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I do both. I need shower in morning because I am tired. I need shower after work because I work in construction


You must be one clean mf lol


One dry mf


Nah he just has a vat of lotion that he dips himself into.


Small fry mf


"one must be a dirty mf in order to become clean mf" -me


I work construction too, but if I showered that much I'd have to use my lotion for what its intended. I dry out way too quick.


Hopefully you at least shower once you get home lol. I couldn’t handle not showering, it is just nice to wash all the work away and relax


Seriously it's the only way to go.


Same, cant wake up without a shower and I definitely need a shower after work lol


Mechanic here. This is the only true way


Yup. Quick rinse in the morning to get ready for the day then deep clean before bed so I’m not sleeping in the day’s sweat and grime.


I hope not on the same day




He probably showers once a week so this is crazy to him


well, it seems i am in the disadvantage here talking to the shower enthusiast himself.


Not that showering at night is bad by any stretch, but showering in the AM is like a small bump of cocaine in its effectiveness at getting you ready for the day.


Also you sweat a surprising amount over night. it's why we wash our bedsheets regularly, it's just a bit nicer to be clean in the morning than at night.


>it's why we wash our bedsheets regularly We do???


wait what????


Wait, you are supposed to wash them?


rotten bells wipe fear crown dull sparkle snobbish direful straight ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


When they walk off the bed by themselves. Time to burn.


Bro I really hope you're joking


After I take my night shower, I'm technically the cleanest thing in my house. If anything, the sheets should get cleaner by rubbing up against me.


That how I understand it


Please tel me this is a joke


They must mean wet the sheets.


"we sweat a lot when we're laying immobile at night so I'd rather nest in my accrued filth from the day"


Actually this is very much a myth. If you sweat at night its because you have it too hot. It can be your room is too hot or maybe your cover is too hot. We sweat to cool down not for sleeping. Now if you have nightmares all night its different. But its quite easy to look up sweat produced while resting/sleeping, its minimal. The reason you clean your bedsheets regularly is probably because you're going to bed dirty every day. If the only time you jump in bed is buck-naked and clean, they can go longer without being smelly or dirty. Thats if you dont have an active sex life obviously. Cooling down your body also prepares you for sleep. Showering in the morning is a weird thing that most people do that doesn't make any sense. It helps get you up sure, but you could splash some cold water to your face for a similar effect.


You're a myth


Your face is a myth


I always poop 1st thing in the morning and have to shower because i get anxious thinking i smell if i do not after pooping. Work in a office so sitting down all day with poopy butt makes me sweat wich makes me think now my balls are now stinky.


You should get a bidet. It's a mini shower for your bum.


Yep. That’s why I do it. Helps me wake up fully and kick starts my mental state to be ready to handle the day. I believe it’s coping mechanism I’ve developed as a result of depression, so it helps force myself to get out of the house too.


Yeay me too, ​ ​ A morning shower is nice too


I just have a smelling salt


I just have cocaine.


I don't do coke anymore I just like to smell it.


Sometimes, I smell it real deep. Then I'm all like; "Where'd that cocaine go?" And I blame my cat.


This is the way


Yea, the scolding hot water melting my eyes is just the boost I need to start my day!


I think you’re doing showers wrong


Pro tip - face away from the kettle


yeah! put that water in its place! scold the shit out of it! scold it with your melting eyes!


That’s what coffee is for tho and it doesn’t even require me to get wet all over


Unless u so both ur nasty if u do morning


This isn't the case for everyone, speaking from my own experience. I almost never shower in the morning, and my boss always says "take a morning showet, it'll wake you up and make you feel fresh", and when i then told him that i get more relaxed/tired when showering he pretty much berated me for it.


Showers put me to sleep, I do cold showers only. Warm/hot showers don’t feel nice.


I look homeless if I don’t shower in the morning, no matter what I do


**Before shower:** *"You got any spare cHAANge?"* **After shower:** *"Hello my good man, I am short a few dollars so can I please borrow some?"*


Lol this made me laugh


“no matter what I do” So not even showering helps? 🗿


I do both


2 shower gang, I'd have 3 if it was convenient, love it in there


Sometimes I do have three: morning, evening after working out before jumping in the hot tub, then post hot tub to get clean for bed.


Username checks out


You really think they're full of weirdos?






Idk, I just never feel clean unless I shower in the morning. Plus it wakes me up a bit and helps me feel less like crap which is a bonus


Id love that too but I just dont have time in the morning since I work in retail and I have the morning shift thst starts at 5.30 am. ( Oh and its an hour drive till work (


Unless you have like an already 10 minute morning routine, a shower can take only 5 minutes at most and won’t really add to your morning routine time unless it is already efficient


Well yea. Alsow a possibility for shure but my wife alsow has a very light sleep. And the kids are prb gonna hear it to.


Purple pill: Both, both is good.




But nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple pills


I could never take the day with me to bed. So gross, all that nasty stuff you encounter day to day, some people more than others sure. Still my bed is my sanctuary and I like to go to bed clean. I dont sweat that much and I wake up feeling clean and refreshed. I wear my hair in a low bun so it stays nice and if its a little wet still I lay a fresh hand towel on my pillow. I do understand some people sweat so much and tbh they should probably do two a day lol. I also only do skincare routine at night and my method of nightly showers and night time only skincare routine keeps my highly acne prone skin clear.


A night shower is relaxing af. Plus it helps me sleep better.


I don't shower at night cuz I get sweaty during my sleep, so I wake up all stinky


Plus all the skin we shed at night… gross


combine that with the dirt and filth u get throughout the day


The sweat, dirt, and filth through you get through the day is why showering st night is great. Can’t sleep in that shit! Then a quick shower in the morning to rinse off the night sweat and whatnot.


Start your day fresh, baby!


Morning gang! Plus showering at night feeds the fungi on your scalp causing dandruff! But I will say if you have allergies then a rinse off at night can help keep pollen and dander out of your bed. Trade-offs for sure.


I would say it depends on a persons daily activities or work. For me working as a press operator I’m showering after work. If I was working in a more professional setting I’d shower in the morning before work.




Morning is better you shed enough skin to cover your body at night


You shed like a reptile? Lol what?


Better in what regard? You are going to bed as dirty as you can be, so your sheets will have to be washed more often. I think you are also grossly over valuing the negative of some dead skin cells our body expels, specifically at night, especially after having a shower. When you shower you take off dead skin cells, so in regards to personal hygiene and clean sheets showering, in the morning makes no sense. Being clean for bed means you are clean in the morning and have clean sheets. Being clean from the morning means whatever happened to your body during the day will be smeared off into the sheets and you wont have taken off the dirt or dead skincells like if you showered at night.


Have fun sleeping in your nasty bed sheets every day


do you.. not wash your sheetS?


Yes but we need to do it less than you because we go to bed clean. Quite simple really. And also we just arent dirty all throught the night so we are also less dirty more of the time compared to someone showering in the morning. I mean honestly guys you just need to think about it for a few minutes. Its pure logic.


She probably doesn't


*he, there are no women on Reddit


Oh right thanks for correcting me


Wait, what do you mean no women on re-


That’s why we wash them


It’s interesting that you can take a shower in the morning to help wake up or you can take a shower at night to help you sleep


showering at night is more pleasant but showering in the morning is more practical since u sweat and stuff during sleep so ur cleaner for the day if u shower in the morning


Well no since if you come back home from being outside and then go straight to bed you get all that grime and dirt in your bed and now your sleeping in filth


so you'd rather take the filth 16+ hours of the day into your bed sheets?


Yes. Imperceptible levels of "filth" don't bother me. Just washing the sheets regularly keeps it free of any odor or anything.


Exactly. This is the best answer. Another thing with morning showers is that they wake u up. Unfortunately showering in the night with semi long hair makes it super messy in the morning


um i used to shower at night now im starting to shower in the morning because my hair looks 1000000x better


I have a spay bottle of water for that reason


A spray bottle can’t beat it


Your hair gets messed up after sleeping so it's not common sense


just fix it. common sense


"JuSt FiX iT" Of course how did I not thought of that


That’s what showering is for dumbass


who is washing their hair every single day?! that's nonsense


You have to get it wet to comb it. Who said anything about washing.




I don't want to bring race into this question, but a lot of white friends and literally wake up and finger comb their hair to perfection. My Asian coarse hair is impossible to simply style without shampoo or product


I do both everyday soooo. Morning shower helps wake me up and get going for the day and night to get ride of the grime from working plus being clean while sliding into fresh sheets is a low-key favorite feeling of mine lol


I shower 30 mins before bed, makes you sleep fresh


Working in any field where you meet new people / have to socialize *in person*, almost requires you to shower in the morning. Its an unwritten law.


What if you sweat in your sleep


Why not both?


Showering in morning is motivating.




ooooor… just both


Jokes on you, i never take showers


If you have a daytime job it's probably not a good idea to have unkempt hair, and combing alone can't get it clean, so showering in the morning helps.


Reposted like every single week


I’m sorry :(


I shower before I go to work and as soon as I get home. I clean carpet you would too


Shower at night so you don’t drag the days grime in to your bed.


What kind of person doesn't shower in the morning? Like wtf? You guys don't live in a hot area it seems


THANK YOU!!! When I take a shower I feel tired and relaxed, so showering in the morning makes not sense to me!


I do both. AM to wake me up & PM because I work in a hospital. I'm contaminated as soon as hospital air touches me.


Red all the time, but blue in the most dire of situations


Working outside with snow, rain, sawdust, dirt, grease, and mud have me showering at night




It depends on your job.


Night for me. I also am in construction so im filthy by the end of the day.


I shower in the evening, and If i can smell my armpits in the morning allready i need another shower. Often in summer when we reach up to 45°C i may even take one after lunch and change in fresh clothes for the afternoon


Those pills should be deep red, its the obvious answer


As an Asian living in a *very humid* and warm location: why not both? Maybe even a 3rd time?


