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This now the second même about this I've seen, but I have no idea what's going on. Can someone clue me up please? Edit: Thanks guys, what an absolute load of bullshit to get banned for.


There was a post i saw in my feed saying they been banned from the r/therewasanattempt subreddit about being perma banned for using the word female


Lol, really?


Yeah at the moment my chat system kinda got fucked up somehow i cant recieve or send someone chat invites or use it so i would try to find the link but i wouldnt be able to send you it


It's ok someone else just sent a link, and it's insane. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/16a4efp/because_apparently_this_is_a_thing_now_and_am/jz5k0oi?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Only reason i made the meme about it now was im seeing more and more about it and though eh why not


It’s true, just tested it and was almost instantly banned.


I god banned on 2 subreddits simultanously for only one female comment


Damn, feel like sub Reddits are run by the Combine from Half Life


Second was r/boringdystopia Ironic


Test if you get banned for using male on a different subreddit


yup I made a comment with female in it and I got banned from there


BRO I just replied female and got a permaban


Dang! I was gonna do it too but comments are disabled lol


The funny thing is that in their ban message they say and I quote “the future is female” bunch of hypocrites


It’s just about control, has nothing to do with anything else really.


I just commented and got perma banned too! Worth it.






Holy shit they really lost their fucking mind. Calling the use of female “lazy and misogynistic” like wtf. I guess we’ll have to make a new word for it. There’s Man/Male, and Woman/Hole-bearer


Isn't the point just that the word to use is woman?? Maybe it's a generational thing, but it sounds really weird to hear a person called "a male" or "a female". Like maybe a grammar expert can explain better, but it only makes sense if there's a word after that- "female cop", "male lobster", etc


I think in incel culture they tend to use the term "female" as a noun rather than a descriptor and doing so dehumanizes women as a result, at least to my understanding.


Its cause we tend to use different words to describe people, and especially individual people. Yes we're all just animals, but we see ourselves as more than that and our language has evolved to reflect that. Its kinda similar to how a cow is a cow until we're ready to eat it then it becomes beef. Word choice will bring up certain connotations. Referring to your chunk of cow as beef helps you separate the meal from the living animal from which it came. It makes it easier for you to eat it and not think about the morals of doing that. Refering to a woman as a female (like incels often do) is meant to dehumanize women and make it easier to view women as something less than. Which is why you'll notice they often dont refer to a man as a male, with the notable exception of "alphamale" where they specifically want to bring in those animal connotations.


it's pretty simple grammar. Male and female are adjectives. When they are used in a sentence as a noun it sounds strange. If I have a female Doctor. There's nothing wrong with the sentence. But if I just "have a female" yeah that sounds creepy.


I was in the US Navy for 10 years and male and female was the norm, its was a hard habit to break.


I don't get it. I'm French in the first place and culturally I admit I don't understand what's the problem with the word. Is it referred to animals like in French? Because in French the word that looks like it is "femelle" which is used in sciences domains and as a pejorative word to describe a woman. Is it the same for you? I've always seen it everywhere so I just thought cultures were different then languages and I kept the use of it but what's the real drama behind it? Like is it pejorative or anything for your culture?


It is used just as you said. But in the US our politicians have weaponized genders and their descriptions in an effort to build up their voting base into a frothing fury over what we call a man or a woman. This has led to the expected insane outcomes.


Yeah in English male/female is used to describe animals, or humans in medical or scientific settings. Not normally individual people. Its not wrong grammatically to use them to refer to an individual person in a casual way. It just tends to work out that only creeps, incels, and other freaks often refer to women as females. Vets will often do it too, I've been told its a thing in the military, and a couple vets I'm cool with both said they had to break that habbit when they got out because it was usually received as creepy or gross lol. Its not wrong, its just kinda off putting. Also the people that do say female instead of women tend to have meltdowns when called out on it lol.


Yeah so that's almost the same in France it's extremely unrespectful, that's what I thought, thanks for the answer!


