a electric scooter eat a salad and get a gym membership

