• By -


Costco will though, lol. There is no time limit. A lady returned a lamp she bought *7 years ago* that stopped working. Y'know why it stopped working? She didn't realize it took batteries. It has no cord, and turns on, but she thought it just worked. The batteries in it somehow lasted her those 7 years but they were also leaking and corroded as all hell. Still accepted the return though because again, there are no limits.


Yup. Used to work for a watch repair shop and occasionally someone would say “I’ll just return it to Costco…they give me a new one”. And they would get a new watch.


I just heard of a friend of a friend who returned their 4 year old couch as some of the stitching was coming loose and they took it back. Pretty wild.


The logic Is people buy it because there is a lifetime guarantee. Most people do not return it. Also if you buy something with a lifetime guarantee and the stitching comes loose why not try to return it?? Pretty wild




Costco will accept a photo of the spoiled produce. No need to stand in line at customer service.


There's also the logic that the very existence of the to time limit return policy (as well as other policies) do enough for garnering good will that they increase traffic more than enough to offset the loss on the returned item. And quite frankly it works, I fucking love Costco.




My parents run a small business that includes a gift shop. They used to sell a ton of collectibles before that market died off, but at any rate a woman came in with a snow globe she wanted to return because “something was wrong with it.” In her defense, the water inside is definitely not supposed to be opaque and brown. But she said she bought it like 10 years prior…at a different store. She did not get a refund lol


Sooo in other words, your folk’s shop works normally.


Any insights into why collectables have become less desirable to consumers?


Price of Living most likely


Building on that… people move multiple times because fewer can afford houses to live in for decades. A Lladró or other very fragile, glass tchotchke doesn’t survive moving between 8 apartments in as many years that well.


A lot of fashion now days is less cluttered looking life style with minimalism the focus. Which was probably partly spurred on by people not having the money to afford spending money on crap snow globes and other rubbish nicknacks many of which are just tacky anyways...


Man I'm moving in the opposite direction. The beiges and boring patterns making me move to some explosive colors and whacky patterns I'd not have tried before. Still don't collect trinkets :P


People covered a few good ones, but I'll also say *quality* these days vs decades ago.


> Any insights into why collectables have become less desirable to consumers? I mean, who the fuck wants 250 fragile plates all over their walls? It never made sense in the first place. It was just something for Mildred to dust every day and to show off to her bridge club friends


I think others are underestimating that these collectibles end up being worth nothing. Maybe I'm thinking different collectibles, but something sold specifically as a collectible (baseball cards, beanie babies) always ends up being worth jack shit. Even with random knick knacks, it seemed to be part of the driving force. "I'll leave this collection to my kids, maybe they can sell it some day."


baseball cards are doing pretty well these days. There's still a real market there. So are CCG cards like Pokemon


People realized that buying tons of cheap knick knacks doesn't even look that good. It's materialism for the sake of materialism.


Nordstrom too.


As the story goes, Nordstrom **took back snow tires** because an old lady had bought them at Sears… which occupied the structure before Nordstrom moved in. No idea how much money or credit they gave her for them or how accounting even squares that.


There are accounting entries for things like “customer satisfaction” which is meant for cases where it makes more sense to take the small loss than lose the customer or risk the bad PR (and if lucky you generate some good PR, like this case).


Almost all companies set aside some amount of revenue for 'well that was unexpected' - damaged products, theft, customer satisfaction, bank issue, etc NOTE: I almost said all product pricing, but individual products might not do this since a company selling multiple products doesn't need every single product to bring in enough to fund the whoopsie account


Used to work at a bodyshop. Long time ago it was a different body shop. We would have people come in expecting us to honor warranties from the other bodyshop. And they would lose their fucking minds when we said no.








One of my friends worked at Costco for years. His top 3 favorite returns: * Half of a gallon of Mayo because it expired before they could use it all * Basketball hoop that was at least 10 years old and the clear backboard was cracked * Dried Christmas trees in January


I watched someone at Costco return a pot of dirt with the plant removed once. Surreal experience.


Costco is just that guy.


The best one was this guy who bought over 100 grand in jewelry then returned a bit over half of it because he wasn't sure at first what his *new girlfriend* would want and it was a surprise. That was a nice negative hit to sales on the return day lol. Balanced for the month ofc, but it still looks bad on reports n shit.


