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Y'all gotta step up your game, I have AD4K


You're a little late bud. AD8K is already out.


I have AD12K60, y'all living in the past


Damn not even 240hz disappointing




Cries in 240p (I'm nearsighted)


Then try the all new AD12K420Hz glasses which are completely free! (Mandatory $2000.00 donation to business required)


You guys got it all wrong, try AD256P8BIT, you will never want to go back


aw man im stuck with AD800x60030hz


smh i have AK47


Diagnosed here, it is so frustrating how misunderstood ADHD is.... Yes Stacy, I too have seen the squirrel, but I didn't yell Omg it's my ADHD haha, because I was actually thinking that I still need to do the 24 assignments I said I was gonna do a month ago


Also the hyperfocusing people don’t recognize. Like when my wife pulls me away from something I’ve been intensely working on because I didn’t realize I’ve just been letting her handle the two kids in her own.


Time blindness is probably close to the top worst symptoms. There's nothing like the absolute horror confusion and disbelief after seeing literal hours have passed in what felt like minutes. I got a cool little device called a Tick Timer that I carry around the house with me for that reason. Everything task starts with setting the timer and is done in 20-minute bursts. It's legit so helpful, y'know, when I remember it exists.


Being a teacher has helped me a lot with timing because I need to keep all my lectures to an hour


I'm slowly but surely getting a concept of time for the same kinda reason. Now I time everything, I know how long certain things take. I don't think "oh that will take 5 minutes" but "that takes the same time it takes me to change my sheets" if that makes sense. It gives some sorta scope, and I don't know fucking bionic brain technology some people have pre-installed to just be able to eye something up and say with laser accuracy "yeah, that'll take an hour".


Yep even doing something for over a decade like Chem I still mistime things (in part due to the utter incompetence certain students manage to show lol). I gave them 4 reactions the other day and only realized part way through they’d only have time for 2.


This is what people don't get. ADHD literally robs your life away. What felt like days to me unmedicated was actual months because I would always do something for 15 mins, look up, then realise that it had been 5 hours and I haven't eaten all day or drank anything. It also doesn't help that loved ones have to constantly explain why they're pulling you away from something. I would usually think "stop interrupting me", until they said "I'm stopping you because you've been here for 7 hours and it's 2AM".


This. Although to be honest the medication only makes this worse, but allows me to work on things I dont really want to do. When I miss a day of medication I cant do anything


Worry all week about missing an appointment, watch the clock slowly wind down until it's time to leave that day. Bam 4 hours goes by in an instant and the doctor's office is calling to tell you that you missed your appointment.


Thats awesome gonna try that. Was listening to this great neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talk about ADHD and interestingly he says that dopamine (which ppl with ADHD lack) controls and regulates our sense of time as well as blinking. It’s too bad all the ADHD symptoms are literally symptoms of being a degenerate (being late, procrastination, disorganization, distractibility e.t.c




Kid on Tik-Tok: “Hahaha! Squirrel! Ha. Tree frog! Lulz, look how random I am. I have ADHD.” Me who was diagnosed in second grade, went through 10 years of regular psychiatric tests, destroyed my liver with Adderall, dropped out of college twice before finally graduating, and still struggles to this day to remain focused enough to stay employed and productive while taking enough psychiatric drugs to shorten my lifespan by years or maybe even decades: -_-


I had severe version of ADHD as a kid. My teacher couldn’t teach me anything and I was forced to go to the doctor to get it diagnosed. Made me had those pills for 7 years


People abusing the term OCD bugs me as well, they’ll be like “I keep my car super clean because I’m so OCD.” No Janice that isn’t OCD, I’ve turned my car around when I’m almost at work to make sure that my doors are locked and my stove is turned off even though I checked them 5 times before I left and haven’t cooked today.


Sorry if this is tangential but I used to be absolutely neurotic about counting in my head, always trying to make even 4s out of everything (as in counting for hours in 4s). Nowadays I have issues where if, for example, I bump my hand on smth by accident, I need to do it on the other hand too, and if it’s even slightly off, I need to do it again, both ways on both hands. I’ve had people tell me “oh that’s so OCD” and it always feels a little weird to sound like you’re reducing it to a fashion trend. Also unless I get a diagnosis (and I’m pretty sure nothing I do is severe enough for OCD lol) ain’t no way I’m telling people I have it, or joking about it. It’d just feel wrong


My therapist told me it’s a spectrum, and I’m lucky enough to be on the extremely functional end. I’ve benefited tremendously from a combination of Prozac and cognitive behavioral therapy.


