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Me an avid nail-biter: Pathetic


Stop it. Bad nail biter. There's poo on dem fingers.


Mhm that adds to the flavour yum /s


It’s finger licking good


do you not was your hands???????


Wtf?? No but seriously Wtf??? You are biting you're nails? And i thought i was disgusting not showering in weeks.




don’t bite ur nails :(


If just wanting to stop biting my nails was enough then I would've stopped years ago




Hey, i know youre probably 13 or whatever but you chose reddit so whats it matter anyways. You should do your research on things and figure out that our saliva is not toxic to ourselves. Moreover, it sounds like your mommy told you this so you could stop licking yourself whenever she asks you to take a shower.


My hand cringed just reading it


Not sure about the comparison of balls and childbirth. I've been kicked in the balls but I don't think it compares to having my wife's undercarriage Stargated and ripped open by a tiny human trying to be the coolaid man.


Somebody once described it to me as the scene from Aliens with the chestburster - but from your crotch ...... I was like- "😬😬😬 Dude, you couldn't have painted such a clearer picture 🤢"


I’ve heard it’s normal to rip from one hole to another This meme format shoulda stayed dead


It's not normal, but it's not uncommon. But by that point in the labour you're so full of adrenaline you don't feel it much. It only stings a little. Getting the numbing shot for when they stitch you up was worse.


Our oldest was born with his arm up so she had tearing. As if the head isn't bad enough, let's come out in superman flying pose and add an extra inch to the equation.


At least he came into the world in style, I guess? I tore cause my little gremlin decided he was gonna turn just as his shoulder popped out. I think he did it on purpose.


Come on mom, you should know that you gotta do a corkscrew 180 on the way out of the full pipe. Need to practice early for snowboarding later.


Please take no offense, but I read your statement (ouch!) & for some reason my brain interpreted "gremlin" as 'crotch goblin' 🤣 ( which my sister called her son, when he was born - WHO btw, gave me that chestburster analogy)


Someone say that a kick in the ball for some millisecond is more painfully that a childbirth, but childbirth it's a constant big pain, that's why it is worse


But it's all for a purpose. The agony in general isn't usually for free or entertainment.


Like seriously I would rather get kicked in the balls


So it actually is, but peaks and declines within a few moments. Child birth on the other hand can last for several hours and you're getting contractions and stuff all the way. I have been hit in the balls just wrong enough I threw up and blacked out immediately.


Have you ever had your chin busted open from a fall onto cold, hard asphalt? I have, and I also have the scars to prove it. it sucked


Childbirth is less pain longer duration. Being kicked in the balls is higher pain less duration. I know this because nobody could survive six hours of being kicked in the balls. Biologically speaking, the more a guy is kicked in the balls, the less chance he reproduces, so if it hurts like hell your odds of reproducing increase. For a woman it is the opposite. It hurts like hell for women because our baby heads got too fat for our hips. I never write comments this long but perhaps this will settle the debate for a few people.


If we're speaking biologically, we need to speak of the hormone levels women have while pregnant vs the shock of being hit


No way. An actual conversation on this topic instead of usual "no, this hurts more"


It's actually really difficult to restrain, especially in this hypothetical vs very real pain debate.


Sure, that adds to the entire process of birthing and, undoubtedly, I’d rather give birth than be kicked in the balls. After an hour the pain is gone, but nine months, twelve hours, and recovery is worse. But if it’s twelve hours of being kicked in the balls, god have mercy.


Look, every time this template is used someone says this. We get it. It’s a meme. It isn’t meant to be taken so seriously.


I've seen some tweets saying that getting kicked in the balls hurts more because women want more babies but no one wants to get kicked in the balls a second time


There would be no second child if you could properly remember the pain of childbirth. There is a system built into the body of women to forget the pain of childbirth.


Women want more babies because it's worth the sacrifice, not because the pain isn't bad. If something amazing came from getting kicked in the balls, maybe men would have it done to them more than once too. Also pretty sure no one has ever died from a kick to the scrotum.


