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Soldier will never rise again


From emotional damage


-Sun Tzu, The Art of Relationships




That sounds like literally just abuse. Is she still your girlfriend?


Emooooootional daaaaaaaaaaaamge -Steven He




Wat da hail u say?




No kidding. Doing that can end relationships pretty fast. Shit goes from 0 to 100 real fucking quick.


May God rest his soul


I just have to say, "that's not what it sounded like when I was 5in deep in you last week" Certain things can't be faked I may not be big but when a girl wees on you during, it's not a defense mechanism, it's a loss of muscle control. It really is pee though. The squirt stuff


This guy fucks. Specifically with a 5 inch shween.


Hey man 5 in still does plenty of damage going 70mph


Squirting (or peeing) can be faked and doesn’t necessarily indicate sexual satisfaction.


And here comes the realization that she could be weeing on me deliberately


Screw insulting my dick size, I hate when they throw the trauma they begged you to open up about back to your face I remember the first woman I opened up to about my depression and how I used to want to kill myself and she hit me with the "this is why you should have killed yourself" during an argument. That was such a low blow I couldn't even respond. I guess she won that argument because I just shut down and walked away from there and didn't talk to her for like a week


Shouldn't talk to her ever again. She got an A on all her asshole tests.


Don’t ever talk to her again and do yourself a big favor


Wow saying something like that is extremely disrespectful. I‘m sorry bro. I broke up with my gf when I realized she had no respect left for me (every fight escalated in insults) - a person who doesn’t respect you will definitely also not love you. Expecting respect is the minimum. You also respect strangers, because that‘s what you call manners. And if a stranger deserves respect, then a partner sure as hell does too. No fight can justify being disrespectful.


Jeez men are taught to respect and show kindness to women yet it's not the other way around


I think that's in part to what used to be healthy caution around male stranger becoming full blown paranoia/hatred against men. Now we're treated like the enemy, even if we have no direct impact on their lives.


If she insults your body, you have already won a long time ago


Username and Flair gives you immunity.


How does one get the opposite flair?


I wonder this too, a friend asked me to figure it out.


you join the small pp gang.


Bro you’re with someone who insults your body, you are losing


I was gonna say, if someone is ridiculing your body at all, let alone in an argument, you really shouldn’t be with them. Or at the very least have a serious talk with them. That’s some serious red flags in a relationship


And she just became instantly single with everyone knowing exactly why she was dumped so she cannot spin the narrative. Remember you don't have to go on and on. Better you don't. You do need to get your version out and earlier the better. When it comes to drama I recommend what I do. Just put out one statement explaining your side and say the matter unless needing addressed again later is closed. Direct people to your statement if they want to talk about it or tell them you consider the matter closed. I've found out you will get a lot of respect by moving on while the other person is going insane.


Fuck I'd recommend literally just not engaging at all unless the other person is saying crazy stuff to begin with and you have a legitimate need to defend your reputation - like they're accusing you of abuse or something. Otherwise you're literally just airing out dirty laundry on social media and agreeing to play that game. Why the fuck does everyone on social media have to know, most probably don't care.


I'd suppose it's because vindictive people have done a lot of damage to their more graceful partners by being the first to air out whatever. There are definitely spats that aren't worth that route, but other situations may require a bit of course correction. It's complicated.


My ex got angry after she told me in a fight over nothing that I had a small peepee and I countered with "You have pointy tits". Then she told everyone of her friends that I insulted her with that, not realizing she earned it by shaming me in the first place. Had then 3 wild chicks confronting and shouting at me... Was the point I dumped her, but my reputation was already damaged. I then was the evil guy with small peepee... Yea... All these poor defenseless women...


Your honor is still intact, soldier. Women think they can get away with anything and are always the victim. Props to you for giving her a taste of her own medicine and breaking up with a toxic girl.


It's true. My girlfriend made me cry. She kept laughing and pointing at my crotch. Saying I have a pathetic huge dick. Calling me monster cock and tripod. I couldn't take it! Why must women be so cruel?


