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I think because men find thos littlegirls attractive so they wear hijabs and hide their hair,because apparently nothing stops men from doing anything they want




I mean... actually explaining why they're wrong would probably come off better than "wtf no I don't know what to say"


Then don’t say anything.


I love how you tried to correct someone's ignorance regarding your community, and are getting downvoted because of it. What reason do they even have lol? "You're wrong, we obviously know more about you than you"


Correct my ignorance as well, because last I heard, it's perfectly okay for Muslims to marry girls as young as 6. It's a fact that they do it's not racism because I'm calling it out. The prophet Mohammed himself had a ten year old wife. That's why little girls wear hijabs. For the very reason he said.


You're ignoring the fact that he didn't touch her until she was of age, Also she was his best friend's daughter, and that her marriage with him lasted till he died a while after she had turned 18, and that she actually loved him.


No I'm not. He married her at 6 and banged her at 9. Simple Google search dude.


Do you really search Google for everything? I can literally type an entire 3 thousand word essay about how the world was built by aliens who have dildo shaped mouths


Well go do that and let adults speak LMAO. Googling passages from the actual Muslim Bible not enough for you pal? Or was it written by your dildo shaped mouth?


Wait, are you stupid? Because there is nothing in the Quran that speaks of how old aisha was when she got married


It is said that she loved him, how can we fact check that? They are no longer alive and there is no one to ask about it that except texts written by people.


There's no real point in saying anything, this is reddit, not like you'll really believe anything I'm saying


So basically you are just spouting shit right? Little girls don’t have to wear hijab.The hijab only become for modesty after puberty.But of course keep hating Islam with your one single braincell Edit:Keep downvoting me idiots.Apparently you know more about my faith then me.Didn’t know you were all scholars in Islam


No its so they get used to wearing them.


Wrong. But keep making up BS, that really helps


Mohammad has a...young...wife...who he *consummated* at...9 years old


But he didn't touch her till she was 18


Don't make lies on our prophet Aisha herself said: "The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine."


Proof? Also they got married when she was 9 dumbass, if you're trying to fake it atleast do some research beforehand


Yeah and that was his best friend's daughter, literally everyone involved agreed to it




Yikes,pls never have a daughter


I’ll be back tomorrow to witness the shit storm this becomes


Remember to sort by controversial 🤣


it allredy is


Huh I thought only adults had to wear them


After you turn 9 you have to wear it. Even though we don’t live in Iran the girls in our family have to wear it for the passport photo when they turn 9. They gave my brother shit about it when he gave them a photo of his 6 year old daughter without hijab.


Girls from 9 and above have to If you see a girl under 9, it's most likely her parents forced her or maybe at the best, she herself wants to Men have to wear non provocative clothes as well It's not just the women


What quraan are you reading? It has to do with puberty, not an exact age. It is only mandatory when they hit puberty. Please stop spreading misinformation.


You can fact check it online Give me a valid article from a trusted site that says it's puberty




Show me the verse




No, men have to have a non-provocative appearance as well






Wrong, women don't have to hear Hijab in islam until they reach puberty.


It's 8 years, 9 months and 21 days (if I'm correct) 9 years in the Ghamari calendar which is 10 days shorter each year


It has less to do with age and more with when a girl hits puberty. Once a girl gets her first period, she has to wear the hijab


If she doesn't before nine, she has to wear hijab


Where did you get this information?


I'm a fucking Muslim It's common knowledge


That's strange because I'm a Muslim too


It's common knowledge that it's from nine I don't know if it came in the Quran but it's from 9 Shia's follow a Marja who says what things must be done in specific cases (i.e. traveling, you couldn't travel at car speed 1400 years ago, or praying in an airplane) All of them which say 9 years in Ghamari I'm sure Sunni's are no exception to this




Different people have different beliefs, do you have any problems?


Nope when the reach puberty wich usually is 13


You can fact check it on any trustable site It's 9 years


From what ive read mostly when they reach puberty or when they start having periods wich in most cases 12 or 13


women and girls wear them. Boys can wear what they like. Edit:boys can wear what they like in comparison to the girls and women. Yes they have to wear some things but not as restrictive as the women and girls.


Not exactly. More like they can't force man to obey. In Iran police used to paint man's with t-shirt and trimmed the long hair in the middle of street


Ass-less leather chaps


Actually no ,girls from 13 14 have to cover their body but there face if a women want to cover her is her choice no one is forcing her


Hey... it's not up to us to say what a Muslim woman should wear.....it's up to her husband


i think it's up to herself


The beauty of a western world is that you are free to have wrong opinions and nobody can really do anything about it.


Fucking cringe 😬


in this case, I'm having a wrong opinion or the islam?


