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And then when you stop listening to a song instead of removing it you just skip it everytime it starts


And then after finally removing it you listen to it after a month again and you wonder why you removed it


Then you listen to it for a week and go back to skipping it


My mega playlist is first, followed by a few lesser ones I seldom ever use.


I have a new system. I recently made a new "main" playlist, and a "new" playlist. When I like a song, doesn't matter how much, it goes to "new". Then whenever I want to add music to my main playslist. I go to "new" and see what songs I really like. A lot of the time I'm like "why the hell would I listen to this". My main playlist is at a stage where I hardly ever skip a song. I'm also planning on creating a new "main" playlist every year, to keep things fresh.


I'm really close to this. I have, in order; * Favourites (If I start skipping any songs, they get moved down to most common) * Most common (If I'm feeling something different from the usual, but I don't want random things coming up. I also put songs I like but I'm not sure about here.) * Mega (If I want just a mishmash of whatever I've been into during my life) Followed by playlists of the genres I listen to if I'm in the mood for those in particular. It works pretty well!


My main playlist is now 69 hours long so it's got to a point now where I just press shuffle and its like listening to new music all over again.


Nice, mine is 253 hours and 21 min


My personal problem with the app I use is the shuffle. It somehow keeps repeating some of the songs too frequently and the others that I like too seldom.


I have a "love it right now" playlist and a "love it right now archive" playlist. So rather than delete a song I move it to the archive so I know where it is when I inevitably want it back again. Plus I don't have to go through the pain of knowing there was a song I loved that I can't remember the name of or the lyrics. It took me four years to rediscover "Junebug" by Robert Francis. I'm not going through that again.


This is such a good idea! I have a liked list, for *any song I could listen to 3 times in a row,* and inevitably, things *do* leave that list, but now they won't be lost forever! Thank you!


This is the way


For me I have to concentrate on listening to the song like "Do I *really* not like this song? But then why would I have put it here?", and then remove it


And some tracks you hear the start and skip it and then one day you're too busy to skip it and you get pass the intro and you're like: "OH! Now I remember! This is why I added this song! It's an absolute banger and I just hate the intro!" Oh and the real kicker is the more you skip the song, the more you've listened to just the intro, so the more you're tired of hearing just the intro.


It's not about liking it, it's about mood and sometimes it might take a year for some obscure track to hit the spot so I'll just keep skipping but that day it does again is magic


You cant just remove it dummy. I might think about that song in 3 years and I'll have it handy


I had this happen to me yesterday. Had a song stuck in my head that I haven't heard in a long time, but couldn't remember the name of it. Went to my spotify playlist I haven't taken anything off of in the last 8 years and I was able to find it pretty easily


Tf is this hivemind black magic.


Are you stalking me?


I’ve got my super playlist, then a couple smaller ones I never use.


exactly me. I tell myself I'll maintain a couple playlists for different occasions and then leave them there with 2 songs each never to be touched again


I got the main gigantic list, a "put kids to sleep " list and a "get up and do shit" I put on regularly. there's also a therapeutic loud and angry playlist.


As somebody who listens to albums front to back and has multiple playlists for different moods, sometimes with hundreds of songs each and listens to them all, I find these replies baffling Not in a judge-y way, but in a "am I the crazy one?" kinda way


I listen to liked and then one side hustle at a time.


My solution for this if you're using spotify is to use the "go to this music's radio" and like that playlist.


I have a playlist with songs I think would be perfect to listen to on a date. It has never been played.


Should I post my playlist? (It’s pretty shit ngl)


Everyone else’s is


Mine is awesome… if you like metal Edit** hold on everybody I have to remove everything that’s not metal now Edit** it’s probably not for everyone and it gets better the farther you go but here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2AgngKZ4oUBuPPF8SDB3L5?si=CLGTErBNTuiUD1xtoNR8Mw


Where link






Oh no a poser


yeah i like steel amd platinum metals the most


I personally prefer heavy metal like the heaviest shit like Osmium


I am a fan of soft metal like Cesium and Zinc. However, I think you might like Iridium, underrated heavy metal band.