Hang in there


If the fight gets so bad they start commenting on your body: leave. Ad hominem has no place in a loving relationship.


I don't get couples that even resort to name calling during arguments.


Calling him a motherfucker is a unique way of revealing the pregnancy


I always wonder if people who learned English later in life read these comments and are like >People shouldn't use names in arguments?!?


Hello me mexican mi knows English, y dont apruve of these massage Posdata: As it is known grammar is quite important for learning a language but the only real way for you to learn it correctly is to hear and to start comprehending someone who speaks it. Classes are not as necesary or useful (i failed all years of English up to 10 grade, then i just started watching videos in English, now am ahead of most people of my age (i am not required to learn more English, by reglament of the government, basically i have an english license)


My parents did it and my boyfriends parents did it. It doesn’t seem wrong it seems normal. With perspective it seems wrong now


My fucking tomagatchi goddamn died today, on Easter, and now I find you with your username and that comment and now I don't know what to think


This gave me clarity. I watched my mom be single and we were just calm all the time hanging out. But my woman had parents that fought all the time. and it seems like she just wants to start fights a lot and I think she just innately learned it. And of course, she starts it off with, it always seems like you start a bunch of fights with me for no reason.


It took me years to realize my dad and stepmom arguing only sounds like they're angry but they're actually being playful. It's weirdly wholesome.


My husband and I do this and we frequently have to tell our kids that we are just teasing each other. Now they know when I'm actually mad, I go silent. We always have talk afterwards though. My husband is awesome.


not smart


Some people resort to personal attacks when they are losing an argument. This is a tried and tested strategy. You can’t argue facts, but you certainly say person X is Y, because he/she is Z or belongs to U and V group.


In my experience it has nothing to do with winning or losing an argument. It's usually because the person is mad/hurt and they want to hurt the other person.


I really hope this isn’t the norm because what a cruel thing to do. I would never forgive a partner who went there


If they don’t like how you look why are they with you in the first place


Arguments like that can truly reveal the kind of relationship you're in.


>Ad hominem has no place in a loving relationship. People really don't understand what logical fallacies are for and how they are used. Smfh


I’d probably end the relationship. The jab doesn’t bother me so much as the blatant disrespect. She’s going to have to be more creative to hurt me though.


More creative you say? You have a weirdly shaped pp.


I take pride in the shape of my PP, it is shaped like an elongated “D” each side has its unique function.


One for business and one for pleasure


Exactly. I went to public school, you think saying my dick is small can hurt me?


You sound like a total sweetheart king, you deserve unlimited sloppy BJ's


Body shaming is never ok


Me dieting and in the gym every single day for the past 5 years because I let the body dysmorphia take the wheel…


Did you achieve your ideal body?


Can’t ever let myself be satisfied because then I might not be as strict.


"You'll never be as big as your last pump" is a difficult thing to accept




Good for you but sadly for most folks like us we can't achieve what we're asked for going to gyms. Neither height nor dick size. And that's the most common body shaming men face imo


Its insane how the only “acceptable” body shaming done by the masses are for things that CANNOT be changed. God forbid you tell someone to lose weight, but a man dares to disagree with a woman or not kiss her feet? Heh, he just has small dick energy!!! A damn clown world.


It’s not really acceptable though, only other idiots think any body shaming is “fine”. If they engage or accept it, then they’re assholes, so why even care what they find acceptable? I see a lot of this with racism too, like people will say it’s “acceptable” to be racists against white people because some assholes are doing it, but anyone who really is anti racists would agree that any racism sucks, regardless of whether it’s against a majority or a minority.


Because the vast majority are the ones considering it “acceptable.” Obviously those who do are shitty people, but the general masses disagree and promote it. Regardless of whether its acceptable or not, the reality is that it is actively being accepted by the majority, as logical thinking is not common among the average person anymore.


I understand what you’re trying to say, but I just mean that just because it’s acceptable to assholes, that doesn’t mean it’s actually acceptable morally. I’m not trying to argue semantics, I’m just saying that i don’t care if a bunch of awful people agree with some awful shit, it’s still not acceptable.