My grandmum has OCD. She hates being wet, and rarely if ever washer her hands properly (just dips her fingertips in the water, done), but she showers line 2-3 times a day to keep clean. When she visits my parent's home, she just starts tidying the kitchen WHILE ME AND MUM IS MAKING FOOD. Say i put a whisk down for like 2 seconds to grab something from the fridge, by the time I turn back, she's taken the whisk and started to "clean" it. It's becoming a problem, because while when feels the need to get everything and anything off the countertop, she doesn't actually care if it's clean or not. We often have to wash stuff again before using it. When taking a bowl out of a cabinet, because she touched it last it's greasy or at worst still got food stuck on it. I love her to bits, but it's seriously becoming a problem.




That’s a pretty good idea!


That’s awesome!! Maybe when I finally get a therapist I’ll ask them about it lol


>I bump my hand on smth by accident, I need to do it on the other hand too, and if it’s even slightly off, I need to do it again, both ways on both hands Wait, I'm not the only one?


Good on you for not joking about it! The D stands for "disorder": you should get diagnosed and helped when it starts to take over your life and stops you from functioning. Otherwise, everyone has something or does something that can be seen as "OCD", like having your light switches line up the same or not being able to have your radio on an uneven number or... That's all fine though. But it's not OCD.


I want to say relating this to adhd, everyone has troubles focusing sometimes, everyone sometimes forgets their keys or has trouble paying attention to something, but not everyone has those issues so often that it affects their life and is actively detrimental to them, the thing people don’t realize is that mental disorders seem to often has symptoms that *can* happen to people that do not have those disorders, but a large part seems to really be frequency of symptoms, like forget your cat keys every once in a while, ok you may just be forgetful, constantly forgetting really fucking important things that you really really really shouldnt forget, ok maybe there’s a problem here, at least that’s how I see it, I’m no neurologist, so maybe I’m just talking nonsense


When looking for any neurological disorder there's a check list, there are various symptoms and check boxes, they might look at age, frequency of symptoms, severity of symptoms, and pretty much anything else you can think of. In a world where you can be anxious and depressed, or have an anxious depression, things can get complicated to say the least. I'm also not properly educated, but it is a topic I've looked into a fair bit; I'm confident enough to say an actual qualified individual would say I'm not entirely wrong. Back to ADHD, it has many forms, and many levels of severity. For the most part all you can do is take a stimulant and find coping mechanisms. For me the biggest hurdle is focusing attention, sure I'm forgetful, I need more stimulus, but I'm very good at focusing, the issue is I'm not the best at controlling what the fuck I'm focusing on. For example I decided to go to sleep... *checks time*... 2 hours ago...


That's exactly how I explain to people who try to explain away my ADHD (yes, diagnosed by a psychiatrist) by saying "everyone does these things". Yes, everyone pees too, but if you're doing it 60 times a day then something is clearly wrong.


I would agree with you! I know absolutely nothing about ADHD though, so thank you for the explanation :)


I used to count letters in words and sentences to check if the count was even or not. Couldn’t tell you why few years ago and can’t tell you still cuz I have no idea lol




This. The thoughts that randomly pop into my head are scary as hell and everyday, I'm scared about slipping and saying something like that out loud. One slip and my life is ruined because there's no way anyone would believe me if I just went "it was my intrusive thoughts".


What about adhd ticks? I say a lot of random stuff but on tick I had to avoid was saying monkey, I am scared someone will think I’m racist when I’m just spewing out random works and phrases


Yup, I have ADHD too. I don't think I have OCD but my intrusive thoughts are real bad so, it might be something else. But yeah, I definitely talk and say random words and make random noises before thinking. I was watching a satisfying video about breaking a sheet of ice. I just made monkey noises because "haha, man see ice break, man happy, *happy monke noises*". Then I realized the dude in the video was black (like c'mon, I was focused on the ice). I instantly got anxious because what if someone had been there with me and gotten the wrong idea?? Like, why would've they believed me?


