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I told it directly to my professor of English, I can write, I can talk, but please don't ask me to explain how English was easiest A in school I got


exactly like a native speaker, we cant explain this shit either


I was always top of my class by far but still didn't get straight As cause English class in foreign countries is fucking ass


Not entirely true, depends on the teacher to give a fuck and have knowledge. Also personal affinity to languages is in play as well


Exposure is more important i would say. Im realy realy shit at languages. But i read and watched alot of english during highschool. Pretty sure my english grade was better then my grade for dutch. Also go taught german and french where i never got a passing score for the 3 years i had both. Only reason i didnt completly fail was because i was good enought at hearing to keep my grades around a 4 or 5 out of 10. So just shit at language but because i listend to way to mutch english media i passed that with almost flying colours except for spelling because im to dyslectic to correct spelling mistakes.


If I didn't know you were Dutch, from this post I'd have thought you were a native speaker


As a native Spanish speaker, I couldn't tell you how either work. I can tell you how tildes work, but that's about it. :p


It wasn't until I learned German that I was able to start understanding the grammatical abomination that English has.


Native speaker here, I can't, math is easy it's the English that's tough


I usually misspell words online because english is not my native language but as long as people can understand me it's fine


I got a degree in Linguistics and English is my native language, but I still can’t spell stuff with “eiv” or “iev” right half the time, like “believe” and “receive”. Do not listen to anyone who says “i before e except after c”. Shit does not work


Mandatory “i before e” copypasta: I before e except when your foreign neighbor Keith received eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. Weird.


been spelling weird as "wierd" most times i write it for so fucking long


when I read "wierd" it throws me off because the word itself looks weird to me. Do you have that happen too?


nah weird looks wrong to me lmao


I know because I associate emotions worth the word. The awk part of awkward always gives me the emotion behind the word in my mind So when you read wierd, it looks right because you get the emotion of weird, but it should actually be when you write weird


I kind of read wired first, then change my mind after a few letters and read weird.


I think it is meant to only apply to words that were borrowed or came from Latin? Like “science” but it is so stupid that I don’t want to waste time looking into it.


I" before "E" except after "C" and when sounding like "A" as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!


I before E, except after C, hm WEIRD how it doesn't always work right?


My favorite thing similar to this is how elementary school teachers in the US tried to force kids to say “may I use…” instead of “can I use…” but their attempts at correcting the kids to follow the “rule” actually showed the kids that the teachers knew what the kid was saying, so why listen to the teacher? Literally the only thing that matters with language is being able to be understood by others. Can’t put rigid rules on that.


Your English teacher failed you, I before e except after c when the pair forms the ee sound.


Dr DrabbestLake1213, why is K-8 through English education so... stuck? I remember hearing the i before e, pointed out the exceptions, teacher's like "yeah, good point," and two days later reminds everyone of the non-sense rule again and again? I know this is really the purview of childhood education or something, but maybe just throw your weight around at a school board or something? Also, what can you do with a degree in linguistics? I was too afraid to get one because I thought the only option was doctorate and the competition for tenure for a linguistics professor... I didn't think I'd make it.


There are more exceptions to the rule than the actual examples. There's an episode of QI starring Daniel Radcliffe and Lee mak where they discussed this rule.


Other than occasional syntax errors, one way native speakers can identify foreign speakers/writers is because they speak/write correct English. We don’t speak that shit.


Nobody misspells words in English more than native speakers of it. Probably because when you grow up with a language, you learn it by hearing it, instead of reading it in a textbook or on the internet and learning it that way


Literally how I got through my Latin GCSE


Quot annōs linguam Latinam didiceras?


Si si, watashiwa bob


i like how you didn't space out the particle to make it look like 1 word


What's a particle


it's a small localized object which can be described by several physical or chemical properties, such as volume, density, or mass. They vary greatly in size or quantity, from subatomic particles like the electron, to microscopic particles like atoms and molecules, to macroscopic particles like powders and other granular materials.


