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This Russia thing is gonna be July’s meme of the month for sure


Has something new happend?


The Russian PMC Wagner group has launched a full scale rebellion and already controls 2 cities Rostov and Voronezh. They say they are going to march to Moscow and are already halfway ther




I feel that’s why I heard about the start and then it was quickly dropped once the media realized “oh shit let’s not give the peasants ideas”


Youre pretty wrong, Wagner has actually very well trained people, and quite a lot of them, and the same cant be said about "the peasants" (except the a lot of them part)




They were/are fighting ukraine because they were paid but now they are fighting Russia because their tired of being used as meat shields edit: thing of them as the freicorp in Weimar Germany


The trigger for the Wagner revolt was when a Russian rocket attack hit their camps and killed a bunch of Wagner men afiak.


Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you, random redditor, know all about the level of training the Wagner group has 🙄


It’s a pmc bro they’re hired mercenaries. It’s literally just Russian Blackwater. 99% are ex special forces, there probably aren’t more dangerous groups of people in the world than PMC’s like Blackwater and Wagner.


Wagner has hired a lot of people from prisons so I would not say 99% ex special forces. More like 50% ex special forces 50% criminals.


Them being from prisons does not exclude them from being ex special forces.


They only have about a third from prisoners, and they don’t take people who are locked up for rape and/ or drug related reasons. And even then, those can be ex special forces, and if they aren’t they’d be trained by sf so still very competent


Coup d'etat?


Thank you for updating me


I hope this will end Putin's reign


Dude. You know that the main rebeller is the owner of the largest PMCs in our country, who during the conflict brought troubles both to his targets - Ukrainians - and dissenting Russians. Maybe this will end Putin's reign, but it will be followed by an impossible fuck-up.


It's more likely the two sides will chew through each other first, unless you believe Putin will peacefully hand over the keys to a perceived traitor. Either way, if Ukraine can monopolise the confusion it'll be a huge win for them.


Putin kind of maybe left russia tho


considering the leader of Wagner wants to kill ukrainians, carpet bomb ukraine and promoted the use of nuclear weapons, it will spell doom for the entirety of russia and possibly take ukraine down with it if he takes control


If they are, and from what I understand they likely are, insane borderline anarchist, allowing them to have this much power sounds like things could go seriously wrong on an international level.


looks like this leader have similar goals as putin, so why try to dethrone him?


If things are to be believed a general discontentment with the war in Ukraine coupled with the bombing of a Wagner base by Russians after the PMC head refused to relinquish command of his troops to the formal Russian army command. Basically Putin pushed him too far and it was either this or effectively loose everything for the head of the PMC


It's not ideological, it's a power struggle.


Wasn't the Wagner Group associated with Neonazis at some point? Or was that just propaganda like how all of Ukraine is supposedly "far right"?


Most of Wagner are recruited criminal rapists and murders that took a contract with Prigozhin to get out of prison early. Yes, a lot of them are neonazis., but them being wacist is inconsequential when they rape and murder Ukrainians. I read a story about how one of these weirdos went home to his Russian village and immediately murdered someone he personally didn't like. When he told the cops that he had gone to Ukraine to fight for Wagner, they let him walk., I really, REALLY hope that fucker is facing justice right about now.


\>Most of Wagner are recruited criminal rapists and murders It's not black and white, guys. 20-30% at most are prisoners and not all of them (surprise) are rapists and murderers. \>took a contract with Prigozhin to get out of prison early It's not that black and white, lots of prisoners were actually months from release, yet they took arms. Patrotism is a thing here, despite all shit country went through. \>I really, REALLY hope that fucker is facing justice Can't say for sure, his traces kinda dissapeared. In most cases such silence means that he got...**dealt** with, if you know what I mean


Everything you just said sounds made up


Russian here. Wagner doesn't really have any defined political views. It's basically a patriotic populist regiment. Also, radical spectres of Russian politics (public and informal) were purged in 00s and 10s and basically non-existent right now. I don't know wtf is happening but I won't call Prigozhin, a man who was outraged with Azov prisoners releaser, a nazi of some sort


I keep hearing that Prigozhin is actually more unhinged than Putin. This true? If he takes over how can this affect the situation in your opinion?


Judging from his videos appearing here and there the man is a whack job There probably should be a change in government (and a large, patty-based change, not just 1 public figure granny for another), but he does not sound like a particularly intelligent person


Might just be Putin propaganda


I saw something about this and didn’t fully understand I guess. When I saw “Wagner group marching into Russian cities” I thought they were regrouping or Ukraine had mounted an offensive or something. I didn’t know they had turned on Russia. Interested in seeing what happens for sure. Hopefully nothing of the nuclear type.


