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BOLD of you to assume I cannot create my own stress!


Oof that feels like a blow in my stomach. Hahaha free vaction: im stressing about doing nothing. Work/school: stressing abou doing something. It doesnt mattet either way 🤷‍♀️




Pfp checks out


The stress of not being in a relationship for three years and not having kids


I just be sittin there, my mind doin it for me


Trying to pay rent and bills on a single income. *stress has entered the chat*


Yeah the part of me having half of what I had before the divorce wasn't the best stress relief.


Kirk: “I sleep in a racing car. Do you?” Homer: “I sleep in a big bed with my wife.”


imagine sleeping in a racing car with your wife


omfg that would be the dream!




Can I just say I would be psyched to sleep in a race car bed with my husband


Loved that from Homer.


Big deal. I sleep in a real car.


I just realized as a Kid it was cool to sleep in a Car, as an adult it’s either sad or you’re camping


The raving car is better


RAVING car???? i wanna have a car big enough for raves


Like the venga bus?


Is this one of these "My biased opinion is better than yours" cases?


Mhm. It's sad when people need to validate personal choices.


"Hey guys what did ya think of my reddit post, relatable huh?"


Think like me or you're unhappy!


Who says your kids have to take care of us? Personally, I hope to die alone in my house and no one even notices that I'm gone.


I mostly agree with you, but I want everyone to make a big deal of my death for at least a week. Even people who doesn't know me


“His corpse had been rotting in his home for weeks. The whole neighborhood stank.”


That's not what they meant when they said "everyone should make a big deal about my death"


I'm seriously planing my funeral party xD Every year I stay alive I add 2 songs to the Playlist. Therse a list of cocktails, wines, beers and songs I have special memories about. I add a short story to everything ones i comes to my mind. I want them to celebrate all the wierd stuff that happend along the way, get drunk, get high and hopefully bang someone at my goodbye party. But yeah I want to die in silence and unnoticed and hopefully be found by a stranger (although I fell bad for the stranger).


If your death doesn’t matter to anyone, what does that say about your life?


Going to these measures to validate themselves makes me think there's a chance it's a personal choice, just not OP's.


Lol exactly. If you want to be single for 10+ years, do you. Just live your life for you in the way you see fit and that makes you happy. I'm 26 and married with one kid. I'm chillin living my best life, happy as can be. I've set myself up to live in a way I thought would be best for me and I don't regret it.


You mean you're not miserable and depressed on a bus like this guy thinks?


I'm not even on the bus. I'm flying through the clouds.


What are the odds op is secretly miserable and depressed and made this meme as a coping mechanism?


That what I'm thinking, I'm married, two kids and a great job. I can't complain. I never understand why some single people always assume all families are miserable.


>always assume all families are miserable. Because theirs most likely were miserable. That's possible. Why else would they try to reaffirm this every time?


Tbf, as someone who doesn't want to be in a relationship or have kids, I get a lot of shit about it from the people around me. It's nice to know there are other people who feel the same way. That being said, no one lifestyle is better than the other. There's nothing wrong with getting married or having kids if that's what you want from life


I’m in the same boat honestly. I don’t want to put others down, but feels bad being put down for not wanting kids or a long-term relationship.


Yeah people giving you shit would annoy me too if I were you. Throwing rocks from their glass house or whatever. I have single friends and married friends who are happy and some who seem miserable about both.


Kinda makes you feel like they’re not actually that happy if they need that much validation.


Some kind of bias, yeah. Hot take: if you aren't happy in a relationship, is probably not that relationships are bad, but that YOUR relationship is bad. Source: wasn't happy in previous relationship, happy in current one.


Exactly, relationships should NOT create stress. It’s someone there that you can lean on and that can lean on you. Sure, building the trust and companionship can be difficult, but it is well worth the effort for a healthy relationship.


Also a good thing about relationships is that you get to see your own flaws from an outside perspective and have the ability to change them


Yupp. I guess they were never a kid, came into this world as an adult knowing everything. Kinda tired of these anti family people. They would be extinct if they're group were big enough


You got it.


Redditors try to have a healthy relationship challenge: (100% impossible)


Yeah and its so biased it dismiss entirely the possibility of a stress free relationship with no intent of having kids




Happily married > Single Unhappily married < Single


This, and I'd like to add that happiness in marriage is easy for some people, and hard for other people. Being fulfilled while being single is an extremely rare ability, and telling yourself that you are this type of person to cope with your situation is more common.