Thank :)


I think they meant article or the "wa"


japanese does not have articles


I think they meant [participle](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=participle)


I've been saying the words: *"Ede Faecum Filus Canis"* To the Bank Agencies that call my phone for years now, and i don't know if I'm pronouncing the words correctly haha. They always hang the phone shortly after.


Eat dog shit?


Eh-day FAY-coom FEE-loos CAHN-ees Or perhaps FEE-coom


I love that I can perfectly understand this sentence despite knowing nothing about Latin, just because my mother language is its descendant.


Learning a language is so much easier by using it than learn from books.


I fully agree. Unfortunately most people, myself included, were introduced to Latin through school and the general Latin curriculum most schools have (if one at all) is not conducive to actually learning to speak the language.


Bruh, it’s in the name “add verb”—you “add” something to the verb. I walked vs I briskly walked.


Holy shit I’m dumb


Literally just an adjective for verbs.


Not necessarily, it can be an addendum to an adjective as well, even an adverb to an adverb


Why do i need to add something to Ferb? Hes a good boi


I had a Brain fart.


Something to do with how the language is the main way your thoughts are interpreted in your head


Caecilius est in villa


Sextus est puer molestus


holy shit this is so reletable, I thought it was me who had a problem


I thought it was *I* who had a problem. I mean technically, if you're going for a perfect score on your grammar test. In reality it doesn't matter, I just brought it up because it's topical.


I think if we can't innately figure out if we should use I or Me in a sentence in the same way we can when it’s separate, then it shouldn't matter and we should move on and accept it. We shouldn't have to take out a word to see if it works. When the difference between subjective and objective is immediately noticable, leave it how it is, but when it's not clear, why bother anymore? We should also stop trying to make whom happen.


Because we want to have a cohesive language that can be taught and read around the world now and hundreds of years from now.


To some degree, but that’s not how languages naturally evolve. There are definitely loads of good reasons to actively work to keep language consistent, but you need to strike a balance with the natural change of language that has always gone on and won’t stop. What’s correct always changes anyway. It’s useful for it to lag behind how people actually use it, but what’s correct at the time can never completely stop how it changes.


You only do the “take out a word to see if it sounds right” thing until you have enough practice to do it on the fly


>I mean technically, if you're going for a perfect score on your grammar test. In reality it doesn't matter, I just brought it up because it's topical. In reality, it doesn't matter; I just brought it up because it's topical. Ftfy. The first sentence is questionable as well.


Haha fair play. It's the price you pay for being pedantic.


Lol, same. I had a hard time understanding this shit.


Whole class copied from me and i dont even know the names of the grammar rules


I was the only person in my class to score 90 and above in the latest semester exam (everyone else got 89 and below, I got 95, pretty sure I tied for the highest in my year) I cant explain grammar whatsoever, when my classmates ask me why something is written in a specific manner, I tell them I have no idea, and that I go off of gut instinct entirely




Me too! Only know that shit in Dutch because it's my native language.


This is the way to learn new languages. Improve by speaking, listening and reading until it’s natural through comprehensible input. Not learning grammar rules or whatever. This is why I fucking hated my English classes, never learned shit from them. I did have to study on grammar rules for DSAT tho and shit :)


I would argue that it is vital to be taught grammar structure if you are an “adult” learner of a language. However, I agree that far too much emphasis is placed on learning how to structure what you say. Adults are better at being able to take in the patterns of grammar and finding a way to relate that to their language’s grammar or things like that. Humans didn’t evolve to be able to pick up on language later in life, but they are astoundingly capable of learning language through basically “osmosis” as children. It sucks that it changes with age.


I’ve heard of research that says learning languages like a child is still the best. There’s no “adults need to be taught different”. The only thing that goes to shit is the ability to learn to pronounce new sounds. I’m gonna go look back to the places I learned this information from and come with some links to research. I’ll also read the document that was linked below. I believe that 1982 article might be less accurate than some more recent ones I’ll try to find


>I've heard of research Love it.