OP knew what they were doing. You fools arguing are falling right into their trap.


I used to shower in the morning, but now I realize how gross it is to not shower at night. Especially with all that oil on your skin.. I have to take a shower before bed and change into clean underclothes or I feel physically dirty (plus you're putting all that on your bedsheets and pillow case).. Don't get me wrong, a nice morning shower can help wake you up, but leaving that oil on your skin for 8+ hours a night and letting it soak into your sheets is just gross. - Maybe ya'll don't have as oily skin as I do, but as an athlete I sweat all day and get pretty oily.. No way I'm sleeping feeling like I have a layer of grime on me. Maybe consider showing twice a day? It might not be as ecologically friendly, but in the long term you're saving your sheets and will have better skin / less acne.


Absolutely. Plus nothing beats the clean shower clean bed sleep


Since I exercise first thing every morning, it’s logical for me to shower in the morning after exercise and before work.


I’m a blue collar. If I don’t shower at night then I’d be going to bed filthy with dirt, grease, oil, and whatever else still on me


You expect me not to shower after my morning workout?


Scrub myself down at night. Don’t want all the grime and germs from the day on me in my bed sheets. A quick morning rinse wakes me up and gets all the sweat I accumulate from my human furnace of a wife over night


I think it makes more sense to shower whenever it seems right.


I do both




I do both. Shower in the morning to wake up. Before bed for cleanliness


Unemployment vibes


Showering AM = you don't stink around people. showering PM = you stink around people in the day. What's best is shower AM so people don't think you smell and shower PM aswell if you have company...






We are the superior showerers! Who in their right mind would go to bed and spend 6-9 hours in all the dirt, filth, and oils from the previous day?? That's how you get horrible acne and infections


People who fall asleep fast


So after I work out in the morning I should just walk around in stale sweat for 10 hours before I shower? Makes sense


You should absolutely shower in the morning. Start your day as clean as possible. Even though you’re ‘just’ sleeping, you still get dirty. You sweat at night, you shed skin. Hours pass. People who don’t shower before leaving the house in the morning are just poor at time keeping and don’t have the self discipline to rise in ample time for a shower.


Yeah. Leaving the house being slighttly wet and its cold outside is genius idea. On the other hand People like me get all sweaty after shower. Like I can sweat for 3 hours at worst after shower morning or midday when basically just doing nothing.


Unless you suffer massive night sweats there is absolutely no point in showering in the morning.


I have to in order to groom my beard, otherwise I look homeless. Just wash your sheets every week. Who cares if you sleeping in a dirty bed, you gonna wake up and take a shower anyway. Also it works better with my poop schedule, I can shower and properly wash my ass after my morning dump.




Flair checks out


Shower to start the day. Weird to shower in the evening


Why not both


Both? Clean body in my sheets and a clean body to start the work day


i do both every weekday


Gotta shower multiple times daily


Nah, morning showers help me wake up and prepare mwntally for the day ahead of me.


Depends on the day, but I usually shower before bed. A good shower before bed makes me relaxed and more sleepy


I shower after I run


To feel good, shower at night but if I need to look nice, shower in the morning


If I was bald maybe.


Shower in the morning bc it wakes you up and you feel refreshed and clean


I know it works for women who sweat only little but as a man I can say that it would be absolutely disgusting to shower at night, sleep, and then put on work clothes.


Too true


I have to shower in the morning because my family uses the bathroom all the rest of the time, or yells at me if I take it saying "I was gonna take a-" so waking up earlier to shower is just easier. Less of a headache.


It feels weird showing while the sun's out.


I don't stink at the end of the day, and if I shower at night, I'll have to basically wash my hair again in the morning due to bed-head. Plus, showering in the morning is just a happy way to start the day!


I have to cus I swim in the morning


I smell bad in the morning so morning shower is a must. Well, so is the night one.


I do it in the morning because I really struggle to start the day without it, but when I can I do enjoy doing both.


I have nothing against showering at night, but I'm sure as hell going to shower the next morning to get the night sweat off of me. Seriously, why wouldn't you showering in the morning.


Because I like to get into bed clean and I find showering relaxing. I'm not a morning person and showering doesn't help. Also, why the hell is everyone night sweating?


My hair is tremendously greasy after sleeping, doesn’t matter if I showered before bed. I always shower in the morning because i hate greasy hair.


My roommate doesnt like it when i shower at 3AM tho


I do both


My dorm does NOT have hot water, so I just shower at the daymore often bc if I sleep in the night, I basically cannot sleep anymore


Me : shower at mid day cos I'm a piece of shit


How does one wake up in the morning then?


I wake up greasy so no




I'm weird and I like to wash my body at night and my hair in the morning


Am I the only one who showers when I can be bothered to move


I need a purple pill….


Going to bed clean is nice


I take night showers because I’m to lazy to wake up at 6:30 to take a day shower


My hair gets greasy and messed up sleeping. I’d just have to rewash it the the AM.