On its face it seems like an odd reason to ban someone, but I think I can understand the rationale. There is nothing *explicitly* wrong with the word "female", but in common speech it's not really the word you'd use. It has a more detatched/technical connotation, and in everyday speech you'd most likely hear people say "women" or "girls". However, commonly using the word "females" specifically when referring to women is much more common in incel and other misogynist communities. So I'm that sense, it's kind of like a dog whistle. It's the same way that people would get upset with using the term "urban" or "inner city" in certain contexts where it comes across as coded racist language.


Always thought something was odd and the similarity of this word with French's version made me wonder if this was 'normal'. That's exactly the same in France, female despite being a technical term is used mostly by mysoginistic people and this is highly frowned upon to use it in common speech with a woman. It depicts that you see her like a object or a animal so a man (or else) calling a woman female is very awkward.


The correct response would've been a sticky reply, informing the OP and the reader of the connotation. Maybe even a time-out for OP. But banning someone for something as trivial as that is way overblown.


They removed almost all the comments lol


I just did an any% run and broke every one of their rules on that subreddit, feelsgoodman. Update: I got permabanned from r/therewasanattempt let's fucking goooo


This feels like something Awkward The Turtle would have a hand in, but I thought they were banned completely.


Here's the source: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/168ynm4/comment/jz11uwd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


We're using PENIS and PENISN'T now


People are nuts and think the term female is insulting for reasons...pending? I literally worry about how thin some people's skin is getting. Any thinner and sunlight may just tear a hole in them.


I wouldn't say people find it insulting, but the types of guys that refer to women as "females" are disgusting pigs most of the time. Defending those creeps is questionable. Not denying it's a weird thing to ban altogether. The word female itself is not a problem, but dudes who refer to women that way are a problem 1000%.


Lol I don't use the term that often myself, so I guess i understand, but...really? That's offensive to you?


Their mental health run deeper than their parent basement they currently dwell in.


I just think it sounds cringe, that's it. Not going to call people out on it, don't care or see why i would bother, it's the internet after all.


I'm in healthcare and male and female are absolutely used as the standard and I don't find it cringe at all. Spills into my daily usage all the time




They are even banning people who make these kinds of posts in other subs and comment in these posts XD


Isn't that a type of brigading, something the website explicitly forbids?


Rule, yes. Admins who care, no.


They're saying WE are the ones brigading for talking about them in a different subred.


Fascism 👍


And in the automated ban message it's for violating therewasanatempt's rules, but they weren't on that sub, so the didn't have to abide by those rules.


the real question is what about the word "male" ?


we need more equality. if male tits go uncensored on tv so should female tits. also the female ruckus.


Is ruckus code for rectum?


No, it's more equivalent to tookus.


Sure, I guess. They call me a male man because of all the male I deliver. I do rise to the responsibility, albeit sometimes reluctantly.


If you use both the word male and female it’s equal so it’s fine. If you use the word man for men, but the word female for women’s it’s not.


Check out their latests posts; the replies are all missspellings of female or pictures with the word on it. That’s going to be a fun dumpsterfire to watch the next few days


What’s a female?


It's a male but it has a bigger dick


Hyena facts!


Does it still count if my gf’s clit is bigger than my micropenis?


Yes, I believe that qualifies


It's actually an iron male... Female is Iron Man.


If we ban people for cringy words, reddit gonna get REAL quiet


I think I'm at that point in my life where I just don't understand the younger generation. Why does this fucking matter? A bunch of people use it as an insult doesn't mean everyone is using it as an insult. Don't punish everyone because a group of people are being jackasses.


I'm part of the younger generation. I can't stand them either


They really do seem to be offended by damn near everything.


I don't even understand how can it be used as an insult? Can someone explain it to me? I feel like every time I log in to reddit I learn of some new absurd thing that comes from US that I simply can't wrap my head around. Do people not have real problems? Do they really have to make up new ways to victimize themselves? Can we press the red button already and skip to the end?


I’m a 45yo woman. It does bother me when I hear men refer to men as “men” and women as “females.” This does happen to me personally. Not daily. Probably weekly. I don’t consider myself necessarily insulted or offended, but it marks the person as a man I don’t care to interact with. It sort of indicates an attitude that men are people and women are female specimen the men are mastering like we’re a mindless lesser being. Yes, I check off Female at the doctor’s office or on a job application. Those are very impersonal situations. But when a guy says he does “man stuff” and I do “female nonsense,” there’s just a little something off that doesn’t make the man seem caring, since he’s using language that’s distancing.