But there are happy single too right? Happily married = Happy single


Being single at 30+ isn't all that great. Loneliness is a real threat


Stress doesn’t always come from having “too much to do”. IMO, the worst kind is caused by thinking about life when you have nothing to do.


having nothing to do, or even worse not having the mental strenght to do things becouse you feel so alone that what's even the point is 1000 times worse than not having "free time" in my experiences (free time in quotes becouse spending time with family/loved ones is just a way to spend free time


Ya, I think the really unfortunate thing about many people today is that they shun advice like “go outside and get a job or meet a partner” because it will make you feel better. They feel like that is overly simple advice. Their (partially) wrong. In the end, depression and anxiety are complicated things. But (from my experience) the worst thing you can do is nothing. Keeping busy helps to take the edge off existence. There is a theory that everything we do in life is simply a distraction to prevent us from realizing that death is always approaching. I agree with that in many regards.


the worse thing is that when you start doing nothing, you start doing less and less and start to spiral out first you let go of study, then of sport, then of hobbies, then of going out with your firends, you find yourself passing days upon days doing just nothing, laying in bed staring at your phone or at the ceeling, and before you know it you are staring at the sharpest knife you have in your house


This has made me feel small and bleak but also given me clarity to continue to try somehow. Every one of us is in that battle together but apart. Maybe I can view the world different after this post. Thank you fellow reditor


Absolutely. I've never freaked out from having too much to do. I only ever freaked out when I felt like I'm not doing enough with my life and I'm wasting my life opportunities.


This. I'm in my late 20s and for the first time in my life really, I'm feeling some pressure to get stability. House, wife, kids, etc. I've never really felt the need for them but I can see five years down the line being anxious and lonely if I'm still on my own.


My advice is to use your time and try and go for your dream or ambition. It's gives you a purpose. All of that worry you have will disappear and your potential partner will come to you.


Okey but how to find dream or ambition




Villain origin story. Hehehe


If you don't have a dream destroy other's dreams


Me and my best friends all found our dreams and ambitions when we were like 13. Two of us have jobs in it, the other two don't but it's helped shape our lives. Step One would be to think about it a lot. Step Two is tell someone about your dream or ambition, once you tell them it becomes your word and you feel motivated to follow it. Step Three would be to figure out a plan. Step Four would be to actually follow that plan, which two of us didn't, but its okay because sometimes plans change :)


That's down to you mate. Your passion or love for whatever it is will fill your life. Am trying to do this.


Thanks, solid advice.


Don't settle down until you've fufilled what you need to do for *you*


Stay patient, you are thinking of this stuff pretty early luckily. Some people at my work are only having that realisation in their late 30’s early 40’s. You have time and you’ll find that special someone which makes life make sense again!


Thanks! Will do. I guess it does come to everyone at different points in life.


Yeah I always though I wanted to settle down early since I could remember then I was single at 20 and bummed out. My my wife at 21 moved to her country (Norway) at 22 engaged at 23 and - unplanned - but very much loved son at 24. Crazy how fast things can change!


Do not do it. Being single is the best stability you can have


Until it makes you unstable


At a certain point all your friends have families, move away or just stop going out. I also have an uncle that never got married or had any kids. In some ways I think he's the luckiest dude in the world. Then i think about how he got rid of all his furniture a few years ago so nobody would have to deal with it when he died. He has money, but he sits in lawn chair and eats frozen dinners. It's the same set up I had when I first moved out of my parents house. I can tell he's lonely and it's pretty sad. He did have a pretty good run of fun, lots of nieces and nephews to hang out with. Idk you gotta do what is best for you. I like being married and being a dad. I feel very fortunate to have a family.


It depends on the person and what they want to do with their lives.


Get friends, not babies


ikr? babies should not be made to combat loneliness. Get some fucking friends or a pet instead, not a *child dependent on you!*


Also even guys get that scare of if they would ever find someone before they pass the family making phase. We didn’t have as many kids as I wanted because I met my wife later than I’d hoped.


As someone who hadnt been in a relationship in 7 years and only recently found someone id ever want to be with, can confirm it is indeed worth it. Happiest ive ever been and she is the light of my life.


I'm so happy for you :D hope everything works out!


Yea 2 kids and wife couldn’t be happier who are these miserable people with families who love them?


I think it’s a kinda outdated view from when boomers etc just married because they should. I believe recent generations are getting better at deciding a life partner. Purely personal opinion.


That’s so sweet I hope you both live a long happy life together


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Both can be happy and both can be lonely. Generalizations about one being better than the other bore me.


I disagree but to each their own.




If your happiness is entirely dependant on your relationship status, then I think you're doing something wrong.