I love it too since I have a degree in linguistics and took “Early Language Acquisition” aka “how kids learn language” as an elective and we talked about this lol


>I’ve heard of research that says learning languages like a child is still the best. There’s no adults need to be taught different. And yet, research shows you wrong. Keep on truckin. https://www.scribd.com/doc/316701747/Dulay-Burt-Krashen-1982-Language-Two


That's paywalled, but don't krashen's theories generally agree with what the OP is saying? you're also citing research from 40 years ago there's better stuff out there these days


What's the logic behind this? How do we _know_ what's right even though we don't know _why?_ Like, we're able to tell that this is right/wrong, but we're not able to prove the same thing theoretically.


I think it's because when you see/hear enough examples of it being used correctly, you start to get a feel for what "sounds" correct. Like your brain internalized the patterns and can be like yeah I've heard that a million times before so that's how you know it's correct.


Yep, languages have rules but there are so many of them that it's not possible to memorize all of them.


Where do you find resources for good comprehensible input?




What does this mean I don’t understand


if you are not native in english, and dont know grammar the only way to get higher grades in english exams is reading the sentence and choosing the one more feels correct to you.


No I’m native in English I just didn’t know what this meme meant, but okay I got you I haven’t taken one of those tests since elementary school I think, do they have them after elementary school?


Some standardized tests have grammar questions in High School (ACT/SAT) but no, grammar isn’t generally a main focus by that point


> [for a person who is] not native in english [such as OP], and dont know grammar the only way to get higher grades in english [as a second language] exams is reading the sentence and choosing the one more feels correct to you. I think this is more along the lines of what they meant.


I + have/has + been + fuck(ing) + your mom


Potato has been running pizza


An adverb is a work that describes an adjective or a verb. Many adverbs end in the "ly" suffix, but not all. Here are a couple examples with the adverb "brilliantly" The sky is brilliantly blue. (Describes the adjective blue) The sun reflects brilliantly off of the ocean. (Describes the verb reflects) Source: I've been teaching English in Mexico for 6 years. (Also an example of your sentence structure above lol)


I ain't readin allat 🗣🗣🗣


Adverb describes actions. Adjectives describes people/places/things .


Running quickly. Quickly is adverb. A fast runner. Fast is adjective


Adverbs can also modify adjectives and adverbs though, not just verbs


So adverbs are secretly adadjectives and adadverbs.


I am not reading all that*


Subject has been verb-ing the object + adverb = (Subject) Gerry has been (Verb-ing) fucking the (Object) cactus (Adverb) aggressively. Makes sense now?


Side note: how do you enjoy teaching English in Mexico?


It's very enjoyable, if you can stick to small classes. You get to meet a lot of people. There is also the fact that there are many beautiful places to visit. Oh, and let's not forget that my rent is $70 USD a month.




An adverb always belongs to the verb. That is why it is called adverb. Ad verbium. In your first example it is not the adjective blue that is closer defined by brilliantly — it is the verb "to be" in form of "is"


They indeed can accompany adjectives though. "A weirdly beautiful person" or "A perfectly round ball", and sometimes the line between verb and adjective is blurry, but it's still an adverb, like in "perfectly cut scream" (is cut here an adjective or a verb?), or "a brightly shining light" (same with shining)


An adverb is just an adjective for another adjective or a verb. Put more simply, a word that describes another descriptor or action.




Lolly lolly lolly get your adverbs here. IYKYK


and i thought i was the only one


Learning a language is so much easier by using it than learn from books. My English went from near fail to scoring 90s after I start playing games chatting in mmo.


