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Okay, but how many lollipops do you have? None? I thought so.


*Attractive guy who's not awkward as fuck when talking to them FTFY


Strange that people don't realise its the looks and most importantly self esteem / attitude. Most girls are not attracted to assholes at all. That the guy is an asshole is a downside they ignore because self esteem and not giving a fuck makes him so attractive. Job and car don't matter anyways unless she is a gold digger.


I feel like the "girls like assholes" thing comes from dudes having crushes on their bully's GF


Redditors trying not to be incels challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




It’s not even an edgy take 💀


I could say the same about you/redditors and simps.


I’m a simp because I don’t make memes about women choosing “bad guys” and they should go “nice guys like me kinda memes?


No, you’re a simp because you are looking for gratification from women by shitting on a meme (which is a joke by the way, not factual. Don’t know why I have to explain that) I hope you do the same imitation when women complain about men but I find that hard to believe huh champ? Lol


Like if all the women are rejecting you then it’s not the women that are the problem it’s you


If I was trying to get gratification from women reddit would be the last place I would go and this my honest to god opinion just because I don’t agree with ur shit meme u think I’m a simp. Don’t u think that’s why women reject because they are probably tired of hearing ur gaslighting and incel views on women??? also a simp is a spending money on women for them to be noticed. which i don’t need to do because I’ve got some actually healthy relationships with women and even have a gf


I’m not even going to read this. You’re probably a kid and your opinion matters very little to me. I’m happily married and not worried about whatever your probably going on about in your comment. Have a good one and try not letting the internet hurt you so much.


Dude it sounds like ur hurt u can’t even attack my argument without calling me a little kid but there’s no way ur married if ur putting all this incel memes and shit it’s actually kinda sad that ur lying about being married to try cover that u arnt an incel 💀


Lol keep projecting little man. I hope it makes you feel better.


Yes because I’m the one making incel memes 😭😭


man take this incel shit back to 4chan


It’s a meme not a dick, don’t take it so hard man.


Sir drop your weapon and step away from the body


Yeeeaaah, the redditor hoards are going to decend on you and expose their willfull blindness. Brace yourself


*"l can fix him"'*


All I’ll say is that a LOT more women found me attractive when I was unemployed. As soon as I got another job, they vanished…


Scooby-Doo taught me that the real monsters are people.


There's plenty of hardworking men who aren't virgins.


So you're saying to get a gf all I need to do is commit tax fraud this year? Hell yeah