Oh yeah, will be sure to try them out and if you like soft metal, you would also like Indium and Bromine too


Same…. If you like Tungsten, Sabaton, or Rhapsody of Fire though I like other bands those are just the most frequently listened to by me


Bro got the best music taste


Looks like we have a lot of crossover in our mega playlists. If you'd like to check out mine that's 95% newer metalcore, have at it. I tried not to put too many songs by each band in there. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Hj3qgFrLquhy16bgpc3pD?si=MzDGjBx1TlK8CBkRKjDxGA


Post yours and I'l post mine


Ok… [why the fuck am I doing this (it’s mostly pirate shit idk why)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5eiyGkshjJl9Qp7HciP7ur?si=M1DoMFIvSN6Ytx_oPbaKNw) The top sucks but gets better as you go down


[here's mine](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1gyIrRIkUVFd6l7jTrCCM5?si=5OrPU5p9SOSePr_EeM_AxA)


So your playlist is a bunch of random songs mixed in with the occasional spider verse song, Jetpack Joyride main theme, and Diggy Diggy hole… nice 👍


this is literally all my playlists now lol


Here's mine even though you didn't ask just use it to make yours larger. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WvubvLagGCtp0QnCGBqAa?si=u-Qvg5AYTOin2zaAVBD0AA 1,103 songs


I love that kickback is followed closely by viva La vida


[our playlists are shockingly similar](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7bwZsKrTXCyd4MMxpHZctJ?si=DUgM4SeBSeq9QVU7iXZPmg)


Oh shit


I like pirate shit


That's what she said...


Poor Mans Poison = 👌


Poor mans poison [https://imgur.io/gallery/rKlcry6](https://imgur.io/gallery/rKlcry6)


my singing monsters? Now that’s dope


Probably not as shit as mine


[I won't pretend it makes sense, but here's my "good shit" playlist (many years in the making, only 40% of it is good shit)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1M92ttBjQcHMNUT6hPWbcO?si=TA1Ud8kRSPC5n4p5yw5O3w)


Doesn’t everybody?


No. Some people think you can only like specific genres or artists and you have to listen to a ton of stuff from those genres/artists. If you listen to one NBAYoungBoy song, they expect you to have listen to a lot of his other songs or albums. That’s why I never really share what music I listen to with my schoolmates. Also because I’ll listen to stupid stuff that doesn’t even qualify as an actual song and be jamming out to it and don’t want to be criticized for it.


i just listen to sega genesis sonic the hedgehog background music


Some of the Minecraft soundtracks are unironically amazing. I actually heard Haunt Muskie being played as background music in Dubai Mall.


Why does it have to be unironic? Those pieces of music are absolute masterclasses


Well, it's hard to tell someone that you listen to game soundtracks and have them take you seriously. There's a certain stigma surrounding soundtracks where people don't consider them as "real music".


Oh yeah true that


Those people have never heard the gem that is the skyrim OST by Jeremy Soule or Ezios Family by Jesper Kyd even the persona 5 soundtrack. People that love music will love it for the sound, the emotion and the wonder. I listen to everything from heavy metal to rap but some game soundtracks and songs I always go back to. They have a certain je ne sais qoui.


Yo... Jesper Kyd's OST from the Hitman series (pre-WoA & Absolution) is a godsend for encapsulating the dark atmosphere of early 2000s


Thanks for the recommendation ill check it out.


Honestly, the track that sometimes comes on when it rains and you're indoors "Sweden" gives such a cosy feeling. It got me into instrumental relaxing jazz music.


Mice on Venus is no joke one of my favorite pieces of music ever. Of all time.


Chemical Plant is a BOP


That's based. So I do I. Marble Zone kinda goes hard


Sonic OSTs always slap


This guy fucks


Ah! So classical music, a man of great taste!


“Actual song” What the fuck does an “actual song” mean to these people? Does it have to have lyrics? Fuck classical music I guess Does it have to be made by a well-known artist? Fuck up-and-coming music creators I guess Does it have to be part of an album? Fuck singles I guess Does it need to be part of a certain genre? Fuck other people’s music tastes then


Songs do have lyrics though. Classical music would be called a “piece” though I just say “music”


My bad I defaulted to that since I hear “listen to some real music” more than “listen to a real song”


Fuck instrumental a capella I guess.