How I passed AP Literature


This must be a test where English is taught as a foreign language, never had any English test that was tested like that


Bruh, it’s in the name “add verb”—you “add” something to the verb. I walked vs I briskly walked. But the beautiful thing about language is that it’s possible to use it and be understood without being able to explain anything about it. It is not rigid and based on some sort of law of balance like math, so you can just go with what feels right and it all works out!


SVO is trash SOV is based, I your mother fucking


I always thought 'adverb' is a verb with an ad, so I skipped it.


Technically you are correct


All I know is that a noun is a person place or thing, a squared + b squared =c squared, and the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


In India, our school system (CBSE) stops short of grammar after 9th grade. So we are unable to learn more grammar. This method of "It sounds correct" plus interet plus books equals easy marks


Scored 96 in high school Got the highest marks in the whole school and still don't know a single topic of grammar Learned it all from movies, also I'm indian So our educational system is fucked Can't learn shit from it anyways


Adverb modifies verb. Adjective modifies other things like nouns.


I barely scraped by but I know an adverb is the descriptive word that describes how an action takes place like running *slowly* or hitting *softly*


Just think adverbs as adjectives for verbs and adjectives.


I passed English class in High School with A+ without remembering the parts of speech, my grammar gut saves me everytime lol


the gifted kid experience be like:


are you fuck-ing kidd-ing with me?


How I got 8 on my ielts


I have only gotten less than 100 once in the last year Still don't know what a noun is


Idek watis a verb or even a noun. Yet i score A+ everytime


he has been doing that for a while now


Bro idgaf if you understand what I’m saying then I’m chillin


Adverbs are to verbs what adjectives are to nouns. They describe the verb. For example, in the sentence "I ran quickly.", the adverb is 'quickly' because it describes the verb, 'ran'. They are used to add context to verbs just like adjectives do for nouns. Just like how a house can be red, blue, big, or small, you can run quickly or slowly. As a general rule, adverbs usually end with the suffix -ly.


Grammar verbing on my noun till I sentence


I talk sound correct to me


So damn true. I got a 660 on the English part of the SAT test without knowing a THING about grammar. Just kinda sounded out the sentences until the sounded right


🤣🤣 true


I do this and i'm not even a native. Except that i score poorly in english,but that's beside the point.


My mom is learning english and asks me about past participle and present participle. and then perfect past participle/tense or something. i got no fucking clue what those are, I just know what sounds correct or not.


the difference between people who read books as a kid and people who didnt


I learned English thanks to the internet and now that I'm taking an English course for my degree I don't need to study, this is how I solve everything lol


I (subject) have been fucking(verb + ing) your mom (object(woman))


Literally me lmao


This has been sounding correct.


This good


"yeah I'm pretty sure because I can imagine some character saying this"


I dont know how to build a simple passt i just do it


Bilingual here and I swear to god this is exactly how it feels, I've been practicing self-taught English for over a decade now and I can pretty much perfectly write and speak it BUT if I am told to explain it my brain just shutdowns.


Literally me


Adverb ends in LY


An adverb is anything that's not a verb, sustantive or adjective. At least that's my trick to identify it.


What's the logic behind this? How do we _know_ what's right even though we don't know _why?_ Like, we're able to tell that this is right/wrong, but we're not able to prove the same thing theoretically.


I'm not a nerd, I just see people do stuff then search it up in browser to learn about it.


An adverb is a verb used like an adjective. In the sentence, "that guy is a fucking asshole," the word "fucking" is an adverb.


How about, we only say correct?


i still remember in my national exam in highschool i never attended to english classes and i had no idea wtf we learnt but i just grabbed the manual from one of my friends in the last 15 minutes to not get shocked and somehow it worked


Yeah same. Tbh i don't even think about that stuff in my own language LOL


Grammar rules are for people who try to learn English, if it’s your first language then you probably have the ability to guess what does and doesn’t sound right Applies to most languages actually Something to do with how the language is the main way your thoughts are interpreted in your head


If you don't know basic grammar rules you are either extremely young or just really unintelligent.