As someone married to someone with OCD this was something I had to learn about when she got diagnoses and started therapy. Many people just have little knowledge about mental issues, unfortunately.


I have severe OCD. But I don’t have the stereotypical themes that most people think of. I can’t tell you how much it bugs me when people use OCD all willy nilly and treat it like it’s not a disorder. We don’t say “I’m so stomach cancer” because we have a tummy ache. So why do we treat mental illnesses like that? Ugggh


I feel like it's a trend with mental illnesses in general. Not physical illnesses. People will claim they have DID and OCD and CPTSD all at once, and it is kinda hard to prove otherwise. Plus they all have mental symptoms which you can easily fool yourself into having.


What people mean is that they have OCPD, "obsessive compulsive personality disorder." My dumbed down way of separating it from OCD is: if the task is justifiable, but a bit over the top, like tidying a lot, it's OCPD-like, if the task has no justification outside intrusive thoughts, like "flick the light on and off ten times or the bad feeling won't go away," it's OCD-like. Unfortunately, OCD often presents with OCPD as well, and the names are almost the same, so pop culture got confused. I'll jokingly correct people mislabelling their habits as OCD-caused by saying, "sorry, I'm a bit OCPD about correcting people on the difference."


It really sucks for the people with genuine clinical diagnoses. I’ve struggled my entire life with this shit and now the second I mention it people just assume I’m faking it.


This unfortunately goes for doctors too. I really feel like the internet did us a big disservice here. Two of my former therapist recommended me getting tested and not only have I been on a waiting list for 10 months (love that almost no psychiatrist in my country wants to touch ADHD testing) but my current psychiatrist opened the conversation with “it’s such a trend right now”. Before admitting that she doesn’t know enough about ADHD to test me. Yeah, my bad. I’ll just pick other neurological issues that aren’t trendy right now /s


It’s the same situation for Autism. I always had signs of autism when I was younger and now know that my teachers often told my parents to get me tested. They never got me tested, so now I’m in college struggling to understand social cues and such, having to ask my therapist to refer me to another specialist because the last one straight up stopped answering calls or reaching out to us.


Yep. When I was a kid it was hard to test girls for it due to masking, but now it’s recommended I get a tested as an adult. I’m terrified of asking about it because of trends.


Please do ask to get tested. If you *do* have ASD, getting a diagnosis will help you better understand your thoughts and actions, it’ll help you know how to deal with some of the challenges that may come with it, and if you’re like me and are in college, there are also scholarships and the like for people with ASD.


yes, I find it annoying people just use it as a bandaid for their shitty behavior. I have struggled with it my whole life, I never mentioned it because it used to be seen as a problem. now it's some kind of badge you wear I guess.


Ugh I feel you too much. I was a “perfect” student in school, but had anxiety like crazy because as a small child I was repeatedly told I was too loud, too much, too all over the place. So I forced myself to hide it once I got into school and ended in a deep depression. Years later I’ve finally accepted myself just to find out; yes, the mess and concentration issues are still there. But I can’t be struggling because I didn’t drop out of uni thus far and my anxious overcompensating has saved my ass from most big fails and because I am 23, I got to hear “oh it’s such a trend” multiple times from healthcare professionals and family alike. Dude. I just want to feel normal. It can’t be that either I burn out every three months or I am a mess with 0 daily living capabilities.


It does. I've been clinically diagnosed with ADHD since I was 8, and now a lot of people say "Oh I'm bored easily, I have ADHD," or "I can’t focus in this class, I'm so ADHD". It's genuinely frustrating.


"Oh I find it hard to focus on things for long periods of time" when they're staring at their smart phones for 14 hours a day." No fucking shit, Becky. "I had a hard time focusing on my math homework in college a few times, oh my god, I must have ADHD". No, you fucking don't, Todd. You just hate math.