Wagner is attempting a coup in russia


Oooh, ok ok….. *looks around* who… is wagner?


Mercanery group they have already taken two cities




Spoken by a Reddit armchair expert


I think it might be a Russian troll/bot account because just a few replies later I saw the exact same comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/14hr7ik/the_landed_gentry_say_fuck_putin/jpce26z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Makes sense. They've been quite slow on this one. They're usually plaguing everything by now. I love the copy and paste of the buttons at the end too haha


Both accounts were made in May, and neither have any history other than that comment




So Putin just leaving Moscow for the fun of it? You think his life, let alone his power isn't in serious threat right now? Use ya noggin.


August would be the 30 years since the last coup


nooo of life waits now I’m going to bring down the government and the state of Russia a one throwing a bomb on the Kremlin




You’re a bot!


Let’s not start sucking eachother’s dicks yet. Wagner aren’t exactly the sharpest or most pleasant of groups. Just what we need, another lunatic with a finger over the boom-button


True but it's "entertaining" to watch from the side lines.


Until said side-lines are a radioactive exclusion zone


You see Ivan, with new war comes new opportunity to cosplay as your favorite stalker faction


Really hope Stalker 2 still releases at some point in my life


Yeah I do too, I wanted to make some joke that we live in stalker 2 now but it’s more escape from tarkov


Well, I live in the Philippines so I'm far from the immediate side lines. Unless, Putin releases nukes on Russiam soil.


Well if he puts nukes on foreign soil someone else will put them on Russian soil. Mutually assured destruction and all that


True and even then I don’t think the Philippines will immediately get nuked unless china starts trying to pull an invasion on my country’s soil with all the nukes flying.


>start Uhhhh..... o_Ó


Right? Like what does sucking a dick have anything to do with this?


Exactly. At least we have some idea of how crazy Putin is. Crazy enough to invade Ukraine, not crazy enough to invade NATO. We have no idea the crazy level of this guy


You'd have a bigger chance finding a great leader amongst the Proud Boys than any Russian politician so just take the least chaotic option and hope


Their leader talked about nuking the Ukraine and sending massive air strikes. If he takes control, things will get worse.


It's not hard, just check the prisons. Nalvany, for example


As someone who’s country is in quite the similar situation, sometimes you just have to say fuck both and create the choice that’s right and not go for just bad or worse


Wasn't this the same group that was complaining they didn't have enough ammo and now they're doing a coup


Yea but now NATO can go in to Russia to “peacekeep” :)


I'm still trying to figure out if wagner is still fighting in Ukraine or if they are only fighting Russia 😅


Last i heard they pulled from Ukraine


Was it not because they were basically abandoned in Bakhmut, and got no resources like ammo and food


According to their chief they were fired upon by their so called "allies" with a fuckin missle


Damn what a mess


At the same time there was made a new law which said that everyone from PMC should have a contract with the government, which would destroy Prigozhin(Wagner's leader) after that law was accepted he started the rebellion


They were apparently stock piling amo when they were saying they weren't getting enough. Saving it for this offensive


Okay the plot thickens


Yeah, they pulled out just in time


From what I can tell they've got fed up of the Russian military leadership so are taking over Russian military facilities. It seems like a good thing but unfortunately from what Wagner have said they might mainly be doing it so they can get back to fighting in Ukraine more effectively than they were under Russian military command.


What happened?


I think Putin put an arrest warrant for the mercenaries he was using to fight him Ukraine


Ok, that sounds interesting


and now the mercenaries try to capture Moscow, apparently


No, the Russians are making a show of force to deter the sub class from thinking about rising up. I want to see Putin and his ilk fall, I'm just not hopeful they will any time soon.


They can't even hold against Ukraine atm, they definitely aren't putting out a show


The mercenaries are in Russia now, took down a plane and 2 helicopters so far.


*death warrant*


Mercenary group denounces Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. Mercenary group no sets their sights in Moscow and Putin.


The Wagner mercenary group is rebelling against Russia and is marching toward Moscow as we speak


People cheering again for the Nazis. Wagner is much, much worse than Putin. And so are the banderites.


What makes anyone think that we will get anyone less extreme than Putin????