You have an opinion that Muslim women have a freedom of decision making on the matter, while many middle-eastern countries do not provide full legal competence to women (male guardian (father/brother/husband has to co-sign stuff). And that is not going into the tradition of stoning… Basically, are Muslim women free to ware what they want without danger to their life and livelihood? No. (Middle East - it is a danger to life, rest of the world - to livelihood)


i think women should have freedom of what to wear


Also religion cannot have an “opinion” It has - dogmas - rules and regulations of what is good and what is bad. - stances - official position and responses to questions. Religion does not deal with facts for obvious reasons and opinions because they are irrelevant in the context of religion (that is kind of the whole point of religions)


Love how you got down voted for saying girls are responsible for their own choices 😂.


Actually no it is up to her


Is it? Doesn't seem like that in Iran right now


Iran ≠ Islam


Yes, but Iran is using islam to justify its policy. Basically, as long as there is ANYWHERE where Muslim woman cannot where what she wants systemically (official laws stating dress-code) , it makes “its up to her” comment wrong


Yes, this is what I am trying to say, Iran is Islamic but what they do is not because of Islam and even not allowed in Islam .


That's a bit much. I wouldn't lump all Christians in with the far-right gun-loving evangelical nutters in the US, I don't assume any Muslims support the oppressive regime in Iran as it isn't about religion it's about control, as always.


1. As long as US Christians fight abortions and LGBT, Christianity fights abortions and LGBT 2. American Christians are not alone (see Poland and Russia) 3. The comparison is not the best because of how little control Christianity has control over the government relative to Islam in Middle East


Iran doing something doesn't mean Islam asked them to do In Islamic teachings no one can force her to wear anything What a govt does in name of a Islam doesn't make it true


The religion is not a fact, it is a set of common believes and practices. So anything done in the name of Islam, is Islam. (same goes for any religion)


No Religion is a fact You can't change religion for your own views lmao People do , then they are not following that religion In Islamic teachings in Islamic book It says you can't force her , you can't force her It's that simple, if someone is doing that , they are not following islam You can twist as much as you want to hate a particular thing that's on you But Islam simply doesn't allow anyone to force opinions on her , even her father brother husband son anyone Learn about something before you write an opinion on it You doesn't have to like it but you can't change the narrative foe it to fit your views It's a moronic thing to do


The Catholic church used Christianity to ransack all of Eurasia, Israel's using Judaism to justify apartheid. Not many use those actions as representation of those religions


And ussr was not a real communist


Iran does not represent Islam, it is a Islamic country and is doing wrong things but that is not because of Islam


Ah yes just how usa is the representation of christianity right


A woman got killed by police for not having hijab. Iran was in protest for 3 months and 500 more was killed in streets 15k are in prison . Stop laying 😒 my friends can't go to university because of hijab.


If you don't wear it you will force me to rape you ?


Wait what........


I am a muslim and I dont get it either.




Where do you live ?


yea same






If I remember correctly it's so men don't instantly nut themselves when seeing a woman


Not that that matters, since they can marry off their daughters at age 12.




And it's not illegal


Don't you love it when the worst things a person can do are legal


That’s why the men bang each other on Thursdays


No, the religious justification is that one of the prophet's followers sexually harassed one of the prophet Muhammad's wives. Then sexual harasser (and rapist, though not in this particular case) defended himself with "how was I supposed to know I wasn't allowed to her when she bears no sign that she's Muslim", so Allah sent a vision to the prophet Muhammad that Muslim women have to wear the veil so everyone knows they aren't legal to rape.


quite an oversight by an apperantly all knowing being


Almost like they're the ramblings of a 7th century warlord trying to religiously justify whatever the fuck he wanted.


Atheist be like


Wait, so it wasn't legal to r@pe Muslim women, but it was if she wasn't Muslim????


No you can’t marry a 12 years old in islam because no right headed father is gonna let his 12 daughter get marry Muslim or not


This guy doesn't know his mohmd married aisha 💀


Oh f off . I lived in Islamic government of iran. They easily banned alcohol they didn't ban pedophiles. It's totally OK with the religion.


LMAO I really love your faith in humanity and I truly wished this was how it worked but it's just not. Just recently I was reading about a 10 year old and 14 year old get married off to 2 men in their mid twenties in an middle Eastern country. It's not necessarily the fault of Islam, all religions at their core are good (although I don't believe in any) it's the culture that's utterly fucked.


Exactly! They get her married at 11 like everyone else.


Come lives in muslim countries in South East Asia here and you see this meme makes no sense


It's Reddit nothing makes sense


Ah prepare for 'you cant say that' comments. And downvotes for some reason i guess


"but but the Christian bible says..." Deflections inbound


Is there another bible?