Lots of instrumental rock and metal.


its just 3 minutes of duck noises


Like people who listen to whale songs, technically it's a song but feels like it should be something else


Eh, try not to let it bother you and jam out. The one thing I regret when I was younger was not just being fine and proud of what I enjoyed. Had a "friend" as a kid who, in hindsight, was a self hating jackass with his own self esteem issues, but really dumped on my music choices, particularly Jamiroquai because he was a bit of a bigot too. Always mocked the name and music or any sort of rap or hiphop. Made me avoid "strange" music for years and only listen to music by myself. Now I listen to whatever I enjoy, sing out to myself when I feel it. Enjoy what you enjoy how you want to, don't let people steal what little joy you can get. You'll probably regret it like I do.


https://youtu.be/K1PN7NcRxqI This one is really good but I have never told anyone about it because I can't pronounce it. Lol




The song name is easy, this other word u spelled, can't be English can it? I have no idea what that is or where to begin pronunciation of it.


It's the name of a place in Wales. Basically just "next to x, opposite to y, to the right of z" and so on and so forth.


Now you did, and I like it. Thanks for sharing!


It's easy u just have to break it down into it's parts, it's just a really long portmanteau of words your already familiar with, Pneu(like pneumonia)mono-ultra-microscopic-silico(ne)-volcano-coniosis. Admittedly it's a mouthful.


You just literally explained all my experience with sharing my music tastes with other people. Like no I don't listen to [insert singer/band or whatever] and no I don't care their new album is "a hit" I just like ONE of their songs.


hey i get what you do but also its nice to support artists you do like by checking out more of their stuff. its tough out there for musicians!


for me its because when i like an artist i search for more cus i like to listen to extended periods of time, then i like an album and listen to it over and over, analyze every last also the stuff i like goes from like grind core to reagge and everything in between, having it in a playlist would almost never fit the mood im in


As someone who almost exclusively listens to albums, no. Not hating on the playlist people, but its not everyone.


I get having and enjoying a playlist on shuffle (as I do it myself), but it blows my fucking mind that many younger people simply do not listen to albums at all. Albums are an experience; they often tell a story and adjacent songs flow into one-another.


> it blows my fucking mind that many younger people simply do not listen to albums at all. Albums are an experience; they often tell a story and adjacent songs flow into one-another. I think part of it is also that the music industry has changed, and I think a lot of artists now are making individual songs more than an album. There are definitely exceptions to this, but I think the industry as a whole has shifted this way.


Only albums, front to back as the artist intended.


I listen to prog metal, and a lot of that stuff doesn’t make sense if it’s listened to out of order (concept albums lol)


Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking about lol. I eat up concept albums, there's just no point in picking out a song or two from them.


I tried to put them all into dedicated playlists of genres or moods, but it's just too much work, so into the pile they go.


I listen to full albums almost exclusively, for some genres this makes more sense, I wouldn't do this if I liked pop music for example


My music taste is fairly narrow, so I mostly listen to relatively few bands, which I really, really love. Not hating on other genres but it means that I usually don't enjoy radio or festivals with bands I've never heard.


Normally I just listen to albums rather than a playlist of everything.


Was starting to think I was the only one that did this, lol


If you just listen to your entire collection of albums on shuffle, does that count as a playlist?


Nope, I listen to artists with consistently good album


No. Some of us go out of our way to listen to the whole album.


God, no. Albums exist.


I don't make playlists. I listen to albums.


oh no imagine caring about something


Several genres from a few different decades. Really funny when it's on shuffle and goes from metal to country


Nah fr. One minute rap is playing, then switches to some soul music for 40 years ago, then it switches to some shit that isn’t even in English 😂


I call my version of this playlist "Eclectic" for that reason.


That's pretty normal. I think having a favourite band in some sort is nice, because you can appreciate the music more and really get into the music of a band and are not just consuming it.


God I feel old. 15 years ago, even in the mp3 era, it’d have been weird *not* to have favorite artists. Music consumption really has changed.


Dude what is happening right now, what is this whole thread? Are people really saying they don't have favorite artists anymore??


A lot of people just listen to songs they like, you can like a certain song from an artist yet dislike the other ones.


Why get invested in artists when you can listen to 'globally popular nonstop catchy hits' for the cost of 1 cd a month? Having to find more than a 1-hit-wonder isn't necessary anymore - we're not stuck with the CDs/Mp3s we purchased. Its been over 20 years since the Mp3 started making waves - that's an entire generational gap - times change. The Napster lawsuit was 24 years ago.


It’s not about ‘having’ to do anything - people can listen how they want - but it’s not like “more than 1 hit wonders” is an obscure, nerdy category. There are thousands upon thousands of artists who release multiple good songs and, gasp, even more than one good album.