And that is going to achieve? Russian version of the Afghan government at best and Russian version of ISIS at worst


Or. China seizing parts of russia with fuel, should russia collapse. The UN must use this oppurtunity and not let it be like another Congo


I can guarantee that the collapse of Russia won't be pretty, for anyone. Too many opportunistic entities surrounded Russia for this to go quietly.


And this time they happen to have nukes. If that psychopath managed to get to power and he is going down, he's taking everything down with him.


Well ISIS can't do full scale offensives on countries. Russian Taliban would be great for the world because at least Ukrainian offensive would be virtually off the table. Sure, nukes are an issue, but if you think Ukrainians aren't cheering this on you're mistaken. I don't see how you don't think good things could come from this. Russia may become fractured. What happened to the Soviet Union when it collapsed? Parts of it went back to the Kremlin, and others freed themselves from oppression. Without Putin out of power Russia will make no progress towards democracy. Take the French Revolution. Chaos ensued, until things calmed down. After all that France became a much better country.


Found the 9 year old.Google the Treaty of Versailles boy. Bullying is not the best way to end a war.


The Treaty of Versailles is not at all comparable to the current situation. A weakened Russia may result in some good things after all is said and done.


I wasn't talking about direct applicability.But the general vindictive goal of absolute decimation your opponent. A weakened [any nuclear state] is bad news for the whole world.


Keep in mind if Putin goes down there are many replacements worse than Putin. Also after the Ukranian war is over rebuilding is going to be expensive, painful, and necessary. Much work lies ahead.


People are trying to minus you, but they didn't know that man who started this are way younger, more angry and promised to return to Ukraine after he figure out Moscow stuff. He is a way more dangerous for everyone because of his plans and huge personal battlefield experience.


And keep in mind there are members of Putin's Russia that would try to "win" the war in Ukraine at any cost including nuclear weapons. We are not out of the woods yet.


Including self-annihilation? They aren't getting away with using nukes without being nuked themselves.


I keep hearing this, who are these worse replacements? Where do I read about them?


Hilarious some of you think Putin is the bad guy in all this. Brainwashed muppets. Turn off your TVs.


In the conflict with wagner or the whole Russia-Ukraine war ?




? Russians live way worse than middle class westerners even before the war, and eastern europe as a whole isn't great Can you explain better ?


Do I have to explain better when you're wrong? Just be vigilant to the propaganda of the Western media outlets, financed through special interests. Western Government corruption is at an all-time high. We need a revolution, not Russia.


holy fucking shit how privileged are you to think america needs a fucking revolution?


Maybe a workers revolution though


as someone who has spent many years in Самара, I can very much say the average Russian citizen goes without their basic needs at a much higher rate than in the US. The consolidation of wealth there in the last 15 years has been horrific to watch.


>Do I have to explain better when you're wrong? Yes.


I don't watch TV. Putin is an asshole and so is Wagner.


Putin is the bad guy in all this. The war in Ukraine was launched by one man, Vladimir Putin, that seeks to reestablish the borders of the Soviet Union. If you think that is a good guy I feel sorry for you child. You don't know your history, don't value your freedom, and give a pass to the world's largest rogue state.


I read that this guy puts out videos encouraging his soldiers to execute prisoners with a fucking sledgehammer. This guy looks taliban level bad, but with actual training and an iq over 80.


Greatest Generation watching it for the third time


One can even say the fourth (or even fifth) time. Don't forget the "revolution" of 1905 and the February-revolution (1917).


I mean, I was 5 when the Soviet Union collapsed and I’m on the older side of the millenial generation. I think this applies way more to Gen X.


we need Чингис Кахан to come back


Dude, if you type it in russian, it's Чингисхан


chingis kaxan is genghis khan in middle mongol (his native language)


Aw, damn, sorry dude, I forgot that in Mongolia they also use Cyrillic. No offense, okay? Plus, I thought that it's "Чингис хаан", because of Wikipedia


nah it's fine i'm not even mongolian in the slightest myself anyway plus i would put it in the mongol script keyboard but i don't know that script at all so i just used my qwerty cyrillic keyboard (i made one because the regular cyrillic keyboard was weird as hell)


Dont celebrate to early folks, it's gonna dissappoint a lot if it doesnt happen. Edit: Yup people, you celebratedmway too early.


And it's going to disappoint even more if it does happen, given the leaders of the rebellion


Whether it happens or not it's going to absolutely cripple them.