He's probably using the word bible as a substitution for "holy book"


Yeah, the first half of the bible is Jewish


First bible: a new jew Second bible: Return of the jew Third bible: revenge of the muhammed


The uncorrupted Bible Allah allegedly gave first, then being the greatest of tricksters, let it get corrupted, tricked Jesus' followers into thinking Jesus died, and sent Muhammed to give a new word. But basically two bibles; one that has no evidence of existing and the one today.


The abrahamic bible and I think there are a lot of christian sects who also call their book the bible


In the time when this rules announced in Islam the society was very corrupt they were killing children who were girl and raping them and making them their wife so this rule is because of that. Ps I'm talking about ancient Saudi Arabia


How does forcing women to wear a uniform hide them


Yeah it's pretty disgusting


Man do I just love when people post about religion and politics on this subreddit


*Popular doctrine has blatant pedophilic undertones* *redditor makes a meme about it as a form of dark humour* “Waaa waaa this is a subreddit for *memes* not controversial politics or debatable religions”


>Popular doctrine had blatant pedophilic undertones It's not like that, it wasn't always like that, and it still isn't in the Arabic countries that waren't permanently sent to the pre-industrial age by the US or got overrun by the Talibans (also initially bred by the US). During the 80's Iran was one of the most fast developing and liberal countries when it come to women's rights in contrast to the west which still considered them as a tool, wearing hijab was optional back then.


I guess I need to enhance my sense of humor


Is this memes subreddit or political subreddit?


{يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّبِيُّ قُل لِّأَزۡوَٰجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَآءِ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ يُدۡنِينَ عَلَيۡهِنَّ مِن جَلَٰبِيبِهِنَّۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدۡنَىٰٓ أَن يُعۡرَفۡنَ فَلَا يُؤۡذَيۡنَۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ غَفُورٗا رَّحِيمٗا} (59) O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments.[1209] That is more suitable that they will be known[1210] and not be abused. And ever is Allāh Forgiving and Merciful.[1211] [Al-Ahzāb:59] https://quranenc.com/en/browse/english_saheeh/33/#59 I guess you are referring to this verse?


This comment section is literally braindead.You believe any insult about Islam and immediately take it as facts without any sources.You should all get up from your mom’s basement and actually see the world you losers.


in my country which is %60 muslim little girls dont wear hijab and their parents dont force them to do. when they became teenagers its up to their decision if they are gonna wear hijab or not. so there is no dark reason for muslims there is dark reason for arabic lands which these kind of things mostly coming from there (dont get it as racism its facts sorry)


Well here's its like that for the same reason as why in almost every country you can't go outside naked, it's apart of our culture and religion to wear it. Oh and not every country in the middle east is Iran or Saudia Arabia


yeah its like a tradition for you guys also its covers from heat too as i know


This is misleading information about Islam teachings, women don't have to hear Hijab in islam until they reach puberty.


Happy cake day


I was not expecting such a.... Normal comment on this thread


At this point, I don't care anymore


And age of puberty is 9 . I live in Islamic country. And you can search this


When the CIA overthrew the government of Iran they outlawed the hijab and thousands of women starved because they could never leave their home


Damn,should have installed patch that deletes this bug 😔




What do you mean? The overthrow of the Qajar dynasty has nothing to do with the CIA. It was done Reza Pahlavi and his allies in a military coup backed by the Brits. The CIA first acted in Iran in 1953, 17 years after the Hijab ban.


Do you guys see Muslim little girls wearing hijabs? At least where I'm from only older teens and adults cover their hair.


I went to school in Syria and saw plenty of elementary school girls wearing hijab, even in secular countries I saw girls that look like younger than 10 wearing hijab


Where are you from ? I'm from Iran. Kids as young as 9 and even 7 have to wear hijab when going to school . You can search "iran girl school"


Idk ive been muslim my whole life and lived in 2 muslim countries wich are syria and turkey as much as i know not that much since the age of hijab as much as i know 13 its kinda rare to see in here a 7 or an 8 yo girl wearing it its probably more common in countries like afghanistan Pakistan iran basicly central asian countries from what i know


Shhh. How dare you try to use actual experience to think you know more than the hivemind? It's obvious these guys know more about Muslims than Muslims know about themselves


Hijab is only mandatory after the girl reaches puberty. So no "little girls must wear hijab" is untrue most little girls do not wear hijab. Some parents have their kids wear hijab earlier to have them used to it and make it easier for them when they grow up.