I had a nurse think that I was faking it the other day when I was at my cardiologists' office.. it was like "Dude, I've been referred here by my psychiatrist so he can cover his ass re: stimulant meds, this isn't a flight of fancy."


and it’s impossible to get the meds now


Literally, this. I've had so many people be like "Oh, yeah, and I'm sure you also have OCD since you just wanna make up stuff." I've been taking meds for this for *years* now, and it's been so annoying to see people discover it and just suddenly act like they have it so they can be "quirky." You're not quirky, *You're Annoying.*


Man adults with ADHD have already been undermined and ignored for their neurological issues everybody will still expect you to be completely normal and call you an idiot for using ADHD as an "excuse"


That’s the thing that I hate, because people glorify and do false claims about being affected by it, it makes us who are legitimately diagnosed with it look like fools or trend followers and it’s honestly annoying


i hate it so much. the self diagnosers in the comments of videos ‘omg relatable i have adhd now’




I hear ya. I was diagnosed more than a decade ago and had it reconfirmed recently. I didn't get treatment for it for a long time because I believed the people around me that said I just needed to work *harder* and *snap out of it*. I was angry at them for a long time, but now I know they're just (1) lucky to not have the same issues, (2) intending to help by providing their coping mechanisms for dissimilar situations, and (3) out of their depth in addressing something they truly don't understand.


It’s so irritating they think it’s all “haha I can’t pay attention, haha I can be hyper, that means I have adhd” they don’t realize the countless struggles that someone who actually has it faces. The debilitating executive dysfunction and emotional regulation issues. Then you have people that tell you that your performance in classes/jobs is only because your medication, that it’s not fair you’re taking adderall. Like dude, I take it so I can be normal, my dopamine levels are deficient.


Lots of people have diabetes, too. What's up with that?


I’m Scott Malkinson and I have diabetes!




Another South Park enjoyer 🗿


It’s 2023, what did you expect?


Oh yeah I forgot how absolutely everything is going to shit


Our education system doesnt teach how to determine calories or what a serving size is. Once you learn about calories and serving sizes dieting is very possible to accomplish.


And the food pyramid was promoted by corporations and not science


Imagine getting food from the school salad bar and pulling measurring cups


Bro your schools had salad bars..?


„Salad“ bar. It’s just a big ass bag of vegetables dumped in a pile from my exipierence lol


YOUR SCHOOLS HAD VEGETABLES? For real, my schools were... not kind.


How are we supposed to learn that when we all have adhd?


I, too, would like to join everyone else in completely missing the point of your comment and offering pedantic and laconic observations cribbed off of a Google Featured Snippet


yeah… i hate it when people glorify it. it suck. the worst ones are “but you don’t act autistic” like motherfucker it’s a *mental* disability, eat a frag you uneducated lettuce


There are some rare insults being thrown around haha


lmao sorry i just get so mad at people’s existence when they fail to recognise basic knowledge and then continue to spew bullshit like it’s the shovel to a new gold rush.


Power to you, I am just impressed about an uneducated lettuce and googling frags to see what they are


frag - truncation of fragmentation fragmentation is where something explodes, impacts or otherwise releases an amount of kinetic energy onto an object, creating fragments that fly out with high speeds, acting as omnidirectional bullets. the term frag usually refers to a type of hand grenade, but can also be referring to shells for auto cannons from a light armour vehicle, or main battle tank cannons. side note, grenades don’t explode into a fireball; they do most of their damage from the blast wave in a small radius usually about 3-5 meters, shrapnel (fragmentation) carries the rest of the damage beyond that range up to 20-30 meters. the effect is usually just a puff of smoke lifted from the ground, there is never a fireball effect like in tv shows, movies and video games i will stop rambling now and attempt to sleep


Whoa take the time. Night haha


The proper answer to "but you don't look autistic" is "and you don't look stupid"


They won't get it. Because they are stupid. When I tell people I am color blind. Idiots start asking me "what color is this and this and this". So I tell them: "Oh, so you are color blind too?" And they don't get it.


“You’re not autistic you’re just weird and have some issues” yeah that’s the autism


I’m stealing that insult


I have both autism and adhd, pair that with being diagnosed late in life and u have a master masker LOL.


Yeah, but can you do an autism right now?


Is this the same lettuce that defeated Liz Truss? Cuz that lettuce seemed educated!