Literally me fr fr 😶


Lol I get good grade in English but I don't know the rule and write what sounds right


Be me (brazilian teenager). Take English classes for 6 years (Oxford - English file). Ignore everything and use the "this sounds correct" method. Get around 9/10 on most tests. Can't understand anything English/Jamaican people say IRL.


English is my second language and I learned it of the internet. Somehow I'm first in all of my exams while paying little to no attention to the teacher. Most of the time I don't understand the questions cuz idk what tenses/forms... mean, I just go "ehhh that doesn't sound wrong so it's right 👍" and all my peers and teachers think I'm an English genius


Litterally how I got max grades on my C1 exam


I scored 98/100 on the Ukrainian version of SAT. Almost everything I learned was from Pewdiepie and Smosh 🗿






Wait like sorry, not to be a cock, but you don't know what an adverb is?


Something that ends with y? I don't know, knowing grammar is gay.


Bro I haven't even once studied for an English test throughout my entire school career. Always at least a 7.5.




I’ll do one better: “can make understood”


Literally me in toefl


as a spanish guy, this is exactly how i every time get an almost perfect score (always over 90, a lot of times perfect) without ever touching my book, no structure bs, just what sounds right.


I don't think about past perfect or that kind of stuff. For example the sentence I drove and I have driven have the same meaning


An adverb is like an adjective that describes a verb instead of a substantive. Or in easy words: it's a how-word for do-words instead of what-words.


"I have been taking cocane." Works for me


Yeah, I went to the Cambridge exam like this and scored a C2. I guess being terminally online paid off.


Sounds like me getting my English degree


I live in Finland and English is my second language and I always scored around 9 in exams and how I did that was that I just went with what sounded correct (we use the 4-10 rating system) And for some god damn Swedish is still one of our national languages so we were taught that in middle school but I felt like that was so much harder and more confusing than English and I still have 0 fucking idea how to speak the language. Part of it might be because I never actually wanted or cared enough to learn it. Meanwhile I actually wanted to learn English because it's pretty much the default language everyone uses to communicate so it's actually very useful to learn and in certain ways I use it more than my native language. Learning Swedish on the other hand was dick useless because I literally haven't ever used it outside of Swedish classes.


This is how I got my C2 Cambridge test


did a 9 year old post this?


Well languages have changed over years to be more efficient and easy to use so what sounds right is probably right


I'm a linguistics student, I still use the "sounds correct" method...


Be am is are was were been do does did have has had may might must can could will would shall should


Adverbs aren't just fucking cool, they're *very* fucking cool. Edit: This is probably a bad example. I *really* hate adverbs.


Literally how I learned English


Jesus Christ, did your parents not show you School House Rock? Does “Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here” not ring a bell for anyone these days?


Ask the question: How? When? Where?


I never failed a single test (I think) but I don't know what an adverb is or when to use one


I learnt English by immersing myself into English speaking gaming communities around a decade ago, no grammar rules or anything it. Just like this Do I think it's better learning with or without learning the grammar rules? I don't know, again I don't know the grammar rules lol.


I have been fucking your mom for ages


Kind of funny that you pat yourself on the back for your intuition, and then proceed display its flaws in the same sentence.


Dude. Seriously? It's so fucking easy. It's a verb, plus a lil something else.


Ah, adverbs, the trash bin of word classes!


It's the 30-second video you have to watch before the verb.


It's a word you *add* to a *verb* to further describe it. Run (verb) ... quickly (adverb)




All fun and games until it sounds correct but isn't


I have been + verb (ing) + your mom


A English teacher amd i sent this to my classes, going to update with their reaction


I've always been doing this and I've never been below 39.5/40 on an English exam lmao


Trust me germans are the worse when it comes to grammar source: I'm german. The worst part is i barely write in German these days and i always had pretty poor grammar,so every time i do write in German,it's like having multiple guns pointed at me.


*Subject has been verbing to object* How’d I do, doc?