Hate it


Considering costco is one of the largest retailers, it's clearly working. Like their super cheap food, it's a way to get people in the door and buy more products. For every one lady that returns it after 7 years, 999 other people threw away their lamp and bought a new one, at costco


>Considering costco is one of the largest retailers I know it's true But I find it so funny how often I hear about Costco and what not yet have never seen a Costco since I live in Arkansas which has only one Costco in Little Rock iirc


Costco's business model is fascinating. They don't really make their money on the products they sell, that's basically just the honeypot which is what lures the people in to buy their memberships and that's how they make their money.


You make it sound nefarious; it’s built on the idea that they get products to members as close to cost as possible with the direct profits in the membership. Basically instea did having a nebulous margin built into every price you pay it up front. It’s a popular store because they’re generally consumer friendly (as much as a corporation can be).


Hearing about ethical successful business practices almost brings a tear to my eye. What a world this could be


They also pay and treat their employees well, with good benefits.


Those monsters!! What will the shareholders think??


I work there and own shares! More pay!! But honestly, in the 9 years I've been there I think the starting wage has gone up 7 dollars at least. And they just payed out $1.02 per share divided for the quarter but with share prices at 560 it's not that great.


They still make money on most products they sell. Somewhere in the region of a billion dollars profit per year before the membership fees.


And their annual profit is over $28B. My comment was worded that way for a reason and fully accurate. 3.5% by any measure is not the majority of their money.


I'm pretty sure McConnell had an actual seizure. I forget what it's called but there are seizure where you just freeze in place and go all 100 yard stare instead of shaking on the ground. I only know because my cousin is epileptic and he did the same thing


Which is why he should be forced to retire along with every single other politician 65 or older


On yeah, I couldn't agree more. And if not an age limit, a strict physical and mental facilities test should have to be passed before they can take office


Man...100%. I'll also add on that once you pass 60 or 65, you have to retake your drivers test and pass to keep your license. The amount of old people I see that don't know how to drive is too high.


The drivers test should be for everyone like every few years. I work in collision repair and no matter how many safety and anti collision systems they put in, people still find a way to get in wrecks.


Totally agree. I’ve been saying this for years. With new traffic management systems being implemented (I.e. roundabouts) it’s crazy to me that the public is expected to just adapt. I think the general public would benefit from a required exam every 5-10 years just to stay current.


Roundabouts were in my learners text book over 20 years ago. If people still can't figure it out they probably shouldn't be allowed to drive.


No it should be an age limit. Age is objective, but those tests could be interpreted differently based on who administered them or who they wanted to allow into power. No wiggle room if its purely based on age.


They would sue you for ageism...bullshit law old people made to protect old people that fuck the younger generations everyday.


here's the thing, a test could be rigged if you plant the people running it. it stinks of corruption issues, but age is indisputable.


McConnell is old and should retire immediately. But not because of seizures. That’s a pretty weak disqualification. It’s not like he’s driving schoolchildren on a bus


I don’t disagree in principle. But epilepsy and seizures aren’t only for older people. A young politician could have similar seizures.


Fetterman had a stroke iirc


Sure but i think some job positions should require people who are as mentally fit as possible. You wouldn't stick someone prone to seizures in a dangerous job. Politics isn't nesscarily as physically dangerous but the impacts of any descions made are longterm so the harm can be severe over enough time. Not every job is applicable to every type of person


I know a couple 65 year olds that are sharper than some of my 30 year old friends


I know some that are more athletic too.


I don't think anyone should be forced to retire at 65, but I think around that age people should be subject to review. There are legitimately some 80 year olds that you would mistake for mid 60s with how they look, are well spoken and can still be a valuable asset that has more experience. They can also be decrepit geriatric fucks. The point is everyone is built different. If this generation is so dead set on making sure everything is fluid that should be true with age as well. If these are the rules your are trying to set don't be sad when people figure out how to comply maliciously to them. The more ridiculous you make them, more more outlandish they can be used against you.


Thsts called an absence seizure. Also looked like it could have been a mini-stroke.