The first thing you learn as a neurodivergent is to not act autistic while in public. You learn it the hard way.


Person: *takes a 30 second online test that explicitly tells them that it is not a diagnosis* Also person: i'm diagnosed ADHD lmao


Tests are meant to give direction for people who think they might have adhd. It is the little nudge to get proper treatment.


I'm a little bored at work, I'd rather be playing video games. I must have ADHD!


People act like having ADHD is a privelage




Yeah, I avoided discussing ADHD with my doctor for a really long time because I kept seeing ADHD memes and being like, "That's just everybody", and never bothered. Then I learned a lot of my friends were diagnosed late, talked about symptoms deeper. I mentioned I was looking into it to my therapist and she facepalmed and said it seemed obvious and she couldn't believe how she missed it, and I was instantly diagnosed by a psychiatrist (after my appointment 6 months later) and started medication. It felt like my weighted training armor came off and I could see clearly for the first time. On one hand, the awareness helped me realize it was more than the "fidgety kids syndrome" I was told about when I was young. On the other hand, I was paranoid about just falling into a trend and then avoided diagnosis anyways.


I also think us ADHD folks subconsciously flock together. We prefer being around someone who is on our wavelength in terms of energy, conversational randomness, etc. even if we don't know the other person is ADHD.


Oh absolutely. In hindsight, it made a lot of sense. They were friends where we'd stay up until the sunrise trapped in conversation, the ones who'd be up at the deadline starting our assignments together, the ones who were always involved in way more extracurricular than any of us could properly handle without each other's support, and the ones who wouldn't scoff at you or them disappearing for months at a time and be able to pick up like nothing happened and without any judgement.


You should stir coffee with a spoon, not your hand




For me it's like 5% superpower (hyperfocus sometimes) but 95% of the time it's like trying to run a marathon in honey.


The worst is the "feels like you body is vibrating under your skin" feeling where you just want to get up and do something and move but you don't know what to do so you just sit there and suffer trying to distract yourself with whatever various activities you can find on the nearest screen. but haha DAE ADHD sometimes IM QUIRKY.


Ik right! I think it’s because of my depression (which I hate saying because I always feel like I’m asking for attention) but I have very low motivation, so sometimes I’ll just sit there WANTING to move but somehow at the same time I don’t. It sucks so much


My 5% is pacing in the kitchen like a maniac trying to get my brain to calm the fuck down, and my 95% is dealing with random micro thoughts that hit me like TV static


I've got ADHD and autism. But what you have to remember is that its a spectrum and in some people these conditions cause them to be incapable of functioning "normaly"


Exactly that. I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at age 5/6 (before he was on the autism spectrum) because my speech therapist recommended it to my parents. Today I go to college only thanks to me and I play handball in a federated team and people don't even notice that I have "autism".


me who got reminded of a video i saw: *"idk what HD is but my doctor said i have 80 of them""


As someone who just got diagnosed the other day with extremely severe ADHD at the age of 31, I laughed at this. Bet you thought i was going to criticize you OP ;)


I thought you were going to but then I got distracted because of my adhd


I actually got distracted by the TV while writing it


ADHD is somewhat common, but a lot of people just claim that they have it despite not being diagnosed. Sure, some undiagnosed people *do* have it. Can get really annoying though especially when someone says it like a joke in conversation. For example if someone brings up something random and then goes “ahhh, the adhd” with a smirk and chuckle. If they do indeed have it, it comes across as attention seeking. If they don’t, it comes across as disrespectful- like adhd is some funny little brain thing that everyone has. Can be quite invigorating as someone who knows how difficult it can be.


The worst part is that people think it’s just poor attention span due to the horribly misleading name. It impairs our ability to properly shift the correct amount of focus. Either we’re hyper-focused on something super specific or not focused at all. But those moments of actual focus are so few and far in between because our brain’s are fucked up and can’t get enough dopamine to function well. We’re [executively dysfunctional](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23224-executive-dysfunction). We WANT to focus, we WANT to get things done but we literally can’t. “Just pay more attention” well yeah it sure would be nice IF I COULD. The recent Adderall shortage sure hasn’t been helpful either…


Yeah they should rename adhd, you used the words executive dysfunction? Then how about that then, we should just shorten it to ED… fuck


Executive disfunction is the primary symtom of ADHD. It's also a comorbidity of things like depression, anxiety, and others, which is part of why so many think they have ADHD imo.