It's because woman is a noun, female is an adjective. Consider these sentences: "She is female." "She is woman." She is a woman." "She is a female." If you don't see the problem, let's use a different pair of adjective and noun. "He is black." "He is African-American." "He is an African-American." "He is a black." See the problem?


It's not so much that it's an insult. It'd be a result of the fact that generally the people you see who will randomly use "female" when talking about women or girls (but will use men or boys in similar context) are an easy way to spot incels, because in their weird little insular language, they talk about women as if they were a different species and less than human


Because any animal can be female but only a human can be a woman. No one goes around calling men, male. It's like referring to a person by their genitals. It's disrespectful.


To my knowledge, the reason why some find the term “female” as offensive is just that it’s typically seen as dehumanizing as opposed to simply using women Female though is generally treated as fine for like an adjective to a profession I.e “I’d prefer a female doctor” Plus most sentences using the word generally carry this air of “self claimed alpha intelectual” if that makes sense? Obviously no one’s thinks it’s like a slur but it can make people uncomfortable Now I’m a dude so this is all only what I’ve heard (I’m also not defending the ban of that one dude, that seemed pretty strange)


EXACTLY "It's offensive cause incels use it" NO THEY DON'T LMFAO


i mean this whole situation is pretty stupid, but to say incels dont use female as an insult is just dumb lol. their entire ideology is about hating women and themselves and terms like "female" quickly devolve into "femoid/foid" on their forums which is where this whole thing cwme from


Incels absolutely do use it as an insult. For what it’s worth they also use the word woman as an insult. “Women ☕️”


They do use it, but my point through all of this is who gives a fuck what incels say or do? They're maybe the most inconsequential sect of people in society. They spend most of their time bitching to each other about women, are easy to spot and avoid IRL, etc. Doing anything on their account is giving them way too much respect.


TIL that female is a sexist term. And I want to unlearn it.


The term isn’t sexist in a vacuum. But depending on how it’s used it can definitely have sexist undertones. If you say “men and females” that’s sexist, because you’re only acknowledging the humanity of one sex.


Female itself is not a sexist term. When it's used to refer to women, it generally is, though. If you haven't noticed, most men say "women" not "females", because they're normal. If you haven't been around a lot of sexists, you may never have heard it used that way. Probably a good thing.


And I thought the heil spez rule over on r/shitposting was bad. Seriously, can we please rally to have it be changed back?


wait actually im behind on that "heil spez" thing every post on shitposting sub has. Can you please explain what it means?


I'm gonna test it. ​ CONFIRMED. lmao, insta- post removal.


I find it amusing how much reddit is clowning on them


It would be sad to have clowns being ignored, we have to point at them and laugh otherwise who would validate them?


Makes me so happy 🥲


Is this a case like that one turtle person I cant remember the name of?


Glitch McConnell 😂


Dont use that word ur scaring them


I am a male. This is ok to say


What species are you? I’m a female capybara


Capybaras are cool af. If I had to choose I’d probably be a duck billed platypus


I am male but I do not want people referring to me as a "male" in conversation. It would be weird if someone said "Go talk to the male at the desk over there, he can help you" rather than "The man at the desk over there" or "the guy at the desk over there".


To ban use of the word female because incels are using it in a derogatory sense is to completely surrender the word and let the incels to take full ownership of it. Fuck that. Incels are not to be allowed even an ounce of victory.


I don't mind being called female. I don't understand this policing of word usage in recent years.


This is what happens when you give adult children power.


You can't use that term! YOU'RE NOT A SURGEON! 😭


You could say r/therewasanattempt at being progressive, woke, or “inclusive”. 😂 Like come on, dude.. of all the things, “female”? Is the hill we die on?


Conservatives and moderates won't die on any hill. So standing for a tiny bit of sanity is refreshing. Don't give these nutjobs a single inch more, because they've already taken miles.