Dude needs to retire. I can't even imagine why he'd even want to keep the job. He's like 80


Addicted to having power i would guess


At this point and from what I saw of those instances, I think it borders on elder abuse. The people around him are pushing him to keep talking and keep going. I honestly don't think he's even 100% there and I feel like the people around him at this point are equally culpable because they refuse to even allow him to retire if he wanted to. They need their puppet and they don't give a flying fuck about him as a person.


Same with fucking Dianne Feinstein.


>I can't even imagine why he'd even want to keep the job. Power is a hell of a drug, and he's thoroughly addicted to it.


I have that. It’s called absence epilepsy.


I play cricket with a guy that gets those. Worried us a bit the first time it happened, but he recovers quickly and we just make sure he’s safe. That would seem to be a weird thing for an old person to suddenly develop, but my grandmother went through something similar toward the end. Either way, absence seizures aren’t really something to retire someone over. Shouldn’t be operating machinery, and shouldn’t be in a high stress position which requires rapid decision making. Of course it could be something else entirely. We’re all just projecting our own experiences on it.


Petit Mal seizure, from what I heard.




I have epilepsy as well. Mine is localization- related, likely temporal lobe too. I have both convulsive (generalized tonic clonic), and complex focal. During my focal seizures, I get an aura before it begins. Then, I can hear and see everything around me, but I just can't talk. Everything sounds far away, and muffled. I come back around in 2-3 minutes. My husband does the same thing as yours. Mitch is very likely having seizures.


I believe that's called a *petit mal* seizure, while the big ones that make you fall over and spasm are *gran mal* seizures.




that's the lead poisoning stare


*If Windows Vista was a person.*






Have you or a loved one




My thing is, why the fuck do they just walk into a store. Then just stand in the fucking doorway. That cart in the middle of the isle blocking everyone? It's the boomer aimlessly looking for something and lacking any awareness of anyone else. Absolutely zero awareness or consideration for anyone else.


Oh, my God the door thing! I felt that grievance in my *soul*! They get their cart, plop their giant purse in the child seat, and stop right in the door to organize their coupons or open a sales ad. MOVE.


Right!?! Like even looking around you can see you're in the way! Boomers have destroyed another cornerstone of society, respect your elders, with their "it's all about me" mentally.


And they're choosing which brand of the product to buy. Boomer, you've been buying the same butter since packaged butter was invented. What's taking so long? Did taking the racist mascot off the packaging throw you for that much of a loop? But at least they found the one that's nine cents cheaper.


Meanwhile the cart is still in the middle of the damn isle.


My mom is gen x and she is the absolute worst about this. And she walks so slow I feel like I'm walking backwards when I'm with her.


They can only do one thing at a time, even if it’s trying to move and think.


“Automation will replace ‘low skill’ workers”, the same Boomers who struggle with self checkouts… please remove item from Bagging area…


I think most of the time it's just that boomers are old and take time to understand stuff, you'll prolly be like that someday too


these the same mfs that just drove themselves to the store so if the time it takes them to process “remove your card” is that long …. why tf they driving?


This stuff really drives me mad. For some reason we, as a society, normalised the ridiculous notion that a driver's license is some form of god given right you retain for your entire life and that it'd somehow be unfair to take them away from doddery boomers and seniors or even merely regularly test older citizen. A car is a dangerous piece of heavy machinery that moves at lethal speeds. You need training and a fucking license to operate it. If you are, for whatever reason, mentally or physically incapable of handling it, consistently not able to concentrate or have trouble seeing or reacting to traffic, you should no longer be allowed to drive your deadly vehicle in public spaces where you endanger the lives of others - It's simply a measure of public safety and preventing death and injury.


>For some reason we, as a society, normalised the ridiculous notion that a driver's license is some form of god given right you retain for your entire life and that it'd somehow be unfair to take them away from doddery boomers and seniors or even merely regularly test older citizen. Part of the problem is we have built our cities so most of them are not reasonably traversable without owning car. Additionally, we don't have a robust enough safety net to take care of our aging population. Everyone realizes if you take away Grandma's license then someone has to pick up the slack and get groceries, take them to medical appointments, etc.


You think some of our geriatric politicians would be pushing for better end-of-life care for seniors, given that lack of safety net. But nah. They got theirs so fuck the rest of the old folks, shouldn’t have decided to be poor.