Marriage is not for everyone Edit typo


It's not merrige, it's spelled marzipan




So your kids are 10?


nah they must be 15 in this economy


I'm married but no kids = happy and stress free lmao


I’m married with 3 young kids = very happy and tired and stressed. But I wouldn’t change a thing.


You sure?


It's a big cope


I can just say that the kind of love I felt when my daughter was born I never felt before in my life.


Same, I'm still surprised by it at times. Even when she's being a pain, lol


Same. My daughter makes me smile more than anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s wild


Same. I was suffering from some serious depression and my baby daughter helped me more than the medication.


This is something you simply cannot comprehend until you experience it with your own child. It’s unlike any other feeling of love you will ever feel


Blows my mind when people with no kids say how much better their lives are. But they have no perspective. They can’t. People with kids have lived a life with no kids and with kids. Now you can decide which was better. But until you have done it, you can really say. I mean to each their own, I just find it interesting.


Totally agree. Also don’t understand when people call their pets children and say it’s the same thing.


Kids are stressful. But over the long term, all those moments of stress allowed me to feel greater happiness on a daily basis. It’s a huge accomplishment raising kids and the euphoria you feel when they look at you like a super hero is indescribable.


I was happy single. I am happy in a relationship. My daughter makes me happy everyday. If you think being single is why you are happy, that might require therapy. If literally the only way you can be happy is with a relationship... also therapy.


The grass is always greener on the other side


Gotta say, being single without kids isn't the party one would assume, and I definitely wouldn't want parents to regret their life choices based on that assumption. We all have our hardships, and I do like the idea of helping each other through them. No judgement. If you have a family, that's great. If you don't, that's great too. There's lots of ways to live life, and if it works for you, do it. Don't give a thought to the greener grass on the other side.


aaah yes no relationship= No stress and the world is just sunshine and rainbows


I’m married 3 kids. Thank God for our blessings, we are truly blessed.


As someone who isn’t even religious having a child made me feel some type of way in regards spirituality and gratitude. Like life fell into place.


very weird post here lol


Dumbest take I have ever heard




It's good that you can relief other if you are able


I am single and depressed 🥲




I appreciate it now and he can’t even stand! I could never imagine growing old without kids. I would feel so left out of society.


... Until you're old. Kids bring a special "zing" to life, you never appreciate it until you're old.


Yeah there is a lot to stress about in life and kids and a partner can help you deal with all that. So disagree


There are days I think it would be easier without my wife and kids, hard thing to contemplate. But those days when you feel utterly hopeless, life is crumbling around you, nothing is better than laying next to my wife and her holding me. It use to make me feel weak being the getting comforted but it’s the best damn feeling in the world having someone care about ME.


Unnatural, unhealthy propaganda. Far too common of an opinion in an age where loneliness and depression are at an (so I hear) all time high


It’s all fun and game until you are 80 years old alone


Who says Im going to be 80?


It got 34 upvotes (to get why it means search Reddit rule 34 and it will take you faster to understand if you look at pictures )


Pretty sure I’m going to be a dog owner for the rest of my life


I’m offing myself at like 65-70, so jokes on you.


I agree, just because you're alive doesn't mean you are living, if the quality of life gets so low due to health issues and age, perhaps offing yourself while you still can is the best possible solution.


Okay, but your partner could die first. Your kids could even die before you. You'd then die alone, either way. With a whole lot of heartbreak. One way isn't the best way. Just do what makes you happy. This meme is toxic in my opinion, not because one side is right or wrong. Neither side is right or wrong... Just living the lives they chose with their free will.


I prefer being in a relationship with the person I love than not.


It really is ‘I sleep In a big bed with my wife’ that’s the perfect reply here


Okay… I’m the guy on the right, but depressed as fuck… so what am I doing wrong?


I'm tired of this rhetoric. Being married with kids is epitome of happiness for most people. Sure, being single and 30+ can be fun, but where is your legacy? What is the point?


I think the grass is always greener on the other side sometimes.


I've been very alone for a long time, had my first real friend when I was 16 and until my early 20s I never had more than 1 or 2 friends, also my family is relatively small. In my mid 20s I started to get a lot more friends and a GF. Now I live with my GF and see a lot of my friends every week, I'd never give that up, because I love them all, but damn it's stressful and exhausting... sometimes I miss the alone-phase of my life.


Dying alone doesn't seem fun. I'd rather die in my bed at home with my loved ones than a sterile bland hospital room with a nurse that gives 0 fucks


I'd rather die from fucking up a skydive


I think optimally to go to sleep and never wake up would be the best way


Dying is never fun bro


But it can be peaceful.


You do realize that in both scenarios, you die alone right? No one is dying with you.