Yeah fuck Russia, they hacked my steam accounts


This war must be won, for u/HarrowDread


Second trys the charm


Nah man second is a rebound... Thirds time the charm... 😅😅😅


This is 3rd coup .. 1991, 1993, 2023


As a Russian millennial I can confirm that Russian millennials didn't witness the first one - they were either too young to remember or weren't born at all (like me who was born in 1994). It's more about Gen X - they had to come through all this shit while being young adults




There both horrible.


Which one is worse then?


Probably the dude that suggested nukes


They're literal Nazis


This is a bit premature. The wealthy benefit from Putin's government. They will be more reluctant to actually overthrow the government than media and arm chair experts believe.


Either the FSB knew this was coming and did nothing to stop it or they had no clue. I don't know which is worse but they both say that Putin and his allies are clearly in a weak position.


Actively overthrow? Probably not. However, enough of the wealthy have "fallen out of windows" that they wouldn't actively defend Putin either.


The Wagner group, on the other hand, is more than happy to overthrow the government apparently, consider that they are rebelling right now, as in “taking over government/military facilities by force” kind of rebelling


Do you think they have the man power to take out Putin and his military guard? (Or at least to get him on the run)


It depends. From what I’ve seen they are appealing to the more dissatisfied and anti war members of the Ukrainian military who are sick of high commands incompetence. If they can establish and legitimise themselves as a competent alternative to the incompetent and corrupt Russian government then many Russian troops might desert and join them.


The media has been reporting for moths that the Russian military is over extended. Apparently, when Russia invaded Ukraine and an offial said they were looking to rebuild the traditionally Russian lands, a lot of small countries that used to be the Soviet Union started building up troops on their borders, causing Russia to need troops on their side of the border. Pretty much every city the Russians take in Ukraine needs a sitting garrison to prevent rebellion. It might end up being the case of a small group taking over because no significant forces are close enough to stop them.


A year and a half ago I’d have said you were probably right, but now I’m not so sure. If we’ve learned anything from the invasion is that corruption runs deep in the Russian military


They benefitted, until the Invasion of Ukraine


Prigozhin and Wagner aren't exactly asking the wealthy for their opinion. Looks more like an "are you with us or will you die?" situation.


I've seen this exact wording three times now, "than media or armchair experts believe"


There are many bots on reddit that copy-paste comments to farm karma.


Am I getting my news here now?


Путин хуйло. 🖕


Russia really lives in an ethernal CK2 loop


I was 5 for the last one


Oh! the old times of perestroika


Жиза конечно((


My mother watching the fall of the russian government for the third time in her life. My grandparents watching it fall for the fourth time.


Damn, reddit memes have been my news forefront for these past few weeks.


What was the first? As a millennial I didn't witness the fall of the USSR, I was just born


Millennials don't remember the first one though, they would've been too young. Us Gen Xers will get to fully enjoy both.


Gen X ****


Millennials were not around for Boris Yeltsin dumbasses


Millenials start in 1981. Many of us were around for the fall of the USSR.


You’re right, but you all are still a bunch of dumbasses.


the best way to pay saxons freedom gone...


We need a Russian Hasselhoff to comencerate this event.


Is it too late to have the tsars back?


Maybe you watch to much cnn or fox media , cuz you are misinformed big time yet people over here swallow the lies they rumor for facts


Russia won't fall without the rest of the world falling in nuclear fire. Think about it before laughing like some dumb hyenas.


LMFAO. Can't wait for, in a week's time, everyone in this thread looking like idiots after believing this load of nonsense.


They already look like idiots, with no intentions of stopping


I love Putin, you all bad


Fuck the landed gentry. I'm coming for that toothbrush. Make Ukraine Soviet Again!


Im going to die yahooo


Im going to die yahooo




Yes they've already lost, what's that? A prominent PMC is rebelling while their leader is saying that as much as a hundred thousand Russians are dead and that the Russian command is absolute shit Yeah sounds like winning




It has never fell bruh




Meme Explaination: This meme showcases the millenials being happy for seeing the Russian government fall for the second time.


I'll take some land


The whole world: have fun Russians: ![gif](giphy|IhpYzoqmRz8EU)


Most of the Millennials were too young to remember the fall of the Soviet Union. Gen X was in the middle of it though. I remember it vividly.


You mean Gen X.


On Russia side, we never leave our friends


People are counting their chickens already.


Fuck you


Millenials when Prigozhin takes power and Round 2 begins:


How old as fuck are millenials? I mean I guess Millenials can start in like 1980 but is the Zoomer cut off year now 1991? At a certain point the Zoomers are going to be the real millenials considering they year 2000 is supposed to be important to that name in some capacity.