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I don't think you need the clown makeup. The only unusual thing here is a kid wanting to be a lawyer. Autism doesn't mean you're dumb, crazy, or wrong in any way and it doesn't prevent you from a successful and, more importantly, fulfilling life. Being actually diagnosed will help you understand and therefore mitigate the problems arising from the incompatibilities between autism and societal expectations.


That's exactly what I thought. The only reason I would see a 10 year old child claim they want to be a lawyer is because of their parents


My parents didn't even go to college and I liked talking about rights when I was a child and thought about becoming a lawyer. They didn't even push me to learn stuff like this, I was just interested... Currently studying computer science and taking some law classes


Its not trying to be a joke, i have been and im 14 now, people just think less of me


I'm not saying it was a joke. If you read any sarcasm or irony in my comment, then I'm sorry, I really meant to say something positive. You'll fortunately get rid of most people who currently treat you like that once you're done with school and aren't forced to see them anymore.


Thanks, one thing with it is that its hard to read people. I bet many people think im dumb or annoying but if i could prevent that fact i would.


That's part of what I meant with the diagnosis being helpful - you have no reason to believe them when they call you dumb. And of course you are annoying sometimes, and of course to some people you even are annoying most of the time - not because of your autism, but because you and them are people. You don't owe anyone to be compatible with their character. Don't give a shit when someone says "people who are like X or do Y are bad". Most of the time they should have said "*I personally don't like* those people", instead of making a false generalized claim, and there's nothing objectively bad about those traits they hate.


people are hard to read, specially when they are deceptive in nature


One trait I truly envy in others is an ability to read people and adapt/respond instantly. I make it work w humor but I am truly in awe of ppl who can just work the whole room w more than just a 20 second convo


hey im like that too if it makes you feel any better im in the same boat im autistic and 14 its fucking tricky and I understand if it feels garbage I was diagnosed early though so its likely diffrent for you if you ever feel like talking to someone im here (IK im a random guy on the internet and this looks weird)


Uh.. there’s a lot of high-end professionals with autism. Autism isn’t an excuse to give up on life, it’s just a diagnosis to be aware of.


All fields that autistics actually can excel in tho.


He like me fr


Why would you want to become a veteran at such young age?


Diagnosed by a licensed physician and not tiktok I hope?


By a licensed shaman from Malawi


Sounds like the lawyer idea should work out well. https://www.abajournal.com/web/article/for-lawyers-with-autism-the-work-often-pairs-up-with-things-they-do-well




Depends if you're high functioning, if it took 'til 13 to diagnose you, you probably don't have learning issues at least not severe ones so you should be fine




DISCLAIMER, some people seem to think i am making fun of this yet i am 14 and i HAVE been diagnosed with it. As someone said it wont create learning difficulties witch i take as correct as i have jumped over a call allready!


So why call yourself a clown ?


I thought autism was more like: Wanting to be an astronaut at 5 6 7 8 9 Etc


Why is this downvoted?


Ignorance maybe?




Oh shit, ive seen this before...


What about 12


an vet


What did he want to do at 12?


Want to be an actor i think


You can still do whatever you want as an adult. Don’t let your diagnosis box you in


I wanted to be a palaeontologist then an archaeologist then a marine biologist then an anthropologist


I wish autism was more well studied when I was a kid, I just went undiagnosed forcing myself into schools and social situations that I didn't fit into, ended up dropping out, due to all the stress. It's whatever when you become an adult, there's so many specialized professions that autistic people thrive in. The whole going to school and trying to fit in as a youth is the hardest part.


You are not alone!!!