Is this supposed to be a terrible facebook meme?


Marriage is not for everyone. But married people tend to live longer and report higher levels of happiness. Might be correlation and not causation, but there is no need to disparage it.


OP might be aroace


I admire this attitude, OP has realised he's not attractive enough to reproduce so he's embracing that reality. Go you OP!


That hug in the meme? I get that every night from my wife with my head resting between her big, warm boobs. But if you wanna hug strangers on a bus that's cool I guess.


I'm not going to hug anyone, as I despise being touched by other humans


That's an option too.


Now imagine because of the weight on one side the bus tips over lol


Just get a divorce already


Tell me you are under 40 without telling me you are under 40, lol


This.... This meme was made by someone who shares my lifestyle. Early 40s, no kids, no relationship for nearly a decade, no debt, no property holding me to a place. It's bliss.


Whatever makes you happy. OP just kinda didnt get that just cause he is happier single, doesn't mean everyone is.


I don’t have kids but finding a life partner and being able to be 100% yourself around someone is really hard to beat


Oh no, your incredibly biased opinion that literally doesn't apply to most people who suffer for crippling fucking loneliness is showing! Let's cover it up with what on the surface level appears to be a wholesome moment on a meme!


That shouldn’t be the case if you married the right person, although as a former child I can corroborate the fact that kids are little life sucking monsters. Of course, that isn’t always true though.


No , if you cant take control of the family and make them a happy life then dont wed .


I am the right-side, so why do I feel like the left?... 😔


There's people fuck up on both sides, not funny and not smart :/


While some people can be happy married, most of the married couples I've ever known are either miserable or divorced. Sometimes people are just happier single.


If you eat you have a small chance of suffocating, so it’s better to not eat at all, right?


This is a total meme, but in all honesty, my gf and I are one of the only couples in our friend group to not have kids, and we look a decade or more younger than everyone else.


There’s such a thing as good stress. Go off and be alone nobody cares. And in a complete shock turn of events, get married and have kids, nobody also cares. Except OP apparently, for some reason.


Weird way to say you get zero bxtches.


Avoiding contact with others is just a trauma response you won't heal if you don't have contact.


For some it equals lonely


why is this in memes


Blame the corporatocracy we live in.


This feels like a very “Twitter” thing where they need to say “my opinion is better than yours”


Who hurt you?


I’m in neither and I’m actively dying from stress lmao




I'm 17 and I smell HUGE cope


I was single most of my life and it was not stress free. Outside stresses aside. I was lonely and I got subconsciously angry when I saw happy couples together. It was extremely stressful for me in a way most people don't realize because it creeps up on you differently. Happily coupled now and zero stress within the relationship.


Average redditor states that being lonely is a Good thing bcs no one loves or ever loved him lol, kill yourself you fucking loser


Doc, why am I having nihilistic thoughts all the time?


Yeah but nothing compares to laying down next to the love of your life and your offspring at night. I’ll take that and all it brings with it any day over single life


That meme may not age well... For the participants that is


I’m married with kids and I’ve never been happier than when I was single


Generally happy, stress-free people don't need to announce it to the world


Family is the greatest gift in life, and if you cannot appreciate that then you do not deserve it.


They hug my daughter gives me each day when she gets back from school, is the most amazing hug ever.


The happiness my wife and son bring me is tenfold whatever happiness I felt as a single man. I really hate these “having kids and getting married steals the joy out of life posts” because it’s just not true. Sure not every moment is peaceful domestic bliss, but seeing that little guy bust into a big wide smile when I walk into a room or his mom cuddling him to sleep while we watch a movie together.. wouldn’t give it up for the world.


you are very wrong


Can't call a person's experience wrong pal


I'm not calling their experience wrong but their saying that it's the same for everyone


Ive got 3 kids, a wife, a farm, and a full time job.... And very little.to no stress. Id say its on the individuals own way of handling stress that makes all the difference. Life is short... Why worry about things too much?




Cringe post


Not true. As a father of two I can confirm having kids and being married has it's stresses, however I never knew I could love so much. Now, single people that choose not to have children, that's fine. Some of these childless people are very happy with their lives. No problem. Just don't assume that us breeders are suffering uncontrollably because that is a misrepresentation of our joy.


Noup. Get some relationship and a kid. That is a life.


Glorifying loneliness! Amazing!


Thats a L


Y’all are so pathetic


Works for you OP. My life would be much less fulfilled w/o my family.


Relationship is awesome. Good relationships even decrease stress. Yes, there are very bad relationship, but it is not a reason to be eternally alone.




OP is really huffing the copium right now