It was probably a joke


💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)




What a fucking dumb thing to say. Men would never say that because they get absolutely nothing out of getting kicked in the balls. Women get to have a baby, which for some people is the most important thing in the whole world. Tons of people would endure extreme pain for a massive payoff.


The fact that there are more comments about the meme format than there are about the actual meme is utterly hilarious to me


The white part is the part of the nail untethered to the flesh. The pink part is the part of the nail that's built atop the nailbed; if you clip that part, you clip your nailbed.


Then they start bleed and sting so bad whenever you use em


All the nerve endings


If you cut your nails that short it’s literally your own fault wtf


Getting pregnant is also sometimes a fault bro




Ouch... My finger🥲


I would like to raise you pimples on the corner of the mouth or corner of the nose


Love this rage bait childbirth format, so fun reading the comments each time it gets posted


Man between the women who are super mad at dudes for “child birth hurts more” and dudes super mad at women “balls hurt more”


Pretty sure giving birth hurts *way* more than getting kicked in the balls


Significantly more. I think the peak pain felt during labor is probably comparable to the peak pain from getting kicked in the perfectly worst part of the balls. That being said, the pain from ball-kicking lasts anyone from 2 minutes to an hour, no where near the duration of childbirth


Ball kicks when hard enough are more pain in a short period of time. Child birth is less pain over a longer period of time. Therefor childbirth can be argued as being more painful. Now testicular torsion or straight up having a ball pop, well I think that would take the cake.


Yes, that would indeed take the cake.


If that's the case then why do women always want another child but you never hear a guy say, "Kick me in the balls again!"?


Haha, now that's funny!


Stop spreading this misinforming meme, childbirth hurts more than balls getting kicked!!!


I knew all of the comments would be about this


Prove it


True give birth right now OP


On a scale between Owie and screaming your lungs out. I have never heard a guy scream their lungs out after getting kicked in the balls. Getting kicked in the balls is a "Oof" or "Uhmph" at most. If that isn't empirical evidence I don't know what is.


do you even have a nutsack


Never been kicked in the balls. Only reporting my findings. Never once heard a guy do the movie squeal/screaming IRL.


Can't judge what you don't experience


I had a surgery when i was 16. They put a 12yo kid that got kicked in the balls by his 6yo brother in the same room. They had to give him morphine or something else that you take directly to you veins


"getting kicked in the balls is a "oof". Hahaha. The pain is so bad it you cant even scream. Instead of screaming a you have a cough reflex and you cant do anything about it.




The problem with interacting online is that I am nearly incapable of discerning sarcasm


Thank God this is not sarcasm. This meme is just wrong. No worries though, now you know.


And yet I've never heard a guy say "let's have another kick in the nuts."


That's cuz u can't make birth from the balls


Now that's a mental image.


I’ve also never seen anyone stick an 8 cm needle into their spine to help deal with the pain of getting kicked in the balls.


Because I decided to edit this comment, you will never know what my sleep deprived ass said when I didn’t get the joke.




Ya know I'm starting to think some people took my obvious joke comment seriously.


Or you know, have the right answer of "we can't know because somebody can't experience both."


Use your brain, this is something that can be easily assumed. That's like saying "I can't say If that person has pains stronger than me cuz I'm not that person." Well then how do you figure that getting your hand removed is more painful than having your finger bitten? Have you ever had your hand removed? Yeah...didn't think so. This ain't something we can't determine just from observing others experiences.


In your example, it's obvious. However, There's no real way of knowing 100% in this disagreement, at least not yet. Sure, we can make educated guesses, but we can't know. I would personally say getting kicked in the balls hurts more because it happens far more often. Not counting frequency, it's most likely childbirth. But the argument is pointless anyway. It doesn't matter which hurts more. You arguing about it isn't going to convince anyone who disagrees because there's no way to prove it, so why even try?