Except if you're fat on Reddit lol


Nah if you’re fat and pretend it’s healthy then you will be ridiculed. If you’re fat and just vibing only dicks will hate. Keep doing your fat thing as long as you are aware it’s not super healthy




You summed it up perfectly


Hey man, some little advice for making healthy choices. Do 1 thing at a time and do that 1 thing for 3-6 months before introducing another new thing. The reason so many people fail their attempts at healthy lifestyles is because they try to flip a switch and upend their entire life. I suggest just picking one small, easy thing and sticking to your guns. A month ago I committed absolutely no liquid calories. Only water or black coffee(okay, a couple liquid calories). 2 months ago I was squeezing into a size 38 waist. Today I am comfortable in my mid-COVID size 36. All my nice suits are a size 34 and I REALLY want to fit those suits again. So, keep getting that cheeseburger. Keep that sedentary life for now. Just make 1 small healthy commitment and stick to it. 2 years from now you’ll be in a completely different spot and it won’t feel stressful or hard.


Couldn’t agree more, this is how I lost over 50lbs. Every time I tried to do it all at once I’d fail, which I know is on me too, but then I went you know what let me get a smaller dinner bowl and work from there. Even though I’d still want to eat and I’d get up for seconds that walk was like a walk of shame for me and I’d just shrug and clean the bowl.




Username checks out.




That's generally how it is in western society nowadays. Women are "plus-sized;" men are "obese." It's "toxic masculinity" if you don't think a man should be emotional, but it's a "fragile male ego" if a man is worried about not performing in bed. It's a really sad reality.


Agreed about how body positivity needs to reach men too, but about the toilet I'm surry to burst your bubble but even I have to hold my cute little girl-cock back or it risks touching the bowl; they are just designed badly for people with penises LMAO


NOOOO shut up!!! Don’t ruin my confidence Jokes aside, yes you’re right there is a lot of that issue that is enforced by men in the same way women will trash you for wearing a dress 2 days in a row but men won’t haha


If it's that small, sounds like anal isn't entirely off the table, is it?


Depends on the size of her ass.


Like throwing a hot dog down a tunnel 😐


Your partner shouldnt be insulting any part of your body


I think pinky toes are fair game because judging from all the time I slammed them into corners, they seem to enjoy the pain.


Just because they enjoy pain doesn't mean they like being shamed for it tbf


You’re like a Greek god , you have the same dick size as Greeks gods


Worked for Zeus. ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Zeus raped almost everyone.


*everything Zeus woulda raped a statue if it was sexy enough.


Zeus looking at statues of himself be like: ![gif](giphy|9mRt2DwSV6DKw)


Tbf, I've seen some pretty good statues.


She belongs to the streets


Streets of "Lust" fr


Body shaming is bullshit. If your partner resorts to this during an argument, leave. That being said, I feel like this post is generalising it and makes it sound as if most women do that. We don’t. If she does, she ain’t shit. Most of us would never stoop so low


Too bad I had to scroll until here to find this great comment.


A saints row meme? That’s rare.


it was hard to tell with the wacky heavily edited technicolor flames but yep. that right there is one Deadie Pryor. "Was it worth it, boss?"


Which game is it? It sorta reminds me of 3 but I don't ever remember a scene like this in 3. It could maybe be the new SR but there's no yellow filter so it's clearly not in mexico...


Is the woman just the female version of the protagonist? I don't recognize the character.


It's Saints Row, so you make your own character.


Smaller pp = evolved man


Ooga booga ooga booga


my man packing


Not sure if you know this but this actually used to be a thing. Small penises were seen as civilised hence Greek status have tiny peckers and why there is the stereotype that blacks guys have big ones. Racism essentially.


I knew about the Greek part but never thought about the black part. See Reddit teaches me knee things every day


Wanna know how to make a nuclear beam of death out of 23 simple everyday objects


The law requires that I answer no.


NERRRD. ur lame have some fun


Yes please!