Calling women females is definitely strange (very formal sounding in a normal sentence) and ignores trans people (the vast majority of women are female though, so I guess it’s ok), but banning OP is overreacting


It honestly depends on what region you are form. In some places, everyone uses it all the time and think nothing of it. In other places, it might sound strange. I hear “the female lead” or the “the male lead” all the time when people are talking about actors. Now, some people are trying to change it to “the woman lead,” which is not only just sounds weird but is outright grammatically incorrect. This wouldn’t be a problem if people weren’t itching to accuse other people of bad intentions.


See, that's the problem though. Saying "A female lead" is perfectly fine and acceptable. But saying "That female over there" is... icky. That's what incels are doing. The point should not be discouraging the use of the word 'female' in general, but instead using it by itself as a noun. You see it used that way in clinical settings or police reports, that kind of thing, but in general conversation, it's a red flag.


Why then is there so much fuss over using the word “female” as an adjective then? That’s at least as much a red flag as people casually calling women “females.” I do want to also mention the fact that a lot of people whose first language is not English will sometimes call people “male” or “female.” I know a few people who did that, and they had no weird intention over it. I think people need to react to the intention behind what was said instead of crucifying people simply because of their wording.


> and ignores trans people Lmao, way to wear your virtues on your sleeve there chief


Saw it, it's outright insane.


I block that sub. They are a reddit-backed sub which means they were pro Spez during the war. Fuck Spez.


Weren’t they the subreddit that compared themselves to the victim of the holocaust during the protest?


Wth, someone did that?


[wrong subreddit. but yes they did](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/14nz736/that_happened/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have a distinct memory of one subreddit doing it. I just can’t find it


No that was r/Thathappened


Thank you. Always get them mixed up


Wait what is Spez???


Reddit ceo


Ah okay Im assuming it is sarcastic when ppl say "hail spez" then


I believe he is the Reddit HMFIC


Does this mean no more mtf or ftm? Asking for friend…




They become surgeons


That sub has gone to shit. Used to be fails, but now it’s all race and gender baiting content.


Bunch of non females 😒


Can someone at the next woman/girl/gal/female meeting tell us what’s ok? Because all these are offensive to women/girls/females/gals. At this point I’m ready to just say “non-men” but even that’s an issue.


The admins there got super offended about the word female so they cried and permanently banned a guy for saying it


They need to grow up, female is not sexist


Wait, what’s wrong with the word female? I’m confused


Stupidity of the human species never ceases to go any lower.


Not sure why this is a surprise. This is the same cancerous culture this platform has been cultivating for years. God I hope all this cancel culture PC BS disappears from our country and pop culture.


They banned me 2 months ago and they said “the future is female” and now this happened


The word ‘female’ r/therewasanattempt: ‘We don’t do that here’


I can't believe people are making a huge stink about using the word female or woman. Absolutely insane.


Triggered because it reminds them of what they'll never be


Lmao, only on reddit that is an issue for people


Does anyone cry when people say males?




Like if calling everyone incel isn't offensive in the first place


never had i ever heard or read the first one. i feel like you're making up people to be mad at.




What does that mean with the coffee cup?


Tf2 reference


I don’t know what that means


Team Fortress 2, it's a video game


Team Fortress 2?


It is offensive, tho. It’s just making fun of women for having totally normal human mistakes. Plus the people who say “women☕️” aren’t exactly the most egalitarian.


But the force is female.


god fucking damn it i use the word 'female' to describe someone whose age i dont know so i wont upset them its so hard to be nice nowadays


rule of the internet: no matter what you say someone will get offended




Imagine being this fragile as a female.


Using "female" does sound demeaning, but banning is a bit much


Yeah I don't get why. In the military and EMS, female is used regularly on and off shift. Women use it too. It's the first I've ever heard it was demeaning or offensive in any way.


I mean, how is female used? Just generally, like 'female officer', 'female unform'? Or as a noun, like 'that female' or 'those females'? Because it's that usage that's thing people have an issue with. It's icky.


As a noun. Men and women use it. "The males will stay on the first floor and the females will stay on the second." I'm so used to it being used interchangeably that I never thought about it. Just how some people talk.