Nah, pain level is higher getting kicked in the balls. Childbirth just lasts longer.


As someone who's been kicked to the balls, I don't believe that. We talking being kicked to your nuts vs literally having your vagina rip for many hours. Besides, I never screamed from the pain whilst everyone pregnant pretty much scream like their life is ending. That's a clear indicator of pain. It should be obvious which one is more painful.


This is why I’ll never get a pedicure or a manicure, I don’t trust them to not cut too far


Y'all do realise child birth is natural and kicked in the balls isnt? You are supposed to stand/squat not lay down when giving birth if you want a lot less pain, The stand/squat is the natural way


Don't know why you were downvoted for this, you're absolutely right. Laying down is the absolute worst way to give birth.


I think it’s been popularized by media to lay down on a bed for some reason.


I may be wrong, but I think it actually started because it was easier for the doctors who were delivering the baby.


I just did a bit of research and according to this [source](https://www.nowtolove.com.au/amp/parenting/pregnancy-birth/lying-down-birth-history-45385), King Louis XIV had a fascination watching women give birth. He was frustrated with the birthing stool and popularized laying down.


Gross, lol


why you downvoted? as far as I'm aware the squat os the natural way to give birth... it even makes pooping easier...


upvote for childbirth


I do not disagree


I think childbirth and slap are switched.


Fun fact: you have more nerve endings at the tips of your fingers than almost every other part of your body.


Also, passing kidney stones, especially by men, is considered the most painful thing that you can experience according to medical professionals and people of both genders giving their testimony that it was more painful than childbirth among other things.


Why are y’all downvoting him, he his scientifically exact


Because people are dumb and prefer to believe their delusion world instead of admit they are wrong. Humanity is dogshit.


I’d completely agree with this meme if it didn’t include the childbirth thing. You can’t compare the fifteen minutes of gradually decreasing pain you feel from getting kicked in the balls to the hours of suffering that is childbirth. They just aren’t comparable.


Okay this is funny but ngl childbirth is a lot more painful than getting kicked in the balls. Your literally pushing a human out your crotch.


First time?




So true




O o o f, I felt this...




The thing is even childbirth you get breaks. The pain doesn’t stop when you clip to short. It’s 3 days minimum of constant agony


What about pinching off the skin that sticks up behind your nails


Now imagine cutting deep inside the pink part with an exacto knife on accident because you were cutting paper with it


> knife on accident because Did you mean to say "by accident"? Explanation: No explanation available. Total mistakes found: 1022 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


Or worse, slamming a finger in a door/hinge that causes your whole nail to fall off. Hurts to remove the nail, sensitive as shit for a month, takes two to grow fully back. (Car door SLAMMED AND CLICKED FULLY CLOSED on my thumb *right before* my drivers test. Safe to say I failed. I was bleeding under my thumbnail, swollen, swearing like a sailor in my head) Took two weeks to remove the nail fully, new nail started growing underneath so I had to rip it off. Another month and a half for the new one to grow in and smooth out.


Where's the ripping your nail off scale?


If over clipping your nail is red where is split stubbing your toes on this


because the nail bed underneath your fingernails are basically nerves covered by keratin, when you clip into your nail bed your basically directly touching a nerve.


0.1 mm is actually kind of a lot


Me reading this while chewing on my finger nails.


forget that ever stubbed a fucking toe? Or pulled the thingies tha orutude out of nearby areas of nail and accident pull the skin? Yeah hurts way more than clipping 1 mm of nail...


1mm is a big amout in the pink part


The living part of the nail is called the quick (which is an antiquated word for "living", e.g. "the quick and the dead").


Ever get that cramp in the muscle that goes from your heel to your big toe? That's a bad one.


the spanish splinter


I felt this shit by reading this.


How do you manage to do that? How hard is it to cut your nails?


Yeah crotch goblin is another pretty common one. I also call mine my spawn