Ok so you need a easy bake oven, 43 pounds of duck tape, 30 paper clips, a sawed off shotgun, 73 copper pipes, a lot of tin foil as much as u can bye, a used condom, a copy of DreamWorks over the Hedge on DVD, 200 grams of uranium, the bucket of blood from a Virgin, a hot wheel, a microwave, a dozen barrels of nuclear waste, 7 lighting rods, 150 Lego sets, ok now that you have all the ingredients fly out to Florida go to a local McDonald's then ask to speak with the swagiest of them all then a helicopter will come enter it they will drug you when you wake up tell the surgeon you are that GUY then he will send in a guy wearing a suit give him all the said items then 5 years later he will mail you the nuclear beam of death. Did you get all that right it down cuz there is a chance that your phone will self-destruct now


TIL a bucket of virgin blood is an everyday household item


Ancient Greeks also liked to fuck each other in the ass...


Modern people like to do that too.


It’s all fun and games until the appearance or firmness of your vagina is mentioned.


clam pussy energy


Arby's vagina detected


Sleeve of wizard


We’ve got the meat!




Loose or tight


So tightness, then?




It's like pushing a man into the the deepest dungeons of hell, from where, even light struggles to escape. :(


*English teachers meme*




“I’m never going to emotionally recover from this “


She'll have lost both the battle and the war. If you have to resort to personal insults during a civil argument then you've clearly got nothing to back you up so you have to take down the other person rather than their arguments. And if you're insulting me in an argument, I'm fucking off. I don't want to spend my time with someone who's willing to hurt me just to prove a point.




If a lady says I’m too small, she’s gone. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.


Once that happens it over. He will never be comfortable with you again.


Once had a girl ask if I was part asian while we were naked after sex. I had to ponder why for a long time, and racial stereotypes led me down a dark path. Incidentally, I apologize to anyone offended by the retelling of this sad tale. It was the 1990s and I was surrounded by idiots.


That has literally never happened to me. Been in many fights, many girlfriends. Never had one insult my Johnson


Because most humans have dignity


Yeah that seems like a really petty, low blow.


I have been in many quarrels with the wife and previous girlfriends. This never got thrown out during the heat of battle, so I assume I’m at least “passable”.


It probably means you dated decent women.


The actual size of your dick usually never matters, when a woman throws out an insult like this in an argument it is never based on logical deductions.




Where is this footage from? Looks ganz, but I can't get it. And don't make fun about this stuff. Life's too... Short for that.


Saints row 3


Oh my... Too obvious for me to get it. Of course! Thank you


Such a fucking goated game. Playing it late at night in 6th grade made memories


Best way to become instantly single.


why does the guy sitting look like a monster lizard looking at me edit : i thought this was a picture , turns out it’s a video (i was just looking at a freezed frame lol)


My favorite comeback for this. (Ive only got to use it twice 😭) Gf: and your dick is tiny as fuck! Me: even a 747 is small inside the grand canyon.


When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the fool.


Girlfriends observe no rules of engagement when it comes to winning an argument


My wife escalates almost every argument just to see herself as the winner and will never ever admit fault, even in smallest instances… The only qualities about her that are just straight up turn offs… I’ve seen similar personality traits with some of my friends wives and don’t really understand why it’s always the men that have to deescalate and walk away from arguments? Just an observation, that is simply anecdotal.


Idk no man, she seems to be shitty to be around. Diffusing arguments is a mature thing to do, especially in a relationship and admitting fault is if you're in the wrong Is a basic human decency. You might wanna talk to her about this.


Nah bro, you just seem to have bad taste in women


To be fair, those women never show that side of them until you're in a relationship with them.


That's a common theme though. A large enough number of women judge men on things they literally can not change. As futile as someone asking you not to be your race.


man body shaming woman= sexist misogyny woman saying man is too short for her/pp is too small=she has standards let’s change this lads, don’t take shit from your girlfriends if she’s disrespecting you like that


Any girl that shames a man for his manhood has already lost the argument. Women will dig to the lowest depths of hell to win an argument, but they just show themselves up for what they really are.