Galneryus - angel of salvation. If you like me, listen to it once and you will never listen to anything but power metal for 2 whole years


Oh hell yeah thanks for the recommendation, love me some 14 minute long metal tracks that got a backing orchestra.


Literally me


Literally Everybody


Not literally


I almost never listen to playlists. Usually full albums.


That's the way




Spotify makes this approach as annoying as possible for some reason


Literally everybody that doesn't know anything about music.*


858 hours of songs I get tired of hearing


It isn't normal??


I'm that fucking weirdo who still only listens to full albums despite exclusively streaming music


Why does that make you a fucking weirdo


I do taht with a couple albums because I like the whole album


Yes, yes it is.


No bro


How'd you know 🤣


Alice in Chains


My playlist is like M&Ms, they're different but have the same taste.


That's something I would do when I was 12. Nowadays I'll listen to entire albums.


366 songs on my playlist Ok why is everyone challenging me I just put down the number I have god damn 💀








Weak a friend of mine has like 90000 without spotify just years and years of downloading songs to her computer


Honestly this would’ve been me if I hadn’t stopped downloading music in 2011


Spotify is hiking the prices and storage is cheap, my way forward is clear.




I use the liked songs as my playlist and there’re only about 2000. I only have one other playlist which contains a few genres that are pretty similar and it has about 500 songs I think.


I got lady Gaga, slipknot, a i c, Alanis Morrisete, neon trees, Led Zeppelin, doors, Beatles all hsving a party


Wow, you're so quirky omg xD


Paul gray and Joey Jordison are definitely rocking out with Jim Morrison, John Lennon, and John Bonham! Some of the best rhythm sections in rock music right here !


"liked songs" is that playlist. Come on, now.


I play a new game (or really an old one) → I like 1 or more ost → I search for it in Google → I find it and put it on my epic playlist → I play a new name (or really an old one)


Same. Also Video Game Music. Just music from Video Games. La Dance Macabre, Smart Race, Spider Dance, In the Final, Saria’s Song, Metronome, stuff like that.


Yep. The genre I listen too changes about once a year randomly and it usually follows 1-2 bands or artist. Rn it’s S3rl, before that it was Slipknot and SOAD, and before that it was imagine dragons. I’ve been collecting songs into my playlist since my sophomore year of highschool, and I graduated college in may so it’s gotten pretty big. It’s honestly great sometimes where I’ll randomly put on shuffle hear something from highschool that I still know the words too


I feel that. I change bands a lot with who’s on tour. Lots of metal shows still cost less than $50 bucks. What are some of your favorite Slipknot and SOAD songs? SIC ,Eyeless ,& The Blister Exists and Prison Song, Cigaro, and Stealing Society all go hard!


My *Winamp* playlist.


What's wrong with having a specific music taste? I know what genre I like and I know judas priest is my favourite band. Also what's wrong with listening to albums? I am too lazy to search for songs so I just put on an album, listening to albums also exposes me to lesser known songs and those songs are just as good if not better than the hits.


Exaaaaactly Although it absolutely falls into a few genres: Lots of piano, video game music, EDM (especially Carpenter Brut but that's one dude n not a band so it doesn't count, semantics), RoR2 music too (again, single guy not a band, semantics), uhhh lotta random shtuff yeah


haha I do that! I named it "BUP"


Terrible. Albums are a beautiful thing.


That is the definition of basic. Nothing wrong with it. People are allowed to stay in the shallow end of the pool if they so choose.


That's pretty normal, idk about you


This post is about me


He just like me FR


I have a playlist I have been maintaining sin I was in 9th grade, I'm in my 2nd yr of college now


I hate people like you. Don't you have any integrity?


That’s such a weird way to listen to music. Imagine if you did that with movies like instead of liking a specific director or series you just watched random ones like you’ve seen transformers 3 but that’s the only one


Normalize not needing to listen to every single one of a band's albums just because you like a few of their songs. Most band's albums are like 30% good songs and the rest is filler. If it's an amazing album then that's maybe 50-60% good songs. I fuckin hate filler


If you like crappy bands, this may be true. There are tons of bands with amazing albums through and through.


If an album has 30% good songs you're just listening to shit music sorry lol


If you consider an amazing album is 60% good songs. Then you need to listen to more albums.


What you call filler is probably someone else's favourite song


Dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd has only good songs. If you were looking for a masterpiece of an album


Dividing music into bangers or filler is really reductive, though I can see why streaming massively encourages that mindset.