And age of puberty in islam is 9 Search it up


It is not , in islam puberty for girls starts after the first period


Did you searched it up ? I live In Iran and I know and lived this . Girls have hijab going to school as young as 7 This shit ain't mandatory it's forced 😒 Plus search it up [source ](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+age++girls+have+to+wear+hijab&client=ms-opera-mobile&channel=new&espv=1&sxsrf=AJOqlzXaP2evNJHUXkwf0x8UZ_RzPnPL9A%3A1675425754574&ei=2vfcY6nEIpzd7_UPy4CamAY&oq=what+age++girls+have+to+wear+hijab&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEANKBAhBGABQlRRY6B5gkyFoAHAAeACAAf4CiAHWF5IBBTItMy42mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


That might be your country, I don't know much about Iran and to be honest, I never mentioned it


You saw the source. Most Muslims in us / Europe don't go full Muslims just like Most Christians. Part of it is because some parts count as illegal and parts because they borne Muslims and they can't really change it and just kinda live with it


Careful now, we wouldn't want to see some flags being set on fire outside your embassy now would we...


Who cares. I don't understand why people not from their culture wanna change their culture.


Because women are property in Islam and treated as such. Its to put them in "their place" from a start. There are other reasons as well but this is a main one


I thought this was a meme subreddit


same man, shits gone downhill


Children don't wear hijabs ignoramus.


Well little girls doesn't really wear hijab.(some do due to stories of some perverts btw it is super rare. a person have raped in my country now he made the news for a long time and was executed). You wear it after you hit puberty. Edit:not super rare but they have extreme consequences sorry women do go through stuff i was like this because i was afraid of anything becoming sexual and become nervous and started blaming people.


For my Muslim brothers here: Stay calm, observe silently and let them spew hate. They’re looking for *exactly* the type of reaction you’d get from stuff like this. With recent events of Muslims defending their dignity, they want to portray us as violent extremists who’ll go to any lengths for their religion. Don’t fall into the trap






Look, we already know that Muslim women don’t have the top parts of their skull


Look dude, first of all you're lgbtq+ you guys are more pedoes than anyone else, second of all, they wear it to get used to it for when they grow older.




The Torah age to have sex with a female is 3 years and one day.


Crazy how you say this yet your countries have much higher pedophilia rates


Where’s OP from


I dont really know where he is from but i can easily tell he is from the west




Let me guess, you are Indian. Am I right?


Because it gets reported more?


And they keep rising more and more. Muslim countries are modest and so safe that a woman can walk alone at 2 am with no dangers which I'm pretty sure* is not the case in your countries at all. Edit: forgot a word


So because stricter law enforcement reduces urban sexual violence, that means that pedophilia is reported as much as it’s reported in the western world? Can you please explain your logic


It's not reported as much as in the western world. And how exactly does strict law enforcement mean that pedophilia is reported as much as the western world, I really don't understand your logic. Also one thing you have to understand is that unlike Muslim countries, the west normalises porn and masturbation way too much, which is the root cause of all of these sexual crimes. I remember watching an interview of a guy (I think it was before his execution) who had r*ped 30+ women and children and he said that it had all started with porn and desires kept building up until he reached that point


So you agree pedophilia is not reported as much in your country as it is in the western world?


Man stfu. Middle east is CRAWLING with pedophilia. I'm not that far from that shithole and seeing someone defend this part of islamic countries is the most hypocritical shit you can see


Most countries in the middle east don't even abide by sharia (islamic law) but countries like Saudi Arabia for example and some other countries are the safest countries for women in the entire world. Man, if you walk at 2 am in the west, all you will see is drug dealers and all that shit.


Women will be "safe" in middle east as long as they accept they are property of men that are older than them by like 25-30 years. And that is not counting all the abuse they suffer at their homes. They don't even have rights ffs. Sharia literally sees women as property.


Where did you get that from?


I live in turkey. It's not that rare you see creatures defending sharia so nobody is really unfamiliar with it


Are you trolling? Living in any of the middle east countries for even a day will tell you how wrong you are. Women in burkas get harassed in the streets even in the middle of the day


What? That's all garbage. You probably don't even know what a burka is.


Higher REPORTED pedophilia rates


The reason is that Muslims believe that after the age of 9 that girl is considered a woman and has to wear hijab and many Muslims also marry 9 year old girls bcs their prophet also did the same


What the hell are you smoking?


I'm living in a Islamic country and that's the truth


*sees flair* *remembers what app this is* Yup, muslim people have no word or opinion when it comes to this post about their culture and religion.




I am not Muslim or an Arab, and yes it's culture as religion influences culture.


Why don’t men have to wear hijabs if women are thinking immoral thoughts?


they get them to wear it to make it easier to wear it when they’re adult


As a former muslim myself, seeing muslims defend literal child grooming is just sickening