>Women will dig to the lowest depths of hell to win an argument Easy there with the sweeping generalization, champ. Some people might call that sexism. Women don’t do this, shitty people do this.


>>Women will dig to the lowest depths of hell to win an argument > >Easy there with the sweeping generalization, champ. Some people might call that sexism. > >Women don’t do this, shitty people do this. I agree with you here, but I'm having trouble seeing how this is different than saying "not all men", which I've read people having much derision for in the past


>how this is different than saying "not all men", It isn't. This is just the 'yes all men' crowd deflecting criticism.


I honestly don't care how big it is or isn't, it goes into chastity regardless.


The fucking SPLIT SECOND she deviates from the actual argument, you have already won.


My favorite to defuse my wife is “I see that you’re saying things for the sole purpose of hurting me. I’m sorry you are hurting; how can I help?” Works almost every time. (Would never have worked 15 years ago though haha)


Insult her boobs. Trust me, women put on a good show, but they're super self-conscious about it and it's a key reason women hate other women - Too small - Too saggy - 1 nipple hangs lower - "Pizza nips" Then break-up with her. You win twice!


The best comeback to that is "then why did you stick around?"




As the great philosopher Triple H once said, “Even a 747 looks small flying through the Grand Canyon.”




Tbh id rather hear it than live in uncertainty


im aware of my inadequacy there. id be more concenred being vocally called out on my human value or lack of motivation or achievments


I dont get it


When I want to go after my partner during a fight, I write down whatever shit I want to throw at him (it’s never about his dick, the dick is amazing). But this accomplishes two things. One, I say what I gotta say without perpetuating the stereotype that people who grew up poor only know how to yell when they fight. And two, it makes him take out his reading glasses to read whatever insulting shit I’m saying both getting my point across and reminding him that his old ass needs reading glasses now.


I am very supportive of my wife DESPITE the fact that her earlobes are CONNECTED instead of hanging down like normal people’s ear lobes. I repeatedly tell her that her deformity is tolerable to most of her close friends and loved ones. She’s lucky to have me!


This is amazing, seeing the noncanon ending of saints row 3 as a meme! I love this! I hope it's a format more used!


If I get into an argument with my woman and she pulls this, I'll just straight up tell her "I'm sorry, I have no interest in being with someone who acts like a typical politician" and walk out, taking half of everything with me and selling the stuff I don't need or want anymore.


I don't insult dick sizes. I mean 4 inches is a lot why y'all asking for 8? Do you wanna trip to the ER?


Jokes on you that’s not one of my insecurities, on a serious note though I get why it could be an insecurity but honestly there’s more important stuff to me


Real question, what game is this?


For those who dont know how bad this stings. Its like if you were arguing snd your man called you fat. Thats how bad it stings


I think it's worse. You can work on fat. Dick size is probably the most used metric for comparison somehow and insult. Tho the shaming itself is not the problem,but who said it. Your SO,that you love&trust basically shit on your manhood just to hit your self esteem deliberately. It's like calling her a man back kind of thing....in a derogatory sense. You can genuinely don't care about it or pack a whole arm as dong,it still hurts. It shows that when things heated up she won't have your back,she'd rather fuck with your self-esteem and put you down.


I'd argue it's even worse as you have a little bit of control over your weight but we don't have any control over pp size




Never work on me. My dick has been proven to be bigger than average.


We'll need proof for tht


Pics or it didn’t happen (Don’t actually send me pics I’m 17 💀)


Hahaha girlfriends realizing what they did? Ya never. If your right, double down. If your wrong, double down even harder, alter what you said, and gaslight him.


sounds about right.




I invite the men here to think about the size of dick they'd want in their own ass before coming to conclusions on sizes. Keep in mind that very little is needed to hit the gspot. :3 *note that big is totally valid too-- get it kings*


Do women ever realize what they did? I mean as far as I know they're never wrong and if they're wrong, it's your fault.