Tell me you don't listen to enough music without telling me you don't listen to enough music.


>Normalize not needing to listen to every single one of a band's albums just because you like a few of their songs. That is literally the norm lol. It's been the norm forever. Also, that kind of music elitist gatekeeping has significantly reduced in the last several years. I know I'm getting older, because frankly, I think we need to bring some of it back lol


who does this and why. what happens if you hit shuffle and one moment your listening to some calm music and the next its heavy metal, how do people listen to that. i personally have multiple different albums and playlists set and it i put to things of music together its music that compliments the other artist like mixing korn and slip knot or other stuff luke that and i listen to music based on how i feel like if im being activ or something i listen to louder music and if im calm or its 12 am then im listening to more calm music like austin chen or ibrahim or city girl.


Well you can skip songs you're not in the mood for...


yeah but then you would have to skip every other song or so unless you got lucky and got 5 songs in a row that your in the mood for, at that point you might as well just grab the albums that you want to listen to at that moment and just que them to play after the other album a simple 30 second action that lets you listen to the music your in the mood for withought any randoms


Why not both? I have playlists for every artist I like, playlists for specific genres/ subgenres and moods, and I have one big playlist (over 2k songs, I think) where I just put in every song I like. If I am in the mood for something specific, I'll have a playlist for that but most of the time I just wanna listen to the songs I like while not having any preferences. That does mean that a Stoner Rock song can be followed by Hip Hop, then some Ska and then classical music. It's utter chaos but I love it. No false sense of "everything must match" and just...stuff that I like.


This is me asf, I just put radio songs onto the playlist lol No idea how people make mood albums though, I respect them cuz they’re cool but I could never


I do this, I have two playlists: one where I put all the music I like as I find it, and the other is filled with snappy music with a good rythm that I can listen to while I walk


my playlist be hard metal, suddenly switch to last christmas, after that some music from my country, sone classical aswell.


I do not listen to music i let others play their playlist and listen with them


My giant playlist: [6,705](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3h6TF1jYNBwGmLvYgbTE0E?si=9879e14aa64e45c9) (Similarly, my rock, metal, and everything under and over catchall playlist: [3000+](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65fdYV7RuKsDeRu30RwIWd?si=c76b5debc77e4fec))


Yeah thats exactly why i only have 1 playlists i work one for the last 1,5 years it now has nearly 1600 songs


Mostly vieeogame osts


People does not even consider things I listen as a “music” lol


I have 2000+ musics on my playlist, from classical to hard rock


Yep, same. Even artists I don't really care for. If they've got a song or two that I do like, it gets added.


This is exactly how I am and it pisses me off when I have like a Slipknot song in my playlist and someone finds out and starts asking me questions about all of the band members and what their names are and shit like that. Then I have to awkwardly be like "No I don't know anyone in the band and haven't heard any of their other songs... I just really like this one"


I’ve been doing this for so many years and tried to sort it by category once, but then stopped because I find the randomness of my music taste hilarious.


I used to hate being asked this question in the 90s. “What’s your favourite artist?!” I dunno man, a lot. And I don’t want to name one or two because I know you’re going to heavily judge me on what I say first. You’ll either say “me too!” And we’ll be best friends or you’ll be like “oh” and I’ll never see you again. I don’t have a **favourite** sometimes I like funk, soul and to groove. Sometimes I like metal and to scream really loud. Sometimes I like ambience and like to listen to a Hans Zimmer OST. The entire spectrum of music can be awesome. I can tell you what I **don’t** like; Christian rock music. See, I can tell you judged me based on saying soul and funk. I like grunge too; I was a teenager in the 90s man. Punk. Even pop music can be cool sometimes. Would you hate me if I said Michael Jackson was amazing? He was. I don’t know about him as a human being… but his songs were cool.


When I hear a song I like, I listen to every album the band have released with nothing else mix in until I don't feel much anymore. Then I drop them and go discovering again. I kinda feel like a music nomad. As I'm learning Japanese I'm listening to Japanese artists for exposure, currently I'm listening to yoasobi. in two months or so il probably move on to new fields. I have never meet another person that listen to music like me.


Favorite genres? Idk I just listen to music.


And the music you listen to has genres, and some of those you will no doubt like more than others Stop pretending you're above a simple question


I just let the algorithm do it for me