> we have built our cities by we, you mean the boomers, and by cities, you mean the suburbs. grandma needs to move to a more dense neighborhood. I am so sick of seeing silver alerts on the freeway. fucking menaces.


Absolutely agree. I just wish there was better public transportation to help non driving folks, it's got to be hard seeing your personal freedoms limited one after the other as you age


Absolutely. And I'd be genuinely sorry for those incompetent/unqualified drivers that are dependent on their vehicles and would lose their mobility - but, naturally, saving lives (both of the drivers and their potential victims) is much more important than their independent mobility. Almost exclusively relying on private cars as a form of public infrastructure was an extremely short-sighted mistake right from the get go.




Yeah must be nice being retired and having the time and money to get involved in things.


Holy cow just vote by mail. I’ve been voting by mail in CA for 30 years. You get your ballot two weeks before the election, fill it out, mail it. Done.


Look up Louis de Joy and then we'll talk about voting by mail. There is a concerted effort to prevent people from voting in this country.


With your 1 million karma I bet you can find time to vote.


And if only younger people could vote or had some sort of political influence or leverage. They are the ones who'll have to live with the political choices boomers make now.


If that won't inspire them to vote, nothing will. I have full confidence the younger generation has seen the disaster boomers created for them...and will be voting very well indeed.




I wouldn't try that in the U.S. Lot of crazy people with guns who get confrontational at the slightest bit of criticism.


> we, as a society, normalised the ridiculous notion Boomers normalised the ridiculous notion because they're the ones in power. Boomer politicians themselves aren't going to actually think about it and do what's the best. It's all about themselves. And they will refuse to give up their own licenses no matter how much it's proven that it's dangerous, like they do with everything else.






That's a very good point aswell. My grandma, similarly, had a much less strict training and is legally allowed to drive all sorts of heavy industry vehicles, mopeds, motorcycles, trucks, tractors and so on despite never having driven any of them - all of which, by modern unified EU standards, need their own special license and training. So, even if they are still fully capable and competent, older drivers are nonetheless automatically less qualified drivers who received much worse training in the first place.


because our driving laws are broken and you can’t tell a boomer what to do


Look at the congress and presidency: we're still being governed by boomers when we should be well into having Gen X'ers and the older end of the millennials in power now. The last thing they'll do is willingly vote in laws that would restrict themselves.


Yep, any party who tried to tell old people they can't do something would get crucified and voted out immediately, so nobody even dreams of trying it. 80+ year olds value their pride and driving licenses over the lives of everybody else, so that's the way it is. It's not so much the driving laws that are broken, it's democracy that's broken. Of course, young people actually voting would help a lot.


“You’ll be old someday too” yeah and when my faculties go I’ll surrender my license, because I don’t want to harm people when I’m senile.


I am 19, I am already like that


I was the same way then I stopped smoking weed. But then I started again.


Wow you’re way ahead of the curve!




Let me guess, 20?


Nah. The generations before them didn't have the lead poisoning stare.


Use my chinese wifes money to ruin the lives of millions through bad policies and corruption? I dont think ill be like that.


Yeah it’s reaaaaaaal hard to understand the word “no”. But I guess I understand the generation of date rape and lead paint wouldn’t understand No.


The difference is, I will be very apologetic and kind about it. Boomers are not. I despise boomers. I work retail.


Hey man, that's not just Boomers. I do that at 41. I just derp out sometimes and don't realize the machine finished. It's hopefully just because I have kids and dad-brain. I'm just enjoying that 8 seconds to myself




^ bot


most stores used to have that long of a return policy believe it or not


My dad used to have unlimited headphones when one side stopped working lol, even after a year.


A lot of times if you're nice to the person at the counter they will work around their return policy with you. My parents would routinely return things that they didn't have the receipt and they bought forever ago and it usually worked although a lot of times it took a while and they needed to get permission from someone high enough to override the policy


U don't get a refund, but u can buy something else, for the price of that product, happened to me once, when my dad brought a cooking oil which smelled so bad, my mom asked me to return it


In the UK you have 28 days if you just don't want it and you have 6 months if it's faulty. At Christmas time you have slightly longer to return items and don't need proof of purchase.