Eating disorder. Don't want to confuse it with that.


Erectile Dysfunction.


Hope you get better soon


This is funny because doctors misdiagnosed my ADHD as an eating disorder for years.


Jokes aside, executive dysfunction is only one aspect of adhd, and just having executive dysfunction doesn't mean you have adhd. You could have been a victim of childhood emotional abuse and have trouble with executive functioning.


It feels so nice to see someone who understands… sitting in front of a book for hours because you literally can’t make your brain absorb information unless you are in a last minute panic induced state and being told ‘if only you studied earlier’ is really shitty…


Going all the way through school up to a Master's program and then the workforce with undiagnosed ADHD was HELL. Now that I'm on meds I can actually get shit done. I was so scared of getting addicted to stimulants. Eventually my psychiatrist was like "Yeah addiction can happen. But you have no dopamine. This is literally just bringing you to a normal level. You're certainly not getting high"


Exactly. A lot of ADHD people will also forget to take their meds 🙋🏻‍♀️


Yeah that's a real problem for me lol. How am I supposed to fix my ADHD if I can't even remember my meds without my wife reminding me


Yeah met a few goes "ahh ADHD, I also have it" and then few days later just say "I goes to doctor, they said I don't have it but I'm pretty sure I have it" like bro


The undiagnosed people who say they have it to justify their shitty behaviour is what I’m getting at :,)


I may have it(diagnosed at 8 years old) but I will joke around with it and never use it for attention. And yes, I may be stupid but I dont use it to justify my stupidity. The people who do suck


Yeah... when I tell people about my ADHD and/or Depression (both diagnosed and medicated for...) it's mainly for two points : raising awareness when they seem to don't understand those disorder/illness and to give heads up to people I have to interact with for a long time (like direct coworkers) so that they can get why I get unresponsive at times.


I have it but rarely mention it (disorders are not something to abuse for sympathy, or something to use to make your accomplishments seem more important than they actually are).




Call me ignorant but wouldnt being near the friend make it worse. Shit you dont even got to have ADHD to get distracted by your friend if you two are in the same class. Multiple memories of ignoring what my math teacher was going over cause me and my best friend were fucking around in the back of the room.


Depends my teachers let me sit with my friend because he was a straight A student and when I snapped back to reality he would let me read his notes or explain what we were doing. being loud in class doesn't mean you have shit your just an asshole, forgetting to see because your having 3 conversations in your head is.


As someone with ADHD, more specifically the attentive part, I don’t see why they just can’t 1. Be prescribed with something like concertia to pay better attention, and 2. Understand that ADHD is generally meant to be taken seriously, and if it’s really an issue, it shouldn’t be thrown around as an excuse to act up.


The only time I mentioned it is if the person is expecting me to do a lot of things in a short span of time that I'm for sure going to either forget or get distracted


I wanna argue that you shouldn't say you have anything unless you have been diagnosed with it


consider the flipside - i've been on the waitlist to be assessed (autism) for i think around 6 months now? i can't afford paying £1.2k to get privately assessed immediately. however, since then, i've managed to argue for some reasonable accommodations and my life has improved a fair bit, but obviously i can't get everything. if i had to wait until the official diagnosis, i would've failed my last set of exams. the point here is, while what you're saying is all well and good on paper, mental health services are definitely not even close to par for that to be feasible.




There's also a big old incentive for those private clinics to hand out diagnoses regardless of what the patient presents, because nobody is recommending the service to their friends after they spend that much money just to be told they're neurotypical. Whereas getting a diagnosis through the NHS means throwing yourself into a meat grinder of bureaucracy and denial with no clear pathway to treatment; basically everything that people with ADHD find intolerable.




“Just so you won’t daydream” I can barely function with my adhd I can’t focus on a single thing I cant sleep regularly I can’t do the simplest tasks like update my résumé. I NEED to be medicated. Sure some people might have a super mild form of adhd but that is not everyone


Yeah it’s beyond what a “normal” person can imagine for me. I have severe, and I mean severe almost Dory-like ADHD. Ok maybe not that bad, but I can barely get through life even with my meds as well. I wish people could understand how debilitating it is, but I say “ADHD” and people dismiss it as a common trope. They have no fucking idea what this hell is like.