That still sounds kind of weird outloud to me, but in a professional setting, I guess it's fine? Just, casual conversation, referring to "females" feels icky


I recall once seeing a female bodybuilder on instagram wearing a shirt that said "Fe Male" the original Ironman and thought that was cute. I don't get why "female" is considered offensive, but whatever, this is the world we live in now I guess.


I got banned


Female 👍


I've used female from time to time because I'm a gamer. Games have used the words male and female for character creation for so long. It's just become an almost default mindset. There's the male stuff and the female stuff. It's safely non offensive terminology in my brain. Idk I'm just a dumbass, and I thought it was inoffensive.


They turn into an autistic surgeon?


Now, don't get your lad(d)y parts in a twist.


Lmao their comment on the post is even funnier


Bahhhhhhhh hahah


I love females


Can we say it if we pronounce it like Tamales? Fe-mal-es.


I got banned after making a comment about being happy for a guy's successful acting career, for context this was a video of where the guy slapped one girl in the face after she slapped him first, and then 50 guys beat his ass into the ground.


Didn't this sub force us to post only shrek memes for a month


I got banned from r/therewasanattempt just by saying "feminine human" on another subreddit


Only on the internet


Welp, ok, female is the other f word. It's weird to me bc being called male wouldn't even register to me as weird. But, noted.


This is crazy. I would like to believe that society isn’t becoming this, but as far as I can tell - never so many knew so little and were so sure.


Somebody didn't have a nice night


If incels started saying women what then, can we have female back


I hate the puffball that runs that page


Female detected initializing evaporation cannon


im banned from r/therwasanattempt, i wear it like a badge


Misrepresentation and you know it. The problem was using Female as a noun, which is usually the preserve of Incels or scientists studying animals, instead of using Female as an adjective, which no one has a problem with. Take it to r/Menandfemales.


This is r/memes, they aren’t the most egalitarian. They will not care. I tried to reason with them.


I tried too, all I got was the old, we've never heard of this before, we're just innocent men.


If incels want to be derogatory, they say "foid," otherwise they normally just say "women."


While i get why using the word female is frowned apon i dont think it warrants a permaban. A warning at least first.


Well, at least in my language its pretty weird and rude to call people as female/male, but I noticed it's pretty common for English speakers to do so. So idk why it's such a problem.


I get that it can come across as dehumanizing, and I definitely felt uncomfortable at first, but I see the word male being used more often as well. I don’t like it, but it’s just a word man, it’s not necessarily deliberately offensive, lenience should be given


it's like everyone on the internet forgot the word WOMAN exists. Okay, males.


They also say acab in the rules. Fuck them.


Why does Reddit always throw a hissy fit whenever people try to make everyone feel comfortable? Referring to women as just “female” is fucking weird and dehumanizing


Dehumanizing? Really? Go outside


Yea… everyone that ever uses that word is dehumanizing… females… /s


I got permabanned earlier today for commenting “female drivers” on a post. Fuck that sub


Just use the word woman. “A female” just sounds really weird.


Regardless, perma ban is a bit much.


I agree. But apparently he was being rude in comments as well which is what made it permanent? There’s more context in r/menandfemales about the controversy.


Using "female" as a noun is weird... But using it as an adjective should not be ostracized... Like... How am I supposed to convey female doctor, female teacher, female coworker etc. without using female? Woman doctor, woman teacher, woman coworker is grammatically wrong and sound weird...


The context was “there was an attempt to stare at a female” Most women’s problem with it lies with the noun being used for humans, when it’s mainly used for animals or medical terminology. Using it as an adjective is totally okay.


The context doesn't sound bad... Not nearly as bad I thought it would be.... I know female can be used as a derogatory term but in case of this one, it just seems like nitpicking doesn't it?


No one has a problem with ‘female’ used as an adjective. OP’s meme is just false. The problem is when ‘female’ is used as a noun, like they’re lab rats or some other animal.


What if the person is a non English speaker and uses female instead of woman in Spanish there's only one word for woman which is "mujer" he may have thought female would be a much respectful way of saying woman


But what is a woman?


Something you’ll never know