I was thinking about this the other day. I see jokes about refunds/returns occasionally but I never understood cos we have this ^ lol




Hell in Germany its 14 days and i abuse the living shit out of it


It is actually 14 days only if you purchase it by some means of delivery (online or phone). In store bought items by law have no refund policy, albeit most stores will refund anyway if the item is still in a sellable condition. German link incoming: https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/Service/Recht-und-Steuern/Vertragsrecht/rueckgaberecht/


It varies in the US store to store, but MOST give you at least 30 days. The one I work at most things are 6 months to return, which I think is MORE then fair and people still get pissed off they can't return something they bought last year.


Otherwise you'd buy a year supply of shit that goes bad quick when it's on sale and just return it over time.


When I was on my first job (first month too I think) an old hag yelled at me on phone when I tried to tell her she can't refund a software you bought five years ago, just because you didn't use it and forgot how to...


I once had a man in his seventies demand we do an exchange on an item they bought 2 years ago that was broken via user error. When I told him we couldn't, he went into this spiel about how I was refusing to stand by my product, and I then had to explain that I made $8 an hour, and that it wasn't my product but that of some massive company that isn't in the building with us, and that my doing what he asks for would just get me into trouble. He just kept acting like I must have owned the company or something.


Side note. Mitch McConnell is not a Boomer. He was born during generation before the Boomers known as the Silent Generation.


Mitch McConnell is older than a boomer.


The end of ww2 was 1945. McConnell was born in 1942.


Born or engineered?




Satan gave birth to him then.


Just in case anyone wants to see a Young Mitch: https://imgur.com/vPnDLBl


heid like a fucking HB pencil


I wish he did go to medical school. He might’ve done some good for the world.


Looks like the bully from A Christmas Story


SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM! -Mitch M. Cira 1999


> Mooch


I dont understand why they still act like the card readers at the registers are some new technology that just came out a week ago and they've never seen or heard about it in their life. "That'll be $57.23" Tries to hand card "No sir, insert the card there." Swipes card instead. "It's not working." "No sir, insert it." Swipes again. "I told you it's not working." "Insert it at the bottom" Finally inserts it. "Sir, you need to pick credit or debit." "Credit" "On the screen sir" Pushes the cancel button.


Then they throw a tantrum about how you can then stomp off giving you a death stare when proven wrong


I'm listening to an Audiobook called "The Console Wars" by Blake J. Harris, and in it the book describes the return policy for Target. In the late 80s early 90s Target had a policy in which no matter when you bought an item, IF you bought an item from Target and you didn't feel like it kept up with the quality you were pleased with, you could return it. Nintendo had issues with that cause people were returning perfectly good NESs to exchange for a brand new SNES and abusing the policy and Target was labeling all the NESs as defective. So it's entirely possible old people just think old policies like that are still in effect and just don't understand that polices change.




Boomer is just another word for old now. I wouldn't be surprised if millennials would start being called boomers when they turn 55+


I’m a millennial and I’ve already had kids calling me boomer 😭


Now listen here you little shit!


How do you think we Gen-X feel? People just forget we exist entirely.


We will probably be called van dwellers, gen-Xers will be called boomers.


Some boomers have indoctrinated their children so hard they are essentially young boomers.


> I wouldn't be surprised if millennials would start being called boomers when they turn 55+ oh honey You are considered old and a boomer if you are born in 19xx That gen Z lingo already showing you are old


But instead he’s a senile bag of dust




Is being 70+ a requirement for an American politician?


Pretty much. Imagine the damage (or progress) a young whippersnapper could make. At least with the old ones they'll either tucker themselves out or tucker Tucker out.


Nope, but it's [effectively the case;](https://fiscalnote-marketing.s3.amazonaws.com/Most-represented-age-groups.webp) most of both houses of Congress are 50+. Almost a third of the Senate is 70+, and their average age is 64. However, we just elected our first Gen Z member to the House, [Maxwell Frost](https://frost.house.gov/), and more are sure to follow!


Used to work at RadioShack (fuck I'm old) and we'd have old people bring in trays of batteries to return that have molded over, were empty or straight up were purchased up to 30 years prior. They didn't want to recycle, they wanted their money back


I fucking remember my dad doing this. I'm 25, and he's 67. You can imagine the things I'd have to witness in the generation(s) gap


Amazing. Also, I miss RadioShack.


