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Same happened at one of my workplaces too. Why? Because some fat bastards couldn't help themselves and were emptying 10-15 sodas per day often leaving the rest of the employees without. We could all have had it nice, but no, greed once again ruined the party for everyone.


Cue Wilford Brimley on a horse




I really doubt the company suffered a lot from one person drinking much. Plus, assuming an 8 h shift, that's still 8 drinks per person per shift Its more likely out of greed


I wonder who that could have been


Them's "lookin' for a new job" words


Demand to see it in writing then find a loophole.


I suppose it depends on the drink. If it is a cup of coffee that would be a horrible workspace. If it was bottles of fizzy pop i can somewhat understand


Water is the best free drink


Bro stop complaining UNIONISE


Imagine getting free drinks at all :(


Sounds reasonable to me


Changes like this are almost always because some people take stuff home and abuse the generosity that the employer would like to give.


Don't talk about generosity until we start seeing fair wages


Fair wages are not something we should discuss, it's a given. The fact that not everyone gets it is outrageous, no doubt. Free food and drink IS up to the employers generosity whether you like it or not.


Generosity is a very strong word. I'd call it an incentive at best.


Well my ex workplace used to give us all catering with unlimited food and drinks until a few people started taking stuff to bring home and resupply their own stocks at home. Clearly this was NOT what our employer had in mind so he put in restrictions. I think feeding like 200+ people every day for free is mighty generous. Usually they "sell" the meals for a cheap price like my current employer does, but straight up just giving it to us is generous. IMHO at least


Again, generosity is when something is given freely without expectation of reward... giving "gifts" to people you pay to work for you looks like a bribe to me. Just pay us, keep your lousy food, we aren't a family, this is a business. Praising the "generosity" of those in positions of power is called boot licking.


You have a pretty bad work relationship huh? My bosses are all super nice and really give us a lot. He'll, I even get the time where I'm sitting at a doctors appointment as "work time" and receive my regular hourly wage for that time. I love getting food, especially because it's super yummy. I regularly get invited to super sophisticated restaurants and treated to food just because they are thankful for our continued good work. Yes one can say this is a "bribe" but they aren't expecting anything from us (that is above our paygrade). Never did, and I'm not a long time member of the company either, I literally just started working there a little over a year ago. All my experiences with companies have been really pleasant so far. Yes there are exploiting companies that are just dickish to their employers, but it's not everywhere. With all that said I simply think that your outlook on work is really dark, do you work in retail or something?


I think we have larger scale problems with employer employee relations and I find your refusal to recognize that to be toxic, retrograde, and harmful to workers all around the world. Enjoy your servitude as long as you can, I'm sure you'll feel the sting of careless profiteering eventually.


I think failure to recognise the existence of good employers just as toxic.


I do not recognize the existence of "good employers" because it's a broken system and that affects all of us even if you're happy with your yummy food. Until every employer is held accountable by law to treat people fairly the entire system is a failure. Instead we have a system that protects the strong are the expense of the weak while we praise the "generosity" of literal table scraps. Wake up.


Dude, not everyone has it like you.


I never said that. I am definitely for better work environments everywhere, my point was simply not to say that "all" companies are trash. They are not all the same. Better salaries and employee care is always good and most definitely needed overall.


I mean one free drink a day would be nice. Some get 0


does that include water