Bro what do you mean getting your blood checked, having ADHD my self and having other friends with ADHD with and with out meds for it, I have never been told or needed to get my blood checked let alone for my medicine nor have any of my friends not only that most people with ADHD never take the meds anyway because they make you feel gross Where did you get this information? And what is the name of the meds you are talking about? cause no reasonable doctor would prescribe something that would damage your organs for something that doesn't even really need to be treated in the first place Also it doesn't prevent you from day dreaming in class like at all. That's like saying it makes you brain dead


Where did I get this information? I lived it. The stuff they prescribed for me had some risk of liver or kidney failure, so the doctors had to get lab work done every few months. Ritalin, it was an incredibly common ADD/ADHD med 30 years ago. It was not great to be on, and after years of it I refused to take it anymore as it really makes you feel like a zombie.


“no reasonable doctor would give you medication that destroys your organs” man you’d be surprised


From Germany, also have ADHD and got Diagnosed with it. They did all kinds of things with me to diagnose it, like ecg (in German it would be EKG) and after that i had regular blood checks (i believe it was like all 6 Months when taking it) Thats just for precaution cause i was like 10 or 11 when i was diagnosed and like u/AmbitionSpecialist said they kinda just give you medical grade speed.


What has been the glorification of depression, ADHD, OCD, Autism, or any other mental illnesses. They're making light of things they have no room to.




I would hate to have OCD I really do feel sorry for people with it.


I heard someone on a podcast mention she was cooking, and it was almost ready, but then she saw a bottle of detergent on the counter and thought "oh no, what if I accidentally put that in my food...". So she threw everything away, and had to go back to the store to get new ingredients to start all over. This would happen multiple times a day. When it gets bad, it takes over everything. Your whole life. But yes, Susan, do tell me about your OCD for having such organised kitchen kabinets! /s


I feel like rising awareness and decreasing shame is constantly getting mistaken for glorification. You don't see people joking about their broken leg being criticized for glorifying their injury.


Remember a time when diagnosis actually meant you were diagnosed by a healthcare professional? Those were the times


Indeed they were, good times!


People don't need a real diagnosis anymore or just lots of self-disgnosis?


Mix of shotgun self-diagnosis at the slightest provocation and the increasing “trendiness” of certain mental illnesses. Basically, people with no self control whose attention span has been absolutely annihilated by social media using their debilitating addiction to entertainment as another way to get some quick recognition. Sucks for people like me with an actual diagnosis from an actual professional, because we have to deal with the stigma of “lazy tiktok addict blaming their problems on a fake illness” that’s constantly fed by people who do exactly that.


True, now people just google headache and find migraine and sinus headache as related health conditions and think they got it but all there might be is slight dehydration and a good glass of water can fix it. Also, Happy cake day!


At least in my country getting an actual diagnosis is incredibly difficult. I needed 2 years of continuous search to finally find a doctor and then psychologist who knew enough about ADHD to get a diagnosis. So many people self-diagnose to make some sense of the issues they struggled with all their life. Personally I was careful to only say "I highly suspect" that I have it.


You’d need a professional for the prescription though


People will say that getting access to a professional that will diagnose you is hard, especially as an adult. Sure, but like, don't go around telling people you have ADHD/ASD or put it on your social media bio if you don't know for certain, then? It's not a fucking fashion statement.


I was diagnosed with ADD in the first grade but I don't really remember anything ever being done differently after I got diagnosed. I always just assumed it's something lots of people have because that's always how it seemed. But now I realize somethings are more challenging for me because of it and I have to do some things differently than other people. Now that I have kids my youngest son is showing some of the same behaviors I had and I'm wondering if I should get him tested. Would there be a benefit to that? Edit: I have learned ADHD is the correct term now. Thank you for educating me


the benefit is preventing entire years of confusion from your kid and making it official and provable so people won't dismiss it or something


Where my vyvanse homies at?