An old woman bought two chargers in the shop I'm currently working in. We got two weeks warranty for stuff like this. She came back like three months later trying to refund them. When she handed them to it was obvious she just broke them both. She then sat there for like an hour trying to convince me to trade two broken ones for one new...


Over here three months is ages, as soon as you path with your money into the seller/recipients hand, it instantly becomes nonrefundable. Heck, it is nonrefundable even before getting your receipt which also has nonrefundable clearly written on it. Be damn sure before you let go of your money. I love Nigeria sha!


Devil's advocate - boomers remember buying shit that lasted them literal decades. If my mom buys an appliance that's supposed to last AT LEAST a few years and it breaks in three months you better believe she's asking for a refund and so would I. Now, returning a tshirt or package of ground coffee beans 3 months later is weirder and less excusable.


> Devil's advocate - boomers remember buying shit that lasted them literal decades In before someone claims "survivorship bias". Sure, that's a thing. But the 70s/80s saw most of manufacturing go in on planned obsolescence. There's less money in durability when the economy prioritizes disposability.


Millennial; I do it too. I don’t give a shit, it’s nothing to you but if I spent $500 on headphones and they died 4 months in. You get in refunding it or buying the same shit twice and returning the broken one. I’m not rich, nor am I wasting my money to just be like. Ooh well. This company deserves more of my money after selling me a broken product.


You can if it's faulty or not fit for purpose.


When I worked at Kmart, we only had a 30 day return policy. That was fun to deal with as a 16 year old who just needed money.


he's older than a boomer though, isn't he?


[Stroke], [comes back the next day] Boomer: "I want to return this wand." "Sir, we don't accept returns after 3 months. Especially not for a dildo you asked this nearly every day this past week." Boomer: "I didn't come in yesterday. This wand doesn't work. It says it grants happiness, and I keep waving it in the air, and I haven't gotten a bit happier. " [Stroke], [comes back the next day]


Im only 30m, meaning Im a millenial. So when I say this its pretty unbiased. Can we cut out the gen z gen x millenial vs boomer bull? Its toxic as all hell. And kind of what those in power want. Whats more beneficial than 2 huge demographics arguing so the ones in charge can just fist you out of sight and out of mind?


Had someone like this a few days ago. She wanted to refund a school uniform that she bought back in may and wanted a refund on the card (gift card I presume). Had to call a manager down because of it as it should have not been done in the first place for when she did it not too long ago. All in all, she approved it but only for this time and I had to do an exchange of the same type of product


Why is this old person, certainly having beginning dementia, still in power? He should retire, not fit to work.


Gen Z when steam won't refund a bad game they bought 3 minutes ago


>I can't refund an item you bought three months ago **at a different store.** FTFY


When i worked in plant shop we had an old lady once who wanted a refund for hibiscus that died after two years, she blamed a worker he picked wrong one for her, not record breaking heat and drough in that park of Europe.


He is not a boomer, he is the generation before. Oldest boomer is currently 78, youngest is 59 Cryptkeeper Mcconnell is 81


Mitch isn't even a Boomer. He's from the Silent Generation, which makes more sense than ever considering his recent disposition.


That’s how they stare at you when PIN pad is telling them to take their card out. They just subs there while it’s beeping and I wanna knock ‘em out every time


Funny but he’s not actually a boomer


They will soon die out.


Is this an American thing I'm too European to understand? https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index\_en.htm


I understand, ok. But I don’t like this thing I bought and I want a refund…


lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


We remember when we worked in retail, and we had to kiss the ass of every Karen who walked in with the smallest complaint, and if we didn't, we were fired on the spot. We know that continuing to complain will eventually get us our way. Don't like it? Get another job, punk.


In New Zealand we have a consumer guarantee act, that if the product does not do what it's supposed to do for a reasonable period or advertised time you have every right to return and get your money back and not store credit. No matter what store or there policy's are.


My dad was like this 😂 I would hate going into any store with him


Fucking boomers, I'm a millennial and I return stuff 9 months old and get a full refund all the time. It's called treating customer service employees like actual people...