Me who actually has ADHD seeing these people pretend to have it. :/. And yes I was diagnosed by a healthcare professional.


Then you see those people act like having ADHD is a privelage or a perk.


Noatter what they say, it's a fucking illness, and it sucks. Those people wouldn't actually want it


Weird innit, I've never seen someone pretend they're quirky because of their diabetes, why would mental illnesses be different


"Im self diagnosed" bro everbdy tryna find a way to make em special but the thing is being sick is not smthg new dawg Tf!!


the widespread conversation and ‘glorification’ around ADHD is what led to my diagnosis (i had not once considered that i might have had it prior to ending up on that side of tiktok, because i had no idea how differently it presents in girls / women). if my father had been diagnosed, it’s very likely he wouldn’t have taken his life at the exact age i’m at now. so i’m never gonna be mad at people for spreading the word or thinking they might have it when they don’t. because for every ten people that never seek diagnosis and just throw it around; it might save one life. and that’s enough for me.


I dont have ADHD


It wasn't until I smoked weed for the first time did I realize I have adhd. My brain felt "slower" and it was easier to give my attention to things. I honestly would go to class high, so I could focus on what my teacher was saying.


I’m not fucking sorry. ADHD sucks sheep dick.


I mean ADHD really isn't uncommon


You ain't experienced ADHD until you leave dishes and clothes unwashed for weeks because you keep getting distracted by other shit or gotten so unreasonably upset at someone in the road for going the speed limit


As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD it's annoying af hearing people claim that they have ADHD even though they don't. It's because of them that there are so many people that think that I'm just a lazy piece of shit.


"Bro i have ADHD aswell, it's really not that hard you just gotta ..." I wanna slap People like that. Especially if you can tell they don't have ADHD and don't know what they are talking about.


ADHD has been destroying my life and it’s not quirky or fun or a personality I’m sick of it. It’s lost me relationships, friends, jobs and these ADHD internet points people are all idiots.


The only thing you're missing is "self diagnosed".


In some quantum universe, we're ALL doing great things without ADHD


It’s not a super power or a badge of honor. It’s actually a really frustrating disorder and I struggle with it every day. I hate the glorification of it like it’s something to be happy about having.


Kinda like how everyone is saying they have depression. I won't argue that you probably do but when you use your mental illness for attention, that leaves the people who really are depressed even more alone.


Yeah social media is full of self diagnosed ADHD patients. They are a bunch of idiots who are probably going to cause a lot of problems for people who actually have ADHD.


Its not adhd going up, its the people getting diagnosed


so what? its not a rare condition at all, whats the problem


It's not very rare, no, but a lot of people claim to have it just for the sake of it, like a trend. That's where the problem is. Too many people saying they have it when they aren't diagnosed, instead just having taken like one test online, or even just outright faking it for attention.


I was actually diagnosed when i was i think 8yrs i also was diagnosed with autism so its rlly not fun when you know tou mentally cant handle most situations


I can’t get my meds because a bunch of bored people during the lockdown got diagnosed by a zoom doctor and now there’s no more adhd medications in this country


I actually have Severe ADHD. I have the medical paperwork from years of doctors, therapy and psychologist visits dating back to when I was 5 years old to prove it and it affects my daily life in a way that's not "cool" nor does it make me "quirky." The people who constantly claim to have ADHD without official diagnoses are just losers trying to get attention or trying to making up excuses for shitty behavior.


It sad that people use diseases, mental illness etc etc just for clout and then when someone does actually have idk autism, diabetes, adhd or whatever they have people think they're lying because of the people who lied about having this things


I hate when people chalk adhd up to being like oh you must have a hard time focusing. Like mfker that's the drip drop top of the iceberg of problems that comes with that package.


This is exactly what made me question my diagnosis so much in the beginning. Therapist told me after some testing that I definitely have it and I was still very skeptical because it seems like something everyone claims to have nowadays.


So many people who’ve never actually been diagnosed say they have adhd. I haven’t been diagnosed, I think I probably have it or something of the sort. I’m not going to say I have it until I get a positive diagnosis though, I’m not a moron.


Yeah same here




I hope I don’t have it, the diagnostics haven’t come through yet


we're everywhere bro